Exclusively for Citi employees: ® Preferred pricing and special offers from Schwab. Visit www.schwab.com/citi or call your dedicated team at 888-621-3933. Make more trades, get more perks. Your pricing and discounts. Citi online trading price (except margin loans) Trade type Online price Product Online Equity Trades $6.95 unlimited shares per trade1 Schwab ETFs $0.00 per executed trade on your Schwab account 3 Online Citi Stock Trades* $0.00 unlimited shares per trade in your Schwab account Schwab ETF OneSource™ Program $0.00 per executed trade in your Schwab account4 Online Commission-free Equity Trades Up to 300 with qualifying net deposit of $25,000 or more in a new account2 Non-Schwab ETFs and ETF OneSource™ ETFs $6.95 transaction fee1 Schwab Mutual Fund OneSource® Service No loads or transaction fees5, 6 Transaction-Fee Mutual Funds $59.95 per buy, $0 sell Plus: Trade on any Schwab StreetSmart® platform and we’ll waive any applicable market data fees. Restrictions apply. Call 1-888-621-3933 to learn more. To start your free 30-day test drive of StreetSmart Edge visit www.schwab.com/guest. ® Options Commissions * Charges will apply for all broker-assisted or phone trades. The minimum amount required to open a new Schwab account is $1,000. Need advice? We’re here to help. Product Price Managed Accounts Receive a one-quarter program fee rebate for Schwab Managed Portfolios™ — Mutual Funds.11 $6.95 plus $0.75 per contract 7 $0 commission on buy-toclose option transactions for option contracts priced $0.05 or less8 Margin Loans 2% off Schwab’s published base interest rate with any debit balance9 Plus: Transfer $10,000 or more into a new Schwab account and receive a rebate of up to $150 for transfer fees charged by your previous financial provider.10 Plus: Schwab will waive the consultation fee on a one-time, personalized financial planning consultation–valued at up to $2,000.12 Be sure to sign and return your Financial Planning Services Agreement to Schwab on or before December 31, 2015. Open an account today. Visit schwab.com/citi or call us 24/7 at 1-888-621-3933 Restrictions apply: The $6.95 commission does not apply to foreign stock transactions, large block transactions requiring special handling, or restricted stock transactions. All brokerassisted and automated phone trades are subject to service charges. A minimum deposit of $1,000 is required to open most Schwab brokerage accounts. Waivers may apply. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors for full fee and commission schedules. Employee equity compensation transactions are subject to separate commission schedules. 1. 2. Clients must deliver a check; wire a transfer; or complete, sign, and submit a Transfer Your Account to Schwab form by December 31, 2015. New clients must also complete an account application by December 31, 2015. The $25,000 (or more) qualifying deposit must be net new assets in the account and must remain at Schwab for at least six months from the date of funding. Assets must be in the account before your trade commissions are credited. Margin loans and transfers between Schwab accounts do not qualify as net new assets. Qualifying deposits must be made into a single account. Deposits into more than one account cannot be combined for purposes of this offer. For new clients, this offer is subject to account application acceptance by Schwab, and trading restrictions may apply until your signed application has been received and processed by Schwab. Schwab reserves the right to refuse any new account application. Retirement accounts such as CRA, QRP, and 403(b) accounts are not eligible. Accounts that are enrolled in Schwab Private Client™ or Schwab Managed Portfolios™ or that are maintained by Schwab Advisor Network® or Schwab Advisor Services are not eligible. You will receive up to 300 individual online equity trades commission-free, verification of which will appear on your trade confirmations. These commissions will be credited to the qualifying account only. An order-handling fee and other fees may apply. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors for details. Trades of restricted stock do not qualify for waivers. Commission-free trades expire 180 days after the account has been coded. Your participation in this offer may result in certain tax consequences about which you should consult your own tax or legal advisor. Limit one Schwab Designated Brokerage Services up to 300 Commission-Free Equity Trades offer per account. Not valid in combination with any other commission-free equity trades offer. 3. Restrictions apply: Online trades of Schwab ETFs are commission-free at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Member SIPC), while trades of certain third-party ETFs are subject to commissions. Broker-assisted and automated phone trades are subject to service charges. Waivers may apply. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors for details. All ETFs are subject to management fees and expenses. An exchange process fee applies to sell transactions. 