• / Press-Republicai VIEWPOINT Asking too much of taxpayers The government is being asked in a number of instances to buy from home owners property that is frequently flooded. This question must be asked: Why did somebody buy a home in land that is so prone1 to floods? There is no getting around the fact that the people who have been flooded spring after spring are due some sympathy. To a property owner, that kind of event is a catastrophe, especially if it involves evacuation from and damage to the family home. And certainly most people would agree that victims of a surprise catastrophe ought to be helped by government. However, there is also no getting around the fact that the taxpayers are being asked to make amends for what might have been an imprudent decision in the first place. Moving into a flood plain or a floodprone area was a risk that many people wouldn't have dared take. The potential consequences are damage and even q h h destruction of the home. Is it up to the taxpayers to bear those consequences r It's uncomfortable to opine against an average Joe who has had the extreme misfortune to jiave been battered by floods, but buying a home is an enormous step that should be done with enough research and care to avoid such obvious pitfalls. Ice-storm damages another matter, There is no predicting an ice storm. This year's particularly devastating one was a freak of nature. Compehsation by the government is expected, That's why there are s§ many government programs, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which tries to ease the sun&mg of the victims. ^ , In contrast, certain areas of mis region are flooded year after year 5Those events are predictable. Taxpayer! have a legitimate beef if they resent laving to fund a buyout of such propert; If the government is going to be obliged to buy homes that, are looded repeatedly, it should hencefort l take TotheEdi steps to make clear to new buye "s that Senior Vol would like to the risk is theirs, helped make ted — Freaks, rarities, the unexpec a great successthey are one thing. Predictable floods worked so hard who made are another and shouldn't be th ofolig- those ticipating. Our ation of the taxpayers. derwriter By JACK , Success event Land !,who i it and i by parour unerstore — and our corpi ispoi prs Falcon Power, Uola ottling Co., and Tri/Home Equipment, as as the many guarantee you it won't stop here." other local bi Pilots are leaving the Air Force i who ge Alba contacted Maj. ^aider's ously donated ih and prizes. * like fleas jumping off a dead dog. base and told Col. Robert Gibson Our congrat] ations and thanks If this exodus in blue doesn't stop, that Valder had broken |the Big to the three there won't be anyone left to fly le who brought in Commandment and thai; he not the most the existing megabuck fleet of edges — Shirley only had witnesses, he'd captured Ducharme, m Cassidy, and Eric aircraft or the trillion-dollar fleet the sleazoid mess on tape. Gibson O'Connell 4- and to all the other of space-age new fighters the Air said he would tell Valder to back bowlersTOOsupported this event. Force wants for the 21st century. off. "Without pilots, it's going to be _ DAVID HACKWORTH Of course, the Bowl-athon could even harder to justify all these Almost two years have passed, not hav» been accomplished withDEFENDING AMERICA costly new silver bullets when a and all Alba has gotten is lies and out thefleadership of our Advisory T congressperson or two without the runaround. Fogleman, not Council, chaired by Art Favero, bases or flying-machine plants wanting another Air Force adul- and'tne hard work of many volunb;ack home comes asking, "Who needs these suckers tery case on prime time, double-talked until he teers/A very special thanks goes when missiles, robots, bugs, germs and 16-year-old dodged the whole issue for good by hanging up his to Shirley O'Connell, co-chair of hackers will be the weapons of the future?" flight suit and heading for the safety of his Colorado the /Bowl-athon Committee, who 'The Air Force brass are panicked. They could be ranch. worked countless hours to make j?ut out of business. So they're throwing money at Everywhere Alba has turned for help, he's been this fund-raiser such a success. We the pilots heading out the front gate. stonewalled. Records of investigation