Week of April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Pastor’s Musings Dear Family in the Lord, Jesus put it well when He said, “The harvest is great, but laborers are few…” It’s not that God isn’t calling, and it certainly, as we well know, is not that there is no longer a need; however, we live in a culture that doesn’t create a climate for response. In many cases, those who even hint at being open to the Lord’s call to a shepherding ministry in the Church as a priest or consecrated religious often received ridicule, criticism, and negativity – sometimes from their own families and circle of friends. Jesus went on to say, “Beg the harvest master to send out laborers into his harvest.” The Holy Father has dedicated this Fourth Sunday of Easter, commonly called “Good Shepherd Sunday,” as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We all are called to live our life as response to a “vocation” – a call we receive from God. While we may not be able to gauge with any real accuracy the effectiveness of our lives, there is nowhere we walk in life without leaving the imprint of who we are upon the ground we tread. As Christians, we are called to have it be the imprint of another Christ! The gospel today (John 10:11-18) picks up the idea of Christ, the Good Shepherd, calling each of us in varied ways. Youth is a time of great generosity, idealism, and hope. Evidence of this is in the way young people give of their time and talent to deprived groups in society. We, as a faith community, are called to affirm these gifts, fan these sparks into flame, and create a climate where those who feel the Lord might be calling them to church vocations will sense that its okay to talk about it, that nobody will push them into anything, but that they will be prayerfully supported and encouraged that, if indeed He is calling, it would be a gift worth exploring! There are a number of stirrings of vocation in our parish presently. Some are just keeping their minds and hearts open at this point. Others are exploring ideas in spiritual direction and in their personal prayer and reading. Others are in active discernment to see if, indeed, the next step for them would be to continue their discernment within a seminary or religious community. Last June, we had a young man from our parish, Joe, take up residence in our discernment house, Nazareth House, in the former St. Catherine Rectory. This has been a year of deepening discernment, prayer, and involvement in the life of the community for him. He continues to develop this as he follows the Lord’s invitation deeper in this process. Last September, our youth minister Shannon entered the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth to deepen her discernment. She is truly joyful and enjoying her journey with this newly-developing religious community. Both Joe and Shannon have been deeply touched by your ongoing prayers and your notes and cards offering support and encouragement. Week after week, the Icon of the Knocking Christ goes from home to home in our parish as folks commit to a special week of prayer for vocations to rise up from Corpus Christi and for clarity and perseverance for those in various levels of discernment. This has been a powerhouse of grace! This program, along with the faithfulness of so many in being prayerful and supportive, has made this parish a great place where vocations are fostered, and a place of fertile soil where they can take root and blossom. So, on this day of prayer, I thank you! I thank you for jumping both feet into this effort for vocations, which I set as a priority for us when I arrived here as your pastor in September of 2011. Truly, the Lord is stirring among us and answering our prayers in powerful ways! Let’s keep up our efforts! Indeed, the harvest is plentiful, laborers are few… so, let’s all do our part according to our vocation, to offer a shepherd’s care to one another, and to beg the Lord to raise up many from among us to go from us to God and God to us as zealous and holy priests and as enthusiastic and faith-filled consecrated men and women! On May 18th, I will celebrate the 30th anniversary of my ordination to the Priesthood. I hope that many will be blessed with the joy and blessed surprises that have been mine for these past 30 years! Join me, please, in making that a special day of prayer for vocations as well! Yours in His Love, The Week at a Glance Monday, April 27 Tuesday, April 28 Bible Study (in Spanish) – 5:00 PM (EDPC LL) Bible Timeline – 6:30 PM (SJ H) Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98 Wednesday, April 29 Prayer Cenacle – 2:00 PM (SC C) K of C Mtg – 6:30 PM (IC H) Thursday, April 30 Exposition/Adoration – 8:30 AM-7 PM (SC) Benediction – 7:00 PM (SC C) Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98 Contemporary Choir Rehearsal – 7 PM (SO) Friday, May 1 Breakfast Group – 8:30 AM (SC H) Setup for Italian Dinner – 10AM-8PM (SC H) Italian Class – 7:00 PM (EDPC LL) First Friday Mass – 7:00 PM (SC C) Nocturnal