MUNSTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ENTRY FORM FOR CATTLE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received: _____________ Paid in Full: Yes Name of Exhibitor: (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE, Please keep in mind prize money cheque if applicable, will carry this name) Processed by: __________ Address: Phone No: Herd No: (MUST BE COMPLETED) Overnight Accommodation required for a total of Class No. Name of Animal Breed ENTRIES TO: The Secretary, Munster Agricultural Society, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork. Tel: (021) 4801919 Email: th HARD COPY ENTRIES CLOSE ON FRIDAY 5 JUNE, 2015 SORRY BUT NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED I agree to be bound by Rules & Regulations SIGNED: Please fill in your email address here: (number) animals of which Ear Tag No. (last 5 digits) COMPULSORY (number) are milking dairy cows. Date of Birth COMPULSORY Sire Dam Admission to the Show Exhibitors allowed credits against entry fees and EVERYONE must pay at the gate. No free passes will be issued but their value may be credited against entry fees at th the time of making entries and before the closing date of 5 June, 2015 THE FOLLOWING DEDUCTIONS MAY BE MADE; Entries valued at €20 – Deduct €15 from entry fees (Cost of Admission for 1) Entries valued at €40 – Deduct €30 from entry fees (Cost of Admission for 2) Entries valued at €60 & over – Deduct €45 from entry fees (Cost of Admission for 3) PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE CORRECT MONEY AVAILABLE AT THE GATE TO PREVENT DELAYS If paying by Credit/Debit card please put details on the reverse on form Entry Fee Entry Fees € Total from overleaf € Total Entry Fees € Less Discount € ←(see adjacent chart) Total Remittance Enclosed € No
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