THE COMMISSIONERS COURT * McLENNAN COUNTY * THE STATE OF TEXAS * TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with the Government Code, Chapter 551,( known as the Open Meetings Act), as amended, a special meeting of Commissioners' Court, the governing body of McLennan County, will be held on Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 2015 at 9: 00 a. m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom, 1St Floor, West Wing, McLennan County Courthouse, City of Waco, Texas, at which time, the subjects below will be considered. AGENDA I. PROOF OF POSTING OF NOTICE in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551. 041, Government Code, as amended, known as the Open Meetings Act. II. A MOMENT OF SILENCE/ INVOCATION; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: A. APPROVAL/ RATIFICATION OF PROCLAMATION/ RESOLUTIONS 1. B. Proclamation Declaring April 7th, 2015 as National Service Recognition Day HEARING FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON COUNTY BUSINESS MATTERS C. ITEMS PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED D. RIGHT OF WAY PURCHASE, USE, CONVEYANCE and/ or CONDEMNATION: Authorization/ Action on: Expansion/ Repair Projects including, but not limited to: Easements/ Offers/ Contracts to Purchase ROW; Contracts for Sale; Contracts re: Appraisal / Surveying Services, ROW Acquisition / Sale; Authorization for Legal Counsel re: Eminent Domain / Condemnation Proceedings, Execution of Legal Documents E. REGARDING COUNTY PROPERTY and/or CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Renovations, Repairs, Indemnification Regarding Cleaning/ Maintenance Projects, Space Allocations/ Furnishings/ Equipment/ Architectural Services/ Invoices/ Approval of Pay Applications/ Change Orders/ Contracts / Lease Agreements/ Certifications of Substantial Completion / Authorizations Regarding Sale/ Lease/ Acquisition or Property 1. F. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Appraisal Report: Bridgewood Properties( re: Former Justice of the Peace Office, Precinct 2) AUTHORIZATIONS RE: CONTRACTS/ LEASE AGREEMENTS/ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS: 1. Economic Development a. 2. G. Waco- McLennan County Economic Development Corporation ( WMCEDC): Authorization of Agreements; Consultant Services; Proposed Projects/ Program Project Agreements/ Addendums/ Pay Apps 1) Regarding the Program Project Agreement with T Squared Manufacturing, Inc.: Authorization of Final Draw Request Authorization of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement: City of Hallsburg REGARDING THE COUNTY BUDGET: Amendments / Requests for Amendments and related Certification of Additional Revenue, if applicable, Expenditure Requests, Other Budgetary Requests 1. Regarding the FY 15 Budget: H. a. Budget Updates/ Status Reports from County Auditor, as necessary b. Human Resources c. Economic Development d. Road& Bridge: Expenditure Authorization( re: Mailbox Replacement) COUNTY SHERIFF / JAIL / CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUES ( Orders, Pay Apps, Repairs/ Renovations/ County Operated / Privately Operated Jail Facilities): Change Personnel / Salary Matters/ Updated Reports / Equipment Infrastructure Improvements/ Purchases/ RFP' s; Authorization of Contracts/ Agreements/ Amendments I. HEART O' TEXAS FAIR/ EXTRACO EVENTS CENTER: Authorization Agreements / Contract Addendums / Change Orders / Extensions; HOT Fair, Equipment / Supplies; Authorizations re: Property Purchases, Plans & re: Contracts / Professional Services/ Lease / Rental Transactions / Deeds, Insurance, Surveys / Proposals / Specifications, Construction, Operations, Pay Apps, Bids / RFP' s; Repairs/ Renovations, Expenditure Authorizations, related matters 1. Regarding the Moisture Intrusion/ Exterior Envelope Renovations/ Repairs to the Extraco Events Center: Structural Engineering Services- Winton Engineering: Authorization of Change Orders/ Payment Requests, Acceptance of a. Reports, Updates, related matters b. ARC Roofing Agreement: Authorization of Change Orders / Work Orders / Additional Services / Addendums, Updates, related matters J. GRANTS / PROPOSALS / SPECIAL PROJECTS: Authorization K. BIDS/ RFP' S/ L. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: of Grant Applications / Contracts / Grants, Administration & Reporting Matters/ Consulting Services/ Pay Apps/ Change Orders/ Bids/ Invoices/ related Legal Matters/ Documents RFQ' S/ QUOTATIONS for GOODS & SERVICES, including Recording of Vendor HB 914 Conflict Disclosure Statements, if applicable 1. Reading/ Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: Acceptance of Amendments/ Supplements/ Corrections; Recording into the Court Minutes of Previously Approved Documents, Items Not Requiring Court Action, HB 914 Conflict Disclosure Statements, as applicable Recording of Order Reappointing County Auditor of McLennan County Financial Obligations ofMcLennan County: a. Authorization for Co. Treasurer to Pay County Checks/ Wire/ Electronic Transfers Issued Since the Last Authorization b. County Treasurer: Interest/ Investment Reports/ Authorizations/ Recording of McLennan County Investment Policy/ a. 2. Acknowledgement Forms/ Pooled Cash Account Balance Reports 3. Human Resources/ Salary Matters: Benefits/ Status Forms/ Revisions to Salary Schedules; Authorizations Regarding Human Resources Issues / Revisions to Human Resources Policies; Compensation / Classification Issues / Personnel Reviews / Reclassifications, Administrative Guidelines; Consultant Reports, Recommendations, Job Descriptions/ Postings 4. Authorizations / Ratifications re: RFP' s / RFQ' s / Bids / Advertisements / Publications / Public Notices / Sole Source Determinations/ Surplus/ Scrap Property Determinations/ Recording ofLegal Notifications a. 5. a. Tradinghouse Lake/ Park b. County Sheriff District Attorney c. 6. Authorization of Advertisements for RFQs/ Bids/ RFP' s/ Public Notices Travel and/or Education Requests/ Ratifications: Staff/ Organization Reports / Updates; Policy County Programs; Recording of Educational or Insurance Certificates/ Awards/ Bonds/ Recording of Conflict Disclosure Statements, Presentations to the Court a. Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Services: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015 Archives: Quarterly Activity Report, December 2014— February 2015 b. c. Health Services Department: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015 d. Information Technology: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015 Health Benefits Plan Manager: Monthly Activity Reports, January— February 2015 e. Acceptance / Non Acceptance of Officials / Recommendations; Reports Agenda continued on page 2 relative to County Department Heads / Contracts/ Agreements/ Agenda continued from page 1 L. Consent Agenda Items continued: 7. Commissioners Court, Discussion on, Consideration of and/ or Action on: Ratification of Purchase/ Designation of Authorized Purchaser: a. b. Authorization re: Burn Ban in the Unincorporated Areas of McLennan County Approval of Documents related to the Issuance of Bonds by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation for the Purpose of Financing or Refinancing Certain Health Facilities Located within the Boundaries of the c. County of McLennan, Texas for the Benefit of Baylor Scott& White Holdings as Required by Section 147( f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 M. COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: Information Gathering, Discussions, Status Reports / Updates and/ or Presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion/ Suggestions Regarding: Future Work Session Items 1. Discussion re: Criminal Justice Issues: Updates regarding the Electronic Monitoring Program, including Discussion on Expanded Program Services/ Coordinating the McLennan County Criminal Justice System/ Criminal Justice Process/ Creation of a Criminal Justice Work Defense Departments / Group/ Discussion Pretrial Services / Utilization/ DARE Program/ Public Nuisance 2. on Ways to Control the Jail Population / Jail Magistrate / Bail Bonds / Indigent Mental Health Courts / Courthouse Security / Veterans & Video Conferencing Reporting& Enforcement Process, related matters Discussion re: Capital Expenditures: including Discussion Regarding the Time Schedule for Capital Outlay/ Recommendations from the Finance Committee Regarding the Spending Policy/ Equipment Financing, related matters 3. Discussion County Property: including re: Discussion Regarding Space Availability & Utilization of County Buildings, Utilization Planning, Consultant, Joint Facilities Master Plan or Study/ Updates re: Maintenance at Hwy 6 or Downtown Jail / Maintenance at Tradinghouse Lake/Park/ Rules for Tradinghouse Lake/ Park/ Recommendations from Tradinghouse Lake/ Park Advisory Committee / Road Shredding Near Tradinghouse Lake/ Park / Property Casualty Insurance / Discussion re: Space Availability, Records, Policies, and Upcoming Renewal/ Bid relative to Restland Cemetery and/or Rosemound Cemetery/ Extraco Events Center ( Heart of Texas Coliseum) Moisture Intrusion Investigation / Themis Statue / Old County Garage and Matters Related Thereto 4. Discussion re: Texas Department of Transportation: including Discussion re: Rural/ Public Transportation, related matters 5. Discussion re: the County Burn Ban 6. Discussion re: McLennan County Group Health Plan: including Discussion re: Expansion of Access of Medical Facilities / 7. Discussion 8. Discussion re: Prosper Waco: including but not limit to: Future Funding/ Board Appointment Discussion re: County Office Closings: including Weather Related Office Closures Shared Clinic/ Employee Incentive Programs, related matters 9. re: North& East County Judges and Commissioners Association Conference IV. Executive Session: A closed meeting will be held pursuant to: A. Section 551. 072 of the Government Code ( V.C.T.A.): Regarding Acquisitions re: Expansion / Repair Project/ s; and/ or ( 2) Real Property, including, but Real Estate Purchase / Sale / not Transfer / limited Trade / to: ( 1) Right- Of-Way Offers to Purchase, Acquisition/ Value/ Donations of Real Property/ Leases relative to Real Property, including, but not limited to, Potential Properties for Use B. by County/ Public Facilities& Valuation of Current Property for Trade or Sale Section 551. 071 of the Government Code ( V.C. T.A.): so that the Commissioners Court can seek and receive legal advice from its attorneys regarding pending or threatened litigation, settlement offers, claims, or other matters for which the attorneys' duties to their client under the Texas State Bar Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Conflicts with the Open Meetings Act ( Ch. 55I, Gov. Code) if necessary for a subject contained on this agenda, and with regard to Department of Justice ADA Compliance Review, Claim for Damage to Property in Right-of-Way. C. Section 551. 074 of the Government Code ( V.C. T.A.): Regarding Personnel Matters including but not limited to: Interviews of and Deliberation of Duties, Evaluation, Employment, and/ or Appointment of a Public Officer or Personnel Regarding Applicants for Director of Human Resources D. Section 551. 087 of the Government Code ( V.C.T.A.): Regarding Economic Development Negotiations including, but not limited to 1) Discussion of Commercial / Financial Information Received from a Business Prospect/ s; ( 2) Pending Negotiations / Potential Prospects and Projects; and/ or( 3) Discussion re: Offers of Financial or Other Incentives to Business Prospects 246. Signed this the { 2 day of March, 2015 rncteJ SCOTT M. FELTON, County Judge STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF McLENNAN 1, J. A." ANDY" HARWELL, County Clerk, and the Ex-Officio Clerk to the Commissioners Court, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct the jo copy of a Witness my-ha J. A." AN j By: NO E O Mday of MEETING 2015 d AR J sea of office at , . at posted by me at y jljb' clock Waco, McLennan t Courthouse door in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, where notices are customarily posted this ri. County, Texas thisay 15. of unty Clerk, McLennan County, Texas leputy) SEAL Notice: Persons with disabilities in need of auxiliary aide or services may contact the County Judge' s Office,( 254) 757- 5049, prior to the meeting date Mat MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL,Count By; KELLY Timas LLB1 H DEPUTY AGENDA: H. MARCH 17, 2015 A MOMENT OF SILENCE/ INVOCATION; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CD- 323, 9: 01 County Judge Felton stated that at this time we will have a moment of silence. County Judge Felton then stated that we will now have the Pledge of Allegiance led by our County Veteran Service Officer. AGENDA: MARCH 17,2015 III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND I OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: A. APPROVAL I RATIFICATION OF PROCLAMATIONS I RESOLUTIONS 1. Proclamation Declaring April ih, 2015 as National Service Recognition Day CD-323, 9:01 Approved ORDER ADOPTING: PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 7TH, 2015 AS NATIONAL SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Proclamation Declaring April 7`h, 2015 as National Service Recognition Day. Commissioner Perry read the Proclamation into the Minutes and presented it to Ms. Emily Dressen. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Proclamation be, and the same is hereby, adopted by unanimous vote. fil No, i PROCLAMATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MCLENNAN PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 7ni, 2015 as NATIONAL SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY WHEREAS, service to others is a hallmark of the American character, and central to how we meet our challenges; and WHEREAS, local leaders are increasingly turning to national service and volunteerism as a cost-effective strategy to meet city needs; and WHEREAS, AmeriCorps and Senior Corps participants address the most pressing challenges facing our cities and counties, from educating students for the jobs of the 21st century and supporting veterans and military families to providing health services and helping communities recover from natural disasters; and WHEREAS, national service expands economic opportunity by creating more sustainable, resilient communities and providing education, career skills, and leadership abilities for those who serve; and WHEREAS, AmeriCorps and Senior Corps participants serve in more than 60,000 locations across the country and more than 3, 200 locations in the State of Texas, bolstering the civic, neighborhood, and faith-based organizations that are so vital to our economic and social well-being; and WHEREAS, national service participants increase the impact of the organizations they serve with, both through their direct service and by recruiting and managing millions of additional volunteers; and WHEREAS, national service represents a unique public-private partnership that invests in community solutions and leverages non-federal resources to strengthen community impact and increase the return on taxpayer dollars; and WHEREAS, national service participants demonstrate commitment, dedication, and patriotism by making an intensive commitment to service, a commitment that remains with them in their future endeavors; and WHEREAS, the Corporation for National and Community Service shares a priority with local leaders nationwide to engage citizens, improve lives, and strengthen communities; and is joining with the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, the United States Conference of Mayors and local leaders across the country to recognize the impact of service on the Day of Recognition for National Service on April 7, 2015. THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Commissioners Court of McLennan County, acting in its capacity as the governing body of McLennan County, does hereby declare April 7th, 2015 as National Service Recognition Day and encourage residents to recognize the positive impact of national service in our city; to thank those who serve; and to fmd ways to give back to their communities; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, that a copy of this Proclamation be made a permanent part of the minutes of the Commissioners Court. WITNESSED OUR HAND AND SEAL this 17th Zt.. 491, day of March 2015. 17. .[ 6-Yt Scott M. Felton, County Judge Kelly ' ne , Commissioner Pct. 1 P;'/. fr Gibson, Commissioner Pct. 2 ill Ben , i • I omm r ioner Pct.3 Perry, Commission Attest: J.A. " Andy" Harwell, County Clerk McLennan County Texas 4jua 1'' By: Del ty County rk MAR 1 7 2015 JA"ANDY HARWEl1, County$ 16tk McLennan Texas E1FLLB 1 DEPfrY .4 AGENDA: III. MARCH 17, 2015 CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: B. HEARING FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON COUNTY BUSINESS MATTERS No One Spoke CD-323, 9: 06 County Judge Felton opened the floor to anyone present who wished to address the Court on County business matters. Not hearing anyone speak, County Judge Felton closed the hearing. MARCH 17, 2015 AGENDA: III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: E. REGARDING COUNTY PROPERTY and/ or CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Renovation, Repair, Indemnification Regarding Cleaning/ Maintenance Projects; Space Allocations/ Furnishings/ Equipment/ Architectural Services/ Invoices/ Approval of Pay Applications/ Change Orders/ Contracts/ Lease Agreements/ Certifications of Substantial Completion/ Authorizations Regarding Sale/ Lease/ Acquisition or Property 1. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Appraisal Report: Bridgewood Properties( re: Former Justice of the Peace Office, Precinct 2) CD- 323, 9: 06 Approved ORDER ACCEPTING: ACTION REGARDING APPRAISAL REPORT: BRIDGEWOOD PROPERTIES( RE: FORMER JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT 2) On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Discussion and/ or Action regarding Appraisal Report: Bridgewood Properties ( re: Former Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2). After discussion, Commissioner Gibson made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Judge Felton. After further discussion, a vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Report be, and the same is hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. APPRAISAL REPORT 410 E. Texas Avenue Building & Land Mart, Texas ACCEPTED SY COMMISSIONERS COURT 7 DAY OF u,. r 20,. This Foe T„zectip( r c5eicibeeztoelk. PROPERTIES Date: February 17, 2015 To: McLennan RE: 410 E. Texas Avenue County Attn.: Ken Bass Building& kcn. bass( 4co Mart, Texas mclennan. tx us Land Dear Mr. Bass: As requested, I have personally inspected and appraised the property as described herein. Conditions pertinent to or indicative of the value of the property were investigated. As requested, the estimate of value was based upon" Market Value" which is defined within the report. All other instructions and requirements were followed. The appraisal report sets forth my findings and conclusions derived therefrom, together with plats, maps, photographs, etc., as are considered essential to explain the processes followed in making the appraisal. The property was appraised as a whole, owned in fee simple and unencumbered, and subject to the Contingent and Limiting Conditions outlined herein. After careful consideration, it is my opinion that the Market Value of the subject as of the day of February, 2015 is: 2nd property, SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 65,000.00 Respectfully submitted, Bruce Cresson II 521 Connie Drive. l I' wut. Tx 76643 Phone( 254) 75I- 1202 I- ax( 254) 75I- 1905 vww brtdgow•oodproperuex uun TABLE OF CONTENTS Page# TRANSMITTAL LETTER 1 CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS 2 STANDARD FORM OF CERTIFICATION 5 PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL 7 DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE 8 SCOPE OF APPRAISAL 9 OWNERSHIP HISTORY 10 GENERAL INFORMATION Identification of Property Appraised General Location Information with Maps 11 12 13 Neighborhood Analysis DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Description of Land with Plats and Maps 14 Environmental Disclaimer 16 Description 17 of Improvements HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS 20 APPRAISAL PROCEDURE 23 Direct Sales Comparison Analysis 25 Cost Approach Analysis 35 Income Approach Analysis 36 CORRELATION AND CONCLUSIONS 37 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE 40 QUALIFICATIONS OF APPRAISER 41 CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS The covering letter of certificate of appraisal and following report are made expressly subject to these conditions and stipulations. It is assumed that title to the property herein appraised is good and merchantable, and in fee simple. The value is reported without regard to questions of title, boundaries, encroachments, environmental regulations, licenses, or other matters of a legal nature unless non- compliance has been stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. The Appraiser herein has no present or contemplated interest in the property appraised. The appraisal fee to be charged for this report is in no matter contingent upon the value reported. Also, the value is estimated under the assumption that there will be no international nor domestic political, economic, nor military actions in the near future that will seriously affect real estate values throughout the country. Certain information concerning market and operating data was obtained from others. This information is verified and checked, where possible, and is used in this appraisal only if it is believed to be accurate and correct. However, the accuracy of such information is not guaranteed. Further, dimensions and square footage of the Subject Property and of comparable properties were obtained by various means and are not guaranteed to be exact. Real Estate Values are influenced by a large number of external factors. The data contained herein is all of the data we consider necessary to support the value estimate. We have not knowingly withheld any pertinent facts, but we do not guarantee that we have knowledge of all factors which might influence the value of the Subject Property. Due to unanticipated changes in external influences upon value, the value estimate is considered reliable only as of the date of the appraisal. Opinions of value contained herein are estimates. There is no guarantee, written or implied, that the future sales price of the Subject Property will equal the value estimate stated in this report. The value estimate assumes that the property is under responsible ownership and has competent management. 