2015 4-H Spring Newsletter - AgriLife Extension County Offices

Calendar of Events
CEO: County Extension Office 100 E. 1st Street, Cameron March 14: Hackamore Range/Plant ID Contest,
8am, 44 Farms
March 23: Entry Deadline for ALL District Contests,
call CEO (by NOON)
March 16: Brigade Application Deadline
March 26-28: Milam County Jr. Livestock Show
March 18: Ronald McDonald Visit, 9:30am,
Temple RMH
March 30: County Roundup, 6pm, CEO
March 31: National Congress Application Deadline
April 1: Rockdale Fair Commercial heifer tag in,
Milano Livestock Exchange, 5:30pm-7:30pm
April 15: Healthy Lifestyles Ambassador App Due
April 2: Quiz Bowl notification, email Floyd
April 18: District Roundup, Meridian
April 3: Office Closed, Holiday
April 20: Rockdale Fair Turkey and Broiler Orders
April 10: Major Livestock Show Tag Orders Due
(Steer, Lamb, Goat, Swine)
April 10: Range Evaluation and Range and Pasture Grass ID District, McGregor Research Center, McGregor
April 11: District Horse Judging, TAMU
April 17: RSVP for Council/Leader Meeting
April 20: Council and Parent/Leader Meeting,
6:30pm, Bea’s Kitchen
April 25: District Livestock Judging, Meats Judging,
and Soils Judging, TAMU
April 28: Record Book Workshop, 6pm, CEO
April 15: $10.00 per horse validation deadline
May 1: Texas 4-H Equine Ambassador App Due
May 1-3: Texas 4-H Scholarship Interviews
May 2: District Rifle Contest, Leon Co.
May 12: Ag in the Classroom, Cameron YEB
May 21: Rockdale Fair Steer Tag In, Milano Livestock Exchange,
May 31: Last day to register for Leadership Lab
NOTE: Some deadlines and events have not been scheduled just yet! Please check on the website or in the upcoming summer newsle er for more dates! *SE District Camp is s ll TBA Page2
Micah Welcome to our new County Extension Agents, Micah
Holcombe and Floyd Ingram!
They are excited to be here and help make the 4-H
program a success! If you have any questions please do
not hesitate to call or email them!
Congrats to all the winners!
We are so proud of all of those who have competed in contests since January! If you have placed in a major show or competition,
please email us with your placing and a picture!
Horse Judging
Plant ID
Major Show Tag Orders Due-April 10th
Steer Tag Order Deadline - April 10 : Deadline for ordering steer tags for the 2015/16 Major
Livestock Shows is April 10, 2015. Cost is $12.00 per tag. Any tags ordered past the deadline
through June 20, 2015 will be $25 per tag. These tags are required to exhibit a steer at the 2015
State Fair of Texas, 2016 Fort Worth Livestock Show, 2016 San Angelo Livestock Show, 2016
San Antonio Livestock Show, 2016 Star of Texas Livestock Show, or 2016 Houston Livestock
Show. The validation tag will also serve as a validation for 2016 Milam County Junior Livestock
State Fair Lamb and Goat Tag Order Deadline - April 10 : These tags are required to exhibit
a lamb or goat at the 2015 State Fair of Texas. Cost $12.00 per tag.
State Fair Swine Tag Order Deadline - April 10 : These tags are required to exhibit a swine at
the 2015 State Fair of Texas. Cost $12.00 per tag.
Make checks payable to Milam E.L.A.B. Payment must be received by the April 10 deadline.
Tag in dates for each species will be announced at a later date. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact the extension office at 254-697-7045.
Rockdale Fair Dates to Remember
Show Dates : October 15 - 17, 2015
Entry fees for the market show are due at each individual tag-in or pickup.
RFA Tag In dates and order deadlines:
April 1- Commercial Heifer Tag In - Milano Livestock Exchange, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
April 20 - Turkey orders due ( cost $4.98 per turkey - minimum of 5 birds per entry) pickup
June 24
April 20 - Broiler orders due ( cost $1.67 per broiler - minimum of 25 birds per entry) pickup
Aug 26
May 21 - Steer Tag-In - Milano Livestock Exchange, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
July 11 - Lambs, Swine, Goats - Rockdale Fair Park - 7:00 am - 9:00 am
For entry forms and other information, please visit the website: http://counties.agrilife.org/mc4h/
Milam County 4‐H Council/Parent and Leader Mee ng Monday, April 20, 2015
@ 6:30pm, Bea’s Kitchen
All 4-H members and parents and leaders are welcome to attend the first Council and
Parent/Leader Meeting of the Year!!! Remember that each club needs to be represented
by two youth delegates (the president and the council delegate), they are the voting delegates for the club. All club managers and assistant club managers are also asked to
We will be serving pizza and talking about the future of Milam County 4-H! Please come
and give your input! Items to be discussed are fundraisers, events, meetings, officers,
trainings, etc.
