From the president’s desk... OFFICERS FOR 2009-2010

Newsletter of the Arizona Desert Weavers and Spinners Guild, Inc.
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LaVila Churruca
Vice President
Susan Clark
Vice President
Carol Eggers
Anita Bellinger
Diane Wilson
Helene Charles
August - May
From the president’s desk...
Hello to everyone.
We had a really great meeting last month. If you
were not there you missed a great on.
We had a wonderful presentation by Jeane de
Coster . We also had a spinning class called
“Spinning Fast & Fluffy. Those that attended had
a lot of fun. The yarns created were absolutely
wonderful and gorgeous. We learned a new way to
spin using a long draw method.
Do not forget that this month is our auction
of baskets for Christmas, Hanukah or whatever
holiday you celebrate. Each year we seem to have
more & more baskets. Save your money so you can bid, bid and bid some more. I am looking forward to the auction even though I may not be able to spend as I have done before.
Jan Lundstrum, Diane Wilson and myself attended the Prescott Guild’s Fashion Show,
Tea & Gallery. The show was excellent. It included both woven & knitted items.They also
had many really nice things to sell. We had a good time and enjoyed the day in Prescott. I
almost forgot our own Shelley was there also but she was representing the Prescott Guild, as
she also belongs to that guild. You missed a really good time by not attending.
All the Critter gang says to say Hello. They have all been up to the same antics. They are
determined to drive their Gypsy mamma (the dog) crazy. Gypsy hates it when the boys are
playing on the roof and she can not get to them.
Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season.
Next Meeting: December 5th at 10 AM
Northtown Community Center
2202 E. Waltann Lane
Phoenix, AZ
Annual Gift Basket, Bag and Box Auction!
Bring something to donate and your purse/wallet to
bid & help raise funds for our guild.
Refreshment: Everyone brings a dish for this annual potluck
The Refreshment Corner
It’s Cookies and Baskets for All to bring - Yes Baskets to make and Cookies to bake - And if
some are left over - We share -Yeah!
Here’s the fun dyeable edible challenge - use garnets...OK that’s Pome’garnets’. Just love
the idea of creating surface designs on cookies and cotton tees. Paisley or twill weave on
cookies or cloth. Tie-dye the fabric and sprinkle with myrrh.
Pomegranate, with its deep red rind and ruby-colored flesh, is known as Anar in India
and Grenada in Spain. It grows wild in India, Italy, North Africa and China. The rind of
the fruit is used for the deepest yellow color, although the bark contains more tannin. The
rinds are a waste product of the pulverized seeds which are used as a spice in India. Pomegranate is an aromatic dye that yields an especially nice green yellow color. The age of the
fruit affects the color of the dye: the less ripe the fruit, the greener the yellow. Pomegranate has a high tannin content which when combined with iron gives a deep moss green. Be
sure to use a stainless steal pot.
Delicious Delightful Depaisley ~ Eve
ADWSG Workshop Update
More Exciting Workshops Planned!
The Jeane de Coster workshop in November was a smashing success! All 14 participants learned to spin a 2-ply fat,
fluffy yarn and then wash it and full the skein. A good time
was had by all. Thanks to Susan Clark for scheduling an
interesting program with a fun workshop.
fiber work-spinning, dyeing, and weaving. Monday will be
blending fibers-spinning. Tuesday, painted warp-dyeing,
and Wednesday-weaving, correctly winding on your painted
warp and beginning to weave it. We have the option of
taking one or more of her workshops. A deposit of only
$25.00 per day will hold your spot. We are sharing her
with the Telarana guild and I have deposits from about 10
total participants. There is a maximum of approx. 20 for
each workshop. If you are interested, please give me your
deposit by the December meeting. The anticipated cost
is $50.00/day plus materials. This workshop will open to
other guilds in mid-December if not full. She is a highly
acclaimed spinner and fiber
artist with severals books
and many articles. This is a
Phoenix Quilt, Craft special opportunity for our
guild members education
& Sewing Festival
at the Arizona State Fairgrounds
in fiber arts since we are the
(19th Ave. & McDowell, Enter at 17th Ave and McDowell)
only guild she is presenting
JAN 28, 29 & 30, 2010
workshops to in AZ this
Thursday, Friday & Saturday – 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
(Come Thursday for Early Buying Privileges)
The Daryl Lancaster workshop, Jumpstart Vest, is scheduled February 21 & 22-Sunday and Monday at our Northtown Community center meeting place. As of this writing
I have 7 participants and she has a maximum of 15 participants. After our December meeting, this workshop will
be open to members of other guilds. A deposit of $75.00
holds your space. More
information at her webfor
site: www.weaversew.
