Contents Llst ot Contributors SECTION xvll 1. On textbooks of medlcine A- M- Cooke SECTION 1.1 2. On modern scientlflc medicine or failure? D . F. Horrcbin Medical ethics D. ,4. K. B/ack Scientiffc medicine - success 2.1 2.4 3. The spectrum of disease and clinlcal practlce SECTION Medicine in an ur{usa world M. H. King Heallh and sickness in the community M, M. P. Vessey Primary heafth crre G. H- Fowler Primary health care in a developing country l. O'H. Tobin Gold.acre arld 5.83 Molluscum contagio$)m B, E. luel-lensen Param)aoviruses Mumps: epidemic parctitis A. B. Chtistie Measles 1L C. Whittle andW. C. Marshall Enteroviruses N. R. Grlsl Viruses, diarrhoea, and vomiting C. R. Madeley Rhabdoviruses: rabies and rabies-related viruses 5.84 D. A. Warrell 5.105 Orbiviruses: Colorado tick fever D, A. Warrell 5.714 5.102 5.114 5.717 5.120 5.124 Bunyaviridae,I. S. Portefield 5.lX 5.L34 5.158 5.160 4.1 Molecdar biology and clinicrl mediche 4:40 M. P. Alpers 3.23 4. Genetics, immunology, and neoplasia 4.47 4.60 4.75 4.83 Neoplasia General charactedstics of neoplasia Il. Ilarris Epidemiology of cancet R. Doll ar,d R. Peto Prevention of cancer R. Doll an,d R. Peto Medical aspects of neoplasia D. A. G. Galton 5.93 3.17 SECTION D . J . Weatherall Immune mechanisms in health and disease Principles of immunology A. l. McMichael Abnormalities of the immune response Il, M, Chapel Immune deficiency,4. D. B, Wibster Principles of transplantation immunology P. l. Moris s.89 3.10 Genetic factors in di*ase M. E. Pembrey Wasi 5.85 Alphaviruses D. I. H. Simpson Rubella./. O'H. Tobin Flaviviruses D. l. H. Simpson Dengue haemorrhagic fever S. Nimmannityq Arenaviruses D. L H, Simpson ar,d E. T, W. Bowen Hepatitis viruses 1. "/, Zuckerman Tumour viruses R. ,4. VFelJs Retroviruses in human disease R, ,4. ITeiss and A. G. Dalgleish Marburg and Ebola fevers E. ?. W, Bowen and D. I. H. Simpson Transmissable slow virus encephalopathies (kuru) P. 5.76 5.80 Togavi dae 3.1 L Cytomegalovirus infection Poxviruses K. R. Dumbell Ort B. E. ,luel-Jensen 4.88 4.95 4.123 4.125 5.139 5.146 5.151 5.155 Papovaviruses S. D. Gatdner Parvoviruses M. ,/. / nderson ar.d f . R. Pattison Bacteria Diphtheda,4. B. Christie Pathogenic streptococci M. T. Parker Pneumococcal infection B. M. Greenwood Staphylococci I. Phillips and, S. J. Eykyn Meningococcal infection B, M, Greenwood Enterobacte a and miscellaneous entelopathogenic and food-poisoning bacteria M. B. Skirrow Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers E. B. Adams 5.1,62 5.1,64 5. 168 5.182 5.191 5.t99 5.208 5.218 5.224 Anaerobic bacte aS.J. Eykyn ar,d I. Phillips sEcTtoN s. lnfections Cholera C. C.l. Carpenter Haemophilus D. C. 7rrl< Bordetella C. C. Linnemann lr Tularaemia, glanders, and melioidosis R. G. Mitchell The ho6t's response to infection -8. M. Greenwood Epidemiolog5r and public health,4. B. Christie 5.1 Physiological changes in infect€d patients P, A, Murphy The biology and classificatior of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites D. A. J. Tyftell Anaimicrobial chemotherapy M. P. E. Slqck 5.20 Yersiniosis and Pasteurellosis 5.26 Anthrax,4. B. Ch*tie Br tucellosis E. W il liqms Viruses Respiratory viruses "I. Nagingmn and D. Rubenstein The herpesviruses B. E. Juel-lewen Varicella-zoster virus infections: chicken pox and zoster B. E. luel-lensen Infectious mononucleosis: Epstein-Barl virus disease B. E.luel-lensen 5.13 5.35 5.53 5.59 s.67 5.72 Infections caused by simian herpesviruses B. E.luel-Iensen 5.'15 Plague A. B. Chrbtie M S. Mair 5.231 5.234 5.239 5.242 ' 5.246 5.251 5.255 5.259 Tetanus E. B. Adams Botulism, gas gaoglene, and Clostridial gastrointestinal infections 1L E, Larson Tuberculosis K. M. Citon ard D. l. Girling Particular problems of tuberculosis in developing countties M. Aquinas afi, D. Todd. Diseases caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria 5.265 K. M. Citron and D. 5.303 l. Girling Leprosy (Hansen's disease. Hanseniasis) M. F. R. Waters Mycobacterium ulcerans