Westchester Knitting Guild Newsletter Margrit from Morehouse Farms speaks in April

APRIL 2011
Westchester Knitting Guild
This newsletter is for the exclusive use of members of the WKG.
Margrit from Morehouse Farms
speaks in April
Leadership Team
These are the people who volunteer their time to make your
guild the best it can be.
♦ Linda Higham, President,
Yahoo Master
♦ Margie Laury, Programs
♦ Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer
♦ Melissa Shinsato, Newsletter
♦ Dorothy Freeman, Charities
& Library
Have you ever wondered what it would be
like to give up your current way of life and
move full time to a farm -- urban to rural and
raising Merino sheep to boot? Our guest
speaker for April is none other than Margrit
Lohrer, half of the husband and wife team that has brought us
Morehouse Farms with their wonderful merino yarns and knitting
patterns. Margrit will be sharing her story with us, as well as her
yarns and books. We will find out first hand about the process of
raising, shearing, and processing wool into the yarns that we knitters enjoy so much. There aren’t many domestic farms that control the entire process from sheep to skein and provide patterns
for men, women and children. This is a unique opportunity to discover how two people made the leap from city dweller to successful and creative yarn suppliers. On a personal note, many years
ago I ordered a pattern from Morehouse Farms for yarn I had already purchased from them, and of course, I needed the pattern
right away, as I wanted to work on it on the plane. They went the
extra mile to fax the pattern to me (these were the days before
pdf downloads) so I could start immediately and not have to wait
for the US Mail. Such enthusiasm helps explain the success of
Morehouse Farms.
J. Evelyne Liebmann
♦ Linda Cramer, Charities
♦Myra Cohen,
Meeting Coordinator
APRIL 2011
From the President
What a delightful meeting we had last month! We were so fortunate to have Jared Flood
join us with his slides and knitted samples. Jared has merged his talents in knitting, design, writing and photography to develop an interesting career in the knitting industry that
has been thriving of late. Jared shared an account of his career progression, along with a
view of the industry, from design, to publishing, to yarn development.
This may have been the most well-attended meeting of any. When word got around that
Jared would be here, there was a flurry of interest. His fame preceded him. There were
over 90 people in attendance, with many guests, some of whom joined the guild.
For our meeting this month, Margrit Lohrer of Morehouse Farm will visit and share insight
on her life and unique yarn business. She will also have yarn and books for sale (no
credit cards, please).
See you on the 25th
Two More Charities: One returning – one brand new
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center in Sleepy Hollow is once again looking for knitters
to spend a little time making a “comfort shawl” for patients who might need emotional or
physical warmth over the shoulders. Their pattern is simple and works up very quickly.
You will need size 13 needles, and two 6-ounce skeins of soft textured yarn. Lion Brand
Homespun is recommended, but any soft, washable yarn is accepted.
Knitting the shawl:
✦ cast on 57 stitches and either K3, P3 every row OR K every row
✦ knit chosen pattern until 2 skeins of yarn have been knitted
✦ cast off – no fringes on shawls please.
Phelps is requesting a name tag with each garment, but should you prefer not to include your
name, the tag will read “Westchester Knitting Guild”. We will gladly collect the shawls at our
monthly meetings.
The Walter Hoving Home in Garrison is dedicated to helping young women who need a
hand making a better life for themselves off the streets. The Home would be a grateful recipient of any knitted items we would like to send, such as hats, scarves, gloves, mittens,
sweaters, etc. Our generosity is appreciated and welcomed.
Thank you for all your efforts!
Linda Cramer and Dorothy Freeman
Afghans for Afghans
I just received a recent email from the above named organization and they are gearing
up for a May shipment. I would love to be able to send socks and mittens for all the
girls going to school there. Remember the items must be wool.
Please go to the web site and read about their attempt at sending things to the students in Afghanistan; journalists are involved in getting the items distributed and there
is so much work involved in making sure the clothing will get through. Here’s the web
site: www.afghansforafghans.org.
So many people ask why we need to send wool socks and clothing, not realizing how
cold it gets in the mountains and the desert nights. Please keep this in mind.
Priority items needed for girls and boys, 7-16 years:
Sweaters and Vests
-- Please add buttons if not sending a pullover garment; garments need to close
up against cold.
-- Please be sure that sweaters have adequate coverage: full-length sleeves to
the wrist (NO 3/4 sleeves); torsos need to be long for adequate coverage.
-- Small adult-sized garments will fit the older teens.
-- No hoodies, please.
-- Basic socks with proper heels and good cover for the lower leg (no booties or
-- Any foot length (measuring from back of heel to tip of toe) from about 6.5" 10" will be useful. 16-year-olds can have adult-sized feet.
-- Socks for knitters only (crochet does not work well for socks).
-- We can never have enough socks!
-- Small adult-sized mittens will fit the older teens.
-- Be sure that hats cover ears.
-- Hats need some stretch for comfort over forehead.
-- Please go easy on the hats. Everyone loves to make hats, but we want to
avoid a disproportionate amount of hats. Perhaps those who prefer to make
small items can focus on socks and mittens.
Announcements• Dues for 2011 should be mailed to Jeanne Scofidio or given to her
at the monthly meeting.
• Please bring finished items for charity to the monthly meetings.
• Join the WKG Yahoo site by sending a request e-mail to Linda
Higham at: linhig@aol.com
• Please bring donations of yarn and plastic knitting needles for the
prison knitting program at Taconic to monthly meetings.
• Guests are welcome. There will be a $5 fee.
Knitting News
Melissa Shinsato
Meetings are held on the
4th Monday of the month at the
Chappaqua Library
Chappaqua Library
195 South Greeley Ave.
Chappaqua, NY 10514-3398
• April 25 - Margrit Lohrer from
Morehouse Farm
• May 23 - Jack Blumenthal from
Lion Brand Yarn
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Etiquette
We are fortunate to have high quality presenters during our
monthly meetings. Even if you are not interested in the
presentation or mini-workshop, please be respectful of others
and remember:
7:00 Announcements &
Show and Tell
• No talking during presentation
• Wait until Q&A period to ask questions
• Wait for the presentation to end before trying on, or looking at
Thank you for your cooperation