2 Contingent and Limiting Conditions, continued The appraiser will not be required to give testimony or attendance in either a court of law, or before any other legal authority by reason of this appraisal without prior agreement and arrangement between the employer and the Appraiser. Disclosure of the contents of this appraisal report is governed by the By-Laws and Regulations of the Appraisal Institute and the National Association of Realtors Boards. Possession of this report, or any copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose by any but the applicant without the previous consent of the appraiser or the applicant, in any event, only in its entirety. The appraisal and analysis and opinions were developed and this report was prepared in conformance with( and the use of this report is subject to) the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standard of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute and the National Association of Realtors. Neither all or any part of the contents of this report( especially any conclusion as to value, the identity of the appraiser or the firm with which he is connected, or any reference to the Appraisal Institute or said designations) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising media, public relations media, news media, prospectus for securities, or any other public means of communications without prior written consent and approval of the undersigned. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures which would render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering which may be required to discover them. The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the reported highest and best use of the land. The allocations of value for land and improvements, if presented, must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 3 Contingent and Limiting Conditions, continued No environmental impact studies were either requested or made in conjunction with this appraisal, and the appraiser hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, revise or rescind any of the value opinions based upon any subsequent environmental impact studies, research or investigation. If this appraisal is for proposed construction it is further assumed that the improvements will be constructed in substantial conformity with the plans and specifications which have been furnished the Appraiser, and with good materials and workmanship, and that it will be tenanted and financed as proposed. It is also assumed that the proposed foundation and construction techniques are adequate for the existing sub- soil conditions. It is further assumed that mortgage money at current market interest rates and terms if available on the Subject Property as stated in the Income Approach to Value. Estimates of costs to cure deferred maintenance are difficult to make. Contractors approach such problems in various ways. The estimates provided within this report are probable costs given current market conditions, available information, and the Appraiser' s expertise. Further, deferred maintenance affecting the Property is considered to be only those items specified in the Description of Improvements section of this report. The appraiser takes no responsibility for hidden items or items of which the Appraiser was not advised. This appraisal is an estimate of value based on an analysis of information known to us at the time the appraisal was made. We do not assume any responsibility for incorrect analysis, because of incorrect and incomplete information. If new information of significance comes to light, the value given in this report is subject to change without notice. The acceptance of this appraisal is the acceptance of all assumptions, general limiting conditions, and/ or any contingencies that are stated within this or any other section( s) of the appraisal. 4 STANDARD FORM CERTIFICATION PERTAINING TO: 410 E. Texas Avenue Building and Land Mart, Texas AS OF: February 2, 2015 The undersigned does hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, except as otherwise noted in this appraisal report: 1. The statements of fact contained in this report, upon which the analysis, opinions, and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct. 2. The reported analysis, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. 3. I have no( or the specified) present or contemplated future interest in the property that is the subject of this report. 4. I have no( or the specified) personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the parties involved. 5. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analysis, opinions, or conclusions in, or the use of, this report. 6. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation and the rules of the Texas Real Estate Commission. 7. Bruce Cresson II made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. 5 Standard Form Certification, continued 8. No one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions and opinions, concerning the subject, that are set forth in this appraisal report. 9. The appraisal assignment was not based on a requested minimum valuation, a specific valuation, or approval of a loan. 10. The appraisal is based on the conditions specified in the definition of market value, as defined by the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989( FIRREA). Bruce Cresson II 6 PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the Market Value of the Subject Property. FUNCTION OF APPRAISAL The function of this appraisal is to serve as a basis for business decisions regarding the subject property. PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED The rights being appraised are the Fee Simple Estate interest in the subject property. According to the Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, 1984, p. 123, the definition of Fee Simple Estate is as follows: Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or or estate; subject only to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power, and taxation." 7 DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE MARKET VALUE, for the purpose of this appraisal, is defined as being the most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what he considers his own best interest. 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. Payment is made in cash in U. S. Dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto. 5. The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold, unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. 8 SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL The scope of the appraisal involved collecting data regarding sales of office type buildings similar to the subject in terms of zoning, size, building type, overall location, and neighborhood. These comparables were compared to the subject property and negative or positive adjustments were made accordingly. The scope also involved gathering rental data of similar office type buildings, which are also situated in the subject' s m:•°ket area. The appraisal involved obtaining reliable reproduction/replacement cost figures from manuals and research of local builders and suppliers. The appraisal also involved a study and interpretation of economic data concerning the subject' s immediate market area, and also considering the economic market conditions in general. All the above mentioned items were analyzed in a manner that enabled the Appraiser to derive a final estimated value for the subject property. 9 OWNERSHIP HISTORY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY— 3 YEARS To the best of my knowledge, the subject property has not sold within the past three years. The current owner, according to the McLennan County Appraisal District, is McLennan County. INTENDED USER OF APPRAISAL: CLIENT: McLennan County McLennan County EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPRAISAL: MARKETING TIME: EXPOSURE TIME: February 2, 2015 Approximately twelve months. Approximately twelve months. 10 SIGNIFICANT FACTS ADDRESS: 410 E. Texas Avenue, Mart, Texas LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 21, Original Town of Mart, McLennan County, Texas. LOT SIZE: Rectangular Shape— Approximately 3, 125 Square Feet Size provided by McLennan County Appraisal District.) ZONING INFORMATION: No Formal Zoning TAXING INFORMATION: McLennan County Appraisal District Valuation: 2014 Assessed Values 4, 690 Land Value Improvement Value 16, 980 TOTAL 21, 670 2014 Taxes TAX DISTRICTS McLennan TAX RATE/$ 100 County Mart ISD City of Mart McLennan Community College Total 11 TAX AMOUNT 0. 535293 Exempt 1. 229484 Exempt 0. 739915 Exempt 0. 149530 Exempt 2. 654222 Exempt GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL LOCATION INFORMATION: The subject property is located in the City of Mart fronting E. Texas Avenue. E. Texas Avenue, also known as Highway 164, is a primary thoroughfare of the subject area and the City of Mart. Highway 939, also known as Pearl Street, is located within one- half block of the subject and is also considered a primary thoroughfare of the subject area and the City of Mart. The subject is located in the downtown business district of the City of Mart. Offices, various service and retail businesses are located along Texas Avenue along with restaurants. Various residential neighborhoods are located in the area. Overall, this area has shown fair marketability in the recent past. 12 NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS: DESCRIPTION, MARKET CONDITIONS & ECONOMIC TRENDS LOCATION: City of Mart fronting E. Texas Avenue. LAND USE: The current land use of the subject neighborhood is as follows: Commercial/ Retail Office Buildings 25% 10% 0% Industrial Use Residential Use 55% Vacant Land 10% PROPERTY COMPATIBILITY: Average. G ROWTH RATE: No new construction observed in the subject area. PROPERTY VALUES: Values appear stable to declining. Current demand is poor to fair and supply of properties is average. Various vacancies were observed. EMPLOYMENT STABILITY: Appears fair at present time. MARKET CONDITIONS: Appear fair with various vacancies in the area. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The immediate neighborhood consists primarily of offices, retail and service type businesses, restaurants and single family residences. 13 0. 0 Gan No , 2 7%26 Cam Na Ecqoaer ft.. 119eft, MO,. cLft 0 E reacts ftvenur . Pftclerrwo CC,, Maft McLennan C.o...nty kenC.,_ Verl : TX We L' C CCOI o.r..., e •/*,....:-.. It j'•(. 7 • •..,!! s' ..*. . 1- '' r••.•, ' -'-: - , i l --- 4 47 - t P' - t'..-,, i ' PL ‘ . te4`iiire. 5.1 k. V* k 4. 1.-- 11":: . ,^'. r.-. i"., 44.1..-'-.It- i':; ..;.t> 0; - i T .'""•'''',--••": fil .. -- 7.:. 1.=:', e. •'' . v.; 1,,,, L.A. 7,:., k0 4:4;=". 1:..'••- Pti: v% t. - s' ?-. 3' 141P N•:::',0•:''. . C:-., ,•"" 3:4••.''''. t''•.;`*,-..$;;;::::,;: i„ f.'',: i,Y:,.. evi' v r, A. f,,./. ' r: • Vii.., A.',:" i...;..."- > ec :.... 4" ri- . -'. 41% , .% i 4-.:,',,.%;',.! •.!;,,.::: ,Zitif?'0.'i;:"'7" 1 4.-.. f},. .- 1, r:- .,..r...... .,,,,-, ., . .,, ,..,.. . 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' I; -':--, •‘ e' r, • tt':-;,--;),, 2-.,:,:.,;"::- .. k-:3. ' . ' 4: v, ,,..,.-%410,•; .e.;-..'..,'. f."'`'i ...,t-.N1A. Or '- f.-:..''....;' . v k::,:. 5.. ,' 7,,. 4, t- . .' a 9 . DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF LAND: LOCATION: City of Mart fronting E. Texas Avenue. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 21, Original Town of Mart, McLennan County, Texas. SIZE AND SHAPE: Rectangular shape consisting of approximately 3, 125 square feet. Size provided by McLennan County Appraisal District. TOPOGRAPHY AND SOIL: Terrain is considered to be basically level. All surface drainage appears adequate at the present time. The soil condition appears suitable for all types of construction. UTILITIES & SERVICES: City of Mart water and sewer. Electric and telephone services are also available. STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Frontage along E. Texas Avenue. This street is publicly maintained. ACCESS: The subject contains average accessibility from E. Texas Avenue. 14 Description of Land, continued IMPROVEMENTS: The subject is currently improved with an office type building. See Description of Improvements. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION: Zone X. Zone X contains areas determined to be located outside the . 2% floodplain hazard zone. A survey is recommended for final determination. Panel # 48309C0450C) EASEMENTS & ENCROACHMENTS: No adverse easements or encroachments were observed on the subject tract. A survey is recommended. 15 McLennan CAD- Map of Property ID 132739 for Year 2014 127s 1127 f., o\f Ir/ / , 1\ 27.,\ 1, 1278\ \ 137. r/"... PJ 1127\\ S C- 11270\ C 117; 1] 7761\ 67\\ \ 1 \ 2 2n' 77\\ \ 7- 2764/ 1] 7766 126411 1] 1] 7667'\ 766]\ V \ \ 1] 17N / \ 112766 / \\/" t w 172766 "/ 1, 7Jtrn r1— 27411\ \ / I o4ru.w+s* Property Details 1 Account Property ID Geo ID Type Legal Description 132739 320116000143008 Real MART OT Block 21 Lot 5 Acres 0 0717 Location Sltus Address Neighborhood Mapsco Jurisdictions 410 E TEXAS AVE TX Corn Mart Gen Contempory Age 306 32, 66, 86, 00, 08, CAD Owner Owner Name MCLENNAN COUNTY Mailing Address , PO BOX 1728, WACO, TX 76703- 1728 Property Appraised Value $ 21, 670 00 hops// propaccess trueautornation com/ MapNAew/ Map/ 2 0/ 1 32 7 39/ 2014 PropertyACCESS I• m g z 1 l _, W 0. K 6 Z Z e- g 111 I! 1` I VI51 3:: ygl a e° O o .mi C III " I .-• < u! A o S" 2 c tl t d i yr; F 0 pp. S I ii u M i i:! 1 _ PO a1: g E u14Jd_b:g0 lid=3 N_tn11..0iTE=I-y;V. 0130_© W. EtN ' tiii 0 '''' r ittirj. o• I 1' z .., 2 •~ 2 ci/ I W __..... , 40i° v 45,40ao • • 0 Iligt74,A. .•_?:, x! I4L 111 ..,..- ii,SS sib% 1; 4 z J -`=- ,,_; mac p & "`'• i -: ^ ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLAIMER: The subject property is located in a mixed use neighborhood and this appraiser did not investigate any environmental impact or adverse environmental situations which may exist on the subject tract. Nor does this appraiser accept any liability for any possible environmental problems existing on the subject property. No apparent signs of leakage was observed, however, testing by a licensed environmental expert is recommended. No environmental impact studies were either requested or made in conjunction with this appraisal, and the appraiser hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, revise or rescind any of the value opinions based upon any environmental impact studies, research or investigation. 16 DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS: BUILDING: YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION: 1911 with remodeling in recent years. EFFECTIVE AGE: Approximately 10 Years SIZE: Approximately 2, 500 Square Feet CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Brick and wood construction. The subject shares common walls with neighboring buildings. FOUNDATION: Concrete slab foundation. EXTERIOR FINISH: Stucco. ROOF TYPE: Built-up flat roof covering. WINDOWS/ DOORS: Metal frame glass windows and entrance doors. Metal exit doors. Interior wood doors. HEATING/ COOLING: Central heat and air throughout building. PLUMBING: Two restrooms with commodes and sinks. All plumbing assumed to code. OVERALL FLOOR PLAN: The floor plan consists of various offices, reception area, waiting area, court room, file room and two restrooms. CONDITION: Rated as good at the present time. 17 Description of Improvements, continued DESCRIPTION— EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS PARKING/ PAVED: Small concrete parking area off alley. Public parking along Texas Avenue. CONDITION: The overall condition of the subject building and site improvements is rated as good at the present time. OBSOLENCENCE/ UTILITY OF IMPROVEMENTS: PHYSICAL: The subject is considered to be in good condition at the present time. Physical depreciation is based upon age and physical condition. These improvements appear to be physically adequate for their present use. FUNCTIONAL OBSOLESCENCE: The subject building and improvements are considered functionally adequate for their present use. The layout, design and floor plan of the buildings appear logical for their overall uses. EXTERNAL( ECONOMIC) OBSOLESCENCE: The overall subject improvements appear to suffer from no external or economic obsolescence. 18 SKETCH/ AREA TABLE ADDENDUM Fe. NI P- eeerry Adoma+ U Cdr 12. 777fi aloE Teas A. ernn Ca. m7 man Met S aIWUrl ate TX 7. 0 mBorrower Le•Mc/ Cliare Mclennan COUNT Amaze, Nary Bruce Cresson II APO' 10d ma Dndgeweod Propene. 25' I V Building Area o i 0 Sc.,. AREA CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Coda Decrtp CaAl rWa10100 Net S. on Area 2500 00 ' BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN Net Total 2500 00 Subtotal, Sra. tdoan Sul ldanO Area 25 0 a 100 0 2500 00 O CP Net BUILDING Area rounded) 2500 1 Item rounded), 2500 C.._ enOcreppae PlpppOCc Fae No ' 2 7T20 Case No BRCrt flit- IO • Texas A,4, a Cere__ McL__ McLenn__ McLennan Mu. , Stale McLennan rJ+* Y-- MJp ter, Caury Z 1 FRONT VIEW OF SUBJECT i a 1J w E Fww..i... aAP4 FRONT VIEW OF SUBJECT k REAR VIEW OF SUBJECT ffi F i,..: 1 ',. latLig B OOUCa, be CIKFORNS Software BOO- 622472T P 1 W• a Ordpe.+eoC Pocelres FO• NO 12 7T26 COLo NO doors ProXII• JIL 2fvsa • 10 Texas Avenue M4R cP1P- 1• v• U.' ty ylttevNn _ McLennan 11= X _ . TV C TO kTdoss COUnL _— rI STREET SCENE TEXAS AVENUE 1Y 1J \ 11' 1 INTERIOR VIEW Ca` dik 1 . INTERIOR VIEVJ Produced by CS• FORMS Software 506672 8727 Peg. 2 ad to B• apeecoa P• cpenes FAe No 12 7725 Case No pr.,e• JRX517_ GI . a, CO Teua ArenRI McLe_ Pen y, e. Lennar r„ Count__ _ _ ^- R- an TX _ __,,,: c Om ass INTERIOR VIEW 7t, r- -_,..„ li INTERIOR NEW I. l- D' c1C7,_ Pa41o+ 111!. Bl i _ r—— i INTERIOR VIEW 11 a Ili jidi s a.. a'• 1 II!! woauces T[ It IFORUS Sc' Nnre TOo-euam Page a a ' a B 96en000 Prperate FJO NO 12 7276 Cosa No Scan P' 410 Texas Arenue OPTr Amex. mar, GS let: CC' 7 ItLeman MYerran =' rata COVly TX e -':.! b! —__— -- INTERIOR VIEW 1yy I 1 IR' lipppp 1:-. :, . . : INTERIOR VIEW a s- INTERIOR VIEW s- r' . i k 4•-- PcOeimO by CI4,FORMS Solhore e00-R22-0727 Page • of 14 PRESENT USE: The subject property is to be improved with an office type building. HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS: A fundamental principle in the valuation of real property is highest and best use. Highest and Best use is defined as, " That reasonable and probable use that supports the effective date of the Appraisal. Alternatively, that use, from among reasonable, probable, and alternative uses found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which result the highest value." This basic principle will be utilized throughout the appraisal as the property is analyzed in light of its highest and best use. From the data gathered in the site and neighborhood descriptions, we may determine the highest potential use for the land under the theoretical assumption of the site as a vacant tract. Consideration is also given to the subject tract, as currently improved. This logic will provide the reasoning for the land valuation. 19 Highest and Best Use Analysis, continued AS VACANT Physically subject possible— tract is located The subject tract contains a basically level terrain. The outside the . 2% floodplain hazard zone. The soil type appears adequate for all types of construction. Public utilities are available to the subject tract and the subject is provided with adequate street access. Based upon analysis of the physical features of the site, no physical limitations are indicated which would limit the overall development of the subject site. Legally permissible— This tract is located within the city limits of Mart and contains no formal zoning. The subject tract is subject to typical local service utility easements, which do not adversely affect the subject site. Based upon analysis of the zoning regulations and utility easement requirements, no legal limitations are indicated which would limit development of the subject site. Financially feasible— Based upon the lack of formal zoning of the subject site, allowable uses would include offices or retail type businesses, which would be considered financially feasible for the subject tract. 20 Highest and Best Use Analysis, continued Maximally productive— Use of the subject site for an office or retail type business would be consistent with surrounding developments and would represent the maximally productive use of the tract. Conclusion: An analysis of physical possible uses, legally permissible uses, financially feasible uses, and maximally productive uses have been presented. Based on the information presented, it is my opinion that the highest and best use of the subject tract, as vacant, is some form of office or retail type use. AS IMPROVED Physically possible— The subject is improved with an office type building which is considered to be in good condition at the present time. There are no physical limitations that would prevent the property from being utilized to its highest and best use. Legally permissible— This tract is located within the city limits of Mart and contains no formal zoning. The subject property is improved with an office type building, which is a legal use. There are no legal limitations that would prevent the property from being utilized to its highest and best use. 21 Highest and Best Use Analysis, continued feasible— The present improvements are considered to represent one Financially of the most feasible uses of the property. Maximally productive— The present improvements and their uses as an office is considered to represent the maximally productive use of the property, as improved. Conclusion: A discussion of the physical use, legally permissible use, financially feasible use, and maximally productive use has been presented. Based on the information presented, it is my opinion that the highest and best use of the subject tract, as improved, is the present use, an office type use. 22 APPRAISAL PROCEDURE The procedure followed in making this appraisal revolved around an analysis of various factors which impinge on the value of the Subject Property. Included in this analysis was an investigation into such matters as physical attributes of the property, area and neighborhood trends, and general economic, social, and political influences which bear upon value of the property being appraised. The actual valuation process which serves as a basis for estimating the stabilized Market Value of a property being appraised employs as many separate techniques as are appropriate. Value estimates are typically made in the following categories. SALES COMPARISON APPROACH— Comparison with similar properties that have sold in the market. This approach can be applied to land alone or to improved properties. COST APPROACH— An estimate of the present reproduction cost of the improvements, less accrued depreciation, plus the land value. Depreciation includes a deduction from reproduction cost of the improvements due to physical, functional, and economic causes. 23 Appraisal Procedure, continued INCOME APPROACH— Capitalization of the net income that the property is capable of producing. This approach, of course, is applicable only in incomeproducing properties. 24 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ANALYSIS SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ANALYSIS The value of the subject property can be estimated by using the Sales Comparison Approach Method to value. This approach is based upon examining known sales of similar type properties located in the subject' s area. The first comparison used in this process is that of comparing the subject tract of land with known sales of vacant tracts of land which are similar to the subject in terms of location, neighborhood, use, zoning, size, etc. Then, positive or negative adjustments are made based upon the market and current market conditions. The next process used in the Sales Comparison Approach to value involves the comparisons of known sales of properties where land, building and improvements are included. The subject property is compared to sales which contain similar sized tracts and similar amenities in terms of the overall building and any additional improvements. Then, positive or negative adjustments are made based upon the market and current market conditions. 