rter a h C s g n ri Coral Sp MAY/JUNE 2015 Panther Post A Message from Mr. Springer… May certainly is one of the busiest months at CSCS but also one of the most exciting times as well. This is the time of year when the hard work of so many of our students is acknowledged and celebrated. Our students have excelled not only in the classroom, but also in their many extracurricular activities as well. Closing out the athletic season, the presentation of concerts, awards programs and end of the year banquets almost entirely fills up the May calendar! The administration and faculty are extremely proud of all our students! Celebration is certainly in order for the Class of 2015! Our seniors are looking forward to many upcoming events including: Prom, Senior Awards Night and finally Commencement Exercises on May 28th. Many of our pending graduates have finalized their post high school plans and are eagerly looking forward to being college freshmen this fall. All of us at CSCS wish our graduates the very best as they begin the next chapter in their life’s journey. Congratulations also to our 8th graders who will be moving from middle school into high school. CSCS will acknowledge this important milestone by holding a transition ceremony on June 4th. As this school year wraps up, the staff is busy preparing for a new school year to begin in August. We are looking forward to welcoming a new group of sixth graders and will be hosting an orientation in our auditorium for 6th grade parents on July 29th at 6:00 PM and incoming 6th grade students on Friday, August 7th from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the gymnasium. Finally, students are reminded to complete the summer reading assignment. Please see the Summer Reading Page in the back of this newsletter for the book options for Middle and High School students along with lessons and activities related to the books. We hope the summer reading program will instill in our students the joy and love of reading. For your convenience, the books will be on sale at the school store. In closing I would like to wish all our students and parents a relaxing and enjoyable summer! 1 IMPORTANT DATES MAY May 3 DECA Picnic, 11am-1pm, SportsPlex May 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week May 5-6 Chorus Spring Concert, 7pm, Auditorium May 7 Band Spring Concert, 7pm, Auditorium May 7 PowderPuff Football Game, 7pm, SportsPlex May 8 8th Grade Gradventure Trip May 9 9th Grade Field Trip, Busch Gardens May 11 NJHS/NHS Induction Ceremony, 7pm May 12 PTSO Meeting, 7pm May 13 Chorus Banquet, 6:30pm, Cafeteria May 15 Senior Prom, 7pm, Pier 66, Ft. Lauderdale May 16 ACE Learn and Earn Junior Workshops, 9am-noon May 16 Sophomore Class Car Wash May 18 Senior Class Awards, 6:30 pm, Cafeteria May 19 Middle School Awards, 6:30 pm, Cafeteria May 20 Silver Knights Ceremony, 7pm, James L. Knight Center May 21 High School Awards, 8am, Auditorium May 21 Last day for Seniors May 25 Holiday, Memorial Day, No School May 26 Senior Breakfast, 8am, Cafeteria Page 2 Panther Post 2 IMPORTANT DATES MAY May 26 Top 10% Dinner, 6:30pm, Auditorium May 28 Class of 2015 Graduation, 7pm, Omni Auditorium, Broward College May 29 Jeans Day May 30 6th Grade Field Trip, Sea World May 30 Freshman Class Car Wash IMPORTANT DATES JUNE June 1-4 Final Exams June 4 8th Grade Transition Ceremony, 8am, Gymnasium June 4 Early Release/Last Day for Students June 5 Employee Planning The Administration, Faculty and Staff at Coral Springs Charter School congratulate the Class of 2015 and wish all students a safe and enjoyable summer!! MAY/JUNE Page 3 3 NURSES’ NOTES As the end of the school year approaches I wanted to remind parents of a few things. If you have a medical authorization form on file in the clinic it is good for a full year from the date it was signed by your doctor. The medication can not be kept in the clinic over the summer. Therefore, if you would like to pick it up I would do so prior to the last day of school or it will be discarded. This also holds true for EpiPens and Auvi-Q medication. If you are not sure when your form expires please call me and I can review this information with you. If your child has allergies it is a good idea to schedule your physical prior to the start of the next school year so you have the medication authorization in place for the first day and can drop off whatever medication your student may need the first day. We can always use volunteers in the clinic to help with our mandatory 6th grade screenings. If you would like to help out next year, please contact me to get the information for next year. Thanks and I wish you all a wonderful and healthy summer vacation! Nurse Eve 954-340-4107 LEADING L.A.D.I.E.S of CORAL SPRINGS CHARTER In the fall of 2012, four teachers, Ms. Reid, Ms. Matthews, Ms. Jacques, and Ms. Camacho (former CSCS faculty) noticed that some of the middle school girls were struggling with their behavior and academic progress. Soon