have disap- jfeel very fortunate to have' such But money isn't the reason these good folks are peared or been whitewashed, and Freedom of Infor- /wonderful community support for walking. They want leadership. They want the top mation Law requests have been ignored. . / our RSVP volunteers. " ~~ Thank you s brass to set the example, do the hard right over the Alba says, "The Flinn case was a PR nightmare for all! easy wrong and stop the spin maneuvers. the Air Force. If they simultaneously court-marSandy Sexton 1 The Air Force senior brass are as corrupt as Mafia tialed my wife and Kelly Flinn, this would have Program Director. bosses. I learned this when I exposed a four-star been a double PR nightmare." Clinton Couftty Retired who was flying high with a sweet young thing. The The Air Force, which is starting to look like an act and Senior Volunteer Program general was culpable but walked because a pack of on "The Jerry Springer Show" these days, says Plattsburgh colonels lied. None of the liars were punished, and there's been "no fraternization" and that both Air ^, one even made liar of the year when he was pro- Force officers' "conduct was professional." W A T^ptc fYlX-Trltf* moted to general. The main issue of Conduct Unbecoming 101 was x y y j h " - ' t l J ^ f ^ X And everyone knows about Kelly Flinn. She did swept under the rug for the same reason Scott O'heavy bombing practice with the husband of an air- Grady was made a phony national hero for allegedwoman and became the most talked about pilot ly screwing up and getting his plane shot down over To the Editor: Today I took two since Capt. Scott O'Grady ate Bosnian worms. Bosnia. of my grandchildren to the South Public relations over doing the truth. Spin over in- Acres Park to play on the playThe Air Force brass publicly called her a liar and an adulterer and wanted to line her up against the tegrity. Deceit over justice. ground. As all children, do they wall. But Sheila "Politically Correct" Widnall, then You can't fool the troops, which is why they are were having themselves a good secretary of the Air Force, chose to stop the bad ink leaving the Air Force in such unparalleled numbers. time playing on the gym set and in by letting her zoom away from certain slammer And this mass departure will continue until integri- the sand boy as were other chiltime. ty returns to the Air Force's top ranks. dren. But at about the same time as Flinn sinned, Air There are plenty of Billy Mitchells wearing the As they were playing a group of Force Maj. Annamaria Alba was flying high with Air blue suit. But things will only change when they're children entered the playground Force Maj. Mitchell Valder — and not in airplanes. put in charge, and the corrupt three- and four-stars area with a dog. .This dog was alHer retired Air Force husband, Capt. Roy Alba, follow Fogleman's swift retreat. lowed in the sandbox area and seeking to save his marriage, asked the brass to Defense Secretary William Cohen better sweep around the playground equipment weld Valder's zipper shut. out the hangars before he needs to ask Hertz Air area. While it was in the sandbox Alba didn't fool around. He went to the main Rental to take over what's left of our Air Force. area it urinated in the sand. welder, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Ronald FogleAs a grandparent who brought Http://www.hackworth.com Is the address of David Hackman, who promised to investigate. worth's home page. Send mall to P.O. Box 430, Whlteflsh, MT my grandchildren there to have a He also told Brig. Gen. Walter "Buck" Buchannan, 59937. good time J did not appreciate seeKing Features who said, "I can't say what will happen, but I'll ing this dog in the children's play area. Do these people who allow their dogs on the playground area of the park realize how traumatic it would he for a small child to fall in a pile of dog poop? I do not think any one would appreciate having Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan 518455-2811 In Washington the child they took to the playRoom SR-464 518-561-2430 ground to enjoy themselves come Russell Senate Office Building Assemblyman Chris Ortloff Rep. John McHugh in contact with any of this. Washington, D.C. 20510 110th Assembly District 24th Congressional District . The majority of the people that 202-224-4451 