2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation ANZGOG COMMITTEE & TRIAL MEETINGS WEDNESDAY, 26th MARCH Time Session Location 10.00am-12.30pm ANZGOG Board of Directors Meeting Mt Ainslee Room 1.00pm-3.00pm Tumour Type Working Groups Meeting Murrumbidgee, Black Mountain & Mt Ainslee Rooms 3.30pm-5.30pm Research Advisory Committee Meeting I Murrumbidgee, Black Mountain & Mt Ainslee Rooms THURSDAY, 27th MARCH Time Session Location 7.30am-8.20am ECHO Meeting (closed meeting) Assembly Room 12.30pm-1.30pm OUTBACK Trial Management Committee Meeting Assembly Room 2.30pm-3.30pm Consumer & Community Committee Meeting Assembly Room 5.30pm-6.00pm REZOLVE TMC Meeting Assembly Room FRIDAY, 28th MARCH Time Session Location 7.30am-8.20am Quality Assurance Meeting Promenade Cafe 7.30am-8.20am Fundraising Committee Meeting Promenade Cafe 12.30pm-1.30pm ICON 8 Meeting Assembly Room SATURDAY, 29th MARCH Time Session Location 7.00am-8.20am Research Advisory Committee Meeting II Assembly Room 7.30am-8.20am Study Coordinators Committee Meeting Promenade Cafe 15 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation WORKSHOPS WEDNESDAY, 26th MARCH Time Session Location 12.00pm-2.00pm ANZGOG Clinical Research Ideas Starter Workshop Both ANZGOG & ASGO members invited to attend PRESENTED BY: PROF MARTIN STOCKLER, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre Assembly Room The aim of this workshop is to help participants develop good ideas that can be turned into successful clinical research studies. The optimal approach to improving cancer management is based on integrating rationally designed interventions with the full range of established treatment modalities including surgery, irradiation, anticancer drugs, supportive and psychosocial care. This presentation will consider strategies, frameworks, and rules of thumb for turning intuitive clinical questions into successful clinical studies. 2.00pm-5.00pm ASGO Mock OSCE & Exam Workshop For ASGO Fellows Session Chair: Dr Julie Lamont Assembly Room 1.00pm-5.30pm ANZGOG Study Coordinators Workshop Audit Readiness: Building in Quality Through Harmonisation and Process Improvement Session Chair: Ms Sue Brew GUEST SPEAKER: MS ELEANOR ALLAN Federation North The workshop will provide an understanding of the key components of a Quality System and the practical considerations in developing your own systems and processes for conduct of your clinical trials. A good Quality System will help to ensure you comply with regulatory requirements, increase efficiency and ensure that your trials are set up and run correctly from the start. The best preparation for an audit or monitoring visit is to ensure that you are audit ready from the outset with quality and efficiency built into every stage of your trial. There will be hands-on experience in identifying key gaps in your current processes, techniques for developing SOPs, and ways of increasing collaboration with your partners in ANZGOG trials. You will learn the basics of mapping processes and how to use that map as the foundation for developing standard operating procedures. You will also gain experience in identifying bottlenecks, timewasters and problems in key processes by analysing the process map and develop strategies that you can implement to prevent these issues. The workshop will include a discussion session with colleagues from the NHMRC CTC to create an action plan for improving processes and increasing quality for ANZGOG studies. 3.30pm-5.30pm ANZGOG Brachytherapy Workshop - Part I Session Chair: Dr Pearly Khaw INTERNATIONAL GUEST SPEAKER: ASSOC PROF AKILA VISWANATHAN Sponsored by: The use of brachytherapy for gynecologic malignancies has evolved dramatically in the past decades, specifically with regard to the integration of 3D imaging. An overview of image-guided approaches and the published literature for MR- and CTbased brachytherapy will be discussed. Issues affecting cervical cancer brachytherapy in the U.S. will be outlined. Specifically, the development of ABS guidelines for brachytherapy will be reviewed. How guidelines have influenced health care will be presented. Criteria for guideline versus for consensus statement development will be detailed. 