RIVER PARCEL & PONDS family member of a property owner.) Cordillera is one of the very few communities in the West Guests unaccompanied by a CPOA member must use an FFO guide. along both sides of the Eagle River for year-round, world- Ponds remain open daily save winter freeze. class fishing. The river parcel boasts viewing benches and Reservations are not required for fishing at ponds. walk paths. Fly Fishing Outfitters (FFO) manages Cordillera’s The Club at Cordillera members who wish to have privileges must pay an annual $500 fee to access the Cordillera River Parcel without a guide along with the orientation fee of $150/person (or $200 for two people at the same time) for required one-time orientation with guide. owning a piece of private river heaven. This gives Cordillera property owners and members private access to 1.3 miles Fishing Program with its Orvis endorsed guides. Educational programs, discounts on equipment and merchandise, and a nationally recognized guide program are offered. In addition, Cordillera is home to several ponds. CMD Ponds Upper Bearden Lower Bearden Grenada Glen w/picnic area The Club at Cordillera Ponds Valley Course Mountain Course 1 Mountain Course 10 Summit Cordillera River/Pond Regulations Parking Parking areas with signage are on Red Canyon Road and access trails are clearly marked. Immediately refer all trespassing issues to Cordillera Metro District Public Safety at 970/926-2335. Reservations Anglers are required to book reservations in advance with FFO from 1 January through 31 December by calling All fishing is with flies and single, barbless hooks, only. No bait fishing permitted on either ponds or river. All caught fish must be released immediately. A valid State of Colorado Fishing License is required to fish the river. The river is available to The Club at Cordillera members and One-time, fee-based orientation class required for river fly fishing. be booked up to 14 days in advance by property owners and Reservations are required for river beats and made through FFO. Only half day morning or afternoon reservations are available. No more than two anglers are permitted in each river beat (one of whom must be a Cordillera Property Owners Association (CPOA) member or a 970/476-FISH (3474) or 970/845-8090. In both instances, let the booking party know you are a Cordillera property owner or guest so they may keep their database updated. During the summer season, FFO is open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Lodge & Spa at Cordillera guests, also. Reservations may up to 7 days in advance by Club at Cordillera Members and Lodge Guests. Prior to departure for a river outing, property owners can pick up passes, sign releases, and find out what flies are working at Fly Fishing Outfitter’s located in Avon Colorado. Updated April 2015 Fishing Reaches/Beats River reaches/beats are designated one through six. Three Guide Fees reaches/beats are open in the morning until 1:00 p.m.; the remaining three reaches/beats are open in the afternoon after 2:00 p.m. This timing allows each site to be untouched that day except by the person using it. The following day the Includes approximately 3.5 hours of instruction, rod and reel, waders and boots, terminal tackle, flies, and bottled water. reaches/beats are swapped morning for afternoon so no reach/beat is fished at the same time on consecutive days. $150/person for property owners or their family members. $200 for two people at the same time. Guide fees are charged to your credit card at the time of Orientation booking unless you prefer paying with cash or check prior to Required one-time fee-based orientation with guide must be your trip. completed before an angler is allowed to fish the CMDowned river stretch on his/her own to learn safety, rules and regulations, and proper fish-handling techniques. Family* members over the age of 18 and desiring to fish the CMDowned river stretch on their own are also required to complete the one-time fee-based orientation with guide. Free Seminars A series of free seminars to Cordillera property owners, guests, and The Lodge and Spa at Cordillera guests is offered. Seminars last approximately two hours and cover a variety of topics including: *Family members include spouses, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren, parents, and stepparents. Introduction to fly fishing classes focusing on basics such as knot tying, rigging, entomology, casting, and equipment necessary to get started. Fly fishing classes for kids focusing mainly on having fun and catching fish. Aquatic insects, knots, and fishing ethics are also discussed. FFO emails a bi-weekly fishing update from May through Note: Willful disregard of the River and Pond Rules and Regulations will result in restriction and possible suspension of fishing rights. September on river issues, fishing conditions, and upcoming Signature: Bi-Weekly Fishing Update programs. To receive emails, provide a current email address to FFO. Updated conditions are also available at www.flyfishingoutfitters.net. Reaches/Beats Fees Free for property owners and their family members (who have completed the one-time fee-based orientation). $150/person (or $200 for two people at the same time) for required one-time orientation with guide. Cordillera Address: Vehicle Registration: Telephone #: Email Address: Club at Cordillera Member #: CIRCLE ONE: CPOA CVCPOA Updated April 2015
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