Adoration – 7:30-Midnight (SC C) Saturday, May 2 NYC/St. Patrick Cathedral Trip Rosary – 3:30 PM (IC C) Italian Dinner! – 5:00 PM (SC H) Sunday, May 3 Televised Parish Mass – 10 AM, Channel 98 Choir Practice Spanish Mass – 1:30 PM (SC) Spanish Mass – 2:00 PM (SC C) KEY: IC = Immaculate Conception SC = St. Catherine SJ = St. James C = Church H = Hall R = Rectory (at SC) SPS = St. Patrick School EDPC = Eileen Daly Pastoral Center SO = SHARE Office LL = Lower Level (enter door at driveway end) FF = First Floor VH = Vianney House (rectory at IC) 20/20 WINNER$ $25 Winners ~ Week 10 # 51 # 38 Irene Laverdiere Jim McDonough April 26, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intentions For Holy Mass Monday APR 27 Easter Feria (weekday) 8:00AM SC Rev. Msgr. Lawrence E. Burns, by Maryann Parnell Tuesday APR 28 St. Louis de Montfort 8:00AM SC Rev. Msgr. Lawrence E. Burns and Rev. Thomas Savage, by the Cronk Family Wednesday APR 29 St. Catherine of Siena 8:00AM SC Robert and Christopher Keefe, by John Hill Thursday APR 30 St. Pius V 8:00AM SC Sylvie &Anna Crow, by Sue Ford Friday MAY 1 St. Joseph the Worker 8:00AM SC John Leary, by his estate 7:00PM SC Patty Flynn, by the McMaster Family Saturday MAY 2 St. Athanasius 8:00AM SC Paul Harvey, by Don & Sonya Desjardins Vigil 5th Sunday of Easter 4:00PM IC Jennie Perry, by Paul & Josephine Russo Sunday MAY 3 5th Sunday of Easter 8:30AM IC T J Bassett, by the Maloney Family 10:30AM IC Lindsay DiNapoli, by Mary Tosi and Donna Barrett 2:00PM SC in Spanish Celebrant’s Intention 4:30PM IC Pro Populo (For our Parish Family) To schedule Mass intentions, please call Marilyn Chavez at the St. Catherine office, 436-0344. FIRST FRIDAY This Friday, we invite you to join us for our monthly parish devotion in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as revealed by the Lord to St. Margaret Mary. It’s so easy to take the great gift of the Blessed Sacrament for granted! The recent celebration of Lent and Holy Week has certainly reminded us all of the great love that flows from the Heart of Christ! The Divine Mercy celebration further underscores this gift! Will you join us in a spirit of gratitude and in reparation for so much ingratitude? • Holy Mass at 7:00 PM • Litany of Sacred Heart & Exposition after Mass • Ongoing opportunity for adoration follows throughout the night • Compline (Night Prayer) & Benediction, 11:45 PM This monthly evening of prayer takes place in our St. Catherine Church. MAY DEVOTIONS Next weekend, we usher in the beautiful month that traditionally has been set apart as a time to lovingly honor our Blessed Mother. We urge you to create a special place of prayer and honor in your home: an image of Mary, perhaps candles and flowers? You could gather the family there, or go before her alone, each day of this month for prayer. Perhaps the shrine could further be enhanced with photos placed there of your mom, godmother, grandmother, daughter who is a mom? In addition, we invite you to join us in praying the rosary together – after 8:00 AM Mass on Monday through Saturday (at St. Catherine) and on Saturday afternoons at 3:30 PM at Immaculate Conception. A special Marian Triduum will also be offered as a May special event (details below). Whatever we do, let’s be sure that we use these days to rediscover our Blessed Mother and her powerful intercession in our lives! Morning Prayer FATIMA TRIDUUM All are invited to join the community gathered before the daily Mass, Monday through Saturday, as they pray Lauds (Morning Prayer) from the Liturgy of the Hours at 7:40 AM at our St. Catherine Church. At Fatima, our Lady spoke of the devotion of the five First Saturdays of the month. Praying the Rosary and reflecting on the mysteries for 15 minutes were part of this devotion, along with Holy Mass and communion. Many have remarked that they would love to enter the mysteries more deeply and be able to connect them to their daily life. We are offering this Fatima Triduum to help deepen the appreciation of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Join us! Tell others! We will gather nightly and will culminate with the celebration of the Feast day of our Lady of Fatima on May 13th. (Nightly services at our Immaculate Conception Church.) • Holy Mass at 7:00 PM followed by praying the Scriptural Rosary • Teaching on the mysteries each night at Mass • Monday through Wednesday, May 11th to 13th Our Reflection Of God’s Generosity To Us! Weekend of April 18/19, 2015 Envelopes/EFT Loose Total $ 11,782.21 $ 1,651.80 $ 13,434.01 Last weekend 298 envelope/22 EFT users contributed 88 % of our income. Poor Box Donations $ 468.22 April 26, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parish News NEW! Catholic Charities Appeal Throughout our state, the compassionate care of Christ and His Church continues day in and day out. To many, it may all go unnoticed, but, to those who find themselves in need, the services offered provide a tangible sign of care and a great source of support and comfort. Here in