Corowa Shire Snippets JUNE COUNCIL MEETING Residents are advised that the June Ordinary Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 23 June 2015 commencing at 9:30am. NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS DRAFT ‘FIT FOR THE FUTURE’ IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, the following are hereby listed for public comment. Plans relating to these proposals may be inspected in Council’s Planning Department during normal working hours. Council has endorsed the draft Improvement Proposal, which has been prepared in response to the NSW Government’s Fit for the Future program.This proposal outlines the measures Council will implement in order to meet the NSW Government’s Fit for the Future criteria to continue as a standalone Council. The Improvement Proposal has been informed by feedback provided by the community through an extensive consultation process. The proposal is currently on public exhibition and can be viewed on Council’s website or at any Council office. Submissions are welcomed until Tuesday 16 June 2015 and should be addressed to the General Manager, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or emailed to DRAFT COUNCIL POLICIES Residents are advised that the following draft policies are now on public exhibition; • Street Tree Policy (and fact sheet and removal request form) • Commercial and Advertising Signs on Roads Policy These documents can be viewed on Council’s website or at any Council office. Submissions are welcomed until Tuesday 16 June 2015 and should be addressed to the General Manager, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or emailed to PUBLIC EXHIBITION DRAFT DELIVERY PROGRAM, OPERATIONAL PLAN AND REVENUE POLICY In accordance with the Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, Council has prepared its Draft 2015 - 2019 Delivery Program, incorporating the Draft 2015/2016 Operational Plan. These documents are intended to set the direction of Council for the next four years. The Draft 2015/2016 Operational Plan and Draft 2015 - 2019 Delivery Program are prepared in accordance with the NSW Local Government Act and include the following: • A list of the principal activities to be undertaken by the Council, together with the objectives, strategies and performance measures for each activity; • A rating structure for the year 2015/2016 to be effective from 1 July 2015; • A full listing of all fees and charges set by Council for the 2015/2016 year; • A detailed statement of the proposed Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the 2015/2016 year, together with a statement of the proposed budgets for the years 2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 as well as a long term financial plan (10 years). The draft documents are now on public exhibition and can be viewed from Council’s website or at any Council office. Submissions are welcomed until Tuesday 16 June 2014 and should be addressed to the General Manager, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or emailed to MAY WATER ACCOUNTS Ratepayers are advised that May water accounts have been issued and are due on 19 June 2015. If you are having difficulty paying your account please contact Council’s Revenue Office on (02) 6033 8908. DA NO. 2015/95 2015/96 2015/97 2015/98 ADDRESS ZONING 3-5 Heather Residential R1 Circuit Mulwala 107 Hume Residential R1 Street Corowa 130-132 Hoddle Residential R1 Street Howlong 1 Centenary Residential R1 Court Mulwala PROPOSED WORK 2 Lot Strata Subdivision Alterations & Additions to Dwelling Dwelling, Shed & Swimming Pool Patio Public notice is given pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, that the Corowa Shire Council has granted development consent in respect of the following developments. The consents are available for public inspection, without charge, at the Corowa Shire Council Chambers, 100 Edward Street, Corowa between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday: ADDRESS 17 Melbourne Street, Mulwala 134 Old Mill Road, Mulwala 69 Federation Avenue, Corowa 26 Wanani Road, Mulwala Melbourne Street median construction works are now nearing completion. Line marking and the installation of parking signs will be undertaken in the next fortnight with gardening expected to finish towards the end of the week. 400 plants of Lomandra ‘Lime Tuff’ will line the perimeter of the new median strip with 160 Nandina ‘Moon Bay’ shrubs to be planted in the centre of the median strip for added colour. Drip irrigation will also be installed to the gardens to ensure they are well cared for as well as meet environmentally sustainability and water efficiency standards. The median strip gardens have been specifically designed by Council to ensure they are both frost and drought resistant and remain low maintenance. DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS DA NO. 2014/139/2 2015/77 2015/78 2015/83 MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MELBOURNE STREET MEDIAN APPROVED WORK Modification of Consent Demolition Carport and Garage Shed BUSINESS AS USUAL FOR MELBOURNE STREET It will be business as usual for Melbourne Street as all detours and road closures have now been removed. Parking availability is now as usual with residents advised to observe new parking restrictions. Council wishes to thank all Melbourne Street businesses and Mulwala residents for their cooperation and positive feedback throughout the duration of this project. DRAFT AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN (DCP) - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Council at its 19 May 2015 monthly meeting adopted the draft amendment to its DCP. The amendment introduces a maximum area that can be utilised in the retailing and display of goods in association with industrial activities on a site. The section of the DCP relating to Non-industrial activities and the proposed amendment to the section are on public exhibition at Council offices during normal office hours and on Council’s website. Submissions should be made in writing and addressed to the General Manager, Corowa Shire Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646. Submissions will be received up to 5:00pm Friday 3 July 2015. REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AND COMMUNITY AWARDS – NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN Nominations are being called for the NSW/ACT Regional Achievement & Community Awards. These awards are to recognise individuals, organisations or businesses in our community that have made a difference to economic, social or environmental prosperity in regional and rural NSW & the ACT. Nominations are now open in the following categories: • D epartment of Primary Industries Crown Reserve Trust Corporate Manager’s Award • D epartment of Primary Industries Crown Reserve Trust Community Trust Manager’s Award • P rime Super Community of the Year Award Population under 15,000 • P rime Super Community of the Year Award Population over 15,000 • Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award • MOA Benchmarking Community Service in Aged Care Award • Peabody Energy Environment and Landcare Award • Dobija Print World Events and Tourism Award • CRT Agricultural Community Achiever Award COROWA SHIRE COUNCIL IS NOW ON FACEBOOK! The Corowa Shire Council Facebook page is an opportunity for the community to learn more about the activities of Council and some of the issues affecting residents. It will allow Council and the community to engage in a conversation and work together. Council’s Facebook page will provide information on such things as: • Council news and public notices. • Construction works and service disruptions that may impact residents. • Council events, activities and programs. • Community meetings and opportunities to provide input into decision making processes. Although Council will provide a variety of information on this page, it is not our primary method of contact and therefore customer requests and complaints will not be recorded or actioned from this page. To ensure that requests or issues are lodged and actioned appropriately, residents should use one of the following methods: • Lodge a request or issue online by visiting Council’s website • Call Council on (02) 6033 8999 • Email • Use the free Snap Send Solve app on your iPhone or Android device (for further information on this app, visit Council’s website) Category winners will each receive $2,500 from the Commonwealth Bank or a Television Airtime Package on the PRIME7 network. For more information or to nominate an individual or business, visit the website at NOMINATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY 13 AUGUST 2015 Corowa General Office Civic Centre, 100 Edward Street, Ball Park Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm ...the choice Corowa office: (02) 6033 8999 Howlong office: (02) 6026 5055 Mulwala office: (03) 5744 3439 Urgent After Hours: 1 800 110 088
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