25 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued The primary method used in this approach to value is the Sales Price per Square Foot Method. This method can be used in comparing both gross or useable building area. This method involves dividing the sales price of the property by its total building area( gross or useable) which indicates an estimated price per square foot. The indicated price per square foot can then be applied to the overall subject property. In some cases, the estimated land value of the comparables used can be extracted and the building only value of the comparables used can be compared to the subject. The following sales were chosen as being representative of the subject' s market with regard to location, neighborhood, use, and physical characteristics. 26 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ANALYSIS BUILDING & LAND COMPARABLE # 1 — BUILDING& LAND Location: 107 S. Main Street, West, Texas Property Type: Commercial Building Lot Size: Building 2, 860 Square Feet 1, 540 Square Feet Size: Date Sold: December 13, 2013 Instrument#: 20130043025 SourceNerification: Realtor/ Deed Records Grantor: Norman F. Stapleton Grantee: Daniel Ballew & 33, 000 Consideration: Price Per SF— Building& 21. 43 Land: 27 Karley Miller Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued COMPARABLE #2— BUILDING & LAND Location: 113 E. Center Street, Lorena, Texas Type of Commercial Building Property: Lot Size: Building 4, 900 Square Feet Size: 2, 835 Square Feet Date Sold: October 4, 2012 Instrument#: 2012031409 SourceNerification: Realtor/ Deed Records Grantor: Jeffrey Murdough Grantee: Brandon & Consideration: Price Per SF— 67, 000 Building & Land: 23. 63 28 Kristy Deaver Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued COMPARABLE #3 - BUILDING & LAND Location: 1715- 17 Columbus Avenue, Waco, Texas Property Type: Office Building Lot Size: Building 16, 500 Square Feet Size: 1, 800 Square Feet Date Sold: March 22, 2012 Source/ Verification: Realtor/ Deed Records Instrument#: 2012008542 Grantor: Heart of Texas Properties, Inc. Grantee_ Christopher C. Sproles Consideration: Price Per SF— 115, 000 Building & Land: 63. 89 29 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued COMPARABLE #4— BUILDING& LAND 2225 Washington Avenue, Location: Waco, Texas Type of Property: Commercial Building Lot Size: Building 14, 025 Square Feet 1, 406 Square Feet Size: Date Sold: October 23, 2013 Instrument#: 2013037945 SourceNerification: Realtor/ Deed Records Grantor: Lucenay Hearing Grantee: Texas Star Properties LLC 70, 000 Consideration: Price Per SF— Building& 49. 79 Land: 30 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued COMPARABLE # 5— BUILDING& Location: LAND 412 E. Texas Avenue, Waco, Texas Type of Property: Lot Size: Building Commercial Building 3, 125 Square Feet 1, 750 Square Feet Size: Date Sold: Current Listing Source/ Verification: MLS Instrument#: N/ A Grantor: IL Peck LLC Grantee: Consideration: Price Per SF— 29,900 Current Listing Building_& Land: 17. 09 Current Listing 31 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued COMMENTS AND SUMMARY OF BUILDING & LAND COMPARABLES Due to the limited number of sales of buildings located in the immediate subject neighborhood, the comparables used are considered to be the best available at the present time. In arriving at an estimated value of the subject building, consideration must be given to the following categories that influence value. These categories include time, location, building to land ratio, size, building quality, condition, and amenities. Necessary adjustments for each of these categories, when possible, will be determined through paired sales analysis of the market sales. A discussion of each of these adjustment categories will be presented in the following pages: Time— Comparable # 5 is considered superior to the subject in terms of date of sale due to it being a current listing. The remaining four comparables are considered similar to the subject in terms of date of sale and no adjustment was considered necessary. Location- Comparables# 1, # subject in terms of location 2, # 3 and# 4 are considered superior to the and a negative 10% to 40% adjustment was considered necessary. Comparable# 5 is considered similar to the subject in terms of location and no adjustment was considered necessary. Building to Land Ratio— Comparables # 3 and# 4 are considered superior to building to land ratio and a negative 10% adjustment was considered necessary. The remaining three comparables are considered similar to the subject in terms of building to land ratio and no the subject in terms of adjustment was considered necessary. 32 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued Size— All five comparables are considered similar to the subject in terms of size and no adjustment was considered necessary. Quality— All five comparables are considered similar to the subject in terms of quality and no adjustments were considered necessary. Condition— Comparables # 1, # 2, # 4 and# 5 are considered inferior to the subject in terms of condition and a positive 10% to 40% adjustment was considered necessary. Comparable# 3 is considered similar to the subject in terms of condition and no adjustments were considered necessary. Amenities— Comparables# 1, # subject in terms 3 and# 4 are considered superior to the of amenities and a negative 10% adjustment was considered necessary. The remaining two comparables are considered similar to the subject in terms of amenities and no adjustments were considered necessary. The following is a summary of the comparables used and the adjustments made: See next page) 33 Sales Comparison Approach Analysis, continued ADJUSTMENT GRID Comp.# Price Per ! $ 1 Comp.# 1$ 21. 43 SF Time 23. 63 Sup.- Building to Comp.# 3 1$ Comp.# 5 4 17. 09 49. 79 .; $ Sim. Sup.- 5% Sup.- 40% ; Sup.- 40% Sim. Sim. Sup.- 10% ', 10% Comp.# 63. 89 $ Sim. Sim. Location 2 Sim. Sim. Sup.- 10% Sup.- 10% Sim. Size Sim. Sim. Sim. Sim. Sim. Quality Sim. Sim. Sim. Sim. Sim. ! Inf.+ 10% Inf.+ 40% 10% Sup.- 10% Sim. Land Ratio Condition ' inf.+ 40% , Amenities Sup.- Total Adj. Sim. 10% 1+ 20% I+ Sup.- 60% 30% Total$ 44. 29 Sim. Inf.+ 40% $+ 7. 09 $ 30. 72 $- 38. 33 $ 25. 56 5- 24. 90 Adj. Indicated Value 35% 50% $+ 5. 98 1. 25. 72 " $ 24.89 !: $ 23. 07 $ In determining a final value estimate of the subject property, equal emphasis was placed on all five comparables. After all adjustments were made, it is believed the subject has a market value of$ 26.00 per square foot. 2, 500 Sq. Ft. X $ 26.00 Per Sq. SAY$ 65,000 34 Ft. = $ 65, 000 COST APPROACH ANALYSIS COST APPROACH ANALYSIS A measure of the value of a property is indicated by considering the cost of constructing the improvements, plus the Market Value of land. Due to the overall age and condition of the subject improvements, the Cost Approach will not be considered within this appraisal. 35 INCOME APPROACH ANALYSIS INCOME APPROACH ANALYSIS An indication of value can be reached by capitalizing the net operating income that the property is capable of producing. A search was conducted to locate similar income producing properties within the subject area. Due to the lack of adequate information of similar income producing properties in the area, the Income Approach to value was not considered applicable within this appraisal. 36 CORRELATION AND CONCLUSIONS The subject property is located in the City of Mart fronting E. Texas Avenue. E. Texas Avenue, also known as Highway 164, is a primary thoroughfare of the subject area and the City of Mart. Highway 939, also known as Pearl Street, is located within one- half block of the subject and is also considered a primary thoroughfare of the subject area and the City of Mart. The subject is located in a mixed use neighborhood consisting of various offices, retail and service type businesses, restaurants and single family residences. The subject tract is rectangular in shape and consists of approximately 3, 125 square feet of land. The terrain of the subject is considered to be basically level. All surface drainage of the subject appears adequate at the present time. The subject is improved with an office type building which contains approximately 2, 500 total square feet of space. Other improvements to the tract include adequate parking and other amenities. The subject building and improvements are considered to be in good condition at the present time. 37 Correlation and Conclusions, continued Due to the lack of formal zoning of the subject tract and due to both the overall location of the subject tract and present investments into the subject improvements, it is believed the highest and best use, as improved, is an office type use. The values of the property were estimated by one of the three tradition approaches to value. The following is a listing of the Value estimates of each Approach: BUILDING & LAND ( By Sales Comparison) $ 65, 000 COST APPROACH ( Including Land) N/ A INCOME APPROACH N/A The following is a review of factors that influenced these value estimates: The Sales Comparison Approach considers sales of similar improved office type properties located in the McLennan County area. The Sales Comparison Approach gives the appraiser information regarding investor requirements in the current market. Primary emphasis was placed upon this approach to value in determining a final value estimate of the subject property. 38 Correlation and Conclusions, continued The Cost Approach estimates the construction cost of the subject building less depreciation from all causes. The Cost Approach makes no adjustment regarding the ability of the subject to compete in the market place but is a reflection of the necessary expenses incurred in construction. Due to the overall age and condition of the subject improvements, the Cost Approach to value was not considered within this appraisal. The Income Approach considers market conditions as they influence the value of the subject property. The highest and best use of the subject is considered to be an office type use. Due to the lack of similar income producing properties in the subject area, the Income Approach was not considered applicable within this appraisal. It is believed the subject property, if properly exposed to the open market, should sell within a twelve month period. Based upon the available data, the Appraiser has concluded the current Market Value of the subject property, as of the 2" d day of January, 2015 to be: SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 65, 000. 00 39 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE The undersigned does hereby certify that except as otherwise noted in this appraisal report: As of the date of appraisal, only, I have no present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that is the subject of this report. This appraiser has not appraised the subject property within the past three years. I have no personal interest of bias with respect to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the parties involved, nor is my compensation contingent upon an action or event resulting from the analysis, opinion or conclusion in, or the use of, this report. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements of fact contained in this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions, and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct. This appraisal report sets forth all of the limiting conditions ( imposed by the terms of our assignment or by the undersigned) affecting the analysis, opinions, and conclusions contained in this report. The appraisal assignment was not based upon a requested minimum valuation, a specific valuation, or approval of a loan. This appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the Appraisal Institute, National Association of Realtors, and the Texas Real Estate Commission. Based upon my investigation and my experience, I estimate that the Market Value of the subject property, under the contingent and limiting conditions as stated, as of February 2, 2015 is: SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 65, 000. 00 71 _ Bruce Cresson H ADDENDA QUALIFICATIONS OF BRUCE CRESSON II STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATION State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser License Number: TX- 1323594- G Date of Issue: September 9, 1992 Date of Expiration: September 30, 2016 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS Member— National Association of Realtors Member— Texas Association of Realtors, Licensed Real Estate Broker, State of Texas# 410029 Member— Waco Association of Realtors Member— Waco Chamber of Commerce EDUCATION& TRAINING Graduate of Vanguard Graduate of Baylor High School, Waco, Texas— 1985 University, Waco, Texas— 1990 Bachelor of Business Administration Major: Finance/ Real Estate REAL ESTATE COURSES COMPLETED: Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice& Ethics Appraisal I Commercial Appraisal Principles of Real Estate Real Estate Finance Real Estate Law Real Estate Licensing CONTINUING EDUCATION COMPLETED SINCE 2000 Property Taxes: Rights, Let' Remedies and Responsibilities— May, 2000 Talk—No Fight— July, 2000 Income Property Appraisal— July, 2000 Mediation and Property Condition Issues— August, s Mortgage Brokerage: The Law USPAP— Sept., and 2002 The Profits! —August, 2002 2000, August, 2002, May, 2004, April, 2006, Sept., 2010, April, 2012 January, 2014 Deceptive Trade Practices Act— June 15, 2004 41 to Sell, Tax Free Pricing Prop. Real Estate Financing— Exchanges, Methods Res. Fin.— Sept., 2004 Sept., 2006 Home Inspection— August, 2006 Tax Favorable Real Estate Transactions— Sept., 2006 Real Estate Appraisal— Sept., 2006 Estimating the Gross Living Area— August, 2006 Asset Management— Sept., 2006 REO& Foreclosures— September 2010 Developing& Growing an Appraisal Practice— September 2010 Ad Valorem Tax Consultation— September 2010 Appraising the Appraisal: Appraisal Review General— April, 2012 Sellers Concessions— April, 2012 Staying out of Trouble in Your Appraisal Quality Assurance— April, 2012 Practice— April, 2012 Effective Rent— April, 2012 Self-Storage Facilities— August, 2014 Appraisal of The Nuts and The Dirty Bolts of Green Building for Appraisers— August, 2014 Dozen— August, 2014 Write It Right— January, BUSINESS& 2014 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Staff Appraiser, Bridgewood Properties, Waco, Texas— 4/ 90 to 6/ 00 Present owner and manager of Bridgewood Properties— 6/ 00 to Present Secretary/Treasurer of the Waco Association of Realtors, 1999 President Elect of the Waco Association of Realtors, 2000 President of the Waco Association of Realtors, 2001 State Director of the Texas Association of Realtors, 2002- 2006 PREVIOUS 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN: Single Family, Multi- Family, & Income producing residential appraisals Commercial Appraisals( all types) Land, Farm, and Ranch appraisals Real Estate Sales Real Estate Consulting Property Management 42 Texan 2.13praier iicen.Sing anb_€ ertification Aloarb P. O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711- 2188 Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Number TX 1323594 ' G Issued 09/ 04/ 2014. - Appraiser • Expires- ' 09/ 30/ 2016 BRUCE COLLINS CRESSON II Having provided satisfactory evidence of the qualifications required by the , Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act, Texas Occupations Code, / / Chapter 1103. Appraiser is authorized to use this title, Certified General Real Estate ,, - uyles E Oidmixon Commissioner 6€; ak. 2freeztoo..... P R O P E R T I E S DATE: February 17, 2015 To: McLennan RE: 410 E. Texas Avenue County Attn.: Ken Bass Building& ken bass @co. mclennan. tx us Land Mart, Texas PO: 20151007- 00 Preparation of Appraisal for the above mentioned property# 12- 7710 $ 1, 250.00 THANK YOU! EIN# 74- 2961321 521 Connie Drier Hew. in T Phone( 254) 751- 1202( a‘( 76643 254) 751- 1905 SA Vs w bndgcwoodproperuc, vow gm MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, GOUTIQt4k McLennan Caunty, Row By KEuyFULLBAIGHT,DBPUrl AGENDA: MARCH 17, 2015 III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: F. AUTHORIZATIONS RE: CONTRACTS/ LEASE AGREEMENTS/ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS: 1. Economic Development: a Waco- McLennan County Economic Development Corporation WMCEDC): Authorization of Agreements; Consultant Services; Proposed Projects/ Program Project Agreements/ Addendums/ Pay Apps 1) 2. Regarding the Program Project Agreement with T Squared Manufacturing, Inc.: Authorization of Final Draw Request Authorization CD- 323, 9: 08 of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement: City of Hallsburg Approved Approved ORDER APPROVING: AUTHORIZATION OF FINAL DRAW REQUEST RE: THE PROGRAM PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH T SQUARED MANUFACTURING, INC. RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Economic Development: Waco- McLennan Authorization of Agreements; Agreements/ Addendums/ County Economic Consultant Development Services; Proposed Corporation ( WMCEDC): Projects / Program Project Pay Apps: Regarding the Program Project Agreement with T Squared Manufacturing, Inc.: Authorization of Final Draw Request. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. WACO MCLENNAN COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 6tECEIVED P.O. Box 1220 Waco, Texas 76703- 1220 MAR 0 3 2015 254) 752-6551 McLENNAN CO. JUDGE March 3, 2015 Judge Scott Felton McLennan County P. O. Box 1728 Waco, Texas 76703 Re: Draw Request# 10 FINAL T Squared Manufacturing, Inc. Dear Mr. Felton: Per the Second Contract Amendment Program Project Agreement 2014- 358 dated July 1, 2014, First Contract Amendment of Program Project Agreement 2013-018 dated January 15, 2013 and First Assignment and Assumption Agreement 2011- 593 dated November 1, 2011 for T Squared Manufacturing, Inc as outlined in the incentive support Section 1. 1. 1. upon contract execution, WMCEDC will disburse the amount of$ 20,800($ 2, 600 per qualified job) payable to T Squared Manufacturing, Inc. This brings T Squared Manufacturing' s WMCEDC qualified employment headcount to 24. Per residency requirements, 10 employees are required to reside in Waco and 19 employees are required to reside in McLennan Manufacturing Per this draw County. employees reside in Waco and 88% ( 21) request 54% ( 13) of T Squared reside in McLennan County. Our team has verified the documentation and submits this draw request for payment. The County' s portion of this payment request is one- half of the total or$ 10,400. If you have other questions or need additional information, please let me know. 4 Sincere + APPROVED BY COMMISSIONERS• - DAY OF THIS I? C Matthe eadors - Wa. Yn14W Administrator Enclosures u.a._ Received: 1 T Squared Manufacturing, Inc 7400 Imperial Drive Waco, TX 76712 1/ 29/ 2014 WMCEDC Dear Kris: As administrators of the WMCEDC program I am respectfully submitting a request to you, for a final draw from the grant funds from the City of Waco and McLennan County for eight fulltime employees. I have met the requirements stated in sections 2. 1. 1, 2. 1. 2. and 2. 1. 3. The employee list is attached. I believe I have drawn on 16 employees and now satisfy the full 24 employees. Sincerely, i Barclay M Townsend President Enclosure 1 Z t T » >• >+a >• » a > C >> c 5 a » >+ ). m N d 41 N r1 M r1 Cr) M M Mr et rl e1 e- t e- 1 e- 1 e- 1 a•• 1 ai i-I N N N N N N N M M et O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N Z is O CO N N \ UG \ \ 10 \00\ \a\ \ 00 1\ \ H \N.\ \\00\\ et \ \ IA 0000 CO \\ er e er \N CO \ \ \ \ n M Gl of et et T. N M a1 ei a1 a1 4- 1 e- 1 a- 1 rf a1 e- 1 N N N N N N N N N N 00 r"1 N1 N et O O O O O O O O O N N a1 \ \ \ r\ N et CO 00 01 n l0 r1 ID \ \ N M O on n l in in in O Ni m m a , 111) 1) r; ^ M M 1. N N a1 a1 11 vs. n in m m In a1 4- a1 1 41 e1 N m in In In 11 41 e- 1 N n 'V 0 e- I N N N In ( N1 1\ 41 tq( N s L O 10 c I L O 12 W m • ai ' L O al 3 3 00 Q. N - al 0 m a) W 7 N 12 O C. _. N ar ce ' M s Q u c tip c 3 t 7 c 10 a L al m 7 Cr N N 41 L 0 Q u N a d L L L L L L O , O o o o. ` tv ` u° a1 et ei a• n ID n N N d Ib M O ID ID ID ID ID ID 4- 1 t VI VI c 4+ . a E E 1•- 1 O a a- 1 rl a- awl ! N. N N N ID N u1 e•i N N N ID ID ID ID ID ID ID CO ID ID ID ID le) ID NNr O N ai N O E. L M t NNr` NNNNNNnnr` r` VI C C 1"0 ._ ( 0. E 1 a1 o E_ N on o w O -' a a CO a. n i - t M in a i V 1 M M N u1 O O O O O = N Vl o w u9 ._ ILO •- LO ui M ID t .E a ' o o f o o O , t. ' al co O In 0 L u o 0 13 — o In 2 c o N e- I N a o ID O ID O 1. N ID ID nnnr` NN 112 ca Cie fp grrgggOrrgggrgrrgrgrr C c c d co f0 / C C c M 10 IQ / cl c c c c c Q J J J J J 0 0 o 0 c c c c C c c 0 m 10 im ID Rs co cy J c c c c c c J J 0gto J o 0 0 0 C 0 N E c RI c RI c 10 c RI c 15 c RS c RI c c c c c c c J J J J J J -1 0 . o 0 0 0 utjuuti 3333386' 33 = 3333 33 ) It, r. 1 5 1 ORDER APPROVING: AUTHORIZATION OF INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT: CITY OF HALLSBURG On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement: City of Hallsburg. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. AGENDA: III. MARCH 17, 2015 CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: G. REGARDING THE COUNTY BUDGET: Amendments/ Requests for Amendments and related Certification ofAdditional Revenue, ifapplicable/ Expenditure Requests, Other Budgetary Requests 1. Regarding the FY 15 Budget: a. Budget Updates/ Status Reports from None County Auditor, as necessary b. Human Resources Approved c. Economic Development Deferred d. Road& re: CD- 323, 9: 12 Bridge: Expenditure Authorization Mailbox Replacement) Pulled- No Action Taken ORDER APPROVING FY 15 BUDGET AMENDMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 15 Budget: Human Resources. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve G. 1. b. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. After further discussion, a vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that the FY 2015 Budget Amendment be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701 Re: Budget Amendment for: Fund 001 ( General Fund) Gentlemen I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/30/ 15 REQUESTED INCREASE( s) Requested SubFund Function Func Dept# Dept Name Object( Acct#) Account Descnption 001 10 05 0070 HR 411130 Dept Heads Other than Official; 72, 812 8, 771 81, 583 001 10 05 0070 HR 412111 FICA Taxes 12, 158 544 12, 702 001 10 05 0070 HR 412112 Medicare Taxes 2, 844 128 2, 972 001 10 05 0070 HR 412211 Retirement 28, 004 1, 253 29, 257 Current Budget Total Increases Amended Budget Increase 10,696 REQUESTED DECREASE(s) Requested SubFund Function Func Dept# Dept Name 001 10 05 0190 Non- Dept Account Descnption Object( Acct#) 999999 Current Budget Contingencies 868, 770 Total Decreases Decrease Amended Budget 858, 074 10, 696 10,696 BUDGET AMENDMENT JUSTIFICATION: This budget amendment is requested to increase salary line items in the Human Resources department for the penod of time the new HR Director will overlap with the retinng director and also for the vacation time outstanding for the retinng director Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved Requestor: County as to form Commissioners Court Auditor County Judge 11\ 3/ 7/ 1 RIM MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL,Cout> By T KELLY FULI tRIQM DEPUTY C ORDER DEFERRING FY 15 BUDGET AMENDMENT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 15 Budget: Economic Development. Commissioner Gibson made a motion to defer and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Felton, Judge Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that the FY 2015 Budget Amendment be, and the same is hereby, deferred by unanimous vote. PULLED AND NO ACTION TAKEN: ROAD & BRIDGE: EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION gRE: MAILBOX REPLACEMENT) On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 15 Budget: Road & Bridge: Expenditure Authorization ( re: Mailbox Replacement). After discussion, Judge Felton directed the Clerk to show item as pulled and no action taken. No Action Taken. MARCH 17, 2015 AGENDA: III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: I. HEART O' TEXAS FAIR/ EXTRACO EVENTS CENTER: Authorizations re: Contracts/ Professional Services/ Lease/ Rental Agreements/ Contract Addendums/ Change Orders/ Extensions; Property Transactions/ Deeds, Insurances, Surveys/ Proposals/ HOT Fair, Equipment/ Supplies; Authorizations re: Purchases, Plan& Specifications, Construction, Operations, Pay Apps, Bids/ RFP' s; Repairs/ Renovations, Expenditure Authorizations, related matters 1. Regarding the Moisture Intrusion/ Exterior Envelope Renovations/ Repairs to the Extraco Events Center: a. Structural Engineering Services— Winton Engineering: None Authorization of Change Orders/ Payment Requests, Acceptance of Reports, Updates, related matters b. ARC Roofing Agreement: Authorization of Change Orders/ Work Orders/ Additional Services/ Addendums, Updates, related matters CD- 323, 9: 17 Information Only INFORMATION ONLY: ARC ROOFING AGREEMENT: AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE ORDERS/ WORK ORDERS/ ADDITIONAL SERVICES/ ADDENDUMS, UPDATED, RELATED MATTERS RE: THE MOISTURE INTRUSION/ EXTERIOR ENVELOPE RENOVATIONS/REPAIRS TO THE EXTRACO EVENTS CENTER On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the Moisture Intrusion / Exterior Envelope Renovations/ Repairs to the Extraco Events Center: ARC Roofing Agreement: Authorization of Change Orders / Work Orders / Additional Services / Addendums, Updates, related matters. Mr. Mike Anderson with ARC Roofing updated the Court regarding the Moisture Intrusion/ Exterior Envelope Renovations/ Repairs to the Extraco Events Center. AGENDA: MARCH 17, 2015 III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: L. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Reading/Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes; Acceptance of Amendments/ Approved Supplements/ Corrections; Recording into the Court Minutes of Previously Approved Documents, Items Not Requiring Court Action, HB 914 Conflict Disclosure Statements, as applicable 2. Financial Obligations ofMcLennan County: Authorization for a. County Treasurer to Pay County Approved Checks/ Wire/ Electronic Transfers Issued Since Last Authorization b. County Treasurer: Interest/ Investment Reports/ Authorizations/ Recording of McLennan County Investment Policy/ Acknowledgment Pulled Forms/ Pooled Cash Account Balance Reports 3. Salary Matters: Benefits/ Status Forms/ Revisions to Salary Schedules; Authorizations Regarding Human Resources Issues/ Revisions Human Resources/ None to Human Resources Policies; Compensation/ Classification Issues/ Personnel Reviews/ Reclassifications/ Administrative Guidelines; Consultant Reports/ Recommendations, Job Descriptions/ Postings 4. Authorizations/ Ratifications Re: RFPs / RFQ' s/ Bids/ Advertisements/ Publications/ Public Notices/ Sole Source Determinations/ Surplus/ Scrap Property Determinations/ Recording of Legal Notifications a. 5. 6. Authorization of Advertisements for RFQs/ Bids/ RFP' s/ Public Notices None Travel and/or Education Requests/ Ratifications: Approved a. Tradinghouse Lake/ Park b. County Sheriff Approved c. District Attorney Approved Acceptance/ Non Acceptance of Officials/ County Department Head/ Staff/ Organization Reports/ Updates; Policy Recommendations; Reports relative to County Contracts/ Agreements/ Programs; Recording of Educational or Insurance Certificates/ Awards/ Bonds/ Recording of Conflict Disclosure Statements, Presentations to the Court a. Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Services: Monthly Activity Reports, Approved February 2015 Report, December 2014— b. Archives: c. Health Services Department: d. Information e. Health Benefits Plan Manager: February Quarterly Activity Monthly Activity Technology: Monthly Activity 2015 Reports, Reports, February February February 2015 2015 2015 Monthly Activity Reports, January— Pulled Pulled Pulled Pulled 7. Commissioners Court, discussion on, consideration ofand/ or Action on: a. Ratification b. Authorizations c. of Purchase/ Designation re: of Authorized Purchaser: Burn Ban in the Unincorporated Areas of McLennan None Remains County Lifted of Documents related to the Issuance of Bonds by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation for the Purpose of Financing or Refinancing Certain Health Facilities Located within the Boundaries of the County of McLennan, Texas for the Benefit of Baylor Scott& White Holdings as Required by Section 147( f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Approved Approval CD- 323, 9: 29 ORDER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On this 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of reviewing and approving the Consent Agenda Items. Judge Felton stated that we need to pull items L. 2. b., L. 6. b., L. 6. c., L. 6. d. and L. 6. e. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve ( the consent agenda items with the exception of L. 2. b., L. 6. b., L. 6. c., L. 6. d. and L. 6. e.) and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Consent Agenda Items be, and the same are hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ORDER REAPPOINTING COUNTY AUDITOR OF MCLENNAN COUNTY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MCLENNAN BE IT REMEMBERED that on Thursday, February 19, 2015, the Board of District Judges of McLennan County, Texas, District Court; Judge Matt Johnson, consisting of Judge Ralph Strother, District Court; Judge Gary Coley, 19th 74th District Court; Judge Jim Meyer, 170th 54th District Court; and Judge Vicki Menard, 414th District Court, conducted a special meeting pursuant to Article 84. 003, Local Government Code, to reappoint a County Auditor for McLennan County for a two year period beginning March 1, 2015. The District Judges aforementioned voted unanimously to reappoint Mr. Stanley R. Chambers as McLennan County Auditor effective March 1, 2015, at the existing salary as previously set and approved in the fiscal year 2015 b •:- Ip t, AND IT IS SO ORDERED. 9th roth= , 141 ; t : t udge 70th D st ' ct Court Loca 1!'AA'inistrative . n• ge District Court u•!'` Jim J rs ge e 4' A 54th Matt Johnson, Ju' • Local Administra Vicki Menard, Judge District Court 74 h District Court Local Administrative Judge Judge Gary Coley, Judg 414th District Court Local Administrative Judge THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MCLENNAN I, Jon Gimble, Clerk, District Courts, McLennan County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the order reappointing STANLEY R. CHAMBERS as County Auditor as same appears from the original order now on file and of record in this office. Witness my hand and seal of office 6 this, the day of f40--- GL— 2015. Jon Gimble, District Clerk McLe n Co ty, Texas o ByY Received this 2015 I? day and ordered McLennan of filed for ( hf (LC!-E record. County Commissioners Court n, Byy ..: . 1/ , Filed for reFord this the 17 day of tvlarc 2015. Andy Harwell, Cle k, County Court McLennan Coun , Texas . ftL County Judge SCor' V m• FeUt By RIM MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, CQLJI By KELLY FULLB k Cooly, Ttas HT DEPUTY ORDER APPROVING PAYMENT OF FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TREASURER TO PAY COUNTY CHECKS MARCH 16, 2015 On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of approving payment of Financial Obligations and authorizing the County Treasurer to pay County Checks for March 16, 2015. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Financial Obligations and Authorization of the County Treasurer be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Order of the Commissioners' Court of McLennan County In accordance with Local Government Code Section 113. 041( a), the Commissioners Court of McLennan County hereby directs the County Treasurer to release the checks to liquidate the obligations of McLennan County, Texas represented by the claims supporting the following checks, drawn on the McLennan County Treasury. Date Checks will be Number of Total Amount of Invoices Printed Invoices 03- 16- 15 325 E031615 71 41, 711. 21 396 244, 619. 06 GRAND TOTAL 202, 907. 85 Approved and ordered by the McLennan County Commissioners Court on this the 17 day of{,4 2015 2d2i. ie4).( cot County Judge MAR 17 2015 4A°ANDY HARWELI„ Count McLennan County, Tlwm9 By KELLY FULLS'JGHTDEPIUTY ORDER APPROVING TRAVEL AND EDUCATION REQUESTS: TRADINGHOUSE LAKE/ PARK; COUNTY SHERIFF AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Travel and/ or Education Requests / Ratifications: Tradinghouse Lake/ Park; County Sheriff ( 4 requests) and District Attorney. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Travel Requests be, and the same are hereby, approved by unanimous vote. i gta Department: Conference/ McLennan County, Texas In County Travel Request Form Danny Tate- Tradinghouse Lake Training: Vector Abatement and Mitigation Workshop Purpose: Education Destination: Waco- Waco Association of Realtors From Date: 4/ 21/ 2015 To Date: 4/21/ 2015 Traveling Employees' Danny Tate Registration fee: 40. 00 per person This request includes( please check all that apply): Lodging( Parking( Hotel include rate below)_ Mileage Reimbursement_— include rate below)_ Meal Reimbursement room rate: Other $ 10 Manual Fee Other: n I I per night Check if applicable* Conference/ Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night, request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate: Dparking rate is valet; self park is not self park rate per night available Budget: Fund Account Deptid I I I I Project I I Additional Comments: Please include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.) Depa I._- • I Commissioners Court Approval: horization. 1 APrlED BY COMMISSIONERS COURT THIS 7 PV OF Ph• err RIM MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, CON McLennan By, KELLY GHT DEPUTY Lt:.' JUDGE 20.a E<: /\ McLennan County, Texas Out of County Travel Request Form is yam.' Department: SHERIFF' S OFFICE Conference/ Training: Texas Public Information Act Seminar Purpose: TRAINING Location: Austin, TX From Date: 5/ 13/ 2015 To Date: 5/ 14/2015 Traveling Employees: Brian Kevil Tamma Willis Registration fee: 250. 00 ea. = 500.00 TOTAL This request includes( please check all that apply): Lodging( include Parking ( include Hotel rate below)© rate below)© Mileage Reimbursement III Meal room rate: Reimbursement© ea.= Other: Total plus taxes fCheck if applicable. Conference/Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night, request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate: Budget: self park rate per night Fund Oparking rate is valet; self park is r available Deptid Account 001 20- 35- 2200 1 1 6191021 Project I Additional Comments: Please include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.) Department Authorization: Commissioners Court Approval: L/ ie.,;. APPROVED BY oo, i g oNEFiS C THIS DAY OF GOWN JUDGE MI MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY KARWELL,COUnty kifk McLennan County, Arco By: FILLY FULLB1RIGNT. DEPUTY 9,, 111 iii; ir`:; /. McLennan County, Texas Out of ty Travel Request County Form 4 Department: FEED AND CARE Conference/ Training: P.R.I.M.E. T.I.M.E. INTERVIEW SCHOOL Purpose: TRAINING Destination: WACO TEXAS From Date: 5/ 13/ 2015 To Date: 5/ 15/2015 Traveling Employees: KIMBERLY KING Registration fee: 295.00 per person This request includes( please check all that apply): include Lodging( Parking( Hotel include TOTAL= $ 295.00 rate below) Mileage Reimbursement below) Meal Reimbursement rate room rate: Other: per night Check if applicable Conference/Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night, request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate: Budget. self park rate per night Fund Deptid if 24101 Oparking rate is valet; self park is not available Account Project 1 6191021 Additional Comments: Please Include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples Include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.) KIM KING IS A JAIL INVETIGATOR AND THIS CLASS WILL HELP IN HER NEW JOB. THE SCHOOL IS IN WACO AND THERE WILL NOT BE A NEED FOR HOTEL OR PER DEIUM Department Authorization: Commissioners Court Approval: eivo. vt_ THIS BY COMMISSIONERS cam DAY OF b tf,._• 20 141,1 u- 1l: MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, COUr McLennan County, limos By. SELLY F LB l0HT DEPUTY . 41 44;,, ck x fc Q.- \, N. McLennan County, Texas Out of County Travel Request Form Department: SHERIFF' S OFFICE Conference/ Training: TEXAS NARCOTICS OFFICERSCONFERENCE Purpose: TRAINING Location. San Antonio From Date: 8/ 17/ 2015 To Date: 8/ 20/2015 Traveling Employees: JEFF AGUIRRE SHAWN LIPPE KIRBY CULP MIKE GATES BILLY GANN HUNTER HERRING Registration fee- 300.00 This request includes( please check all that apply): Lodging ( include rate below) X Parking ( include rate below) X Hotel 1, 800.00 TOTAL ea. = n Mileage Reimbursement_ Meal Reimbursement X room rate: Total ea.= I Other: plus taxes Check if applicable Conference/ Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night, request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate. sparking rate is valet; self park is not self park rate per night available Budget: Fund Deptid 001 120- 35- 2200 Account 1_ Project 6191021 I Additional Comments: Please include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.) Depart nt Authorization: Commissioners Court Approval: p BY COMMSSIONERS Win 1-2/"-- THIS 11 I mo: 2Z1 MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, Cou a ' 411 es k Mamma County, b By: DAY OF ti ' E . Y FULLBAIQHT DEPUTY De i-j I L =— k,,,,, Department: : McLennan County, Texas Out of County Travel Request Form ''' ' Feed and Care Conference/ Training. GANG INVESTIGATORS CONFERENCE Purpose: Training Destination: Corpus Christi, TX From Date: 6/ 29/ 15 To Date. 7/ 3/ 15 Traveling Employees: WILLIAM SUSTAITA Testing Fee: Total for Testing per person Registration fee: 250. 00 Total for Courses per person Total: $ 250. 00 This request includes (please check all that apply). Lodging ( include Parking ( include Hotel rate below) rate room rate. X Mileage Reimbursement_ Meal Reimbursement X below) 99.00 per night Taxes 14. 85 Other: On- Line Training Other: Total: per night X n $ 569. 25 U Check if applicable Conference/ Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night, request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate: D parking rate is valet, self park is not self park rate per night available Budget Fund I Deptid 11 Account 1 2557101 6191021 Project I Additional Comments: Please include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.) Department Authorization: Commissioners Court Approval: Att aAti... ] 1 J MTh 1` 14' " d 17 2015 J,A"ANDYHARWELL, COu Warman By.J B Timis 00.HT DEPUTY APPROVED BY COMMONERS COURT 20, DAY OF THIS 1 l i- ter.. L., - . McLennan County, Texas Out of County Travel Request Form Department: Criminal District Attorney Conferencerrraining: TDCAA Investigation& Purpose' Training Destination: San Antonio, Texas From Date: 8-Apr 2015 Prosecution of Homicide Cases Training To Date- 10- Apr 2015 Traveling Employees. Abdon Rodriguez Mike McNamara Registration fee: 350 per person This request includes( please check all that apply): Mileage Lodging( include rate below)© Meal Parking( include rate below)© Hotel Reimbursement© Other: Reimbursement© Other: I per night room rate: fCheck if applicable: Conference/ Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night; request reimbursement of Conference/ Host Hotel rate Hotel parking rate- self park rate per night Eparking rate is valet, self park is not available Budget: Account Deptid Fund 110210- 1 Project 1 5191021 Additional Comments. D-. Commissioners Court Approval: uthory iofi: arr, RIM APPROVED BY 4AR 17 2015 J.A.°ANDY HARWELL.,Cowl y e Ik By women , Tam KELLY FULLERIGIFR DEPUTY OFssoN is COURT I ORDER ACCEPTING: MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS, FEBRUARY 2015 RE: TEXAS A& M AGRILIFE EXTENSION SERVICES On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Services: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Reports be, and the same are hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. Regan Copeland From: Sent To: Sandra Bigham < skbigham @ag.> Thursday, March 05, 2015 2:41 PM Ann Forrest(; Ben Perry(; Chrissy Brault; Cody Hutyra ( cody.hutyra; Dustin Chapman dustin.chapman @co.; Kelly Snell ( kelly.snell @co.; Lester Gibson (lester.gibson; Pat Chisolm ( pat.chisolm @co.; Regan Copeland ( regan.copeland @co.; Scott Felton smfelton; Susanne Nemmer( susanne.nemmer@co.; Will Jones ( will Jones @co.; Doc Anderson charles.anderson; Elaine Slaughter; Kyle.Kacal;; Anna Paulson; Ben Stratmann ben.stratmann; Brian Birdwell ( brian. birdwell; Liz Sanchez( Liz.Sanchez; Sandy Edwards sandy_edwards; Shelly Verlander; Bill Flores(; Jessica Harrison; Luke Connelly; Timothy Head ( timothy.head; Ana Salinas amgsalinas; Danny Ramirez; De Smith (desmith; Deloz Lenord ( dlenord; Esther Morales( foodoutreach; Eunice Williams( ewilliams; Hope Huffman ( harlanhuffman; Janie Martinez(; Jodi Jackson jodiatbentwood @sbcglobal. net); John Minor(; Johnie Curtis jcurtis736; Justin Richard ( justinrrichard; Kurt Krakowian kfkrakowian @aol. com); Mark Wiethorn; Russell Devorsky( russell Subject February Activity Report for the Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Service in McLennan Attachments: County 4H.pdf; Ag. pdf; CEP. pdf, FCS. pdf; NR.pdf Attached are the February activity reports for the Extension Agents of the Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Service in McLennan County. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Sandra Bigham Office Manager Texas A& M AgriLife Extension Service McLennan County 420 North 6th Street Waco, TX 76701 254- 757-5180 Accepit BY COMMSSIONERS COUR Pc skbiciham@aq. tamu. edu THIS I 1 TGR1 LIFE DAY OF a es EXTENSION 1 o— TEXAS A• M Making GRILIFE a Difference EXTENSION in McLennan County Extension Monthly Report for Count Commissioners Court Kelsey Pearson Texas AgriLife Extension 4- H & Youth Development Overview of major programming efforts for February 2015: 2/ 2 Office Conference Lync To Success Meeting 2/ 3- McLennan Junior Livestock Show and Youth Fair 2/ 6 2/ 9 Office Conference Nutrition Quiz Bowl Training via Lync 2/ 13 Head Start at Mart( 13 participants; 11 Youth, 2 Adults) 2/ 16 Office Conference 2/ 17 2/ 18 Adult Taskforce Meeting/ Youth Council Meeting( 12 participants; 5 Youth, 7 Adult) FCS/ 4- H Coalition Meeting( 10 participants; 4 Youth, 6 Adult) Kiwana' s Club Meeting( 8 participants) Head Start at Moody( 19 participants; 17 Youth. 2 Adults) Learn Grow Eat and Go meeting( 5 participants) China Springs Water Field Day Meeting( 7 participants) 2/ 19 Head Start at TED( 77 participants; 69 youth, 8 adult) 2/ 23 Office Conference Head Start at South Waco( 26 participants; 22 youth, 4 adults) 2/ 25- San Antonio Livestock Show- Steer and Hog Show 2/ 27 Major programming efforts and events planned for March 2015: 3/ 2 Office Conference 3/ 7 Lync to Success Meeting Adult Taskforce Meeting/ Youth Council Meeting District 8 Nutrition Quiz Bowl and Consumer Decision Making Contest 3/ 9 Office Conference 3/ 10 McLennan County Project Runway McLennan County Junior Livestock Show Board Meeting Record Book Workshop# 2 3/ 11 ducatanal programs tithe 7exaa Agra* lstencron lerrtce are open to all people without regard to race color see disability religion, age or national origin The Texas A& M Unisersity System, U S Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating 3/ 12 3/ 13 McLennan County Photography Contest District 8 Roundup Agent Training Lync 3/ 16 Office Conference 3/ 18 3/ 31 Houston Livestock Judging Contest National Ag Day at Axtell Elementary School McLennan County Roundup 3/ 2 Office Conference 3/ 7 Lync to Success Meeting Adult Taskforce Meeting/ Youth Council Meeting District 8 Nutrition Quiz Bowl and Consumer Decision Making Contest Educational Programs: 9 Programs Presented 177 Program Participants Educational Contacts: 115 Telephone 1420 Email Blast Site/ Office 20 visits 31 Mail 315 4- H FB 1409 Web Hits Newsletter Outreach: McLennan County 230 4- H Link Volunteer Efforts: Volunteer Hours 34 Volunteer Contacts 40 Secs Je McLennan County Signature February 9, 2015 County Extension Agent— 4- H & Youth Development Date Title ducattanal programs ofthe Texas Agrtl ife l xtcnsion Sen ice are open to all people nahuut organ/ to race color see, Jtcandirv, religion age ur national origin The Texas A& M Unixersity System, U S Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating TEXAS A&M AGRLIF; Making EXTENSION a Difference Extension in McLennan County Newsletter for Commissioners Court Overview ofmajor programming efforts of County Agent Dr. Shane McLellan for February, 2015 2, BIG Orientation for Master Gardeners working at BIG Conference, 22 attended 3- 4, BIG Conference, regional program consisting of 21 counties hosted annually in Waco with Mid-Tex Farm Show. Commodity groups offer educational programs generated from volunteer committees. 3, BIG Horse Program, 24 persons attending. McLennan County volunteer Robin Liebe serves as Vice President and Horse Committee Chair 4, BIG Recertification Program, 161 persons attending. Agent serves as chairman and is assisted by Master Gardeners 3- 6, McLennan County Junior Livestock Show 9, Crop Report 9, Texas Farm Bureau Radio Program 10, McLennan County Farm Bureau Committee 10, McLennan County Junior Livestock Show Board, I serve as an advisor to the board 11, Last Chance Videos, 21 persons attended 17, Fanners Share meal @ Vitek' s, 18, Planning meeting with China Spring Elementary teachers for Water Field Day 23, 4-H meeting 23, Texas Farm Bureau Radio Program 24, Kiwanis, I spoke on Extension and issues affecting county citizens. Eleven people attended. 25, McLennan County Go-Texan Meeting w_ t P 1 GAT . McLennan County Junior Livestock Show Educational programs of the Teras Atilt AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, set, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Overview ofmajor programming planned by Dr. Shane McLellan for March, 2015: 1, San Antonio Livestock Judging 3, Texas Water Star project meeting at TSTC 4, Master Gardener Exec Meeting 10, Farm Bureau Meeting 10, Li vestock Judging practice 12- 13, Houston Goat- Lamb- Heifer Show ems.