2015 NCYE Youth Judging Contests Rules and Guidelines Livestock Judging, Land Judging, Plant Identification, Consumer Decision Making, and Food Challenge Contests Early Registration by March 23, 2015 ...........................................$20.00 per team and $10.00 per individual Late Fee Registration (at the Contest) ..........................................$25.00 per team and $15.00 per individual All contests will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015, except for the Food Challenge Contest which will be conducted on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Registration confirmation for the Livestock Judging, Land Judging, and Plant Identification contests will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM, at the Navarro County Expo Center located on State Highway 22 (west) in Corsicana, Texas. These contests will begin at approximately 9:00 AM. A Free Lunch will be provided starting at 1:00 PM and official results will be announced at approximately 1:30 PM at The Cook Center (Navarro College). Registration for the Consumer Decision Making Contest will be held from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM at the Bain Center (Navarro College). This contest will begin at approximately 10:00 AM. A Free Lunch will be provided starting at 1:00 PM and official results will be announced at approximately 1:30 PM at The Cook Center (Navarro College). The Food Challenge Contest registration confirmation will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, and will take place at the Navarro County Expo Center. Check-in for the contest will begin at 9:00 AM. Note: The Food Challenge Contest is open to Navarro County teams ONLY. Please see the Food Challenge Rules and Guidelines for more information. Each FFA Chapter or 4-H Club may enter as many teams as they wish. Each Livestock Judging, Land Judging, Plant Identification and Consumer Decision Making team will be comprised of three (3) or four (4) members with the 3 highest scores used for official scoring tabulations. Single individuals may also register for these contests. Food Challenge teams may be comprised of 3 to 5 members. All participants must be in compliance with UIL regulations. The use of cell phones, mechanical devices, or talking will not be allowed during the contests. Any infraction will result in team and individual disqualification. Contest registration is available at www.judgingcard.com. All entries are non-refundable. Registration fees should be forwarded to: NCYE, PO Box 96, Barry, TX 75102. If you have any questions please contact the Navarro County Extension Service at (903) 654-3075 or Dan Waggoner at (254) 715-2922, DBWaggoner@aol.com. Livestock Judging Contest Rules Friday, March 27, 2015 Official Judge: Mr. Jared Jackson (Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX) Judging Contest Tabulator: Ms. Laura Huebinger (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Stephenville, TX) Contest Chairperson(s): David Waggoner, Dan Waggoner (Corsicana, TX) 1. Location: The contest will be held at the indoor Navarro County Expo Center, located on State Highway 22 (west), Corsicana, TX. 2. Purpose: This contest is designed to prepare contestants for upcoming 4-H and FFA District/Area Contests. 3. Registration: Please register on www.judgingcard.com by Friday, March 27, 2015. Registration confirmation will be held from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM, in the Fannie Mae Vernon Room (Navarro County Expo Center), and the contest will begin at approximately 9:00 AM. The registration fee is non-refundable. 4. Divisions and Eligibility: There will be a Junior Division (8th grade and below), and a Senior Division (9th thru 12th grade). The number of teams a chapter or club may enter is unlimited. Teams will be comprised of three (3) or four (4) members with the highest three scores being used in the official scoring tabulation. All team members must be from the same FFA Chapter, 4-H Club, or FCCLA Chapter. A single individual may also enter. Every contestant will be eligible for individual award(s). Each contestant must be in compliance with UIL regulations, and be in good standing with his/her club or chapter. 5. Materials: Scantron sheets will be used for this contest and will be provided to each contestant. Each contestant is required to bring their own clipboard, pencils and scratch paper. 6. Disqualification: Cell phone and mechanical device use, as well as talking among contestants during the contest, will not be allowed. Any infraction will result in team and individual disqualification. Only contestants and contest officials will be permitted in the judging area during the contest. 7. Classes: Approximately eight (8) classes will be available for judging. There will also be three (3) questions classes. Only market steers, market goats, and market lambs will be handled by contest participants. All animals used in the contest will be selected from the Navarro County Livestock Show. Probable Classes: Breeding Heifers Market Steers Breeding Gilts Market Hogs Breeding Ewes Market Lambs Market Goats 8. Class Placings: Official class placings and question classes will be discussed by Mr. Jared Jackson. 9. Results & Awards Luncheon: A “Free” lunch will be served beginning at1:00 PM, and contest results and awards will be announced at approximately 1:30 PM at the Cook Center (Navarro College). Once announced, all results are final. Contest results will be available via: www.judgingcard.com 10. Awards: High Quality Awards will be presented to the top 3 teams (Senior and Junior Divisions) and high point individuals (Senior and Junior Divisions). 