www.mtlaurelsun.com FREE MAY 14-20, 2014 Students make surprise Mother’s Day gifts By MIKE MONOSTRA The Sun While stores and shopping malls were packed last weekend with patrons looking for Mother’s Day gifts, students from a secondgrade class at Countryside Elementary School had a handmade, surprise gift ready to go. Marianne Rubba’s secondgrade class took part in a pillowmaking activity last week. The students drew a picture for the pillow, stuffed it and sewed it in class. The activity was led by Jean Threston, the grandmother of student Christopher Threston. Rubba said Christopher has been doing a great job throughout the year and came to find out about his grandmother’s hobby through him. She hatched the idea for the activity from Jean. Everything about the activity was a secret. Rubba said the students worked very hard to keep their moms from finding out about the project. Jean also kept the secret, communicating directly with Rubba about the project. While many elementary schools have classes making cards or a simple craft for Mother’s Day, the pillows were a special item made by the students. “Most of these kids have never sewn or stuffed before,” Rubba said. MIKE MONOSTRA/The Sun please see PURPOSE, page 11 Countryside Elementary School second-grade students Cecelia Ioli and Rylee Carson put the finishing touches on their handmade pillows during class last week. The students in Marianne Rubba’s class created handmade pillows as Mother’s Day gifts. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Moving on Students headed to national competition. PAGE 6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19 Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Police Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 42 East Oleander, Mt. Laurel $189,000 1200 Wall Ave, Burlington 2 3).//922 84*2.8-7*2*/932!04*2784*3).85 73050-&(28-)284487*3)2/-3278.2&8.8&3 $424,900 67 Janeway Ave, Delran 2 3).//922 84*2(0-&53289052.8-7*2!04*258.&3289052.//9250$0-&2.//92)0-0-&2.//928-)238420+047*3-2 3846.0-&2 82!0-)/!(2./-42/.7*28-)238-(0$32 87+2)37+ 204 B Ralston Drive, Mt. Laurel $152,000 1 Springhill Lane, Burlington /!-*/9320-2)3(0.8 532#3256 2::2!/2"(24!/26552( /$3.(03)25/42/-263.253$3523.3742/.2*/932/0732/. 4*0.)2"264)//.2)37+2/3.(2&.3842.0$8728-)24.8-60504 $789,000 36 Millers Run, Delran 11 Apple Way, Marlton 201 Haines Drive, Moorestown 2"2 .3-7*2/5/-0852/-2859/(42287.32/258-) 8.)!//)25//.(258.&32384,0-2+047*3-2! 84487*3)2(6-2.//92.0$8432980-2(604328 (37/-)2(60432/-24*325/!3.289052.//9253$3528-) 4*.3328))040/-852 3).//9(2/-24*3263.25//.( :99876584321074/.08-,50+32*/9320-2)3(0.3)2'.33-4.33 10558&3%2:-$040-&2#"2!04*298. 5320.3587328-)2 82!0-)/! .0&*42"20(23.3742/.23-43.480-0-&28-)2&0$3(2/628773(( 4/24*327*8.90-&2&8.)3-2840/28(43.2"2.34.3842*8(2655 228))040/-852"(28-)282655220-24*32*855!8 8(632(45327/448&32*/9320-24.8! .0)&32#8+3 *32#"20(20-$040-&28-)27/95393-43)2!04*2/-32/ 4*3233+,8,//20.35873(2-/24*328(43. 3).//92!04*282"04,8.54/-2(45328(43.284* *324*.3328))040/-852 3).//9(2)/2-/42)0(8/0-4 1050 E. Long Beach Bvd, Long Beach Twp. $2,350,000 450(*2 8./-42*/932!04*23-4070-&27/6.48.)23-4.%2#/7843)2//$3.(03)222242 38640655258-)(783)25/42*/6(3238, 46.3(22"(22(2 "2&83 /2(4532(7.33-2/.7*2(6-+3#"2!04*2!//)2 6.-0-&20.358732*8.)!//)25//.(2(/8(4/-3 +047*3-.0$843298(43.2"2(604326-0/.298(43.2"2586-). .//92278.2&8.8&3243.0/.23846.3(20..0&843)258-)(783273)8. /64)//.2(*/!3.2!04*2).3((0-&28.382 .07+2).0$328-)2!85+(24.3 )37+0-&/42.0-&(2(82)/7+2.08.08-2&.8-428-)23-73)28.) 33)3)2/738-28773((24//% LONG & FOSTER $174,000 2 3).//922(4/.2832*/932!04*2384,0+047*3-250$0-&2.//922)0-0-&2.//9 708 Maple Leaf Lane, Moorestown $324,999 /-439/.8.22 3).//922 84*2*/932!04*28 8.408520-0(*3)2 8(393-4258.&3289052.//9 )0-0-&2.//928-)250$0-&2.//9 REAL ESTATE • MORTGAGE TITLE • INSURANCE $299,000 (2/623-43.24*0(2099876584323-)26-0424/!-*/93 /628.32&.3343)2!04*298. 5325//.(20-24*32980-2/3. 8-)2/!)3.2.//92:-$040-&2#"24/2/6.2.0&*42/55/!3) 282)0-0-&2.//924*84278-2(3842624/243-23/53 3-25//.258-27/-(0(4(2/24*32+047*3-28-)2 " 6 Stern Light Drive, Mt. Laurel $309,000 2 3).//922 84*24/!-*/932/3-25//.258-2!04*2 65520-0(*3)2 8(393-4275/(324/2855298/.2*0&*!8( 4 THE MT. LAUREL SUN — MAY 14-20, 2014 Alice Paul Institute accepting summer program applications Learn how you ca n give your child th e BRIGHTEST BEGINN ING! Stop In and Appointments NEVER Take a Tour! needed! 609-261-0004 1632 Route 38 East • Lumberton, NJ www.BrightestBeginnings.com The Alice Paul Institute is accepting applications for its newest summer program, the Alice Paul Professional Leadership Institute. The program takes place from Monday, Aug. 11 through Friday, Aug. 