User Conference 2015 Schedule April 13, 2015 Monday 1:00pm - 7:30pm Registration 3:00pm - 5:00pm WebTMA Boot Camp 5:30pm - 7:30pm Networking Reception 7:30pm - 8:30pm Connect with Your TMA Sales Representative 7:30pm - 8:30pm First Time Attendee Overview April 14, 2015 Tuesday 7:00am - 8:30am Breakfast 7:30am - 8:30am Registration 9:45am - 5:30pm Computer Lab Open 8:30am - 9:30am General Session Promenade A, B, C, D Welcome & Opening John C. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, TMA Systems Gary Schaecher, Founder, TMA Systems Foyer 9:30am - 10:00am Morning Break 10:00am - 11:15am Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A What's New in WebTMA Jenny Pino & JT Young, TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Promenade B Effectively Utilizing TMA's Mobile Solutions Chris Hodgdon, Winthrop University & Derek Edwards, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am Promenade C Materials Management - Basic Darren Brown & Matt Schenck, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop W 8:30am Th 8:30am Promenade D Preventive Maintenance Coordination and Implementation Glen Johnson & Michael Webb, Missouri State University General Th 8:30am North Tulsa Ballroom WebTMA Report Manager and Core Reports - Basic Hyon Kim & Andrea Weber, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 8:30am Diplomat Request Management Solutions Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 2:30pm Executive Creating a Customer Service Mindset John C. Smith, TMA Systems General W 8:30am Directors Row 4 Mastering Key Management Gary Schaecher & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Directors Row 5 WebTMA Custodial Module - Implementation Adam Deatherage & Joe McVay, TMA Systems WebTMA W 8:30am South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA for Administrators * Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA W 1:00pm Th 2:30pm South & Central Tulsa 11:15am - 1:00pm Ballroom Lunch As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 14, 2015 Tuesday (cont.) 1:00pm - 2:15pm Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time General W 8:30am Promenade A Building Information Modeling (BIM/Revit) Pete Strazdas, Western Michigan University & Patrick Smith, TMA Systems Promenade B Managing your Organization with the Executive Dashboard Bernadine Mitchell, HSS & Andrea Weber, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop W 10:00am Promenade C Accounting in WebTMA - Basic Luis Pino & Kathy Yu, TMA Systems WebTMA W 1:00pm Promenade D TMA Desktop to WebTMA: Advantages and Process of Upgrading Steve Kim & JT Young, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Th 8:30am North Tulsa Ballroom Creating a Functional MyPage (includes Executive Dashboard) Hyon Kim & Jevon Williams, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 1:00pm F 9:00am Diplomat Using Time Management with WebTMA Adam Deatherage & Greg Paden, TMA Systems WebTMA W 1:00pm Executive Mastering Inspections in WebTMA Joe McVay & Dwight Busby, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am Directors Row 4 Case Study: Going Live with WebTMA GO Sue Van Cleve, University of New Mexico & Jenny Pino, TMA Systems WebTMA W 1:00pm Directors Row 5 Facility Scheduler, Event Scheduler, and Fleet Management Matt Sunday & Laura Llewelyn-Drake, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - Getting the Most Out of mobileTMA GO * Derek Edwards & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA W 4:45pm Foyer 2:15pm -2:30pm Afternoon Break 2:30pm - 3:45pm Industry Roundtables Product Optional Day / Time WebTMA W 2:30pm Th 10:00am Promenade A Roundtable Discussion - Healthcare Luis Pino/Kathy Yu/Kurt Seifried/Matt Huston, TMA Systems Promenade B Roundtable Discussion - Government Darren Brown/Patrick Smith/Ross Powell/Dave Whitney, TMA Systems Promenade C & D Roundtable Discussion - Education JT Young/Gary Schaecher/Tammy Hilmer/Larry Dormont/Carlos Solivan, TMA Systems Diplomat Roundtable Discussion - Corporate Mike Koenig/Tim Prado/Lenore Marlow/Dwight Busby, TMA Systems 4:00pm - 5:00pm Panel Discussions Promenade A Energy Management Module Discussion Gary Schaecher & Mike Koenig, TMA Systems Promenade B Your Ideas on Future Concepts for Development of WebTMA Darren Brown, Jenny Pino & Luis Pino, TMA Systems Promenade C & D BIM for Improving Decision-making, Quality, and