The Evolutionary Basis of Sex Variations in the Use of Natural Resources: Human Examples Kristen Hawkes University of Utah unlike People, consume sion primates, of products has seemed the of have other labor" each foods acquired work. other's specialties, This human distinctively use. resource Ifmen of human creates marriage a social different capacities to serve family needs. Other distinctively seem this to arise from by When others. and men customarily acquire different foods and the hallmark economic different consume regularly forage for a living, women people economic fundamental unit and women that deploys their human patterns then between cooperation divi "sexual the sexes. In recent decades, the use of evolutionary theory to investigate and explain social behavior across the livingworld has revealed pervasive conflicts of interest between (aswell as within) the sexes. Application of these tools to human examples shows the "sexual division of labor" to be the economic aspect of different and conflicting reproductive agendas munities where units of common have different patterns of for women and men. A review of some examples from com people hunt and gather for a living illustrates that families are not economic interest. As with other primates, reproductive goals and these differences resource males and females shape sex differences in use. are obvious Sex differences to even the most casual among mammals observer. and explaining tools for exploring Evolutionary theory provides the variable character and extent of those differences by distinguishing and parenting effort and exposing the reasons why males usually mating females from com gain more from competing with each other for mates, resources for to offspring welfare that contribute (Low, this volume). peting Utah, Please address to Dr. Hawkes, correspondence 102 Stewart Bldg., Salt Lake City, UT 84112. Dept. A Journal of Interdisciplinary and Environment: Population Volume 1996 18, Number 2, November ? 1996 Human Sciences 161 Press, Inc. of Anthropology, University Studies This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of 162 POPULATIONAND ENVIRONMENT But standard scenarios of human evolution postulate a key departure from one have made the sexes much that would mammalian patterns, general more alike. In these scenarios, ancestral males hunt to supply food for their units. mates and offspring so that nuclear families become basic economic in men's parental effort reduces the remainder avail This sharp increase able for mating competition. has provided one of contemporary The ethnography hunter-gatherers for this argument. Men usually hunt and of the main lines of evidence women the and children eat meat procured by men, gather. Since women "sexual division of labor" is assumed to indicate husbands and fathers sup units porting their households, making nuclear families the basic economic But closer study of food sharing patterns shows that of human societies. than to their households hunters often supply more food to people outside in fun their own families. The interests of nuclear family members diverge I review reasons to consider the hypothesis that men hunt damental ways. not for parental payoffs, but for mating advantages instead. com After a brief description of sexual selection theory, I summarize mon assumptions and then report the about hunting and human evolution, from studies of the Ache of Eastern Paraguay and the patterns emerging In both cases hunting provides a substantial Hadza of Northern Tanzania. nutri fraction of the diet. But a hunter's kill iswidely shared, distributing to women other than his wife and children other than his tional benefits allocate most effort to support well as to other men. Women offspring?as resources that supply less for their ing their children while men choose is more widely shared than plant families than alternatives would. Meat food. This is a reason for people to favor hunters as neighbors. The favor and from many who expect meat shares can give alliance able attention in resource to hunters. If so, the basic sex differences mating advantages use among other mammals may have been more important in human evo lution and in ethnographic variation than generally supposed. SEXUAL SELECTION his theory of sexual selection (1871) to explain developed that, unlike other adaptations, striking features of behavior and morphology of survival; and that oc to reduce rather than enhance chances seemed that these features played curred in only one sex, usually males. Observing a role in mating, either in contests between males, or in attracting females, that they were shaped by selection he theorized through effects on mating Darwin success. This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 163 KRISTENHAWKES reasons the underlying have since elaborated Evolutionary biologists that distin variable this The for such sexual asymmetries volume). (Low, a in the difference across the is males world from females living guishes rich few size and number of gametes eggs, large relatively they produce, rates of small repro sperm. Consequently, resource-poor potential many & Parker, 1992) are 1991 ;Clutton-Brock duction (Clutton-Brock & Vincent, But than for males. females each for lower offspring has both a usually limited by the slower sex. In mother and a father, so actual rates are always rate of females can usually reproduce at a potential maximum primates, about one offspring a year. Males, on the other hand, can potentially repro duce at a rate of (more than) an offspring a day. In a population with 100 of each sex, 100 babies