Master Policy of CoPilot Personal Accident Insurance WHEREAS the Insured Person named in the Schedule hereto has by a proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and is deemed to be incorporated herein, applied to ZURICH INSURANCE MALAYSIA BERHAD (8029-A) (hereinafter called “the Company”) for the insurance hereinafter contained. This Policy is issued in consideration of the payment of premium as specified in the Policy Schedule and pursuant to the answers given in your Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) and any other disclosures made by you between the time of submission of your Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) and the time this contract is entered into. The answers and any other disclosures given by you shall form part of this contract of insurance between you and us. However, in the event of any pre-contractual misrepresentation made in relation to your answers or in any disclosures given by you, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 will apply. This Master Policy reflects the terms and conditions of the contract of insurance as agreed between you and us. NOW THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESS that if during the Period of Insurance the Insured Person shall sustain Bodily Injury caused by Accidental means in which the injury solely and independently from of any other cause, result in the Insured Person’s death or disablement as hereinafter defined, We will subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions and conditions of and endorsed on this policy pay to the Insured Person or in the event of death, the nominee(s) named by Insured Person (if applicable) or to the Insured Person’s legal representative the sum or sums of money specified in the Schedule. OUR AGREEMENT Your Master policy is a contract between Us and You, as named in the Schedule. The application form, declaration and any information You gave to Us when applying for the policy, are the basis of this contract. In consideration of payment of premium and subject to the definitions, exclusions, limitations, provisions and terms contained herein, endorsed hereon, or attached hereto, We agree to insure the Insured Person named in the Schedule issued and promise to pay indemnity for loss to the extend provided herein. GENERAL DEFINITIONS Certain words have been defined below. These have the same meaning wherever they are used in the policy. They begin with a capital letter (e.g. Insured Person, You, Your) Definition Accident or Accidental Shall mean a sudden, unforeseen and fortuitous event that happens unexpectedly and results in the Insured Person suffering death, disablement or Bodily Injury. Bodily Injury Shall mean Bodily Injury sustained in Accident directly and independently of all other causes. Car-Jacking Shall mean criminal taking of the Named Vehicle from its driver by force, violence, or intimidation whilst the Insured Person is occupying it. Doctor or Physician or Surgeon Shall mean a registered medical practitioner qualified and licensed to practice western medicine and who, in rendering such treatment, is practicing within the scope of his licensing and training in the geographical area of practice, but excluding a doctor, physician and surgeon who is the Insured Person himself, Insured Person’s spouse, or an agent of the Insured Person. Effective Date Shall mean the date from which the insurance coverage under this policy in respect of any Insured Person becomes effective as specified in the policy Schedule. Eligibility Age Mean the age eligibility of the Insured to qualify to purchase this policy and ranges from eighteen (18) years old to seventy-nine (79) years old. All ages refers to the age of Insured Person’s last birthday. 1 Hospital Refers to the lawfully operating institution for the care and treatment of sick and injured persons, which has twenty four (24) nursing service by registered graduate nurses, one or more Doctors, Physicians or Surgeons available at all times and organized facilities for diagnosis and major surgery, which shall not primarily be a clinic, a place for alcoholics or drug addicts, a nursing, rest or convalescent home, home for the aged or similar establishment. Hospitalization Means the Insured Person being confined in a registered hospital as a registered in-patient because of medical necessity and on the advice of a Doctor, Physician or Surgeon. One (1) day of Hospitalization means continuous twenty four (24) hour period for which the hospital makes a charge for room and board. Insured Person/You/Your Shall mean Insured Person named in the Certificate of Insurance who is eighteen (18) years old to seventy-nine (79) years of age last birthday and is: (a) a Malaysian citizen; or Singaporean (b) a Permanent Resident of Malaysia; or (c) a Malaysian Employment Pass Holder and/or Work Permit Holder. Loss of Limb or Member or Part Thereof Shall mean loss by actual physical severance or total and permanent loss of use. Loss of Sight Shall mean the entire permanent irrecoverable loss of sight. Loss of Use Shall mean total functional disablement and is treated like total loss of said limb or organ and not in terms of professional or occupational incapacity or disability of the Insured Person. Medical Necessary Shall mean a medical service which is: (a) consistent with the diagnosis and customary