CORPUS CHRISTI BOSCOMBE NEWSLETTER Fr Denis Blackledge SJ (425286), Fr David Gornall SJ (425286) Fr Kevin Fox SJ (436724), Fr Tony Horan SJ (436721) 18 St James’s Square, Boscombe BH5 2BX Tel: 425286 Parish Administrator: Sandra Cook Finance Administrator: Georgie Lockyer (Normal office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) Parish Office email: Fr Denis email: Website: Parish Centre/Hall Bookings: Aidan Foy Tel: 07775868253 Email: OUR PARISH MOTTO IS “ONLY JESUS” We are part of Pastoral Area 21 (Bournemouth) in the Diocese of Portsmouth - CHURCH PARISH PRIEST/CLERGY TEL SUNDAY MASS TIMES CORPUS CHRISTI See above 6.00pm vigil, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.00pm ANNUNCIATION, Charminster ST EDMUND CAMPION, Castlepoint Fr Bernardine Nsom Deacon Barry Jennings 513369 11.00am, 6.30pm, 9.00am OUR LADY IMMACULATE, Westbourne Fr Bill Wilson 764027 9.00am, 11.00am SACRED HEART, Bournemouth Fr Bruce Barnes Deacon Roger Carr-Jones 551013 5.00pm vigil, 8.00am, 10.30am, 4.00pm 428451 Royal Bournemouth Hospital / Christchurch Hospital chaplain: Non–urgent matters, please ring the Chaplaincy Office directly on 01202 704221. Urgent, or out-of-hours, the Catholic duty Chaplain may be contacted via Switchboard on 01202 303626. Poole Hospital chaplain: Deacon McConville 01202 442167 (leave message) or 01202 665511 (Page RC chaplain) LITURGICAL CALENDAR - All weekday masses are feria except : Wed 22: Our Lady, Mother of the Society of Jesus Thurs 23: St George Sat 25: St Mark Next Sunday is Vocations Sunday and Good Shepherd Sunday, with a second collection for the Clergy Training Fund. SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Year B 19th April 2015 Warm and heartfelt thanks from Fr David, Fr Tony, Fr Kevin and myself for your generous offering for Easter, the magnificent total of £3,477.68. I’d also like to thanks all those who so kindly and generously remembered my Easter week birthday with prayers, masses and gifts. The Opening Prayer today asks for “renewed youthfulness of spirit” and “confident hope”, so let’s pray for one another for those wonderful graces! Each one of us is story-shaped, and today’s Gospel speaks loud and clear about sharing the story of what happened on the road to Emmaus, and how those first disciples recognised Jesus in the breaking of bread. You and I share that same story, and each day we’re hopefully telling and sharing that resurrection story of the walk with Jesus. That same risen Jesus has those first comforting words for you and me: “Peace be with you!” He goes on to tell those first friends, fresh to a resurrection world, and thus so shocked and agitated, to “Touch me and see for yourselves.” The risen Jesus is no ghost, but has a risen body. He goes on to assure them by asking for something to eat, and stand there mesmerised, dumbfounded. No doubt you and I would have felt the same. Whilst we can’t literally touch Jesus now, we have that same grace of assurance of his risen presence. And day by day Jesus “opens our minds to understand the scriptures” as he did with his first followers. How privileged we all are as friends and followers of Jesus risen! And remember that he still carries the marks, the scars, of his five wounds: by those wounds you and I are healed. Both First Reading and the Gospel speak of being “witnesses”: you and I are now in that graced position. And the Second Reading reminds us that the risen Jesus is our Advocate with the Father, having taken away the sin of the world, as well as our own sins. NEW MEMORIAL MEETING ROOM OFFICIAL BLESSING AND OPENING This will take place today at 3pm. Simple refreshments will be provided. All are warmly welcome to attend. We are grateful for all the donations towards the new room and for the contribution from the National Churches Trust - if you would like to consider becoming a Friend of the National Churches Trust go to: www.nationalchurchestrust/friends PARISH CENSUS TODAY AT ALL MASSES All at masses this weekend and next we’re going to have a parish census. This will be a simple sheet given out, filled in, and collected at the time of the homily, so it shouldn’t take long! It’s a few years since we did this, so it will help us to catch up with information, and update our parish records. It will also give us an opportunity to ask everyone what ministries in our parish each might like to take up, or renew what has already been offered. Thank you in advance you’re your kind cooperation. FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS’ MEETING There will be a meeting for all parents of First Communion children at 7pm in Parish Centre this Wednesday 22nd April. First Communion preparation sessions continue each Saturday at 4pm in our Parish Centre for the next four Saturdays. (25th April & 2nd, 9th, 16th May) BISHOP PHILIP Will make an official visit to Corpus Christi School on Tuesday 28th April 1pm - 3pm. NO HOLY HOUR here on the first Sunday of May (3rd). This is to give you the opportunity to join the MARIAN PASTORAL AREA MAY DEVOTIONS at Sacred Heart, Bournemouth, where there will be a Procession & Benediction at 2pm. HEARTS ON FIRE Many thanks to all who attended and contributed to the Open Meeting on Wed 1 st April. Dates for your diary: Wednesday 20th May at 7.30 pm, Parish centre. An open meeting, at which we will