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Paulsdale, the Mount Laurel birthplace and childhood home of Alice Paul. The leadership institute is open to girls entering ninth or 10th grade in September. Each day, participants explore careers through workshops led by professional women from a variety of fields who act as mentors both during and after the program. Areas explored include women’s history, natural sciences, writing, finance, health, politics, public policy and technology. The leadership institute offers teenage girls a unique opportunity to start college and career planning early and to develop relationships with successful, professional women. “We are very excited about this program. Its goal is to help girls them realize their full leadership potential in their early teens,” said Kris Myers, the Alice Paul Institute’s director of programs. Activities include trips to a local tea house, Campbell’s Soup Company, the College of New Jersey and the New Jersey State Capitol, a mock debate, a financial planning session and networking opportunities. The program fee is $200. The deadline for submitting applications is June 15. For more information about APPLI, contact Myers at (856) 231-1885 or kmyers@alicepaul.org. Childcare for children 6 weeks through Pre Kindergarten 151 New Road, Marlton, NJ 08053 In Business since 1989 Locally Produced!! g n i r p S 4 201 Mulch Specials 856-985-0412 3 5 yards Dark Spec ial $ s Black or Brown D 12 0 d r yed ya 5 0 S k or Brown L o c a l d e li v e r y o n l y Dye pecia s Blac ly d r on $ a rd d l o y f d 113 00 Marlton & Me Spe 5 cia ly on l $16 00 ery v i l e 0 Lo c al d WE ALSO CARRY TOPSOIL, STONE AND FIREWOOD. Hurry! Register Now! Cooper River Park Saturday, May 17th 9:00am-2pm #"#! !!!!"!!!!!!! Dr. Sylvia Bidwell, DC $10 OFF MASSAGE with this Ad! CC Accepted CALL TODAY 856-985-0412 Dr. Bobbi Dorio, DC CALL FOR SPECIAL SPRING SAVINGS! NJ Lic. #13vh0111555900 uth Serving So 1975 Jersey since The Winner of the 2014 Certainteed Siding Award of Excellence Deal Direct With The Owner All Work Fully Guaranteed Fully Insured GAF Certified Roofing Contractor OUR COMPETITIVE PRICES WILL MAKE YOU GLAD YOU CALLED! BEAUTIFUL SIDING, ROOFING AND WINDOWS Windows • Siding • Capping • Roofing • Decks • Additions and More Former President and Chairman of The Board of the NJ Remodelers Associations Camden County FREE Ridge Vent and Water and Ice Shield With every complete roof! With coupon.May not be combined with others offers. Not valid on prior sales or estimates. FREE 856-424-1610 Gutters / Downspout Burlington County (1,500 sq. ft. min.) 856-234-9567 With coupon.May not be combined with others offers. Not valid on prior sales or estimates. Must present coupon at time of sale www.cherryswindowsidingroofing.com 6 THE MT. LAUREL SUN — MAY 14-20, 2014 in our opinion New year, same message: 108 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033 856-427-0933 Stay local this summer ast year at this time, we preached how important it was to stay local for the summertime. We said that the 102 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends are “crucial” for the Jersey Shore, which, no matter where you live in our fine state, has a vital impact on our economy. We are now a year-and-a-half removed from the devastation that was caused by Hurricane Sandy, but some Shore towns are still fighting to fully recover. Beach remediation is all but complete, and the boardwalks and shops are up and running, for the most part – at least those that decided to rebuild. But these Shore towns still need our L Dan McDonough Jr. CHAIRMAN OF ELAUWIT MEDIA Your thoughts What are your plans for summer vacation? Share your thoughts on this, and other topics, in a letter to the editor. support. Beach Season 2013 was not a good one. As if rebuilding from Sandy wasn’t bad enough, an incredibly wet June kept visitors away from the Shore during prime weekends. Sales for stores in the hardest-hit areas of the storm were off anywhere from 20-40 percent last year, according to state economic reports. And Gov. Christie’s office estimated that companies lost more than $63 million in business due to the storm. So what’s the message here? It’s simple: Visit the Shore this summer, and visit often. New Jersey residents often take our coastline for granted, but we should realize how lucky we are to have such a gem this close to home. So let’s pay it back this summer. There are fewer than three weeks until the official start of the summer beach season, but with schools letting out a little later this year thanks to the snowy