could be born in a year, one to each members and female, they could all be fathered by a single male. is an inevita shows why mating competition This thought experiment in a way that it is not for females. The number of for males ble problem increases babies born is limited by the number of females. Any male who the number fathered by others. the number of babies he fathers decreases in the popu is a zero-sum game. Ifone of the males Paternity competition lation imagined above fathered all the babies, the 99 other males would be sex ratios are near even (where selection cut out entirely. When usually success than the female av sets them), any male with higher reproductive asymmetry erage leaves less than that for other males. This fundamental and favors different capacities between the sexes explains why selection is most fitness and females. Among tendencies females, among males ca strongly affected by the number of successful offspring raised, favoring to to acquire and control resources that contribute pacities and tendencies fitness ismost strongly affected by the welfare of offspring. Among males, success in competing with other males over sexual access to females. HUMAN FAMILIES to indicate substantial role of men has been assumed The economic In the 1950s and sex in in these human evolution. differences reductions three lines of evidence: 60s Sherwood Washburn comparative synthesized to construct a power and ethnology archaeology, paleolithic primatology, influential scenario of human evolution. Nonhuman primates rarely hunt or share food. Juveniles and adults of role in the adult males playing no "economic" both sexes feed themselves, record lives of their mates and offspring. The archaeological suggested an our That record ancestors. in the patterns of hominid important difference fully This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 164 POPULATIONAND ENVIRONMENT about 2 million years ago, with boundary, begins at the Plio-Pleistocene stone tools and the bones of large animals, a combination Washburn and meat read to indicate that males were and others transporting hunting of contemporary home to share. Ethnographic descriptions hunter-gatherers to fill out this picture. People who seemed forage for a living regularly hunt and women they carry home and share. Men generally consume so men seem to be family the meat they acquire, inference that providers. These elements persuasive supported Washbum's the initial evolutionary hu innovation that gave rise to other distinctively man attributes was hunting by males to provision their families (Washburn & Lancaster, 1968). were new fossil evidence Since these arguments has developed, acquire food and children shown unexpected variation in the hominid lineage and the long persis tence of taxa that antedate the archaeological record (Foley, 1995; Klein, of the archaeology has challenged the inferences of 1989). Reappraisal and home bases from the record (Binford, 1981). Neverthe hunting early essential elements of the scenario less, absent a satisfactory alternative, it is In particular influential 1992, pp. 68-71). (e.g., Diamond, men are in assumed distinctive the that among making widely primates to parental effort, therefore substantial allocations less to mating competi tion?thus the effects of sexual selection (Lancaster & Lancaster, blunting men it is assumed that and 1983). Among hunt, contemporary foragers so to do their wives and children. support they cases to be described The two ethnographic these assump challenge tions. While radical in light of conventional wisdom about hunter-gath in light of general sex differ erers, this is a challenge easily anticipated remain the reasons is not just that for them. The possibility is variation than wider but that the appreciated, ethnographic commonly are themselves in these examples illustrated patterns likely to be quite common but overlooked because the proposition that men are providing for their families has come to be one of those "known facts" that need no ences, and test. TWO ETHNOGRAPHIC CASES Modern and modern environments differ from those of the people behavior can shed light on ancestral patterns in the past, but contemporary same way that any particular or set of (and therefore unique) experience can adjust expectations observations about others. Particular instances ex emplify general processes. Where people hunt and gather for a living, they This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 165 KRISTENHAWKES these in human experience: that have deep antiquity face daily problems so see to what an view such problems, provide ethnographic opportunity local of features whether and how and evaluate lutions people choose, represents only a small frac ecology shape both. Any particular example But each case offers a variation. of tion of some range larger possible If so, the to see whether variables are related in expected ways. chance systematic relationships provide the basis for hypotheses terns elsewhere, under different circumstances, including about likely pat those of the past. The Ache the forests of The Ache 1996) occupy (Hill, 1983; Hill & Hurtado, Basin. As is typical of eastern Paraguay, an area just outside the Amazon birds, and foragers, Ache men hunt, targeting a wide variety of mammals, 150 kg. to are animals the up they hunt, weighing reptiles. Tapirs largest rare and the largest of the animals regu are extremely But tapir encounters lipped peccary, have adult body sizes larly taken, brocket deer and white less than 40 kg. Men spend most of their hunting day away from women their activities with