itfection M. F- R. Watels 5.270 5.278 5.299 5.305 5.314 x Contents Actinomycosis R. G. Mitchell Nocardiosis R. G. Mitchell Spirochaetes Rat bite fevers D. A. Watell Borrelia infections D. A. Warrell Lyme disease W. Burgd,orfer Leptospirosis Y. Slrprr./a Non-venereal treponemes: yaws, endemic syphilis, andpifia P. L. Perine Listeia R. Hu ey Legionnaires' diseas e.l. O'H- Tobin Rickettsial diseases f. E. Woodward Scrub typhus fever and sennetsu ckettsiosis Kyaw Win Chlamydial infection,s S. Darougar, M. A. Monnickendam. andl. D. Treharne Mycoplasmas D. Tay lo r- Ro b ins on Bartonellosis E. A. Llanos-Caentas and D, A. Wafiell 'Newer' and lesser known bacteria causing infection in humans R. G. Mitchell Sexually transmitted infectlons Syphilis G. W. Csonka Granuloma inguinale (donovanosis) P. L. Periae Chanqoid P. L. Perine Lymphogranuloma vereretm P. L. Perine Gonorrhoea G. W- Csonka Genital candidiasis G. W- Csonka Genital warts G. W. Csonka Clinical approach to non-gonococcal urethritis G. W. Csonka Clinical approach to pelvic ilflammatory disease G. W. Csonka Venereologists' approach to Reiter's disease G. W. Csonka Venereologists' approach to herpes simplex infection G. W. Ctonkq Epididymitis G. W. Csonka Infections in homosexual men I/. E. Stamm ard A. Rompalo Bacterial vaginosis ( Gardnerelh vaginalis taginitrs) G. W. Csonka Fungal infections (Mycoses) R. "/. llay and D. W. R. MacKenzie 5.315 5.317 5.319 s.320 5.324 Cestodes 5.327 Gtul cestodes V. Zqman Diphyllobothdasis and sparganosis S. Y. Cho 5.331 5.335 5.337 Babesia L Brad.ley, C. K. Ruebush II I. Newbold, A. Warrell Pneumocystis ca niiw. T. Hughes Toxoplasmosis W'. KPa[teJ Cryptosporidiosis, sarcocystosis, isosporiasis, and rare protozoal infections V. Zaruan Giardiasis and balantidiasis S. G. W'r$rr Blastocystis hominb D. A. Warrell African trypanosomiasis B. M. Greenwood American trypanosomiasis Chagas' disease P. D. Marsden Trypanosoma rangeli P. D. Ma$den Leishmaniasis,4. D. M. Bryceson Trichomoniasis G. W. Csonka Schistosomiasis 1(. S. Warren 5.5-: 5.376 Non.venomous arthropods A. l. Radford Pentastomiasis (porocephalosis) D. A. Warrell 5.419 D, Bunnag D. A. ar.d Warrell Hq nasuta, D. Bunnag, 5.5& 5.5E_( 5.59: 5.59i s.60-: Infectious disease syndromes Pyrexia ol ulcetain oli,gin P. B, Beeson Septicaemia P. A. Murphy Infection in the compromised host C. Bazch Possible infectlous diseases Sarcoidosis,I. G. Scad.ding Whippte's disease 1L l. F. Hodgson Cat scratch disease C. M. P, Bradstreet alld 5.605 5.606 5.61J 5.623 5.636 D. A- Warrell Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis 5.5- 5.637 5.639 l{. B. Maxhews 5.422 5.426 5.432 5.434 5.435 5.445 5.4',74 5.502 5.504 5.506 5.509 s.5t2 5.514 5.515 5.520 5.524 5.524 s.532 6. Chemlcal and physical iniurles, climatlc and occupatlonal diseases SECTION Poisoning with drugs and chemical substances Introduction and epidemiology R. Goulding,l. 6.7 Vale Poisoning by alcohols ar,d. glycols B. O. L. Duke 5.543 Poisoning from hydrocarbons J. ,4. Vqle, T. Hookworm and strongyloides P. A. J. Ball Pathogenic, free-living nematodes (order Rhabditida) D. A. Warrell Other gut nematodesy. Z\rnan 5.544 T. J. Mered.ith, ar,d l. A. 6:8 6.9 6.14 6.16 6.18 6.24 6.31 6.36 6.3',7 6.38 6.39 A. T. Proudfoot Proudfoot l. A. Vale, and, A. T. Proudfoot and 6.2 Vale, A. T. Poisoning caused by inhalation agents T. 5.548 5.548 Vale, General principles in the management of acute poisoning G. N. Volans and, A. T. Proudfoot The role of the laboratory in acute poisoning G. N. Volans and B. Widdop Poisoning from chemicals R. Goulding Poisoning from metals G, Kazantzis Poisoning from household prcducts R. Gouldiag Poisoning caused by analgesic drugs f. /. Meredith, l. A. Vale, and A. T. Proudfoot Poisoning from antidepressants, hypnotics, altihistamines, and anticonvulsants ,4. T. Proudfoot, T. l. Meredith, ar,dl. A. Vale Poisoning from cardiovascular drugs T. J. Meredith, J. A. Vale, and A. T. Prcudfoot Poisoning caused by respiratory drugs "I. A. yale, T. .1. Mercdith, and