11. Point of Contact: Should you have any questions, please contact DAN WAGGONER at (254) 715-2922, E-mail: DBWAGGONER@aol.com Land Judging Contest Rules Friday, March 27, 2015 1. Contest registration and orientation will be conducted at the Navarro County Expo Center located on State Highway 22 (west) in Corsicana, Texas. 2. Registration confirmation will be held from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM and the contest will begin at approximately 9:00 AM. 3. This contest will be held off site with transportation provided if needed. 4. The number of teams a club or chapter may enter is unlimited. 5. Teams will be comprised of three (3) or four (4) members with the highest three scores being used in the official scoring tabulations. Each contestant will be eligible for the individual contest. 6. Contest official scores will be announced as soon as the contest concludes. 7. Cell phone and mechanical device use, as well as talking among contestants during the contest, will not be allowed. Any infraction will result in team and individual disqualification. Only contestants and contest officials will be permitted in the judging area during the contest. 8. Official results will be announced at approximately 1:00 PM at the judging site and once announced, are final. 9. If you have any questions please contact the Navarro County Extension Office at (903) 654-3075. Plant Identification Contest Rules Friday, March 27, 2015 General Rules: 1. Registration confirmation will be conducted from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM at the Navarro County Expo Center located on State Highway 22 (west) in Corsicana, Texas. Schedule of Activities: 8:00 - 8:45 AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration 9:15 AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Contest Orientation 9:30 AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start NCYE Plant Identification Contest 1:30 PM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presentation of Awards for Contest 2. T h e c ontest will be held in the Fannie Mae Vernon room at the Navarro County Exposition Center. 3. The number of teams a club or chapter may enter is unlimited. 4. Teams will be made up of three (3) or four (4) members with the highest three scores being used in the official scoring tabulations. Each contestant will be eligible for individual awards. Plant Identification Contest Details: Age Group Age Range # of Plants Junior: 8-10 and at least in the 3rd grade 40 plants from Master List Intermediate: 11-13 40 plants from Master List Senior: 14-18 40 plants from Master List *Three teams per age group is required in order to establish a separate age bracket. If there are less than three teams in an age bracket, those teams will judge in the next bracket up. All awards and age brackets will be determined on contest day and are subject to last minute adjustments by contest officials. 5. The Texas 4-H Master Plant List will be used (http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/publications/); Live or mounted specimens of grasses, forbs, legumes and woody plants will be used. Individuals will have 45 seconds per plant for identification. 6. A s cantron sheet will be provided to each contestant. 7. A key to the contest will be distributed as soon as the contest concludes. 8. T h e c ontest will be graded on accuracy of common name, annual/perennial, cool season/warm season, origin (native/introduced), economic value for wildlife and grazing and poisonous. USDA, TPWD and Texas AgriLife Extension Service staff will provide contest officials. 9. Cell phone and mechanical device use, as well as talking among contestants during the contest, will not be allowed. Any infraction will result in team and individual disqualification. Only contestants and contest officials will be permitted in the judging area during the contest. 10. A “Free” lunch will be served beginning at 1:00 PM, and contest results and awards will be announced at approximately 1:30 PM at the Cook Center (Navarro College). Once announced, all results are final. Contest results will be available via: www.judgingcard.com 11. If you have any questions please contact the Navarro County Extension Office at (903) 654-3075. Consumer Decision Making Contest Rules Friday, March 27, 2015 Chairpersons Lori Stovall, Kellie Cope 903-654-3075 ENTRIES: 1. Each FFA Chapter, FCCLA Chapter, or 4-H Club may enter as many teams as they wish. Each Consumer Decision Making team will be comprised of three (3) or four (4) members, with the 3 highest scores used for official tabulations. Single individuals may also register for these contests. 2. All entries are encouraged to pre-register. Contest registration is available at www.judgingcard.com. All entries are non-refundable. AGE DIVISIONS: Junior: 8 years old and in the 3rd grade to 10 years of age Intermediate: 11 to 13 years of age Senior: 14 to 18 years of age 1. Contestants may be moved up an age division, but not down. 2. Only the top three (3) scores of a team will be used for official scoring tabulations and teams must be designated at the time of registration. COMPETITION: 1. Objectives: This contest allows contestants to: -Demonstrate skills in making sound decisions based on facts; -Apply knowledge and experience in consumer education by analyzing situations; -Experience making choices among selected market place options; and -Develop and strengthen reasoning ability in consumer skills. 2. Contest: -A class will consist of four (4) items of a kind to rank; there will be a situation for each class; a situation is a hypothetical set of circumstances where contestants will assume the role of the consumer in the situation. -Contestants will consider which item best fits the needs, wants, and criteria provided in the situation based on information learned in the study guide. Contestants will place the four items in the order that best meets the needs of the situation. -Oral reasons are not required of participants and will not be added into their overall score. -Those wanting to practice giving oral reasons may do so upon the completion of judging. The oral reasons class will be selected by contest officials. 