unveil the plans for our Corpus Christi community 'Hearts on Fire' Mission week. Please come along and find out for yourselves the range of exciting and uplifting events for young and old. Saturday 24th July to Friday 31st July: 'Hearts on Fire' Mission week. Please see coming weeks' newsletters for the origins, aims and explanation of 'Hearts on Fire'. HoF Team YOUTH MASS TODAY at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 6.00pm Mass. If you wish to know more or join the Youth Council, email: RCIA – JOURNEY IN FAITH Meets Monday 20th April at 7.30pm in Parish Centre. CHICKEN & CHIP SOCIAL EVENING on Saturday 25th April 7pm for 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Tickets: Adults £5 children £4. Organised by Corpus Christi Social Committee, proceeds to church funds. Tickets available after all Sunday Masses or from Win Merricks on 01202 393108. TRIDENTINE MASS Fr Anthony Glaysher sends his apologies that an emergency prevented him from crossing from the Island on 15th March. He offers Mass in the Extraordinary Form at Our Lady Immaculate, Westbourne, on the third Sunday of each month at 6.00pm, confessions from 5pm. The next EF Mass (DV) is today (19th). All are welcome. FLOWER FESTIVAL- “A GRAND DAY OUT” 23rd - 25th April, Iford United Reform Church in aid of the ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY and church funds. Refreshments, including snack lunches, will be available on all three days. YOU ARE INVITED TO A COFFEE MORNING to raise funds for the work of Boscombe Angels on Tuesday 28th April 10:30am to 12 noon at 22 Dingle Road. There will be a raffle and cake stalls. BIG CHURCH DAY OUT A Christian festival for the whole family. 23rd - 24th May - Wiston House, West Sussex. Every year, 20,000 Christians attend this all age festival, which features contemporary Christian music and Catholic worship leaders like Matt Maher, lots of entertainment & family activities and Sunday Mass for Catholic festival-goers. Bishop Philip is encouraging parishes in our diocese to attend the Big Church Day Out for which they are kindly offering us a special discount. To book, go to: More info at VISIT OF THE RELICS OF BLESSED LOUIS AND ZELIE MARTIN The relics of the blessed parents of St Theresa are to be venerated in our Cathedral on Thursday 21st May from 10am with a Mass at 12noon. The intention is to encourage prayer for a strengthening of family/married life. This is all the more poignant with the Extraordinary Synod called by Pope Frances on the Married life. See poster on noticeboard. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is a weekend away at Park Place (Wickham, near Fareham, Hampshire) from 19-21 June. For information and online booking visit or contact Chris & Mary Farrall – 02380 275401. SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 2015 Are you celebrating a big wedding anniversary (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th. 60th+) this year? Bishop Philip invites you to the Significant Wedding Anniversaries Mass at 11am on Sat 27th June, at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke (light lunch will follow). Any queries email: or apply online at: DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Bishop Philip 22 Nov – 2 Dec 2015. £1560 per person sharing fully inclusive. With Tangney Tours. Contact Deacon Iain on 01534 725963 or . WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 21st July - 2nd August 2016 Bishop Philip and team will be taking a coach of young people from our diocese to Poland for the next World Youth Day in 2016 with Pope Francis. Guide price £995. Apply online at Limited places. PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE 2015 (14 – 21 Sept). From Gatwick South. Cost £534 per shared room, half board basis. Contact Barry & Jo Henwood (01202 398216) or see poster DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will be from 21st to 28th August. For information and a booking form, please contact Kathy Franey 01202 304159. PUGLIA RETREAT 9 -19 September 2015 with Fr Geoff Wheaton SJ. Jesus in Scripture, Jesus in Art. Organised with Retreats Beyond Dover - See poster for more details. REPOSITORY In addition to religious books and gifts we also have a selection of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation gifts. Please come in and have a browse. STANDING ORDERS (Can be Gift Aided) Setting up a standing order. The details you will need are the parish bank details, which are: Sort code 30-93-04. Parish Account number: 01786041. (“It’s so easy to do!!”) GIFT AID CLAIMED THIS WEEK: £ 185.31 WE COULD HAVE CLAIMED AN ADDITIONAL £ 158.45 ON LOOSE COLLECTION. MONEY BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT!! If you are a UK taxpayer please consider Gift Aiding your donation, so parish can reclaim 25p for every £1 donated eg: your gift of £10 becomes £12.50! To join the Gift Aid scheme, please give contact details to Georgie in the office. Or use the yellow GA envelopes (back of church). WEEKLY COLLECTION from previous week. Thank you! STANDING ORDERS GIFT AID ENVS ENVS LOOSE PLATE WEEKLY TOTAL Wk £2200 TARGET Society of Jesus Reg. Charity No. 230165 Diocese of Portsmouth Reg. Charity No. 246871 £ 411.00 £ 741.25 £71.00 £ 633.80 £ 1857.05 -- £ 342.95
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