iii congreso internacional de alfombristas

Venres, 29 de maio
21:30 h Presentación no Salón de Plenos da revista “Pregón”.
Sábado, 30 de maio
21:30 h No Auditorio Reveriano Soutullo, acto de Lectura do Pregón do Corpus Christi, a cargo do
escritor D. Alfredo Conde Cid (premio nacional de literatura no ano 1986), e a participación
do Bruxo Queimán e Andrea Pousa.
Mércores, 3 de xuño
22:00 h Actuación do grupo de gaitas “A Pedra da Garza” de Fozara polas rúas e portais alfombristas.
Xoves, 4 de xuño
22:00 h
Actuación dun grupo de gaitas “Os Muíños” de Santiago de Oliveira e da rondalla Liceo Taoro
de La Orotava (Tenerife), polas rúas e portais alfombristas.
Venres, 5 de xuño
22:30 h
Actuación dun grupo folclórico e de gaitas “Algazara” de Celeiros polas rúas e portais
23:00 h
Pasacalles da rondalla Liceo Taoro de La Orotava (Tenerife), polas rúas e portais alfombristas.
12:00 h
Pasacalles polo casco urbano da rondalla Liceo Taoro de La Orotava (Tenerife).
13:00 h
Actuación dun grupo rock na Praza Maior, dentro do festival Rock in Río Tea.
18:00 h Inicio da confección das tradicionais alfombras florais.
23:00 h
Concerto de música e danza do C.D.M. de Ponteareas (Centro Oficial Rock Shooll para
Galicia), no Auditorio Reveriano Soutullo.
01:00 h
Animación de rúa coa actuación da charanga SGAE de Salceda de Caselas e a charanga
IMPERIAIS de Taboexa.
Domingo, 7 de xuño: DÍA DO CORPUS CHRISTI
11:00 h
Actuación da Banda da Escola Naval Militar de Marín, diante da Casa do Concello.
11:30 h
Misa Solemne presidida polo Bispo da diócese de Tui- Vigo, Monseñor Luis Quinteiro Fiuza,
cantada pola Coral Polifónica do Centro Artístico Sportivo e a Rondalla Liceo Taoro de La
Orotava (Tenerife) e, de seguido, procesión coa Custodia acompañada da Banda da Escola
Naval Militar de Marín.
18:00 h Mostra e exposición de traballos de pintura a cargo da Escola de Arte de Ponteareas.
19:30 h
Batalla de flores. Desfile de carrozas acompañadas da Banda de Cornetas e Tambores de
Ferrol e a Banda de Gaitas Tremiñado de Ponteareas.
21:30 h
Actuación da orquestra MIRAMAR na Praza de Bugallal.
22:30 h
Bruxo Queiman e Andrea Pousa presentan KELTIA "O Musical", na Praza Maior.
23:45 h
Fin de festa coa orquestra MIRAMAR na Praza de Bugallal.
Luns, 8 xuño (Festivo Local)
Das 11:30 h ás 14:00 h e das 17:30 h ás 22:00 h, actividades de animación infantil na Praza Maior
con inchables, touro mecánico, música, obradoiros e, para rematar, Festa da Espuma.
18:30 h
Santa Misa na Igrexa Parroquial por todos os alfombristas finados.
20:15 h
Ofrenda floral no monumento adicado ao alfombrista.
20:30 h
Entrega de Medallas do Corpus Christi no Auditorio Reveriano Soutullo.
21:30 h
Actuación da orquestra MARBELLA na Praza de Bugallal.
22:30 h
TREIXADURA en concerto presenta “VENDIMA TARDA”, na Praza Maior.
23:45 h
Fin de festa coa orquestra MARBELLA na Praza de Bugallal.
Exposicións na Praza Maior
Mostra “Corpus en flor”: exposición do material empregado tradicionalmente na confección das
alfombras de Ponteareas.
Punto de información turística.
Exposición na rúa da Esperanza
Exposición de pintura ao óleo de Judit Porto Mariño, do 6 ao 8 de xuño.
Castelo do Sobroso
Exposición de apicultura tradicional con colmea de observación.
Exposición baixo o título “Con pés e cabeza”. Pequeno percorrido polo calzado e os tocados
Horarios de apertura do castelo: de martes a venres, das 10:00 h ás 13:00 h e das 17:00 h ás
20:00 h
Festivos, sábados e domingos, das 11:00 h ás 14:00 h e das 17:00 h ás 20:00 h
Centro Artístico Sportivo
Exposición de pintura de Ricardo Castro Bugarín, do 4 ao 8 de xuño.
Exposición de traxes tradicionais xaponeses, do 5 ao 8 de xuño.
Sala de Exposicións da Biblioteca Municipal
Exposición co título “Mulleres galegas na historia” na Sala Multiusos da Biblioteca Municipal,
do 15 de maio ao 12 de xuño.
Horario de apertura: de luns a venres, das 8:00 h ás 21:00 h Sábados, das 11:00 h ás 14:00
h e o domingo, día 7 de xuño, das 10:00 h ás 14:00 h e das 16:30 h ás 20:30 h
Museo Municipal
O Museo Municipal de Ponteareas permanecerá aberto o día 7 de xuño, das 10:00 h ás 14:00
h e das 16:30 h ás 20:30 h
XX Trofeo de fútbol base “Vila do Corpus”, nos campos de Pardellas e Angoares, os días 6 e
13 de xuño.
Torneo de Pádel. Torneo “Aguas de Mondariz – Corpus 2015”, no complexo Álvaro Pino do 29
de maio ao 6 de xuño.
Día 29 de maio
19:30 h Comezo da novena.
Día 07 de xuño
08:00 h Santa Misa.