- J11!: Ir! I w .-, I" Nag: 16- 17, Star of Texas Goat/ Lamb Show 18, MG Lunch with the Masters 23, HOT 4- H meeting Blackland Income Growth Conference 25, MCC livestock judging 26, Star of Texas Livestock Judging 27, Navarro County Livestock Judging 31, County Roundup Ti*:\\ Educational Programs: Programs Presented Program Participants 260 Educational Contacts: 322 Telephone 4200 E- mail Blast 51 Site/ Office Visits 312 Mail 1, 409 Web Hits 5 Newsletter Media Outreach: Media Release 4 Waco Tribune Articles 2 38, 134 subscribers) 2 Radio Programs 43 stations Radio Listeners 4.3 mil estimated audience) Volunteer Efforts: Continued Education Volunteer Hours Volunteer Contacts 127 ( 243) 559( 1, 068 for year) 4, 177( 6,622 for year) Educational programs of the Teras A& M Agrilife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. T ExAS A• M AGRILIFE EXTENSION Making a y PRAIRIE VIEW T A& MUNIVERSITY AM coumr OF AcncuLTua SCIENCES D ifference Extension in McLennan County MDensio Cooperative Extension Program Newsletter for Commissioners Court Overview ofmajor programming efforts ofCounty Agent Meilana Charlesfor February 2015: 2nd- Balanced Living, session 1- Program presented information on how to determine priorities, manage time to allow for priorities, use time-management tools and techniques and how to simplify to allow for priorities. 4 participants 3`d- Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics-Caritas, session 1- Program reviewed MyPlate food groups and the adult portion sizes, discussed major nutrients associated with each food group, discussed preventable diseases associated with overeating or under-eating from each food group, reviewed daily physical activity needs. 9 participants Becoming a Mom-CareNet Pregnancy Center, session 5- Explained how smoking, drinking alcohol or abusing drugs during pregnancy can harm a baby, identified strategies to stop smoking, drinking alcohol or abusing drugs, identified 3 ways to avoid second- hand smoke, described how infections can affect a developing baby and 4`"- identified harmful chemical at home and work. 12 participants 4"'- District 8 Youth Nutrition Workshop Committee, McLennan County Extension Office- Finalized dates, location and theme of youth and teen nutrition workshop. Assigned duties to committee members. 5 participants 4"'- Youth Committee Meeting with Mart Superintendent- Discussed the need to afterschool, spring break and summer programming in Mart. 7 participant 6"'- Walk Across Texas Planning Meeting- Discussed start and end date, marketing, t-shirts. 5 participants 7th- Balanced Living, session 2- Program presented information how to understand basics of stress, how to identify stress, how to evaluate stress and how to develop effective stress-coping strategies. 2 participants Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics-Caritas, session 2- Reviewed the importance of planning family menus and grocery shopping by, preparing a menu, budgeting grocery shopping, explaining unit pricing. 7 participants 8"'- 11"'- Becoming a Mom- CareNet Pregnancy Center, session 6- Identified 3 things to take to the hospital, completed a birth plan, listed 3 signs of labor, named the 3 stages of labor. 8 participants 11th— 13th District 8 Regional FCS Summit, Weatherford, Texas Eduoaaonal programs#' Tires A& MApnLf Extension Sernoe are open to allpeople wutho utrepard trace, color, sec, disability. rehppan, ape, or naaonal origin The Texas A& M University System, US Department ofApnaulaure, and the County Cannasstoners Caws t'Texas Caveman: 13`"- Meeting with Tiffany Traylor-Tarrant County CEP- FCS Agent- Reviewed AAFCS presentation information, discussed American Eating Pattern survey and possible result. 1 participant 16"'- Balanced Living, sessions 3- Program presented information on feeding your body mindfully, rejecting dieting for weight loss and nurturing your body. 2 participants 17th- Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics- Caritas, session 3- Provided an overview of how to read the nutrition facts label, discussed the nutrients found on nutrition facts label, explained preventable diseases associated with overconsumption of nutrients found on nutrition facts labels and defined daily value percentages. 2 participants 17"'- CRL/ Money Management Subcommittee Meeting, McLennan County Extension Office- Reviewed worked done since last meeting. Finalized agenda, number to registrants, responsibilities during training. 3 participants Becoming a Mom-CareNet Pregnancy Center, session 7- Described 3 ways to bond with a newborn baby, identified 3 ways to cope with crying, identified 3 benefits of breastfeeding, how to bathe and diaper a baby and 18"'- described the importance of newborn screenings and vaccinations. 8 participants 19"'- NEFE High Financial Planning Program, Region 12- Professional development attended to learn more about high school financial program that can be implemented in McLennan County high schools and youth programs. 20th- Inclusion Childcare Conference Workshop Meeting( Lync)- Committee members updated each other on progress. Discussed incentives, food items, price and marketing strategies. 2 participants 20"'- Head Start TED, Discover MyPlate, lesson 2- Name the five MyPlate food groups and be able to identify food choices within each group, describe the importance of eating foods from all five food groups for good health and identify the MyPlate icon and explain that it serves as a reminder to eat foods from all five food groups. 118 participants( 5 classes) 20"'- Communities in School Open House- Introduced to the programs Communities in School can provide and opportunities for partnership. 23`d- Balanced Living, session 5- Cancelled due to inclement weather 24th- Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics-Caritas, session 4- Cancelled due to inclement weather 24th Citizens for Responsible Lending-Goodwill Learning Center, Pay Day Lending Train-the-Trainer-Cancelled due to inclement weather. Will reschedule for a future date. 25"'- Becoming a Mom- CareNet Pregnancy Center, session 8- Described 3 physical changes and discomforts that are common after childbirth, identified 2 emotional changes that can occur after having a baby, know when to call their health care provider about physical or emotional changes and discussed how a new baby can affect their relationship with their partner. 6 participants 26th- CAHS Spring Career Development Event- Volunteered for event on Prairie View A& M University' s campus. 27th- Head Start- Brooke Avenue Elementary, Discover MyPlate session 2- Name the five MyPlate food groups and be able to identify food choices within each group, describe the importance of eating foods from all five Educational propamsg' TecasAdEMAgni* The Texas A& M Er&n.non Sernee Zr are open to allpeople mthoutrepard trrace, cola; se; dualahry, rehiwn. age, or national on gin Unzvers2ry System. US Department grAgnes acre. end the Caunry C nvrassioners awns gr Toms Cooperating food groups for good health and identify the MyPlate icon and explain that it serves as a reminder to eat foods from all five food groups. 44 participants( 2 classes) 28"'- Welcome to the Real World simulation, McLennan County Juvenile Correctional Facility, Mart- Cancelled due to inclement weather. Will reschedule for a later date. Upcoming March Programming 2" d- Meeting with NeighborWorks of Waco 3ed- Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics, session 4 3` d- Meeting with Hallsburg ISD 3` d- Success Seekers 4- H Club, Bledsoe Miller Recreation Center eh-Active Infants, Care Net Pregnancy Center, session 1 4`h- Youth Program Planning Meeting, Mart, Texas 4th— 7th American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences-Texas Affiliate Annual State Conference, San Antonio, Texas 6`h- African American Eating Patterns, AAFCS- TX Affiliate Conference, San Antonio, Texas 6th Stork' s Nest Prematurity Awareness Presentation 9th— 13th Neighborworks of Waco, Project Aspire Spring Break Camp 10"'- Essential Money Management Caritas of Waco, session 1 11t- Active Infants, Care Net Pregnancy Center, session 2 17"'- Essential Money Management, Caritas of Waco, session 3 18th- Active Infants, Care Net Pregnancy Center, session 3 19th- Nutrition and Healthy Living Basics, Family Abuse Center, session 1 Education Programs: Programs Presented 19"'- Texas Hunger Initiative- Hunger and Justice Gathering Program Participants 19 240 20"'- Caregivers Conference Educational Contacts: h- 24` h- Essential Money Management, Caritas of Waco, 24` Cooperative Extension Program- Program Area session Planning 3 Telephone 20 Email Blast 7833 Office Committee Web 25 '- Active Infants, Care Net Pregnancy Center, session 4 26th- Nutrtition and Healthy Living Basics, Family Abuse Center, session 2 Eduasaonal programs c'TaasAdr.MAgnl* Extension Sernar are open fro allpeople mthoutregard mrea. color. sea, d1sabahty rehgton. age. or national ongsn The Texas AdiMUrnverray System US DeparoruntrarAgnatIture. and the County Cornrrassioners Courts g' Taos Cooperating 8 1409 TExAS A&M I' GIU LIFE EXTENSION Making a PRAIRIE VIEW A& M UNIVERSITY A M couwr Of ncncuuU r AHaHUMANS[ Difference ILNCr Cooperative Extension Program in McLennan Coun County Extension Newsletter for Commissioners Court Overview of major programming efforts of County Agent Deanna Franklin for February 2015: February 2, Dinner Tonight @ ExtraCo Events Center, 80 people attended February 3, BIG Conference/ 4- H Scholarship Awards February 3, Do Well Be Well with Diabetes @ MCC, 10 people attended February 4, Planning Meeting with Community Health Workers, 2 attended February 5, Head Start( Protein), JH Hines Elementary School, 63 people attended February 5, Professional Development, Step Up to Scale Down Online Training February 5, MCJLS/ Youth Fair February 6, Walk Across Texas Planning Meeting, 3 attended February 6, MCJLS Auction February 9, Head Start( Protein), Ortlip, 57 attended February 9, Professional Development 4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl Training February 9, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office, 20 attended February 10, Professional Development, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Weatherford February 11- 13, Professional Development, FCS Summit, Weatherford February 16, Head Start, Bell' s Hill Elementary School, 44 attended February 16, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office, 22 attended February 17 Cooking Well with Diabetes Planning Meeting, 1 attended February 17, 4- H FCS Coalition Meeting, 7 attended February 18, Planning Meeting with Community Health Workers, 1 attended February 18, Learn, Grow, Eat Go Planning Meeting, Region 12, 5 attended February 19, High School Financial Planning Program Teacher Workshop, Region 12, 15 attended February 20, 1115 Waiver Update Meeting, Gatesville, 10 attended February 10, Eat Well, Live Strong, Costa Esmeralda, 7 attended February 23, Planning Meeting, World Hunger Relief, 3 attended February 24, Dinner Tonight Wrap Up meeting, 6 attended February 24, Cooking Well with Diabetes, 8 attended February 25, Welcome to the Real World, Waco High School, 60 attended February 26, Texas Extension Association of Family& Consumer Sciences, Georgetown, 15 attended February 27, Planning Meeting, Donna Stauber/ Baylor Hillcrest, 3 attended February 27, Community Health Worker( 1115 Waiver) observation, Lake Air Montessori School Educational programs ofthe Texas A& MAgriLife Eaension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Overview of major programming efforts plannedfor March: March 2, Three Easy Bites, CareNet Pregnancy Center March 2, JH Hines Elementary, Grow into Health March 2, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office March 3, Scott& White Health Plan Meeting, Temple March 3, Mountainview Elementary, Grow into Health March 3, Cooking Well with Diabetes, St. Paul Lutheran March 4- 5, San Antonio, American Association of Family& Consumer Sciences-Texas Affiliate Meeting March 7, 4- H Consumer Decision Making& Nutrition Quiz Bowl Contests, MCC ESEC March 9, Three Easy Bites, CareNet Pregnancy Center March 9, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office March 10, Cooking Well with Diabetes, St. Paul Lutheran Church March 11, Mountainview Elementary School, Grow into Health March 12, Spanish Do Well Be Well training March 12, Step Up to Scale Down, Courthouse March 12, McLennan Extension Education Association Meeting March 12, Mountainview Elementary School, Grow into Health March 16, Three Easy Bites, CareNet Pregnancy Center March 16, JH Hines Elementary School, Grow into Health March 16, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office March 17, Food Jeopardy, Cottages at Oak Springs March 18, ARDC Board Meeting March 18, Healthy Divas, Brook Avenue Elementary March 19, Step Up to Scale Down, Courthouse March 19, Mountainview Elementary, Grow into Health March 19, Spanish Do Well Be Well with Diabetes, South Waco Community Center March 20, Caregiving Conference, Columbus Ave. Baptist Church March 23, Walk Across Texas begins March 23, Eat Well, Live Strong, Costa Esmeralda March 23, JH Hines Elementary, Grow into Health March 23, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office March 24, Mountainview Elementary, Grow into Health March 25, Healthy Divas, Brook Avenue Elementary School March 26, Step Up to Scale Down, Courthouse March 26, Mountainview Elementary School, Grow into Health March 26, Spanish Do Well Be Well with Diabetes, South Waco Community Center March 30, JH Hines Elementary School, Grow into Health March 30, Step Up to Scale Down, Extension Office March 31, Mountainview Elementary School, Grow into Health March 31, McLennan County 4- H Roundup Educationalprograms of the Teras A& M AgriLife Extenslon Service are open to allpeople without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Educational Programs: 22 Programs Presented 442 Program Participants Educational Contacts: 132 Telephone 8000 E- Mail Blast 4 Site/ Office Visits 39 Mail 1400 Web Hits Media Outreach: 3 Media Releases Facebook Posts/ Likes Media releases are sent to Waco Tribune, Country World News, Marlin Democrat, Farmer's Friend, Lorena Leader, Farmer's Stockmen, Fox 44, Hometown News, Lone Star Iconoclast, Mart Messenger, McGregor Mirror, Rosebud Paper, Waco Farm& Labor Journal, West News, Texas Farm Bureau, Waco Citizen, and World of Ranching. Educational programs of the Texas A& M Agrilife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. TEXAS ATEXAS A& M LIFE EXTENSION Making a Difference Extension in McLennan County Newsletter for Commissioners Court Erich Schatte Texas AgriLife Extension Natural Resource Overview of major programming efforts for February 2015: 2/ 2 Office Conference 2/ 2 Master Gardener BIG 2/ 2 Lync to Success Meeting 2/ 2 Human Resource Meeting 2/ 3 McLennan County Livestock Show; ( weigh, classify 2/ 4 McLennan County Livestock Show; ( Goat, Lamb, and Steer Show) 2/ 5 McLennan County Livestock Show; ( Rabbit, 2/ 6 McLennan County Livestock Show; ( Tag sale animals and Youth Auction) 2/ 9 Office Conference 2/ 11 Last Chance CEU 2/ 12 Created 2015 Major Show Handbook( 15 distributed) 2/ 16 Office Conference 2/ 16 Adult Task Force and Youth Council Meeting ( 12 total; 5 Youth, 7 Adults) 2/ 18 Learn Grow, Eat, Go ( 5 adults) 2/ 18 Water Field Day; China Springs( 6 adults) 2/ 19 San Antonio Livestock Show( Lamb and Heifer Shows) 2/ 20 San Antonio Livestock Show( Heifer Show) 2/ 23 2/ 23 and register) ( Heifer Show) Chicken, and Hog Shows) Lync to Success Homework Office Conference Educational programs of the Texas A& M Agril ife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, set, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. 2/ 24 Pecan Seminar Workshop( worked on speakers and agenda) 2/ 26 Youth Council Agenda for March 2nd Major programming efforts and events planned for March 2015: 3/ 1 San Antonio Livestock Judging Contest( 9 members) 3/ 2 Office Conference 3/ 2 Adult Task Force and Youth Council Meeting 3/ 10 McLennan County Livestock Show Board Meeting 3/ 11- Houston Livestock Show( Heifers, Lambs, and Goats) 15 3/ 16- Houston Livestock Show( Steers, Hogs, and Chickens) 21 3/ 16 Houston Livestock Judging Contest 3/ 23- Star of Texas Livestock Show 27 3/ 25 Star of Texas Livestock Judging Contest 3/ 27 Navarro Livestock Judging Contest 3/ 31 County Round Up Educational Programs: 4 Programs Presented 23 Program Participants Educational Contacts: 35 Telephone Email Blast 250 Site/ Office 100 visits 0 Mail 1409 Web Hits Newsletter Outreach: McLennan County 230 4- H Link Volunteer Efforts: Volunteer Hours 12 Volunteer Contacts 50 Educational programs ofthe Texas A& M AgrlLlfe Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A& M University System, US Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Mal MAR 17 2015 JAHANDYHARVV81, Countyelork Veltman Counb,' 1wmn 8y. KELLY FULLBAIGHT DEPUTY REMAINS LIFTED: AUTHORIZATIONS RE: BURN BAN IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MCLENNAN COUNTY On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Authorizations re: Burn Ban in the Unincorporated Areas of McLennan County. Commissioner Perry made a motion to keep the burn ban lifted and it seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorizations re: Burn Ban in the Unincorporated Areas of McLennan County be, and the same is hereby, approved unanimous vote. ORDER APPROVING: DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY TARRANT COUNTY CULTURAL EDUCATION FACILITIES FINANCE CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING OF REFINANCING CERTAIN HEALTH FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY OF MCLENNAN, TEXAS FOR THE BENEFIT OF BAYLOR SCOTT& WHITE HOLDINGS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 147( F) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Approval of Documents related to the Issuance of Bonds by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation for the Purpose of Financing of Refinancing Certain Health Facilities Located within the Boundaries of the County of McLennan, Texas for the Benefit of Baylor Scott White Holdings as Required by Section 147( f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. From: Kortmeyer, Scott [ mailto: scott. kortmeyer@nortonrosefulbright. com] Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4: 43 PM To: ' Bustin. chapman @co. mclennan. tx. us' Subject: Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation ( Baylor Scott& White Project) Series-2015 Good afternoon Dustin, Baylor Scott & White ( the new entity created with the merger of the integrated health systems of Baylor Health Care System and Scott& White Health) is doing a new bond transaction which will require TEFRA approval from Judge Felton ( I have included the form from 2010 that Judge Lewis executed) for federal tax purposes As way of background for this transaction, BSW is in the process of renovating its main hospital facilities in Dallas and its main hospital facilities in Temple, as well as a large refunding of some of the legacy Baylor Health Care System and Scott White Health Bonds, which included the Hillcrest healthcare facilities in Waco, as such under state and federal statutes BSW is required to get the approval of the Judge Felton for of any tax- exempt bond financing of such facilities. BSW is in the process of structuring this financing, the Bonds will be issued through the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, as was done in 2010, and scheduled to close the second week of May. Under federal tax law, Judge Felton' s approval must happen after a TEFRA notice is published ( this occurred on February hearing is held ( this is occurring on Friday March 6th). In order for us to maintain our timeline and final issuer approval, we need Judge Felton' s approval by March 23rd I will be able to send 16th) and TEFRA a draft of the approval, a copy of the published TEFRA notice and minutes from the hearing the week of March 9` h. Please let me know if this schedule is possible and if you have any questions Thank you in advance for your time. Please let me know what you may need to facilitate this process and what dates may work for you and Judge Felton Thank you. Scott Scott Kortmeyer I Partner Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP 2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 3600, Dallas, Texas 75201- 7932, United States Tel + 1 214 855 7459 I Fax+ 1 214 855 8200 scott. kortmeyer© norton NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT Law around the world nortonrosefulbnght corn Norton Rose Fulbnght— top 3 global legal brand. Acritas' Sharplegal 2014 Global Elite Brand Index RESOLUTION COUNTY, OF THE TEXAS, COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE COURT BONDS TO OF MCLENNAN BE ISSUED BY TARRANT COUNTY CULTURAL EDUCATION FACILITIES FINANCE CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING OR REFINANCING CERTAIN HEALTH FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY OF BAYLOR SCOTT & MCLENNAN, TEXAS FOR THE BENEFIT OF WHITE HOLDINGS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 147( f) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, by resolution the Commissioners Court of Tarrant County, Texas ( the Sponsoring Entity"), authorized and approved the creation of the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation ( the " Issuer") as a nonprofit corporation under the provisions of the Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporations Act, Article 1528m, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, as amended from time to time, authorized to issue revenue bonds on behalf of the Sponsoring Entity to provide funds to finance or refinance all or part of the cost of health facilities" ( as defined in the Health Facilities Development Act, Chapter 221, Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended from time to time); and WHEREAS, Baylor Scott & White Holdings, a Texas nonprofit corporation (" BSW Holdings"), directly or through affiliates, owns and operates in McLennan County at or adjacent to ( i) 7700 Fishpond Road, Waco, Texas 76710, a charitable healthcare facility known as Scott& White Clinic — Waco (" S& W Clinic — Waco"), ( ii) 100 Hillcrest Medical Blvd., Waco, Texas 76710, charitable healthcare facilities known as Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center, d/ b/ a Baylor Scott & White Hillcrest Medical Center, Herring Avenue, Waco, Texas 76708, and Cancer Center(" BS& WHillcrest"), and ( iii) 3000 a charitable healthcare facility known as Scott & White Center for Rehabilitative Medicine— Waco (" S& W Center— Waco"); WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Issuer, pursuant to a plan of finance, issue hospital total revenue amount not bonds in to multiple series and exceed $ in multiple years ( collectively, the " Bonds") in a 1, 600, 000, 000 and loan the proceeds thereof to BSW Holdings to i) finance and/ or refinance the construction, reconstruction, renovation, furnishing, remodeling, rehabilitation and/ or equipping of health facilities of BSW