ADD5- 1 Addendum No.5 City of Coquitlam Tender No. 74731A Pinetree Way Enhancements (Barnet Highway to Town Centre Boulevard) Issue Date: March 27, 2015 (Consists of 8 pages including Rev 1 FT-13 ADD5, Rev 3 FT-14 ADD5, & PTW Root Barrier Schedule) Pre-qualified Tenderers shall note the following amendments to the Tender documents. Tenders will only be accepted from pre-qualified General Contractors selected as a result of RFIQ No. 74731. CORRECTION: Refer to Addendum No 4 - Correct note regarding item 12.05. Note to read “Reduce Item 12.05 (Bench 5) to quantity 11”. Rev 1 – FT-9 ADD4 is correct. REVISIONS: 1. Revise Form of Tender : Appendix 1 – Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices: REMOVE: REPLACE WITH: Note: - Add item 32.29a for an optional POC (Irrigation System Point of Connection), location identified in tender drawing #156. REMOVE: REPLACE WITH: Note: REVISE: Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices – FT-13 Schedule of Quantities and Prices- Rev 1 – FT-13 ADD5 Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices – Rev 2 FT-14 ADD3 Schedule of Quantities and Prices- Rev 3 – FT-14 ADD5 - Add item 33.28 Catch Basin Removal - Add item 33.11a Tree Perforated Pipe - Item 3.21 description “Allan Block Retaining Wall” - Item 3.22 description “Caps for Allan Block Retaining Wall” REPLACE WITH: - Item 3.21 description “Concrete Block Retaining Wall” - Item 3.22 description “Caps for Concrete Block Retaining Wall” Note: - Product approved shall be Allan Block or equal. File #: 11-5330-20/74731/1 Doc #: 1946924.v1 City of Coquitlam Tender No. 74731A Addendum No. 4 2. ADD 5 - 2 Supplementary Contract Specifications: a) Reference SS 101 – 32 94 01S Irrigation System (Add Clause 1.7.6S as follows): 1.7 Measurement and Payment .6S Payment for the point of connection (POC) shall include the supply and install of the Irrigation Controller, water meter, 100mm diameter service connection to the 200mm watermain on Glen including wet tap, valve, pipe, water meter, backflow preventer and all other works incidental to the installation of the POC. All materials to conform to Section 2.0 Products. This item shall be bid as optional work. b) Reference SS 120 – 33 44 01 Manhole and Catchbasins (Replace Clause 1.5.4 as follows): 1.5 c) Measurements and Payment .4S Payment for removal of existing catch basins, lawn drains, cleanouts, and inspection chambers includes excavation and backfilling with 19mm granular base material. Temporary and permanent paving surface restoration will be paid for under other sections in the contract. Reference 32 17 23 Painted Pavement Markings (Add Clause 2.1.7S.6 as follows): 2.1 Materials .7S.6 MMA is an approved alternate for the cross walk green infill and shall meet the following requirements: Green Methyl Methacrylate, Skid Resistant material shall: 1. Be Ultra-violet Stable 2. Be Iso Certified Durable Road Marking Material 3. Utilize .5mm-1mm aggregate within the MMA to create skid resistance 4. Have a minimum Skid Resistance of 49 BPN 5. Colour green pantone to be approved prior to application. File #: 11-5330-20/74731/1 Doc #: 1946924.v1 City of Coquitlam Tender No. 74731A Addendum No. 4 ADD 5 - 3 d) Reference SS 93 - 32 93 10 Trees Shrubs and Ornamentals (Revise pay item as follows): 1.10 3. Measurements and Payment .1S Payment for trees will be for each tree of size & species specified. Payment will include supply and installation of trees, vertical vent pipe, bark mulch and staking materials as well as filter fabric and pea gravel for trees in grates. Payment for lineal sub‐drains, where sub soils do not allow infiltration, will be paid under section 33 40 01. All other costs will be considered incidental to the payment item. Contract Drawings: a) Reference Sheet# 156 - Irrigation Plan #6: Correct reference to Irrigation Point of Connection from 10/161 to 7/161. See new pay item 32.29a for further details. b) Reference Sheet# 161 – Irrigation Details: On detail 7, correct reference from a “Baseline X-series controller” to a “Toro Sentinel” series controller. c) Reference Sheet# 104 – Details – The Branches 2: Regarding Details 2 & 3, all poles and plates are galvanized and finished with a powder coated glossy white. d) Reference Sheet# 114 & 115 –Traffic Signals – Pinetree Way and Lincoln Ave Remove reference and requirement for a Pelco PTZ Camera (traffic pole #1) and associated wiring & components