our Seacoast area, the local Catholic Charities efforts are directed out of the satellite office in Rochester, with counseling offered in office space at our Nazareth House, the former St. Catherine Rectory. In addition to counseling services, NH Catholic Charities operates the NH Food Bank and offers a variety of parish and community services, as well as outreach to young parents in crisis through Our Place. The elderly receive wonderful loving care in a number of nursing homes operated by NHCC as well. A portion of what is collected in each parish is available for use in the local parish as well, through its outreach efforts, in our case, Portsmouth Catholic SHARE. The annual appeal to support these ongoing efforts is now underway! You’ll find envelopes and informative brochures with more details at the church entrances. Please prayerfully consider your investment in supporting this vital work! Our parish has, historically, been most generous in support. After you consider what you can do, in a pledge or one time gift, please return the envelope in our collection or mail it directly to the NH Catholic Charities office in Manchester. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this vital need! NEW! Anointing of the Sick As we observe these Easter days of healing, wholeness, and new life, we are planning to offer an opportunity for those who may be struggling with major health issues or chronic illness to approach the comforting and healing touch of the Lord in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament is not reserved to those on death’s door, nor is it given simply as a blessing. The sacramental grace can be of great benefit to those who struggle with chronic illness, those battling major diseases, those increasingly weakened and challenged by age, and those suffering the debilitating effects of mental illness as well. You? Someone you know and could invite? (If you have further questions regarding this, please feel free to speak with Father Gary or Carol, our Pastoral Associate.) Those who will be facing serious surgery are likewise invited to be anointed. The anointing will be imparted following each weekend Mass on May 16/17. The homily on that day will dispel many of the false ideas that are often out there that keep people from asking for the graces of this great sacrament, or that cause situations where fear keeps people from asking for the anointing, for themselves or for a loved one, until death is imminent, and, oftentimes, by the time we are able to get to them it is too late. We hope you’ll find the homily that weekend enlightening and that you can get the word out to those you know too! NEW! Spring Clean Up Hey guys, can you join us at St Catherine on Saturday, May 2, from 9 to 12? All or any part of that time? A group of guys will be getting together to get some yard work done. Bring a rake if you can. Coffee will be on! Give us a heads up if you can help by leaving a message for John Boyd at 603498-3131. Maybe a good father and son project? Thanks! NEW! First Communion Information Below are the dates and times for our First Communion rehearsal and celebration. The rehearsal is very important, so please attend. At least one parent must attend the rehearsal with your child. May 5 Tuesday ~ 6:30 PM at Immaculate Conception First Communion Rehearsal May 9 Saturday ~ 10:00 AM First Communion at Immaculate Conception NEW! Pot O’ Gold Raffle! Saint Patrick School is having a gift card raffle! We are filling a big bowl ("Pot O' Gold") with gift cards from all kinds of places, with a winner-take-all raffle on the last day of school, June 11th. Tickets are only $10.00 each and will be sold until the drawing! The winner will take home over a hundred gift cards! Visit the Saint Patrick School main office to buy your ticket today! Congratulations to Denise Martell, the winner of the Gas Card Raffle! $1,740.00 was raised for the 8th grade class trip to NYC! Thank you for your support! Italian Dinner! Saturday, May 2nd 5:00 – 6:30 PM St. Catherine Hall The last of this year’s parish dinners is coming soon! Doors will open at 5 PM, and a meal of cioppino (an Italian fish dish) with pasta will be served from 5:30 to 6 PM. Tickets will be sold after all the Masses this weekend. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Tickets are $10.00 for adults, $9.00 for seniors, $6.00 for children aged 5-12, free for under 5, and $30 for a family (immediate family only). Invite your family and friends! Volunteers needed! We’re looking for people to help plan, prep, setup, clear plates, do dishes, and we could really use extra people to serve! If you can help in any of these tasks, please contact Liz at qatoday@yahoo.com or 603742-6701! April 26, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Spiritual Bouquet Once again, we will offer an opportunity for you to enroll Mothers, living or deceased, in a special remembrance at Masses offered in our parish on Mother’s Day. We will have beautiful cards which you can use to send