minimally I N VA S I V E I N M O R E W AY S T H A N O N E . TO YOUR SURGERY, OFFSET DILATING TIP Imagine a bright future of quality surgical 1 devices as minimally invasive to your patients as they are to your bottom line . EntriPort™ Trocars OFFSET OPTICAL PORT – Innovative devices that provide access for minimally invasive 2 surgical procedures. Since EntriPort Trocars are a fundamental technology for MIS, we believe our improvements will benefit patient care . By paying attention to the details of how you work, we have developed new designs to give you access AUTO ALIGNMENT Our philosophy great devices to impro o and offer customizz reduce e 3 to surgery that runs as seamlessly as possible. [ Entri Port *bladed TOP T OP & BOTTOM TTOM SEALS S EALS 4 [ Entri Port non-bladed 1 2 3 4 Offset Dilating Tip: offers atraumatic sweeping blunt dissection. Offset Optical Port: offers wide & clear viewing area to increase visualization. *bladed Auto Alignment: precisely places the obturator in optimal alignment with the cannula. Top & Bottom Seals: reliable top seal follows the movement of the shaft, minimizing loss of pneumo. FULL LINE OF TROCARS includes both non-bladed and bladed trocar options and YOUR BOTTOM LINE. EntriPort™ Trocars – Think of how many trocars you use - three to five during each minimally invasive surgery. Our comprehensive breadth of options helps your surgical team standardize and is sim simple mple - make o ove ve pa patient tient outcomes zzed ed so solutions lutions that e cost. transition to EntriPort for every minimally invasive surgical specialty. s We think about two things – how can improve surgical practice im our devices in the operating room, and how can c we provide financial solutions that help you achieve your goals. ALSO AVAILABLE FROM CONMED’S FULL-SPECTRUM SUITE OF PRODUCTS: UNIVERSAL PLUS® M U LT I F U N C T I O N S Y S T E M an electrosurgical and high-volume suction/irrigation system designed for endoscopic procedures D E TA C H AT I P ® I I I S Y S T E M a suite of high-performance, reliable and cost-effective multi-use laparoscopic instruments 3DHD & 2DHD V I S U A L I Z AT I O N S Y S T E M ent r ip or t . conm e m Our philosophy is simple — make great devices to improve patient outcomes and offer customized solutions that reduce cost. e n t r i p or t .c on m e d .c om Learn how we’re advancing the future of minimally invasive surgery. Together. Custome r S e r vic e : 1-800-448-6506 | I n t e r n a t i o n a l Sa l e s : +1(315) 797-8375 MCM2014183 Rev C
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