IMPACT DAMAGE IN COMPOSITES STRUCTURES G. P. Rodríguez Donoso, M.A. Caminero Torija, V. Muñoz Rucián, A. Romero Gutiérrez, J.L. Martínez Vicente, M.C. Serna Moreno & J.J. López Cela Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. e-mail:, The objective of this work is the characterization and the assessment of the damage in CFRP laminates subjected to low-velocity impact loading. An experimental test series was carried out to determine energy absorption and failure mechanisms of composite laminates made from M21E/IMA, an unidirectional prepreg used in A350 XWB primary structures (wing spars and wing covers, fuselage sections, keel beam and central wing box). Specimens were cut from the CFRP plates and Charpy impact tests were conducted to study energy absorption properties under impact loadings, taking the standard UNE-EN ISO 179 as a reference. Different stacking sequences were examined to gain an insight into the assessment of different type of damage in the previous laminates. It has been established the failure mechanisms for each laminate and how the crack spreads through the material. Finally, SEM and optical micrographs of fracture surfaces were used to explain the changes in failure mechanisms, and therefore impact properties of the different stacking sequences. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE MATERIAL: Hexply ® M21E/34%/UD268/IMA-12k/300/ATL PROPERTIES ON A CURED PREPEG PLY: LAMINATE SEQUENCES: Theoretical fibre volume 59.2% Theoretical ply thickness 0.184 mm Laminate density 1.58 g/cm³ Tensile strength 3050 MPa CROSS PLY [(0/90)3]S Modulus of elasticity 178 GPa ANGLE PLY [(±45)3]S Shear modulus 5.2 GPa QUASI ISOTROPIC [0/90/(±45)2]S CURING PROCESS: Hot Plate Press and Vacuum system [0]12 UNIDIRECTIONALS [90]12 [45]12 Unidirectional 0 Quasi isotropic CHARPY (UNE-EN ISO 179 / ASTM D6110) Low velocity impact damage by a 300 J Charpy Pendulum: • Impact velocity = 5.42 m/s • Hammer mass = 20 kg • Arm length = 800 mm • Supports distance = 40 mm Impact resistance dependant on laminate Multidirectional laminates Unidirectional laminates Unidirectional 0 [0]12 E = 18.91 J/cm2 Specimen measurements (mm) Total delamination 35 Absrobed energy (J/cm2) Fibre breakage Angle Ply [(±45)3]s E = 30.63 J/cm2 Delaminations placed at the impacted area 30 25 90 45 20 0 0/90 15 0/90/±45 ±45 Brittle matrix breakage 10 Unidirectional 90 [90]12 5 E = 4.64 J/cm2 Quasi isotropic [0/90/(±45)2]s 0 E = 26.52 J/cm2 Matrix breakage at ±45º SEM micrographs at the fracture zone (Unidirectional 0 laminates) Fibre pull-out Fibre debonding Delamination Unidirectional 45 [45]12 E = 5.31 J/cm2 Cross Ply [(0/90)3]s E = 23.22 J/cm2 Matrix cracking Fibre breakage Brittle matrix breakage Penetration failure Fibre debonding Brittle matrix breakage Delamination at 0-90 interface Delaminations Fibre breakage CONCLUSIONS Unidirectional 0º laminate sequence behaved opposite to unidirectional 90º. The first one exhibited higher impact energies due to the tough intervention of the fibre, although it presented a remarkable anisotropy. Unidirectional 90º laminate decreased significantly this property due to brittle matrix fracture. Unidirectional 45º sequence showed a behaviour similar to 90º as the fracture is by matrix and the crack spreads througout the fibre direction. Multidirectional laminates exhibited better impact energy absortion. Cross ply [(0/90)3]s laminate showed a broad spread of data due to polar behaviour of adjacent plies. Angle ply laminate [(±45)3]s had the best energy absortion value because of a macroscopic pseudo ductility in its failure mechanism. Quasi isotropic laminate exhibited high impact energy as it benefited from resistance of 0º plies and from ductility properties of angle ply laminate, reinforcing impact properties in most loading directions.
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