for this location only (Lincoln). QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATION: Q1) On tender drawing #106, detail 4, please confirm the thickness for the bioswale bridge. A1) The bioswale concrete bridge shall be 300mm thick. File #: 11-5330-20/74731/1 Doc #: 1946924.v1 City of Coquitlam Tender No. 74731A Addendum No. 4 ADD 5 - 4 Q2) A dimension on tender drawing #106, detail 4, shows the sidewalk adjacent to the bridge as 150mm thick. Our understanding is that all concrete sidewalks on site are 100mm. Please clarify. A2) This dimension refers to the water channel depth and not the sidewalk thickness. Q3) Please advise on where the supply / install of CIP Concrete Bioswale Bridges will be paid for? A3) The concrete bridges are included in Pay Item 3.09 Concrete Walks and Infill Strips. Q4) Please clarify the length of the root barrier that is required as shown on tender drawing #105 detail 3 – Street Tree in planting bed. Is it the entire length of the tree trench or a select distance centered on the trees? A4) See attached table entitled “PTW Root Barrier Schedule” for details on all root barrier quantities for this tender. Q5) Is it possible to use a smaller irrigation sleeve than the 300mm size specified? A5) The 300mm size is incorrect. Utilize two (2) times the pipe diameter or sum of pipes passing through the sleeve, as the required sizing. For this project largest sleeve is 200mm in diameter. Material as per specifications is SDR 35 PVC. Q6) Please provide the model number of the Pelco PTZ camera required for the project as there are a number of models to choose from? A6) See Appendix B – List of Approved Materials and Products – under Traffic Signals for PTZ Camera components (Pages LAMP 4 & 5). Specific camera model# shall be a Pelco SD4E35PG-E1 Spectra IV IP PTZ. . Q7) On tender Drawing #104, Detail 2 it indicates “Galv. Steel poles welded to attachment plate”, however Detail 3 shows the pipe with a baseplate with holes for anchor bolts. Is the “attachment” plate an embedded plate and the poles are welded to this or are there anchor bolts? A7) The attachment plate is welded to the pole. Plate is attached to the footing with (4) 19mm Hilti HAS threaded rods, 600mmL, epoxied in place c/w domed caps. Q8) Is the excavation for the perforated pipe in the Bioswale included in the common excavation or incidental to the pipe installation? A8) The excavation for the perforated pipe in the Bioswale is incidental to the installation of the pipe (ie pipe zone bedding area only). Above the pipe zone excavation is paid under Common Excavation – pay item 31.08. File #: 11-5330-20/74731/1 Doc #: 1946924.v1 City of Coquitlam Tender No. 74731A Addendum No. 4 ADD 5 - 5 Q9) What line item will pay for the new asphalt for treatment C ( ie 2 layers of 50mm Lower and place asphalt to suite) on pages 48-50? Is this asphalt patching 150mm thick to match existing or only 100mm thick with 50mm left low? A9) The intent is that pay item 32.10 covered 100mm, the area will be left low and raised to existing grade if require using pay item 32.11. End of Addendum #5 Tenderers shall take into account the content of this Addendum in the preparation and submission of the Tender which will form part of the Contract and should be acknowledged on the form of Tender. Upon submitting a Tender, Tenderers are deemed to have received all addenda that are issued and posted on the City’s website and considered the information for inclusion in the Tender submission. Issued by: D. Trudeau Purchasing Manager File #: 11-5330-20/74731/1 Doc #: 1946924.v1 City of Coquitlam Contract 74731A Item No. REV 1 FT-13 ADD5 Appendix 1 - Form of Tender Para Specification Title Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Permanent Painted Lines - Coquitlam Centre white lines for parking stalls only Lump Sum 1 $ - MMCD 32 17 23 Painted Pavement Markings 32.17 1.5.2 32.18 1.5.3S Permanent Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Lump Sum 1 $ - 32.19 1.5.4S Snowplowable Raised Pavement Markings (RPM) Lump Sum 1 $ - 32.20 1.5.3S Lump Sum 1 $ - 32.21 1.5.5S Lump Sum 1 $ - 1870 $ - Thermoplastic Green Crosswalk Markings "TrafficPatterns by Ennis-Flint" or approved alternate Signage (Complete) - Including removal, stockpile, relocate and installation 32 91 13.23 Structural Soil - Landscape Supplement Specification 32.22 1.8.1S Cubic Meter Structural Soil 1200mm depth 32 91 21 Topsoil