RESTRICTED COM. TEX/SB/633 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 18 February 1981 Special Distribution Textiles Surveillance Body Original: English ARRANGEMENT REGARDING INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN TEXTILES Notification received under Article 7 Switzerland/Hong Kong The TSB has received from the Government of Switzerland under Article 7 of the Arrangement, the attached notification of a memorandum of understanding and an administrative arrangement regarding trade in textiles between Hong Kong and Switzerland. The TSB is transmitting this notification to participating countries for their information. Observations by the TSB on this notification are contained in COM.TEX/SB/637. COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 2 23 June1980 Dear Sir, I refer to the recent discussions between representatives of the Government of Switzerland and the Government of HongKong regarding the administrative arrangement set out in the Annex relating to exports of certain textile products to Switzerland during the period from 1 July 1980 to 30 June 1981. I propose that this letter and your letter confirming acceptance on behalf of the Government of Switzerland shall constitute an agreement between our two governments on this administrative arrangement. Accept Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Yours faithfully, (W. Dorward) Mr. R.C. Wolf, Consul-General of Switzerland, 403 Shell House, 24-28 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong. COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 3 Annex 1. This arrangement will cover the period from 1 July 1980 to 30 June 1981 and will relate to exports of the following products to Switzerland: Hong Kong Classification Number 1) 845.111 Description 1) Jackets, twinsets sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, men's, knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.112 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, boy's, knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.113 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, women's, knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.114 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, girls', knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.121 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, men's, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.122 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters,cardigans boys', knitted or crocheted, and pullovers, of cotton 845.123 Jacket., twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, women's knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.124 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, girls', knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.910 Blouses, knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.930 Blouses, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 846.211 Shirts (other than dress shirts), knitted or crocheted, of cotton 846.212 Dress shirts knitted or crocheted, of cotton 1) It is understood that items in the following list do not include infant sizes of 86 cm or less COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 4 2. During this period, in respect of licenses issued to cover exports to Switzerland of the products named above: (A) For licences showing third country consignees The Hong Kong Government will supply the Government of Switzerland, at half-monthly intervals with a list of licence numbers together with copies of the relevant licences. (B) For licences other than (i) (A)above The Hong Kong Government will supply the Government of Switzerland, at half-monthly intervals, with a list of licence numbers together with a list of cancelled licence numbers; (ii) The Government of Switzerland will inform the Hong Kong Government of the numbers of any licences not presented, within three months of their date of issue, to the appropriate Swiss authorities for the purpose of importing the goods concerned into Switzerland; (iii) The Hong Kong Government will thereupon provide the Government of Switzerland with copies of the licences identified under (ii) above. 