A. T. Proudfoot Poisodng caused by drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system J. /. Vale, T. l. Mered.ith, and A. T. Ptoudfoot Poisoning by haematinics A. L Proudfoot and l. A. Vale Poisoning from miscellaneous drugs T. l. Meredith and 5.533 Guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis or dracontiasis) A. and,T.l. Meredith l. A. Nematodes Filarial infections and diseases 8- O. L. Duke 5.56 5.355 5.366 5.373 5.415 5.417 5.5i.i Trematodes Intestinal trematodiasis T. Hqrinasuta and D, Bunnag Lesser known nematodes causing infeclion in humans V. Zaman 5.4r)9 5.5:: 5.-i(. Lung flukes (paragonimiasis) T. 5.386 5.403 5.405 5.407 5.i:: 5.56. s.353 5.466 and D. L Radford 5.341 Protozoa MalariaD..I. Hydatd, disease A. Liver fluke diseases of humans T. Harinasuta and 5.447 Amoebic infections R. Kn igl,, Toxocara and visceral larva migrans D. R. Bell and M. I. Clarkson Angiostrongyliasis S. Puny agupta Gnathostomiasis P. Suntharas amai l. Poisoning in conflict F. W. Beswick and R. l. 6.41, Meredith, 6.44 Meredith, L. Maynqrd 6.53 6.59 Contents l-eroms and toxins of animals and plants lnjuries, envenoming, poisoning, and allergic reactions .aused by animals D. A. Warrell Poisonous plants and f\ L. G. Goodwin Environmental extremes HeatW. R. Keatinge Drug-induced increases of body temperature ll'. l. Cranston Cold and drowning W. R. Keotinge Diseases of high terrestrial altitudes D. Rexnre Aerospace medicine F. S. Preston and D. M. Denison Diving medicine D. M. Denison Lightning and electric shock B. A. Pruitt al],d A. D. Mason Radiation R. "I. Eezy Noise D. H. Glaister Air pollttion P. J. Lawther Occupational health Occupational diseases G. Kazantzis Accident prevention R. T. Booth Podoconiosis (non-6larial endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs) E. W. Pice SECTION 7. Princlples of pharmacology and therapeutics.4. M. Breckenrklge and M. L'E. Orme The acute phase response and C-reactive protein M. B. Pepys 9.t57 6.66 6.85 Disturbances of acid-base homeostasis R. Cohen ar,d H. F. Woods 9.t64 6.92 Metabolism and exercise E. .4. Newsholme Metabolic effects ofaccidental injury and surgery R. Smith 6.93 6.94 6.99 6.106 6.120 6.126 6.130 6.135 6.137 6.143 6.161 10,1 r0.7 10.30 10.48 10.51 10.69 '1.1 Pube y D. R. London The breast D. R. London 10.106 10.108 L. H. M. Rees 10.95 10.105 10.111 8.I Endocrine manifestations of non-endocrine disease 8.4 R. I. S. Bayliss 10.117 8.12 Special nutritional problems R- Srzltlr 8.51 for 8.58 SECTION 11. Reproductive medicine Benents and risks of oral contraceptives M. P. Vesse), 1l . I Hyp€rtension in pregnancy C. I,V. G. Redman ll.4 Renal disease in pregnancy G. W, G. Redman and J. G. G. Ledingham 11.9 Systemic lupus erythematosus and related disorders in pregnancy C. W. G. Redman and M. Byron Heart disease in pregnancy C. 17. G. Redman ard Metabollc disorde.s Inborn erors of metabolism: general aspects R. W. E. Wafis Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism R. W. E. Wafts Inborn errors of fructose metabolism Ir. F. IToods Inborn errors of amilo acid and organic acid metabolism R.W. E.Wa Introduction P. C. B. MacKinnon Pituitary and hypothalamic disorders R. Hal/ Thyroid disorders R. Hoffenberg Thyroid disordefi in the Far East R. T. T. Young and K. S. L. Lam Disorders ofcalcium metsbolism "/. ,4. l(dn6 Adrenocortical diseases C. W. Burke r0.84 8.29 8.33 8.35 9. Endocrine disorders 6.165 Russell Metabolic effects of anorexia "I. G. G. Ledingham Obesity W. P. T. tomes sEcTtoN 9.180 EndoSe[ous opioid peptides T. ,4. Howlett and Introduction R. Smith and w. P. T. lames Biochemical background R. Srniri and D. H. Williamson Severe malnutrition,4 . A. Jackson and M. H. N. Golden Diseases of overnourished societies and the need dietary change J. I. Monn SECTION 10. 9.1',75 Disorders of the reproductiye systems The female D. R. London The male D. R. London Intersex D. R. London sEcTloN 8. Nutritlon Anorexia nervosa G. F. xi s 9.1, 9.4 9.9 9.11 Amino acid tra[sport defects R. W. E. Watts 9.27 M E. Waffs Primary hyperoxaluria R. W. E. Watts Acatalasia R. W. E. Watts dr-Antitrypsin deficielrcy R. W. Catell 9.31 Lysosomal storage diseases R. Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) l. M. Wakhe 9.41 9.43 9.44 9.4'l Diabetes mellitus 7. D. R. Hockaday a\d, P. Sleight 11.12 Thromboembolism inpregnancy M. de Swiet Endocrine disorders in pregoancy C. W . G . Redman and R. Hall Diabetes in pregnancy C. W. G. Redman and T. D. R. Hockad.ay 1t.21 Chest diseases in pregnancy M. de Swrct 11.27 Blood disorders in pregiancy E. A. Letsky and C. W. G. Redman 11.31 Infection in pregnaney R. Hurley Prescribing in pregnarcy N. ,1. White K. G. M. M. Alberti 9.51 9.t02 SECTION 12, 9.108 lIitrodu,caioli D. P. Jewell Methods for investigstion of gastrointesainal diseases Endoscopy D. P. tewell Radiology D. J. Nolan ar.d E. W. Fletch Computerized tomo graphy R. Dick Porphyrin metabolism and the porphyriss A. Goldberg, M. R. Moore, K. E. L. Mccoll. aqd M. J. Brodie Amyloidosis M. L Pep)-t 9.136 9.145 11.14 1t.17 Neurological disorders and pregnancy C M. Wiles and C. W. G. 11.35 Nutritior in pregnancy D. M. Campbell and F. E. Hyten ll.4O Hypoglycaemia R. C. Turner Disorders oflipid transport B. lewis Disorders of purine metabolism C. Na&i 9.123 11.10 11.44 I l.5l Gastroenterology 12.1 t2.t l2.z 12.'7 I Contents .. . : ..'..': . \t -!i -..:., Brdqun:a ..:1!r!.1,q\ of gastrointestinal disease - - P.litel! : ':.:- '-.r.'.,olins D P. Jetlel/ - ___: ., p . .t,-t.ell . - : - :.. :-,i:r D. l'. Jewell :.-. .:- L --\. Turnberg -:...:".'1n D. P- Jewe ll ':.:r :1i.:tinal bleedhg D. P- Jewell 12.15 12. 15 D. E. L. Wilcken Clinical assessment of cardiac function The chest X-ray in heart disease R. S. O. Rees The electrocardiogram D. L llowlands Echocardiography I). G. Gibson 12 16 12.1'7 12.18 12.20 t2.21 Ih€ mouth and salivary glands T. Lehner Dr.4rder\ o[ molililr D. L. Witqate Hormones and the gastrointestinal tract S. SECTION 13. Cardiovascular disease Physiological considerations Biochemistry and cellular physidoey of hcart muscle and membranes P. A. Poole-Wilson Cllinical physiology of the normal heaft 12.9 12.12 .t .\l t2.23 Nuclear techniques 1) - .l- Roulands Magnetic resonance inraging and spectroscopy B. Rajagopalan Cardiac catheterization G. A. H. Miller Phonocardio graphy and mcchanocardiograph_\,'. H. Kesteloot Compute zed ton1ographic scanning of thc hcart M. J. Lipton Svmptoms of heart disease 12.31 11. Bloom, R. G. Long ard J. M. Polak The regulation of gastric secretion in humans E. L. Blair Peptic ulcer./. ./. Misiewicz ar,d R. E. Pounder 1.2.52 Gastritis K. B. Ta_ylol \2.77 1.2.6t 12.64 Immune disordcrs,.l. D. B- webstet 12.81 trIechanisms ofabsorption D. S. P.r/.tor7.t t2.92 Nlalabsorption,M. S. Losowsky Postinfective malabsorption (including rtropical sprue') G. C. Cook t2 Crohn's disease l). P. Jerrell Ulcerative colitis S. C. Truelove 12.121. Diverticular disease M . A. Ectsttt 98 Congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract V. M. WrightandJ. A. Walker-Snith Tumours ofthe gastrointestinal tract M- 1-. Clalt. A. B. Price.andC. R. Williamg . 1l - li lj : ]j :. l-:.1 t.- 1i l 11.:.: 11..' -l Dyspnoea,4. G&z 13. Chest pain W. Somerville Oedema "/. G. G. Ledingltam 13.-13.\. Heart failure 12.11,5 12.126 ood l: t2.133 12.137 Heart failure: ventricular disease D. G. Gibson Treatment Diuretics J. C. G. Leclinghant Digitalis J. K. Aronson Vasolidators K. Chatterjee Catecholamines and their derivatives P- Fod and A. Fisher 13.i: 13.9' 13. 1{ , 13. 11 : 13.1 I . vascular and collagen disorders G. .N'eale Infections of the gastrointestinal tract,4. M. Tomktts 12.158 12.164 English Cardiac arrhythmias D. II. Bennetl Antiarrhythmic drugs D. H. Bennett Pacemakers R. Su//on The appendix, peritoneum, and omcnttm E. C. G. Lee 12.118 Atheroma: vessel wall and thrombosis C. N. Chestennan 13.1i' ofthe pancreas K. G. Wormsley Diseases ofthe gall bladder and biliary tree J. A. Summe(ield Jaundice E. Elias Acute hepatitis and fulminant hepatic tailurc 12.It33 lschaemic hearl disease Epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease J. L Mann ar,d 12.l9ti t2.206 M. G. Marmot Diseases Cardiac transplantation T. A. H. 12.116 13.11: 13.1113.1-:: 13. 