FIBRE OPTIC DISTRIBUTED SENSING: A POWERFUL TOOL FOR STRUCTURAL TESTS Patricia Fernández Díaz-Maroto Antonio Fernández López Alfredo Güemes Gordo Department of Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing, ETSI Aeronáuticos, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. 7th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification Madrid, Spain, 8 - 10 April Index 1. Fiber Optic Sensors. 2. Distributed measurement theory. 3. Experimental structural tests: 3.1. Wind turbine blade: bending test. 3.2. Stiffened skin panel: tensile and compressive test. 4. Conclusions and Challenges. DIAPOSITIVA 1 1. Fiber Optic Sensors. What is an optical fiber? A glass optical fiber made of fused silica (SiO2) and used for transmitting light over large distances with very small losses. It has central core with a refractive index n1, embedded in a cladding with a refractive index n2 < n1 Single mode fiber CLADDING n1 Ø=125 µm Ø=9 µm n2 What’s a fiber optic sensor? Any fibre optic device (intrinsic or extrinsic) that interferes with the surrounding media modifying the characteristics of the transmitted/reflected light can be used as a sensor. Short gauge sensors Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometry (EFPI) {ε, T} Fiber Bragg-Grating (FBG) {ε, T} CORE External coating, typically acrylate or polyamide, is applied to fibres for mechanical and chemical protection. Distributed sensors FIBER OPTIC SENSORS (FOS) Brillouin scattering {ε, T} Raman scattering{T} Rayleigh scattering {ε, T} DIAPOSITIVA 2 Fiber Bragg Gratings 1. Fiber Optic Sensors. Single or Multiple point sensor? Sensor interrogation system Single Point Sensing Distributed sensing techniques Temperature Strain Pressure … {ε,T } Sensor interrogation system L Multiple point - Distributed Sensing DIAPOSITIVA 3 1. Fiber Optic Sensors. What are the main advantages? • Small size. • High multiplexing capability. • Light weight of the sensing network. • Immunity to electromagnetic interferences. • Fast response. • Linear response to strain and temperature. • Mechanical (>20000 µε) and high- • Almost inert in aggressive environments: moisture, fire, radiations… temperature resistance (>900ºC). • Could be embeddable. • Long term stability. Disadvantages? • Equipment and fiber expenses. • Fiber brittleness. • Ingress/Egress fiber installation. DIAPOSITIVA 4 2. Distributed Measurement theory Optical Backscatter reflectometer (OBR) {ε ,T } wavelength DUT S Tunable Laser 90% 10% = Coupler 3 dB = Beam splitter Measure interferometer Polarization controller P Eref time • • • E*m Em τf Reference interferometer Spatial resolution ≈ 5 mm Strain accuracy ≈ 1 με Measure range ≈ 70 m [1] Güemes, JA, Fernandez-Lopez, A, Soller B “Optical Fiber Distributed Sensing. Physical Principles and Applications” J. Structural Health Monitoring , Vol. 9, No. 3, 233-245 (2010) Instrumentation of upper cap panels 3.1- Wind Turbine Blade testing. Blade transversal view and fiber optic position Strain gauge on the surface Fiber optic Switch Optical Backscatter Reflectometer Static tests were performed in three principal directions of the blade: - Flapwise negative. - Edgewise positive. - Edgewise negative. Resulting fiber measurements were compared to design and Strain Gauge values. DIAPOSITIVA 6 Upper Cap at 90% Test Loads 3.1- Wind Turbine Blade testing. Upper Cap at 90% Test Loads (Mflap-ve Test) C L A M P C L A M P C L A M P C L A M P Strain (µε) Excellent correlation with the values obtained in strain gauges C L A M P C L A M P Upper Cap at 60% Test Loads Upper Cap at 50% Test Loads (Mflap-ve Test) Radius (m) C L A M P C L A M P C L A M P C L A M P C L A M P OBR Strain Gauges Strain (µε) C L A M P R(m) FO DIAPOSITIVA 7 3.1- Wind Turbine Blade testing. Buckling Initiation at 65% load DIAPOSITIVA 8 3.2- Stiffened skin panel test • Configuration 