3. Although this arrangement is of a temporary nature, it may be extended by mutual agreement if required. COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 5 Hong Kong,June 23, 1980 Dear Sir, This in to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 23, 1980, concerning the introduction of the administrative arrangement set out in the Annex to your above mentioned letter, and relating to exports of certain textile products from Hong Kong to Switzerland On behalf of my Government I wish to confirm acceptance of this arrangement, covering the period from July 1, 1980 June 30, 198l. I equally agree to your proposal that your letter and this confirmation shall constitutean agreement between our two governments on this administrative arrangement. Accept. Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideratIon. Yours faithfully. The Consul-General of Switzerland R.C. wolf The Director of Trade industry and Customs Ocean Centre Canton Road KOWLOON COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 6 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Having examined the current pattern and development of trade in certain textile products exported from Hong Kong to Switzerland, the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Switzerland agree 1. that an export authorization system involving the following arrangements shall, be introduced for twelve months from 1 July 1980 in respect of the products listed in Column (c) in the Annex to this Memorandum. Att. A Att. B 2. The Government of Hong Kong shall require all exports to Switzerland of the products listed in Column (c) in the Annex to be covered by export authorisations (Attachment A) issued by the Hong Kong Trade Industry and Customs Department. An export authorisation shall be issued only on evidence of a firm contract for the supply of the goods involved and shall be valid for three months from the date of issub. Exports licences (Attachment B) to ship goods covered by an export authorisation will be issued by the Government of Hong Kong on presentation of the relevant export authorisation within the latter's validity period. An export licence shall be valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue. The Government of Hong Kong shall not issue export licences in respect of exports to Switzerland of' products listed in Column (c) in the Annex which are not covered by a valid extort authorisation. The Government of Hong Kong shall provide the Government of 3. Switzerland with half-monthly statistical returns showing the quantities covered by export authorisations issued to Hong Kong exporters in respect of the products listed in the Annex. Hong Kong agrees to notify Switzerland immediately of any application for an export authorisation which is unusually large or of any undue concentration in applications for export authorisations. COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 7 The Government of Switzerland shall accept all imports into Switzerland from Hong Kong of the products covered by these arrangements where such imports satisfy all normal conditions of entry, and are accompanied by a copy of the export licence issued by the Hong Kong Trade Industry and Customs Department endorsed to the effect that the relevant export authorisation has been debited. 4. 