to the mothers you enroll – your mom, grandmother, godmother, daughter, or relatives and friends who are mothers – to let them know of the spiritual gift you are offering them. There is a printed envelope you need to take, fill in, enclose your free will donation, and return to us by May 8 so they can be placed at the altar for the Masses on Mother’s Day weekend. These will be available after all the Masses this weekend, in the parish office during the week, and next weekend. NEW! Brief Eucharistic Minister Meeting Any Eucharistic Ministers that were not able to attend one of the brief “after Mass” meetings with Fr. Gary in the sacristy this weekend are reminded that he will provide another opportunity after all Masses next weekend. Only ten minutes, but, important that we connect with all who serve in this ministry of the Body and Blood of the Lord. NEW! Young Adult Idea Swap All young adults, ages 18 to 30 something, are invited to come to Fr. Gary's house next Sunday night, May 3, for supper and an open discussion of how we can establish a young adult ministry and outreach in our parish. There are lots of possibilities, and every now and then more ideas surface, so, it’s time to get together, share ideas, and get something going. Whether you're married or single, your input will be important. Among possibilities, we would like to launch a “Tapas & Theology” outreach, on the idea of “Theology on Tap” programs that have been very effective all over the country. We are a willing venue; there are lots of ideas; it's time to move! So... will you come for dinner and conversation? We invite you to join us for 4:30 PM Mass next Sunday, then head over to our rectory next door, Vianney House, for dinner and brainstorming, wrapping up by 7:30 PM. To plan for dinner preparation, please let Fr. Gary know you're coming by emailing frgary.ccnh@gmail.com by this Tuesday. Parish Scholarships Each year, Corpus Christi parish offers a number of partial scholarships to students who will be/are attending college for undergraduate studies. Father David Alexander Sullivan Scholarships are available to members of Corpus Christi Parish who have attended area high schools. The application deadline is May 15. Applications are available from the parish office or on our website: www.corpuschristinh.org. NEW! Traveling Vocation Icon This week, the St. Pierre Family will receive the Icon of Jesus Knocking at the Door into their home and intercede in a special way for Shannon and all in formation, for those discerning, and for many vocations to rise up from our community. NEW! YouthFest We’re excited that over 50 people from our parish will be joining with hundreds of others from all over our Diocese for Youthfest at St. Anselm College next Saturday! Let’s keep our youth and those accompanying them in our prayers that this day of faith, fellowship, and celebration have a soulstirring effect in their lives! NEW! Ladies’ Night/Game Night Women of the parish are invited to join us for a Game Night on Friday, May 8th, beginning at 6:00 PM, at St. James Church Hall. We’ll have a variety of games to play, including Scrabble, Farkel, Trivial Pursuit, Scattergories, CatchPhrase, and more (or bring a favorite game of your own). Participants can play the game(s) of their choice. We’re aiming for easy setup and cleanup, so if you’d like to bring something, please stick to finger foods. Tea, coffee, and water will be provided. NEW! Prayer Shawl Meeting Guest Speaker The next Prayer Shawl Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 7th, at 2:00 PM in St. James Hall. Corpus Christi parishioner June Kapitan has recently served as a Chaplain Intern at Holy Family Hospital in Methuen, MA. June will share some of her experiences with how patients and their families have responded to the gift of prayer that comes in the visible form of prayer shawls. June will begin her presentation at 2:30 PM. All are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. For further information, please contact Elaine Wilder at 603-4368379 or Cyndi Gagnon at 603-373-0094. World Youth Day Enough interest has been expressed, so, we will have an info night on Wednesday, May 6th, at 7:00 PM in our St. James Hall for those who may be interested in the possibility of registering and joining us! We will be heading to Krakow, Poland from July 24 to August 1, 2016 to join youth from all over the world who will gather with our Holy Father. We will take some time in the days before to explore the spiritual riches of Poland. Flyers with details are at church doors. Take one. If you might be interested, plan to join us May 6th! NEW! Attention Snowbirds Reminder to parishioners who are returning from their winter down south and who use envelopes: If you would like to start receiving your envelopes again, please let us know so we can inform our envelope supplier. Sanctuary Lamps The sanctuary lamp at St. Catherine Church will burn in memory of Rev. Msgr. Lawrence E. Burns this week, in gratitude. The sanctuary lamp