after, they began discussing the idea of establishing a mentoring program for CSCS’s female students. An interest meeting was hosted and on January 24, 2013, Leading L.A.D.I.E.S of Coral Springs Charter School was officially founded. Starting with only 24 inductees, the organization has grown by leaps and bounds to a current membership of 80 members as of the fall of 2014. Initially, Leading L.A.D.I.E.S was only offered 8th grade girls, as that year is pivotal in a young lady’s development. However, due to high school students expressing their interest, membership was extended to 8th-12th grade girls in the fall of 2013. That same year, Leading L.A.D.I.E.S. was fortunate to have Mrs. Spence and Ms. Rivero join as advisers to support the growth in membership. Many may have wondered about the acronym L.A.D.I.E.S., which stands for Learning and Achieving Distinction in Every Situation. Page 4 Panther Post 4 In just under 3 years, Leading L.A.D.I.E.S. has engaged in numerous activities and workshops to enhance academic excellence, career planning, community service, college preparation, and self-esteem. We try to balance fun and productivity in our workshops. Listed below are just a few of the activities we have participated in over the years. Creating Visions Boards Team Building Exercises Healthy Eating Workshops Making gift bags and thank-you cards for veterans Goal Setting Workshops Practice for Job Application and Interviewing skills Conflict-Resolution Workshop Movies and a Manicure Yoga Classes Relationship Forums “Pink Friday for Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser” (a $700 donation was made to the Florida Breast Cancer Foundation) Toiletry Supply bags for a Women’s Shelter (Covenant House) Safety and Self-Defense Course with female Coral Springs Police Officers Writing Dear Santa Letters as part of a charity event benefitting sick children The girls have also had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers. One guest speaker was Lorena Mastrarriggo, a Broward County Public Defender. In November of this year, recruiters from all 5 branches of the United States military visited with information about career options in the US Armed Forces. College preparation is a major staple in our organization. We strive to (whenever possible) visit local university campuses. In 2013, we toured Florida International University, followed by a tour of the University of Miami in 2014. We will continue working with these young ladies to prepare them for their futures. A scholarship is currently in the works for young ladies who have dedicated their time and service to the organization. Page 5 5 ATTENTION 8TH GRADE PARENTS: 8TH GRADE TRANSITION CEREMONY Thursday, June 4th 8:00 a.m. – CSCS Gymnasium Please join us at this event as we celebrate the accomplishments of our 8th Grade students. The Transition Ceremony is a ticketed event. Tickets are complimentary. Each family is entitled to two tickets and may request one or two additional tickets. Additional tickets are very limited and will be allocated on a “first come-first served” basis. The extra tickets will be distributed to students once all students have received their initial allotment. Your Parent Service Hours must be complete in order to receive tickets to this event. Your child may pick up their tickets from the School Store beginning Monday, May 18th at 7:00 a.m. On Monday, May 25th we will begin distribution in the Cafeteria during the lunch periods. SENIOR CALENDAR OF EVENTS May 15: Prom at Pier 66, Ft. Lauderdale, 7:00 p.m. May 18: Senior Class Awards Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. May 19: Signed Graduation Contract due to Mrs. Robins May 19-22: Senior Exams May 22: Last Day of School for Seniors May 26: Senior Breakfast 8am, cafeteria. All financial obligations must be cleared, cap/ gown distribution, ticket distribution May 28: Graduation Rehearsal 11:00 am at Broward College Omni in Coconut Creek May 28: Graduation, 5:30 pm Seniors Report to Omni. Graduation at 7:00 pm 6 Important Numbers Main Office: 954-340-4100 MS Attendance: 954-340-4128 HS Attendance: 954-340-4129 Guidance: 954-340-4134 ESE: 954-340-4139 Registrar: 954-340-4108 School Store: 954-340-4123 Athletics: 954-340-4106 Clinic: 954-340-4107 Activities: 954-340-4120 MS Dean: 954-340-4118 HS Dean: 954-340-4125 CREDIT RECOVERY PROGRAM High school students who need credit recovery will be contacted by their guidance cou nselor to sign up to recover the missing credits on our online platform, Edmentum Plato. Stu dents who are enrolled in credit recovery online should plan to attend school this summer from 9 am to 12 noon where they will work in a superv ised computer lab setting to complete their work. Dates are June 8 through July 31. Guidance counselors will also send home information regard ing fees for participation. CSCS ur website: Check out o .org ngscharter ri p ls ra o .c w ww 2015 CSCS Middle School Yearbook The 2015 