Cabled Sweater Dress & Hat* (Advanced) Yarn required to make Dress: 4 yrs - 8 x 50g balls 6 yrs- 9 x 50g balls 8 yrs- 10 x 50g balls *2 x 50g balls to make Hat Cabled Sweater Dress & Hat (Advanced) MEASUREMENTS: Years 4 (6-8) Sweater Dress Fits underarm 60 (65-70) cms/24 (26-28) ins To measure (approx) 69 (74-79) cms/27½ (29½-31½) ins Length (approx) 49 (54-60) cms/19½ (21½-24) ins Hat To fit head (approx) 52-54 cms/21-21½ ins sean sheep little grins YARN #147 8 (9-10) x 50g balls for Sweater Dress 2 x 50g balls for Hat Needles A pair each 4.50mm (US 7), (UK 7) and 4.00mm (US 6), (UK 8) Knitting Needles or sizes that give correct tension/gauge. MATERIALS A Cable Needle; A Yarn Needle. TENSION/GAUGE 19 sts and 25 rows to 10 cms/4 ins over stocking st, using 4.50mm (US 7), (UK 7) Knitting Needles. Note - Correct tension/gauge is essential for a successful handknit. ABBREVIATIONS St/s - stitch/es, K - Knit, P - Purl, RS - right side, WS - wrong side, stocking st -1 row K, 1 row P, rep - repeat, beg - begin/ning, patt - pattern, sl - slip st knitways with yarn at back of work, foll - follow/ing, alt - alternate, incl - inclusive, cont continue, rem - remain/ing, dec - decrease, K2tog - knit 2 sts together, inc - increase, P2tog - purl 2 sts together, psso - pass slipped st over. SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS C6F-slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave front of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. C6B-slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave back of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. C3R-slip next st onto cable needle and leave back of work, K2, then P1 from cable needle. C3L-slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave front of work, P1, then K2 from cable needle. C5B-slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave back of work, K3, then K2 from cable needle. at at at at at CREATE Sweater Dress Back Using 4.50mm (US 7), (UK 7) Needles, cast on 77 (83-87) sts. 1st row (RS) - K2, * P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1. 2nd row - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end. Rep 1st and 2nd rows for rib until work measures 4 cms/1½ ins from beg, ending with a 1st row. Next row - K11 (14-16), P1, K3, P6, K3, P1, K11, P5, K11, P1, K3, P6, K3, P1, K11 (14-16). Beg patt - Note - Slip all slip sts with yarn at back of work. 1st row (RS) - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, K6, P3, sl 1, P11, C5B, P11, sl 1, P3, K6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 2nd and foll alt rows - Knit all knit sts, purl all purl sts and purl all slip sts as they appear. 3rd row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, C6F, P3, sl 1, P11, K5, P11, sl 1, P3, C6B, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 5th row - As 1st row. 6th row - As 2nd row. Rows 1 to 6 incl form patt for C6F and C6B cable panels either side of centre panel. 7th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11, K5, P11, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 9th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11, C5B, P11, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (1416). 11th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P10, C3R, K1, C3L, P10, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 13th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P9, C3R, K1, P1, K1, C3L, P9, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 15th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P8, C3R, (K1, P1) twice, K1, C3L, P8, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 17th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P7, C3R, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, C3L, P7, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 19th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P6, C3R, (K1, P1) 4 times, K1, C3L, P6, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 21st row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P6, K2, (K1, P1) 5 times, K3, P6, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 23rd row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P6, C3L, (K1, P1) 4 times, K1, C3R, P6, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 25th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P7, C3L, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, C3R, P7, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 27th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P8, C3L, (K1, P1) twice, K1, C3R, P8, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 29th row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P9, C3L, K1, P1, K1, C3R, P9, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 31st row - P11 (14-16), sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P10, C3L, K1, C3R, P10, sl 1, P3, patt 6, P3, sl 1, P11 (14-16). 