winter, there is still plenty of time to plan your summer vacation at the Jersey Shore. The beach towns need your support, now more than ever. Let’s all dedicate at least part of our summer to giving back. Students headed to national competition By MIKE MONOSTRA The Sun Last month, Harrington Middle School proved it was one of the best at aquatic robotics in the region. Now, it will get a chance to prove it is one of the best in the country. The Harrington Middle School Seabots are heading to the University of Southern Mississippi to participate in the 2014 SeaPerch National Challenge on Saturday, May 17. The team qualified for the challenge by taking home the top prize at a regional competition on April 26 at Rowan University. The trip to nationals is the first ever for the Seabots, coming one year after they finished runner-up in their region. This time around, the team had something extra, according to club CEO Sanjana Jampana. “We've had a lot of teams come close in previous years, but not like this year,” she said. “We have the perfect combination. This is such a good team, everyone is so cooperative and willing to work together to get everything done.” At the SeaPerch regional competition, which included schools from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, the team had to give an oral presentation and put its ROV through a pair of pool challenges. One of the challenges is called “The Heist” and involves opening a gate to retrieve an item underwater. The other challenge is an obstacle course. The team succeeded overall, finishing in the top three of all the events out of a field of 40 teams. This led to its victory and qualification for nationals. The victory was far from easy, however. All year long, the team has developed and made changes to its rover to improve on its performance. The team is provided with a kit and a modest $20 budget to build its rover. While the rover itself only took a few hours to build, the club has a limited time to meet. “It took us about three weeks,” said club CFO Jonathan Procopio. “We only meet once a week for about an hour. So it takes a few weeks total to build it.” The time building the rover doesn't include the pre-construction process. Jampana estimates she spends about 50 hours just creating the notebook for the competition. “Most of the other stuff takes more time than making the ROV itself,” she said. “The notebook takes the longest.” The amount of work doesn't deter the team's members. Led by Harrington's STEM teacher Maureen Barrett, the team assembles every Tuesday after school to prepare for competition. The room is full of students surrounding computers, a pool in the back of the classroom or the rover itplease see TEAM, page 10 Tim Ronaldson Joe Eisele EXECUTIVE EDITOR INTERIM PUBLISHER Mary L. Serkalow CONTENT EDITOR Kristen Dowd MT. LAUREL EDITOR Mike Monostra ART DIRECTOR Stephanie Lippincott MANAGING EDITOR Russell Cann Barry Rubens Michael LaCount, Ph.D. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER VICE CHAIRMAN ELAUWIT MEDIA GROUP PUBLISHER EMERITUS EDITOR EMERITUS Steve Miller Alan Bauer The Sun is published weekly by Elauwit Media LLC, 108 Kings Highway East, 3rd Floor, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. It is mailed weekly to select addresses in the 08054 ZIP code. If you are not on the mailing list, six-month subscriptions are available for $39.99. PDFs of the publication are online, free of charge. For information, please call 856-427-0933. To submit a news release, please email news@mtlaurelsun.com. For advertising information, call 856-427-0933 or email advertising@mtlaurelsun.com. The Sun welcomes suggestions and comments from readers – including any information about errors that may call for a correction to be printed. SPEAK UP The Sun welcomes letters from readers. Brief and to the point is best, so we look for letters that are 300 words or fewer. Include your name, address and phone number. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to news@mtlaurelsun.com, via fax at 856427-0934, or via the mail. You can drop them off at our office, too. The Sun reserves the right to reprint your letter in any medium – including electronically. MAY 14-20, 2014 – THE MT. LAUREL SUN 7 RECENTLY SOLD HOMES 73 Center Lane Sold: $95,000 Real estate tax: $3,426 / 2013 Approximate Square Footage: 1,188 Spacious first-floor, two-bedroom with sunroom, two bathrooms and den. This townhouse has a covered front porch, with a large foyer that has a large coat/storage closet. Tucked off the kitchen is a full laundry room. 127 Hartford Road Sold: $105,000 Real estate tax: $5,337 / 2013 Approximate Square Footage: 1,400 Two bedroom, two-baths rancher with a two-car garage. Property features a fireplace, finished basement, wet bar in basement. Wood deck, patio and aluminum siding. Lic. #13VH02720100 ANY COMPLETE SIDING JOB CALENDAR PAGE 8 WEDNESDAY May 14 YES Club of Adath-Emanu-El meeting: Noon at Adath-EmanuEl. The YES Club presents the “Life and Times of Vincent Van Gogh” by Paul Gordon. The entrance fee is $2 for members and $3 for guests. Bring your own lunch. For more information, contact Emily Isaacson at (856) 2731797 or email s_isaacson@yahoo.com. Crochet Anyone: 1 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Join craft enthusiast Audrey Pache for crocheting and conversation. Novices and experts welcome. Instruction available if needed. No registration necessary. Please bring your own knitting materials. Rotary Club of Mt. Laurel meeting: 12 p.m. at Laurel Creek Country Club, 655 Old Centerton Road. For more information visit www.mountlaurelrotary.org or call (856) 234-7663. Storytime: 11 a.m. every Wednesday at Kids Play Lounge in Mt. Laurel. Come hear a new story every week and then stay and play the rest of the day! Call (856) 2739500 or visit www.kidsplaylounge.com for more information. New Covenant Presbyterian Church Adult Bible Study: 2 to 3 p.m. Church is at 240 Creek Road, Rancocas Woods, Mount Laurel. THURSDAY May 15 Sewing 101: 1:30 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Learn the basics from sewing enthusiast Audrey Pache. This will include how a sewing machine works and the first steps to making your first project. If you have your own sewing machine, feel free to bring it in. Bring one-half yard of cotton fabric to practice on and thread. Chess Night: 6:30 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Bring your chess board and meet your match. Join fellow players for an evening of chess. All ages and skill levels welcome. SATURDAY May 17 “The Fault in Our Stars” Celebration: Grades 7 to 12. 2 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. The movie release of “The Fault in Our Stars” is just around the corner, so this is a celebration of all things about the book. Snacks will be served. No registration required. Tween Lockdown: Grades 5 to 7. 5 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. This is an after-hours event specifically for tweens. Snacks will be provided. SUNDAY May 18 New Covenant Presbyterian Church: Sunday worship 11 a.m. to noon Adult Bible study 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Coffee and fellowship after the church service each third Sunday. Church is at 240 Creek Road, Rancocas Woods, Mount Laurel. MONDAY May 19 Book Discussion: 7 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Join the Mt. Lau- MAY 14-20, 2014 rel Library Book Club for a lively discussion of “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova. No registration needed. Mt. Laurel Garden Club meeting: 11 a.m. luncheon followed by business meeting at noon and program beginning at 1:30 p.m. every third Monday. For more information on membership visit mtlaurelgardenclub.tripod.com or call Barbara at (856) 396-0017. TUESDAY May 20 Toddler and Baby Storytime: Ages 1 to 3. 10:30 a.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Join the library for stories, songs, fingerplays and musical instruments for all. Siblings are welcome. Paws for Reading: Grades 1 to 4. 4 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Practice your reading skills with a captive canine audience in a private setting with Rookie, a registered therapy dog and his owner, Ms. Tammi. Rookie is a Pomeranian who is waiting to hear you read to him. Sessions are in 15- Be social. Like us on Facebook! FINANCING AVAILABLE 12 Months No Interest (restrictions apply) "! ! When Quality Counts 856-988-3243 www.SebastianBuilders.com The Sun isn't just in print. Like us on Facebook for additional photos, stories and tidbits of information about your town. www.facebook.com/ mtlaurelsun minute blocks. Bring your favorite book from home or arrive early to choose a book from the library's collection. Societa Bell’ Italia monthly meeting: 6:15 p.m. at Carlucci’s Waterfront. All are welcome to the club’s monthly meeting. For more information or reservations, call (609) 267-2824 or (609) 2614472. Intro to Meditation: 7 p.m. at the Mt. Laurel Library. Join an experienced meditation instructor and achieve relaxation of your mind and body. Wear comfortable clothes, try not to eat a big meal before class and bring a mat or towel. Mt. Laurel I BNI Chapter meeting: 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Marco’s Restaurant at Indian Spring C.C., 115 S. Elmwood Drive. Mt. Laurel Area Friends and Newcomers: 7 p.m. every third Tuesday. Community Center, Walt Whitman Drive. For more information, email mtlaurelnewcomers@yahoo.com. ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION! • Additions • Kitchens • Basements • Decks • Hardwood • Siding • Doors • Windows CALL 609-820-6673 TODAY! Over 40 Years of Experience! NJ Lic # 13VH00235600 10 THE MT. LAUREL SUN — MAY 14-20, 2014 Team hopes to bring home trophy TEAM Continued from page 6 self. “We're all friends,” Procopio said. “We all have a good time together.” The mood surrounding the team is ecstatic heading into Saturday's challenge. In their prior competition, Procopio noted they were representing their school and Mt. Laurel. Now, they go into competition with 100 of the best schools in the country representing the entire Delaware Valley. While the team is hoping to come home with even more trophies, it also hopes to represent its school in a positive manner. “We represent our school with hard work, teamwork and leadership qualities,” Procopio said. “That's what we show and offer at Harrington.” Special to The Sun The Harrington Middle School Seabots pose with their trophies from the regional SeaPerch competition at Rowan University in April. The team will be going to Hattiesburg, Miss. next week for the 2014 National SeaPerch Challenge. "! ! ! $" ! $ " $##"! ! ! PURPOSE Continued from page 1 To help the students, Jean first gave a presentation about quilting. She explained the process of creating quilts and later showed off some of her favorite creations, including a quilt made when Christopher was born. The presentation touched on more than just quilts. Jean explained the history of quilting and its importance during colonial times. The students had recently performed a play about Ben Franklin and were able to answer questions about him and colonial life. Jean talked about how quilting played an integral role during the United States’ early history. “All of the clothes these people wore were handmade,” Jean said to the class. The purpose of the activity was to have the students make the pillows the old-fashioned way. There were no sewing machines in the classroom. Each student took a turn stuffing the pillows and then worked on sewing them. Each student had hand-drawn pictures ready to go for the day’s activity. The drawings had been done during a prior class. “We made the pictures on our own, and then Jean steamed them on,” Rubba said. While the students took turns making their pillows, others sat at their desk drawing pictures and writing poetry to include in their gift. The activity extended beyond the students’ real mothers. In her 38th year of teaching at Countryside Elementary School, Rubba is retiring in June. As a present, her students did a drawing in honor of her retirement. Rubba later got a chance to make her own pillow, with the help of her students. Rubba beamed with pride and emotion as she held up the drawing to the class. She said she is going to miss the students, but in the pillow, she will have something by which to remember them. BIRTHS Did you or someone you know recently welcome a baby into the family? Send us your birth announcement and we will print it, free of charge. SUMMER ENRICHMENT CAMP Kindergarten - 12th CHOOSE FROM 53 COURSES • 4 SESSIONS July 7th - 10th • July 14th - 17th • July 21st - 24th • July 28th - 31st "&$'$$$"$"&$$"$ www.mtps.com x18104 Mail Registration to: ('&%$#"$!" &$&$ (""&"$$""$'$ $!&"&"$$ (""&"$#$ Program located: Moorestown Twp, Upper Elementary School 325 Borton Landing Rd. Moorestown, NJ 08057 Poetry • Math • Hooray for History Lady Bugs GIFT CERTIFICATES! Are Here! Better Gardens Start at Haines Trees • Shrubs Blueberry Bushes Annuals • Perennials Raspberry • Roses Best Selection of Vegetable Plants in the area GREAT HANGING BASKETS! Tropical Hibiscus Mandevilla Clematis Visit Our ORGANIC DEPARTMENT • Fertilizers • Weed Preventers • Insecticides • Soil Amendments • Composts & Rain Barrels ORGANIC WORM POWER Made by Worms, Loved by Plants Available in 3 sizes - 1lb, 3lb & 15lb •• Save Save money money and and make make money money •• Very Very simple simple •• Huge Huge demand demand •• Residual Residual revenue revenue Large Selection of Herbs Available Bulk Compost, Soil, Mulches, Sand & Stone 1-800-281-2573 Drawing 101 • Writing • Sign Language • Cooking with Science Purpose was to have students learn old-fashioned way Lego Robotics • Young Astronomer • SAT Prep Theater • Rockets & Racecars • Art • Water Rockets MAY 14-20, 2014 – THE MT. LAUREL SUN 