Contact Us Church of the Saviour [of the Diocese of Auckland CC31449] 2 Heaphy St, Blockhouse Bay Auckland 0600 Ph 6278779 Email: Vicar Sarah Patten Ministry with the Elderly Lesley 4 Seniors @ the Bay Seniors Advocate Pastoral Care and Counselling Youth, 021950530 Children, 021921552 Playgroup, 6273455 0272206650 Reception/ Administration After School Care Stephanie - Friday 22nd May 7-9pm Famine Night Come along for a night of activities, video and conversation about what life is like for those whom World Vision supports through the 40 hour famine. Don’t forget to bring a donation towards our Sponsor Child Fatima, to help with her schooling and daily needs. Elevate Sunday is on during the 9am service, downstairs in the youth room. Today we are looking at what Jesus meant when he said "I AM the Good Shepherd". Come along and enjoy a great time of interactive discussion about what it means to follow and develop our relationship with “I AM” WHAT IS J TEAM? J team is for ages 3 years to Yr 6 at 9am & 11am services during term time. We have two age groups at J team at both our services 9am-10.15am and 11am- 12.20pm This term we have been looking at New Testament stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible. Today is the story of a Treasure Hunt. We are talking about the parable of the hidden treasure. A man is digging in a field and finds treasure. He hides it, runs home, sells all he has so he can buy the field, then returns to dig up his treasure. Jesus told this parable to show that the Kingdom of God is as good as finding that hidden treasure. The Kingdom of God is worth giving up all we have, to be a part of it. Because Jesus is our real treasure With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 Message from Vicar Sarah Patten Dear church family, It is with both sorrow and joy that I tell you that Rev John Mynett was promoted to glory in the evening of Monday 11 May. In the last day or so his breathing had become interrupted and he wasn’t responding much. Although the illness had progressed very quickly everyone is grateful that he didn’t have to suffer long. We will miss him terribly. He was good man and faithful servant of God but John is now with his Lord and Saviour and the one he spent his life following. He could say as Paul did ‘for me to live is Christ and to die is gain’ and so we know He has gone home to Jesus. Losing someone we love is never easy, even though we know one day we will be reunited in heaven. In this last week I read several times from 2 Corinthians 4 : ‘For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this allsurpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may also be 17 May 2015 Newsletter No: 19 revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to Himself’…Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.’ Our troubles may not feel light, but they are not permanent in the great scheme of an eternity with Jesus and on that hope our faith depends. With love and blessings, Sarah Sunday Services this week 9am - Worship Service with Communion. Youth at 9am, Crèche, J team at both 9am and 11am. 11am - Service - café style 1.30pm - Chinese Church (in Mandarin) 7pm –Worship Service with a prayer focus Wed: 9.30am Worship Service with Communion and morning tea. Everyone is welcome On this week Funeral for Rev John Mynett The funeral of the Rev John Mynett will be held at Church of the Saviour on Thursday 21 May at 9.30am. All are welcome to attend. We will need some assistance and if you can help out: with baking and with help in the kitchen. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer, or contact Jacqui O’Rourke for information with stewarding/parking, we need volunteers to oversee the carparks. See Claire and also potentially to lay out more chairs in the overflow areas, and pack up quickly afterwards, if needed, please contact Claire for information. Parking. As you are aware there isn’t a lot of parking around the church during the day, everyone who is able to, please park further out and walk. We need to leave space around the church for the friends and family who are unfamiliar with the area, and the back car park will be for family and disabled only. 4 Seniors @ the Bay— Monday and Friday 9.30am Playgroup Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (cancelled) and Friday at 9am Learning about Jesus ESOL Monday 9.30am Parish Prayer Night Monday 7.30pm Play and Learn Tuesday 9.30am Mainly Music Tuesday 10am Pre-Intermediate ESOL, Tuesday at 10.00am COTS Care, after school care, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3pm Wednesday Service 9.30am Chinese Church Meeting Wednesday 9.30am Bible in Schools BHB Thursday 8.50am Funeral for John Mynett Thursday 9.30am Intermediate/Advanced ESOL Thursday 9.30am (postponed to Friday) Beginners ESOL Thursday (cancelled) Basic ESOL Thursday (cancelled) Elevate Youth Friday 7pm Blockhouse Bay Chinese Church of the Saviour Service Sunday 1.30pm Rest home service at Powley, Tuesday 10.45am Coming up Parish Prayer Night Monday 18 May. 7.30pm. All welcome to come and join in praying for ourselves, our church family, our community and others. A time to hear what God is saying. You can contribute to the work here at COTS: Deposit donation directly to the church bank account: 12 3049 0264019 52 with your name or donor number as reference, contact the office for a donor number. This can be an ongoing automatic payment or a one-off donation. Notices The Church of the Saviour Trust is having its AGM on Monday 25 May at Church of the Saviour at 7:30pm. If you would like to observe and meet the Trustees then you are most welcome to come along. Many blessings, Chris Bunce, Murray Patten, Katy Walker, Ross Porter, David Crookenden. Trustees - Church of the Saviour Trust. Writers’ Retreat. The Church of the Saviour writers’ group is having a retreat at the Hillsborough Retreat Centre on Saturday 13 June. The day-long retreat will include short workshops on gaining inspiration and writing poetry as well as plenty of opportunity to practise in the inspirational surroundings of the building and grounds. The retreat will run from 9.00 to 3.30 and the cost is $40, including lunch. If you are interested please contact Bronwyn Calder (8282612). Prayer available. If you would like an appointment for one on one prayer please contact Peter and Frances Goulter on 626 4234 Walking Group Winter update. Winter is here or coming at least and to help ease us into the winter season we are now meeting at 9:00 am for our walks. There will be some days when we will be walking outside of the Blockhouse Bay area, if you want to join the walking group text Katy on 021 168 7202 or phone 09 849 5910 by 8:15 a.m. on Saturday mornings and Katy will give you details on where to meet. We look forward to having you join us. Way2Go Children’s Ministry Conference. Saturday 6 June. For more information go to Is for all people involved in ministry with children and highly recommended. We will be taking a group, and if you would like to carpool with us contact Claire on 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. 18 June – 17 July 2015. Praying for the Muslim World during Ramadan. We hope you will be encouraged as you read about the global impact of over 20 years of faithful prayer for the Muslim world. We trust you will be inspired and motivated to intercede for Muslims. The different books available to help you pray are. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. $7.00 each 30 Days “Just for Kids” are $5.00 each. A Wind in the House of Islam - $30.00 per copy. The Story of Islam DVD (12 mins) $15.00 each. More than Dreams DVD (5 dramatised testimonies of former Muslims) $4.00 per DVD. NB Postage within NZ is included in above prices. Send all orders to: MARN, PO Box 20063, Glen Eden, Waitakere 0641. Email: Mobile: 021 185 3334. For payment via internet banking - invoices are available upon request Day of Thanksgiving update. So far we have received $7395 from the special offering. There has been no spending as yet. Book launch of Bishop Richard Randerson’s book, Slipping the Moorings. Bishop Ross Bay, Peter Lineham and Rod Oram will also speak. All welcome. Books will be available for sale. Sunday 24 May at 3pm – Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell. Are you able to help people who are sick (or their families) and need meals provided or you can offer transport to appointments. If you are able to help, contact the office
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