16 Gallery Room 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation WORKSHOPS THURSDAY, 27th MARCH Time Session Location 1.30pm-2.30pm ANZGOG Consumers Workshop How consumers add benefit to the clinical trials process Session Chair: Ms Karen Livingstone GUEST SPEAKER: MS LEONIE YOUNG, Chair, ANZBCTG Consumer Advisory Panel Followed by Consumer & Community Committee Meeting 2.30pm-3.30pm Assembly Room 3.30pm-5.30pm ANZGOG Nurses Workshop Session Chair: Ms Judy Eddy Mt Ainslee Room Discussion will focus on options for Gynaecological Oncology Nurses Special Interest Groups with the other organisations including the International Gynaecologic Cancer Society as well as managing a consistent multidisciplinary team approach for gynaecological cancer treatment. FRIDAY, 28th MARCH 3.30pm-5.30pm ANZGOG Brachytherapy Workshop - Part II Session Chair: Dr Pearly Khaw INTERNATIONAL GUEST SPEAKER: ASSOC PROF AKILA VISWANATHAN Gallery Room Sponsored by: 3.30pm-5.30pm NATIONAL OVARIAN ACTION PLAN WORKSHOP (Invitation only) Part I - gynaecological oncologists Session Chair: Ms Alison Amos, CEO, Ovarian Cancer Australia Co Chair: Ms Alison Evans, Zest Health Strategies Mt Ainslee Room Sponsored by: The workshop is hosted by Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) and Zest Health Strategies to inform the development of a National Action Plan for Ovarian Cancer Research in Australia. The plan will guide research priorities and investment in Australia to improve the quality of life and survival of women with ovarian cancer. OCA seeks the opinion and insights of key stakeholders in the ovarian cancer field through active participation in the workshop. The program will include discussion of field audit outcomes including review and priority setting as well as recommendations for future research and funding strategies. SATURDAY, 29th MARCH 1.30pm-5.30pm NATIONAL OVARIAN ACTION PLAN WORKSHOP (Invitation only) Part II - Other cancer specialities (non ASGO members) Session Chair: Ms Alison Amos, CEO, Ovarian Cancer Australia Co Chair: Ms Alison Evans, Zest Health Strategies Federation North Ballroom Sponsored by: 17 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation THE PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, 26th MARCH Time Session 6.30pm-9.00pm WELCOME RECEPTION | HYATT COURTYARD THURSDAY, 27th MARCH Time Session 8.30am-8.40am OFFICIAL WELCOME DR ALISON BRAND & ASSOC PROF ROB ROME Federation Ballroom 8.30am-12.30pm JOINT PLENARY SESSION 1 Session Co-chairs: Assoc Prof Peter Sykes & Miss Orla McNally Federation Ballroom 8.40am-9.20am PROF LYNETTE DENNY Keynote Address: Research in gynaecological cancers - a global perspective Outline 01 9.20am-10.00am PROF JONATHAN LEDERMANN Keynote Address: ICON6 and updates on anti-angiogenic Rx in ovarian cancer Outline 02 Sponsored by: 10.00am-10.30am 10.00am-10.15am 10.15am-10.30am ANZGOG Tumor Working Groups Report - What trials should we be doing next? DR MICHELLE VAUGHAN - Chair, Endometrial Group ASSOC PROF PHILIP BEALE - Co-Chair, Ovarian Group 10.30am-11.00am Morning Tea | Exhibition Area 11.00am-11.15am ANZGOG Tumor Working Groups Report - What trials should we be doing next? ASSOC PROF ANNE HAMILTON - Chair, Cervix Group 11.15am- 11.30am ASSOC PROF CLARE SCOTT Rare Tumour Research Report from CGIC 11.30am-12.30pm 12.30pm-1.30pm 18 Clinical Trials Update PROF MICHAEL FRIEDLANDER, Director of Research & other Principal Investigators 1. ANZGOG 1103: PI | Danny Rishkin 2. ICON8: PI | Andrew Dean 3. OUTBACK: PI | Linda Mileshkin 4. Paragon: PI | Michael Friedlander 5. PORTEC-3: PI | Linda Mileshkin 6. REZOLVE: PI | Katrin Sjoquist 7. Symptom Benefit: PI | Michael Friedlander Lunch | POSTER & TRADE SESSION | Exhibition Area Outline 03 Outline 03 Outline 04 Outline 05 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation THE PROGRAM THURSDAY, 27th MARCH Time Session 1.30pm-3.00pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS ANZGOG PRESENTATIONS Session Chair: Dr Michelle Vaughan Federation North Ballroom ASGO FELLOWS PRESENTATIONS Session Chair: Dr Julie Lamont Federation South Ballroom 1.30pm-1.45pm DR MATTHEW STROTHER (NZ) Outline 06 Rational Dosing of Carboplatin : The Clinical Pharmacologic Basis of Dose Determination and a Growing Gap in the Literature 1.45pm-2.00pm DR ANDREW DEAN (WA) Molecular profiling/biomarkers Outline 07 2.00pm-2.30pm PROF DAVID BOWTELL (VIC) Molecular analysis of ovarian cancer Outline 08 2.30pm-2.40pm PROF MICHAEL FRIEDLANDER (NSW) Outline 09 Hormonal therapies in Gynaecological Cancer 2.40pm-2.50pm PROF PETER FULLER (VIC) Outline 10 Hormone Receptors in Gynaecological Cancer 2.50pm-3.00pm Questions 1 MURAD AL AKER: Abs 01 Laparoscopic excision of a retroperitoneal mass in a recurrent stage III-C ovarian cancer: Video presentation. 2 ANNE VAN ALTENA: Abs 02 Optimize epithelial ovarian cancer treatment in the eastern part of the Netherlands. 3 GEMMA BLAIN: Abs 03 Outcomes for women presenting with high grade pap smears - implications for “see and treat” 4 YVETTE IUS: Abs 04 A Retrospective Review of the Role of High Risk HPV DNA Testing as a Test of Cure Post-Treatment for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 5 ADAM PENDLEBURY: Abs 05 Paraneoplastic factor eight deficiency 6 RACHEL O’SULLIVAN: Abs 06 Management and survival outcomes in women with uterine papillary serous carcinoma in the Hunter New England Region of NSW. 7 SUZANNE STAINER: Abs 07 A prospective audit of sentinel node biopsy for vulval carcinoma in Australia and New Zealand – reporting outcomes to date 8 HELEN GREEN: Abs 08 Splenectomy for ovarian cancer: technique, indications, complications and outcomes. 3.00pm-3.30pm Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Area 3.30pm-4.00pm ANZGOG EXTRA BIOLOGICALLY FOCUSSED ABSTRACTS (ASGO Members Welcome) Session Chair: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin Federation North Ballroom 1 ANNA DE FAZIO: Low-grade serous ovarian cancer: A wolf in sheep’s clothing? 2 SHUNIT ARMON: Comparing Biological Pathways between Normal Fallopian Tube epithelium (NFT) and invasive high grade epithelial serous ovarian carcinoma (EOC). 3 VALERIE HEONG: Developing targeted approaches to C5 high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HG-SOC) through novel patient derived xenografts (PDX) 4.00pm-5.30pm Abs 10 Abs 11 ANZGOG NEW CONCEPTS PRESENTATION (ASGO Members Welcome) Session Chair: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin Federation North Ballroom 1 ALISON BRAND: Selective Targeting of Adjuvant Therapy for EndometrialCancer: The STATEC Trial 2 ANNE HAMILTON: A randomised trial of Denosumab versus placebo to reduce the incidence of pelvic insufficiency fracture in women receiving whole pelvis irradiation for pelvic malignancy 3 DAVID BOWTELL: Genomic mechanisms underlying long-term response to treatment in serous ovarian cancer 4 DAVID BOWTELL: Targeting molecular subsets of high grade serous cancer 5 JEFF GOH: Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for early stage cervical carcinoma 6 PETER SYKES: The Diagnostic and Prognostic Utility of Telomere Maintenance Mechanism Biomarkers in Malignant Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumours 7.00pm11.00pm Abs 09 CONFERENCE DINNER | Old Parliament House Sponsored by: Abs 12 Abs 13 Abs 14 Abs 15 Abs 16 Abs 17 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation THE PROGRAM FRIDAY, 28th MARCH Time Session 8.30am-10.00am JOINT PLENARY 2 - CHALLENGES