Lowering Costs Pete Strazdas, Western Michigan University & Dustin Taylor, TMA Systems 4:45pm - 6:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop Workshop - Report Writer * Hyon Kim & Andrea Weber, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 14, 2015 Tuesday (cont.) South & Central Tulsa Ballroom 6:00pm - 7:00pm Dinner Promenade A,B,C,D 7:00pm - 10:00 pm Casino Night April 15, 2015 Wednesday South & Central Tulsa Ballroom 7:00am - 8:30am Breakfast North Oklahoma 8:00am - 7:00pm Computer Lab Open 8:30am - 9:45am Breakout Sessions Promenade A The Art of Effective Project Management Marty Autry, University of New Mexico Product Optional Day / Time WebTMA Desktop Th 8:30am General Th 1:00pm Promenade B Mobile Solutions Strategies Derek Edwards & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems Promenade C Materials Management - Basic Darren Brown & Matt Schenk, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Tu 10:00am Th 8:30am Promenade D Strategies for Effective Capital Planning Gary Schaecher & Todd Schaecher,TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Th 2:30pm North Tulsa Ballroom Making the Most of WebTMA GO Jenny Pino & Lenore Marlow, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 1:00pm Diplomat Building Information Modeling (BIM/Revit) Pete Strazdas, Western Michigan University & Patrick Smith, TMA Systems General Tu 1:00pm Executive Creating a Customer Service Mindset John C. Smith, TMA Systems General Tu 10:00am Directors Row 4 WebTMA Custodial Module - Implementation Adam Deatherage & Joe McVay, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 10:00am Directors Row 5 Best Practices - Getting Started - Getting Buy-in Tammy Hilmer, TMA Systems General Th 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA for Advanced Users * Andrea Weber & Dwight Busby, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Th 1:00pm Foyer 9:45am -10:00am Morning Break As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 15, 2015 Wednesday (cont.) 10:00am - 11:15am Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A iServiceDesk - Basic Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Th 8:30am Promenade B Case Study: Developing an Effective Workflow in WebTMA Doug Cussimanio, QuikTrip & Darren Brown, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am Promenade C System Administration - Basic Jevon Williams & Adam Deatherage, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 8:30am Promenade D The Power of the WebTMA Report Writer Timm Lyons, Brigham Young University - Idaho & Mike Koenig, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am North Tulsa Ballroom Configuring WebTMA's Form Attributes for Greater Efficiency Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 8:30am Diplomat Making the Most of Mapping/Location Analytics (GIS Module) John Young, Esri, Charlie Evans & Patrick Smith, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am Executive The Art of Training New Users Michelle Key, University of Colorado Boulder & Derek Edwards, TMA Systems General Th 2:30pm Directors Row 4 Managing your Organization with the Executive Dashboard Bernadine Mitchell, HSS & Andrea Weber WebTMA Desktop Tu 1:00pm Directors Row 5 Accounting in WebTMA - Advanced Luis Pino & Kathy Yu, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA GO * Jenny Pino, Lenore Marlow & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Th 8:30am F 9:00am South & Central Tulsa Ballroom 11:15am - 1:00pm Lunch 1:00pm - 2:15pm Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time General Th 10:00am Promenade A Case Study: Preventive Maintenance - Starting from Scratch Melissa Smith, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Promenade B iServiceDesk Setup and Customization - Advanced Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Th 10:00am Promenade C Accounting in WebTMA - Basic Luis Pino & Kathy Yu, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm Promenade D Case Study: Going Live with WebTMA GO Sue Van Cleve, University of New Mexico & Jenny Pino, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm North Tulsa Ballroom Concepts of a Good TMA Administrator Richard VanSchoonhoven, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater General Th 1:00pm Diplomat WebTMA Custodial Module - Overview Joe McVay & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 