Middle School yearbook is now on sale for $50. Fill in the information below and return to Mrs. Murray (257). As there are only a limited number of yearbooks available, and we sold out the last few years, don’t miss out on your chance to purchase this year’s book. **Make all Checks or Money Orders payable to CSCS** Name: ________________________Grade: _____ Phone# _____________ Period 1 Teacher: ______________(YB’s are delivered to your period 1class) #of Yearbooks ordered: _______ Price per book: $______ Total Enclosed: ______ 7 ATTENTION 8th GRADE PARENTS!!! If your child plans on completing community service hours over the summer towards the High School community service requirement, please make sure you get the activity approved from Guidance before they start their service. The approval form can be found in the Guidance office and on our school's website under the Student Life tab. It is located on the community service page and is titled Student Volunteer Application Form. If student's do not complete this form, we cannot guarantee that they will earn the hours if they do not meet the Broward County guidelines. B.R.A.C.E NEWS Attention Class of 2015 & 2016: There is only one SAT test date left for the year, June 6th. Please log onto www.collegeboard.com by the regular deadline, May 8th, to register. I have been to all English III classes and I have encouraged all juniors to take the SAT or ACT before the year-end! Keep in mind; October 2015 is the first deadline to apply to college. There is only one ACT test date left this year for, June 13th. Please log onto www.act.org by the regular deadline, May 8th, to register. Again, I encourage all juniors to take the SAT or ACT before the yearends!! Seniors may continue to test for Bright Futures purposes until the June test session. Remember, if your student is on free or reduced lunch, he or she can receive two free waivers to take the ACT and the SAT, respectively. Please see Ms. Chirichella or Ms. Pepe in the Guidance Office for the physical waiver forms. Rising seniors can start applying to colleges and universities as early as July 1, 2015. Test scores and transcripts may be sent after the initial application is submitted online. Call or see Ms. Chirichella for more information regarding applications or how the AICE/Cambridge Diploma is applied towards the highest Bright Futures award, called the Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS). This award pays $103 towards a $203 credit at a four-year university at this time. My number is 954-340-4114 and my email address is: mchirichella@coralspringscharter.org. Free test prep materials are also located in Guidance. Remember, I am here for all post-graduation planning. Have a wonderful summer! 8 CLASS OF 2016 SENIORS Mark your calendar NOW for Thursday, July 16 from 4:30 – 7:00 pm in the CSC Main Lobby. Reserve your Class of 2016 Senior Shirt Package along with a $30 deposit. Deposit must be given when you place your order. Items will not be sold separately – only as a package.* Seniors who reserve their Senior Shirt package on this day (and this day only) will receive a 15% discount on their total order. *We will have samples available for you on this day for sizing purposes. Exact 2016 shirt design may not be available for viewing. Commissioners’ Cup Spring Football Game Coral Springs Charter vs Coral Glades May 22, 2015 at 7pm Our Spring Football Game will be on Friday, May 22nd at 7pm at Coral Glades High School with us battling to keep the Coral Springs Commissioners’ Cup. Please come out, enjoy the game and support our Varsity Football Team. 9 SUMMER SCHEDULE FOR ID’S AND LOCKERS - 2015 ATTENTION PARENTS AND STUDENTS: This summer, students in the 6th, 8th, 9th, and 11th grades are required to take a new ID picture for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. When students come in to get their photo ID, they can receive their locker assignments as well. Those students who are NOT getting a new ID picture (7th, 10th and 12th grades) will receive a preprinted ID when they come to sign up for a locker. Please be advised that there is a $5.00 locker rental fee and top lockers will be assigned on a First Come, First Serve basis. PLEASE NOTE: Students who do not RETURN all of their textbooks and do not CLEAN OUT their lockers at the end of this school year will AUTOMATICALLY receive a bottom locker for the 2015-2016 school year. The schedule for ID pictures/lockers is as follows: 8th and 7th GRADE ONLY -- Tuesday, July 7, from 4:30 pm to 7pm 9th and 10th GRADE ONLY – Thursday, July 9, from 4:30 pm to 7pm 6th GRADE ONLY – Tuesday, July 14, from 4:30 pm to 7pm 11th and 12th GRADE ONLY – Thursday, July 16, from 4:30 pm to 7pm **School Store will be closed this evening** After the initial sign up dates by grade are completed, ID photos and locker sign-up will be open to students in ALL grades on Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY from July 21 to August 