11:30 h Misa Solemne, presidida polo Bispo da diócese de Tui-Vigo, Monseñor Luis Quinteiro
Fiuza, cantada pola Coral Polifónica do Centro Artístico Sportivo e a rondalla Liceo de Taoro
de La Orotava (Tenerife) e, de seguido, procesión coa Custodia.
Día 08 de xuño (Festivo Local)
18:30 h Santa Misa na Igrexa Parroquial por todos os alfombristas finados.
Friday, the 29th of May
21:30 h Presentation of the Pregon Magazine, which is published every year. It will take
place in the Plenary Hall.
Saturday, the 30th of May
21:30 h Opening Speech by Alfredo Conde Cid at Auditorium Reveriano Soutullo . He is an
awarded writer (National Literature Award in 1986) and a professor.
Wednesday, the 3rd of May
22:00 h Performance of “A Pedra da Garza”, a traditional band of flutes, while they walk
on several streets of the village.
Thursday, the 4th of May
22:00 h
Performance of “Os Muíños”, a traditional band of flutes, while they walk on
several streets of the village.
Friday, the 5th of June
22:30 h
Performance of “Algazara”, a traditional band of flutes, while they walk on
several streets of the village.
23:00 h
Passacaglia of the Band of street musicians called “Liceo Taoro de La Orotava”
12:00 h
Passacaglia of the band of street musicians called “Liceo Taoro de La Orotava"
13:00 h Performance of a rock band in the Main Square, which is part of the schedule of
the Rock in Río Tea Festival.
18:00 h Start of the preparation of the traditional floral carpets.
23:00 h
Music and dance concert of the Official Rock School Center in the Auditorium
Reveriano Soutullo.
01:00 h
Performance in the street of the brass band SGAE (Salceda de Caselas) and
the brass band IMPERIAIS (Taboexa).
Sunday, the 7th of June: CORPUS CHRISTI DAY
11:00 h
Performance of the Naval School Music of Marín in front of the City Hall.
Preach given by the Bishop Tui-Vigo Diocese, Monsignor Luis Quinteiro Fiuza,
and sung by the Polyphonic Choir of the Artístico Sportivo Center and the band
of Street musicians named Liceo Taoro de La Orotava (Tenerife). After the
preach, it wil take place the procession, waliking with the Naval School Music of
11:30 h
18:00 h Picture exhibition hosted by Art School of Ponteareas.
19:30 h
Battle of flowers. Floats Parade walking with the band of Cornet and drum of
Ferrol and the band of flutes Tremiñado of Ponteareas.
21:30 h
Performance of the MIRAMAR orchestra in the Bugallal Square.
22:30 h
Bruxo Queiman and Andrea Pousa host KELTIA "The Musical", in the Main
Square of the village.
23:45 h
Performance of the MIRAMAR orchestra the Bugallal Square.
Monday, the 8th of June (Local Holiday)
11:30 h - 14:00 h / 17:30 h ás 22:00 h, Child activities in the Main Square.
18:30 h
Holy Mass in the Parrochial Church remembering every carpet designer who has
already dead
20:15 h
Wreath in the monument dedicated to the carpet designers
20:30 h
Medal Ceremony in the Auditorium Reveriano Soutullo.
21:30 h
Performance of the MIRAMAR orchestra the Bugallal Square.
22:30 h
The music band TREIXADURA host “VENDIMA TARDA”, in the Main Square.
23:45 h
Performance of the MARBELLA orchestra the Bugallal Square.
Exhibitions in the Main Square
Exhibition “Corpus en flor”: exhibition of those materials which are usually
utilized for designing the carpets in Ponteareas.
Information Desk.
Exhibition in Esperanza Street
Oil painting exhibition hosted by Judit Porto Mariño, From the 6th of June to
the 8th of June.
Sobroso Castle
Traditional Apiculture Exhibition
Exhibition called “Con pés e cabeza”. Brief review of the traditional footwear
and headdress.
Castle will be open from Tuesday to Friday. 10:00 h - 13:00 h / das 17:00 h 20:00 h
Holidays, Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 h - 14:00 h / 17:00 h - 20:00 h
Artístico Sportivo Center
Painting Exhibition of Ricardo Castro Bugarín, from the 4th of June to the 8th
of June.
Traditional Japanese Dresses Exhibition, from the 5th of June to the 8th of June
Sala de Exposicións da Biblioteca Municipal
Exhibition called “Women in Galician history “. It will take place in the local
The library will be open from Monday to Friday: 8:00 h - 21:00 h
Saturday: 11:00 h - 14:00 h
Sunday: 10:00 h - 14:00 h / 16:30 h - 20:30 h
Local Museum
The Ponteareas Local Museum will be open on Sunday, the 7th of June:
10:00 h - 14:00 h / 16:30 h - 20:30 h
XX child football Trophy “Vila do Corpus”. It wil take place in the Pardellas
football field and in the Angoares football field: 6th of June and 13th of June.
Padel Trophy “Aguas de Mondariz – Corpus 2015”. It will take place from the
29th of May to the 6th of June in the Sports Center Álvaro Pino.
Friday, the 29th of June
19:30 h Start of the novena.
Sunday, the 7th of June
08:00 h Holy Mass.
11:30 h Preach given by the Bishop Tui-Vigo Diocese, Monsignor Luis
Quinteiro Fiuza, and sung by the Polyphonic Choir of the Artístico Sportivo
Center and the band of Street musicians named Liceo Taoro de La Orotava
(Tenerife). After the preach, it wil take place the religious procession.
Monday, the 8th of May
18:30 h Holy Mass in the Parrochial Church remembering every carpet designer
who has already dead