Leslie-Bini 150209_Invoke_What`s going on in 2015_CRD IV

Leveraging the past
Future-proofing the present
Rising to the CRD IV reporting challenge
What’s new for 2015 ?
D IV• Typical background situation
The banking and investment industry as a whole has tended to underestimate the
learning-curve for managing CRD IV, notably COREP, in XBRL
A technical brick is needed to fill in the gap between business
requirements and the EBA’s XBRL taxonomy specifications
omplex environment which needs to be finely analyzed
• ,= CA (Capital Adequacy) – CR (Credit Risk)
(Market Risk) – OR (Operational Risk) + CVA
(Capital Valuation Adjustment) + LR (Levera
ratio) + Mortgage
• ,= Financial consolidated reporting based o
rules. Additional requirements involved as fin
assets and off-balance sheet breakdowns
• ,= Large Exposure means acting as an overl
prevent a firm from incurring disproportion
large losses as a result of the failure of an ind
client or group of connected clients due to
occurrence of unforeseen events
• ,= Liquidity Coverage Ratio has two compo
value of the stock of high-quality liquid asse
stressed conditions and Total net cash outfl
calculated according to the scenario param
omplex environment which needs to be finely analyzed
• ,= Net Funding Stable Ratio aims to provide a
sustainable maturity structure of assets and liabili
NSFR is defined as the amount of available stable
funding relative to the amount of required stable
This ratio should be equal to at least 100% on an
going basis
• ,= Asset Encumbrance reporting mainly aims to
compare the reliance on secured funding and th
degree of structural subordination of unsecured
and depositors across institutions and to assess th
of institutions to handle funding stress
• ,= Funding Plans focuses on assessing the feasibi
viability and soundness of funding plans, as well a
impact on the supply of credit to the real econo
Moreover, supervisor expects to coordinate the
assessment of funding plans and assess their viab
across the EU banking system
• ,= Supervisory Benchmarking Portfolio shall involv
templates in order to define portfolio risk relativel
European average and based on threshold stan
nstantly changing regulatory environment
Invoke Insight #4
Insight #1
2.3 shall contain AE and Funding Plans
ments according to the most recent
Further information about a potent
postponed deadline has not yet b
confirmed. Nevertheless, we have
concerns about the level of effort f
software will have to make to mee
current timeline
Invoke Insight #3
Insight #2
A completely new type of reporting ex
for this coming April. It will reinforce the
comparability of capital requirements
ward-looking pragmatism must be the motto for 2015 !
More Amendments
More Corrections
More Technical Evolutions
Q&A clarifications
You’ll need a very definite skill-set to cope !
road to success involves finding sustainable solutions to lighten the reporti
den, alleviating time-consuming tasks and reducing complexity
Automatic data
ntegration & last
minute adjustments
Drill-down func
order to check
detail of the
displayed info
…how your IT solution should help…
XBRL formula
validation engine
and navigator
Producing and
centralizing CRD IV
XBRL reporting,
Creating additio
customized anal
nvoke solutions portfolio
Two complementary applications for end-to-end automation
omated data collection in
ping manual / direct
boarding option available
Production of regul
reports in XBRL form
direct keyboarding
e import management
wing multi-source
faces without imposing
specific format
Centralization of al
sent to the regulato
single solution
ailed data import logs of
Integrated controls
the solution
sformation rules through
cator and analytical
ension conversions
Monitoring of disclo
signed XBRL reports
Additional useful fe
include managem
user profiles, regula
calendar, statistics
and progress bars
-dimensional deduction
ranteed flexibility as no
cific development
Available for on-site
installation or as a S
solution hosted by I
and they talk about it !
The tests were successful very quickly,
and we were able to go full-XBRL with ready-touse solutions thanks to Invoke
Sylvia Guinguené – Regulatory Reporting Manager
A big attraction of Invoke was that it offered a complete
solution with significant flexibility. […] others offered packaged
software, but we still had to do all the mapping; from our point of
view, Invoke was the vendor offering the most complete, off-theshelf solution that we could plug into our existing IT systems
A secure, long-l
and efficient solution
compared with a propr
house solution. Minimizin
and long term maintena
efforts in regards of inter
Michael Bardram – Senior IT Consultant
Banking, investment and supervisory institutions – CRD IV
National Competent Authorities
Banking and investment Industr
Invoke’s added-value #1
“Dedicated in-house team of R&D
specialists supported by domain
Invoke’s added-value #2
“Trusted XBRL technology provider
to both supervisory authorities and
nsurance sector – Solvency II
FAS Regulatory S2
Invoke’s added-value #3
“Direct member of the XBRL
International consortium and Founding
Member of XBRL France, right at the
heart of the international regulatory
Filing Insurance Portal
Invoke’s added-value #4
“Unparalleled reactivity in adapting
Invoke solutions to any taxonomy”
We’ll be delighted to answer your questions !
Anne Leslie-Bini
ternational Development Leader
Antoine Bourdais
Director, Banking & Insurance Division