5. The Government of Switzerland may request the Government of Hong Kong to suspend the issue of export authorisations if, in the opinion of the Government of Switzerland, the Swiss market is being disrupted in terms of the definition of market disruption in Annex A of the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles, by imports from Hong Kong of any of the products covered by these arrangements. Such a request shall be accompanied by a request for consultations under Article 3 of the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles and by a detailed factual statement of the reasons and justification for the request for consultations, including the latest data concerning elements of market disruption. 6. Upon receipt of such a request for suspension and for consultations, the Government of Hong Kong shall suspend immediately the 'issue of export authorizations in respect of the relevant product. The Government of Hong Kong will, however, continue to issue export licences against valid export authorisations issued before such a suspension. The Government of Switzerland will consider, where the issue 7. of export authorisation is suspended, giving its consent to the extension of validity of an existing export authorization for a period not exceeding 90 days, if it is satisfied that the failure to apply for an export licence within the validity period of the export authorisation has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of the person to whom the export authorisation was issued. COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 8 For the purposes of this Memorandum, the products listed 8. in Column (c) in the Annex shall be classified as if each product consists wholly of that fibre which predominates by weight; where two or more fibres are of equal highest weight the fibre of equal highest weight which is subject to these arrangements shall be deemed to determine the classification of the product. The Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Switzerland 9. agree to consult, at the request of either party, on any matter arising from the implementation of these arrangements. The Annex to this Memorandum shall be considered 10. integral part of it. an For the Government of Switzerland For the Government of Hong Kong Richard C. Wolf Consul-General W. Dorward Director of Trade Industry and Customs Signed at Hong Kong 23 June 1980 COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 9 Annex Schedule of textile products to which the Export Authorisation System applies (a) Category (c) Hong Kong Classification (b) Swiss Customs Tariff Number Number ex and Description 1) 6004.50 Undergarments,, Number and Description 1) 846.211 Shirts (other than dress shirt knitted or crocheted, of cotto knitted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberezed, of cotton 846.212 Dress shirts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton (shirts) 2 ex 6004.50 Undergarments, 846.282 Undergarments, men's, knitted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberized, of cotton knitted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberised, of cotton (others) 846.283 Undergarments, boys'. knitted nor o.' or crocheted, not elastic rubberized, of cotton 846.286 Undergarm,nts; n'seknittec,sn te or crocheted, not eoastic ncr rubberized, of cotton 846.287 Undergarmens',knitle, .k. ted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberizod, of c-tton 3 ex 6005.42 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, knitted or crocheted, of wool 1 845.i11 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters. caanigans e2d pullovers, men's knitted or crochetedl of woo2 845.112 Jackets,stwinseta, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, boys knitrod or civchetedl of woo. 845.113 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, women's, knitted o- crocheted, of wool 845.114 