Community Care Assistant-Job Description Job Title. Qualifications: Hours of Work: Line Management: Requirement: Community Care Assistant. Qualifications are an advantage but not essential as full training is given up to QCF level 2. Variable, see contract, but not to exceed Working Time Regulations. Report to the Field Support Supervisor Due to the nature of the duties involved all persons applying for this post will be Subject to an Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau. Overview: To assist the Service User(s) in all aspects of daily living as described in the individuals care plan. The aim is to promote service user independence, where appropriate, in all aspects of their daily lives. Complete a full induction programme prior to independent working. • Complete a 6 month probationary period. • Complete the Induction Framework as outlined by the Care Council for Wales. • Observe the Code of Conduct as outlined by the Care Council for Wales. • Welsh speaking would be an advantage but not essential. • Be familiar with all of the contents of the staff handbook. General Information: § Observe the company dress code as outlined in the contract at all times. § Attend internal and external training courses as required to achieve QCF2 where applicable and to maintain continuing professional development. § Adhere to the current regulations on Moving and Handling. § Report any accidents/incidents in accordance with company policy. § Any time required off for dentist, hospital appointments, etc must be given a minimum of 2 weeks' notice, unless it is an emergency. § Please see the staff handbook regarding sickness absence. § Cover for work colleagues in their absence as and when required. § Receipt of the schedule, signed by yourself, is evidence that you are going to complete the shifts. If for any reason you have not let the company know in time and you wish to take a day off, then it must be deemed to be annual leave. § In line with company report any hazards, dangers and accidents. § Ensure that you understand the policies and procedures of the company and the administrative forms that you need to complete. § To keep your schedule with you at all times. § To give sufficient feedback to the management regarding the service user as and when necessary. Carer Responsibilities: § To provide physical care for the client as laid down in the care plan, task sheet and risk assessment. To observe and report any changes in the service users condition that will necessitate a review of the care plan, risk assessment or service user circumstances. § To undertake additional responsibilities such as light domestic duties, collect pensions, shopping, prescriptions etc, which will be identified in the care plan if required. § Encourage clients, where appropriate and safe to do, to participate in all aspects of their daily living and care. § To observe the code of conduct as shown in the service user’s file. § To carry your schedule with you at all times whilst on duty § To keep your telephone on and respond to phone calls as soon as possible. § Attend team meetings. § Book holidays, giving a months’ notice, this is done on a first come first serve basis. Ensure that all documentation associated with the care of the service user is completed, kept in good order and available for inspection. Signed .......................................................................................................... Dated ................................................. Directors: A. Hawkes (MD), R.V. Hawkes, K. Mount (Co Sec). Reg. In England & Wales No: 4974447 APPLICATION FORM PART 1 Parc House, Parc Teifi, Cardigan, SA43 1EW Tel: 01239 622156 Fax: 01239 622158 Position applied for 24 hour Surname: Commmunity Other office use only Forenames: Address: Post Code: Tel: Home: Mobile: Level of Qualification Criminal Record e-mail NI Number Yes/ No Enhanced Disclosure Yes/No Car Owner Yes/No Full Licence Yes/No Endorsement[s] please state number of points Rehabilitation of offenders Act 1974 Because of the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the provisions of section 4 [ii] of the rehabilitation of offenders Act [1974 Exemptions] order 1975. You are therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes would be "spent" under the provision of the Act, and, in the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action. Please describe below your experience in work & life that are relevant to this application Use separate piece of paper if required Min wkly hours Are you registered disabled: Max wkly hours Yes/No State of health RDP Number: Signed Declaration: to the best of my knowledge the information given is correct. Date Good Disability Yes/No NEW EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM PART 2 Parc House, Parc Teifi, Cardigan, SA43 1EW Tel: 01239 622156 Fax: 01239 622158 Present Employer Address Postcode Dates Tel Number Started Finished Job Title Contact Name Responsiblities Reason for leaving Sickness record: Days off sick per year: Previous Employer [1] Address Postcode Dates Tel Number Started Finished Job Title Contact Name Responsiblities reason for leaving Sickness record: Days off sick per year: Previous Employer [2] Address Postcode Dates Tel Number Started Finished Job Title Contact Name Responsiblities reason for leaving Sickness record: Days off sick per year: Previous Employer [3] Address Postcode Dates Tel Number Started Finished Job Title Contact Name Responsiblities Reason for leaving Sickness record: Days off sick per year: Previous Employer [4] Address Postcode Dates Finished Contact Name Responsiblities reason for leaving Sickness record: Tel Number Started Days off sick per year: Job Title Corban Care Application form 2 References: Page 2 Please note that at least one reference must be in the care industry if you have previous experience In addition to present employer, we will require two additional references These can be from previous employment and/or someone nominated by you for a character reference that is not a member of your family or a personal friend. Present Employer: We will contact these for a reference unless advise otherwise. Previous Employer: State from above 1-4 Prevous Employer: State from above 1-4 Character Ref: Name Tel Number Address Postcode Relationship to applicant Number of years known Character Ref: Name Tel Number Address Postcode Relationship to applicant Number of years known In order to provide the level of service expected by our clients, as stated in our staff contract, flexibiity is required in respect of hours worked. In order to facilitate both clients and care assistants please place a X in the Time Box where you will not be able to work on a regular basis. Schedules are operated so that staff members have alternate weekends off. Please note that whilst we will make every effort to include these time requests in the weekly schedules, staff have a contractural obligation to provide cover in emergency for other staff members who may be off work due to sickness, holiday requests unforseen compassionate leave etc. Please bear in mind it could be you who needs cover at some point in time. 24 hours clock Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 This application form is part of your contract with the company. Signed: Dated Friday Saturday Sunday PART THREE APPLICATION FORM MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE Please complete the questionnaire below. As a result of the information you have given, you may be referred to a doctor appointed by the company so that a medical examination can be carried out. Any serious physical illness Any Mental Illness or depression Any Surgery which could affect work practice? Any back/shoulder/wrist injury Have you ever: Had an operation A serious injury Received in-patient treatment Recd’ out-patient treatment Illness caused by work Refused or dismissed from Work for health reasons? Yes { } No { } Yes { } No { } Yes [] No [] Yes { } No { } Y/N If yes, please quantify: If yes, please quantify: Date Do you take medication regularly [please advise interviewer] Do you need glasses to read or for distance Have you ever had a head injury Details YES YES YES NO NO NO Do you suffer from any of the following conditions? Please state [Y] Yes or [N] No. Heart conditions Diabetes Rheumatic fever Asthma/Bronchitis Cough [frequent] Rheumatic fever High blood pressure Epilepsy/fits Shortness of breath Skin rashes/eczema Anemia Headaches [frequent] Chest trouble Fainting or dizziness Hay fever Jaundice Prostrate problems Period problems Varicose veins Rupture Back or spinal problems Impairment of the ears Impairment of the eyes Any form of mental disorder Any form of nervous disorder Any disorder affecting the lungs Swelling of legs/ankles Illness or disease Requiring treatment For more than 14 days I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given above is correct. I understand that if I am appointed and this information has been falsified then I am liable for dismissal. My signature below confirms my medical condition. Signed. Dated:
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