Continence Foundation of Australia
Victoria Branch
State Conference
Grange Bellinzona I Hepburn Springs
Friday 29 May 2015
Victorian Continence Resource Centre is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC program
Invitation to attend
The Continence Foundation of Australia Victoria Branch is pleased to present our fourth one day State Conference
for health professionals with a special interest in continence management. The theme for the 2015 State
Conference is The Productive Years: continence care for women and children.
We anticipate attendance of approximately 150 delegates from both regional Victoria and Melbourne. The
program will appeal to continence and pelvic floor physiotherapists, continence nurse consultants, maternal and
child health nurses, midwives, general practitioners, and other allied health professionals. The State Conference
will include a comprehensive industry exhibition.
The State Conference will provide you with the opportunity to network and grow your knowledge and skills. We
look forward to seeing you in Hepburn Springs, Friday 29 May 2015!
Please direct all enquiries to: Aimee Simmens, Health Promotion Officer I I P: 03 9816 8266 I F: 03 9853 9727
Kind Regards,
Continence Foundation of Australia – Victoria Branch
DATE: Friday 29 May 2015
VENUE: Grange Bellinzona, 77 Main Rd, Hepburn Springs
THEME: The Productive Years: continence care for women and children
Organising Committee
Lisa Wragg
Aimee Simmens
Terry Wesselink
Libby Oldfield
Karen McKertich
Executive Officer, Victorian Continence Resource Centre
Health Promotion Officer, Victorian Continence Resource Centre
Continence Promotion Officer/ Physiotherapist, Victorian Continence Resource Centre
Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Fitwise Physiotherapy
Urologist, Alfred Hospital and Cabrini Hospital
Photography provided by Danielle Miner and Grange Bellinzona
Invited speakers
Dr Stephen Cole - Obstetrician
Dr Stephen Cole is an obstetrician and RANZCOG-certified sub-specialist in Maternal-Fetal
Medicine. He graduated in Medicine from the University of Melbourne in 1992, having taken a year
off during his studies to travel and work in Africa. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the
Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, and also trained at the Geelong Hospital, and the John Hunter
Hospital in Newcastle, NSW. He also undertook his sub-speciality training in Maternal-Fetal
Medicine and obstetric ultrasound at the John Hunter Hospital.
Dr Cole is in private obstetric and maternal-fetal medicine practice at Freemasons Hospital, East
Melbourne. He is also on staff at the Royal Women’s Hospital, where he is a consultant in MaternalFetal Medicine and Ultrasound. His particular interests are multiple pregnancy and
isoimmunisation. He has also helped to pioneer the exciting field of fetal surgery in Australia, being
a founding member of the Victorian Fetal Therapy Service. His research interests include preterm
labour, multiple pregnancy, and Vitamin D in pregnancy.
Gen McGlashan - Specialist Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist
Gen McGlashan is a Specialist Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist and Co-Director of
Fitwise Physiotherapy, a large Women’s Health and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation private
physiotherapy clinic in Melbourne. She is a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists, and
is Chair of the Professional Practice Standards Committee of the Continence and Women’s Health
Group, Australian Physiotherapy Association. She completed postgraduate qualifications in
Continence and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Exercise for Women at University of Melbourne in
Gen has 20 years of experience delivering postnatal physiotherapy via her association with Epworth
Freemasons Maternity, a private maternity hospital in Melbourne. She has expertise and a special
interest in Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, and exercise programs for women of all
ages. She also enjoys lecturing and clinical supervision for undergraduate and postgraduate
physiotherapy students.