Jackets,stwinset6, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, girls', knitted or crocheted, of wool 845.910 Blouses, knitted of wool or crocheted, COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 10 (a) Category, Number 4 (c) Hong Kong Classification Number and Description 1) (b) Swiss Customs Tariff Number and Description 1) ex 6005.50 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.121 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, men' knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.122 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters. cardigans and pullovers, boys', knitted or crocheted of cotton 845.123 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers. Women's, knitted or crocheted of cotton 845.124 Jackets, twinsets, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers, girls', knitted or crocheted, of cotton 845.930 Blouses, knitted or crocheted of cotton 5 ex 6101.50 Men's and boys' outergarments, not knitted or crocheted, ex 842.191 Overcoats and coats. men's not knitted or crocheted.. of textile materials other of cotton than wool ex 842. 192 Overcoats and coats, boys'. not knitted or crocheted, of textile materials other than wool 842.221 Suits, or men's, crocheted, not knitted of cotton 842.222 Suits, boys', not knitted or crocheted, of cotton 842.321 Slacks, shorts, jeans and trousers, men's, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton 842.322 Slacks, shorts, jeans and trousers, boys', not knitted or crocheted, of cotton COM.TEX/SB/633 Page 11 (a) Category Number (b) Swiss Customs Tariff Number and Description 1) (c) Hong Kong Classification Number and Description 1) 842.421 Jackets, blazers and uniform men's, not knitted or croche of cotton 842.422 Jackets, blazers and uniform boys', not knitted or croche of cotton 6 ex 6102.52 Women's, girls', outergarments, of cotton 843.947 Slacks, shorts, jeans and trousers, women's, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton (Slacks, shorts, Jeans and trousers) 843.948 Slacks, shorts, jeans and trousers, girls', not knitted or crocheted, of cotton 7 ex 6103.50 Men's and boys' undergarments of cotton (shirts, dress shirts) 1) 844.111 Shirts (other than dress not knitted or crocheted, of cotton shirts), 844.112 Dress shirts. not knitted or crocheted, of cotton It is understood that items in the following list do not include infant sizes of 86 cm or less. 12 ORDINANCE (CAP. IMPORT AND EXPORT ft,'4 EXO'RT ,'. if' e\ i: nxnIx MANUFACTURKS T 01" Date ra/Receipt and Receipt No. 60) ............0... Date o/ Issue and Export Asthortsation No. coutry) , z "I AN i' I offenceORfor any unauthoriscd person to make any alteration, deletion or addition to of j-0 , A1 ° 0 olf Ithi 10 t' r. J,1.&^£* "hk .4;41 .l 2. No extension of the validity period of (his Export Authorisation will be granted. a-f f4tlif ; ifll..AO. I It isean IMPO TAN w 0 NM PART I-AAPPIICATION AND DECLARATrON BY EXPORTER 1 41ota KCf. Wuola SuppIIr D . Name Of i \t t M1) 4t a I a a OM a X tn I ~NLi thy. in Equivalenc Quota Units .%Ia _ _ A ____ .- , ^*. this Export Authorisation aftC: .* * _ IF@S............ * n.3 r^ ...* %... wuantily T t. |Bood Category/Classificution No. e* 2 ........... ....... ...... ... .............. .................... a.naad adIrea, ol expotiErI 44iL r It et; tirm contract with an overseas buyer for the supply of the textile goods described herchy declare that I have entered into in paragraph I InPart I 'and that I ugree lo supply the quota stated lbovc O delete If not applicable), and I hereby apply to the Director of Trade Industry dni Ctiuorn for an Export Authorisation in respect of these goods to he exported ed 4 ft name a as jtit;2_IJF 01 $'14; 9t41 ; ............... ..... ...... .. . . .... .. .. .... ft W Is,~ZI .. & I.