X ISME Latin American Regional Conference of Music Education III

X ISME Latin American Regional Conference of Music Education
III ISME Pan American Regional Conference of Music Education
ISME - International Society for Music Education
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32
Lima, August 4-7, 2015.
Call for papers
The Faculty of Performing Arts, through its Music Program, at the Pontifical
Catholic University of Peru, PUCP, is pleased to invite you to the 10th Latin
American Regional Conference of Music Education, and the 3rd Pan American
Regional Conference of the International Society of Music Education (ISME).
Both events aim to facilitate reflection and debate, through research
presentations, practice-based experiences, keynote presentations, concerts
and workshops, in which the current situation and challenges of music
education in the Americas will be addressed.
The events will be articulated based on the following specific topics:
Learning practices in music education
Teacher training in music education
Music education, citizenship and communities
Music education and educational policies
Music education and interdisciplinarity
Theoretical foundations for music education
Music education, technology, and new media
Music education and labor market
Types of Proposals
Participants will have the possibility to present ongoing research studies,
completed research studies, practice-based experiences, theoretical
reflections, workshops, courses or artistic activities, framed within one of the
event’s areas of focus. The types of proposals are:
1) Spoken Papers
Proposals for spoken papers should be submitted in a text of no more than
2000 words (without including abstract and bibliography). The document
must be written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, all margins at 2
cm, as a Word, rtf, or pdf file. The text shall explain a problem, objectives,
theoretical framework and methodology. In addition, it shall inform the main
Approved proposals should be presented in 25 minutes, considering 15
minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes to answer questions and
comments. The Organizing Committee will establish location, date, and time.
For the presentation, at least one of authors of the selected work should
attend the conference.
2) Posters
Poster presentation proposals should be submitted with a text of no more
than 2000 words (without including abstract and bibliographic references).
The proposals must be written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, all
margins at 2 cm, and submitted as a Word, rtf, or pdf file. The text must
explain a problem, objectives, theoretical framework, and methodology. In
addition, it shall inform the main obtained results.
Posters should be presented in the place, date, and time specially established
by the Organizing Committee. At least one participant per work should
attend the conference for the poster presentation.
3) Symposium
The symposium proposals should be submitted in text that includes the
presentation of three participants with no more than 6000 words (without
including abstract and bibliographic references), or three texts with no more
than 2000 words each. Similarly, these documents must be written in Times
New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, all margins at 2 cm, and submitted as a
Word, rtf or pdf file. The text –or texts- must explain a problem, objectives,
theoretical frameworks and methodology. Similarly, it has to inform about
the main results.
Each symposium will be presented for one hour and twenty minutes (60
minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion, questions, and
comments) in the place, date, and time established by the Organizing
Committee. At least two participants must attend the conference for the
symposium presentation.
4) Workshops and courses
Workshop or course proposals should be submitted in a text of no more than
2000 words, written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, all margins at
2 cm, in a Word, rtf or pdf file. The document should include a summary of
the work that will be developed, workshop objectives, content, methodology,
and bibliographic references supporting the proposal. In addition, it should
include a brief resume (200 words) of researches who will lead the activity,
the target population, and an indication of technical elements required for its
Each workshop or course should be conducted for three days. They
shall last four hours and a half in total (one hour and a half per day). The
Organizing Committee will define place, date and hour.
5) Artistic activity
The proposals for artistic activities during the event must be submitted
through a text of no more than 700 words. As previously described, the
document must be written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, and all
margins at 2 cm. It should be submitted as a Word, rtf or pdf file. The
proposal must include a summary of the activity, objectives, repertoire, and
number of participants. In addition, the proposal must include a brief resume
of the ensemble or individual participants (300 words) as well as an MP3
recording of the artistic activity.
Artistic activities should last no more than fifteen minutes. Due to space
limitations, there shall be no more than twenty participants per group.
Acoustic presentations without electronic equipment, such as amplifiers,
microphones and others of the same nature will be preferred. The Organizing
Committee will determined the place, date, and time for the activity.
The Conference official languages are Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
Participants may submit their works in the preferred language they, but it is
suggested that any visual material presented on screen be written in a
different language. This recommendation aims at extending communication
to a larger number of participants, describing essential aspects of each
presentation. The following table presents the suggested languages:
Text Language
Language in the screen presentation
English or Spanish
Submission of proposals
All proposals must be submitted between February 15 and March 31, 2015,
through the presentation platform available on the website:
Notice of accepted proposals
All proposals accepted for presentation will be posted on May 1st, 2015, in
the conference website: http://congreso.pucp.edu.pe/isme/, in the
corresponding section and through e-mail sent to the selected participants.
Participant Registration
Registration for the event will be opened from May 1, 2015.
Participants with approved proposals shall register no later than May 30,
2015, to make sure that their proposals are published in the Conference
The registration form will be available on the event’s website following the
respective instructions.
For any additional information or questions, write to: isme2015@pucp.pe