6. Please note that August 6 will be the last day for IDs and locker sign-up during the summer. PLEASE NOTE: All INCOMING students new to Coral Springs Charter School from all grades MUST have their completed registration Index Card that they received from the Registrar with them in order to get their ID and locker assignment. **THIS DOES NOT APPLY FOR RETURNING STUDENTS** SUMMER PARENT VOLUNTEER HOURS If you are interested in volunteering this summer to help with locker distribution or barcoding textbooks, please contact Elizabeth Shipe at eshipe@coralspringscharter.org. Dates and times will be communicated to you by email. MEETING DATES: Wednesday, July 29th – 6th Grade Parent Information Meeting (Parents Only) at 6pm, Auditorium Friday, August 7th -- 6th Grade Orientation (for students only) from 9am –12pm Wednesday, August 5th -- New Student Orientation (7th -12th grade students and parents NEW to CSCS) at 6pm 10 Can you feel the heat? It’s almost summertime again! That also means it’s time for CSC to kick off the summer reading program, which is not only an important part of our English Language Arts curriculum, it’s a fun way to connect with our peers and read some really great teen books! The selections were voted on by our students, and will all be available for purchase at CSC starting April 28 -30th at our PTSO uniform presale, also at the 6th grade orientation, and in our school store. 2015-16 selections are as follows: All incoming 6th graders will read The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. ($8) All incoming 7th and 8th graders will have a choice between Just a Drop of Water by Kerry O’Malley Cera or The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender ($12 each) All incoming 9th through 12th graders will have a choice between Maze Runner by James Dashner or Storm Front by Jim Butcher ($10 each) Please visit our school’s website (cscspanthers.org) for more information on the selections, and to download the accompanying grade level reading guide and project expectations. All students will engage in class discussions and complete a project during the first few weeks of the 2015-16 school year in their English Language Arts classes (ELA). For more information, contact your child’s ELA teacher or Jodi Young, Reading Coach at: jyoung@coralspringscharter.org. KEEPING TABS OVER THE SUMMER……. Please continue to collect can tabs over the summer. All tabs benefit the Ronald McDonald House. 11 CORAL SPRINGS CHARTER SCHOOL STORE All school uniform pieces are embroidered with our school logo and as such students are required to purchase their school uniforms at our School Store. Uniform Colors: Middle School tops are Carolina blue, white and navy. Middle School students may continue to wear maroon through the 2015/2016 school year. High School tops are grey, royal blue and black. High School students may continue to wear red through the 2015/2016 school year. All grades wear either navy, khaki or black shorts or pants. The School Jacket is navy. It is worn by all grades. The sizes normally available (sellouts do occur) in the School Store are noted on the price list. If you feel you require a size that is not available, please contact Lise Murphy as soon as possible at: cscsschoolstore@coralspringscharter.org The 2015/2016 Spirit Shirt will be available in the School Store beginning July 7th. The Spirit Shirt may be worn in lieu of the regular uniform top on Fridays. The required Summer Reading titles will be available for purchase in the School Store beginning April 28th. STORE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Summer is a great time to get started on your parent volunteer hours. During the summer, the store is open Tuesday and Thursday evenings (full list of dates follows). If you would like to volunteer in the school store during that time, please contact Lise Murphy at cscsschoolstore@coralspringscharter.org by June 19th. New store volunteers are required to attend a short training session. Training will be held during the week of June 29th. 12 UNIFORMPRICELIST&SIZEINFORMATION ShortSleevePolo(YouthMediumthroughAdult4XL) $15.00 LongSleevePolo (YouthLargethroughAdult2XL) $17.00 Sweatshirt(YouthLargethroughAdult2XL) $15.00 $35.00 Jacket (YouthLargethroughAdultXL) GirlsShorts(littlegirls7,8through20evennumber sizes,limited½sizeavailable) GirlsPants(littlegirls7,8through20evennumber sizes,limited½size&slimavailable) JuniorShorts(size0,1through21oddnumbersizes) $19.00 JuniorPants(size0,1through21oddnumbersizes) $23.00 Women’sShorts&Pants (size22through24) $25.00 $21.00 $21.00 BoysShorts(regular&husky8through20evensizes) $19.00 BoysPants(regular&husky8through20evensizes, limitedslimsizesavailable) Men’sShorts(waistsizes28,29,30,31,32,33, 34,36,38,40,42,limitedavailability44&up) $21.00 $26.00 Men’sPants(waistsizes28,29,30,31,32,33,34,36, $26.00 38,40,42,limitedavailability42&up) SpiritShirts $TBA SummerReading: 6thGrade: TheWestingGame $8.00 7th/8thGrade(chooseone): JustaDropofWater $12.00 ParticularSadnessofLemonCake $12.00 9ththrough12th(chooseone): TheMazeRunner $10.00 StormFront $10.00 PAYMENT: CASH,CHECK(withdriver’slicense),VISA,MASTERCARD,DISCOVER Thereisa$25.00feeforreturnedchecks. RETURNS/EXCHANGES:Allgarmentsmustbeunwashedandinoriginalconditionforreturnorexchange. ALLtagsmustbeaf ixedintheoriginalconditiononpantsandshorts. Thefullreturn/exchangepolicyispostedbythestorecashregister. 