* 1 1; .. .......... ......... ....... .... .. ......... ............. .. .. I understand thai if, for any reason whatsoever, I fail lo export fully the contrac'ed quantity shown above within th vaihdity period of the export likence(s) issued under !his Export Authorikation. any unutilised quantity covered in this authorisaliol may he lorfeie"d and future auihuriaions in i a e n. my comn aijn mn:ay 'e denied. KI Ml~J $to I 'i4 ItIl, I IL I: (I -exV'.$IN 4 ,4,t~L' M 141..J 9tftix OIilWlI § I4 NaLt 4.J it~sfi~is;0tVE f ; 1111 IItiIliqs ".1it~tt° ~ tR;'11.)l{1 514 P 11 iliV { ,.,t't X1: 4 I dc¢;Ire thit my the above and any know le. other ti information *%1!i 1 lve given ill supprt ohs ipplication is tre to the I ! I :X.:(i ill arl * 1tt4 01:r'it 2L(J§;W." fit Tel. ... .. ... tUuiv ri7Te.sije Nv. ti,411v Date j ,, fit ml. 4. ~~. -..!1 ilurte l.'atienlekf'Id P. I'. x;( 2 lhc oUs I.jd V >.j ............ .. . (10llav'r , ....... ... ... ,.. IY .J 1. . ,, , .LU fil. . gri.t'is described in puwragraipih I of Part I in tthe tctal lii tncv(si ii.ied under this at:thorisation lamol that I .agree rcgistere wih ae 4jg 'A !7 W.:Uk [rude Industry and It'1, :,5 .414 to MtMr i U Custorns Deportment tnder J,, ,'It .- registration for ptli pvs. K U;M t' 1;b A; X Q , "Ii JUXi 3 i ihe All of 1ihe export :''uli) , ;;I; 4t Wri>,& fort b., !; 12. Olt I "1 I *A M will he manufactured by iy factory t|............. j unir wid wiaress -l tartem i dvljrv tIIut hv,;. wrt.t.rd to't arni'ttint to oitnit l.,ipntent within lthe validity ixp ii S tatcd aI)4'%ve 4 tI trp1t hIe -utppa)' hle q;ilot,t A. It it , 0. .. ............. hcsc - No... ........ C 'untpo V... 1'Rt." w 6 I.S" 1;. .......................................... '. - ,.mit understand tha it fil tre .s;iirmrent wi'.sth the validity period of the export licencc(s) W o deliver the gooth, issued under this iiicorcsattn. if an.: rres,!t an A 't, ,o' t'o rs, 'ieencs anrd certificates for the above 't Ae' products of my regitered fa.otevy '. ,.ho""Y:^ * ;: | ~ A.' Ah ' "; Is i!.s ! .A C AL officer of the Trade Industry and Customs Department only) 41 U Ii * a } CLASSIFICAT1N I 9 .- LlCENSED CATEGORY OR DATE ................. 01 fRt;P 41 t 1i a l t >aXy CODING njorp.lwn t iA1tSE Aft PRESENT SHIPMENT Custom I 1* , ._1_itl PREVIOUS SHIPMENT ........ ............................. , f4 -t-rnIVi -F.5$A R g( W- ' gfi ) iii' 11 ........................ t Drt aet ............ - RX48 TOTAL SHIPMENTS authorisa-on is valid t'' ( &j t until ALLOCATION r E a BALANCE REMARKS e t To talquantity appro d ...............................T u a it Iat z a This li!l II:1 3IflWf~i[<tkIlu i-# ) US1E, 4 fi this ExporsAuhorissauoon iprovnetd for the periodt pecited AND ou shem odition tha exapori icece(s) *Dustb applieectordf for and obtained from the Dirar o de Industry .egsder a)(a)nd in accordance with Rc 4(1Xand 5(l) of the lmport and Export m(General) Regulations of thei Inort and Export Ordinance pror to any shipment of rt zrrteof) delescribed in pra. I of Pa I overaf and any breeach of this corndition shall rnder this Autheffect.oisation null, void and of no c.- A I ? This page to be completed authorised by an I 5 r. ,;, ... 7 , t. .{ _ _ _ - _ c _ _ _- t bc = _ _v ,_ S _o: ,.- :.. = far 0-1 t: . B _ ,, _ _ . _-O n t- = : E ' - 5'8 - _ > n ° _ <l . . . _- s b . =F r. _ CL F e C C n ;E; ;Wi , Y vc G -* 2e - £h .,_ A {N-M S = s.r Fi: i o. c _ _ .s *glv C . _ ]. ¢ OP_ ._v. . = '' ^ 2 'rs aC_4 ,, ,_ n = t: ':: @ z CS . . t vl _ __ . X _ C n; _ __ ;a3 _ _ _ . @ . ., . :. - W.n =. _ ._ * _ _ <% _ _ G G; _- _ 4 C _ ec_. FF _- * O _' "v D Oo : 4 f< C Sk w0 ^ .- ., ¢4 .s _ - ,% _ CL 'aCE g v Vv- * S * a b- iF o t ° N to. s . _ _ ;N _ t . _- > Cr ; t n - ;t-esw c. Si S ;E 1s X ts ,; =' . c r;> :t ew v." ^a p c z °--8 6i- . * ' * * w 4 a'c a \ - -* {>. tT: = a \ I;; > * : '' >* , I" w -4# _ 'S w ,,}k 1 '. 