other men (Hill sometimes and children, coordinating & Hawkes, 1983; Kaplan et al., 1990). Women spend their days in com et al., and children (Hurtado, 1985; Hurtado pany with other women known foragers for 1985). The Ache are unusual among ethnographically their frequent residential moves. On most days women, carrying household the hunting men. forest walk the and children, following through goods to gather plant foods, honey The women stop often to rest and sometimes or insects. is set, nuclear families become In the afternoon, when camp sets a fire for the night, and while there is daylight she visible. Each woman may leave to gather food nearby. Women spend little time in food acquisi tion (Hurtado, 1985; Hurtado et al., 1985) and contribute a relatively small fraction of the calories consumed by Ache foragers (Hill et al., 1984), less when they are not nursing and have they are nursing infants, more when other children to feed (Hurtado, 1985; Hurtado et al., 1985). Men arriving from a day of hunting settle at the fires of their wives, they may although also leave again to collect plant foods nearby. The association of nuclear families with hearths suggests these might be economic units, with members pooling the food they have acquired for joint consumption. Sharing among hearths is frequent, so systematically nuclear fami collected quantitative data are required to determine whether are more of the food acquired by their members lies (Kaplan, consuming 1985a). Two salient points 1983; Kaplan et al., 1984; Kaplan & Hill, First the overall amount of sharing emerge from the record of observations. This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 166 POPULATIONAND ENVIRONMENT three quarters of the food the nuclear family is very high. About eats was acquired by someone their own nuclear family. outside in the amount of sharing by re there are systematic differences are so that only men type. The resources take, game animals, more no than else. The distributed that members anyone get widely family resources that women most often take are less widely nuclear distributed, units family members getting more than others. So families are economic not for honey or game for some resources but not for others?specifically beyond anyone Second source animals. Since Ache men not only hunt but also take (collect) all the resources women to test whether the resource itself or the sex of the do, it is possible extent determines of show that the the acquirer sharing. Partial correlations resource is resource its own Each has type. robustly patterned by sharing more ones matter Men of the it. who take signature?no sharing acquired less likely to go to their own family members (Hawkes, 1991). success Men rates (Hill & Hawkes, have widely varying hunting 1983). The differences persist from one year to the next (Kaplan, 1983), reflecting skill, not just luck. The men who are more skillful hunters, and therefore bring more meat for all, also spend more time hunting than do less successful hunters. This pattern suggests they have more to gain from time spent hunting than do less successful hunters. But the shar ing patterns spread the consumption gains for their extra work across the foraging group. serve the the narrowly shared collected foods, women By choosing their children. Men, by choosing game animals and the goal of feeding shared collected foods, are serving a different goal. They are target widely resources that many will consume. them valuable This makes ing neigh so the better hunters they are. If other things are equal, bors, increasingly they should find more ready allies when disputes arise. Other men might be more tolerant of their sexual overtures to other women. Women for the same reasons might be more than interested in traveling with these men with those whose foraging efforts brought them little. The Ache sharing patterns and sex biases in resource choice challenge the view that hunting is largely a kind of parental effort. Meat is so widely a no consume more shared that the wife and children of than hunter a man resources to acquire others. By hunting, is choosing that mostly go to those outside his own family. The benefits he gets for doing so could be attention favorable increase his from those outside his family, which Men of enlisting chances in allies and succeeding competition. mating who are more successful and hunters do have more mating opportunities success & Hill, 1985b). higher reproductive (Kaplan additional This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 167 KRISTENHAWKES The Hadza and savannahs of East Africa present different foraging constraints et to The Hadza (Blurton Jones al., 1992) in hunter-gatherers. opportunities sometimes months residential bases for weeks, northern Tanzania occupy for nu at a time. Dome shaped brush structures provide spatial distinction adults are in camp, they spend clear families. But during the day, when and men little time in or near their houses, women joining other women The areas. In all seasons most Hadza Parties leave home early in the morn forage together. or a man older boy armed with bow and by ing, usually accompanied arrows to guard against meetings with strangers, most likely pastoralists in The the foraging parties usually target neighborhood. tending their herds in a particular resource, tubers at any time of the year, berries or baobab and et infants are seasons when al., 1989). Nursing they ripe (Hawkes their mothers children about 5 years of age and older often accompany even on trips of long distance and duration (Hawkes et al., 1995). Although Hadza