Jodie Hutchins – Midwife, Maternal and Child Health Nurse
Jodie commenced her nursing career with General Nursing training straight from school in 1979 at
the then Hamilton Base Hospital. Jodie’s Midwifery training was completed at the Royal Women’s
Hospital in Melbourne. A “near” neonatal death prompted her to complete the Neonatal Paediatric
Course, at the Royal Women’s Hospital. The birth of Jodie’s daughter prompted her to become
more interested in breastfeeding, qualifying as a Breastfeeding Counsellor for Australia
Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and then sitting the exam for International Board of Certification
Lactation Consultants (IBCLC). A friend of Jodie’s encouraged her to complete the Postgraduate
Diploma of Nursing in Child, Family and Community as well Nurse Immuniser.
Presently Jodie is working as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse for the Glenelg Shire Council. After
working in various rural Hospital settings, as a Midwife, including case load midwifery and working
in the community, Jodie has experienced “first hand” the impact of what pregnancy and childbirth
can have on the woman’s body.
Invited speakers
Nadia Walton – Continence Nurse Consultant
Nadia is a post graduate trained Continence Clinical Nurse Consultant, who sees children with
developmental disabilities who are experiencing continence problems. She is employed at the
Peninsula Health Continence Service in Mornington, Victoria and has sole responsibility for
management of the Department of Human Services (DHS) funded Continence Support Service for
children with special needs. In 2012, Nadia was a lead in the initial self-assessment to enable the clinic
to be registered as a disability service provider with DHS.
Nadia has written for two Benchmarque Group continence courses, Graduate Certificate in Continence
Promotion and Management and the disability elective unit for Certificate II in Continence Promotion
and Care, and facilitated the delivery of the Cert II pilot program in 2013. Nadia has been committed to
nursing for seventeen years in a variety of settings, including paediatric and adult emergency and
community nursing.
Prof Yves Heloury – Paediatric Urologist
Yves Heloury is a Paediatric Urologist at The Royal Children's Hospital and at Monash Children’s,
Melbourne. He is Professor of Paediatric Surgery in France, in delegation in Australia. Yves is a Fellow of
the European Academy of Paediatric Urology and has worked for more than 20 years at the Nantes
University Hospital in France as Head of Department of Paediatric Surgery. Yves was also the Medical
Director of Nantes University Hospital and President of the French College of Paediatric Surgery. He is
Fellow of the Royal Australasia College of Surgeons and member of the board of the Asian Pacific
Association of Pediatric Urology. He is the Medical Director of the Victorian Pediatric Integrated Cancer
Yves is mainly involved in the management of urinary (bladder exstrophy, neurogenic bladder, posterior
urethral valve etc.,) and genital malformations (hypospadias). He is the leader in uro-genital tumour
surgery (Wilms, neuroblastomas). Yves is a co-author of more than one hundred and ten referenced
papers with a special interest in laparoscopy and oncology.
Prof John Hutson – Professor in Paediatric Surgery
Professor Hutson graduated from Monash University in 1972 and trained in Paediatric Surgery at the
Alfred and Royal Children’s Hospitals (1973-1980). He then spent 3 years at Harvard Medical School as a
Surgical Research Fellow before a further clinical year at Yorkhill Children’s Hospital in Glasgow. He
returned to Melbourne and commenced as a consultant paediatric surgeon in 1984. He began research
interests in sexual development and testicular descent and started working on the cause of chronic
constipation in 1993.
He was appointed Professor/Director of General Surgery in 1993 and Chair of Paediatric Surgery at
University of Melbourne in 2006. In 2007 he was awarded the Order of Australia (AO) for services to
paediatric surgery and the Scout movement.
Debbie Rechtman – Continence and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Debbie Rechtman graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) in 1984 and completed
postgraduate studies in Continence and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation at Melbourne University in 1998.
Debbie has extensive experience working with women, men and children and their families in both
private and public settings. She has a particular interest in participating in the care of children with
continence issues and is committed to a holistic and multidisciplinary approach.
Debbie teaches postgraduate physiotherapy students and multidisciplinary health professionals and is
involved in the education of undergraduate medical students. Debbie has been a committee member of
the Victorian branch of the Continence Foundation of Australia Physiotherapy Group.
