A response to the Constantia Fibre Initiative RFP by: and 2 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Joint Venture information Frogfoot Networks (pty) ltd LinkAfrica (pty) ltd http://www.frogfoot.com http://www.linkafrica.co.za/ 021 448 7225 031 569 2544 RFP team: Relationship Manager: Hannes Pieterse RFP team: Relationship Manager: David Ashdown hannes@frogfoot.com 082 334 0474 Operations Director: Yassin Adams yassin@frogfoot.co.za 082 337 2092 Managing DIrector: Abraham van der Merwe David@Linkafrica.co.za 071 453 4918 Network Manager: Andre Hoffmann Andre@Linkafrica.co.za 078 800 2686 National Sales Manager: abz@frogfoot.com 082 565 4451 Michael Veldhuis Michael.Veldhuis@Linkafrica.co.za 083-7776453 CM1 CoR39 CM1 CoR39 3 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre • Link Africa and Frogfoot Networks have combined resources, skills and experience to bring the best of breed fibre technologies to Constantia home owners; each company focusing on its core competencies. An open access network means any service provider may supply competing services, allowing home owners to choose the best price and service. • Homeowners need to be able to move service providers as more competitive options and technologies become available. Therefore, the best fibre network model for any community rests in a partnership between a Layer 1 and Layer 2 service provider, allowing multiple Layer 3 competing service providers to offer the home owner choices, not just between service providers, but also between services. 4 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Our take on what you should ask your Fibre provider: Is the network Open Access? A successful track record with precinct fibre? Able to move quickly & make it work? Technical strength and experience to execute? Financial strength and experience to execute? Choice between ISP’s? Even individual ISP services? Well positioned to enable security services? Well positioned to enable HD entertainment services? 5 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Open Access. What it means to us. More competition in the retail ISP market. More sustainable, reliable and cost effective Internet services. Less trenching and disruption for residents. More effective use of resources. More diversity of services to the resident. Better focus on core competencies. 6 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Frogfoot’s track record Frogfoot has a proven track record of innovation and solid engineering practice in Internet Services, beginning in 2000 and encompassing ISP, Cloud and Fibre services. Acknowledged in the industry as a technically competent competitor that often boxes above its weight, Frogfoot has delivered precinct fibre to over 30 office parks since 2008. Design of integrated quad play residential fibre networks in two of the biggest residential Cape Town based Estates (www.buhrein.co.za and www.sitari.co.za ) totaling close to 7,000 residential units. Frogfoot have developed the rare competency in designing, deploying, managing and maintaining large scale, highly resilient, Metropolitan Fibre networks in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Frogfoot has experience with enabling value-added security services and home automation over fibre networks, integrating with existing commercial TV sets. Frogfoot’s commercial models are driven by an Open Access philosophy. 7 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Link Africa’s track record Link Africa has laid over 1,000km of fibre optic network cable, connected over 500 nodes for telecom clients and has invested over a R130,000,000 in its infrastructure to date. Link Africa is a “carrier of carriers” – it carries the telecommunications traffic of some of SA’s largest telecommunications operators, including Vodacom, MTN, MWeb, Dimension Data’s Internet Solutions and the eThekwini Municipality (which is a large provider of telecommunications services in the city of Durban, with over 1,500 business-users connected to its network). In addition to over 500 mobile cell phone and business premises connected to the LinkAfrica network, it has successfully deployed fibre-to-the-home projects in Mt Edgecombe Golf Estate in Durban – connecting 300-homes. However, in Europe, where fibre-to-the-home is more mature, i3 Group (LinkAfrica’s partner) has deployed fibre-to-the home to over 15 suburbs throughout the United Kingdom. i3 has also successfully deployed fibre-to-thehome in USA (in partnership with Google) and Abu Dhabi. In Cape Town Link Africa successfully completed a Proof of Concept deployment for City of Cape Town in Khayelitsha of 3 km fibre end-to-end installation. 