1-: " 13.1J-: 13.15.: 13. I 5i. Pathology of ischaemic heart disease M. "/. I)drier Dctcction of ischaemic heart disease R. Birlco, Myocardial infarction B. L. Pentecost Pcriphcral artcrialdi\ease P. J. ll'lorri\ 13.18: Takayasu's disease l(. lshikawa 13.19-1 Specific heart muscle disorders C. M. Oakley 13.19r. The cardiomyopathies C. M. Oakley 13.209 Chagas'heart disease D. S. Amorim l3.231 13.23-r 12.2.56 Congenital heart disease The anatomy of congenital heart disease R. H. Anderson ar,d E. A- Shineboutne Congcnital hcart disease in adults "/. Somerville Rheumatic fever J. M. Neutze Infections of the liver S. G. Wight Liver disorders in infancy arrd childhood A. P. Mowat t2.260 Valvc discasc t2.263 Liver transplantation Il. Wil liams 12.268 Pcricardial disease D. G. Gibson Left atrial myxoma T. A. Traill Infective endocarditis B. Gribbin Cardiovascuf ar syphilis B. Gri b bin The pulmonary circulation In heaf th and disease.l. S. P richard and G. tle J. Le e Pulmonary oedema"/- S- Pri:hard and G. deJ. Lee Pulmonrry hl perten.ion G. dr J. Lee Cor pulmonale,/. S. Prichard Pulmonal <mboli:m G A. H .\4illcr A. L. W. I. Eddleston 12.213 Chronic hepatitis FI. C. Tltomas Cirrhosis ofthe liver R. Wright 12.221 Primary biliary cirrhosis R. l4//iglrl Portal systemic encephalopathy R. l4tigrl -{scites and portal hypertension N. Mclrryre Alcoholic liver disease R. Wright Drugs and liver damage M. Datis Hepatic granulomas P. R. Mitls and, R. 1. Russell 12.233 Liler tumours 1. M. Murray-l,yon Nliscellaneous disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and lfier D. P. Jet ell Geographical variation in gastrointestinal disease Ilepatitis B virus and primarl cancer ofthe liver B. S. Blumberg lndia V I Mathn Southeast Asia V. Viranuvdtti Africa G. Cook t2.221 t2.235 12.236 t2.245 12.248 12.253 12.2',7 | 12.276 12.2',78 12.279 12 2Rt l). G. Gibson i3.16- 13.216 13.21: 13.281 13.30.1 13.31: 13.31-1 13.321 13.326 l3.33.1 l3.342 13.350 13.355 xiii Contents Hypertension Essential hypertensior. P. Sleight Secordary hypertension,I. G. G. Ledingham Lymphoedema "I. G. G. Ledingham Geographical variation in cardiac disease Africa E. H. O. Patry South Ame ca M. RiSarro Southeast Asia S. Hdrtild/ lntensive care 13.397 13.400 13.401 Brad.ley Major acute derangements ofthe circulation Positive pressure ventilation Haemodialysis in the presence of circulatory disorder SECTION 14. 13.360 13.382 13.396 R. D. Sleep-related disorders of breathing./. R. Stradling Adult respiratory distress syndrome ,4. Fisher and P. Foex Respiratory failure and the management of severe respiratory disability l. B. L. Howell Geographic variaaion in respiratory disease Aftica B. Teklu Latin Amelica M. Rigatto Southeast Asia S. Bovornkitti 14.1 1,4.12 14.16 Respiratory disorders An introductory review Sir lohn Crofton The structure of the lung and its iDvestigation Pulmonary anatomy M. S. Dunnill Diagnostic bronchoscoPy and tissue biopsy M. F, Muers Radiology F. W. Wight The function of the lung and its investigation N. B. Pride The responses of the lung to inhaled particles M. E. Turner-Warwic k The clinical pres€ntatiotr of chest dis€ases D. J, Lane 15.1 15.4 15.171 15.773 15.175 Pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis G. Panayi and Chapel WiLliams D. G. Systemic scferosis M. 15.25 15.36 15.45 The pharyrxW. S. Lund t5.67 Thelatyr,x W. S. Lund 75.70 The nose and sinuses W. S. Lufld Disorders of the airways Asthma,4. ,I. Woolcock Chronic bronchitis, emphysema. and chronic obstructive airway disease M. K, Berson Chest infections Acute infections ol the lower respiratory tract I . T. Macfarlane The suppurative lung diseases J. M. Hopkin Pulmonary infection in the immunocompromised host C. H. Fann and l. E. Pennington 1,5.',72 