16th Annual Racing to Recovery Gala Sponsorship Opportunities Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser Event Information What/Where/When Conquer Paralysis Now’s 16th annual Racing to Recovery Gala will be held on May 23, 2015, at the Lucas Estate in Carmel, Indiana. The evening begins at 5 PM with a cocktail reception. Guests will enjoy dinner, fine food, and live entertainment. Who More than 700 guests are expected to attend including corporate sponsors, drivers, racing professionals, business, and community leaders. Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor Presenting Sponsor: The General Sponsor: The Colonel Sponsor: The Major Sponsor: The Captain Sponsor: The 1st Lieutenant Sponsor: The Sergeant Sponsor: Individual/Additional Tickets: $100,000 $50,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 $250 Event History The Racing to Recovery Gala is one of the premier spinal cord injury fundraising events both locally and across the nation. The Gala raises funds for spinal cord research to develop treatments to provide significant improvements in the quality of life for patients and to ultimately achieve a cure by 2025. Public Recognition Your participation in the Racing to Recovery Gala includes public recognition through our event collateral and media partner promotion. Why According to a study initiated by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, there are nearly 1 in 50 people—approximately 6 million people—living with some form of paralysis in the United States. Of that number, roughly 1,275,000 people are spinal cord injured. Spinal cord injury (SCI) occurs when there is any damage to the spinal cord that blocks communication between the brain and the body resulting from trauma (e.g., a car crash) or from disease or degeneration (e.g., cancer). After SCI, a person’s sensory, motor, and reflex messages are affected and may not be able to travel beyond the damage in the spinal cord. Although many important developments in spinal cord research and treatment are underway, the fact is that tangible progress is slow in coming. It is imperative that we accelerate progress now to improve the lives and futures of these individuals. CPN is committed to providing significant improvements in the quality of life for patients and to ultimately achieve a cure. Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser About Conquer Paralysis Now History In 2000, Sam Schmidt, an Indy Racing League team owner and former racecar driver, became a quadriplegic after sustaining a C-3/4/5 spinal cord injury in a test-driving accident in Orlando. That same year, he founded the Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation (SSPF) to fund medical research and support programs that provide resources to spinal cord injured people. Fourteen years after his accident, Sam Schmidt has built a racing empire from his wheelchair and SSPF raised more than $8 million for spinal cord research. In 2014, SSPF changed its name to Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) to better reflect its mission to cure paralysis. Sam’s dream is to walk his daughter down the aisle when she gets married, and see others like himself achieve their dreams. Fueled by this passion, Sam has devoted his life and energy to finding a cure for paralysis and spinal cord injury. Mission CPN, its Board, and a team of over 40 researchers believe that a cure for spinal cord injury is possible within the next decade, and are determined to reach that ambitious goal. Conquer Paralysis Now funds scientific research, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and technological advances that lead us toward a cure—whether through positive advances or failures that help guide the next effort. Research On the foundation of the research SSPF and others have funded for the last 10 years, CPN is now focused on a novel and bold initiative, the CPN Challenge Program, designed to fuel major breakthroughs in the field of SCI research through the use of grants and prize competitions. The CPN Challenge Program redefines the way we think about research funding and creates a new model for scientific advancement and discovery—one that encourages cooperation among fields; recognizes failure as part of progress; and rewards results rather than “good intentions.” CPN believes the funding structure and collaborative nature of the CPN Challenge Program will speed the pace of progress in order to achieve a cure for paralysis within the next decade. The CPN Challenge Program The CPN Challenge Program will award up to $19,320,000 in total grants, awards, and prizes over a ten-year period. The final $10 million prize will be awarded to the first team that realizes unprecedented improvement in functionality of people living with SCI. Prizes This results-oriented initiative will be executed in three distinct stages, representing increased complexity of development and knowledge transfer among researchers at each level. As the Challenge unfolds, the prize money will increase according to the complexity and maturity of the proposal ideas. Stage I has been launched with the ambition of providing seed funding to a wide range of non-traditional approaches. Applications are now open. Two of each grant are available in six categories: New Investigator, Collaboration, Crossover, Translation, Out-of-the-Box, and Reaching and Grasping. Stage I grants will recur annually for the first six years of the Challenge program. Following this, Stage II will set significant milestone prizes for translating basic science into animal and human application. Together, these stages will guide the community toward the final $10 million prize in Stage III. Recognizing that failure is an integral part of success, the CPN Challenge Program will also award 120 Trial and Error prizes to those researchers who publish their negative results. This incentive is designed to save time, money, and effort by minimizing duplication of experiments. In addition to financial awards, winners Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser will be provided with special mentoring opportunities with top researchers in the SCI field, and possibly receive an invitation to present their projects at the corresponding annual event. Goals The goal of the Conquer Paralysis Now Challenge Program is to accelerate the development of treatments for spinal cord injury in order to provide significant improvements in patients’ quality of life. The program aim to: 1) attract submissions from various disciplines—science, business, and technology; 2) foster collaboration; and 3) drive large-scale competition to find a cure for paralysis and SCI. The Campaign for Conquer Paralysis Now To achieve the ambitious goals set forth in the CPN Challenge Program, Conquer Paralysis Now is poised to launch a major campaign to raise $35 million to build capacity, support infrastructure, and fund awards, prizes, and grants over the next ten years. In addition, the Foundation plans to raise $5 million for an endowment fund to ensure the sustainability of the Foundation. Funding will be provided through an innovative model that will attract both the philanthropic community as well as private sector initiatives. Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser Title Sponsor $100,000 The Title Sponsor is dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. A title sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Exclusive to one sponsor. Recognition Benefits $30,000 of sponsorship commitment applied to CPN Challenge Program fund at the event Recognized as a lead mission gift supporter night of event Prominent recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on save-the-date as the premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [deadline January 15, 2015] Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual will receive two full page program ads: the inside front cover (in color) and a b/w page in the night-of-event program book [Deadline May 1, 2015] Letter in program book to guests Company/Individual name printed on the night of event signage with prominent positioning [deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the Foundation website Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium at the event Recognition plaque to Title Sponsor, with opportunity for CEO to speak Inclusion in pre-event media and communications Company qualifies as a Foundation sponsor Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 120 tickets VIP Seating 2 SCI tickets Pre-Event Meet and Great Reception Selection of complimentary photographs with Sam Schmidt, Chairman of the Board of CPN, and honored guests Inclusion in the on stage awards presentation Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser Presenting Sponsor $50,000 The Presenting Sponsor is dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. A presenting sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Exclusive to one sponsor. Recognition Benefits Prominent recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on save-the-date as the premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline January 15, 2015] Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual will receive two full page program ads: the back outside cover (in color) and a b/w page in the night-of-event program book [Deadline May 1, 2015] Letter in program book to guests Company/Individual name printed on the night of event signage [Deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium at the event Inclusion in pre-event media and communications Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 40 tickets Reserved Seating 2 SCI tickets Selection of complimentary photographs with Sam Schmidt, Chairman of the Board of CPN, and honored guests Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The General Sponsor $20,000 The General Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as a premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual will receive two full page b/w program ads [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual name printed on night of event signage [Deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 20 tickets Reserved Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The Colonel $15,000 The Colonel Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual receives one full page b/w program ad [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual name printed on night of event signage [Deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 15 tickets Reserved Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The Major $10,000 The Major Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as premier Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual receives one full page b/w program ad [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual printed on night of event signage [Deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 10 tickets Reserved Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The Captain Sponsor $7,500 The Captain Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual name printed on the event invitation as Racing to Recovery Gala sponsor [Deadline February 23, 2015] Company/Individual receives one full page b/w program ad [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual printed on night of event signage [Deadline May 8, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Verbal recognition from podium Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 8 tickets, Open Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The 1st Lieutenant Sponsor $5,000 The 1st Lieutenant Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual receives ½ page b/w program ad [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 4 tickets, Open Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser The Sergeant Sponsor $2,500 The Sergeant Sponsors are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable event to help Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) realize its mission of curing spinal cord injury and improving the lives of those living with paralysis. This sponsorship is a unique opportunity for a corporation/individual to join CPN in the ambitious goal of conquering paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. Multiple opportunities available. Recognition Benefits Recognition throughout event materials include but are not limited to: Company/Individual receives ¼ page b/w program ad [Deadline May 1, 2015] Company/Individual name and logo will appear on the event website Recognition on social media Logo on digital loop Participation Benefits 2 tickets, Open Seating 2 SCI tickets Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org 2015 CPN Racing to Recovery Fundraiser 2015 Sponsorships AS IT WILL APPEAR IN PRINT Company/Individual Name: __________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION Assistant’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ Assistant’s Phone: __________________________________________________________________ Assistant’s Email: __________________________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP LEVELS $100,000 $50,000 $20,000 $15,000 Title Sponsor Presenting Sponsor The General Sponsor The Colonel Sponsor $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 The Major Sponsor The Captain Sponsor The 1st Lieutenant Sponsor The Sergeant Sponsor Individual/Additional Tickets are available for $250 PROGRAM AD INFORMATION: Sizes Prices (if purchased separately) Full Page: 6" W x 7.5" H Half Page: 6" W x 3.5" H Quarter Page: 6" W x 1.75" H Full Page: $500 Half Page: $250 Quarter Page: $125 I would like to make a donation to the 2015 Racing to Recovery Gala in the amount of $ _____________ . Please mail or email this form to the Conquer Paralysis office using the contact information listed below. Event Date: May 23, 2015 For additional information please contact: Event Location: Lucas Estate Conquer Paralysis Now PO Box 3661 Princeton, NJ 08543 1143 W 116th Street Carmel, IN T: 609-737-1919 E: dcalle@conquerparalysisnow.org W: www.conquerparalysisnow.org
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