4. Conditions apply: Trades in ETFs available through Schwab ETF OneSource (including Schwab ETFs) are available without commissions when placed online in a Schwab account. Service charges apply for trade orders placed through a broker ($25) or by our automated phone channels ($5). An exchange-processing fee applies to sell transactions. Certain types of Schwab ETF OneSource transactions are not eligible for the commission waiver, such as short sells and buys to cover (not including Schwab ETFs). Schwab reserves the right to change the ETFs we make available without commissions. All ETFs are subject to management fees and expenses. Please see the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors for additional information. harles Schwab & Co., Inc. receives remuneration from third-party ETF companies participating in Schwab ETF OneSource for recordkeeping, shareholder services, and other administrative C services, including program development and maintenance. Schwab ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. (SIDCO). SIDCO is not affiliated with Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Learn more at schwab.com/SchwabETFs. Schwab’s short-term redemption fee of $49.95 will be charged on the redemption of funds purchased through Schwab’s Mutual Fund OneSource service (and certain other funds with no transaction fees) and held for 90 days or less. Schwab reserves the right to exempt certain funds from this fee, including Schwab Funds®, which may charge a separate redemption fee, and funds that accommodate short-term trading. 5. Trades in no-load mutual funds available through the Mutual Fund OneSource service (including Schwab Funds), as well as certain other funds, are available without transaction fees when placed through Schwab.com or our automated phone channels. For each of these trade orders placed through a broker, a $25 service charge applies. Schwab reserves the right to change the funds we make available without transaction fees and to reinstate fees on any funds. 6. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., member SIPC, receives remuneration from fund companies participating in the Mutual Fund OneSource service for recordkeeping and shareholder services and other administrative services. Schwab also may receive remuneration from transaction fee fund companies for certain administrative services. 7. Multiple-leg options strategies will involve multiple commissions. Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled “Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options” before considering any option transaction. Call Schwab at 1-800435-4000 for a current copy. Supporting documentation for any claims or statistical information is available upon request. 8. This offer applies to option trades where the client is buying-to-close a short position, single-leg option trades (as well as single-legs of a multi-leg option positions) and traditional rollouts where the client is buying-to-close and selling-to-open. The price of the option you are buying-to-close has to execute at $0.05 per contract or lower. If an order gets partially executed throughout the day, then the weighted average price across all of the fills for the buy-to-close leg will be used to determine if the trade gets the discount. The $0 commission applies to applicable trades placed via online channels. There is a $5 charge for trades placed via automated phone (i.e. TeleBroker / Schwab by Phone) and a $25 charge for broker-assisted trades. Standard published commissions apply to all other options transactions, including buy-to-close transactions where the price of the option is above $0.05 and those trades where the weighted average price across all of the fills for the buy-to-close leg is above $0.05. Schwab reserves the right to revoke this pricing arrangement at any time without advance notice. Please refer to the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors and subsequent amendments, which will provide you with full details of Schwab’s commission pricing, fees, terms and definitions. This offer does not apply to any Schwab account(s) managed by an independent investment advisor unless you received a letter from us about such account(s). Independent investment advisors are not owned by, affiliated with, or supervised by Schwab. 9. When considering a margin loan, you should determine how the use of margin fits your own investment philosophy. Because of the risks involved, it is important that you fully understand the rules and requirements involved in trading securities on margin. • Margin trading increases your level of market risk. • Your downside is not limited to the collateral value in your margin account. • Schwab may initiate the sale of any securities in your account, without contacting you, to meet a margin call. • Schwab may increase its “house” maintenance margin requirements at any time and is not required to provide you with advance written notice. • You are not entitled to an extension of time on a margin call. 10. If $10,000 or more in net new assets is deposited into an account by December 31, 2015, Schwab will reimburse the account, in an amount not to exceed $150, for qualifying transfer or exit feesincurredinmovingassetstotheaccountfromabankorbroker-dealerunaffiliatedwithSchwab. Qualifying transfer and exit fees are those transfer and exit fees charged to the account holder’s account held at the transferring bank or broker-dealer as a result of transferring assets from, orclosingtheaccountat,thatbankorbroker-dealer.Transferandexitfeesincurredasaresultoftransferringassetsfromanaccountheldatabankorbroker-dealeraffiliatedwithSchwab do not qualify. Fees and commissions incurred from securities purchases and sales, including (but not limited to) loads and redemption fees from mutual fund purchases and sales, do not qualify for reimbursement. Clients must deliver a check; wire a transfer; or complete, sign, and submit a Transfer Your Account to Schwab form by December 31, 2015. New clients must also complete an account application by December 31, 2015. The $10,000 or more qualifying deposit must be net new assets to the account and must remain at Schwab for at least six months from the date of funding. Transferred