32nd row - As 2nd row. Rows 1 to 32 incl form patt, noting to keep C6F and C6B cable panels correct (6 row patt rep). Cont in patt until work measures approx 34 (3842) cms/13½ (15-17) ins from beg, ending with a 10th (22nd-32nd) patt row. 2332 Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark beg of armholes as there is no armhole shaping. ** Cont in patt until armhole measures 15 (16-18) cms/6 (6½-7) ins from coloured threads, working last row on WS. Shape shoulders - Keeping patt correct, cast/bind off in patt 8 (9-9) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 9 (9-10) sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Cast/bind off in patt rem 27 (29-31) sts. Front Work as for Back to **. Shape neck - Next row (RS) - Patt 33 (35-36), cast/bind off in patt next 11 (13-15) sts, patt to end. *** Cont on last 33 (35-36) sts and keeping patt correct, dec one st at neck edge in 2nd row, then in every foll 4th row until 26 (28-31) sts rem, then in every foll 6th row until 25 (27-28) sts rem. Cont in patt without shaping until armhole measures same as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with same patt row. Work 1 row patt. Shape shoulder - Cast/bind off in patt 8 (9-9) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row. Work 1 row. Cast/bind off in patt rem 9 (9-10) sts. *** With WS facing, join yarn to rem sts and rep from *** to ***, working 1 row less before shoulder shaping. Shawl Collar Using 4.00mm (US 6), (UK 8) Needles, cast on 123 (133-147) sts. Work in rib as for lower band of Back until work measures 5 (6-7) cms/2 (2½-3) ins from beg, ending with a 2nd row. Keeping rib correct, cast/bind off 3 (3-4) sts at beg of every row until 105 (115-67) sts rem, then 4 (45) sts at beg of every row until 49 (51-57) sts rem. Next row - K1, * K2tog, rep from * to end. Cast/bind off rem 25 (26-29) sts loosely. Armbands Using yarn needle and mattress st seam, join shoulder seams. With RS facing and using 4.00mm (US 6), (UK 8) Needles, knit up 75 (79-91) sts evenly between coloured threads. Work in rib as for lower band of Back (beg with a 2nd row) until armband measures 2.5 cms/1 in, ending with a 2nd row. Cast/bind off loosely in rib. Hat Using 4.00mm (US 6), (UK 8) Needles, cast on 91 sts. Work in rib as for lower band of Back of Sweater Dress until work measures 4 cms/1½ ins from beg, ending with a 1st row. Next row (WS) - Rib 1, inc purlways in next st, rib 1, * rib 1, inc purlways once in each of next 2 sts, rib 5, rep from * to end = 114 sts. Change to 4.50mm Needles and beg patt. 1st row (RS) - P4, * K6, P4, rep from * to end. 2nd row - K4, * P6, K4, rep from * to end. 3rd row - P4, * C6B, P4, rep from * to end. 4th row - As 2nd row. Rep 1st and 2nd rows once. Last 6 rows form patt. Cont in patt until work measures approx 15 cms/6 ins from beg, ending with a 6th patt row. Shape crown - 1st row (RS) - P1, P2tog, P1, * K6, P1, P2tog, P1, rep from * to end = 102 sts. 2nd row - K3, * P6, K3, rep from * to end. 3rd row - P3, * C6B, P3, rep from * to end. 4th row - As 2nd row. 5th row - P1, P2tog, * K1, sl 1, K2tog, psso, K2, P2tog, P1, rep from * to end = 68 sts. 6th row - K2, * P4, K2, rep from * to end. 7th row - P2, * K1, sl 1, K2tog, psso, P2, rep from * to end = 46 sts. 8th row - K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end. 9th row - P2tog, * K2tog, P2tog, rep from * to end = 23 sts. 10th row - K1, * sl 1, P2tog, psso, rep from * to last st, K1 = 9 sts. Break off yarn leaving a long end. Run end through rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten off securely. FINISHING DO NOT PRESS. Using yarn needle, darn in ends. Sweater Dress - Using yarn needle and mattress st seam, join side and armband seams. Sew shaped edge of collar to neck edge, placing cast/bound off sts to back neck and easing collar to fit. Sew end of rows on left end of collar to sts cast/bound off at centre front, the slip st rem end of collar in position underneath. Hat - Using yarn needle, join side edges together to form centre back seam. 2332
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