Room 450 Room 2 4 4 1 take their animals to the park, E-mail: Senator@dpm.senate.gov Legislative Office Building Rayburn House Office Building when they attend the various ballAlbany, N.Y. 12248 Washington, D.C. 20515 games in the evenings, show reSen. Alfonse D'Amato 518455-5943 202-225-4611 sponsibility for their animals and 520 Hart Senate Office Bid. 518-562-1986 518-563-1406 keep them with them, or if they alWashington, D.C. 20510 518483-9930 E-mail: low the children to walk them, 202-224-6542 http://www.house.gov./writerep/ Assemblywoman have them do so in the ballfield E-mail: Elizabeth O'C. Little side of the park. Senator_al@damato.senate.gov Rep. Gerald Solomon 109th Assembly District Being that we do have some peo22nd Congressional District Room 324 ple, even though they may he few 2265 Rayburn House Office Bid. Legislative Office Building In Albany and far. between, that do allow : Washington, D.C. 20515 Albany, N.Y. 12248 their animals on the playground r, 202-225-5614 Sen. Ronald Stafford 518-455-5565 part of the park I feel that these | 518-477-2703 45th Senatorial District 518-7924546 places should be posted with "No E-mail: Room 502, Capitol E-mail: animals allowed" sighs. That http://www.house.gov./writerep/ Albany, N.Y. 12247 littlee.@assembly.state.ny.us should alleviate any concern for anyone bringing their children to Scandals shrinking Air Force faithftil No pets on ti playgrounds Youf voices in government Press-Republican 170 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901 (USPS 443-2401 Saturday, May 2,1998 The Republican 18U, The Press 1894, The P^ess-Republican 1942 <• Brenda J. Tallman, P u b l i s h e r Daniel B. Swift, General Manager James D. Dynko, Editor Robert J. Grady, Managing Editor Lots M . Clerniont, News Editor Jack Downs, Design Editor Robert G. Goetz, Sports Editor K Bruce Rowland, Business Editor David Paczak, Photo Editor Greg Claus, Features Editor Denise A. Raymo, Assistant News Editor Susan Seguin, Night Editor h The Press-Republican welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed (except e-mail) and include the address and telephone number of the author. Letters must not contain more than 300 words. They should be typewritten. Those letters not meeting the criteria will not be published and will be returned.. The Press-Republican reserves the right not to publish letters it judges to"be inappropriate. By e-mail: l Letters<S pressrepublican.com By fax: N 561-3362 v By mail: Letters to the Editor Press-Republican P.O. Box 459 Plattsburgh, N.Y.12901 the park as to what their children might get into. LaVerne R. Hicks Plattsburgh Girls want to To the Editor: I think there should be a girl's lacrosse team for Saranac Lake. There is only a boy's lacrosse team. Maybe they think we are not "tough enough." Well I know that there are plenty of girls that would like to play. Even with football they say, "You can't play because you're a girl." I think they should either make a girl's football and lacrosse team or join them together in a coed team. Shannon Reynolds Bloomingdale JERUSALE] ^ Pataki tunn whose openin; daa'dly riots a: tCB^erstand IV w, r project. The tunnel : and Jewish walled Old C j government oj 1 tunnel in Sep ' lim clerics cla mining the s Building excellence for our fuAqsa Mosque ture demands a sustained com' T^he claims mitment from our state leaders. b'uj; PalestiniE NEA/NY looks forward to working pvyest Bank ai with our state's leaders in fch^e 'to the streets r coming years to continue thjs stones at Isra year's progress. ,' pts. soon escal Gregory S. N ^ J J I ^tte^ between President Palestinian p people, most isffiMqy ffiMqy 'ans, were kill< Albany At the time, Palestinian fi deadlock in p rael, and man opening was that served as "•Pataki toun To the Editor: I was so happy to see your pictures in the PressRepublican today. •——^— Mr. Baker, you certainly helped me with piano and organ and you got me places to sing when I was at Plattsburgh High School. 1 ^ Poll: Moyn 1946: I sang at almost eypry church ia^the city. ' ' POUGHKE: I was so appreciative when nay ,proval rating brother and you got me into ItKastatewide pol ca College School of Music. 