11 Sun Newspapers The Central Jersey Sun The South Jersey Sun 108 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033 856.427.0933 elauwitmedia.com MAY 14-20, 2014 – THE MT. LAUREL SUN 13 VFW holds annual awards dinner Commander Scott Lambert and members of Medford VFW Post 7677 held their 28th annual awards dinner in the post hall on Saturday, April 26. The post was chartered July 15, 1946. Following opening ceremonies, there was a solemn reading of the names of past post commanders, past ladies auxiliary presidents and past men’s auxiliary presidents. They were recognized for their service to the post and to the surrounding communities. Following an excellent buffet dinner, prepared by chef Ed Gerber, awards were presented to three individuals who have given exemplary community service to the community. This year they were chosen from the Medford Lakes Police, Fire and EMT departments. First to be honored was police officer of the year, Greg Blash. Followed by firefighter of the year, Julian Vallery and then EMT of the year, Andi LaFleur. Certificate of appreciation plaques were awarded to each of these outstanding individuals. Next to be honored were those who have won cash awards along with certificates of recognition for their participation in the VFW’s national patriotic essay programs. The Voice of Democracy is an essay and speech competition for those of high school age. The national winner of the competition has a chance to win $30,000. Jacob Demree, of Mt. Laurel, won first place at the post level of the competition for the second time in two years. Michael “Trey” Mikulski, of Southampton placed second at the post level. Michael also took a third place at the county level. Highly commendable performances by each of these young gentlemen. For students of middle school age, the Patriot’s Pen competition is an essay event. The national winner of this 100% Financing Available No payment for 90 days! E A R LY B I R D S P E C I A L $500 OFF $250 OFF Complete Sunroom Screen Room Valid through 6/15/14. NO OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE (609) 387-5066 (856) 298-4400 Toll Free: (800) 641-6082 www.CPI-ConstructionSpecialties.com competition can win $5,000. There were three winners at the post level. They received certificates and cash awards. Morgan Calabria, of Shamong, earned first place. Second place was awarded to Joseph Moniot of Shamong. Mark Oddo, of Shamong, took third place. Earlier in the year, the Walter Levy essay contest was run in the five elementary schools of Medford Township. Cash prizes and certificates were awarded at a school assembly to ten deserving young patriots. Recognition and awards were presented to educators who have been supportive and instrumental in helping Medford VFW Post 7677 implement these exciting essay programs. Among those recognized were: Karen O’Neil, of Seneca High School, Cathy Campeau, of Indian Mills Middle School and Jen Petagno, of Medford Township Schools. Their support is much appreciated. 14 THE MT. LAUREL SUN — MAY 14-20, 2014 0/..-,+*)('+&%-$-.+#"! +"%"+"'% &#%*#+(,"-$-*%%-(%*'% -$-'-$-* *-)-$--- ----$-0- 10% OFF Jobs of $1,500 or more MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! 0*%%-%( +%( -"- (609) 654-5041 police report The following information was provided by the Mt. Laurel Police Department. offenses and charged with driving while intoxicated and released pending a municipal court hearing. A resident of the 2500 block of Sussex Court reported a fraud. Several unauthorized ATM withdrawals, totaling more than $1,000, were made from several locations in Portland, Ore. The incidents occurred between 3 p.m. April 26 and 2 a.m. April 27. Mt. Laurel Police arrested a 25year-old female of the unit block of Garrison Circle, Willingboro, on April 30 for hindering her own apprehension. Subsequent to police investigation of a motor vehicle accident on Ark Road, she provided false information to police in an attempt to avoid arrest on outstanding warrants. She was charged with hindering and released on a summons. Mt. Laurel Police arrested a 47year-old male of the 100 block of Meadow Lane, Evesham, on April 30, for driving while intoxicated. He was stopped at the intersection of Hainesport Road and Hartford Road at 7:30 p.m. for motor vehicle Mt. Laurel Police arrested a 24year-old female of the 500 block of • Exterior Wood Restoration • Decks, Fences, Log Cabins • All Wood Siding and more • Stamped Concrete, Paver & Concrete Cleaning & Restoration • Repairs Serving Burlington County for over 20 years. NJ A901 License NJDEP# 0034708 Ask about our other services. 