youngsters are active foragers, and increasingly so as they get older, rates fall below those of adults (Blurton Jones et al., 1989; their acquisition re varies among et al., 1995). Relative Hawkes juvenile effectiveness joining women men to sit in public activity and children not to maximize their sources, and women adjust their resource choices own personal acquisition rates but those of the "team" that includes their show that women children (Hawkes et al., 1995). Data as yet unpublished less to their older in their foraging patterns, attending make adjustments a infant. Older children when have women, "grandmothers," nursing they of most energetically expensive spend more time foraging for tubers?the of child bearing age (Hawkes et al., do women the plant resources?than are especially data show that "grandmothers" impor 1989). Unpublished are status of children whose mothers tant in maintaining the nutritional infant. Women share resources with foraging compan nursing a younger to claim shares with those who assemble from and ions while away home, on their return, but manage to retain a substantial fraction for later house status of between the nutritional The correlations hold consumption. this show women and their children and grandchildren data) (unpublished are women that differential members, consumption confirming by family for their children and grandchildren. providing Mothers and children with the addition of grandmothers may be seen as consumption units for an array of resources they gather. There are also and their children husbands and wives times when regularly forage to women season In and girls carrying the form, honey family parties gether. the trees, smoking the the containers, boys and men pegging and climbing This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 168 POPULATIONAND ENVIRONMENT these trips are successful the honey. When bees, and extracting large amounts of honey are eaten by all before returning to camp. On arrival others assemble quickly to claim shares. If the take has been large enough, retain some for household successful consumption honey collectors will in a good honey year, a husband and wife later. Sometimes and especially to carry off to trade with neighboring accumulate villagers enough use it to make a fermented drink. in big game. Most of the time Hadza men are hunters specializing and mark the smaller end of the range they usually target. impala Warthogs in this habitat ranging up to giraffe are all included, The larger ungulates to hunt. They also leaving only elephants, who they say are too dangerous carcasses the of all these with local carnivores for compete successfully men et al., 1988). Whenever leave camp they are animals (O'Connell may who armed with poison arrows most days they devote time tracking parties of although to solid strike. In addition women and other children, On and vigilant for any hunting opportunity. to themselves, usually hunting, by specifically a hunter reports a men and boys form when the time boys spend with foraging parties of In the late dry they also hunt with age-mates. season, when game animals are tied to the restricted points of surface wa ter, men and older boys hunt at night from blinds set over water or along game trails. here sharpens a pattern that The character of the hunting opportunities for less marked the Ache. is much averages among Daily acquisition hunters are higher than those of Ache hunters (hourly averages Hadza twice as high) but instead of the Ache failure rate of every fourth day or so (Hill & Hawkes, 1990), the average Hadza hunter is suc 1983; Hawkes, size cessful only one day in thirty (Hawkes et al., 1991). It is the enormous of Hadza prey that turns rare successes into a high daily average. And this the sharing radius. Not only other members of the prey size increases hunter's camp, but residents of neighboring camps come to claim shares. Other men, as well as women and children come to the kill site both to eat and also to carry portions home. in hunting success The differences hunters are even among Hadza even those who have not greater than among Ache hunters, but all men, in a long time, take part in consumption. been successful and Men, women a carcass at to children assemble claim shares. The claims often have an in terms of the relative size of one's edge of demand and are often couched to those of others (Blurton Jones, 1987). Attempts share compared to refuse a hungry crowd would be costly?even would clear bene be though there a large carcass. The technology fits to those who could monopolize for meat can is and do available and used. People storing readily dry widely This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 169 KRISTENHAWKES meat, some at the kill site and more on return home, frequently trying to to to mil for take off trade accumulate corr,, tobacco, marijuana, enough is rare because household let, or other goods. But substantial accumulation and visitors eat it as quickly as it is dried. Since indi members, neighbors, or not they have provided them viduals successfully claim shares whether to store meat, in the past, and since there is a ready technique sharing as a way to "bank" resources that would cannot be explained otherwise lose their value. By hunting big game the average Hadza hunter has a 97% chance of home empty handed everyday. When the meat he is successful coming to others. An experiment (Hawkes et al., 1991) showed one goes mostly way a man could contribute more, and more often, to his family's con sumption. Men were paid to hunt and trap small animals to see what suc cess they might