1:00pm Executive Using Time Management with WebTMA Adam Deatherage & Greg Paden, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm Directors Row 4 Optimizing the Contract Management Module Dwight Busby & Bill Musick, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Th 2:30pm Directors Row 5 Enhancing the IT Service Management Module Darren Brown & Gary Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA for Administrators * Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday,TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Tu 10:00am Th 2:30pm Foyer 2:15pm - 2:30pm Afternoon Break As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 15, 2015 2:30pm - 3:45pm Wednesday (cont.) Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time WebTMA Tu 10:00am General Th 1:00pm Promenade A What's New in WebTMA Jenny Pino & JT Young, TMA Systems Promenade B Exploring New Technologies in Healthcare Luis Pino, Kurt Seifried & Matt Huston, TMA Systems Promenade C Materials Management in WebTMA - Advanced Darren Brown & Matt Schenck, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 2:30pm Promenade D Strategies for Effective Capital Planning Gary Schaecher & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA W 8:30am Th 2:30pm North Tulsa Ballroom System Administration - Advanced Jevon Williams & Adam Deatherage, TMA Systems WebTMA Th 10:00am Diplomat Managing WebTMA: Best Practices Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday, TMA Systems WebTMA F 9:00am Executive Good to Great and Beyond John C. Smith, TMA Systems General Th 8:30am Directors Row 4 Mastering Key Management Gary Schaecher & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 10:00am Directors Row 5 Utilizing CAFM in WebTMA Lenore Marlow and Kathy Yu, TMA Systems WebTMA South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA Report Writer * Hyon Kim & Andrea Weber,TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Tu 4:45pm Th 10:00am 4:00pm - 5:00pm Product Optional Day / Time N Tulsa Ballroom Breakout Sessions Enhancing WebTMA's Workflow JT Young, Gary Schaecher, Jenny Pino, Luis Pino & Engineering Team, Systems 4:45pm - 6:00pm TMA Workshop South Oklahoma Workshop - Getting the Most Out of Mobile TMA * Derek Edwards & Charlie Evans,TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops AHHA 6:00pm - 10:00 pm Taste of Tulsa & Red Dirt Rangers As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. WebTMA Product Optional Day / Time WebTMA Tu 1:00pm April 16, 2015 Thursday South & Central Tulsa Ballroom 7:00am - 8:30am Breakfast North Oklahoma 8:00am - 3:45pm Computer Lab Open 8:30am - 9:45am Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A The Art of Effective Project Management Marty Autry, University of New Mexico WebTMA Desktop W 8:30am Promenade B TMA Desktop to WebTMA: Advantages and Process of Upgrading Steve Kim & JT Young, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop Tu 1:00pm Promenade C System Administration - Basic Jevon Williams & Adam Deatherage, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Promenade D Preventive Maintenenace Coordination and Implementation Glen Johnson & Michael Webb, Missouri State Unviersity General Tu 10:00am North Tulsa Ballroom Configuring WebTMA's Form Attributes for Greater Efficiency Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Diplomat WebTMA Report Manager and Core Reports - Basic Hyon Kim & Andrea Weber, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 10:00am Executive Good to Great and Beyond John C. Smith, TMA Systems General W 2:30pm Directors Row 4 Materials Management - Basic Darren Brown & Matt Schenck, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop T 10:00am W 8:30am Directors Row 5 iServiceDesk - Basic Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop W 10:00am South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA GO* Jenny Pino, Lenore Marlow & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA W 10:00am F 9:00am Foyer 9:45am -10:00am Morning Break 10:00am - 11:15am Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A System Administration - Advanced Adam Deatherage & Jevon Williams, TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Promenade B Mastering Inspections in WebTMA Joe McVay & Dwight Busby, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm Promenade C The Power of the WebTMA Report