1634 ROUTE 206, TABERNACLE, NJ • CALL 609-268-1800 Serving The Greater Southern New Jersey Area Macklin Drive, Cherry Hill, on May 1 for theft. The theft occurred on April 15 on the unit block of Sternlight Drive. She was charged with theft and released on bail in the amount of $7,500. Mt. Laurel Police arrested a 24year-old male of the 1100 block of Route 73, on May 1, for possession of marijuana. While being stopped by police on Route 73 at 3:37 p.m. for a pedestrian violation, the suspect fled from police in an attempt to avoid arrest on outstanding warrants. He was subsequently arrested and charged with possession of marijuana under 50 grams and obstruction. He was served with criminal complaints pending a municipal court hearing and turned over to another jurisdiction on outstanding warrants. A resident of the 100 block of Fleetwood Avenue reported an attempted burglary to a residence. The incident occurred at 9:26 p.m. on May 1. The resident reported observing a male subject in a hooded sweatshirt outside the residence and subsequent noise inside the residence. Police responded and were unable to locate any suspects. Entry was attempted by forcing the rear sliding glass door. Damage was estimated at $500. A resident of the 300 block of Tolerance Court reported a theft. Sneakers and a belt, valued at $695, were taken from a bedroom. The incident occurred sometime between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., May 1. There was no sign of forced entry to the residence. A resident of the 600 block of Orchard Way reported a burglary and theft to a residence. The incident occurred between 7:30 a.m. April 29 and 7 p.m. May 3. Entry was gained by forcing the rear window. Jewelry, valued at approximately $200, was taken. Damage is estimated at more than $200. Available in 10, 15, & 20 Cu. Yard Containers 7 Day Rentals Please recycle this newspaper. MAY 14-20, 2014 – THE MT. LAUREL SUN 15 on campus The following Mt. Laurel residents were named to the dean’s list at St. Joseph’s University for the fall 2013 semester. • Rebecca Daub, a biology major • Evan DiMartino, a marketing major • Kristen Harper, a political science major • Olivia Kopec, an interdisciplinary health services major • Angela McMaster, a food marketing co-op • Michael Michalak, an accounting major TENNIS SCORES The following Lenape boys’ tennis score was submitted by varsity head coach Anthony Guerrera. Lenape defeated Township, 5-0 • Allison Murray, a communication studies major • Sarah Niemcewicz, a food marketing major • Jamie Palmer, a biology major • Christina Rossetti, an elementary education major • Megan Upton, an interdisciplinary health services major • Ryan Vance, a biology major Two Mt. Laurel residents have been named to honor societies at Alvernia University. • Alexis Bendyna was inducted into Delta Epsilon Sigma Catholic Student Honor Society. • Alexi Storti was inducted into Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society. Bluestone Contracting Corp. Site Utilities • Grading • Drainage • Basements • Concrete Asphalt Paving Driveway/Sidewalk Repair Replacement Topsoil & Seeding • Residential & Commercial French Drains • Sump Pumps • Basement De-Watering Call: (609)832-8875 bluestoneva@yahoo.com - Licensed and Insured - PROFESSIONAL WEBSITES. PEASANT PRICES. Daniel Schaub of Mt. Laurel was initiated into the Phi Kappa Phi honor society. Schaub is pursuing a degree in art from Arcadia University. Custom Window Treatment Design and Fabrication • Valances, Drapery Panels, Cornices • Blinds & Shades • Bedding & Pillows • Computerized Design Renderings Winslow Singles: First Singles: A.J. Goldstein, Lenape, defeated Daniel Park 6-2, 6-3 Second Singles: Zach Silver, Lenape, defeated Zaire Brooks 6-4, 6-3 Third Singles: Cliff Christine, Lenape, def. Ibrahim Hassan 7-5, 5-7, (10-7) Doubles: First Doubles: Dylan Upton and William Humes, Lenape, defeated Brian Anyanwu and Mike Anyanwu 5-7, 6-4, (10-8) Second Doubles: Dave Cammarata and Dylan Upton, Lenape, defeated John Chea and Kyle Betz 6-0, 6-1, Roofing Tear Offs & Reroofs • Skylights Design/Build your Additions (your plan or ours) Cedar & Mahogany Decks • Trex Decks • Vinyl Railings Windows • Doors • Finished Basements • Kitchens Tell us your news. We’ll tell everyone else. * Getting married? * Engaged? * Expecting? * Need to thank someone? s r pavillion Order you now! as an b ca and PIG ROAST Approximately 60 New Sheds Just Arrived! May 15th, 16th, & 17th (in front of the Amish Food Court) 2885 Rt. 206 Columbus Farmer’s Market Columbus, NJ 08022 Visit us at www.jlcrafts.com Hours: Thurs & Fri 7-4:30pm • Sat 7-4pm OBITUARIES The