nks s
Tha guild’ f
you ort o
Our major workshop
presenter of this year
is Judith MacKenzie
McCuin. She will
present the program at
our meeting on Saturday with workshops on
Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday-March 8,
9, & 10. Each day will
be a different aspect of
sup show!
See and buy the latest supplies, fabrics, notions,
patterns and tools… all under one roof!
See Classes from Quilting and Sewing Superstars:
Shar Jorgenson, Barb Callahan, Linda MacPhee,
Laura Murray & Charlie Bement!
For additional show information visit our website at:
$1 Off Admission
Photocopies accepted. One coupon per person.
& DEMOS! (your ticket is good for all 3 days)
Your ticket is good all day Thursday, Friday & Saturday!
Admission without coupon $10.
Questions? Call or email
Carol Eggers
Workshop Chairperson
This group’s meeting takes place
after the Guild meeting on the first
Saturday of the month until 2 or
3 p.m. Bring your wheel, spindle
and current project and lunch or be
prepared to go out to eat or fetch
lunch back to the meeting. Susan
Clark 602-495-9275 is the contact
First Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Each month a different member
hosts the meeting at their home.
To attend please RSVP to
chairperson Georgian Ferrante. or 480-9483705. Directions to meeting place
will be emailed to all members.
Bring your inkle loom and yarn
to the monthly meeting. The new
Inkle Loom Interest Group will
meet right after the meeting to
brush up on inkle weaving or watch
and learn! As with Serendipitous
Saturday Spinners, bring lunch or
be prepared to go out to eat or fetch
lunch back to the meeting.
Meetings begins at 10:30.
Chairperson for more information
is Sybil Yastrow
or 480-488-0523.
Come Visit Cultural Museum
in Window Rock, AZ
An exhibition entitled “Generations of Two Grey Hills Weavers” is now
on display at the
Cultural Museum in Window Rock. They
are grouped by
families. It will
be on display
for nearly a year
so please come
by and see the
beautiful display!
For Sale
45” Leclerc Nilus Jack Loom ~
Made in 1982 and has been in climate-controlled storage for at least 20 years. Has 6
treadles, 10 1/2” heddles, and comes with 2 reeds. Completed except for 3 parts, all
of which are readily available from Leclerc: the crank handle, a 1” wood spacer, and a
small metal bar (part #4789-NU). The spacer & metal rod are priced at approx. $15
from Leclerc, and the crank handle lists at $65. I also have a Leclerc warping board w/
wooden pegs that I will give to whoever buys the loom. I am asking $500 for the loom
& warping board. The loom is currently disassembled & boxed for shipping. Located in
Scottsdale.Call Jane at 602-399-3342 for more information.
Used PASSAP Duomatic 80 Double-bed Knitting Machine with Electra 3000 ~
Lots of punched design cards, accessories and Knitting yarns. Can use 4 colors. Lots
of pattern booklets and several Knitting Machine books. Includes Form Computer and
Stop Row Counter. Includes instructions. North east Mesa. Call Peggy (480) 8549691. If no quick answer, let ring about 8 times and leave a message.
Pendleton 40” floor loom ~
4 heddles, 2 reeds, and some extras mint condition $400.00. 602-995-2760
Fiber-related Blogs
Drop Spindle Tutorial -
htm- for anyone who wants to try their hand at drop spindling.
Needle Felted Projects for Christmas - http://sewingneedlework.suite101.
com/article.cfm/how_to_needle_felt_cookie_cutter_shapes - if you love to
needle felt, this is a great place to start learning simply by using cookie cutters for
This Month’s Program:
Annual Gift Basket, Bag and Box Auction
Live auction to benefit our Guild. This is the annual fundraiser that pays for the building
rental and programs. Please bring a basket to donate if you can and be sure to bid like crazy
on the fabulous baskets donated.