9 . w i 4 = r - #\ F a: t . : . ts § C _ . _ .. -3 . ^ _,: X i' z ,,: _ b. ffi -_ v: _. qs t C n _ - %, - > _ , >- - _-,, D _ , , +. 5_ . C Sc ., :: . ow e X _.o _ ,. : , . S - < e; . t_ 4 _ r :XS _ * ' S DJt . * . : C : _i-=r,sCaL *1o-"X_R°a,4ws :'s_ p :.X C:>:G. jy 6 r. . _s _ _ f _- _ . _ *_ ,,> c ^, _ .S _. n_ - t ; X ro n > = X ..t ......3 E- _ w 5 , c. X 7>S o x . C C _ JF, .. _ ^', - _ r, n. _ _ = z-,9 _ ^ - X =' w _ __ & ;5r' C s-' . _ ., - r _: z t t. X 'l _, b. _ ., / 4 _', o. s _ ;! _ ., S .; !C i I 0 Z _~ n i - ?Z = j _ I II ! I Z C. E ao D . IW 2 W3 0 >O Z 2 A # CA 'IO io.' I CJI i x :c,- 5m *C EE -- -i La (v :W Z$ ": I =- . S;, R: :N- ,^ o Z C = rT 1 m . .' j= . ;o _. _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ e _ _ _ .': . C 4 _:W v v . ° j t. o V > .1°;,. .. o- _2 n rn .. _ _. X ,,g'. o a X c J - C n : w n_. v C -. l- 9 ^< b_ eh V in ° _ SO * O ° *t :4 > S l. ._ = S _. 5 zS- C a. _. e * _. Cs i+. l=_ _ - . _;, _ < wN_ J.>; . 5 , t. = Sc ¢f: _ _ _ v a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z _IF . _ , _'Z _ Itp,tA ZZ 7 {'- : .. * : . r. . C' q g . C ;> > ^ >. . _ C ; - : 1 ilo _R F- _ -1 #m 7 |113 _o ,.. m C ;tI _z n iE-w . _. = _- x - s: , .E- m K M " li 'A RL to be completed by an authorised officerof* of rhe Teade Industry astd Cufoms Department only) DATE CLASSIFICATION If Day Moni *0} LICENSED CATEGORY OR 0 fl 1i CODING BOffew edt J tur I I t. il * if AfiRazwo PRESENT SHIPMENT zt"d Catow PREVIOUS SHIPMENT it z ' I ................................................................ A a is TOTAL SHIPMENTS I ALLOCATION I BALANCE I.m . M # nt F3 0 a REMARK it "is authorisation is valid until ............................ F W R M W Total quantity approved .......... Z IP (smust be applied for anDid obterained from the rectr of Trade industry of this Export Authorisation is approvecofoeed for the period spd AND on the colicencend)ition that export om under and in accoIrda)nce with Rep. t4()Im(' and 5(11 of (e Jort and Euxport (General) Reg4ations of the Import and Eoxport Ordinance prir to any shipment of to part threodbscribed in paraleaf. I of Part I overind any breach of this condition shall render this. Authorisation nulle, void and of no cfect. Xf " IT 4 11 offi) WN 19 4 i Z. Ilai-sa;aI --ft Ft itS t .aX 'P3; 9MiWA % I I WHRIfeXLP This post CM.TEX/SB/ EXPORT LICENCE 633. (TEXTILES) O sp FORM Attachment 4 HONG KONG GOVERNMENT nd 1'xprlOrdnance (Cap. 60) Import and Export (Gencal) Regulations ici (NNSaC Aui hte. Isru .... ................. .. ... LvegiNe.8 Tel. Ni 8R. No Consioce vI. Dade of Isie. .. . . .. .N .. No. anO Date v ficnceIs approved. Issue of ib . .............. ....................... I................. dustry81d Custo (oc Dteeroofreade Mosoanuact Name and Addicto Hoav or Country at 1uluarv (I not Itonsona C.O.I.P.C. Number Tel. No........................ or Dearlturn Country Full Dcscrtpiwa of GuWs (Slate Counuy of oJrigln ot raw malerials) No. of Units Catrrie Date FOR 'LL CONDIThJNS 0F SEE OVERL hf Marks) sad =Eg,4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_______~~&5a'~uL EISUE A. *-F' Nu. ul Pvcksots I Number(s) ., Ii% licNv t Doednallan c.l.l. Value f.o.b. In HfKS CUtrM Psy'r. -, . ,. 1. . Total Arniaonti Coimffluailli Itein aodc No. Tull A, EXIPOIEFR'iS L)EA'I.RArION 1. . .. .. ... . .. ... ... ....... ....... ...... ..... ... ... ... ... .. . . I. .... .. .. .... .. .. p rin c ip a ............................................... ..... lNume antd tdJtrtAs .a1 Ktourter's Cuj livichy i1c.h 1q: Hill I ale .. .. .. .. .. .... file expottur of the t1li,. tit to( goti(j, ill V ill) .... ipplit:ation .I. is nuide and that the . . . . . . . . . .I. I. . . . particular RiVctl Herein are 101P, )$:I i I _ EXPORT LICENCE (TEXTILES) FORM 4 I mmct IAadrutem ..111C. A Import and Export Ordinance (Cup. 60) Imipuorl and Export (General) Regulations L6'<me'r 'N. ......... ICI N.. Hilt N.. .D. &I., OtI ..............ute. US9, Ri...g..N0. ................. ^. J. Valeg 01J JCdeii. R4eit and - Iuuc of thib lucnrce Is appreived. .... ol I.. r.dd Irl:tI..... Intdmrr~y and ......u................. Cmuoms. ......... ..... . Name and Address of Hong ICons Manulactrer or Country of Manufacture (it not Hons Kong) I C.O.IC.P.C. Number 'Tcl. Nou........................ Country Daic of Departure Catmtir of Deslinadoln ! -mwmwli itRt (tINIlli1tNS tIF ISSUE PLEASL SEIL OVIEMLEXA I Pi F I tNU. Ul sPlcuekea markw hnd in Numbcrh) Full Descrriten of Gowda iStame COuntry of Orisin of raw meuiAe ls) I Value f.o.b. HKCS of - cl.. Value ls currency of DAYmntt I tetn NU feUimloldity lhen Codle No". EXPO'RT'ER'S D(T.ARATION 1..ri.. ... ..........~~~~.......... I~ltner Il - HONG KONG GOVERNMENT CO1. TEX/Sh//633 Page 17 --A- , rt eb J.likic .le,;tl .I (lie cxportef of ....... .4,iJrfeie .... . tXpeerErJ mnsde aned that the principal olticial O.) ........... I. , .................................. tihe I l% m .t ofl whlitlh this Upplicauion of g tqs ............................... ......... ..................... particulars given hereint i.Nei. arc ....... true. .. .Yiglfffu.'r sjng4 Cleuje. ........ -1 COW.TEX/SB/633 ixPoRor LI~CENCE (TEXTFILES) 18 p g a 1 " t~~~~~~~~~~anls'.v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SarTIdtAs A.1lWt e. I 'el. No ,N., 11 I ..fl.I COPY FORM 4 e ec HONG KONG GOVERNMENT Insport and Export Ordinance (Cap. 64) Imporn and Export (General) Regulations r. No. and Lam .l lim. Lu gen p N ......I................. Vd noeof pioNo. <tReeriel. Issuc uf this lemnee Is approved. ... I.jr virectr'1 ol ''' O .... tIlndutr andl Customs. rdsw ...... ..... .... Name and Addres of Hong floua Manufactrer or Country of Manufacture (if not Mons Kona) .P N, uNmber *.t, __r __ Or fSllE SLL I WER I LAU I'l-14 III Ui. Nis . N., .I va, L dgC I t. i-nm _ CountrY of Dealtitnaton 1 mml- Full Destritnoln d (Juda lStwle Country uf orivin .ot raw Imtsushla I ___ 11II,5 I I~~~~~~~ Ipm Martslt and Number(s) .. ...... Date of V)eparlurc vitute No of Units c.J.f. Value In curfeey of paymnt1 fo b, "KS __ 'atsl Amnunt dily Total AnioeUtfl liein tC'd. No EIXPOU'I)K 11141TRA110N 'S pr Ittciisttl 4.I~,. IV ...... I/8## -.I I ,*:,.-,sr# d w ¢- .. . I...... . u~iicia . oh .... f *s I I ,I. ,I I - I I I -1 . 'a, 1' 1.4 ,I,, , . . .I Ii ..II ..t-I1 vII:apIo IC $ tiijRi ;tipI)Ik * I the, t(ioll Is m sd m d that ilip1. rfikobLutS 11vs:w pueckugt've hseru:isl die (ftil. .I.. .......... . .SI,'vd #i l 'ii .4ited C )04010. ... . COM. TEX/SB/633 Page 19 Coundiioins of lssue of this L.icecte include ihe following: (1) This form must be submitted in quadruplicate. (2) The original must be surrendered to the Shipping or Airline Company, and returned by their agent to the Trade Industry and Customs Department together with the relevant manifest, within fourteen days after the day on which the goods are exported as required by Section 11 of the Import and Export Ordinance, Cap. 60. (3) The exporter must file an Export Declaration in respect of items on this licence. (4) This licence is valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue, unless otherwise stated. Note: Provided there are no complications, the licence will be ready (or collection two clear working days (i.e. excluding Sundayi and public holidays). after the date upon which tihe form is received. 5° VA A Py 0) ' i-'i I( '-)10 ( ) tM4 d l: M 1A NC11 a'nll *Dl )dsf l (UILFtY*) * i WI j tM 1.-X I.~ LJ Xt AFO:.i AI M...ifit A. 0h W 0 24h"g* EQf.'J fi:+t4f "1bG~av II Aj Id I ,112 W2 5l MJf Z flt 1% *I dII it it'j A k 41: SZJ *1 PX JPtI' J; h£ 1$ II ° Li r U ~A AJI)JAA AA
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