13 Tuesday,July7,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockers7&8) Thursday,July9,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockers9&10) Tuesday,July14,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockers6) Thursday,July16,2015 Tuesday,July21,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockersanygrade) Thursday,July23,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockersanygrade) Tuesday,July28,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m.(Lockersanygrade) Thursday,July30,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. (Lockersanygrade) Tuesday,August4,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. Thursday,August6,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. Tuesday,August11,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. Thursday,August13,2015 4:30p.m.to7:00p.m. Saturday,August15,2015 9:00a.m.to12:30p.m. CLOSED SATURDAY,AUGUST15THwillbetheFINALopportunitytopurchaseuniformspriorto the irstdayofschool(August24,2015).ThestoreWILLNOTopentheSaturdaybefore schoolbegins. Contact: LiseMurphy cscsschool‐ store@coralspringscharter.org 14 Library News…. At locker clean-out every year, students throw away hundreds of pencils, pens, and notebooks with unused pages. The Northwest Regional Library collects pencils and pens (unchewed), and unused lined notebook paper for students to use when they forget to bring supplies. Please bring any unused school supplies in good condition to the Youth Services Desk at the library. For more information, call 954-357-8035. Worried your child will be bored this summer? There are free programs at the Library this summer for students ages 12-18, or entering grades 7-12. Call 954-357-8035 for more information or to register your child for each program. Registration takes place on Mondays, one (1) week before the program. th th May Attention 6 and 7 graders: Rockets, polymers, and explosions --- oh my! Participate in the library’s entertaining after school science and technology (STEM) program this May. Explore physical science, chemistry, and more! Each week, students have 45-60 minutes of exciting science challenges. This 4-week program has limited space, so hurry in and get your free tickets after school each Wednesday at the Youth Services Desk on the first floor! The next session starts May 6 at 3:00 PM, tickets available starting at 2:45. Starting in June… Mondays, June 8 to August 1. Teen Creative Art. Enjoy a weekly art class with instructors Sandy Bachmann, Donna Casanas, and Cory Laub. 4-5:30 p.m. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. Teen Drama: Murder Mystery Play Practice. Begin creating a murder mystery to be presented August 1. Workshops are Fridays, June 12 to July 31. Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:30 pm June 10 - Science of Supers: Learn the science behind flying by creating “stomp rockets.” Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services.] June 15, 16, 17, 18 - Teen Mindstorm Robotics. Learn to build, program, and run a Lego Mindstorms Robot.1:00 – 3:00 p.m.Pre-register. June 17 - Teen Zombified! Stage Makeup for the “living dead.” Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:30 pm. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. June 24 - Teen Cooking with the Short Chef. Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. 15 (library news, cont.) Starting in July… July 1 - Science of Supers: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet. Learn the physics of super speed by creating recycled cars. Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. July 6, 7, 8, 9 - Teen Computer Animation. Learn computer animation using Pivot and Microsoft Paint. You will need a 1 GB or larger USB for the class. 1 to 3 p.m. Preregister. July 8 - Science of Supers: Learn the science of stretching with polymers. Ages: 12-18.4:005:00 pm. *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. July 13, 14, 15, 16 - Teen Drawing: The Art of Creating Supervillians. Create the ultimate arch nemesis, including powers, gadgets, hideout, minions, and more. Ages 12-18. 1:00-3:00 p.m. Preregister. July 15 - Science of Supers: Create explosions with chemical and physical reactions. Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. July 22 - Science of Supers: Electricity with snap circuits. Ages: 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm *Space is Limited. Tickets available 15 minutes prior to program at Youth Services. July 29 - Teen Book Discussion: Heroes of Post-Apocalyptic Teen Fiction. Discuss Katniss, Thomas, Tris, and more. Ages 12-18. 