Cash or checks please as we are unable to accept credit cards.
Beaded Fascinator Hat Taught by Anne Fletcher
at the Fibers Through Time 2010 in Phoenix, AZ
Beaded “Fascinator” Hat
A completed 3½” Fascinator hat.
Instructor: Anne Fletcher
Skill level:
Intermediate. Students do not need to know the technique, but need to have experience with seed bead
Materials fee: $5.00
Sign up today before all spaces are filled. This should
be a fun class.
Supply List:
Anne Fletcher writes: Wouldn’t
you love to put a beaded jewel in
your hair and go out to catch the
sun and the eye of everyone you
pass? “Fascinator” hats became
popular in the 18th century, and
are worn to this day. Today we
think of them as cocktail hats.
They are small discs with a comb
attached to secure them to your
hair. Bead on ultra suede and
then attach it to the fascinator
and add a lacy beaded edge to complete the look - several patterns to choose from or design your own. Learn
how to do appliqué beading and learn which beads are
appropriate for this technique.
Nothing to bring. The beads
based on patterns will be
sent to participants in advance of workshop.
Instructor Bio:
Anne has knitted and
crocheted since early childhood. She also enjoys weaving, and started beading
some 20 years ago. She loves the way color and light
work with beads and enjoys the challenge of building
something with beads and letting them take her where
they want to go. Her work has been featured in several
books, beading magazines and bead shows both international and local. She loves to teach technique classes
and allow the students and beads to interact.
Take Home:
From Rowena’s blog:
Handouts describing beading techniques
and information on supply sources and bead types.
is working very hard to standardize the judging of
handspun yarn and articles made from handspun. The
workshop is hosted by the Southwest Regional Spinners. It will be held in Tucson at the U of A Ag Bldg
at Prince and Campbell from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each
day. Cost $150 (includes a notebook).
To fellow weavers and spinners, and
to our late Guild members - beloved
“ancients” who shared so much with us.
Digital, My Way
Give me back friends who said to the caller,
I can’t talk right now, I just started to dye and returned to the cauldron bubbly
with dried cochineal bugs scraped off
a neighbor’s prickly pear, red
appearing already in the handspun yarn.
To register, please send a check made out to Southwest Regional Spinners to Ric Rao, 3902 Lilac Drive,
Las Cruces, NM 88005. Contact Jill Holbrook at
520-744-1926 or
for more information.
Give me back all morning, fingers curled
around a tablet of squared paper, an idea
churning in that other mind - perhaps
a haberdasher twill, or amorphous shawls
held together by static cling and faith in sheep.
ADSWG Spinner’s Demonstration a
Great Hit!
Let me talk in my second language:
sley, sett, gamp, a “speak” in which spin,
shaft, beating, dent cause no harm.
Give me back my looms and spinning wheels.
all standing in quiet anticipation
in the second bedroom of the three-bed
rancher, its rainbow walls of yarn,
its bed unmade.
meeting everyone there.
Thanks to
all who had
in the
at the State
Fair this year. It
was an exciting
time to show
our talents and
Be sure to contact Sue for future events
coming up for the demonstration group.
Keep me in awe of the ancients,
who figured it all out in the first place
and reached from the stars to nudge me
on my way with the thought I also could
weave cloth, spin yarn, and pencil in
a fitting time to dye.
~ Mary S. Crume
Judging Handspun Yarn Workshop
to Helen George on
her 101 birthday
on November 21,
Friday-Sunday, December 4-6, 2009
This is a great workshop for anyone interested in improving their spinning or learning to critique any fiber
work. Karen Goodson, the instructor, comes from the
Northwest Regional Spinners Association. This group
Fibers Through Time 2010
Conference Update
prior to and after dinner, Saturday morning from 7:30
a.m. until 1:00 p.m., Saturday evening prior to and following the banquet and Sunday morning.
Below are entry information on Juror’s Choice Show and
Handspun Yarn Skein Judging. There are 15 vendors and
counting, for the event. You can check the website www. for more information.