3. Study Guides are available through the Texas AgriLife Extension office or the Texas AgriLife Extension FCS website at: http://fcs.tamu.edu/money/your_money/cdm/ AWARDS: 1. Team members will also be eligible for individual awards. 2. Awards will be given to individuals and teams of each age division. A “Free” lunch will be served beginning at 1:00 PM, and contest results and awards will be announced at approximately 1:30 PM at the Cook Center (Navarro College). Once announced, all results are final. Contest results will be available via: www.judgingcard.com CONTEST SCHEDULE: Entry Deadline is the day of the contest, although pre registration is strongly encouraged. Contest Date: Friday, March 27, 2015 Registration 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Orientation 9:45 AM – 10:00 AM Contest Begins 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Results and Awards 1:30 PM Food Challenge Contest Rules Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Chairpersons Lori Stovall, Kellie Cope 903-654-3075 PURPOSE: The Food Challenge was developed by county Extension agents to address the need for a new, “highly charged” foods experience. This contest, modeled after such competitions as the Food Network’s “Iron Chef,” challenges teams of 4-H, FFA, and FCCLA members to create a dish using only a predetermined number of ingredients. From these ingredients, team members must identify and prepare the dish, then make a presentation about it to the judges. The presentation will include information about the serving size, nutritional value, and cost of the dish. The Food Challenge allows youth to demonstrate their culinary and food safety skills to judges and observers. OBJECTIVES: • • • • • • Provide opportunities for participants to exhibit their knowledge and skill when preparing and presenting a dish Provide opportunities for participants to learn from other team members Promote teamwork Give participants opportunities for public speaking Provide leadership opportunities Give youth the opportunity to participate in a new, exciting, competitive event RULES: 1. Participation. This contest is only for Navarro County 4-H, FFA, or FCCLA members currently enrolled in a 4-H and Youth Development county program, local school FFA Chapter or local school FCCLA Chapter and actively participating in the Food and Nutrition project. 2. Age Divisions. Age divisions are determined by a participant’s age as of March 23, 2015, as follows: Division: Ages: A. Junior: 3rd grade and 8 years of age -- to 13 years old B. Senior: 14 years of age – thru 12th grade 3. Members Per Team. Each team will have at least three (3) and no more than five (5) members. Teams may not include members in different age divisions. See Rule #2. 4. Substitution of Team Members. Substitution of team members should only be made if necessary. 5. Entry Fee. Each team will be required to pay a registration fee of $20 to cover the cost of ingredients for the contest. Checks should be made payable to NCYE. In the memo line, please indicate NCYE Food Challenge. Submit entry fees to the NCYE along with entry forms. 6. Food Categories. In each age division, there will be four (4) Food Categories: Main Dish, Fruits & Vegetables, Bread & Cereal, and Nutritious Snacks. Teams will be randomly assigned to a category, but assignments will not be announced until check-in the day of the contest. 7. Attire. Each team will have the option of wearing coordinated clothing, aprons or hair coverings. 8. Resource Materials Provided at Contest. Resource materials will be provided for each team at the contest. This includes MyPlate, FightBac, Nutrient Needs at a Glance, Cooking Food Safely is a Matter of Degrees, Altering Recipes for Good Health, Food Challenge Worksheet, and copies of grocery receipts. No other resource materials will be allowed. Teams may not use their personal copies of the resources during the contest. See link for access to resources at the bottom of page. 1. 9. Supply Box. Each team must supply their own equipment for the contest. Teams may bring only the supplies listed in the supply box section. Supply boxes can be checked by contest officials. Any extra equipment will be confiscated and the team may be disqualified. See attached list. 10. Awards. The top five (5) high scoring teams in each food category will be recognized with placing ribbons during the awards program. 11. Participants With Disabilities. Any competitor who requires auxiliary aids or special accommodations must contact the AgriLife Extension Office at least two (2) weeks before the competition. Contact Lori Stovall or Kellie Cope at 903-654-3075. Event Date: Event Schedule: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 9:00 AM Check In 9:30 AM Contest Begins 10:30 AM Judging Begins 11:30 AM Judging Completed 11:45 AM Awards Announced Location: Large Fannie Mae Vernon Room Navarro County Expo Center Entry Deadline: Monday, March 23, 2015 Team Summary Forms $20 per team payable to NCYE, PO Box 96, Barry, Texas 75102. In the memo line, please indicate NCYE Food Challenge Please note the following important items: − Check-in will be in the Small Fannie Mae Vernon Room − The Food Challenge has two age divisions: Junior and Senior. − Food Challenge Judges will be allowed to ask questions. Contest References & Forms. Refer to the following website for resources: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/food_challenge/index_food_challenge.php. http://d84-h.tamu.edu/events-and-activities/food-challenge-food-show/
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