HB 151259 Residential Rain Barrels

HB 15­1259 Residential Rain Barrels Why rain barrels? Designed to increase Coloradans’ water literacy, especially urban and suburban homeowners, HB 15­1259 would allow the residential use of two 50­gallon rain barrels. These barrels could capture about 600 gallons a year and allow homeowners to use that water for a small garden or a few plants. Collected rainwater would otherwise be consumed by existing plants and grass near the gutter. Capturing rainfall helps build water knowledge and awareness. It creates the type of informed public we need to address Colorado’s future water challenges. How much water could be collected with rain barrels? About 600 gallons per household per year. This will vary based upon the size of a homeowner’s roof, where they live in Colorado, and how quickly they use collected rainwater. What could rainwater be used for? A vegetable garden or a flower bed, but its not enough to maintain a lawn. 600 gallons could water a dozen tomato plants or a couple dozen ornamental flowers over the course of the growing season. 600 gallons isn’t even enough to water a normal­sized bluegrass lawn ​
one time ­ ​lawns require 18 gallons of water per square foot over the growing season! Additionally, the collected rainwater can only be used for outdoor purposes on the property it was collected, and not for direct human consumption. What about downstream water users? The overwhelming majority of rainfall that lands on a residential lot is used up by the existing lawn and plants, and does not make it into stream systems either through groundwater or surface flow. According to a Colorado Water Conservation Board study, only 3% of rainfall in an average year returns to a stream from natural landscapes. What will the impact be? Allowing Coloradans the limited use of residential rain barrels will lead the public to be more engaged and invested in their personal water use behaviors and more aware of statewide water issues ­ consumption, scarcity, and delivery. There are minimal, if any, financial impacts to this bill. Because rain barrels are readily available at stores and since outdoor irrigation will still be needed, this measure won’t put pressure on water providers’ bottom line. For Additional Information ­ Please Contact: Becky Long at (970) 389­2719 or becky@conservationco.org Carolyn Siegel at (303) 710­2856 or carolyn@siegelpa.com SUPPORTERS OF HB 15­1259 ● Alliance for Sustainable Colorado ● American Rivers ● Audubon Rockies ● Conservation Colorado ● Colorado Trout Unlimited ● Colorado WaterWise ● Denver Water ● Eagle River Water & Sanitation District ● Environment Colorado ● Environmental Defense Fund ● GreenCO ­ Green Industries of Colorado ● High Country Conservation Advocates ● National Wildlife Federation ● New Era Colorado ● Northwest Colorado Council of Governments ­ Water Quality/Quantity Committee ● San Juan Citizens Alliance ● Save the Poudre ● Save the Colorado ● Southwestern Water Conservation District ● Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority ● U.S. Green Building Council ­ Colorado Chapter ● Western Resource Advocates