and Finish Grading - Supplemental Contract Specifications 32.23 1.4.1S Planting Medium - 900mm Depth for Trees, 450mm Depth for Shrubs, 150mm Depth for Lawn Cubic Meter 3370 $ - 32.24 1.4.1S Bioswale Planting Medium Cubic Meter 105 $ - Square Meters 315 $ - MMCD 32 92 23 Sodding 32.25 1.8.1 Nursery Sod 32 93 10 Trees Shrubs and Ornamentals - Supplemental Contract Specifications 32.26 1.10.1S Tree Planting - Street Trees, 8cm cal. Each 149 $ - 32.27 1.10.1S Tree Planting - Street Trees, 12cm cal. Each 10 $ - 32.28 1.10.2S Shrubs & Ground Cover - Planting L.S. 1 $ - 32 94 01 Irrigation System - Supplemental Contract Specification 32.29 1.7 Irrigation System Lump Sum 1 $ - 32.29a 1.7.6 Irrigation System - POC - (OPTIONAL) Lump Sum 1 $ - 32.30 1.7.5 Irrigation System - Coquitlam Centre Allowance 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 32 96 43 Tree Transplanting - Supplemental Contract Specifications 32.31 4.0.1S Tree Transplanting (relocations) - (OPTIONAL) Each 8 Transfer total to page FT-5 (Tender Summary) $ DIV 32 - TOTAL $ - 20,000.00 City of Coquitlam Contract 74731A Item No. Para 33.01 1.8.1S, 1.8.2S 33.02 1.8.14S Rev 3 -FT-14 ADD5 Appendix 1 - Form of Tender Specification Title Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Lineal Meters 20 $ - Each 5 $ - Each 8 $ - Lineal Meters 20 $ - 20 $ - 65 $ - 145 $ - 105 $ - 520 $ - 155 $ - 365 $ - 300 $ - 8 $ - 50 $ - MMCD 33 11 01 Waterworks 33.03 Watermain DI (CL50) - 200 mm diameter c/w Imported Backfill New Hydrant Assembly - c/w DI Watermain piece, thrust block, wet tap c/w valve Hydrant Assembly Relocation - Cap and abandon existing 1.8.15S watermain c/w DI Watermain piece, thrust block, wet tap c/w valve MMCD 33 30 01 Sanitary Sewers 33.04 1.6.2 33.05 1.6.2S Storm Pipe - 375mm dia C76 CL III Concrete 33.06 1.6.2S Storm Pipe - 200mm dia DR35 PVC 33.07 1.6.2S Storm Pipe - 100mm dia DR28 PVC Sanitary Pipe - 200mm dia DR35 PVC MMCD 33 40 01 Storm Sewers 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.11a 33.12 33.13 Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Lineal Meters Catch Basin or Lawn Basin Lead - 200mm dia DR35 PVC Pipe Catch Basin or Lawn Basin Lead 1.6.5S - 150mm dia DR28 PVC Pipe Perforated Pipe - 200 dia DR35 PVC 1.6.6S c/w Filter Fabric & 19mm Clear Crush Drain Rock Perforated Pipe - 100 dia DR28 PVC 1.6.6S c/w Filter Fabric & 19mm Clear Crush Drain Rock Tree Perforated Pipe - 100 dia DR28 PVC 1.6.6S c/w Filter Fabric & 19mm Clear Crush Rock (OPTIONAL) 100mm Solid DR28 PVC Riser - cleanout c/w long radius PVC 1.6.6S Each bend and cap Overexcavation - including offsite disposal and backfilling 1.6.13S Cubic Meter (OPTIONAL) MMCD 33 44 01 Manholes and Catchbasins 1.6.5S 33.14 Manhole Base, Lid, Slab, Cover & Frame - 1050 dia Each 2 $ - 33.15 Manhole Risers - 1050 dia V.M. 6 $ - 33.16 Manhole Base, Lid, Slab - 1050 dia (c/w Dobney C-17 or approved alternative round catch basin frame & cover) Each 2 $ - 33.17 1.5.2 Catch basin Top Inlet - MMCD S11 Each 73 $ - 33.18 1.5.2 Catch basin Side Inlet - COQ S11A, Side Inlet Detail Each 8 $ - 33.19 1.5.2 Lawn Basin - MMCD S12 Type 2 Each 2 $ - 33.20 1.5.2S Lineal Meters 25 $ - 33.21 1.5.3S Each 3 $ - 33.22 1.5.3S Manhole Frame & Lid - Adjustments Each 51 $ - 33.23 1.5.3S Utility Box Cover Adjustments Each 43 $ - 33.24 1.5.3S Adjust Third Party Utility Frame and Cover Each 15 $ - 33.25 1.5.3S Each 10 $ - 33.26 1.5.3S Each 7 $ - 33.27 1.5.7S USF Model THS 36" x 36" Tank Covers front of City Hall Each 3 $ - 33.28 1.5.4S Catch basin removal Each 36 $ - $ - Drain Trough and Surface Drains - ACO KlassikDrain - K100 c/w Type 480Q Iron Wave grate or approved equal. Catch basin Top Inlet - Frame and Grate replacement (OPTIONAL) Water Valve Cover - Supply only (OPTIONAL) COQ. Manhole Frame and Cover - Supply only (OPTIONAL) Transfer total to page FT-5 (Tender Summary) DIV 33 - TOTAL ADD 5 - 8 PTW Root barrier schedule Detail 2/105 RB #1 Depth 300mm RB #2 Depth Extent No. trees N/A at conc apron, both sides / 27 8.0Lm per tree/ continous where row trees 3/105 900mm N/A at conc curb/ 8.0Lm per tree/ continous where row trees 64 512 1/106 & 3/106 450mm N/A 11 55 2/106 900mm at conc collar/ 5.0Lm per tree at conc collar/ 1.5Lm per tree at conc collar/ 4.0Lm per tree at edge of The Pines beds, continous 17 26 17 68 13 80 450mm 450mm TOTALS 300mm 450mm 900mm Quantity (Lm) 432 432 135 538
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