medical treatment for a covered injury in accordance with standards of good medical practice, consistent with current standard of professional medical care, and of proven medical benefits, and; (b) not for the convenience of the Insured Person or the Doctor/Physician/Surgeon, and unable to be reasonably rendered out of hospital (if admitted as an inpatient), and; (c) not of an experimental, investigational or research nature, preventive or screening nature; (d) for which the charges are fair and reasonable and customary for the injury and or illness. Named Vehicle Shall mean any private car which is the property of the Insured Person and is registered in Malaysia or Singapore under the name of the Insured Person at the time of enrolment. Registration Number of the vehicle has been lodged with Us and named in the Certificate of Insurance. Period of Insurance Shall mean the duration of the policy as stated in the Certificate of Insurance. Permanent Means as used in respect to disablement means disability that lasts more than three hundred sixty-five (365) days following which there is no hope of improvement. Permanent Total Disablement Means disablement that results solely, directly and independently of all other causes from Bodily Injury and which occurs within three hundred sixty-five (365) consecutive days, will in probability entirely prevent the Insured Person from engaging in employment of any and every kind for the remainder of his or her life and from which there is no hope of improvement. Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Shall mean disabilities that the Insured Person has reasonable knowledge of prior to the inception date. An Insured Person may be considered to have reasonable knowledge of a pre-existing condition is one for which:(a) the Insured Person had received or is receiving treatment; (b) medical advise, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended; (c) clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or (d) its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the circumstance. RM Shall mean in Ringgit Malaysia; the currency of Malaysia. Certificate of Insurance The Schedule containing your details, sum insured, Registration number of Named Vehicle, Effective Date and Period of Insurance. The Schedule forms part of the policy. 2 Territorial Limit Coverage is limited to Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam on Insured Person/Driver and/or passengers whilst travelling in the Named Vehicle. Coverage is extended to twenty-four (24) hours worldwide on Insured Person only during the period of insurance and is limited to accidental death and permanent disablement resulting from any accidental causes. The Company/We/Us/Our Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad, which shall include the permitted assign and successor in title. Unattended Not within your sight at all times. BENEFIT DESCRIPTION Pilot Plus Accidental Death Permanent Disablement Accidental Medical Expenses Daily Hospital Income Corrective Cosmetic Surgery Ambulance Fee Pilot Protect Personal Property Auto Pilot Bill Protect On Time Arrival ZRA Car Assistance Program SUM INSURED (RM) 30,000 30,000 Up to 2,000 60 per day Up to 1,000 500 Up to 500 Up to 2,000 Up to 500 Section 1: Pilot Plus Benefit 1: Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement If, during the Period of Insurance, the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s), sustains Bodily Injury whilst traveling in the Named Vehicle as a result of a covered Accident, which solely and independently of any other cause, shall within twelve (12) consecutive months result in death or disablement as provided in the Scale of Benefit described herein. We will, according the scale of benefit table, compensate the Insured Person/driver and/or passenger(s) or their legal representatives the sum insured amount as stated in the Certificate of Insurance per person. The Sum Insured amount shall be RM30,000 per Insured Person and the maximum sum payable for any one period of insurance shall not exceed RM150,000. The cover being proposed is restricted to maximum 5 passenger(s) (including Insured Person/Driver). If at the time of accident, the number of passengers including Insured Person/Driver exceeds 5, We shall pay the proportion of the loss accordingly. Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement Scale of Benefit Table: • • • • • • • Accidental Death Loss of Sight of Both Eyes Loss of or Permanent Total Loss of Use of Both Hands or Both Feet or One Hand and One Foot Loss of or Permanent Total Loss of Use of One Hand or One Foot Together with the Total and Irrecoverable Loss of All Sight in One Eye Loss of Sight in One Eye Total Paralysis (neck down) Loss of or Permanent Total Loss of Use of Four Limbs 100% of the Benefit Limit The aggregate of all losses payable in respect of any one Accident shall not exceed 100%. In the event a total of 100% is paid to the Insured Person during the period of this Policy, all coverage to that Insured Person shall immediately cease to be in force. Benefit 2: Accidental Medical Expenses If, during the Period of Insurance, the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s), sustains Bodily Injury whilst traveling in the Named Vehicle as a result of a covered Accident, We will reimburse the Medically Necessary medical, surgical