Come and meet the new agents and give some valuable input!!! Please RSVP by Friday,
April 17th so we can have enough pizza for everyone!
Milam County Jr. Livestock Show News
Complete rules are available at the Milam County Extension Office and on the Milam County 4-H website: http://counties.agrilife.org/mc4h/4-h-projects/milam-county-junior-livestockshow/
Show Dates : March 26-28, 2015
All 4-Hers having livestock entries must submit an eligibility form signed by their school one
week prior to the show. Eligibility forms are available on the Milam County 4-H website.
Eligibility Forms
REMEMBER! Every competition/show that you participate in, you must fill out an eligibility form! For
forms, please go to:
All forms must be in the Extension Office ONE WEEK prior to the event!
The County Roundup includes 3 different contests. Educational Presentations, Public Speaking, and Share The Fun.
County Roundup will be held March 30th at 6:00pm at the Milam County Extension Office. District Competition
will be held April 18th in Meridian. If you plan to participate, please email Micah Holcombe,
**Educational Presentations are where you teach the audience about a certain topic/4-H project or it can also be a “how
to” methods
**Public Speaking is speaking to a group without visuals and about some issue or topic. You come up with the topic and
all public speaking presentations compete against each other.
Categories for Educational Presentations Include:
Companion Animals
**Share The Fun is like a talent show for those who are very talented with music whether that is singing, playing an instrument or
dancing, poetry, or skits. The skit is a “Celebrate 4-H” skit, it usually is something very entertaining and fun that has to do with 4-H.
Categories include:
Open – Agriculture & Natural Resources
Open – Family & Consumer Sciences
Promote 4-H
Public Speaking (Individual entry only)
Safety & Accident Prevention
Solo/Band Performance
Sheep &/or Goat
Choreographed Routine
Celebrate 4-H
Swine, Beef, Horse Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowls will also take place at District Roundup, April 18th. If you are interested in doing
these quiz bowls, please call or email Floyd at Floyd.ingram@ag.tamu.edu or 254-697-7045.
He MUST know by April 2nd if interested.
4‐H Livestock Projects Anyone needing assistance with livestock projects please contact Floyd Ingram by calling the County Extension Office. (254)‐697‐7045 MilamCounty4‐HSpring2015Newsletter
Ronald McDonald House Spring
Break Visit
Our Community Service Project for this month is visiting the Ronald McDonald House in Temple during
Spring Break; the date is Wednesday, March 18th. We will meet there at 9:15am. The Ronald
McDonald House needs a variety of donations. Their Wish List items needed include: individual
serving size snack and meal items (no refrigeration required); paper towels, napkins, plates, trash bags,
toys, games, etc. We also collect and deliver can tabs to the Ronald McDonald House. They sell the
tabs to buy additional items needed in their facility. We may also be delivering Huggables to the Military
4-H (tentative). Huggables are stuffed animals/items for kids to hug on while parents are away in the
military. Please bring your items to the Extension Office by March 17th if you cannot come or bring them
on the day that we go to Temple. Come and join us!
Texas Brigades Summer Camp Registra on Deadline‐March 16th Registration for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Texas Brigades summer camps program has begun.
The camp dates and locations are:
Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade, June 13-17, Centennial Lodge, Coleman.
South Texas Buckskin Brigade, June 14-18, Southern Star Ranch, Uvalde.
South Texas Bobwhite Brigade, June 26-30, Buck Horn Creek Ranch
Bass Brigade, July 7-11, Warren Ranch, Santa Anna.
Ranch Brigade, July 14-18, Warren Ranch, Santa Anna.
North Texas Buckskin Brigade, July 19-23, Warren Ranch, Santa Anna.
Waterfowl Brigade, July 19-23, BigWoods on the Trinity, Tennessee Colony.
The camps are a partnership effort of AgriLife Extension, Texas Wildlife Association, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, several universities,
conservation groups, local soil and water conservation districts, private businesses, and individuals with an interest
in wildlife and youth leadership development.
Tuition is $400 per cadet per camp, but Rollins said sponsors are available to provide financial aid when needed.
Applications may be completed online or downloaded at http://www.texasbrigades.org//Applications/2015Application-Forms.html
For more information, contact Holdsworth at hholdsworth@texas-wildlife.org or Kassi Scheffer at kscheffer@texaswildlife.org or you may call 855-TXBRIGS (855-892-7447).
This year’s registration deadline is March 16.
Recordbook Workshop
April28thattheMilamCountyExtensionOf iceMeetingRoomat6pm.