Holdings and its affiliates, all as described in the published Notice of Public Hearing attached as Exhibit A to the Certificate of Public Hearing, which is attached to this Resolution as Attachment I ( the" Notice") S& W Clinic —Waco, BS& W Hillcrest and that includes S& W Center - Waco; ( ii) refund all or a portion of the following prior bond issues and/ or lease obligations: the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds( Scott and White Memorial Hospital and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project) Series 2008- 1, the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Scott and White Memorial Hospital and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project) Series 2008A, the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2009, Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Scott & White Healthcare Project) Series 2010, the Tarrant County Cultural Educational Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2011D, and the Tarrant County Cultural Educational Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2011E; ( iii) pay capitalized interest on the Bonds to the extent authorized; and( iv) pay the costs of issuing the Bonds; WHEREAS, Section 147( f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ( the Code"), requires that the Bonds and the projects to be financed or refinanced by the Bonds ( the 35116298 2/ 11501077 Projects") be by an " applicable elected representative" ( the " AER") after a public hearing following reasonable public notice, as a condition to the exclusion of interest on the approved Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes; and WHEREAS, an AER for the issuance of the Bonds is the Commissioners Court of McLennan County, Texas( the" Governing Body"); and WHEREAS, the duly appointed hearing officers of the Issuer and BSW Holdings held public hearings on March 6, 2015 and conducted such hearing in a manner that provided a reasonable opportunity for persons with differing views on the Bonds and the Projects to be heard, following the publication of the Notice, which contains the date, time and place of the public hearing, no less than 14 days before said date in The Dallas Morning News, the Fort Worth Star Telegram, the Austin American-Statesman, and the Temple Daily Telegram, being newspapers of general circulation within the Sponsoring Entity or within the geographical jurisdictions in which a portion of the facilities comprising the Projects are located; and Governing Body desires to: ( i) confirm action taken with respect to public hearing requirements for the Projects; and ( ii) approve the Bonds and the Projects as required by Section 147( f)of the Code; and WHEREAS, the WHEREAS, the Governing Body has considered evidence of the posting of notice of this meeting and officially finds, determines, recites and declares that notice of this meeting was given and this meeting was held in accordance with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Findings, Determinations and Statements. The findings, determinations and statements set forth in the preamble hereof are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in full. Section 2. Confirmation Section 3. AER Approval. Public Hearing. holding of the public hearing are hereby confirmed. of All actions taken with respect to the The Governing Body, acting in its capacity as AER pursuant to the requirements of Section 147( f) of the Code, hereby approves the Bonds and the Projects located jurisdiction County, Texas ( the " County"), all as hereby is not to be construed as ( i) a representation or warranty by the County, the Governing Body, any of the officers of the described in the within the Notice. The of approval McLennan granted Governing Body, the State of Texas or any other agency, instrumentality or political subdivision of the State of Texas that the Bonds will be paid or that any obligations assumed by any of the parties under the instruments delivered in connection with the Bonds will in fact be performed; ii) a pledge of faith and credit of or by the State of Texas or any agency, instrumentality or political subdivision of the State of Texas, including the County; or ( iii) a representation or warranty concerning the validity of the Bonds. Providing an Effective Date. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. Section 4. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS, THIS MARCH 17, 2015. 35116298 2/ 11501077 2 County Judge Scott M. Felton CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MCLENNAN I, the undersigned, County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court of McLennan County, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. That 17th day of March, 2015, a meeting of the Commissioners Court of McLennan County, Texas, was held in the courtroom, on the 1s` floor of the McLennan Courthouse, Room 114 at 501 Washington Avenue, in Waco; the duly constituted members of the Court being as follows: on the Scott Felton Kelly County Judge Snell Commissioner Lester Gibson Commissioner Will Jones Commissioner Ben Commissioner Perry and all of said persons were present at said meeting, Among except other business considered at said meeting, the attached resolution entitled: RESOLUTION COUNTY, OF TEXAS, THE COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE COURT BONDS TO OF MCLENNAN BE ISSUED TARRANT COUNTY CULTURAL EDUCATION FACILITIES BY FINANCE CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING OR REFINANCING CERTAIN HEALTH FACILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY BAYLOR SCOTT & OF MCLENNAN, TEXAS FOR THE BENEFIT OF WHITE HOLDINGS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 147( f) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE" was introduced and submitted to the Court for passage and adoption. After presentation and due consideration of the resolution, and upon a motion duly made and seconded, the resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Court to be effective immediately by the following vote: voted" For" C') voted" Against" 0 abstained all as shown in the official Minutes of the Court for the meeting held on the aforesaid date. 35116298 2/ 11501077 2. That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the official records of the County; the duly qualified and acting members of the Commissioners Court of said County on the date of the aforesaid meeting are those persons shown above and, according to the records of my office, advance notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting was given to each member of the Court; and that said meeting and the deliberation of the aforesaid public business was open to the public and written notice of said meeting, including the subject of the above entitled resolution, was posted and given in advance thereof in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and affixed the Commissioners Court, this the day of March, 2015. seal of the 17th 4 o Clerk County Jerk and ExCommissioners Court, McLennan County, Texas Com. Crt. Seal) 35116298 2/ 11501077 2 APPROVAL OF APPLICABLE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS I, Scott Felton, County Judge of McLennan County, Texas( the" County"), certify with respect to all series of the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds( Baylor Scott& with respect White Health Project) Series 2015, as well as additional bonds that may be issued to the same plan of finance( collectively, the" Bonds"), that: Based upon the evidence presented to me, for the sole purpose of satisfying the requirements of Section 147( f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended( the" Code"), and for no other purpose, I hereby approve the Bonds and the facilities to be financed with a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds and located within the County, all as described in the published Notice of Public Hearing included as Exhibit A to the Certificate of Public Hearing attached hereto as Attachment I. This approval is not to be construed as ( i) a representation or warranty by the County or the undersigned that the Bonds will be paid or that any obligations assumed by any of the parties will, in fact, be performed, or ( ii) as a pledge of the faith and credit of or by the County. Further, the fact that the undersigned has approved the Bonds as required by the Code may not, in any event, be used as a sales device with respect to the Bonds. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially hereon on the date shown below. DATED: March I1, 2015. 911,V17. e. Scott Felton lain County Judge, McLennan County, Texas r . ATTEST: T4 / 722--/County Cl k 35116298 1 1 y' W.q_` 1 44. 11-11le-644 1., 4 4. 1 Attachment I Certificate of Public Hearing 35116298 1 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC HEARING I, the undersigned, hereby certify in connection with the issuance by the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation ( the " Issuer") of its limited obligation revenue bonds pursuant to a plan of financing, in multiple series and in multiple years, in the to exceed $ 1, 600, 000, 000 in the aggregate ( collectively, the " Bonds"), for Baylor Scott & White Holdings, a Texas non- profit corporation, and one or more principal amount not the benefit of its of tax- exempt nonprofit affiliates( collectively, the" 1. I am the Vice President — Treasury System"), as follows: and Chief Debt Officer with Baylor Scott & White Health in respect of the financing described herein, and have been duly authorized to conduct a public hearing on the issuance of the Bonds to finance or refinance the projects described in the notice of such hearing published in the The Dallas Morning News on February 16, 2015, in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram on February 16, 2015, the Austin American- Statesman on February 16, 2015 and in the Temple Daily Telegram on February 16, 2015, copies of which notices as published with Affidavits of Publication attached hereto as Exhibit A, all of which projects are or are to be owned, operated, or managed by the System and located in Bell, Brazos, Burnet, Collin, Coryell, Dallas, Ellis, McLennan, Tarrant, or Williamson County, Texas, as described in the notice. 2. 1 conducted such hearing commencing at 10: 00 a. m. on Friday, March 6, 2015, at the offices of Scott& White Healthcare, 2401 South 30 Street, Temple, Texas 76508, in Room C611 located on the 6th floor of the main Hospital Building, which offices were open to the public for purposes of the hearing. 3. At the time for the commencement of the hearing, I publicly requested comments, either orally or in writing, on the facilities to be financed or refinanced with proceeds of the Bonds and on the issuance of the Bonds. 4. At the hearing, no persons presented comments, orally or in writing. 5. 1 imposed no time limitations on any public comments. 6. A copy of the minutes of the public hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this March 6, 2015. Francis P. Anderson, Hearing Officer appointed by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation 35129P58 2/ 11501077 EXHIBIT A Affidavit of Publication— Affidavit of Publication— Fort Worth Star- Telegram Affidavit of Affidavit 35129858 2/ 11501077 The Dallas Morning News Publication— Austin American- Statesman of Publication —Temple Daily Telegram AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, a Notary Public in and for Dallas County. this day personally appeared David Ferster, Advertising Representative for the The Dallas Morning News, being duly sworn by oath, states the attached advertisement of: FULBRIGHT& JAWORSKI LLP as published in the The Dallas Morning News on: February 16. 2015 OP A D ' id Ferster) Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 16. 2015 i tl[ it, 4 / iv•"._ IAA. N. t' U.lic) ems+ JEREMY PHILLIP GAUNA s ! Votary Public, State of Texas 4, 4, ` V;,?a•.'... My Commission Expires November 12, 2018 dallasllek, Tne Dallas Morning •: e': is CLL 1 Nattaes ) 1Rgt( N otices No,, cE corn Legal Melees ) ( OFPUBLIC HEARi•1C ospit n a Cn StSt 103 ( Treasury haet, . t Onw• 100 Mies e min 1 Me within d). andand mat a• ol Clal Seat a! r, al to e. 9t*, A. and 1710. 133 b ion Meolect) Scott Mamma end BIIMIer fCUrbaticn a PtPI1n Sarin Me Tarrarl Comfy Cultural Edxatlan Soc idles Plasma C1WIa• ian Metail. Revenue ReMCrna Buns IBaYICe Halm Care ana5 P. 11 BOYfrJ All 5] 7rM Ased: cal Cen• ef antl 14V E. oai0eM110 71 131 RMn atof artr. UI 171 [ Lets may at• cmalrtd n' DC,. ng UTRWO t] smg m tether '• Ibr• P m, Mao. 0' O.] 013 o m[ 1 t4r491 TlmO' e and 10011( i.n rcl Scant A' Me, h NCSPdat to 1501 Southwest M K Mogen LOOP Tamale. Tatar& SOL a1dcent MJ Move I<Mba•tl CC. College Stepan, a b Wnlr. 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Trento O• filwf Ctnt100, 01.: It 1003 3 SSec 1 0,55, n OnY, Sr. en• ff h W6apepeh, 6 Mono BavlCr XCIt A YI1' At01CM1[ Wn,' e Nted•c01 loc]' ed of err and' omit. 2Jnt to( COS W 00peneo l• ai Wren, VlarInauni• Teta, 73145 75165 0O 2010 N Interval./ alchemy 75.• 7. cooriatlw at err mllocarl ap1nCI[ a Mulxradd el Wary • Carrp" tlm On• lie INS day u January 2311 CMaxt• yell) B] kCOM MItb err r, 0nf 71 J) 1 near I, N Ml e PL". SaN, 1710 Ptweel h. vomr. eft• ( ry,,. lw. na Ip Sae• r{ nu•eP T7 U 7 ways 000 • 01 Me 310' ee al • n ]Fe/ NNO in a n • D., asd inseam/ STRUCTURE tTRYC7URE a. d1 will be exlrea by to Uaoer 00, 11 Mecca! Center at Irving v41atul, l' es 1000[ 00 al Or odlacMt fa 1101 N MarArtnur 004(0. ard retire. Team 7' 061 an dp' Ant I MS 1LSJ Freeway). Imbue. Texas 75317 113) Sven b Mate Center for Ch . or v herMr whin NTH l Seipp Barter Mao. 01 Carter al Mc KnIney pro raciness lactea lit or ro 5252 W UrlMrslty Drive, McK, rmey. Teets 13071, 1121 Stall B. Whits Conllm Inn Cart Mamba' Old MONO%mauled or adlatrnl to See N Kegley Rd. Tempo Texas 7032. ce. n COUPTI COURT ROE T4 CITYCITY OP DALLAS LAS 70 mw ere m, PS Corley Rea 111 Os, Cnlbrdn' s 11: Any NOTICE OP Wrest al 5M 111 e HO' S. SS• JL8 t ease Tina^,[^ omnmxt or O PrOpofan 4. 11. at Mama Lncalkr CITY OF DALLA9 m, Yn1 , 1+''-; j{ 1 YY J2C NO+ An PN. r1M0„ al^ ane f era a^ r odletant t Ol( d :. 7.,";;;!--, i Il ( 1) l A PETS 5 ,; vs.( OfOpRr.. i.fa. Nrnary1. gene me o LIVESTOCK Emu. Pass, Toes lee MPf F. ICraalrtG Poer mes ms at Garland M eacairin 101, 100 Ot or b 2303 Maria Culls BMd• wra. Garland. TexasTexas 73042 401471 Clara Barran BOp7Mrd, Garland Team 15342, 1414 0, Pto r c., l : Ctrl": e Deaanmblt ealecent Gil A I S S C.le ues• tar ran 2 m" tlrtraf Pic'°' adlaCral 111 ,• cr Bar11 Mesncm Center andand Ferl^ Ptr.7. S n It GIT. I Pr ass- Ty cer• ir. aracli' 1-< ti: I et 111' ft< FarFcr bather tnlvesalton. Alta.[ 00, 00 Onfi0001 MedtCpl Caner at Plano one lotlan.., located welatent 10 COO Alba., BOulavard, Plano, Texas 75071. 1• c Man awl& ma fprUC Nails a J acs Oe31 al M OPT' naseef erms a an 61 m.) a. lilt 2-11,7„, of Of Y: j CI r Notices ) f _{! n n nvlvnd ton Iac,' Mles CensorMin3 me entire main Camp. of Bnl4r Hyman Cate System ala Baylor Un, unn, ty V, 0. 001 Center nca' ed In IN City 1 D011m al Cr e010ttnt b 7500 Gomm and 7500 Gaston( Mhos. T m In< cm not halted ro Iacicfin mlacmr err to 3503 Gaston 75. 5 worm n Mesa Sneed 731. 1, at N01I[ K 10 Purcrauni, Tends 7011]. Barer Hearth Care SAN. eon Im:il. lits located to` 101 Orson W. I. D01bs, Texas 75231, or we w p, Xrr' Proposal,• Pay Mtmp Iq C, f. I. utwace( r y1 f erthfr? tf if - U • I 17/ 01 ton of I aO clasdfe I lob all al sere, H.Vn1any Psi.< 1 HP31, Caen e^ rtilmerl are. Inn? It 11.° Gfaatviw and• ctIl, Cal r9• Street, G: man DriveOrlva amen ono 11: 7 e o iI CaOwp IOCIInIH 10[ 1. 0 Avenue, Fert V. dMil• As01< al Caftan Ba, l1 Rammed' Ixrte m m a to Ie17 Tram 71231, CPI e.'; 1 tman Drive ono 441 lot 120 BIAS b[•IOPOSilS ) ( 3 053 IN Reiuneed Bend Pralantf( IN 101. 0kina ldcall0nf al n• BIfdS ellfln. 11. M• Pro11fs• l are 2215 Lend of info nett CIICO f. I K Sam IN eon s s W Issuing IM M Bonds a The New A• St• 1,` 1 I - he' d• M C V Chord rill For men lnl= ton plea]• coven Pout 311: 71 ar mature DOVE mllOrfaC011pfOlhnall[ on and rotor to I, a numaa SI1S103 Pa kentRe. FaCCa. andand(•) d••(( Attrte S Road ma IRS' Area CamA... Interest.= Mel may in a cam dl areasal awp Tanana Causer Culvrol EdvaNen adiilles Penance Camara. lol Masada' RnemM Bmdt( Sion 4 W Inde Neomulen Praiecll Series 2.]0, IM Tarrant Carty CLilurar Educational n F Wnee CaroorWlan Hmalrae Revenue Banat iBarlar Meolm Cat. Sntem PrONei1 OI* C) Senn MII0 end the Tarrant Cwnly C yyII tural Eat/ Mena' F o times Pim:M•CC Corporation Hospital Heal" P Ct1n 1o1lE „ Remove BMtlt • in.• Rell Sandi I. Much 11ronted andal ando Gal construction. reconstruction. n W Lion. rN COtn, re. andar m oullnor n01 ". ipakRq of neavh faollnin, Inch-Ming muip to iEaiedl ing PII era Memo m< il 27 par i,! Bend P" w. 10Cilumnnich- Team( r ][ Snrem Preleetl Sores Mt MOlfu Thun Oar, 7/ rectal a rater TXSA taea BondsBanes toto themo came contented. ant or= cMrna M Dammam m Road and Swanton on northwestn11hwH1 tne Tarrant County Cultural EauycCallen Factldm F. nome CAromanon Havi• ol rimer.. Goods( S. Ct f Irarolr 0e C. ev AI Intlhe0ra nearin3 a OPCarNmlr w, ll a°;: gr f1 0.1' famak'd""'" bee CCnCPrnlnO Imo nU0lnnal IWbI SCSI Illon< m tnopl Roan, 11751 f7 ter a lo, a al Cirtle NINc5p. lbs COncllGs, muncat. 17771 Om An i de of m• tVausttd Metaled M vat Bonds•/ tee s w its 100011 tom Mist 1• Bnv'le, Moot L' Mite t D e name! to( I7 eardrops•) to anreo rerwva• ton. 11n: t• C c! oMUr tell^ O,.• Ct the c u• vcl an, Ietora• rYCtian 1Y JP,In0. nmadeiln0./ Mab, 111pNmr OmbV equipping of Malin Irlt rat hm, M 10 hvollOt facilities We• N• w fordllles,' mean. MMMy Pr. I1N' I. 1: 1 refund all or a effenon of IM Miming vela] Anna ( eve.. Cultural ECUCn, txl Facllltln F. nmfce fee Tarrant c arbcrel& Hafp, fal Recent* Bangs( Scott ono Wd• Nlemarinl Hqenpl ofd Scan. YArwood are Barclay Fauntel' an Peale./ Seri. ( Hmo" OI and D Oar HEARn. G ISS femme: al re01cr S165. 105 O OuDlk c0 lu y.{ Cnamxr5 Cl ptepi City not„ etnbelow Flair 11. 7 V ord' e Street, ID tense., Oelcllbed one M,. a•, whale 1b or 7D 20' 5 ley( lktlm• J ITY P_ AV CO:*:' City Plan Corm men Public rearms nin9* ll m government ant ( R_ SICE' I TI AL pE' L. T 9EDU E5. Ti,. Carrarov t Legg Notices NO TICS CF[ CTICE 13 HERE eV GIVEN Of CY0lit llee• Iraal to Oit rn0 Of IM CLltural Emem10n Potholes= inane Tsrarl) Ce ere t ( Iseu• r•) oni areal/ 01 Tartar) Calmly, Dail. Costa,. CL1net h: Bell County, Wolbmfan County.• ACIe•vms C 1077 Comet COo' urt Correll Casten Me Bartel Court• Y( 11 an Mercer 6 271 S. Sr Mal County. at Brown, PruM, YJarremolnf. Ferrell& Cf 10 p a m Dean, P C. Naas Fordo Tame, fll Wm St Sulfa 001. Farr WCrih Teta& 7002 ma( t1 on Marren 6. 7015mf0mon, a• lee Mimes ofXd' f6 T• Texas 1, m Roam Celt a near C Ixa7w Mai a mated Io IN eon e main melon ea.. with InInp. Plan CI r willsill con fie a te, In WW1Gape at fMr? revenue t EYlibu ratas oftN is INT, a.Issued by andS. 1 b Itfua to an ae pn l amountMarino nth nor tolu• 620 C 0 treed puma hearing s 0a• brntd of1 nna, n a a meaning be Fecruarv' C hlorda'. L[ ySI Notices ) ( 4.' • sJ ' ' a- 5. -' i' - r t fl t - • m a + a y Y a• i •_•• i s 4* d, } M• 4.: r e 9• 0 Z. 112. m. xCi. LM..,. tr-..--,. nn rzafca otx Team 7/ 118, paMMem AVeriri: warn. i ..-...,._ H . 9 rolGC m• r. Call us about:'•; our exiting% _ end Cen• ra. MI Real, xeue facilities lemma al er cancan to/ 1070 N E• arass air. Oaua Tame 1377A new nucc re,;, nalowner, antetorarmanaxrofewnef ire Pro, ects+ All a no Croflf alLbah: 1 OSW HaIG 9/ asYr Ha dlni' W a to ailed am or m> e n soon= end eres• 64 oertam ere ITN= al Ire Me nwence earroLs Mew with/ ro MOW Mn m ere l• iar aad, W4.1 Deer) alfrown. MtarTafloll be ekes= pip iml t, liver oo. I triad ed br n writing hew,. Cl IM hearing, Deoe air Sir a wan ne CO an a nacre lro contact Mr Iq. uM* no Intend II or tnir vdr] a care% tam, mus m to Mr OneM coo of Ina Dean a Mr Anderson to fee dole me IKaI on and Prior The IIIMM vMS for Me Manna& it me co 4w or mT• llearr.Oe W Mee0ulr CM add, liOnal Marini Dec, Cr Mr flea fa Ea r0 in rrn' n. rearsh SVGminen re Vl near, Pr m. atnl earn, A arc% Peering* n v,or otr se mkre f,: r, I,; o enlrwmperrmkrrslaanen,will reKnMUle Send- gion, C ins dosed f; Y 7 g` 1i j. Like Fantasy : Camp for the r. e•` . f;Z; t.• e. r'' 1.\' Y` r[ • on, eRen, Ad0. at1•• Pmp7a P7niw Law 111x•» r sub•- SOiiiS1L? 0Hlr " earn i .., ie..'.' . FChsaPm,,,,,, D 1i14,./ etlue_: f leddlei</Calpeting ( l Bf! di. Slone Servles) rte Minded tV> r4 tar rlK e rYNmatn POM F^ tf Orrvewnysamarol 972- 272- 4468 1I( Flooring 9 YE DO iTAIL4 fleivRSmle - NL'oaw a( li 82. 73lL' amtt 214. 674- 1166 tic; Nom or1: C antes Md11e1ZI 41i 969) 4D' 4- 67471 WWW. , iq ,. • ( aiNe"' yandpaehl{) faases f,wmbin , asenim BOth Nu The Dallas Morning 9 News Presents One Day University: schoo' s and One 71rN4 I. nKbi01SeNkL ran.. NO98LD14, 91. 11M Day University 6.IM' ) 41946• special versions of then Naadrmnn dayY that get your thinkers from great 9 a community who believes learning doesn' t diploma- end on It s a the lifelong I• I. MaaE ELDER C: eE SERVICE! Yfllmeol Q weed 91nPOnr. anlMr.° 91674 Ana day 011°'" 5'-•' n-° i cR, nv, tr: r... you i^9 + V uRd7FL760 A Register at OneDayU. com 7 800-300- 3438. To join our email list, visit and select YCLT_! t E: ES? R! L e•• MoD Too 1.9.41.. 1.; . No 12: 5' SSaS33' lil1. s 214TT aeosonode Phan o AF. . "` l Cis• 4r has 5.1.:, en m.. 9'-: 12148 296. 3157 = exJ acmes' ,•, ROOF REPAIRS Leaks 14) aa Off MN Fl 1 , w RC• Gnu n2-u9• Ita1 eke ex rely l.7 f Fast& area REpoir 7a°} i71e el Mad Pies& D7U• 3U69 we tai., a etr_' il se caw as Y CM• derl. i n 214. 671. 0417 r= n- i-,S, ce• ucire3, el. oil. p.., P8• FeRCUTIR, 07- I 102247 Angles List! ear 4e12n a MiA1Wr 714607 1110 11 il ( iw%` Home in OFW ( 6412597. 1031 Ql ) ml l' s i^• It q• f • giM/ F - i" N7 ) Atil OW., Ca Ca-nma aRaxJ, endaa TPO 4 m.reJ,' a,. b.•. Y•. 27/ I14 ., • R( n i1J'i1 f 1 Y Tree Service ) storm xmb9er 1 wrct'O. vl limbs, Tree Tote Sawa DALLAS v l •:' DAY' r Rs 24 in at Sorry leo E. p• e 6( Guar Wert taro 1172)*Y72) - . OOD00 3 333] 12p,a11 . Preens. r-, 4.. 4:: I I.Pmlo MTNm V ri.,,; y. local .• L4697 SOZ F,/ Fy, rbj' acts..... 114eV1W 072 R i 65 A, 1 1.. 4__ 7..: Al/ ardebh Palnlina C: II::,,, e er 30m1a• - Ape' Eon, Str.• 9 Daau. y Eaa• hrvp 21.81.> w.,., Ira, te.. 1='---- 14914 e loin DaKm Green Wan, Inla. ellane 841. 04 ufdeacrn from - 1rf9a Onernlaa, t' f. r135 49672 Ram. 32W at DebesGret Witt MENCO2A. S FOf.': DATnC" NOUSE RamHi House Lev. NnO nurnbitl 6StPtiOJ 1i,, r.... A°= ry` 9fe' ne. pM LlMpm aye W KL rams W omtrela tens 4 fill Neer. lk a Moats Menu. war on rns Mina. 3. reosambio ' 11/ 21. I697-0a65 Reeves Pre PIUOOtn9 RtLienl 1: hryfa6 R1+ 17•, 47 fanu.. fwr + 1. SI.... 11: Pie 17n) SSIi111 n_ Watch news happen. MIKE' E' Sr TN. Strew. e 7_.C•.+` r:e Yt A c hair v2rl mm n,- e u,^.. asi 1: FI: -* Y_ an True Service. Insured. Creche Cords Accented 21 4- 924. 705112„_ Ft 770- 2433 Bret% ern Lendeeene s Tree San•% Lei Clore Der. w ICCmaer MI. sun 1130156 W 3{_/:,!•) 3/ 2 WCUAs ••• • 1 f3Mf 5. SaR MOMonn c. meek Prompt a Droenemit • .' 8 `....- ,.• -. Racy 14' of T C 7 8113LIm rueN.aeCr t7 UNIVERSITY OuaE GREEN air. 1•: CABINSIurGnls` diteil esmilent Wen 0J , i Pc<.a1ll.> cwi.., r. a HAND OUT RATES Zow AV Doers Estbn• 225.6742• tn• Ir_ 7NC lam'•; Foot 214 ir,•'; T` s4 + ( • ,•(^ a Simnel Cede F s ReaOm An mf 1 Ramer frv+Eatmuni/o7. t1rT amble Bu( Wm9s) 231- 9988! A B PM 0V IMO 2 HCUR%% SPeci AL 5129 W 1- 1691 5, 6. 