Cotton farm safety facts: ladders, steps and handrails

Cotton farm safety facts: ladders, steps and handrails
Falls when accessing fuel tanks, pump sites,
channels, stops and other irrigation structures,
including access to dam and irrigation gates,
contributes towards a high number of back
injuries when workers fall.
 Check that ladder styles, rungs and treads
are not bent, and that they do not have
broken welds.
Steps provide safer access than ladders. Tread
depth and riser height are important when
designing and constructing steps to fit to a
particular space.
Each year, there are many serious injuries
associated with falls from steps and ladders.
Growers should construct and update steps,
stairs, ladders and walkways using the Australian
Standard AS 1657: 2013 - Fixed platforms,
walkways, stairways and ladders - Design,
construction and installation as a guide.
 Check that the ladder is attached and fixed
 Do not work when standing on the rung of a
 Avoid carrying loads when climbing or
descending ladders.
 Face the ladder when climbing up and down.
 Plan, construct and build step treads and
risers that are all uniform.
 Modify any steps that are not uniform.
 Build a handrail to prevent workers slipping
and falling.
Cotton farm safety facts: ladders, steps and handrails
Walkways and platforms
Hand rails and guard rails
Further information
Properly constructed walkways provide safe
access and prevent workers falling.
Missing, broken or poorly designed hand and
guard rails contribute to injuries and workers
falling. It is important that hand rails and guard
rails are built to prevent workers falling off the
edge of stairs, walkways and platforms.
For farm safety checklists and information on
farm safety risks and controls please visit:
 Build and modify top rails with a minimum
height of 900mm.
Where there a long walkways (see image below),
the trusses are part of the integral strength of
the walkway.
 Build walkways with two handrails and a mid
 Ensure walkways are at least 600mm wide.
 If the walkway or gantry is above where
people are working, a 100 mm toe board will
prevent objects and tools falling from the
walkway or platform.
 The mid rail should be parallel to the top rail
and not exceed 450mm above a toe board
(where fitted).
 Top guard rails to 1000mm above the floor
for very high platforms/strong wind areas.
Cotton Australia
Farmsafe Australia
or contact the Australian Centre for Agricultural
Health and Safety:
P O Box 256
Moree NSW 2400
02 6752 8210