treatment, outpatient and hospital room and board expenses incurred within twenty six (26) weeks from the date of the accident. The maximum payable under this section will be up to the maximum amount stated in the Certificate of Insurance in aggregate of all losses per any one accident. Benefit 3: Daily Hospital Income We will pay the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) a daily benefit as stipulated in the Certificate of Insurance for each day the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) is hospitalised as a result of an Accident in the Named Vehicle, up to a maximum of sixty (60) days in aggregate of all losses per any one accident. This benefit pays only if the Insured, driver and/or passenger(s) is hospitalised for a minimum of twenty four (24) hours due to an Accident whilst traveling in the Named Vehicle. 3 Benefit 4. Corrective Cosmetic Surgery Expenses We will reimburse the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) up to the amount stipulated in the Certificate of Insurance in respect of expenses incurred by Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) for corrective cosmetic surgery performed on Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger’s neck or head following injuries sustained due to an accident in the Named Vehicle, provided that the corrective cosmetic surgery is recommended and performed by a licensed orthodontist or cosmetic Surgeon in aggregate of all losses per any one accident. Benefit 5. Ambulance Fees We will reimburse the Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) up to the amount stipulated in the Certificate of Insurance in respect of ambulance fee incurred by Insured Person/Driver and/or passenger(s) following injuries sustained due to an accident in the Named Vehicle in aggregate of all losses per any one accident. Section 2: Pilot Protect Benefit 6: Personal Property Coverage We will pay the Insured Person for loss of mobile phone, sunglasses, wallet, handbag, camera, and electronic tag with embedded RFID (Radio Frequency with Identification device such as smart tag) up to the maximum amount stated in the Certificate of Insurance due to Car-Jacking of the Named Vehicle and provided that such losses are not recoverable from any other source. Any losses due to the Named Vehicle being left Unattended by the Insured Person will not be covered. The loss must be reported to the police having jurisdiction at the place of the loss not more than twenty-four (24) hours after the incident. Any claim must be accompanied by a written documentation from the police. Section 3: Auto Pilot Benefit 7: Bill Protection If, during the Period of Insurance, the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury whilst traveling in the Named Vehicle as a result of a covered Accident, which solely and independently of any other cause, shall within twelve (12) consecutive months result in Total Permanent Disablement, We will pay the Insured Person for motor related expenses on gas or fuel, vehicle maintenance expenses and insurance premium of the Named Vehicle up to the maximum amount stated in the Certificate of Insurance. Original receipts of gas or fuel, vehicle maintenance expenses and insurance premium of the Named Vehicle shall be valid and within 6 months from the Accident date. Evidence of Total Permanent Disablement must be provided by the Insured Person for the purpose of claim under this benefit. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS This policy does not cover death, disablement, Bodily Injury, loss or expense, directly or indirectly, related to the following: 1. War, declared or undeclared, unless otherwise agreed and endorsed by Us; 2. Engaging in or testing of any kind of conveyance, manual work, aerial activities, mining or handling of explosives, military equipment or weapons; 3. Self-inflicted Bodily Injury, suicide or any attempt thereat, whilst sane or insane; 4. Professional competitive sports or racing on wheels; 5. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, unless drug is taken in accordance with an authorized medical prescription; 6. Any prohibition or regulations by any government; 7. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or form any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel and nuclear weapon materials; 8. Mental, behavioural or sleep disorders, including any known or suspected psychological or psychiatric disorder, anxiety or depression; 9. Pre-existing medical conditions; 10. Any illegal or unlawful act by an Insured Person; 11. Any Bodily Injury, Sickness, death, loss, expense or other liability attributable to HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus) and/or HIVrelated illness including AIDS and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof however caused or however named; 12. Any loss arising from the utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed or combined; 13. Rafting or canoeing involving white water rapids, bungee jumping, jet skiing, under-water activities involving artificial breathing apparatus (except scuba diving limited up to 50 meters only), pot-hailing, or rock climbing that ordinarily requires the use of ropes or guides. 14. Childbirth, miscarriage, pregnancy or any complication thereof, or pre-existing physical or mental defect or infirmity. 