to access the full program

Throughout Cork LGBT Awareness Week agencies and communities will distribute the specially designed posters, leaflets and display the LGBT Cork Rainbow sticker to signal
their support for LGBT Inclusion.
Community events marking Cork LGBT
Awareness Week: Contact & Information
Jacqui Sweeney, Cork City Partnership / 4302310
Cork LGBT Awareness Week is organised to acknowledge and
demonstrate that LGBT individuals are family members, community residents, constituents, citizens, visitors, service users and
service providers. The purpose of the week is to advance Objective 86: “The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities
will be enabled to fully participate in the social, cultural and economic life of Cork City.”
Siobhán O’ Dowd, BTCDP/ CESCA 4319085 / 4319085
Pride Celebrations are organised by the LGBT Community but
Awareness Week is where Cork City, its agencies and communities
come together to support inclusion and challenge homophobia.
LGBT Awareness Week is organised by an Interagency Steering
Group which includes : Cork City Council, An Garda Siochána,
Health Service Executive, Department of Social Protection, Cork
Education & Training Board, Tusla –Child & Family Agency, Cork
City Partnership, CESCA—Alliance for Equality & Inclusion,
LINC—Advocating for Lesbian & Bisexual Women, Cork Gay Project, TENI—Trangender Equality Network Ireland, Ballyphehane
Togher CDP and Sexual Health Centre.
Our theme this year is Equality Matters – Equality matters to
everyone and impacts on everyone. A diverse and equal city
benefits all of us: residents, citizens, communities, agencies,
businesses and public services. Cork LGBT Awareness Week is
organised to support LGBT Inclusion and combat homophobia.
Just as equality affects us all, so too does homophobia harm us all
so in 2015 we want to say that Equality matters; to everyone and
for everyone.
Wednesday 13th May 6.30 Cork Institute of Technology, Rossa Avn
Monday May 11th
Student Perspectives on the forthcoming Marriage Referendum hosted by
CIT LGBT Society—Contact :
Launch of LGBT Awareness Week
Wednesday 13th May 7pm LINC
Atrium Civic Office, City Hall by Lord Mayor Cllr. Mary Shields.
Cork City Partnership facilitated Youth Café Network Event with LGBT
Youth Group UPCork Contact Yvonne: 087 6952347
Guest Speakers: Valerie Mulcahy, Cork Ladies Football Team & Supt Mick
Finn, An Garda Siochána & Chair Local Community Development Committee
Thursday 14th May 5pm, Formal Opening Cork Gay Project
Music by Choral ConFusion -Cork’s LGBTS Community Choir
Thursday 14th May 7-9pm First Step LGBT Legal Advice Clinic in Ballyphehane Togher CDP:
Monday May 11th
Contact: Siobhán—4319085
7.30 pm
Reading: Dr Eibhear Walshe - Quay Co-Op
Friday 15th May 9.30am – 11.15 The Foyer, Blackpool
Tuesday 12th May
CESCA Workshop on The Rainbow Report 2015—LGBTI Health Needs
& Experiences & Health Sector Responses with author Niall Crowley,
HSE Sth East, Tusla & LGBT Service Users
12.30-2pm LINC
Cork Community Health Network: Equality Matters: Impact of Inequality on
health and health equity.
Tuesday 12th May
4.00– 6pm
Creative Writing Workshop with Cork Feminista & poet Sarah Clancy in
Camden Palace Theatre
Contact Siobhán—4319085
Friday 15th May: 7pm
Gala Event—Pride film at Triskel Arts Cinema
Contact for Tickets: Jacqui @ 4310310, Siobhán @4319085
Saturday 16th May
Tuesday 12th May—4-6pm UCC—Boole 1
Idahot Day Event Picnic in the Park
Perspectives on Marriage Equality Referendum with Dr Theresa Reidy, Dr
Conor O’ Mahony, Dr Laurence Davis, Dr Margaret O’ Keeffe
Sunday 17th May
10.30 am
Tuesday 12th May 6.30pm Cork City Library, Grand Parade
Idahot Day Service with congregation of St Anne’s Shandon , Rev Sarah
Marry , Choral ConFusion & LGBT Communities, Families and friends
Poetry Reading with Sarah Clancy & Sarah O’Sullivan ,
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