8 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Link Africa’s Core Value Proposition • • • • • • Speed of Deployment – The novel deployment methods enabled by the FOCUS™ technology reduces the need for civil construction methods and greatly accelerates the rate at which infrastructure can be deployed. FOCUS™ Backbone and last-mile networks are deployed five times faster than traditional trenching techniques. Least Civil Disruption – The disruption to the City’s residents is kept to a minimum as digging of roads and pavements is minimised using the FOCUS™ methods. Open Access – Link Africa provides each last mile link to the market on an open access basis. This “plug and play” connectivity is attractive to licensed service providers and enables competition, greater choice, and ultimately the consumer benefits from this. Route Redundancy – Link Africa is the only company legally able to offer fibre in sewer and storm water drains. For telecommunications operators, which use these fibre networks at the very heart of their own networks, having route redundancy in sewers gives the telecommunications operator a greater level of assurance of network availability. Superior Network Availability – Link Africa’s network is viewed by its customers as being seven times more reliable than other networks that are deployed using traditional methods. Traditionally deployed networks are most often broken by other utility service providers accidentally damaging infrastructure. However, due to the depth of sewer pipes (1 to 9m below ground level), this is a risk that LinkAfrica has not been exposed to. Low Cost of Deployment – As patent owner of the FOCUS™, Link Africa has the ability to deploy fibre optic networks to the premises at significantly reduced capital cost of deployments using traditional methods. 9 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Frogfoot pedigree 2000 Founded: Frogfoot Networks We innovate solutions around customer needs. We pride ourselves on our technical competence. We believe in Open Access, Neutrality, Transparency and Service. 2008 Founded: Teraco Data Environments 2005 Founded: Amobia Wireless 2003 Introduced Vendor Neutrality 2006 Introduced Cloud Services Founded: Riberry 2012 Introduced Elastic Computing 2013 Fibre to : Claremont CBD, Old Castle Brewery, Longkloof Studios, The Terraces, Technopark. 2008 Adopted Self Provisioning 2012 Introduced Intelligent living Fibre to Waverley Business Park Fibre to Century City 2014 Fibre to Waterf Westlake Heartlands 2002 Fibre to Great Westerford To be completed in 2014 2015 - Fibre to : N1 City Mews, Tygerberg Office Park, Pinelands Business Park, Greenford Office Estate, Aintree Park, Black River Park, Boulevard, Wembley Square, Doncaster Office Park, Rex Trueform. 10 Financing. • While both Frogfoot and LinkAfrica usually use project based funding for rolling out precinct fibre networks, the Constantia Fibre project will require no 3rd party funding, being funded entirely by the balance sheets of both companies. • LinkAfrica will fund the passive network; Frogfoot the active portion. • Funding has been agreed to, at a minimum uptake of 1,100 residences. • Breakeven is estimated at 8 years after Phase 1 commences. 11 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Service spectrum on the fibre 12 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Proposed Civil reticulation Phase 1. 13 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre FOCUS™ methodology. • While competitors make use of traditional methods (which involves digging trenches in roads and pavements and then re-instating the trench dug) to roll out infrastructure, LinkAfrica is achieving this by deploying Fibre Optic Networks in the existing underground ducts, storm water and sewer reticulation systems. • Link Africa, owns the South African patent for FOCUS™, which has been proven to be reliable and efficient across 20 000 km of fibre in Northern Europe, North America, and elsewhere since 2002. • Using High quality armoured fibre, with a PVC outer sheathing and high tensile strength, FOCUS™ overcomes the harsh environmental conditions in a variety of ducts and pipes. • LinkAfrica will outsources the laying of fibre optic cabling to suitably qualified contractors based in Cape Town. • Contractors receive intensive training and subsequent certification from Link Africa’s Quality and Assurance team prior to deploying fibre optic cables. 14 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Fibre & Manholes. • Fibre Cable – – – – High quality, G652 D Single Mode Fibre Non-memory coil Fibre counts of between 12 and 432 Steel wire armour protection with a PVC outer sheathing and tensile strength of 5kN • Manhole – Built alongside sewer manhole – Several metres deeper than conventional methods – High grade stainless steel clamps, low odour / eco-friendly underwater resins and PVC NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) mats used – FOCUSTM System utilised in sewer sizes from 150mm to over 2m diameter, in a variety of pipe materials (plastic, concrete, vitrified clay, steel and brick). 