15. To any person while the Named Vehicle is used for hire, racing, road rally, pace making, speed-testing or used for any purpose in connection with motor trade; 16. To the driver if such driver does not hold a valid driver’s license to drive or is not qualified for holding or obtaining such a valid driver’s license; 17. While the Named Vehicle is used for illegal business pursuit as an unlicensed common carrier: 18. Any person below the age of 5 and above the age of 80. 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Automatic Termination The insurance of the Insured Person shall automatically terminate on the earliest happening of the following events: (a) on the death of an Insured Person; or (b) in the event a total of 100% is paid to the Insured Person during the period of this Policy, all coverage to that Insured Person shall immediately cease to be in force. (c) when the Insured Person attain the age of eighty (80). 2. Arbitration All differences arising out of this Policy shall be referred to an Arbitrator who shall be appointed in writing by the parties in differences or if they cannot agree upon a single Arbitrator, to the decision of two Arbitrators one to be appointed in writing by each of the parties within one (1) calendar month after having been required in writing so to do by either of the parties or in case the Arbitrators do not agree, of an Umpire appointed in writing by the Arbitrators before entering upon the reference. The Umpire shall sit with the Arbitrators and preside at their meetings and the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against Us. If We shall disclaim liability to the Insured for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not within twelve (12) calendar months from the date of such disclaimer have been referred to arbitration under the provisions herein contained then the claim shall for all purpose be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable hereunder. 3. Cancellation Where this Policy is an Annual Policy: We may cancel the Policy at any time by writing to You at Your last known address. We will in such a case return a pro rata portion of the premium for the unexpired Period of Insurance. You may cancel the Policy at any time by written notice of cancellation to Us and provided no claim is made under the Policy, You will be entitled to a return of premium subject to our short period rates for the period of the Policy. Period Policy is in Force % of Annual Premium to be Charged Up to 2 months 40% Up to 3 months 50% Up to 4 months 60% Up to 5 months 70% Up to 6 months 75% Above 6 months No Refund Allowed 4. Cash Before Cover It is a fundamental and absolute special condition of this contract of insurance that the premium due must be paid and received by Us before insurance cover is effective. 5. Claims Procedure In the case of Bodily Injury or Accidental to which this Policy relates: The Insured Person shall procure and act upon medical or surgical advice or police report as soon as practicable; Notice of Bodily Injury on which the claim may be based on and which is covered by this policy, must be given in writing to Us within thirty (30) days after the occurrence. We, upon receipt of such notice shall furnish the Insured Person with a claim form for filling of proof of claim; All certificates, information and evidence which We may require will be supplied at the Insured Person’s expense or the Insured Person’s legal representative. If the Insured Person’s claim is for Bodily Injury, We may request, and will pay for a medical examination. We may also request, and will pay for, a post mortem examination if any Insured Person dies. 6. Claims Payment All claims payment will be made to the Insured Person. In the event of the Insured Person’s death, We shall pay the claims proceeds to the nominee(s) named by Insured Person (if applicable) or to the Insured Person’s legal representative. Upon payment, We will be fully discharged of our obligations under this policy. 7. Compliance with General Conditions Failure to comply with any of the conditions in this policy shall invalidate all claims hereunder. 8. Condition Precedent to Liability The due observance and the fulfilment of the terms, provisions and conditions of this Policy by the Insured Person in so far as he/she relate to anything to be done or complied with by he/she shall be conditions precedent to any liability of Us hereunder. 9. Currency of Payment All payments will be made in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). 5 10. Entire Contract This Policy including the Schedule, endorsements, attachments and amendments, if any, will constitute the entire contract between the parties. No other person has the authority to change or waive the provision of this Policy. No changes in this Policy shall be valid unless approved and evidenced by endorsement of amendment from Us. 11. Governing Law Any interpretation of this Policy relating to its construction, validity or operation shall be made in accordance with Malaysia Law. 12. Legal Proceedings No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this Policy prior to expiration of sixty (60) days after written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. The Insured Person as often as required shall submit to medical examination on behalf of Us at their own expense in respect of any alleged Bodily Injury. 