1,946%t Public Op 1950. .. highest in up; .ban counties You were an excellent music his approval i teacher. Gerri was a friend in the ers approve oi Methodist Church and I use 'to him a positivi babysit for your two daughters. of Republican I made mistakes, but I apprecisenator was E ated everything you did for me. proval rating, God bless both of you. '. phone poll of Charlotte Bolles a margin of e Plattsburgh Appreciated the support Science and morality To the Editor: In recent ii of the Press-Republican the has been promoted as the sohftiob. for free sex for women of childbearing age who wish to be sexually active. • '"; In the Press-Republican of Peb'. 25 several are mentioned, among whicbuare Ovral and Lo/Ovral. These pills prevent a fertilized egg from implanting into the uterus and prevents him or her from growing into a embryo. Thife means that the newly formed hujman living is discarded after hi£ To t h e Editor: Along with or her life has begun. ! thousands of other New Yorkers, Research findings show many the 40,000 members of the Na- potential side effects. Two of. the tional Education Association of risks is cervical cancer and breasjt New York welcome the recent cancer. Physicians desk reference state budget passage. That's be- states that the use of oral contracause it contains good new,s for the ception's is associated with - thmillions of children who fill our creased risks of several seru&is classrooms every day. conditions including myocai^d This year's state budget at last infarction, thromboembotism, begins to make up the lost ground stroke, hepatic neoplasis, g^U of the last decade. New York has bladder disease and hypertension. finally begun, initiatives to rebuild The risk of myocardial infarction crumbling schools, retool anti- has been attributed to oral contraquated educational equipment ceptive use. The relative ris&XPf and restore confidence in our chil- heart attack for current oral condren's future. traceptive users has been estimatLook at some of these accom- ed to be two to six. plishments in which we can all It would be a logical conclusion take pride: that if that same person who 3s 6n • $500 million for emergency oral contraceptives were to t?rke|a flight to another city and knojw school repairs. • More funding to help districts that the odds of that plane making boost tougher statewide academic it safely were two to six percent, she would in no way board that standards. . ' • Increased funding for our plane. The. only 100 percent safe community colleges. These are all important steps method is chastity before mairalong the road to a better educa- riage and monogamy after marwith a non-infected partner tion for young New Yorkers. But being non-infected. This i s this election year's commitment than morality, it's a scientifshouldn't turn into another year of act. ; slash-and-burn budget cuts next year if the. Wall Street boom doesJerry Mahony n't continue. Alton^a Good news for children Garry Trudej DOONESBURY . I iHAmTO pvrupwm 'N55SFROM HIM AS IT IS you MEAN, (w^i^m Sean T. McNamara, Marketing—Sales manager Martha C. Pedulla, Customer Service Manager George Rock, Advertising Manager James G. Frenya, Delivery Services Manager Catherine A. Duquette, Controller. Virgil L. Cross, Press Foreman Daniel L. Thayer, Production Manager Published dally each morning except certain holidays at 170 Margaret Street, Plattsburgh, N.Y. Telephone S61-2300. Periodical postage paid at Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901. The Press-Republican is published by the Plattsburgh Publishing Company Division of Ottaway Newspapers, Inc. National Advertising Representative: Paper! Companies, 400 North Street Paul No. 800, Dallas, Texas 75201-3119, Area Code 214-9694000. Subscription rates by U S . Mall: $217 one year; $120 six months; $60 three months. (Mail rates not applicable in areas served by carrier or motor delivery). Rates for all other places and-special out-of-town servicemen rates on request. Associate & • M IM & f&T^f. <mm^. 9 m Horrific tr« NASSAU U into a passen and injuring were in a spo sway west of J {Jfhe. truck wa before impaci aj.: least one I parts, old tin and blood we: hany in Rens .recover the n "4Q.'ieet on th< .John Byrne.l .said the car \ ^ ir'.i i i It is the "ffyoft hav rioom at 5< ; She left u Shetaugh j ^her gentle 'She gave I . When we Me thank Like a ra 7 warms ot May GaA . .and watc
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