4:00-5:00 pm. August 1 – Teen Murder Mystery Program. Presented by the teens from the Friday summer drama classes. Snacks will be provided. 4:00-5:00 pm. These programs are free due to generous donations from the Stephanie Rubin Memorial Fund and the Friends of the Northwest Regional Library. Space is limited, please call ahead to register or come early for tickets where indicated. Free library programs are also available for younger students. Please call 954-357-8035, or check online at www.broward.org/Library/EventsClasses/ Pages/ProgramsNO.aspx for more information. 16 NHS WRAPS UP ANOTHER DISTINGUISHING YEAR Oh what a year it’s been. CSCS National Honor Society members performed hundreds of hours of community service, raised record amounts of money for various charities, rebuilt a children's playground at a homeless shelter, sent hand-made holiday cards to our wounded veterans. That's just this semester! So how do we celebrate? We plan for next year. The largest undertaking since last month was facilitating the admission selection process and informing the new members of their acceptance. Over 75 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students all with a GPA higher than 3.25, at least 30 hours of service and demonstrated roles as leaders, were awarded with entry into one of the premier student organizations in the country. These students not only pledge to maintain their grades but that they will also commit 30 hours tutoring middle school math, participating in at least 5 NHS "service events" but also to carry oneself in a manner representative of The National Honor Society. The entire process is being handled by a team of juniors whom we have dubbed "Officers-In-Training". These students have attended several of our management meetings and assisted in all our major endeavors. They are being groomed to be the experienced leaders we will need next year. The induction ceremony is in early May. Contact Mr. Singer msinger@coralspringscharter.org for more information. We are also preparing for graduation. NHS members will receive their Certificate of Participation in NHS from the National Organization, and their graduation stoles on Senior award night in May. President, Danielle Almonzar, and her team consisting of VP Tutoring, Gustav Van Rooyen, VP Events, Sharon Duarte, VP Finance, Gabrielle Berner, and VP Communications, Crystal Lukos have been working tirelessly preparing for graduation. There is such a thing as a free lunch! Our chapter is being recognized for its efforts on behalf of "Pennies for Patients", a charity for children with cancer, sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Olive Garden will be delivering a free luncheon for those members who participated in this effort. This is the fifth year we have been involved in this effort and our fifth free lunch. Thanks Olive Garden. Finally, a special story. A mom of a newly admitted member of NHS was so proud of her daughter's accomplishment that she wanted to honor NHS. She found out that there are NHS pins issued by the national organization. We have not awarded pins to our members in the past because of the cost of these pins. "Mom" remembers the days she was in NHS, and how proud she felt wearing her NHS pin on her lapel. So, in honor of her daughter and to reward those students who maintain the discipline and commitment to service required to stay in the organization, "mom" has donated $200.00 so that we may purchase pins for our graduating members. What a touching and generous act. Thank you mom. 17 PTSO NEWS! CSCS PARENT TEACHER STUDENT ORGANIZATION IS A VITAL COMPONENT OF STUDENT SUCCESS. WORKING COOPERATIVELY TO PROVIDE AN ENHANCED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT, THE PTSO OFFERS DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORT, AND A STRONG VOLUNTEER BASE. OUR MEMBERSHIP GOAL IS TO ACHIEVE 100% PARTICIPATION OF CORAL SPRINGS CHARTER SCHOOL PARENTS, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. THANK YOU, FOR SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT AND BECOMING AN INTEGRAL PART OF CHARTER’S SUCCESS THIS YEAR. MAY 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK MAY 4TH-8TH WE ARE ACCEPTING DONATIONS PLEASE EMAIL PTSO@CORALSPRINGSCHARTER.ORG !!!BOARD ELECTIONS!!! WILL BE HELD AT THE MAY 12TH PTSO MEETING POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE HOURS ARE DUE BY 5/12/15 PTSO WILL AWARD A SENIOR WITH A $500.00 SCHOLARSHIP THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS 18 #75 Administration, Athletics, Band, Chorus, Deca, MS- History, SGA Please continue to support these Businesses . Have a Great Summer!!!! CLEAN CUT LAWN & LANDSCAPE AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS, ANDY’S GREEN THUMB LANDSCAPING, HOROWITZ FAMILY, DMR UNIFORMS, Riverside Animal Hospital 19 20 21
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