at St. James Church will burn this week for Rev. Thomas Savage, in gratitude. At Immaculate Conception Church, the sanctuary lamp will burn this week in memory of Lindsay DiNapoli, as requested by her husband. The votives at the Mary altar will burn for the intentions of Fran Price, on the occasion of her birthday, as requested by the parish staff. April 26, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Annual Car Boot Sale! Community Postings Bereavement Support Group Saturday, May 16 8:00AM – 1:00PM St. James Church Parking Lot *Clearing out your closet? *Downsizing your house? *Kids heading off to college? *Want to get organized? Whatever your reason might be, if you have too much stuff, consider donating it to our spring sale. The Car Boot Sale supports our teens for summer programs. Donating items for the sale is easy. To schedule a merchandise pickup from your house, call 603-498-3131. Or donate items at the parish office, 2075 Lafayette Road, on Mondays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We are accepting items in good saleable condition: home décor, furniture, lamps, china, glassware, sporting equipment, small working appliances, print, paintings, bikes, and children’s indoor and outdoor furniture. Vendor space is also available. For more information, please contact Maureen Boyd at 603-498-3631 Candle Memorials/Intentions You can remember deceased loved ones on birthday weeks, anniversary of death, or perhaps offer thanks for a wedding anniversary, favor obtained, or ask birthday blessings for someone living. You can contact Mary Kay in our office to select a week to have any of the following candles burn for your intention. These are published in the bulletin at the start of the week you select for prayerful remembrance. Options include: • Sanctuary lamps that burn near the tabernacle in all three churches ($15/week) • Votive lamps (2) on St. Joseph’s altar or on the Blessed Mother's altar at Immaculate Conception ($10/week) • Votive lamps at the Divine Mercy Shrine in St. James ($10/week) Due to the winter of all winters, our Bereavement group that was to meet during January and February was postponed over and over. Now that Spring is here, we will try again. Catholic Charities NH, in conjunction with St. Thomas More Parish in Durham, will host a Bereavement Support Group. The group will meet Sundays after the 11:15 Mass from approximately 12:30 to 2 PM. Our first meeting will be Sunday, May 17, and will be held in basement of St. Thomas More Church on Madbury Road in Durham. Please pre-register by calling Sr. Helene at Catholic Charities NH, 603-332-7701. There is no fee for participating, but you may wish to make a donation toward the cost of books. The Family in the World Today and Pope Francis’ Visit to the US The 8th World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia, PA, from September 22 to 27, 2015. Pope Francis will celebrate a public Mass on Sunday, September 27. The Diocese of Manchester is sponsoring a pilgrimage to this World Meeting and Papal Mass. Families and those who minister to families can join others from around the country and the world to explore issues that affect family life. For information and pilgrimage details, please visit the diocesan website www.catholicnh.org/wmof. Trip to Poland Join us for “The Legacy of Pope Saint John Paul II.” This pilgrimage, sponsored by Fr. Paul Montminy and Fr. Ray Labrie, is a 10 day round trip, including the following cities and sites: Warsaw, Niepokalanow, with a visit to the Franciscan Friary of Maximilian Kolbe, Czestochowa, and a visit to Jasna Gora Shrine and the Black Madonna, Auschwitz and the infamous concentration camp, Krakow, and a stay at the Shrine of Divine Mercy, Wadowicz, the birth place of John Paul II. The pilgrimage takes place October 16th – 25th. Per person price based on double occupancy: $3,399.00. Call Fr. Paul at 603-622-4966 for a brochure or for more information. Catholic Family Weekend All are invited to the 10th Annual Catholic Family Weekend, August 14 – 16, at the Barbara C. Harris Center on Otter Lake in Greenfield, NH (www.bchcenter.org). The theme for this year is “A Higher Love: Called to Serve – Imitating Christ in Word and Action!” The focus of the weekend is the family. We will explore ways that you can build a strong, Christ-centered family life. By sharing with other families, we will seek to build stronger communities of support. Your family will bunk together, play games together, pray together, and most importantly be together. There will be activities for children of all ages, family activities, and free time for family fun. Mass on Saturday evening, lighted rosary, and an outdoor concert. Come make memories and connections with Catholic families from all across the state! Best of all, no cooking! To register, visit www.vitanova.org. Please contact Shawn & Teresa Rouillard with any questions at (603) 641-8878 or email Teresa at tree227777@gmail.com.
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