Pneumoconiosis,4. Se4lo[ Alveolar and interstitial diseases The clinical evaluation of alveolar and interstitial lung disease M. E. Twner-Watwic k Extrinsic allergic alveolitis D. J. Hendrick Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis 1. W, B. Grant Radiation alveolitis a W. B. Grant 15.109 D. M. Geddes 15.126 15.129 15.130 1,5.72 15.83 16.1 Clinical features of rheumatoid arthritis M. I. V. layson ar,d D. M. Grennan Seronegative arthritides A, Harvey atdV. Wright Systemic lupus erythematosus M. A. Byron and G. R. V. Hughes Polyarteritis and related syndromes G. H, Neild ar,d 15.10 15.58 Pulmonary haemorrhage disordeft D. M. Geddes Pulmonarv eosinoDhilia D.l Lane Pulmonary vasculiiis and granulomatosis D J Lane and 15.16',7 SECTION 16. Rheumatology and connective tissue disorders 15.',l Structoral disorders of the thoracic cage and lungs C. Ogilvie The upper respiratory tracl Pulmonary manifestations of connective tissue disorders 15.161 14.1 H. M. SECTION 15. 15.158 16.3 16.11 16.20 16.23 Jayson Sjiigren's syndrome M. L. Snaith I. V. Snaith Polymyositis and dermatomyositis M. A.'Byroz Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) M, L. Polymyalgia rheumatica a[d giant cell arteritis A. G. Mowqt 16.34 16.41 16.45 16.48 16.51 Other inflammatory arthritides B. L. Hazleman The management of inflammatory joint disease 1,6.54 A. G. Mowat 16.61 Osteoarthritis and related disorders P. Dr'eppe Non.inflammatory arthropathies and soft tissue rheumatism 1. Hasloct Algodystrophy (reflex sympathetic dystrophy or Sudeck's atrophy) R. M. Atkins al],d R. B- Duthie 1,6.76 16.85 16.89 15.91 15.100 SECTION 17. DlEorders ot the 15.106 Physiology of bone The diagnosis ofbone 15.1,17 15.119 15.t23 15.125 D. M. Geddes Lymphocytic infiltretion of the lung D. M. Geddes Miscellaneous disorders D. l. Hendtick 15.132 15.137 Drug-induced lung disease G. ,1. Gibson Tumours ofthe lung, mediastinum, and pleura N. W. Horne and S. G. SPiro 15.141 15.138 15.145 skeleton R. Sni,l, 17.1 11 .1 disease Osteoporosis Osteomalacia and rickets Paget's disease of bone Parathyroids and bone disease s,.ndrome The Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Homocystinuria and alkaptonuria The mucopolysaccharidoses The osteopetroses Osteogenesis imperfecta: the brittle bone 17.6 17.9 17.14 '17,19 17,22 17.25 17.28 1'7.29 17.30 1'7.3L DisordeIS of alkaline phosphatase 17 Fibrous dysplasia 17.33 .32 Skeletal dysplasias 11.34 Assorted bone disorde$ 17.35 Ectopic mineralization 17.37 xtY Contents SECTION 18. Nephrology Clinical phlsiology ofthe kidney: tests of renal ftrnction and slructure R. B. I. Morrison,,l. M. Davison.arl,d D. \'. S. Kerr 18.1 Water and electrolyte disorders water and sodium homeostasis,/. G. G. Ledingham Idiopathic oedema of women,/. G. G. Ledingham Disorders of potassium metabolism,I. G. G, Ledingham Glomerulonephritis and renal manifestatio[s of systemic 18.18 18.29 18.30 D. G. Williams and D. K. Peters Proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome "/. S. Cameron Inlerstitial nephritis and urinary tract infections 18.56 A. 18.67 disease W. Asscher 18.36 The relative and secondary polycythaemias D. J. Weaterall The white cell and the lymphoproliferalive disorders Leucocytes in health and disease C. Barcl Introduction to the lymphoproliferative disorders C. Eunch and K. C. Gauer The lymphomas S. T. Callender, C. Bunch, and R. I. Vanhegan Disorders of the spleen S. M. Lewis Paraproteinaemia D. Y, Mason, C. Bunch. a]rld S. T. Callender Histiocytosis X,/. Ptitchotd aldv. A. Brcadbent Haemostasis and thrombosis"/. ,4. Daries and 18.81 The blood in systemic disease D. "I. 18.87 Metabolic disorders of the kidney R. W. E. Watts Urinary tract obstruction L. R. l. Baker 18.95 Toxic nephropathies F. P. Marsh 18.108 Drugs and the kidney F. P. Marsh 18.119 Acdte renal failure,L G. G. Ledingham 18.124 Blood replacement Blood transfusion 1L H. Gunson ar.dV. l. Matlew Marrow transplantation C. Bunch Geographical variation in blood disease Lymphoma and leukaemia