Writer Timm Lyons, Brigham Young University - Idaho & Mike Koenig, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Promenade D Effectively Utilizing TMA's Mobile Solutions Chris Hodgdon, Winthrop University & Derek Edwards, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 10:00am North Tulsa Ballroom Case Study: Developing an Effective Workflow in WebTMA Doug Cussimanio, QuikTrip & Darren Brown, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Diplomat Case Study: Preventive Maintenance - Starting from Scratch Melissa Smith, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire General W 1:00pm Executive Accounting in WebTMA - Advanced Luis Pino & Kathy Yu, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Directors Row 4 Making the Most of Mapping/Location Analytics (GIS Module) John Young, Esri, Charlie Evans & Patrick Smith, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Directors Row 5 iServiceDesk Setup and Customization - Advanced Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop W 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA Report Writer* Hyon Kim & Andrea Weber, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Tu 4:45pm W 2:30pm South & Central Tulsa Ballroom 11:15am - 1:00pm Lunch As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 16, 2015 Thursday (cont.) 1:00pm - 2:15pm Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time General W 8:30am WebTMA Desktop W 2:30pm General W 8:30am Promenade A Best Practices - Getting Started - Getting Buy-in Tammy Hilmer, TMA Systems Promenade B Exploring New Technologies in Healthcare Luis Pino, Kurt Seifried & Matt Huston, TMA Systems Promenade C Mobile Solutions Strategies Derek Edwards & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems Promenade D Making the Most of WebTMA GO Jenny Pino & Lenore Marlow, TMA Systems WebTMA W 8:30am North Tulsa Ballroom Creating a Functional MyPage (Includes Executive Dashboard) Hyon Kim & Jevon Williams, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm F 9:00am Diplomat Enhancing the IT Service Management Module Darren Brown & Gary Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA W 1:00pm Executive Concepts of a Good TMA Administrator Richard VanSchoonhoven, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater General W 1:00pm Directors Row 4 WebTMA Custodial Module Joe McVay & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA W 1:00pm Directors Row 5 Facility Scheduler, Event Scheduler and Fleet Management Matt Sunday & Laura Llewelyn-Drake, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA for Advanced Users* Andrea Weber & Dwight Busby, TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA W 8:30am Foyer 2:15pm -2:30pm Afternoon Break 2:30pm - 3:45pm Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A Materials Management - Advanced Darren Brown & Matt Schenck, TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Promenade B Strategies for Effective Capital Planning Gary Schaecher & Todd Schaecher, TMA Systems WebTMA W 8:30am W 2:30pm Promenade C The Art of Training New Users Michelle Key, University of Colorado Boulder & Derek Edwards, TMA Systems General W 10:00am Promenade D Optimizing the Contract Management Module Dwight Busby & Bill Musick, TMA Systems WebTMA Desktop W 1:00pm Diplomat Request Management Solutions Tim Prado & Dan Maddux, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 10:00am South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA for Administrators * Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday,TMA Systems *Pre-registration required for all workshops WebTMA Tu 10:00am W 1:00pm Promenade A, B, C, D 4:00pm - 4:30pm Conference Closing As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change. April 17, 2015 North Oklahoma Friday Bonus Sessions 8:00am - 10:30am Computer Lab Open 9:00am - 10:30am Breakout Sessions Product Optional Day / Time Promenade A Managing WebTMA: Best Practices Tammy Hilmer & Matt Sunday, TMA Systems WebTMA W 2:30pm Promenade B Creating a Functional MyPage (Includes Executive Dashboard) Hyon Kim & Jevon Williams, TMA Systems WebTMA Tu 1:00pm Th 1:00pm South Oklahoma Workshop - WebTMA GO* Jenny Pino, Lenore Marlow & Charlie Evans, TMA Systems WebTMA W 10:00am Th 8:30am As of 2/24/15 - Session and Schedule Information is subject to change.
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