If you would like to help at the Ag in the Classroom on May 12, 2015, we will need group leaders and some selected presenters for that day. Please email or call Floyd if you are interested, Floyd.ingram@ag.tamu.edu or 254‐697‐7045. Are you interested in the 4‐H food and nutri on project, consumer pro‐
ject, or clothing and tex les project? If so, you are invited to a end a 4‐H FCS Coali on Mee ng and Orienta on of these projects. We also will be planning the summer workshops for the summer. The mee ng will be May 11th at 6pm at the Milam County Extension Office. Come and learn about the projects and help us plan! (Bring a calendar!) MilamCounty4‐HSpring2015Newsletter
2015 4‐H Horse Cer fica on/Valida on DEADLINE: March 1, 2014-April 15, 2015 for $10.00 per horse OR April 16, 2015-May 1, 2015 for
$20.00 per horse
For 2015, the horse validation process will be completed electronically using the 4-H Connect
online management system. All 4-H Members who wish to show at their District Show or the State 4-H
Horse Show will be REQUIRED to validate or re-validate their horse(s) on the 4-H Connect system. Horse
validation is completed for EACH HORSE and will cover all 4-H youth members in that family profile. When
validating your horse(s) on 4-H Connect, you will select ONLY ONE 4-H youth member to conduct the validation under. Once a horse is validated, validation paid, and you begin registering for the District Horse
Show, the validated horse(s) can be moved to the appropriate 4-H member(s) that will be exhibiting the
horse in that show. Validation will open from March 1, 2014-April 15, 2015 for $10.00 per horse OR April
16, 2015-May 1, 2015 for $20.00 per horse. Any horse validated before or after this date will NOT be accepted. An illustrated step-by-step instruction guide for families is on the Milam County 4-H Website.
Validation is required for showing at district or state horse shows, and its purpose is to certify that
ownership requirements have been met. The horse MUST be owned solely by the 4-H member, his/her
parents (biological or stepparents), brother, sister, grandparents, or legal guardian.
Much MORE information can be found on the Milam County 4-H Horse Project Website:
Dates to remember: Horse Activity dates to put on your calendar now!!!!
May 1, 2015—Deadline to Validate ownership for District 8 and State Competition
TBA (MAY) - Deadline to submit entries for the District 8 Horse Show to the County Extension Office (forms
available after Validation is complete)
June 15-16, 2015—District 8 Horse Show at the Bell County Expo Center
July 18-25, 2015—State 4-H Horse Show in Abilene (entries due at the District Horse Show June 18)
Scholarship Deadlines
All Scholarship information/requirements and applications are available by going to:
Please make sure and review this information.
Healthy Lifestyles Ambassadors
The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program is pleased to announce the release of application for the 2015 4-H Healthy
Lifestyles Ambassador Program. The application is available on the 4-H healthy lifestyles program webpage and will be
accepted until April 15, 2015. Youth selected to serve as an ambassador will be notified in early to mid-May. 4-H Healthy
Lifestyles Program Webpage: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/healthy_lifestyles/#leadership
The purpose of the 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Ambassadors is to promote the purpose and goals of the 4-H healthy lifestyles
program, provide leadership to educational events through the implementation of healthy living programs, including Fuel
Up To Play 60. More information about the ambassador program is included with the application.
The Texas 4‐H Equine Ambassador Program is entering its fourth year and the results have been incredi‐
ble. Equine Ambassadors have been very produc ve in assis ng with equine related educa onal workshops and programs. For more informa on, please call the Milam County Extension Office. Applicants go to h ps://agrilife.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9Gg3J8XmcWsSFfL Student will complete the applica on and enter the contact informa on of supervising County Extension Agent. A selec on commi ee will review the applica ons and accept 25 par cipants for this course. Applica‐
ons are due May 1, 2015. Applicants will be no fied by early June, 2015 regarding applica on results. Below are the 2015 details and applica on link. Selec on Criteria: 
Senior age (14‐18) 4‐H youth that have exhibited a superior level of ambi on regarding his/her livestock projects 
Students with a profound interest in animal science and animal produc on 
Students have shown advanced leadership quali es and a willingness to help others 
Top 25% class rank Applica on Process: Applicants go to h ps://agrilife.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3E4FD1zmVFLVJWZ Student will complete the applica on and enter the contact informa on of supervising County Extension Agent. CEA will be automa cally emailed a recommenda on survey. A selec on commi ee will review the applica ons and accept 25 par cipants per university Applica ons are due June 1, 2015. Applicants will be no fied by June 26, 2015 regarding applica on result Page10
Micah Holcombe, FCS mlholcombe@ag.tamu.edu 4-H FOCUS Milam County Extension
100 E. 1st Street
Floyd Ingram, AG Floyd.ingram@ag.tamu.edu Cameron, Texas 76520
Phone: 254.697.7045
FAX: 254.697.7046
Marcia Felton, Office Manager h p://coun es.agrilife.org/mc4h/ MRFelton@ag.tamu.edu Educa onal programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, col‐
or, religion, sex, na onal origin, age, disability, gene c informa on or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Coopera ng