24] 8 TX DoT DO6n125Je 972 4Y9 8886 Frm n, t Y \ C• 4.1141.8141.114.118.. Fx Edat@ifJ4l & erre, mill Nand• sr, i m- 7 Owe Trine 433 ' HONEST FENCING ooh airs, Set Gramm thorn a Ihotet„ et Pad. • P et eU erM 714T4 14 All Ream, x.. vr' r.'cur TRASH MAULING 3'f"f1*,i;.:.: LkMwda ItDwld Vsu/A11tJ1DC ar4• a a! ; TransMOrerS 17 lit lice Fr^ Ef:.. 111. 2010rSS Donor( roonuttue. eam 214- 677- 76 13• BBBIA+ Reled 17 MIKES MAULING Tim Co 10 Seem Radnf/ 18,/1/1/1loNiam eiaimra All Rrra.n ldHr elects TAO ti : 14, Clinic' WIMMY 0' ) Edle eaaa3rutlla. 1 Pool Cleaning service i FREE ESTIMATES 19%-1 H11di n'{) 6K CASi8UCiI07 r ILC'a Ordtple Rant Bmrrel - Fret Rd Cudam tLiSIS37E: IJ i1 fiCS fx.'SPFCi hint We PAINT Hanel Palls. Parting enter Cie e* 11 rra el mom • I$A ra Co ell ran a Penn C. Mos. 5 lour dNEN Nfm La loured Senor Emir MOO u ) Crockett Conde. Drew maml SlrvtMaf flee. 1. Lee. arf o, MnUm Sump.; Roof tu. ohnea Pods 911 Foe IL P0000 Dallas F ONE - centre. moving Co Reach 00pS: sM1TIi , Door& Noma repairs lies Firmed Ii IIIIIIiIIIIi .< 01KCONT ORAf41VC A { Cr. House Foundation inges P Lae, OW. Was• r<pe 3.40es• p* OrremA Rn6,: M, allCermerc o awn 00112811 I l;' ' r• cogg: ....Lae.+ Rstmemes man MOWN C2 at< Mam a Par Into 15 Teen 96ee MO 329sw 966. 1,y ii if 104/ As! JON-• Fr. 911. 677/ fie. Rte, NT Resldentill ) process a LL 972- 333-5600 a•! Nr vf.- 1. ,./-• Nrnre 114417 2411 aL a'.suvt 14 r ererarr. to VA t• mannaawe Vs INV; 1- 2. 37 D. onfaaeh doe Meinf r J: Y1.' Lnnsa, aa. rr. 1n Zt. t l 207. 77Z5- 1'= leii P 1I5t . all r t\ WO MOUSE CLEANING or call C= i + Prefn0001a. Sa 1! W r. LC i1. 612 3734143 OFW l. le r lees nwat ti•. Dodsonn _Foundation 817. 201-0955 095 A• f hoar 9. 7479- 35111 immersed in classes sept,k A*. a IOtONA\T) 1N31; R( D Larry Semite main, proems la Wptl Coning ) a r g; 1^ 9e' i, P u M. la re.. TI PAN O,[ Y4 P. fr.. Ir rash Hattie Nmb a' 1MCa/ h Free ER i Cate Services• 9. and participate with , • kmvea e: m' ea; rn IWsmko... 811. 1. Ea aCREAtIVE MANOTMAN' lktVlM. PRmhelne, carwnM. ,.;;.. 81 214270 6742 very rY best lectures Spend ;;,, y 198Sbbt11a7e i A k. ( mumr,¢( uDrtalsrm Ornallyernss mimes T+ eeroraem DatbTenee" _ ICN tiasl p n[ tD 6 Hodint! n 1. • ia SS CeiCL) TC:( CO" SULTA- together professors from the finest to present r f ',}< s na i amanf•+ mtnao0uwn banging 1 ; •• 1 p TNOMf UI) IS 14 Free ESL V44' 22723 Amarken Mmsere Beet ek<Y Stets Cemmer< lel i R% Idenoal- Free are 1 } . wdeleror: iii° n4. n: SiK, otam9mrw„ lin oeiwiui. iiutrruw ' ) frr{ay,_yr LlNnma OTOT 3 an nren fro sw, mom • sN3nVYrilfOe• s. h.. Their Best Lectures Bib r r I The Top Professors The Dallas Morning News rNlj;' r; ; - kendaliremodeling. com • Ma' am° so. nrs' a corn r_ an Loen, r Sac+ a O' IWallmf. Ie' lla,l 1, a ht. n • Bx7 line ... Small CF. vr• 2..•• 214. m7- 2, 13. cr. OMR Repair, Cranf Moll eo• eS. EIC Na tee T^ el! or smel o en Eeter,Met FREE ( Esbmafe4 MI4Y Wf 6( nptpoan a markrent colic.). No wb•ioo The Finest Schools ""` ux•aeDealu. 7la: m• vew, o-„ eraxsq_s= r.; lnova/ LOSS On& n vii p el 1 C. WarrulryCn alwak eorreleled fktirvDZes a5L1 1_ R. 1. Shower Tile Experts Reasonable Rates 20 rears EjrpaleTlce Guarantee tabu S Product Pr3eds.• ir. A ismW__.__ Ranodelhlg ESIcrts Gushy WDrtDnansfup Home pepsin ) eenrn•t ' ennm, JnnA-i Complete Renovations& Repairs seder, Academic I C16COm2EY! Decks d Patio Covers $ 249 t i- c; e Complete Kitohen 8 Bath Remolding • 2tlt •• ••'•••^ -- Gem„. 903-385-5886 Raw sbewCb a onreRarY t5,., i1..." Customer SlbstaCCan- 4x16x18^ 8 SrocKad JROCONCRE71" ,+Tu nb Ere PlUNI _ vs- M.2• 71 961966519 r. r•:'; 214j 923- 2486 `•'" Complete All Season Sun Rooms $ 4X8x18^ $ 159 f7a1 Nrwaamaeeler. Iallenen i' 2 •_r Complete Room Additions 99 L.: -;•.,!.'::. is c Call( I 4 GNmons1VKik3ens _ eampten 3nerer 149' 4x4x 1 8^.- I u f 1R000NCRTIE- i' f_ /\\. FIREWOOD' 1• jam...--- Srlf• 1 I=•„. 05.2; 2.7rh•;,,,T. Y-;.,•''' Atermisseen, Nstere rs aryl ell 117 e7S 3772 C ' 4 r' INTUREDISONDED ReaneeN a aweaaNl 11, tail 1 .;: y iAGED kr• robe - 95 40 --- ---- - essad, 9atatIlm• ewe Iona+ l Kendall Remodeling9 nd Repairs P Cords AYtlll. n' al' aei se,, x ' i'- -.- u. Het, dte•Pm. at' j 1 oda UrutNaw Pen !-•--- TNT Trmsnisswn tWtNn.= FAC. LIiIEe FINANCE CDRPORATIDN 4 9 a--.• edam aat_ n cheeet_ TACLI 71N2e R y,ll Iron. TARRANTCOUNTY CULTURAL EDUCATICN »-. Residential Contractor 4x4x18117$99r i '• •.;' 214- 212. 29$4 pa : Auto Swims ) _ . HDDX aeons 1( Serdoned OAK r I men Ir. SC a<' Usa end nr neov•temrieea Mdrm9f are no or nee n/ n its tme• nel 4a1istmf en as IM reavlrMretl AI SKti n 1.• eaara, tp me ur. ake aeereval 4 Cods of m1L a1- mewed curve to 1M a< amotlmn tram' retro, income rnscl. an m fM on s I a. r pubiitMa nor...* niereaf r TMe.• i-" si;. seerd, THS Nee Sa RN., lkste„ •• ,. I ODxan AC Strom EN N e LicerJa a Inured to ni Mix refMs a= min mean farts 401. re. a. Orr1. + iNif rill ua'. I7 AWL Aar strand' JOSH' SF! REW000 '••? Headeg ) :"\ and oror, wn Molar HMR Repair .. r I r AvCDO,tIti-'•• SI ss6n4ae61. Teem, USN IPMM k Firewood ) ( 1 boo 1 _t a%. FerrlPi Dean PC. Yhlli Pardo PWhR, M Aare, Teas M1st or Mr Fran. Tenor 27I Main SI, SVIh , Sean a Waite NeallMare at 2. 01 Sown 31fr Wee% Temnk. nem.. ) Y opportunities!. CelIcrai EMna•.on R CIIfe] FngnCe fRPerallen in care of Renate. rd it• li and print '• to Prea. Pre t online advertising ` - suns,2 rO to a WKS am relmmKS Ina oreiecn Danl.: es Cr reautIn kr arrt. fame/ 11 CW, rr C. CO11p( te 1.• .. L Insured. a/- Il?lii1' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State. this day personally R\ J appeared Ni U Advertising Representative Li for the Star-Telegram, published by the Star-elegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas and distributed in other surrounding Counties; and who, after being duly sworn, did dispose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates. Q cUC t Ls 1, 1 aOt5 eur\ Signed ' CA i Subscribed and sworn to before me, Notary Public , Lt et: 11. r day of k:1-) l l\ r this the C . c t. 1, f l% Tarrant County, Texas l.173 LESLIE BUCKLEY Notary Puoiic, State of Texas My Commission Expires Seplember 24. 2017 It. (: Li s 20 1 BB Monday, February 16, 2015 s EMPLOYMENT^ i= N # 10975 014' itedfled ADDITIONAL 00. 00 ON 1ST PAYCHECK** der W. Sullivan, Executive VP- Store Operations Mary A. Winston, Executive VP- Chief Financial Officer Rogers L. Robert Real Senior VP • Estate James C. Snyder Jr.,Jr. Senior VP- General Counsel and Secre- Barry 1 P PayY UpP to 40c pm Affordable Benefits Available Class A COL w/ 2yrs OTR C a I 1 86.6 677 4333 s o. Proposals has or contract pmYlava contract• dor a ; rowed darerrIted on a Bidder nos par- in contract manner, unsabsfactory Bids& has uncomplt4d work IuOGment of the City an Bidder the or when in will prevent et hinder the prompt completion of additional City H work The awarded. the cornlder may criteria listed in this subsection to doterminn whether any bidder or any bid H mponshe or responsible Only external be nBI signatures aa19Oe0. Bidders the work to and Inform themselves rK udlno local[ ends• Proposals Pro- treatment stallation of leg, Improvements, [ road certain concrete Instremertation and single prime shall be on• lump Contract Bids turn bays with additive alternate bd Items as Indicated in the Bid may the City, Me successful oi0aar must providt fthat he has penamed Engineers may' tie milar nature and dollar refundable year, the SpKlficatlohs Attention is called to me Owisiohe of the Act of the ( 13rd Legislature Tecas the of payment be. be of thy State of and subseWont amendments t: aKerolne Uoh. d a scale mat. prevalli n9 and wages b by City for this Seabrook o predict All It Id ers must IF relK and made comelyeomolY withwith Ne stand dons for the DWbtllties Act Amerka.ns of with 1990 A rmnenandatary Po-Bid Canferenco at the tlty Benbrock. of 911 Road. eenbreok, Texas beta at 2: 00 P M. February Winxott soli be 23, 2015. Plant. Contract and icmay btheetlly B4nbroek meaKlpel , 913 Winsoott Road. B4nbroot oab, Texas ( 76126. Copies of such. nsttumonts and also by obtained 6t the City of Seabrook upon a non• refundabie payment of sat Monty donors( 520. 00) be Dow- Bidding obtained at trio office Thew documents purChased on a non- basis 5100 per DVD Tracy Posey for the bit OVO tracyp® wallace• group, cam). Kevin Glower. PE Please contest of keying awallaC&•group. c orn) Jennifer Boon( IenMrctta waltaccggroup, ca) for technical median Thew Is a$ 300 chargb for Bidding Ooc unant,. Bad Documents will consist . POPS and be delivered DV0. A l be held chD0. Co Much 5, am. COTCST onon Thursday. T M 2515. at Owner Address be held P1000. am. THEtCR D ct s Independent School s aCCeP o0 aIOO f is for E4uiPment. Supplies and Suffices. Dataded InknnaUan and an RFD Callon may be obtained from the r to ents s may without dti i9 Dithout Email to the Special ( specinad as five( 5) past Bids fora received mints within structures, SCADS con- trials and other appurtenance. N IrkY60trD. under 4r0 Dopanments tab. men Purchasing, hen Upcoming RFPlRFQs Dowmeats Revponses will be" mewed until 2. 00 Thursday, March 5, intcnana Faddy. at 2205 N. Ceowtey{ ICbump Ra Uowtey. TX. 76036. Cr0Mey 150 1015. M the CIn OF BENBROOK reserves the mmht to accept or rased 911 Winxott Rood anyany or a0 submittals. BeriDrook Texas 76126 REQUEST FOR sealed Bids for the ( Trophy Club Municipal Utility Dis• tact No. 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project received by Trophy Club Utility Dlstnct No the Munklpal 1paI Orlry 76262 until Owner, ma I: dO Bids be at 100 Trophy Club. Texas PM CST TIwrsday, Match 242015, Ume will Municipal 1( Owner). the of raceteed on at which will he Amity opened and read. Teo ProHtt consists of censtnuting certain wastewater treatment plant improvements to Include 2. 6 MM McWNcal Bar Rake soaeen. 2- 2 MIA Cylindrical Perforated Plato shall Legal Notices )( sessen and remove vessel from DEMOUTON OF SUBSTANDARD I the slip Immedlalely or sign an STRUCTURE Ai Scott' Landing Marina s to withdraw any vessel from the tale and relect any bid. All AS IS" AxTpOMe" MEMBER NAMERLod DESRichard N no wmiittph TX 3684HU T60W32RI AtId. TX t Kr w Address. 3404 West Bend Court, Mans/ laid, TX 76062- RDES To the above named Respondents Hunter take Notice that a Pleading seeking m the captioned OR above you and do Property' s more commonly 105 W Rogers St.. Tarrant County, Texas as an. and In- Iffiest- Holders. y gaunt b1 S. ARLINIME TO ANY TIME PRIOR P TO 0747• L Soedal Proc00dings has a Bonds ( Stele 90271E Identified Property Owners SARAH LYNN VANHOY WESTOVER. Manta. SEF SAA and IOY WESTOVER. BRIAN Single REESPO DENTS NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION To' Tamara Lynn Wells VIODOY known addrtu: 7400 W. It tt ma 3 Case known Adl SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE N0 14- 5P- 19S MRZIE V. LANIER ANO HUSBAND SIDNEY LANIER. PETITIONERS. Vs. TAMRA LYNN WELLS VANHOY, Sleet. 76063. 9815 Brian Erk Vay nhe VO.BOX sedation, COU OF 1. COURT lusn NYndM Bend ce at Ma erne WRITTEN THE HEARING, STANLY IN THE GEN PRO- Hosa.t I and Scott. Prmkt)Sarand 200051y'theTarrant County Cultural EOUCatian Facilities Finance Corporation Hosptal Rev- A. NORTH CAROLINA. entry Beads ( Scott and Ylhlte ADMINISTRATOR. CODE COMMUNGTON. 7661-0323 FOLLOWS. heHder 1995 S[ch 172', ) ON•, L) Rl( bard STARCRAFT STRJ7IYBHS96. R. PER- TEST OR OBJECTIONS WITH THE implied. or THE SONS MAY FILE Ilght vesselsparo Legal Notices MAY RESULT IN I Mtmonal ITERESTEDtIOR the reserves II ) TO PAY COST ASSOCIATED WITH I Finance C: rooraten Hospital Rav- take pos. Roosevelt Wallt EST and White S(inMIW foundation 5hemad Saks Edc ct lne Tarrant Co. FaclllUes County Cultural lion Masai& Finance Corporation Rev enuo Refunding Bonds ( Baylor Health Caro System Project) Bides 2009, Tarrant Caur. Cultural Ed- citation Facilities France Corp°• raison Hospital Malmo Bonds Scotts Write Heratnure Promo PAL COURT WILL HOLD A PUBLIC Series 2010. the Tarrant Cold Cultural Educational Facilities F(nonce Corporaton Hospital Ravepry Bonds ( Basicr Neal•,n Cara 201I0, and System Prefect) S.,.. HEARING AT 1030 A.M. Tnursday the Tarrant County Cultural E8 NO catrcn Newel Revenue Bends Baylor Health Care System Prot- ed., NOTICE OF DUBUC HEARING THE CITY OF ARUNGTON MUNICI February 26, 2015. IN COURTROOM S. AT THE ARLINGTON MU- NICIPAL BUILDING LO. ( 01 S. M SQI E ST. THE PS COURT AT CRT D PRESENT EVIDENCEINTOISTHE cabana' Facilities Finance CorPOIT Ser O1 ( Bor ) ckk wh fieont he the and/ orrrefinanced at COURT ON THE ADMINISTRATOR 5 REPORT REGARDING EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY OF ARLINGTON ON THE FOL• and/ or aeul° Wig ofheatth faelihks. LOWING PROPERTIES waacts a( 3) pay cao. tailead In- FAILURE TO PAY COST ASSOCIATED WITH DEMOUTON OF SUBSTANDARD STRUCTURE MAY RESULT IN AGAINST THE PROPERTY D ENS INTERESTED OR AFFECTED PER- polyp, ADMINISTRATOR, CODE COMtDU• ( NACE CITY SERVICES, OF AR• reheetiimlon fadilies ( tAa eirlOMaI Re ended ban] terest on toe Bonds to the atent authorized. and( 4) pay the costs a Isswng lit. Boras m m. Now Wmy PK;Kts and the Ralundod SONS MAY FILE WRITTEN PRO- ([ TEST OR OBJECTIONS WITH THE remodehhe Inciud, ngbutnotllmi Ears Prcects onecthrcly, the• Pro: eats`) era at the following tautens: 1) Baylor All Saints Medical Center and facl' Itles located at or arlxent bean filed Thar natant, of No relief UNGTON. P 0. BOX 90231 M S. to 1400 Eighth Avenue, Fort Werth. n- basins tWo MBR basins. donelitien Electronic a concrete ! fluent welt control structure, two MBR concrete basins, re. nay narking of four en-sting aeration of E. Bryan Venberg, Senior VP - Human Resources Madan successfud building. washer/ classifier gilt a Form amount In. screens. Membrane Blplogital pumas. slide gate. pip a now administration bWtdlnB, dons under which the work is to be performed At Me ropiest of Work terry Reactor. will are expected to Inspect the of site MBR Liability Levtne Chairman, CEO and Director Jason Reiser, ExecuChief VP live Merchandising Offs- 3, 000 SIGN ON BONUS* Blds& Com• any are: Howard R. FORT WORTH, TX l Fort Offieers of said Lim- REGIONAL DRIVER I at Beach Worth, Tarrant, TX 76244 St., 1 S Legal Notices )( located 10701 North Truck Drivers ) Legal Notices r ( fzEMPOYMENT 4: Truck Drivers www star- telegram corn I Legal Notices APPLICATION HAS been made with the Alcoholic Texas Beverage Commission for Wine and Beer Retailer's Off- Premise Permits by Family Dollar Stores of Texas LLC d/ b/ a Family Dollar Store Assistant General Counsel That obey W. Odom be apUNnted as Cemmluloner to sell certain real tant Secretary Erik North that Cambria by pubic and private D. Gast, VP- Finance Treasurer and Jose M. Luis, VP Real Estate Devel- Sala Proartr rs owned yak, faintly by Peuttoners and Rospan- Thomas E. Schoenbelt, VP • Assistant General Counsel and Assistant Secretary Family Dollar Holdings, Inc., anaging Member rofreers are as listed same above) CITY OF ARLINGTON CUndl The Arlington Cib Ceuntll the foLowmq 014110rko passed a at on classification known as 6001 Ccping Lae by the of specific use peril the a amendirg anoedin Mg ct M o end onkrgall str lY, authaddng the bull dto Issue Permits official effective derv. MOMMOM Mao of w o vlalatlan: Providing won tag We an 00 for tilt main campus of Oaylar university Medkal Center located one half of sums 206- A, PAGE 121. PLAT RECORDS. spent by the PedtIOners In the TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. and maintenance al Mb preportY to be mer4 commode k^ pwn as 706 N You of required to are suchfeIeed. nq March 16, 2015 make not saId defense tater than date. belle fond Goys from the first publiwtion ' No114; that upon ycdr failure vf to da t° the parties uekosn 1911. 51 you will aCP1Y kr the e• 7.1 . f s° ugnt This tbo 29th day of January. fa ALtertwY2015. Property Owners and In- tcrest- Holden. Erton, Herbert Est NOTICE OF facilities located at or adiacert to 2001 Bryan Strott. Dallas, Texas PUBLIC HEARING 75201, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of D00I0 ( 55) Baylor Regional Medical Center Marinas to DQ hold by the Tenant at Plano and facilities located at County Cultural Education Facilities Issuer") County. Ellis County, Collin County. Williamson en behalf of Tarrant County, Dallas Bell County, County. McLennan County, Brazos County, CorvMl County. and Burnet County 1) on March 6, 2015, at 10.00 am_ of a Gat more particularly shown on of record Tower. 201 Main SL Suite BOL Fort Worth, Texas, 76102 and( 2)' on March 6. 2015• at 10 00 a. m., at tee effir Healthcare. s of South Scott 6 WAKe *.Temple, Tex Muted en n the 7 In Adam Room tall 66505. R in 6m floor or the male oath Council M Dead of the may 0200000171, County. Texas. TAO City will concoct a public hvarag on the request for said permit on the of March. 1 In w adincont to 4700 Aline* BooPlano, Texas 75093, 1618ao,,, Medical Center at Garland and facilities located at or 6dlacent to multiple series ( rovenua ban s( the- 8enas`) to try enactorDr amount of toaggregate exceed 51. 600. orneunt Mt to eueed Is.s a'600. 00b.000, hxnng' Each public hearing combined rMidi the moon)., 2300 Marie CLVIe Garland Texas 750x2 and 501421 Clara Barton Team 75048 at Erown Prmtt Wambseanss• ( 7) Fault S Dean PC. Wells Fargo Well Per it to drill, t Well Permit to dells comoloto and Hospital Budding. Witt, rospat to located at 4(401ergasvponoroplrty a plan of ulnae Inmat will consist the luuanev. Tucaraeb Ccu NI Teoaas.• and in multiple years. of nosada' yet Including but Mt to 3505 Gaston and 3515 Worth Stmt. 75246. 4) error Health Care sneer and identified finance Corporation( the" on Dallas Tess. Texas Robert W Od° in Petitioners 2014 EMNest Operating. LLC MICA with the Inspe0ter of the( ti' of to 3500 Gaston and 3600 Gastoe limited• o, facilities at or adjacent N C. State ear a 3265 P0' Box 1S9 125 Norm Fourth Street Made' NC 28002-01on Telephone:( 704) 982. 1119 facslmale-( 750) 933. 1266 nukes the30City Arrington Texas. of the day of December, in the City a Dallas. at ef adjacent East St Arlington, Tarrant County, aftnis Tarrant seterae entire Health Cue System and Baylor a oraience Street. Texas 76051.the the Grapevine. facilities comprising THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME for ion for certain at a edlannt to 3650 West C4ne9e required to reimburse out of lice sale proceeds is 4^ m this second publication In CITY OF (;) COUNTY. ADDITION ARLINGTON. TARRANT TEXAS. ACCORDING TO THE PLAY meeting an ivbreary 10, 2015 this NOTICE IS raroe7 given that. act)loeq to become effective under and pursuant to the Ofd1• aucrdance with the CIry Charter Ordleante N0. 15-005 An ordinance changing me boning THEADDITION. ofANBARNES ANDTODITTO dents. That the Respondents be sold opment ordinance 76007 1211 ANY TIME PRIOR TO ( 2)at Baylor Regkel Medical Canter Grapevine and fanlitlos located THE HEARING extol° located In WAN County, A. Case 10748•.• LOT 15, BLOCK 1 as and Baylor and Gar4M. Memul Canter at McKinney centand faciit 5732 es located at to 181 Baylor Medical Center at bit yd faditks' outdo at or adlare." tr 1901Teas H MacArthur 75061 1300 At West 63 , 75506 MU iroewaY). Irving. IrWrrg, Texas q w aWaBaylorSenttat White Cove, s na and 1. Modica) Center Waxanahie, and 1405 Ws looted Street, et, wad• Wt to 1405 Jeffersonat Street hoche. Texas 75165. and 2400 N Interstate Highway 35, Wuan• of Treasury Rohe ie, n ( 10) IOur ChIdrea ss House Ot Savior haam6bers tee City Council I ode N. 9 rcnucertai Neekar Baylor and located at 101 West Abram Street nits• nrdnctrens. PublKatlon and bontioo ofof a pubrI hearing Is within Center and Arlington. Texas an effective date. 100 miles of the seat of government NOTICE of LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF ARLINGTON MUNICI• PAL COURT WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT 10.30 ANA. Thursday, Auden' Scott s Landing Marina 2500 Oak GrOY• Loop S Grapevine. TX 76051 F4bruary 26, 2015, IN COURTROOM NOTICE OF SALE In acmrdame etas-cob with of Tona. s 19E5, revised In Magna will NO. 3, Chapter 59 as Scotts Landing NICIPAL conduct a public sale a storage leaSCOTT Sales will be S LANDING at MARINA, LAKE GRAPEVINE on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 D 12-00 PM for CASH Inning ONLY, AT THE ARLINGTON MU- (" LOBUILDING COURT CATED AT 101 5 MESQUITE ST, ARLINGTON. TEXAS. THE PUR- the raised Cell of the vessel&Htad belew to satisfy conducted 51103.2( rk he 0, and the lava- at to the NSMrt bidder All POSE OF THE HEARING IS TO PRESENT TO THE COURT ON EVIDENCE THE ADMINISTRATORS REPORT REGARDING EX- PENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY OF ARLINGTON ON THE FOLFAILURE LOWING PROPERTIES of each particapat unit beyond rl g g°°""" whose raphk NsSCtion thy hearingsOies iu- ccnducted UiIies 35lac to 13ve kceo a[ or tae Dap., e x s 3500 Swiss S Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 Seen Proceeds of the Bends win betdaaed ( 11) the aandidn cs of Scottthe to Baylor Scott 6 White Hddirgs BOW Holdings") to profile funds b( 1) finance anyar refinance Ito construction, reconstrectlon. toilevatlen. furnishing, remodeling. re- habilitation and/ or equipping of ( health Induadg but e1 Whiled facilities, to Hospital ladhtles( me Non Money Prolecto' l,( 2) refonu all or a portion If the following ( Odor tend issue. the Tarrant Comte Guttural Educatioioe Fullibes Wore main campus of While IIOaKAco% Scott 6 Whitee Memorial Hospital and Scott A white Ode• Temple located at or orlxmt to 2401 South Slab Street Temple, Taxers 76908; 12) Scott& White Continuing Care Hospital and adjacent to facilities 516 N. located Kegley atRd,or Temple, Texas 76502 13) Scott 6 Who Cantor For Diagnostic faadicie and facilities ww w s1er•telegra rn corn s legal Notices lecatod at m adjacent to 1605 South list Street. Temple, Texas 76508; 14) Scott 6 White Clinic• Tempi° March Mortis, City of Wichita, Sodwrick County, Kansas, 67211• or pnato said time Meyru+written Avenue, 7emPle. Texas 76501. 15) Melano Cnlleten a Scott 6 White Hospital Temple and fadlilles located of or adtttent to 1901 Southwest H K. Dodgen Lo0o. Te'+ pplIe, Tawas 76508. 16) Scott 6 Whitt Hospital• College Station foclltios! and Clerk adjacent College lan East Goan.$ 992010 017. 457. 2402 M• F ac, t{.\ a parent Station, ALCDO ISD• nc. amacont to 300 University Seine-.-,• yard. Round Rock, Taos 78665• Waco 19) Scott 6 White Clinic• lacant and: militias bated at or a•. to 7700 Flsnaond Road. Waco. up. Rankled, Ht$ loft. Cat Jof! 877. 921. 9087 3 a!_ et Long No t Dwoor Drastically Reducod15001f at on 1709 awn OFW airport 6 • Allian: i.xlnt location 817. 313. 3041 located at Hllluest or adjacent Modica) Bhd- Texas 76710; Wads Z5) Scott 6 While Center for ReM9llltatiw Medicines- Waco and Nelda: looted at or amocent to 3000 Herring Avenue, Wa0. Texas 76708; and 26) Healthcare facilities located atedrat io 813E0 Expressway. Dallas. Tawas 75206, Ito imUal owner, operator the m lath be BSY! HatdL-rs s it ar man- ago nonornt aYitato of All Interested wit a ma-ma- exempt ex AdanYford Fort lake Worth Doat+u persons Cranbury Rhamo views, 817) 365. 7151 maintained rode oar, rasses. trio 0004r, fGWop, Education original rant) MAC PERRI1L 16at Boosts Villa, D Elides• Broker 817. 304. 2500 ACAC 50 U• 877) 595. 2816 Par817. 266. 2677 USDA Communities mg Available! o Ramp, iSSEPRcl Per. owner Finance 210. 