15 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Calix – a trusted technology partner 17 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Core equipment E7-20 MultiTerabit, Next generation Optical Line Terminator 18 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Customer Premises Equipment - default – Calix 716GE Optical Network Equipment. Calix is #1 brand in the US Hardened, tested, advanced model Desktop or wall mount No WiFi 2 POTs lines, 4 GigE ports Layer 2 and 3 services Integrate any IP service Wide temperature range: -5 C to +50 C Optional splice / storage attachment 19 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Customer Premises Equipment - optional – Calix Gigacenter 800G, with WiFi Calix is #1 brand in the US Hardened, tested, advanced model Desktop or wall mount Dual Band Concurrent WiFi 802.11n 2X2 for 2.4 GHz 802.11ac 4X4 for 5 GHz 2 POTs lines, 4 GigE ports Layer 2 and 3 services 20 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Empower yourself Managed Power Backup • Beat the load shedding blues • Up to 6hrs backup on ONT • Offered as managed monthly service with notifications 21 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre VoIP handsets & softphones. Snom handsets • German engineered. • First in VoIP CounterPath’s Bria • Smartphone • Tablet • Laptop 22 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Empower yourself Constantia Watch camera footage on your TV 23 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Premise Provisioning made easy • Indicate interest in service on portal • Lead sent to ISP • Contract with ISP directly • Installation of fibre – Plug in ONT – ONT auto-connects to Calix Management System and downloads detailed config • Broadband is LIVE & ready to surf 24 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Home automation options • Frogfoot has experience with full home automation in Century City. • Various options are available, involving increasing levels of automation and customisation. • Tablet or smartphone control & monitoring of alarm, cameras, lighting, audio, wireless network, TVs, irrigation and power usage possible. • Product partners: Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre 25 How we aim to enable Telephony. • Open Access fibre enables differentiated services, such that Internet access, voice and video co-exist on one fibre system. • Residents will be able to take telephony services from any Service Provider with a Hosted IPT switch at Teraco’s Data Centre in Great Westerford. • Riberry, Connection-Telecom, Vox, to name a few. • Use of VoIP handsets as well as softphones on laptops and smartphones will be possible over the resident’s LAN. 26 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre HD entertainment options. • By using an RF Overlay, any TV services and signals (DSTV, TopTV, CCTV, etc) can be delivered to every fibre connected household. CCTV views can be configured to display on unused TV channels. • Individual satellite dishes can be replaced by a set of centrally placed dishes on the fibre network, with individual contracts remaining unchanged. • A number of technical options for implementing this exist, which will need to be discussed in detail with the Constantia Fibre Initiative. 27 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Project overview – first connections within 3 months Weeks 01 02 03 04 05 Network survey 4 X X X X Way-leaves 5 Design 6 Procurement 5 Build 7 Commissioning 2 Testing 2 $ 06 07 08 09 $ $ $ $ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Constantia Fibre Community Portal $ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 project status faults ✚ install schedule pricing heat map questions settings forum FAQ 29 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre Pricing : Access for the ISP Speed Install fee Monthly fee • Abz? 10 Mbps R 1,500 R 350 20 Mbps R 1,500 R 400 R 849 50 Mbps R 1,500 R 450 R 1,483 100 Mbps R 1,500 R 500 R 2,549 1,000 Mbps R 1,500 R 1,000 R 3,274 Notes • Install fee of R1,500 per end point • Pricing excludes VAT • 1:2 Upload to Download ratio - basic GPON standard Telkom DSL • 10:1 Contention Ratio on backhaul • Above fees are charged to ISP for access only • Excludes any network reticulation in home past the ONT Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre • • • • • • • Open access partnership between L1 and L2 specialists Both parties fully committed with “skin in the game” Totally open access – maximised consumer choice Inhouse FTTH experience and proven track record Super fast non disruptive fibre installation method – FOCUSTM Superior hardened active equipment – CALIXTM It is time, the ISP’s are knocking on the door 32 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre 19 Mrt 2015 33 Company confidential - Frogfoot, LinkAfrica, ConstantiaFibre
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