13. Duty of Disclosure Where you have applied for this Insurance wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you had a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) i.e. you should have answered the questions fully and accurately. Failure to have taken reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of your claim(s), change of terms or termination of your contract of insurance in accordance with the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013. You were also required to disclose any other matter that you knew to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with us any of the information given in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) is inaccurate or has changed. 14. MISSTATEMENT OR OMISSION OF MATERIAL FACT If: (a) any answer, disclosure or representation by You, before this contract of insurance is entered into, varied or renewed, in or to any proposal or declaration or query, has been deliberately or recklessly stated in any respect; or (b) before this contract of insurance is entered into, varied or renewed, You have failed to disclose any fact You knew to be relevant to Our decision on whether to accept this risk or not and the rates and the terms to be applied; or (c) any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated, or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support of such claim. then in any of the above cases, this Policy shall be void. 15. Rights of Third Parties A person who is not a party of this Policy contract shall no right under the Contracts Act (Rights of Third Parties) to enforce any of its terms. 16. Subrogation We shall at any time be entitled to undertake in the name of and on behalf of the Insured Person the absolute conduct, control, defence and/or settlement of any proceedings, and at any time to take proceedings at its own expense and for its own behalf, but in the name of the Insured Person, to cover compensation or secure indemnity from any third party in respect of anything covered by this insurance. The Insured Person must cooperate fully with Us to this end and do nothing to prejudice Our rights. 17. Misrepresentation/Fraud If the proposal or declaration of the Insured Person is untrue in any respect or if any material fact affecting the risk be incorrectly stated herein or omitted therefrom, or if this insurance, or any renewal thereof shall have been obtained through any misstatement, misrepresentation or suppression, or if any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated, or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support thereof, then in any of these cases, this Policy shall be void. 18. Alternation of Named Vehicle In the event the Insured Person have disposed the Named Vehicle as stated in the Certificate of Insurance either by sale or transfer of ownership, no alteration can be performed in this Policy and the Named Vehicle number shall be remain unchanged. ON TIME ARRIVAL BY ZRA CAR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM This Program offers you a comprehensive range of services, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year anywhere in Malaysia. All you need to do is call the 24 Hours Toll Free number (1-300-88-6222) to request the following services. In the event that the Named Vehicle is immobilized due to a breakdown, the Insured Person may contact Zurich Roadside Assistance for immediate assistance. Should it be deemed possible by ZRA and / or its technicians to provide Minor Roadside Repairs, ZRA shall arrange for such repairs. In the event it is not possible to repair the car on the site, ZRA shall arrange for the vehicle to be towed. Territorial Limit The twenty four (24) hours emergency towing services shall be made available in the event the Named Vehicle is immobilized anywhere in Peninsular Malaysia excluding islands except for Penang and Langkawi. In East Malaysia, the towing services shall only be available in major towns. 6 a. 24-Hours Emergency Towing If your Named Vehicle breaks down and it is not possible to repair the vehicle on the spot, ZRA will assist to tow the Named Vehicle up to RM500. You will only be charged additional towing costs if the round trip exceeds your Cap Limit*. You are given full flexibility to choose where you want your Named Vehicle towed, either back to your home or to your preferred workshop. Additional costs of towing is approximately RM2.50 per km. However, the cost of towing can change according to prevailing market rates. All cost incurred for toll charges (if any), shall be borne by the Insured Person. b. Minor Roadside Repair ZRA shall organize and pay for labour cost for roadside repair up to a maximum labour of 2 hours per event. ZRA shall not be responsible for any cost incurred for spare parts required during the Minor Roadside Repairs. c. Taxi and Car Rental Reimbursement In the event of breakdown involving the Named Vehicle and should the Insured Person require taxi or car rental, ZRA will reimburse the cost up to the Cap Limit* d. Reimbursement For Hotel Accommodation In the event of breakdown involving the Named Vehicle and should the Insured Person require hotel accommodation, ZRA will reimburse the cost up to the Cap Limit* e. Arrangement of Emergency Evacuation If a medical emergency arises following breakdown, ZRA will arrange for an ambulance or other means of transportation to send the driver to