have in this environment. Results showed that they earned a smaller but much more regular return than they earned specializing in a man big game. Since small animals are mostly eaten by family members, who to take shares from any large car them (while continuing hunted more for his casses) would provide family than a man who did not. Men could also collect plant food, something they often do to feed themselves, in big to much collect bring home. By specializing they rarely although men own more are their that would for alternatives game provide forgoing families. What benefits do they get instead? Data currently under analysis show a pattern that the wives and children of better hunters are better nourished, same to But data that seems the contradict claims. the initially preceding a not man's do show that family members' weight track hunting changes successes. Instead children's nutritional status is correlated with the forag to the their mothers make according (and grandmothers) ing adjustments in status Women differ how and their of coresident children. age, nursing well they handle the day-to-day problems posed by the nutritional needs of their children. Children of better hunters are generally better nourished because of their mothers (and grandmothers). FAMILIESAGAIN families are visible groups, and monogamy is the common Nuclear et al. (1979), assuming pattern for both the Ache and the Hadza. Alexander is fre that men hunt to provide for their families, argued that monogamy are men or quent among foragers because, without rarely herding, farming able to support more distin than one wife. Alexander and colleagues This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 170 POPULATIONAND ENVIRONMENT this "ecologically guished imposed" from the "socially imposed" monog in societies with marked wealth differences but legal sanc amy occurring tions against polygyny. Flinn and Low (1986) noted that hunter-gatherers in no than wealthier Australia, monogamous Aboriginal foragers elsewhere, were men often polygynous. that the greater "power" of some They suggested a problem allowed in Al "socially imposed polygyny." This exposed exander's that is the If reviewed here. compounded by typology patterns "social" and "ecological" factors are independent, variables ecological cannot explain social behavior. But the examples reviewed here, like the whole field of behavioral show that the fitness-related tradeoffs ecology, constraints local have social The imposed by prev components. ecological alence of monogamy as among foragers like the Ache and Hadza depends much on social variables as polygyny does among some Australian for agers, as much as monogamy?or among people depend polygyny?does ing on other subsistence strategies. If hunting is the main arena for competition a better among men, hunter may displace another in contests for a particular wife, with day-to day unpredictability preventing him from being enough "better" than other men to successfully defend more than one wife at a time. According to this could of women's result, independently monogamy hypothesis prefer ences, from very high levels of mating competition among men?not just, as is often assumed, from men investing little inmating effort. Alternatively women might prefer to marry better hunters if those men are more favora to their chil 1993) and the favors extend bly treated by others (Hawkes, dren (Hill & Kaplan, 1988; Hawkes, 1990). Since that should lead to polyg yny for the best hunters, a more complicated pattern of female choice would be required to account for the data. Either way, it is not the number a man can support but the character of the mating competi of dependents that tion, itself conditioned 1990, pp. 163-4), by local ecology (Hawkes, a more of marriage patterns (see also emerges likely primary determinant Hurtado & Hill, 1992). Studies of birds, other primates, and recent modeling converge with the patterns here in showing reviewed that mating competition plays a more prominent role in shaping male than recently supposed. strategies The work on birds is especially em since classic explanations suggestive the role of paternal care in promoting monogamy in humans phasizing those long used to explain the prevalence of avian monogamy: parallel can help raise expensive males research (Lack, 1968). Recent offspring shows strong mating competition in many bird species where previously have large paternal effort and attendant weak mating competition long been assumed (see review in Davies, 1991). This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 171 KRISTENHAWKES to the welfare Adult male primate contributions of infants and juve niles have been assumed to depend on some possibility of parental payoff to the males. But recent work suggests that in many species caring males earn mating and not parenting benefits as females prefer to mate with carers (Smuts, 1985; Whitten, 1992). Very gen 1986; Smuts & Gubernick, to investigate the way that a male's payoffs for mating with the frequency of competitive from other vary competition challenges males show that this frequency dependence has powerful effects. Selection favors large allocations to mating competition even when male help could make a big difference in the number of offspring raised by their mates (Hawkes et al., 1995). In light of the results from these other lines of in quiry the human patterns reviewed here are not surprising. Ethnographic attention to the choices open to individuals and the fitness related costs and benefits is relatively recent. 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