OF OBESITY IN GYAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY Session Co-Chairs: Assoc Prof David Allen & Dr Pearly Khaw Federation Ballroom Sponsored by: PROF MATTHEW WATT Science of obesity Outline 11 DR SIVAKUMAR GANANADHA General Bariatric procedures and when best to refer Outline 12 9.05am-9.20am DR DIANA ADAMS Tackling the Obesity - Endrometrial Tsunami Outline 13 9.20am-9.50am ASSOC PROF AKILA VISWANATHAN Keynote Address: Challenges of treating obese patients using radiotherapy Outline14 8.30am-8.50am 8.50am-9.05am Sponsored by: 9.50am-10.00am Questions 10.00am-10.30am PROF JOHN MCNEIL Role of registries in relation to trials and research 10.30am-11.00am Morning Tea | Exhibition Area 11.00am-11.45am ANZGOG & ASGO - Highlighted Abstracts of Multidisciplinary Interest Session Co-Chairs: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin & Assoc Prof David Allen 1. RHONDA FARRELL: Lymphadenectomy in early stage high-risk endometrial cancer: clinical characteristics and outcomes in an Australian cohort. 2. ORLA MCNALLY: Sentinel lymph node biopsy in apparently low stage Endometrial Cancer: A feasibility study from two gynaecological oncology centres. 3. KATE WEBBER: OvQuest: living after the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. Preliminary results from an internet-based survey 4. MICHAEL FRIEDLANDER: Symptom burden and outcomes of patients with platinum resistant/refractory recurrent ovarian cancer - Final Results of Stage 1 of GCIG Symptom Benefit Study 11.45am-12.30pm THE DEBATE Gynaecological Oncologists should not be given the keys to the drug cabinet Session Chair: Dr Jane McNeilage Dr Alison Brand, Prof Michael Friedlander, Dr Michelle Vaughan, Prof Michael Quinn, Dr Geraldine Goss, Dr Geoff Otton 12.30pm-1.30pm Lunch | POSTER & TRADE SESSION | Exhibition Area 20 Outline 15 Abs 18 Abs 19 Abs 20 Abs 21 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation THE PROGRAM FRIDAY, 28th MARCH Time Session 1.30pm-3.00pm ANZGOG PRESENTATIONS (ASGO Members welcome or optional free afternoon) Session Chair: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin Federation Ballroom ASGO MEMBERS FREE AFTERNOON 1.30pm-2.15pm ANZGOG ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS Session Chair: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin 1 DAVID MIZRAHI: Abs 22 An exercise intervention during chemotherapy for women with recurrent ovarian cancer 2 PEARLY KHAW: Abs 23 PET findings in women with endometrial cancer referred for adjuvant radiotherapy 3 CARMINIA LAPUZ: Abs 24 Survival and patterns of failure in FIGO stage 1B node positive cervix cancer treated with curative intent 4 KAILASH NARAYAN: Abs 25 Survival, patterns of failure and prognostic factor analysis in node positive endometrial cancer patients treated with curative intent. 1.30pm-3.00pm National Portrait Gallery 2.15pm-3.00pm ANZGOG PRESENTATION TO MEMBERS Session Chair: Dr Alison Brand, ANZGOG Chair - Consumer presentation - Outreach activities - Presentation of Awards 3.00pm-3.30pm Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Area 3.30pm-5.30pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3.30pm-4.30pm 3.15pm-5.00pm Australian War Memorial 3.00pm-5.00pm Tennis Contact YRD registration desk for details ANZGOG PRESENTATIONS Session Chair: Assoc Prof Linda Mileshkin (ASGO Members welcome or optional free afternoon) Federation North Ballroom 2nd Half Brachytherapy Workshop Session Chair: Dr Pearly Khaw Assembly Room NATIONAL OVARIAN ACTION PLAN WORKSHOP Mt Ainslee Room ANZGOG Abstract Presentations 1 LINDA MILESHKIN: Abs 26 ANZGOG 06-02: A phase II trial of adjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation following surgery for high-risk endometrial cancer - updated survival results and patterns of relapse. 2 PETER FONG: Abs 27 Adult granulosa cell tumours (GCT): 56 years of clinicopathological outcomes including FOXL2 mutational status. 