Entry forms and fee information is located at: www. Make a copy of each form to bring with your
entries on Thursday April 15, 2010. Mail forms (1 form
per each entry) and check (payable to: Arizona Federation and $10 for per entry) to:
Jurors’ Choice Exhibit
Fibers Through Time 2010 workshop attendees are
invited to participate in a juried exhibit hosted by the
Conference. Entries from all fiber disciplines, including
handspun and/or handwoven clothing, accessories for
the home, wall art, tapestries, rugs, baskets, gourds, felted
items, and handmade paper designs are welcome. The
exhibit is open to all attendees who are participating in
a workshop. All items entered will be on display for the
duration of the conference.
Betty Headrick, Juror’s Choice Chairperson
13308 E Placita el Algodon
Tucson, AZ 8574
Multiple forms may be mailed together with one check.
For questions: email:
Handspun Yarn Skein Judging
Entry and Fee: Items must have been completed since
Fibers Through Time 2008 (April 2008). Entries are
limited to three items per registrant. The exhibit is open
to attendees participating in a workshop. All entries
must be of original design and personal execution. Please
note that sets (e.g., a matching skirt and jacket, placemats
and a table runner) are counted as one item. To enter,
complete a Juror’s Choice entry form for each item and
include an entry fee of $10.00 per item. All entry forms
must be received by March 20, 2010.
The Southwest Regional Spinners sponsor a Handspun
Yarn Judge Certification Program and continually seek
opportunities for practice and improvement. During
Fibers Through Time 2010, certified yarn judges and
judges-in-training will be available to critique your
handspun. Ribbons will be awarded.
For this event, there is a limit of 3 skeins per participant. The judging is open to conference attendees, committee members, and instructors. To enter, complete the
information on the tag, and attach a tag to each skein.
Tags will also be available at the Conference. Notes: On
the tag, How will you or how could you use this yarn?
must be included [10 points will be deducted if information is missing]
Entries are due in the Exhibit Room (Board Room) of
Crown Plaza Hotel by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday,
April 15, 2010. No entry will be accepted for the exhibit
after workshops have started. If you are unable to deliver
your entry on Thursday afternoon, please make advance
arrangements with Betty Headrick, : jurorschoice@azfed.
org . Entries must be retrieved from the Exhibit Room
at the conclusion of the Conference on Sunday April 18,
2010, no later than 1:00 p.m.
Skeins must be:
handspun by the exhibitor
Awards and Juror: Two independent jurors will determine the awards for the show. The judging will take
place Saturday afternoon, April 17, 2010, and the winners announced at the Saturday evening banquet.
tied with at least 3 figure-eight ties of a similar fiber
to show skein to best advantage
twisted for ease of handling
Instructor Exhibit: We are planning a special exhibit
of instructor’s work on Saturday evening near the banquet hall and invite all instructors to participate in that
minimum of 30 yards [5 points shall be deducted for
skeins less than 30 yards in length] Recommendation: Use a 2-yard skein winder (kniddy knoddy) for
consistent skein size.
Exhibit: The show is open to the public and viewing can
take place Friday during lunch breaks, Friday evening
Melissa Davis
Christine Hunt
Gail Baker
Elaine Rowles
The Southwest’s Most Complete Yarn
Yarn, accessories, equipment& classes for:
Knitting, Weaving, Spinning, Crochet,Tatting, Basketry, Bobbin Lace, &
Sue Carneal
Hospitality/Web Site
Eve Smith
216 W. Main St, Mesa, AZ 85201
Out of area: 888.969.9276
Visit our website:
Anita Bellinger
Calendar Events
• Dec. 05 - Pecan Festival, 1625 E. Sahuarita Rd. Sahuarita, AZ 85629, Sahuarita Art Guild will be showing their works
including fiber arts. More info at:
• Nov. 21-Dec. 19 - “It’s Elemental” Fine Craft Exhibition at the Coconino Center for the Arts, 2300 N. Fort Valley
Road, Flagstaff.
• April 15-18, 2010 - Fibers Through Time 2010 , Phoenix AZ. Information available:
• July 21 - 24 - IWC - A Conference for Fiber Artists - Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO - http://www.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
15th of every month
from August to May
Visit our guild’s website: http:/
First Class
c/o H. Charles
14015 N. 94th St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260