1, stiffened skin panel. Three Panels are tested. - 2 for configuration 1: tensile test. - 1 for configuration 2: compressive and tensile test. Fiber Optic Instrumentation Configuration 2, panel with manhole UPPER Load Panel 1 Panel 2 Compressive Compressive MIDDLE Design values BOTTOM Test A B Panel 3 Compressive Tensile Nominal -170 kN - 113 kN 340 kN Ultimate -255 kN - 170 kN 510 kN 50 % -350 kN x 442 kN 75 % -550 kN x 650 kN x 900 kN 100 % -740 kN -730 kN Loads registered at the structural test. DIAPOSITIVA 9 3.2- Stiffened skin panel test – Panel 1, compressive test Fiber detach Stringer 1. Bottom fiber 0 -500 Strain (microstrain) -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 -4000 -4500 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 800 SG1 Fiber length (mm) Fn=170kN Fu=255kN F50%=350kN F75%=550kN F100%=720kN UPPER Buckling initiation 660 kN MIDDLE BOTTOM A B DIAPOSITIVA 10 3.2- Stiffened skin panel test – Panel 1, compressive test Stringer 1. Middle fiber Good correlation between both stringers, same strain field and behaviour. 0 Strain (microstrain) -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 Buckling initiation 660 kN -3000 -3500 -4000 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 800 SG1 Fiber length (mm) Stringer 3. Middle fiber 0 Strain (microstrain) -500 -1000 -1500 UPPER -2000 -2500 MIDDLE -3000 -3500 -4000 SG6 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 800 SG1 Fiber length (mm) Fn=170kN Fu=255kN F50%=350kN F75%=550kN F100%=720kN BOTTOM A B DIAPOSITIVA 11 3.2- Stiffened skin panel test – Panel 2, compressive test When ultimate load is applied, global buckling starts at the upper fiber before the others. Strain level is constant at each load. Fn = -113 kN Fu = -170 kN Stringer 1. Bottom fiber (B) -400 -600 -800 -1000 0 0 -200 -200 Strain (microstrain) Strain (microstrain) Strain (microstrain) -200 -400 -600 -800 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 Fiber length (mm) Fn=-113kN Fu=-170kN 800 SG1 -1200 SG6 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1000 -1200 -1400 SG6 Stringer 1. Upper fiber (B) Stringer 1. Middle fiber (B) 0 100 SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 Fiber length (mm) Fn=-113kN Fu=-170kN 800 SG1 -1200 SG6 100 Fn=-113kN UPPER UPPER MIDDLE MIDDLE MIDDLE SG1 Fu=-170kN BOTTOM BOTTOM A B 800 Fiber length (mm) UPPER BOTTOM SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 A B A B DIAPOSITIVA 12 3.2- Stiffened skin panel test – Panel 2, tensile test Stringer 1. Bottom fiber 7000 Strain (microstrain) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 SG6 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 800 Fiber length (mm) Fn=340kN Fu=510kN F50%=442kN F75%=650kN Failure initiated at stringer face B F100%=900kN Stringer 1. Bottom fiber (B) Signal losses 8000 Strain (microstrain) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 UPPER 1000 MIDDLE 0 SG6 100 SG5 SG4 SG3 SG2 800 SG1 Fiber length (mm) Fn=340kN Fu=510kN F50%=442kN BOTTOM A B F75%=650kN F100%=900kN DIAPOSITIVA 13 4. Conclusions and Challenges • OBR technology was proven to be useful for detailed strain measurement in blade static tests and stiffened skin panels. • Strain data recorded with distributed measurements enormously exceeded the information collected by strain gauges. • Integration with OBR fibres was fast and simple. Installation times were below those of Strain Gauges. • A distributed sensor is the most suitable technique to detect catastrophic failure. • Damage detection only occurs when it is produced very close to the sensor location. • Fiber ingress/egress need to be improved for the application and handling in structural test. DIAPOSITIVA 14 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Patricia Fernández Díaz-Maroto
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