City of Coquitlam Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of Coquitlam will be holding a Public Hearing to receive representations from all persons who deem it in their interest to address Council regarding the following proposed bylaws. This meeting will be held on: Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC V3B 7N2 Immediately following the adjournment of the Public Hearing, Council will convene a Regular Council Meeting during which it will give consideration to the items on the Public Hearing agenda. Item 1 Text Amendment – Industrial Zones Review The intent of Bylaw 4522, 2015 is to amend City of Coquitlam Citywide Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3479, 2001 in order to revise its land use designations and policies as they pertain to the consolidation of the City’s nine industrial zones. If approved the bylaw amendment would: • Amend the Citywide Official Community Plan, Chapter 5.2 to add policies to support the proposed “Business Enterprise” land use designation. • Amend the Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan to remove the “Highway Retail” land use designation with a new land use designation,“Business Enterprise”, to correspond with the new B-1 Business Enterprise zone. • Amend the Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan to add policy which supports the development of small-scale restaurants, and grocery stores of limited size, that support local industrial workers, under specific circumstances. • Amend the Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan and Maillardville Neighbourhood Plan to add the three new zones (M-1 General Industrial, M-2 Industrial Business and B-1 Business Enterprise) as corresponding zones to the “Industrial” and “Business Enterprise” land use designations, and add policies that outline the intent and conditions of use for each of the Industrial and Business Enterprise land use designations. • Amend Schedule D to the Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan to limit the B-1 zone to the areas along United Boulevard, as outlined on the Schedule. • Add two new zones (M-1 General Industrial, M-2 Industrial Business) as corresponding zones to the “Industrial” land use designations to the City Centre Area Plan and add policies that outline the intent and conditions of use for the Industrial land use designation. • Redesignate properties by changing the OCP land use designation to be consistent with the new zones assigned to a property including redesignating: • Approximately 22 properties from Highway Retail Industrial to Business Enterprise; • Approximately four (4) properties from Industrial to Business Enterprise; and • Approximately 15 properties from Industrial to Service Commercial. The intent of Bylaw 4527, 2015 is to amend City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3000, 1996 to consolidate the City’s nine industrial zones into three new zones (M-1 General Industrial, M-2 Industrial Business, B-1 Business Enterprise). The proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw would: • Delete the existing nine industrial zones and add the three proposed new zones to the text of the Zoning Bylaw (M-1 General Industrial, M-2 Industrial Business, B-1 Business Enterprise). • Rezone approximately 345 properties under one of the current nine industrial zones to one of the three new zones, or the existing CS-1 Service Commercial zone. • Rezone six properties from M-4 Asphalt and Concrete Plant Industrial to A-3 Agricultural and Resource to permit concrete and asphalt batching and associated accessory uses, and amend the minimum setbacks and minimum lot size limited to these six specific properties within the A-3 zone regulations. • Amend the CS-1 Service Commercial zone to: - permit a mini-warehouse use; - increase the maximum lot coverage to 55%; - increase the maximum density to not exceed a maximum gross floor area of 0.6 times the lot area; and - increase the maximum building height to 11 metres, not to exceed one story, except for mini-warehouses which must not exceed 11 metres and two stories. • Add new definitions pertaining to the three new zones and revise several existing definitions; and • Add parking requirements for each of the new zones and for a mini-warehouse use in the CS-1 zone. Copies of the bylaws, associated maps and supporting staff report are available for viewing on the City’s website at Any person wishing further information or clarification with regard to the proposed amendments should contact Karen Wong, Planning and Development Department, at 604-927-3476. Item 2 Address: 826 Dogwood Street The intent of Bylaw 4556, 2015 is to amend City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3000, 1996 to rezone the subject property outlined in black on the map marked Schedule ‘A’ to Bylaw 4556, 2015 from RT-1 Two-Family Residential to RT-3 Triplex and Quadruplex Residential. If approved, the RT-3 zone would facilitate a quadruplex residential development comprising four (4) detached dwelling units. Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC V3B 7N2 Item 3 Address: 1243 Wellington Street Item 4 Address: 1238 Rocklin Street The intent of Bylaw 4533, 2015 is to amend City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3000, 1996 to rezone the subject property outlined in black on the map marked Schedule ‘A’ to Bylaw 4533, 2015 from RS-2 One-Family Suburban Residential to RS-3 OneFamily Residential and P-5 Special Park. The intent of Bylaw 4555, 2015 is to amend City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3000, 1996 to rezone the subject property outlined in black on the map marked Schedule ‘A’ to Bylaw 4555, 2015 from RS-2 One-Family Suburban Residential to RS-8 Large Village Single-Family Residential and P-5 Special Park. If approved, the RS-3 and P-5 zones would facilitate a subdivision comprising seven (7) single-family residential lots and a streamside protection area. If approved, the RS-8 and P-5 zones would facilitate a subdivision comprising six (6) single-family residential lots and a streamside protection area. How do I find out more information? Additional information, copies of the bylaws, supporting staff reports, and any relevant background documentation may be inspected from April 15th to April 27th in person at the Planning and Development Department, Coquitlam City Hall, 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. You may also obtain further information with regard to the bylaws mentioned above on the City’s website at publichearing and by phone at 604-927-3430. How do I provide input? Verbal submissions may only be made in person at the Public Hearing. The City Clerk’s Office will compile a Speakers List for each item. To have your name added to the Speakers List please call 604-927-3010. Everyone will be permitted to speak at the Public Hearing but those who have registered in advance will be given first opportunity. Please also be advised that video recordings of Public Hearings are streamed live and archived on the City’s website at www.coquitlam. ca/webcasts. Prior to the Public Hearing written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office in one of the following ways: Email: Regular mail: 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 7N2 In person: City Clerk’s Office, 2nd Floor, 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 7N2 Fax: to the City Clerk’s Office at 604-927-3015 To afford Council an opportunity to review your submission, please ensure that you forward it to the City Clerk’s Office prior to noon on the day of the hearing. Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall and on our website at If you require more information regarding this process please call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-927-3010. Please note that Council may not receive further submissions from the public or interested persons concerning any of the bylaws described above after the conclusion of the Public Hearing. Jay Gilbert City Clerk
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