Welcome & introduction
Barry Thomson
Pelvic floor and Delivery: Physiology, biomechanics,
recovery and restoration of function.
Gen McGlashan
The unseen issues: “common” bladder, bowel and pelvic
floor issues postpartum.
Jodie Hutchins
Morning tea
Vaginal versus Caesarean Delivery – weighing it all up.
Dr Stephen Cole
The psychological complexities of toilet training.
Nadia Walton
Congenital lower urinary tract disorders.
Prof Yves Heloury
Bowel dysfunction in children.
Prof John Hutson
Physiotherapy management of bowel dysfunction in
Debbie Rechtman
Destination: Hepburn Springs
Travel just an hour north-west of Melbourne and you hit the greatest concentration of naturally occurring mineral
springs in Australia. Daylesford and Hepburn Springs were built up around these springs and you're spoiled for choice
of spa and wellness centres, each using the water's mineral properties differently to ensure maximum relaxation and
wellbeing. Head to these towns for pampering – not just in spas and wellness centres, but at restaurants serving
sumptuous local food and wines, in accommodation fit for kings, and at shops and galleries displaying unique local
wares. More information
Venue: Grange Bellinzona
77 Main Rd, Hepburn Springs
Tel: (03) 5348 2271
On-site parking available
Grange Bellinzona offers a range of accommodation packages. Please contact the venue directly to organise your
Registration information
Deadline for early bird registration – 27 March 2015
We endeavour to confirm registration within 2 working days. Please allow 2 working days if an email receipt is
required and 5 working days if a postal receipt is required. If you have not received confirmation within 5 working
days please contact the Victorian Continence Resource Centre. Our preferred method of confirmation of your
registration is email. Please ensure your email address is current. If email is not available, your confirmation will be
Payment of fees
Payment of fees must accompany all registrations and can be made by direct deposit. If ‘Early Bird’ is claimed and
payment is not received by the due date, the registration will convert to the normal fee.
Cancellations, refunds & disclaimer
Cancellations received in writing before 8 May 2015 will attract an administration fee of $60. After that date there
will be no refunds. Registrations can however, be transferred within an organisation if the Victorian Continence
Resource Centre is advised in writing. The information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of going to
print. The organising committee reserve the right to change without notice any part of the program and the speakers.
Registrants and exhibitors are strongly advised to arrange health and travel insurance. The committee and organisers
will not accept any liability for loss or injury.
Privacy Act
If you DO NOT wish to have your details included in the list of delegates, please tick the box indicated at the bottom
of the registration form or contact the Victorian Continence Resource Centre.
Please direct all enquiries to: Aimee Simmens, Health Promotion Officer I I P: 03 9816 8266 I F: 03 9853 9727
Registration Form/Tax Invoice
Continence Foundation of Australia Victorian Branch: ABN 85 598 926 929
Please complete and return with payment. Use a separate form for each participant
Victoria State Conference
Friday May 29 2015
Postal Address
Post Code
* Please provide an email address, so a confirmation notice can be sent by email.
This is a tax invoice when paid. Please retain a copy of this invoice for tax purposes
Special dietary requirements:
☐ Vegetarian
☐ Gluten Free
☐ Lactose intolerant
☐ Coeliac
☐ Other ________________________________________________________________________
Registration Details: All prices include GST
Early Bird Registration
(Before March 27 March 2015)
CFA Member
M/ship # ________
Normal Registration
(After 27 March 2015)
Payment Details:
Direct Deposit payments
Name: Continence Foundation of Australia Victoria
Account Bank: Westpac
BSB: 033 115
Account Number: 166 386
Reference: please use your full name as the transaction reference.
Notification of payment by direct debit must be sent to with the
Registration form.
Please return completed registration form to: I F: 03 9853 9727
PO Box 3226 Cotham PO, Kew Vic 3101
Privacy Act:
☐Tick if you do not wish to have your name and organisation included in the list of delegates