Concert iCT RaaS Datasheet

‘Deliver iCT Projects with Confidence’
information Communications Technology
Resource as a Service
• Transforming or upgrading your Information Communications
and Technology Environment?
• OSS and BSS applications critical to your business?
• Struggling to access high-quality skilled project and technical
resources quickly and efficiently?
Concert brings to the table an aggregated stable of world class iCT services
and solutions. They’ve been architected to meet significant capability gaps in
our market. Our integrated services and solutions coupled with our state of
the art “Raas” methodology supports accelerated, cost effective and clinical
iCT delivery. Resources are available for a day, a week, a month or longer
term depending on your needs.
Why Concert iCT?
The RaaS model provides rapid, scalable iCT resource service delivery.
RaaS fuses the most effective elements of professional services, resource
management and recruitment capability into a hybrid new world
operating environment. Its foundation is underpinned by an enterprise
ready client engagement framework and powered by sophisticated
search and delivery processes.
• Best practice process and delivery > Quality of service
RaaS - Resource as a Service
R eliable
End to End Service from resource sourcing through on
boarding, HR operations and contract management.
a ccountable Dedicated Account Management and online workflow
management system.
a ccredited
S calable
Certified for iCT Services (SCM0020) and Contingent
Workforce (SCM0007) with NSW Government
iCT Prequalification Schemes
Dynamically scale services according to business
requirements using our national pool of the best iCT
professionals in the market. Service short engagements
with little lead time.
• Rapid response iCT resourcing
> On tap resources
• Spin-in / Spin-out capability
> Risk mitigation
• Agile, low-cost business model
> Cost effective
• From brief To client site within 72 hours
> From weeks to days / hours
• Proprietary search methodology
> Industry-leading approach
• Neutralise logistics complexity
> Operational simplification
Traditional Procurement Process
Concert iCT Resource Pool
Traditional iCT Service Providers and Integrators are challenged throughout
the search and procurement phase of resource acquisition.
We track our talent pool in real time.
78,000 SFIA aligned personnel.
Professional Service firms are generally not
designed with a high degree of agility or scalability
in mind. They are based on high resource utilisation
models with little-to-no bench resource availability.
• Strategy and architecture
The recruitment industry lacks understanding of iCT
delivery as a discipline, and rarely service shortterm or complex engagements well.
Traditional iCT resourcing across national and
international markets is generally hamstrung
by outdated engagement, HR operations and
delivery models.
Issues affecting service delivery crystallise when your organisation
needs access to iCT resources for:
Rapid deployment,
Program and scope changes,
Short term project requirements,
Resourcing backfill and emergencies.
• Business change
• Solution development and
• Service management
• Procurement and management
• Client interface
Our pool of iCT professionals includes:
• 6,500 Security cleared personnel
• 3,500 SAP personnel
• 12,500 Microsoft technical personnel
• 6,600 Oracle technical personnel
With leading industry and market analysts identifying these shortcomings as
global issues stifling growth, Concert set out to solve these issues with ‘RaaS’.
Customer Testimonials
“Using traditional recruitment methods and processes, it took us 6-8 weeks to identify, screen,
contract and onboard iCT resources. Resource planning and supply was inefficient. We couldn’t
meet the demands placed on the department. Since using Concert’s RaaS, we are now able to scale
up and down seamlessly, and in hours/days instead of weeks!”
Head of PMO & Projects (with an iCT PMO of 300+) Leading University with 50,000 Students
“Our business is undergoing its first IT transformation after more than 10 years. The existing
processes for procuring professional services and iCT contractors for project-based work
and backfill took many weeks. Most of our systems and software applications were
bespoke, aging and specific to our industry. Despite that, Concert iCT
was able to supply us with the technical expertise we needed
at very short notice, and often for short engagements. The quality of their personnel is
very high and well-aligned to our business, ethics and culture.
We couldn’t have achieved what we did over the last year of transformation
without Concert iCT. RaaS is truly unique and years ahead of the market.”
General Manager of IT Global Retailer and High Street Department Store
(Major iCT Transformation Including OSS & BSS Integration)
Richard Drummond
m: +61 404 815 115
John McKay
m: +61 414 323 423
p: +612 9959 4334