M. S. R. Hutt Africa A. Fleming Southeast Asia P. Wasi, A. Piankijagum, and S. Issaragrisil Latin Ame ca a. Sanchez-Medal ar,d G, Ruiz-Reyes Chronic renal failure, dialysis, and transplantation D. O. Oliver ar,d A. J. Wing 18.134 Renal bo[e disease "/. A, Kanis Cystic and congenital ab[ormalities ofthe kidrleys 18.156 D. B- Evanr 18. The renal tubular acidoses R. D. Cohen 18.171 Genitouri[ary tuberculosis J. C. 18.175 Srn irli Geographical variation in renal disease Southeast Asia V. Sitprija Rangoon, Bwma Hla Mon Africa F. ,I. Milne andl. L. Seggie SECTION 19. i64 18.176 18.179 18.179 Dlsorders ol the blood Introduction D. ,/. Weatherqll Haematopoietic stem cells Stem cells and haematopoiesis D. G. Nathan Classification of stem cell disorders D.,/. Weatherall The leukaemias S. T. Callender ar.d, C. Bunch Polycythaemia vera D. l. Weatherall Myelosclerosis D. J. Weatherall P mary thrombocythaemia D. "/. Weatherall Aplastic anaemia and other causes of bone maffow failure E. C. Gordon-Srnith Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinu a"/. V. Dacie Myelodysplastic syndromes D. Catovs ky The red cell Erythropoiesis and the normal red cell D. J. Weatherall Anaemiar pathophysiology, classification, and clinical features D. ,I. Weqtherull Anaemia as a world health problem.4. F. Fleming Iron metabolism,4. "/aco6.t Iron deficiency and oveioad M.l. Pippatd Normochromic, normocytic anaemias S. T. Callender 19.1 A. V. Hofftrand Disorders of the synthesis or function of haemoglobin D.l. Weatherall Other anaemias resulting from defective red cell maturation D. ,L Weatherall Haemolytic anaemia D.l. Weatherall arLd E. C. Gordon-Smith skin 19.58 19.62 19.66 19.72 : t. Ryan disease : : : - :, :Ir Lichen planus and lichenoid eruptions Acne vulgaris :lr i: -: Pigmentation Diseases of nails, hair, aIId sweat glands Urticaria 20.:, 20.:20.r 20.6-20.66 Abnormal vascula ty of the skin, angioma, and telangiectasia 20.'73 Disorders of collagen elastic tissue 20.'76 Atrophy 20.'78 Malignant disease Viral warts 20.79 Granuloma and other infiltrations of the skin Management of skin disease 20.81 20.86 20.97 19.79 19.83 19.91 19.93 19.108 19.130 t9.134 . - Psorias Cutaneous vasculitis Vesico-blistering diseases 19.46 19.54 T. Introduction Facton determinilg or modifying skin Dermatitis Pruritus 19.15 Megaloblastic anaemia and miscellaneous de6ciency anaemias SECTION 20. Diseases of the 19.7 19.72 19.40 19.44 , lapat S. Miwa India B. B. Mehta Skin disorders affecting the genitalia t9.37 l,' Weatherall Familial renal diseases C. Chantler Urinary stone disease (urolithiasis) R. W. E. Wqtts 18.99 .: SECTION 21. Neurology Introduction C. D. Marsden Investigations used in neurological disease Electroencephalography B. MacG illiv ray Principles of neuroradiology ,4. Isherwood Lumbar punctwe R. A. Fishman Electrophysiological investigation of the peripheral nervoussystem,/. P414, Evoked potentials.4 . M. Hallid.ay 21.1 21,.1 21.4 21.t0 2t.12 21.15 Contenis Southeast Asia,4. Yerajiva Pain Pathogenesis of pain P. W. Nathan 21.t9 The managcment of chronic painJ. W. Lloyd 21.24 Headache J. M. S. Pearce 21.28 Disturbances ofhigher cerebral function M. A. Wyke /. Oxbury and Dementia W. B. Matthetes Coma M. l. G. Harrison Brain death and the vegetatire stale B. Jenneu consciousness Syncope R. tY. Gillia, Epllepsy A. Hopkins Narcolepsy and related sleep disorders C. D. Marsden An approach to Iransient loss of consciousness The musculardystrophies 22.6 21.46 Myotonic disordeIS Inflammatory diseases of muscle 22.1r Myasthenia gravis 22.16 21.48 27.51 21.53 21.6',7 21.69 21.71 'Y.nervous system and hypothalamus The autonomic 21.74 Peripheraf neuropathy P. K. Thomas Infections of the nerYous system Bacterial meningitis B. E. Juel-lewen, P. Phuapradit. ar,d D. A. Warrell Neurosyphilis ,/. B. Faslel Acute viral infections of the central nervous svstem D. A. Warrell andW. B. Matthews Intracranial abscess P. J. Teddy 21.80 21.86 21.92 21.103 21.r09 21.115 21.117 21.129 21.141 21.145 