assets must be in the account before your account will be reimbursed. Margin loans and transfers between Schwab accounts do not qualify as net new assets. Qualifying deposits must be made into a single account. Deposits into more than one account cannot be combined for purposes of this offer. For new clients, this offer is subject to account application acceptance by Schwab, and trading restrictions may apply until your signed application has been received and processed by Schwab. Schwab reserves the right to refuse any new account application. Retirement accounts such as CRA, QRP, and 403(b) accounts are not eligible. Your participation in this offer may result in certain tax consequences about which you should consult your own tax or legal advisor. Limit one Schwab Designated Brokerage Services Transfer of Assets Rebate offer per household. Not valid in combination with any other Transfer of Assets offer. 11. Please read Schwab’s Disclosure Brochure for important information and disclosures relating to Schwab Managed Portfolios™. Schwab Managed Portfolios–Mutual Funds require a minimum investmentof$25,000forallaccounts.IfthemarketvalueofaProgramaccountfallsbelowthesespecifiedminimumsduetowithdrawalofassetsfromtheaccount,Schwabmayrequire the client to deposit additional money or securities to bring the account up to the required minimum, and CSIA reserves the right to discontinue management of the account. The Schwab Managed Portfolios program fee rebate is effective for one quarter following the date of account establishment. Investors enrolled in the Schwab Managed Portfolios— Mutual Funds program whose accounts were established before 3/31/2008 will continue to receive the program fee discount in effect at that time. Schwab Managed Portfolios—ETFs are excluded from this offer. No other fees, commissions, charges, expenses (including operational expenses of the underlying funds), or market losses related to your Schwab Managed Portfolios account(s) or any other account at Schwab will be rebated. After the one-quarter rebate period, the then-current Program Fee for Schwab Managed Portfolios will accrue and be billed to your account(s). This offer issubjecttosatisfactionofSchwab’squalificationrequirementsforSchwabManagedPortfoliosand,fornewaccounts,accountacceptancebySchwab. 12. Comprehensivefinancialplanningissubjecttoadditionaltermsandmaybesubjecttoaconsultationfeeafterthefeewaiverends.Call888-621-3933tolearnmore.Schwabmay discontinuethewaiverofthecomprehensivefinancialplanningconsultationfeeatanytimeandatitsdiscretion.PleasereadtheSchwabFinancialPlanningServicesDisclosureBrochure for more information. The Schwab Personal Financial Plan is an investment advisory service separate from your brokerage account. If you choose to have a Schwab Personal Financial Plan prepared for you, it is your responsibility to determine if and how the information in the plan is to be implemented. If you choose to implement your plan through Schwab, we will act as abroker-dealer,notaninvestmentadvisor,andwewillnotexecuteinvestmentdiscretionoveryourbrokerageaccount(s).Fee-basedfinancialplanningconsultationsareconductedby employeesofSchwabPrivateClientInvestmentAdvisory,Inc.(SPCIA).SPCIAisaRegisteredInvestmentAdvisorandanaffiliateofSchwab.CharlesSchwab&Co.,Inc.andSPCIArepresentatives whodeliverfinancialplanningservicesdonotprovidelegalorestateplanningadvice.Youshouldconsultyourownattorneyorotheradvisorforfurtherreviewofyourestateplanningneeds. Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You can request a prospectus by calling 800-435-4000. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Investmentreturnswillfluctuateandaresubjecttomarketvolatilitysuchthataninvestor’sshares,whenredeemedorsold,maybeworthmoreorlessthantheiroriginalcost.Unlikemutual funds, shares of ETFs are not individually redeemable directly with the ETF. Shares are bought and sold at market price, which may be higher or lower than the net asset value (NAV). Brokerage accounts with ATM access are not charged account or access fees. Schwab Trading Services (formerly known as Active Trader or Active Trading services) includes access to StreetSmart® trading platforms, the Schwab Trading Community, and priority access to Schwab trading specialists. Call 888-245-6864 to request access (a Schwab brokerage account is required). Schwab reserves the right to restrict or modify access at any time. Access to Nasdaq TotalView® quotes is provided for free to non-professional clients who have made 120 or more equity and options trades in the last 12 months, or 30 or more equity and options trades in either the current or previous quarter, or who maintain $1 million or more in household balances at Schwab. Schwab Trading Services clients who do not meet these requirements can subscribe to Nasdaq TotalView quotes for a quarterly fee. Professional clients may be required to meet additional criteria before obtaining a subscription to Nasdaq TotalView quotes. This offer may be subject to additional restrictions or fees, and may be changed at any time. The speed and performance of streaming data may vary depending on your modem speed and ISP connection. Access to electronic services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrades or maintenance, or for other reasons. PortfoliomanagementforSchwabManagedPortfoliosisprovidedbyCharlesSchwabInvestmentAdvisory,Inc.(“CSIA”),anaffiliateofCharlesSchwabandCo.,Inc. BrokerageProducts:NotFDIC-Insured•NoBankGuarantee•MayLoseValue ©2014 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. TWI (0114-8457) MKT84047-00 (12/14) 00131154
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