3 NICOLE KINNANE: Abs 28 Evaluation of the gynaecology basic sexual health assesment questions incuded in the supportive needs screening tool. 4 ANNE LONG: Abs 29 Quality of reporting of patient rated outcomes (PROs) in ovarian cancer clinical trials: A Systematic Review. 5 ADNAN NAGRIAL: Abs 30 Duration of systemic therapy for ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 6 DANNY RISCHIN: Abs 31 A phase I study of the vascular disrupting agent BNC105P in combination with gemcitabine-carboplatin in platinum sensitive ovarian cancer patients in first or second relapse. SPEAKER: ASSOC PROF AKILA VISWANATHAN Part I - Gynaecological Oncologists (Invitation only) Sponsored by: Session Chair: Ms Alison Amos, CEO, Ovarian Cancer Australia Co Chair: Ms Alison Evans, Zest Health Strategies Sponsored by: 4.30pm-5.30pm DR JIM COWARD Outline 16 Targeting inflammation to overcome radiation and chemo resistance in Gynaecological Cancer 5.00pm-5.30pm ANZGOG - MR RICHARD DU ABREU LOURENCO CREST - Health Economics 5.30pm-7.30pm Award Winning Movie N.E.D - No Evidence of Disease | Federation South Ballroom Join us for a glass of wine and inspiration. Meet lead singer Dr Joanie Hope from Alaska at the screening of the Award Winning Movie - N.E.D. – No Evidence of Disease. ANZGOG is hosting this event about a group of musicians who are also gynaecological oncologists in the USA – their music, their lives, their patients. FREE EVENING IN CANBERRA Outline 17 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting Progress through collaboration and innovation THE PROGRAM SATURDAY, 29th MARCH Time Session 8.30am-12.00pm JOINT PLENARY SESSION 3 Session Co-Chairs: Dr Jeff Goh & Dr Deb Neesham Federation Ballroom 8.30am-10.30am TUMOUR BOARD PANEL SESSION Pathology: Dr Jan Pyman Radiation Oncology: Assoc Prof Akila Viswanathan Surgical: Prof Lynette Denny Medical Oncology: Prof Jonathan Ledermann DR LUIZA PECULIS: Stage IB2 adenosquamous cervical cancer diagnosed at 19 weeks gestation 10.30am-11.00am Morning Tea | Exhibition Area 11.00am-11.30am PROF JONATHAN LEDERMANN Keynote Address - Role of PARPi in high grade serous ovarian cancer Outline 18 Abs 32 Outline 19 Sponsored by: 11.30am-12.00pm PROF LYNETTE DENNY Keynote Address - Inequities in care and its impact on cancer control Outline 20 12.00pm-12.05pm OFFICIAL CLOSE ANZGOG ASGO COMBINED ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING Dr Alison Brand, ANZGOG Chair Federation Ballroom 12.05pm-1.00pm Lunch for ASGO Members | Exhibition Area ANZGOG Conference Ends (except for invitees to National Ovarian Cancer Action Plan) ASGO Members continue to next session 1.00pm-5.00pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS ASGO PLENARY SESSIONS Federation South Ballroom NATIONAL OVARIAN ACTION PLAN WORKSHOP Federation North Ballroom 1.00pm-1.30pm DR JAN PYMAN Outline 21 Immunohistochemistry for MSI in Uterine Cancer: Not so straightforward 1.30pm-3.00pm ASGO Surgeons Corner and Surgical Dilemmas Session Chair: Prof Tom Jobling Outline 22 Part II - Other cancer specialists (Invitation only - not for CGO’s) 1 MURAD AL AKER: Describing a technique of intra peritoneal chemotherapy port placement during the interval period using a single incision. 2 NAVEN CHETTY: A Laparoscopic approach to the retroperitoneal space. 3 SURGICAL DILEMAS: Disasters that have occurred - presented by ASGO Members 4 ASSOC PROF ROB ROME Dataprojector presentation Abs 33 3.00pm-3.15pm Afternoon Tea | Exhibition Area 3.15pm-5.00pm ASGO ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Federation South Ballroom 7.00m-11.00pm ASGO BLACK TIE DINNER | The Boat House by the Lake (ASGO members and by invitation) 22 Abs 34 Session Chair: Ms Alison Amos, CEO, Ovarian Cancer Australia Co Chair: Ms Alison Evans, Zest Health Strategies Sponsored by:
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