21.152 21.155 2r.170 Benign intracrarial hypertension N. F. Lateton 21.181 Teasdqle 21.184 Developmeltal abnormalities of ihe ncrvous system D. Gardner-Medwin 21.190 Inherited disorders P. K. Thomas 21.206 Demyelirating disease W. B. Mattheh,s Movement disorders C. D. Marsden 21.211 Neurological complications of systemic diseases M. J. G. Harrison Respiratory problems in neurological disease J. Newsom-Davis Metabolic and deficiency disorders ofthe nervous syslem C. D. Marsden :ieurological disorders due to physical agents C. D. Marsden Geographical variations in neurological disease Subacute m),elo-optico-neuropathy in Japan K. Nakae South America.L O. Trelles arld Indla N. H. Wadia L. Trelles 22.12 The myasthenic-myopathic syndrome 22.1'.7 Endocrine myopathies 22.78 Metabolic myopathies 22.18 Periodic paralysis syndromes Some miscellaneous muscle disorders 22.21 SECTION 23. 22.23 Disorders ot the eye in general medicine D.l. Spahon 23.1 Retinopathies 23.1 Inflammatory eye disease 23.7 The optic disc 23.15 Other eye diseases of general medical importance Blindness as a world health problem 23.16 23.18 21.91 Cerebrovascular disease C. P- Warlow Intracranial tumours P. !. Teddy M. 22. Diseases ot voluntary muscle 21.42 R. W. Gilliat The visual pathways: structure and function R. l/. Ross Rrcse// The eighth cranial nerue P. Rudge Other cranial nerves P. K. Thomas The spinal cord and roots Spinalcord disease W. B. Matthe,i,s lnjury ofthe spinal cord and the management of paraplegia,/. R. Silver and S. Williams Disorders of the spinal nerve loots R. S. Maurice-Williams Motor neurone disease W. B. Mathews SECTION 22.1 21.33 The motor and sensory systems and effects ofsubcortical B. Matthews brain lesions R. Bannister The cranial nerves 21.269 21.272 Africa J. Bademosi J. N. Walton Disorders characterized by episodic changes in Head injuries G. xv SECTION Disorders of uncertain aetiology 24.1 Kawasaki disease T. Kai)asaki Recurrent polyserositis (familial, Mediterranean fever. periodic disease) M. Elikiam and M. Rachmilewitz 24.4 Fibrosing syndromes (multicentric 6brosclerosis) P. B. Beeson Eosinophilia and the hypereosinophilic syndromes P. B. Beeson Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome./. G. G. Ledingham Adenoma sebaceum, tuberous sclerosis, renal, lung and other hamartomata. and the 'formes frustes' F. W. Wright Werner's syndrome,/. G. G. Ledingham BehQet's syndrome T. Lehner The POEMS syndrome C. R. W. Edwards SECTION 21.218 21.242 24. Disorders of uncertain aetiology 21.252 21.25',7 21.258 21.261 21.263 24.8 24.9 24.10 24.12 24.13 24.15 25. Psychiatry and medicine Mqjor psychiatric disorders as they concern the physician lntroduction M. G. Gelder Neurosis M. G. Gelder Personality disorder M. G. Gelder Affective disorders M. G. Gelder Schizophrenia and paranoid states M. O. Organic mental states G. Srores Mayou The patient who has attempted suicide The alcoholic patient D. H. Gath Drug addiction M. Mitcheson Gelder Psychogeriat csR. A. 21.248 24.'7 A. G. 25.1 25.2 25.'7 25.8 25.11 25.13 Morgan 25.1'1 25.19 25.22 25.25 The relationship between psychiatric disorders and physical illrcss Psychological factors and the presentation and course of illness R. A. Mayou Emotional reactions to disorders R. A. Mayou Specific conditions giving rise to mental disorder W. A. Lishman 2s.30 25.31 25.32 xYt Contents Sexual problems associated with physical illness K. E. Hai,ton Emotional reactions of the dying and the bereaved D. H. Gath 25.43 Aspects of treatment Psychopharmacology in medical practice P. Psychological treatmefi M. G. Gelder Psychiatric emergencies R. A. Mayou Transcultural psychiatry l. Leff l. Cowen young sEcTloN 27. Medlclne in old age F. r. cand SECTION 28. Terminal care C. M. Saunders SECTION 26. 25.40 25.47 25.52 25.54 25.57 Sports medicine A. APPENDIX. Normal or reference values tor biochemlcal dala A. M. Giles and B. D. Ross INDEX 26.1 2'7 .1 28.L zg.I follows page 29.10
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