Further advancing the throughput of a multi-beam SEM Thomas Kemen1, Matt Malloy2, Brad Thiel3, Shawn Mikula4, Winfried Denk4, Gregor Dellemann1, and Dirk Zeidler1,* 1 Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 22, 73447 Oberkochen, Germany SEMATECH, 57 Fuller Rd, Suite 2200, Albany, NY 12203, USA 3 SUNY Polytechnic Institute, 257 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12203, USA 4 Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Jahnstr. 29, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany 2 *dirk.zeidler@zeiss.com; phone +49 7364 20-9138; fax +49 7364 20-9456; http://www.zeiss.com/multisem ABSTRACT Multiple electron beam SEMs enable detecting structures of few nanometer in diameter at much higher throughputs than possible with single beam electron microscopes at comparable electron probe parameters. Although recent multiple beam SEM development has already demonstrated a large speed increase1, higher throughputs are still required to match the needs of many semiconductor applications2. We demonstrate the next step in the development of multi-beam SEMs by increasing the number of beams and the current per beam. The modularity of the multi-beam concept ensures that design changes in the multi-beam SEM are minimized. Keywords: Multi-beam, SEM, high speed imaging, beam splitter 1. INTRODUCTION With the continuing decrease of structure size in semiconductor devices, there is a need for measuring and detecting nanoscale patterns and defects3. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based technologies can resolve these structures, but have not been able to achieve the throughput requirements for screening large areas yet due to physical limitations such as the maximum achievable detector bandwidth for high-efficiency detectors and Coulomb interactions between electrons. We have recently reported on a multi-beam SEM that uses 61 parallel electron beams in a single column to bypass or alleviate these limitations4. Imaging of large areas such as semiconductor wafers, or large volumes of biological tissue at high resolution, though, requires that the throughput be increased beyond the level already demonstrated. Here, we report on the next step in the development of the multiple-beam SEM that incorporates 91 beams. 2. MULTI-BEAM ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 2.1 Throughput limitations of single-beam SEMs The maximum achievable scan speed of any conventional SEM is ultimately limited by the electron dose per pixel required to generate a desired minimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at a pre-defined spot size5. In conventional electron microscopic imaging, the goal is usually to obtain the optimal resolution and contrast for all images, with a beam size smaller than the feature size. In high-throughput electron microscopy, beam size, scan pixel size, and electron dose per pixel all have to be chosen such that a good-enough SNR is achieved at the maximum possible data acquisition rate. Two fundamental effects limit the minimum pixel dwell time of single beam SEMs. First, reducing the dwell time per pixel while retaining SNR requires increasing the beam current. This ultimately will lead to increasing Coulomb interactions between the electrons, thereby blurring the electron beam and reducing the resolution at the sample. Second, efficient Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXIX, edited by Jason P. Cain, Martha I. Sanchez, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424, 94241U · © 2015 SPIE CCC code: 0277-786X/15/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2188560 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424 94241U-1 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/16/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms detectors for secondary electrons in an SEM cannot be operated faithfully at arbitrarily high rates because of detector decay times. Another limit for the dwell time per pixel is therefore the bandwidth of the electron detector. 2.2 Principle of operation of the multi-beam SEM Figure 1 demonstrates the basic principle of operation for the multi-beam SEM: An array of electron beams generated by a multi-beam source is focused by a lens arrangement onto the specimen to form a regular pattern of N primary electron spots. The secondary electrons (SE) that emanate from each primary electron spot are projected via another lens arrangement onto a multi-detector that records all beams simultaneously. A magnetic beam splitter separates primary and secondary electron beams. The bundle of electron beams is scanned over the sample, and the secondary electron yield is recorded for each scan position (Figure 2), just as in any conventional SEM. One single scanning pass thus produces many images in parallel, yielding a complete image of the field of view underneath the primary beam array that can contain up to one Billion pixels. With multiple electron beams in a single column, Coulomb interactions will be lower than within a single-beam configuration, as the charge is distributed among many beams and therefore spread over a larger volume. Multi-beam configurations therefore are able to maintain high resolution and high total current at the same time. Having a dedicated detector for each beam bypasses the detector bandwidth limit. The total possible detector bandwidth of the multiple beam SEM is the single detector bandwidth times the number of beams. With this setup, the multi-beam SEM is prepared for future single-beam SEM detector technology improvements that might feature higher bandwidths per detector. The electron optical design ensures that almost all secondary electrons are guided to the multi-detector to obtain the best possible SNR at a given primary beam current. This means that primary electrons are very efficiently used to generate a secondary electron signal, ensuring a minimum electron beam damage of the sample. Projector Multi-Detector Multi-Beam Source Beam Splitter .. Bo- Illumination Detection Objective Sample Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the multi-beam SEM. Primary electrons (solid lines) are focused onto the sample and separated by a beam splitter from the secondary electrons (dotted lines) that are detected simultaneously. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424 94241U-2 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/16/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Ir e j.ii. I ir O I I Figure 2. Multi-beam SE EM principle off operation. Thee left image shows the secondaary electron spoots at the detecto or plane. Each spott corresponds too one emitted seecondary beam acquired by on ne detector. All beams are scannned concurrenttly. As an example, the beams markked in dark andd light blue simuultaneously acq quire the imagess marked in darrk and light bluee, respectiveely. The right im mage shows a montage m of the 91 9 single-beam m images recordeed in one shot w with a total field d of view of about 200 2 µm (samplee: etched siliconn test chip, desccribed in more detail d in figure 4). 2.3 Scaling of o the multiple beam apprroach To advance thhe throughputt of the multi--beam SEM, we w further inccreased the nuumber of beam ms and detecto ors from 61 too 91. At the saame time, the current per beam b could bee increased frrom about 600 pA to moree than 3 nA per p beam. Thee higher beam current ensuures that a goood SNR is achieved a even n for fast scaan rates. The total usable beam currennt increases by about a a factorr of seven, thee total field off view (FoV) by factor of tw wo, as the disstance between n the beams at a the sample haas been increaased to 18 µm m. Due to the higher Coulo omb effect andd the larger F FoV, the beam m probe size iss expected to increase slighhtly. This hass been experiimentally verrified, as show wn by the appplication datta in the nexxt paragraph. Other O than incrreasing the nuumber of deteectors and insserting a 91-bbeam source into the electrron optics thaat features higher current perr beam, no chaanges to the multi-beam m SE EM design haave been requiired. This dem monstrates thaat the single-collumn, multiplle beam conceept ensures siimple scalabillity. We expecct this conceppt to be adaptable for muchh higher beam numbers n still. 3. APPL LICATION RESULTS R The further increase of imaging i speeed of the 91--beam SEM provides thee next step fo for electron microscopy m too applications where w both high h resolutionn and large scan s area are required. Wee demonstratee this at two examples, thee imaging of brrain tissue andd the imaging of a semicondductor test retiicle. 3.1 Imagingg of brain tissue For imaging of biologicall samples theere is an incrreasing need to image largge volumes oof biological tissue at highh gans or evenn whole orgaans. Examples include thee resolution too gain insightt into the fuunctioning off parts of org understandingg of neural ciircuits 6,7 and the analysis of extended cellular c structuures 8. The reesolution that is required too obtain inform mation at suffiiciently detaileed level can only o be obtain ned by electroon microscopyy. With singlee beam SEMss, the currently achievable daata acquisitionn rates are tooo low to accom mmodate even modestly siized volumes. For examplee, imaging a bloock of tissue of o 2 mm side length with ann isotropic vo oxel size of 100 nm would reesult in about 8 Petabytes of data. At a datta acquisitionn rate of 20 MHz, M this resullts in a total acquisition a tim me of about 12 years, even n before takingg into account any overheadd times. As a consequence,, EM studies are restrictedd to smaller arreas, giving only o a keyholee view of a hugge cellular andd macroscopicc context, whiich in the brain n spans over several s mm. F Figure 3 show ws a sub-regionn from a coronnal block-face of an osmium m-stained moouse brain imaaged with thee 91-beam SE EM at a pixel dwell time of 50ns. The strructures of intterest are resoolved well, andd, due to the increased currrent, a good S SNR is achiev ved at this fasst scan rate. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424 94241U-3 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/16/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms a ,_, ,,.4 ..,; Figure 3. Cereebral cortex of mouse m brain (bblock-face), sam mple by Winfried Denk and Shawn S Mikula, Max Planck So ociety, showingg unmyelinated neuronal n and gllial processes and neuronal nuuclei, acquired by the 91-beam m multi-beam S SEM with 273 nA n total currentt, dwell time 50nns. A 1-2 nm cooat of palladium m has been evapporated onto thee block-face to dissipate d chargiing 9. Inset lower right: 6 µm x 5 µm single-beeam sub-image,, detail of the fuull multi-beam image. i 3.2 Imagingg of semicond ductors samplles To demonstrrate the capabbilities of thee multi-beam SEM for sem miconductor samples, s we imaged etcheed silicon tesst calibration strructures. Figuure 4 shows thhat, despite thhe much higheer current in thhe electron opttical column, the test reticlee is resolved well w and that the resolutionn variation beetween the beeams is small.. Due to the combination of high probee current and high detection efficiency, aggain a good SN NR is achieved d even for sm mall pixel dwelll times. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424 94241U-4 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/16/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms n Figure 4: Test chip show wing a hexagonaal arrangement of calibration structures for tool adjustments.. The structuress are printed inn an e-beam direect write lithogrraphy process with w a high placcement precisionn, etched in SiO O2 on a Si-substtrate, and finally coaated with a com mpletely conducctive layer, width of image: 20 00 µm. Inset low wer right: 18 µm m x 16 µm sing gle-beam sub-imagee, detail of the full f multi-beam m image. Imaginng has been perfformed with thee 91-beam SEM M at a total currrent of 273nA annd a dwell time of 50ns. 4. SUMM MARY AND OUTLOOK K We have dem monstrated thaat the multi-beeam SEM conccept that uses a single electtron optical coolumn and mu ultiple electronn beams for paarallel image acquisition a is scalable to higher h beam numbers n and beam b currentss while mainttaining a goodd image qualityy. This scalability ensures that t the multi--beam SEM approach a will be able to meeet future thro oughput needss in neurosciennce research ass well as otherr fields, such as a semiconducctor applicatioons. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9424 94241U-5 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/16/2015 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms REFERENCES [1] Keller, A. L., Zeidler, D. and Kemen, T., “High throughput data acquisition with a multi-beam SEM,” Proc. SPIE 9236, (2014) [doi:10.1117/12.2069119]. [2] Thiel, B. et al., “Assessing the viability of multi-electron beam wafer inspection for sub-20nm defects,” Proc. SPIE 9236, (2014) [doi:10.1117/12.2069302]. 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