Sun will print obituaries, free of charge. Send news and photos to The Mt. Laurel Sun via email to news@mtlaurelsun.com. T H E M T. L AU R E L S U N MAY 14-20, 2014 55 L I N E Only$ per week A D S List a text-only ad for your yard sale, job posting or merchandise. classified BOX ADS Only W H A T Cherry Hill Sun • Cinnaminson Sun Delran Sun • Haddonfield Sun Marlton Sun • Medford Sun Moorestown Sun • Mt. Laurel Sun Shamong Sun • Tabernacle Sun • Voorhees Sun 65 $ per week Y O U PAGE 16 N E E D T O K N O W All ads are based on a 5 line ad, 15-18 characters per line. • Additional lines: $9, Bold/Reverse Type: $9 • Add color to any box ad for $20. • Deadline: Wednesday - 5pm for the following week. All classified ads must be prepaid. • Your Classified ad will run in all 9 of The Sun newspapers each week! • Be sure to check your ad the first day it appears. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion, so call us immediately with any errors in your ad. • No refunds are given, only advertising credit. H O W T O C O N T A C T U S Call us: 609-751-0245 or email us: classifieds@elauwitmedia.com WINDOW CLEANING PRESSURE WASHING OW WASH INDWIZARD IN Free Estimates 609-953-0886 1-800-281-2573 #"! "! #"""! #"""! " ! " " """"" JANITORIAL SERVICES RESIDENTIAL CLEANING HONEST AND HARD WORKING 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS 609-517-4591 janitorialserv@comcast.net CARPETS Call 609-220-3370 Jim MODERN CARPETS House & Office Cleaning Weekly, bi-weekly, Monthly Linen changes, beds made, low rates 20 years experience call for appt. (609) 845-5922 C & C Mason Contractors Homes • Decks • Driveways • Patios • Concrete • Roofs • Pool Area www.windowwashingwizard.com CELL 609-313-3606 +*)('&(%$'#"(! '%(#( ("(')#('!'% #(' HORN MASONRY & CONCRETE (! '( ') (%$'( '("!&"( (#(""( $'&'$$( $ '$'($!"' ( '(!% !&"('!$(%'('%$!$' '' ! '%$""')!('$)('%!('#%$(% Brick • Block • Concrete Driveways • Sidewalks Foundations 38 yrs. exp. (609) 760-3113 MASONRY & CONCRETE • Specializing in all types of Masonry, Brick, Block, Stucco & Chimney repairs • Concrete installed & repaired • Concrete Leveling-Mudjacking • French Drains • All Work Guaranteed Residental - No Job Too Small - Commercial Family Owned & Operated (609) 230-1682 • (609) 268-9497 S & J Construction, LLC All Phases of Concrete & Masonry Work REPAIRS OF ALL TYPES FREE EST./REAS. PRICES/REFS AVAIL. A&M CM ASONRY & ONCRETE 1-800-883-3828 856-786-5229 REG# 13VH03811200 Lic. #13VH07331700 (856) 216-7400 "(!%('#!""' ' $'(($'$ Cell 609-238-2039 $25 OFF CLEANING BY STEPHANIE NOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR CHIMNEY! HARDWOOD FLOOR REFINISHING AND CUSTOM HARDWOOD FLOOR INSTALLATIONS Anne’s Cleaning 856-482-1327 Windows • Screens • Skylights • Chandeliers • Gutters & More! Pressure Washing Need Your Home Cleaned? Reliable results. Excellent references. HOMES OFFICES Life is too short. Enjoy your free time! 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Expires 5/31/14. Office: 856-267-5268 National/American Waterproofing ASIAN MASSAGE THERAPY With Table Shower New Beautiful Young Staff 609-859-1233 1816 Rt 70, Southampton EVERLAST SHEDS Built in your yard 203 Rt. 530, Southampton 609-261-1888 everlastsheds.com SHAWN CROWLEY 609-680-0452 856-767-4443 www.americanwatermanagement.com. Lic # 13VH06045200 NEW CUSTOMER SPECIAL! $50 OFF Expires 5/31/14. • Pruning, Topping and Removal • Guaranteed To Beat Any Written Estimate • 24 Hr. Emergency/Insurance Work EARLY SPRING SPECIALS LICENSED & INSURED Paperhanging, Removal & Painting By Randy Craig (856) 981-1359 www.rcpaperhangings.com Considering a home in South Florida? Whether you're considering a move to a better climate, or just a second home, or investment property, Rena Kliot of Pulse International Realty is the broker for buyers who want a dependable expert in the exciting South Florida market. Call today to start your search for that coastal home! Rena Kliot, Broker | Owner Pulse International Realty - Miami 305.428.2268 rena@pulseinternationalrealty.com www.pulseinternationalrealty.com MAY 14-20, 2014 — THE MT. LAUREL SUN CLASSIFIED #"&%# '&%$#"&! %%$ )('&)% $#"! !#!# ! !!#! !#!! ! !!!# !#!# ! !#"!! ! ! !!#!#"! ! !!!! ! !#"!! ! #"! !#"!! !#!#" "! ! !#"!"!#"! !# ! !#! !! !# ! # ! !! #!"! !!! # !"! %#& & #=87:*6'84;7-:)=$',*6&: ;<7--7<2:)*<<<2:=6;: 6*&,$-$=6;2::7*&7: <7'8*67<-2:3*67:'<67<:,4$',2: :-)=88: :'=-7-2: '4<$=*6-2:=6;:7;:-7$ 911: 5 Landscaping Packages, Seasonal Cuttings, Lawn Fertilization Programs 30 YEARS OF LAWN EXP. Pleasant & knowledgeable staff to serve you. Free Estimates. 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