the nearest medical centre or hospital. All cost incurred shall be borne by the driver. f. Referral to Service Centre The driver may contact ZRA to arrange for referral to the nearest repair and service centre for car servicing or repair. ZRA shall also arrange for prior appointment for the driver if so required. All cost incurred shall be borne by the driver. g. Emergency Message Transmission In the event of an emergency following the breakdown involving the vehicle, upon the request of the driver, ZRA shall endeavour to contact the driver’s family. h. Friends And Family In the event of a breakdown and a valid Zurich Co Pilot policy holder is in the vehicle, ZRA will provide breakdown assistance. In this case, the original policy holder’s vehicle number must be quoted and his / her Cap Limit will be deducted. *The maximum claim for Taxi / Car Rental / Hotel Accommodation is RM 100 per incident. Only one claim can be made per incident ( not inclusive of towing ). The claimant must lodge a report with the ZRA Call Centre immediately upon the incident and inform the Call Centre on the claim details. All claims must be accompanied with the ORIGINAL receipts. Exception The Car Assistance Program benefits shall only be rendered to vehicle registered with ZRA. ZRA shall not provide its services in respect of or under the following circumstances: 1. Any services which are not organized or pre-approved directly by ZRA. 2. Any cost of parts and cost of repairs at the workshop or service centres. 3. If the vehicle is or has been modified for participation in rally and racing or modified against government regulations. 4. Failure of the insured/driver and/or passengers of the vehicle to take reasonable precautions or to follow warnings of any intended strike, riot or civil commotion via the mass media. 5. Any illegal or unlawful act by the Insured/driver and/or passengers of the vehicle for any unlawful or illegal purpose. 6. Any commercial vehicle. 7. When the car keys are not available or locked inside the vehicle. 8. When there is no mechanical part in the vehicle, such as no engine or transmission. 9. Towing of a vehicle for the purpose of disposing the vehicle. 10. Towing of a vehicle for the purpose of transferring the vehicle from one workshop to another. 11. No valid road tax disc displayed on the vehicle. 12. Towing a stolen vehicle which has been discovered, abandoned or due to vandalism. 13. Vehicle that has been dismantled fully or partly in a workshop. 14. Towing a vehicle that is greater weight than for which it was designed as stated in manufacturer’s specifications. 15. Towing a vehicle which registration number does not match with the number registered with ZRA. 16. If the vehicle suffers a mechanical break down and is immobilized on an unpaved road surface or on a road that is not a gazetted road of the Malaysian Road System. 17. If the vehicle requires the use of special equipment during the recovery. 18. Service provision outside the territorial limits stated. 19. Towing of the Named Vehicle or a vehicle due to catastrophe events or Act of God such as but not limited to earthquake, landslip, landslide or flood including flash floods or any other convulsion of nature is involved. 7 IMPORTANT The Insured shall read this Policy carefully, and if any error or mis-description be found herein, or if the cover be not in accordance with the wishes of the Insured, advise should at once be given to the Company and the Policy returned for attention. Procedures for complaint to FMB If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Company, you may write to the Mediator with details of the dispute and particulars of your policy. If the Mediator makes an award against the Company, you are required to inform the Mediator of your decision to accept or deny the award within fourteen (14) days. If you do not accept the award, you may reject the decision of the Mediator. You are free to institute a court proceeding against the Company or refer it to Arbitration. You may communicate with the Company at: Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad 11th Floor, Menara Zurich, No. 12, Jalan Dewan Bahasa, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 03-2146 8000 Fax: 03-2142 5863 Call Centre: 1-300-888-622 Email: You may communicate with FMB at: Financial Mediation Bureau Level 25, Dataran Kewangan Darul Takaful, No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-2272 2811 Fax: 03-2274 5752 Email: Procedures for complaint to CSB Alternatively you may put forward your dissatisfaction over the conduct of the Company by writing to CSB giving details of your complaint and particulars of your policy to: Contact Centre (BNMTELELINK) Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (LINK) Bank Negara Malaysia P.O. Box 10922 50929 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 1-300-88-5465 (1-300-88-LINK) (Overseas: +603-2174-1717) Fax: +603-2174-1515 E-mail: Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad (8029-A) 11th Floor, Menara Zurich, No. 12, Jalan Dewan Bahasa, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 03-2146 8000 Fax: 03-2142 5863 Call Centre: 1-300-888-622 The trademarks depicted are registered in the name of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd in many jurisdictions worldwide 8
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