422. 3013 Granaarr ° IMO CREDIT CHECICI OWNER Fl NAtiCEr Single 6 Double wide rtwbllo names sac cro on ( lend. DINeruilt dross to choose ( from.•( 837) 1914517• or 76508 Texas. Phone. 2547244386). Persons who Intend t° 411x1, at ono or more of the Mango and expr0as Street edvaest ofer trio M or MrMr or Arlington for Sale tearpnho. hearing. of arsons In Any ma In writing to Mr Dan h ,, 7 tqa m sdudule an additional hearing If ree1195194 t° do so In wntten requests submitted totoMr. Dean or Mr Anderson the aforeodor mentioned a KATHY BUYS HOUSES• Azle for Sale Anderson ad ftIr primdeer:11 the 44u TM cod dates of seemfiant BOdferd For Salo ZERO MOVE IN ) Just make pymts. • 3& 4 BR homes with 620 scare. 017. 313. 2186. number ofof Euless For Sale inter. inter Estates Foreclosures such u notice Is 704I11M4 and inn above- data, bm imanngs an to be hold In aathlactlen of tho re• of 4ulnn 147( 0 of Um SectCod 76040• 4• 2, 10005 ft lot, Price Reduced ler quick saw Worth TARRANT COUNTY CULTURAL ED. UCATION FACILITIES FINANCE CORPORATION Fort Worth ) nF- i• L.. Aoartlst Your Garage Solo fm Call 817. 640- 1051 a9 817. 332. 3331 Apt• Fort Worth ) ANNIVERSARY ANNOUNCEMENTS 817. 390- 7678 paint. BUY A TRUCKI RENTAL HOMES 817. 386-0579 s13da` f barn 5790 Rrogloa 50. AOt. 6020 Moiety Ave. 1 block S of 430 a Bryant Irvin Rd. 817. 570. 9070 Apt• Cities ) Motl • Duplex Arlington For Rent) Jae wet°` OWNER FINANCE 76106- lbw 16th,# 01703• TM 76111. 30a 25th, r689mo• T& I 76103- 2adr lbtn 5637mo• T61 $"• 7olllden brand new 3- 2, enO_NY rg 2263• 02499 837- 732. 3177 Looking fm a 629 HUNTWICH Dr Bford W 51600 3004794 2032 of I Bdrm 817. REPAVE THE m+i! sot our strati! YOUROrY 76140 3. 2, 5 Everman hvnnm 1153 Beisnire Cl 3775 No pals 1317495• 3157 YOUR Merchandise 3339' 99 moorerents. com 7 . STAR-TELEGRAM Grapevine For Rent ) 1( CLASSIFIEDS. 5014& Buy all in Hire, ono place. 76051•', S off Feb Rent 5195. 51265 Telemarketing lobs ere caning I 26317 Twnhms 817- 481. 8658 Johnson County For Rent ) directory for Mao lad Alliance Area For Rent 76017Executive 3. 2- 1 etc now tarpat. wary. 5850 817. 465-3086. MOVING? Sea our vandal Sat 8 ex Martin Realty 817. 2594068 5750 Arlington for Rent Duplex Encore 617. 294. 0188 74160Mare Inslow 1000 e17•sw•7gse 17,504, 7 50. wg en9tmul cal) 817) 475• S906 76071 3. 1 aaea9a. pertlt Now vak 5050• f950/ ma Men 817. 020. 0650 Lizard?P Try Our Exotic Pot Section: 76132. 5861 vlrsteren Dr 2. 24 31400 76177- 2. 1$ 695 ma 5600 do 572. aWe( Pd Stones Sectlonl FIND YOUR PET A HOME FOR 76108. 3. 2. 1 Twtil•so. Writ Sett,$ 850 5600 640. no Deli 417- 365. 1166 Luxury m Rough In our Jewelry dr 76109ICU 3- 1 or 1. 1. Wm a/ 1150. PS7. 877. 57a7. 817. 296. 9725 76013 24 Wa. now comet. quiet 839. 9576 5550 ClNalnads Find your Diamond In the month 3400& m alt 817. 7374888 76053• Spring Speclull 5249 r/ OVE- IN: Close to NE Hurst 817. 266-0730 In Today a 3BedlBatnS117O 76107 ARL Heights 2 1- 1 CHA comet W/ D connection 5795 I SENIOR LIVING Burleson Gated lb4 lea Dutloa$ 755-. 817. 360. 6919 1013 CALEB 3' 1. 151300 nth 3600 dep. 817. 9964344 76010. BURIESON 3. 2. 2 Cin, Lvx Yard 5923 a month( 837) 994- 80 9 838. 8995 C c,... 1I ' 1e B KathyBuysHouses. net THERES MONEY to Loan, see today a Business Section SELL YOUR CAR for 32499 1317. 3323733 BUY, LEASE, OR SELL under our real estate section. a S ALL CASH Kathy Chock Tede ti EmploYm4nt Section d FAST CLOSE - B17-9015235 TRICT ( wwwator• olapr° tne° nV oaroarOY' IdOr r r •` THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISOLSTRICT 001107II'drraO Fort Worth For Rent 5100K Asking: s170K 917- 6574051 intamd Ra Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, ro50, 0159 the 01, 816 00- ( Cronn! prertqulsita to the eaamaUen from federal incoma taxation of the interest on tho Bonds. ) Matlmo is our Cottoctlbllsl Welcome to your•( now job site. am toted persons This Arlington BILLS PAIDI 390 Deo. Efgdtncros. L 2 6 3 bedrooms 76010• Bedford For Rent IN lust make s re writing malt_ Dean ZERO 3rnwf.homwsaus 6 4 MOVE OR HHomes 83 620 817. 117. score 2166 C14 koorngs e r Real Estate Services ) ZERO MOVE IN Just mako pymts ( 4 se homes with 625 score 3& wwwiiomaaao us 817. 313. 2166 1,Issuer 040uwi wit location ( and time of one a mere Madras by ) Tomato, their News aro bolted to contact Dian er Anderson either InIn writing mt by N The nor or• Arts& WHT SETTL 2- 1 Mobile Homes 5810 ) Fargo Tower, 201 Main St_ Suite 76102 iN° r< Duplex Fart Worth Rent ACREAGE Wan*. at amen, Pruitt. MManu. Fmrlll 6 Dean, P C. wells Mr Frank Andersen, Scott 6 Waite Heaidia• a at 2401 Sane 71st ( park• 5595mo/ 487-4fS7 Ti;e41• 1. 1 fiS0ak817. b roams1r hnppmdnpp Ind Wu Gndao 817- 612. 4816 FOR RENT nalgrhornood Lake Resort Sale ( Se Hab4 espaRol a17. 73a- 4Ufi Dorn 803• Fart warm, Taws ( ern tame Baer Yoros.lam sere REAL ES[ A Apt• slot Ioathn CC7, Mobile Homes Rent ) Groat Beautiful Now Speci ous Manias Location! rmw,HouseHUmersarDallas. com r Id 5W1 1709 In Ksllm 61• 71]• 7061 A Now Homo Just In limo) onirnprorrJ prc5erty Rd/ parker Cty s ( Fl- Facilities da'` 1: '. _•., Cemmerclal L'OOS!! CallToday 214- 6974292 Hama. Rand+ The Quell 1( ve herei Asking 5L595i 00 per acre W11354-405-427 care of Randal Coaerotion in naac0 wr.:« well rated to Presldont, Tarrant County Cultural k>; ::- k No Dosing Cost Fast Closmq 2S Moon Buying Harm carpet, ludrms. 2 berm 1' rr bath. Duct Barns. Como see the CpreYS rise on this premium Colorado River 817) 983. 7199 ( Croaks, numerous Fishing, Abundant Quoit BI9 Turkey 6 Dovo Coed native wwW. LOO9Tide con information may be dl- traditional ( 6; + .. Rea 76116• ALL BILLS PAID. now Rancti on the Colorado River. Scams 1940) Joshua Sprin B town Piaster Pramtun Quail 6 Wlldlee 17) 370.8610 817) 310. 6552 817) 36S• 7372 940) 590. 1642 114)) 36. 8383 207 7911 817) 330. 8590 1817) 330. 0581 1817) 330 8552 1817) 330 8599 ( Gainesville aro Invitee to attend inn cr mama such publk to txprosa their elders with respect to the 11suanm of the Bonds to finance and rtflnaoa the Prefects. Questions or roiuost6 fm ( ( farmersviOi 05W HOim0gs- hrark+gf MF. Owu c, Masco pared roads 4252 Acres Low S10O' s Alvuad0 r--- --rte..:% Commission IR. Starting in I McNaryCa.cem 8171604369 x nl10. Y d/ b/ a Baylor Scott 6 White Hlilaeit Medical Center. and Cancer Centel ) 3. 2. 2 AVAIL Imm° slatah s10001ma Business Prop. Rent/ Leaoa I I F;. Watauga for Rent 1 MORE MoNEr FOR vouln M s it;,+ pots 01100m 08CD0 681. 54.8369 I• - Commercial Property ) Texas 76710, 6 I ale Humes 20) Scott 6 Wete Hospital• Marble Farms, Lands. Ranches , Fans and facilities located at or I( ad, rccnt to 810 Wont Hwy 7t, FARMS, RANCHES HuntlnO land Marble Falls• Texas 78654 Jerry McReynolds RE 817-2794949 11) Scott a White Clink• Killeen ,, i. and fatllNas located at Or adjacent a,. pREMIUM 543 acre huntlrxye ttia rti . to 3803 Scott and Whitt Dunn, With two m0ec of 6000 warm Ktlllofn, Texas 76543, • it,, ranch F •" OS) en live Clear Fork of En° Brazos ( c•. 4., 23) Scott 6 wine Clinic• 7 Goa. r,;_ River In St40hanf County, 2 hews attain and facilities located at or __ - `^^ of Fort Wort. Fdr men vnst tv. edtaconl to 4945 Williams Drive _ . Lin Int4rmatron 274559. OP60. oleos° GoorgOb'AM1 Tacos 78673. visit ll.cem 23) scat 6 White Clinic- Tomato Now Building Homes in Your o/. e/• Pavilion and fadptlis loated at 4r 80 80 10, A ACRES Community' to 1615 5. 31st Steno Masco Tamale, Texas 76508, the 34) Hi9aest Baotlst Medical cantor, 81747 817. 179. 7079 1C0 .' ) d, lawn care nag Crowley For Rant . • J , _,",.•• SaglneW for Rant CLEAN 3. 2. 2 auto gar, Mood no 52000mo Nog 817. 528. 7667 svduded beactifu( land. Only a few BEST CASHCASH OFFER YOUR HOME TA" E SAL' REA FAO or ', 4OOmi 5300 due, new Paint 6 carpat, 817. 115. 7110 3. 2. 1 GCISD r° tantiy up• park, Oulot Texas at 5750, 6117. 688. 5449, PHASE 2 2• ACRES 5300 GOO& by Rita K Moore Hospital• Round • Richland Hills Rant ) 4 PLED Z- I. dated. new o/ c, 180014ft. trote W Is wM ( COIIoyellie FOr Rent ) ( 1 nnaI Ially unable. to nee ono. 7784 to utilities legal or mbar CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT 014000 Reek and foc, Otlos located and• acllitiis 76126 LAKE Vlore Elf Cabin Ind I University Dr-We c177Bi Scott a Vyhito EILEEN PETROSKI••••"' Parker County For Salo) r00000ted action uar° far ottoman Banbrook for Rent 76034• may result In judgment ( entering attorney The court will ap, O) nt en Toms Real Estate Services ) ( respond astcelan or the chile nas tra ri; m to hue and bo represented by an mated at or statlen and facilities located at ce to 1700 or Sala ) ( y Now 3. 2 Homa - to Said pleading with the tills court. Failure to either of owl th0 granting the Each paint, aetacent to 700 Scott 6 White Dr M Station, Collage 77845, 17) fcott 6 White Clank•( SW SW on response appear County 25 Min, from FW East and facilities located at adjacent to 409 W Adams or ( Johnson 27, 20 LS, In the District Juvenilia Department. 1900 Court. Nbrthsld9 Monday, February 16, 2015 98 j Legal Notices 1 i Cfni-' 1mier. rnera iii' d•'° Autin \mcricanStateman I austin360.corn STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the County of Travis, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Justin Peterson. Advertising Agent of the Austin American- Statesman, a daily newspaper published in said County and State that is generally circulated in Bastrop, Bell, Blanco, Brazos, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Colorado, Comal, Coryell, Fayette, Gillespie, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Kerr, Lampasas, Lee, Llano, Milam, Nueces, San Saba, Travis, Washington and Williamson Counties, who being duly sworn by me, states that the attached advertisement was published at the lowest published rate for Classified advertising in said newspaper the following date( s), to wit: FULBRIGHT & on JAWORSKI„ First date of Publication 02/ 16/ 2015, Last date of Publication 02/ 16/ 2015, Web and print times Published 2, Legal Notices, 1 X 286, and that the attached is a true copy of said advertisement. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ad ID: 727540 Ad Cost: 2, 834. 26 4< AT SELL 141./ ilivte. S OR• avi',;: S 4. 12. 15 AW• UBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME,,on 205 cbtu Notary Public I a t j W p kis CZ CL, 4po lcX a t q;: jl ! f M r ( x,•} i D: . i r` 3 a. 4 t,. a: E, _ .. 0 0:, I i, -. to i2 i' iit ! i j`° 3- ; j. 1•? : NjE !,- •t{ .., i 1 i 3pJ 1.4 i 1. i•, a3 • a tS 74( S [_ iY.i aili., 1 3; r 77217} 1. ' a • 2: a 1!;:-. i' fit. i !• 4444_ t •;• lrali, f. .,:; r: l: t!;. ., 1 t{` IPA! fi c d` t ti: Z J_ : jg[ F?_?: i a F! t-'- 1S : si! 2± C, {: 7 aj [ pi. t #1 i ler cl: t- t' i ,. i i- it 1?L, . t, i .• cr lei!SS ii: lzli • 3 !%,•. q' __ }'' Ifi 1' 3= , .,a, a- . 1;;.' 01: t• spp ••}' • - i .: 3 1• a{ a : s' Y_ S, 1 1-, air.; b• `:]c'+ ; •:? '. jar:; i: e ti yiir,-t; 13, i,, a; i as t• 1!, 2i, t' i.. lta sr 7 l y'y'..- Cl) a a u:[: a) a3 it . qj t t 7` r;;.', F= af# in j1,?" S° , ! a; .... g, t, s i :! 3- Il: 42`: 4 a•• t ' ; i:.. . t S: . ((}} tt: t • Fr3!" i; i; J9 •=;, {„ 1'' ii.. s„ tt O 3. 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E; GR 111/ 0 C1 f. d Homes Jobs Autos More TEMPLE DAILY rl' E[, EGRA) I Please w y-j, 3 1,., 2. b_. t 7- us.) i sir C Real Estate 1- 8 Rentals 9- 21 145- 149 Farm, Rand) Supply 110175 ShopP online For your new 30. 38 Merchandise 178- 197 Business& Services 45. 60 Garage Sales 200- 208 Pet& Livestock 230. 232 Automotive 290. 499] Building, Home Ma{ nt• 74- 89 Employmenl 130136 Fax 254. 771 3516 Temple ortments" 1 Telegram : r7 254) 778- 4444 ' s, rr' orrxr ! r,; yr Houses Unfumished Nate c• 1+ Ixr: fit re. 1 7.. ra barn• V( no Ul= fl nnze: rep a1 41` e. a•`:= Cti not 30:- 3 tspd lr'. r cr• LI= J1 HOURS. 1 sns•: uaEA DEADLINES vaCl.. ra rob. eta Tenm err x to i.n Om ma 251) 778- 11 t r a.; tn'.• a, ttem m* rr.•, at FURNISHED EFFICIEN• CIES Flat Screen TVs. Full KrtrJlen Free Coble. Inters net Bills Past No Leaser Ranch Hausa inn 0tiK Apartments e,} a3n 1784444 to K':,' LEO., li a 51 • io, a, ce; m F. r-: orea• Yip err CC• Mn• Ce.••• are. r` K': I,_ eeca-I ce Mare e F tau feu l:x, e; PUBLIC Control Tana Casa.. r 0, sr eentraltauseaatlro Coin s y,,, l tcrr. n •+ Peen: er: orexrl. asna, Y u crane ra nvr G: aa• fuel 1:: 1ra 11: 1[ 7 moan n excela aY 7-I: Ifc a ear': to:'••• lane , 0•• L,• al 0 •. c. 41 m 1': e.• • rp rK... a r, um a'< Ce. sna\ er ears A 1: p: a Lc r r-.- r.- ea: a+ l r et• C:. rar• r am'. I: 01. 1LM3 : 1L1a004 f bar irs 11: 1 & I rlr„ r •,,< Teak n. r • mina n] a a ova SURIaL PLOT Coll 5..• a. err. a urea a. 9, 1. 1 It 3:• err avr vrr. ICE i1 ME4Ca" G' YC, e. f r ILL.' 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TR WI Ya a ..„ Task Wise Property I Sentce LLC I 254424- 5931 Building, M iFTS EACH SESSION Marl, n op„, aample., r•cm-• et/r' a Sean! s- a 13U acres 1• CuluiY REYOVITIONI f•eln: 1 ern ,: vs re Y[ m sr.. 1 OT c• tin cct`" 5::: r Comelesies Monuments ES. anrlcen t: ear Yeas Tears i,, a soma.• aces oW fl: rear r. 1.• T 9• C.el: ae tan rpm Tome. l{, n oir H ~ a'+• rr+• n as rears acre Moore 1- zrwHr. 7 PLY s. r«.,'. r•• c" T BPO Da aJ Tel 1. 1, i. r• n:' ns` awl Is s+: An, a VFW fko Post tit 1- 400, ' r T.. 1. f3 Tx : cm a: aa' a BINGO rraca' r e,"• a SI,<• wl I• Itl'v ROOM a][ Per Truck Drivers Reclaim ere. c• c. emelsasl re• emin 44 sr fkroce san.,• fr.•,. RO., ea : r r e7It1:. 1:: ana' a: m cm as r - LW.. It! n.< a. FLry vre0 rn era rr t: farr rr-- a: C•, Co. Cate Ta 77. AEFERYOONf Sc' bas Lar; ea , sar517. 7Iran Y s• aF a7 NOTICE nt 1i5I i ra KOCHI • r•. EO. t, f1 ' Sr la n •. c_. r: e: un - tax Haal1laal E, fr. 4050 Inn•• Fmme. rt Nenn Cr'' r°' 1LL rt CE4Me. 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E1= cA BINGO* * words M1 Email: tdtads @tdtnews. com VF L' Post+ 1o0R I Sr:, xR, pm e4' Palran cc« 71 rora..- tL a' r> 1vaR n Int tall S,' -, 7 BINGO 15 778 4444 u a Recreation days/ I • Entertainment Q 32 Al rAtrx CP..., C' d.• sMI 0b• And c] ; BOOING LOOKING FOR a MOME1 Far Re: II• 0 labels IA me Correa Tern arm emir_ III mTMOVBt COM v,«• Rrae ] ASK FOR r7 n Ta 7177 Cal, rest! BOLDING era u Ma Ice y our ad etind out a the rest! Can Classified 1W n%+ a.. ra: O a 777 PCc, 2 rTUFF.; i Entertainment d Recreation r] Entertainment A ASK FOR 5411 ERRORS rr' day or night 14 ' & Reveation your ad stand out from the else r. Advertise for i nE I' U ! ww w tdtnews. com/ classifieds f' r: Ye Y ar; mar:— 1•:• 47' e Ter I 9 Furnished Daily G home. Instant access Announcements wewlaeorreU tforlhe one Incorrect insertion t. - Financial the to be, . II Ihera correct. next day Credit is given for SELE ;:• dit+11 14101 o d Is ad your appears should oe an ante, calf us s, 0 read day d sure 1Y Aand index t 11rsf w A , r t{ 5B Soffit a Siding/ g Washing, . F• I•, m. 9a. la C. o. Repay, a I 1 r. cn .• n Tea.•. OnvOways, SidarrOlks, Sidrte: elu: Y} 111) Ing, 0emolltron and Maull. 7, O C. a, On, na e,9. _ 3....- Estate MS: 19A 1' PrC: a er, Crow pr:: 111. 7133 LOOKING FOR A HOPE? Fe RreUar Wogs u Ie amt^, PER 9..14 :. NO PET PROPERTY 2511. 771. 6x00 . y,, L 7R 4. 44,,- • a.- 3 Kea e„„ or 1' urmin KT on Town Homes L: For Sale& Apartments For Rent heir Soon Hone Per, RCN, ? Dm. 5', SI x41 LOOK A. d" c• home means the for I e. r you 3 R, Y' r • YICW PNOroa• TDTNCNCS DO) 1 C BA ' Click Tours for. the Apartments or I pictorial[ our o of,of aAr v>: 243. CaYER Saran c veal. 11. Me• earn. ' ^,., I H ,,, r , , 1, IM': 71:. 11 PobItCNDlkes b113012 run 14 J 30 Ian',„ ::. : r1• so:'• nL.• e l. 11... l:. Cr C et..-. n\• IBA , Br r i•. •. , a- . 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At no.. r: 11 Tr,.,' 0 ••, o" eea'• ire • I„ Cc.... emBur• CO.., •• tern.. Ter:• Ion :; atnr b: me9, 11 root i1 e .:: v I•\' to roe n• Cc 1. e, C-:," Pre- 1 3 31n ax,, CI I a•;• Psen, e f15r:: D Virtual Tour of Homes v mutt' a' Cc: a C.... B Cif t. r men elf n .• 1: a • t3a, AM Texas: El v.., IC e• 1b 6490 atat a •!- eC•%1r^ , Ec., ci Cc.-•' r; le•-:, 7_ 11 ]• a, I la C1 C ::• Available IBSStarting ing WWa. C: tn.... Rte. Reel 511 Pole: Oel Pisaa Ito: ea MD lain Y 3rd: x 7u H:: Oa 10 NI c•: C.• T r••. __ UU la LAKEWAY APARTMENTS hnHW TDTHOrlt coo FR A:: f• E RE: IS •• vawRTV Sld\ O. li1 `. VIEW B E aJT IFUL LAKE 5tr. Y n. u, 5 late BR.: 3A Wca 1 Ws. Arta emx,t u: 3 13191:/ N1 eD ' 3 TNmnaren co', felden>: Ten, Am 1, i• I L FF LAO S 131 On re Par, 173111 Mp r Ce, f7 Coot:' Brue• Urn erriTn Gea1 Eta D: 7 - most isa91• H PUBLIC HEARIRD NOTSC£ OF h3TICE 11t:• nc 11:: PN Houses for Sale 3 Te- r rl'- er Ar: v cal T' 11151 n• I a•• srae- 11. 11 rooftree fora 8 TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM TodK • determines tornur,rxt: project In Odes Pay Is at Man Noosing can beF m banana Pleas; in penpn IT Copperas GC COY. Kllloon, Texas EXHIBIT B Minutes of a Public Hearing Conducted by the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation on March 6, 2015 A public hearing by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation was held on March 6, 2015, at 10: 00 a. m., Central Daylight Savings Time, at the offices of Scott White Healthcare, 2401 South 31st Street, Temple, Texas 76508, in Room C611 located on the 6`h floor of the main Hospital Building, pursuant to notice given. The hearing was called to order at 10: 00 a.m. by the undersigned, as Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer then stated: Now is the time and place set for the public hearing to be conducted pursuant to Section 147 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, with respect to the issuance by the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation ( the " Issuer"), of hospital in multiple series and in multiple years revenue bonds pursuant to a plan of financing, collectively, the " Bonds"), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ 1, 600, 000,000, to assist Baylor Scott & White Holdings ( " BSW Holdings") in financing and refinancing costs of hospital and other health care and related support facilities and equipment. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to: ( 1) finance and/ or refinance the construction, reconstruction, renovation, furnishing, remodeling, rehabilitation and/or equipping of health facilities, including but not limited to, hospital facilities ( the " New following prior bond issues and/ or Money lease Projects"); ( 2) refund all or a portion of the obligations: Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Scott and White Memorial Hospital and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project) Series 2008- 1, the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Scott and White Memorial Hospital and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project) Series 2008A, the Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2009, Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Scott & White Healthcare Project) Series 2010, the Tarrant County Cultural Educational Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2011D, and the Tarrant County Cultural Educational Facilities Finance Corporation Hospital Revenue Bonds ( Baylor Health Care System Project) Series 2011E, which financed and/ or refinanced the construction, reconstruction, renovation, furnishing, remodeling, rehabilitation and/ or equipping of health facilities, including but not limited to, hospital facilities ( the " Refunded Bond Projects"); ( 3) pay capitalized interest on the Bonds to the extent authorized; and( 4) pay the costs of issuing the Bonds." The New Money Projects and the Refunded Bond Projects ( collectively, the" Projects") are at the following locations: 1) Baylor All Saints Medical Center and facilities located at or adjacent to 1400 Eighth Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76104; 2) Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine and facilities located at or adjacent to 1650 West College Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051; 35129858 2/ 11501077 B- 1 3) the facilities comprising the entire main campus of Baylor Health Care System and Baylor University Medical Center located in the City of Dallas, at or adjacent to 3500 Gaston and 3600 Gaston, Dallas, Texas, including but not limited to, facilities at or adjacent to 3505 Gaston and 3535 Worth Street, 75246; Baylor Health Care System and facilities located at or adjacent to 2001 Bryan 4) Street, Dallas, Texas 75201; Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano and facilities located at or adjacent to 5) 4700 Alliance Boulevard, Plano, Texas 75093; Baylor Medical Center at Garland and facilities located at or adjacent to 2300 6) Marie Curie Boulevard, Garland, Texas 75042 and 501- 621 Clara Barton Boulevard, Garland, Texas 75042; 7) Baylor Medical Center at McKinney and facilities located at or adjacent to 5252 W. University Drive, McKinney, Texas 75071; 8) Baylor Medical Center at Irving and facilities located at or adjacent to 1901 N. Irving, Texas 75061 and 400 West I- 635 ( LBJ Freeway), Irving, Texas MacArthur Boulevard, 75063; Baylor Medical Center 9) Center Waxahachie, and facilities at Waxahachie, d/ b/ a Baylor Scott & located at or adjacent to 1405 W. White Medical Jefferson Street, Waxahachie, Texas 75165, and 2400 N. Interstate Highway 35, Waxahachie, Texas 75165; 10) Our Children' s House at Baylor and Baylor University Medical Center and facilities located at or adjacent to 3301 Swiss Avenue and 3504 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75204; 11) the facilities comprising the entire main campus of Scott & White Healthcare, Scott & White Memorial Hospital and Scott & White Clinic - Temple located at or adjacent to 2401 South 31st Street, Temple, Texas 76508; Scott & 12) White Continuing Care Hospital and facilities located at or adjacent to 546 N. Kegley Rd., Temple, Texas 76502; Scott& 13) to 1605 South 31st White Center for Diagnostic Medicine and facilities located at or adjacent Street, Temple, Texas 76508; Scott & White Clinic — Temple Northside and facilities located at or adjacent to 14) 409 W. Adams Avenue, Temple, Texas 76501; McLane Children' 15) s Scott & White Hospital — Temple and facilities located at or adjacent to 1901 Southwest H.K. Dodgen Loop, Temple, Texas 76508; Scott & 16) 700 Scott& White Hospital — College Station and facilities located at or adjacent to White Drive, College Station, Texas 77845; 17) Scott & White Clinic — College Station and facilities located at or adjacent to 1700 University Drive East, College Station, Texas 77840; 35129858 2/ 11501077 B- 2 18) Scott& White Hospital — Round Rock and facilities located at or adjacent to 300 University Boulevard, Round Rock, Texas 78665; 19) Scott & White Clinic — Waco and facilities located at or adjacent to 7700 Fishpond Road, Waco, Texas 76710; 20) Scott& White Hospital — Marble Falls and facilities located at or adjacent to 810 West Hwy 71, Marble Falls, Texas 78654; 21) Scott & White Clinic — Killeen and facilities located at or adjacent to 3801 Scott and White Drive, Killeen, Texas 76543; 22) Scott & White Clinic —Georgetown and facilities located at or adjacent to 4945 Williams Drive, Georgetown, Texas 78633; 23) Scott & White Clinic — Temple Pavilion and facilities located at or adjacent to 1815 S. 31St Street, Temple, Texas 76508; 24) Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center, d/ b/ a Baylor Scott & White Hillcrest Medical Center, and Cancer Center and facilities located at or adjacent to 100 Hillcrest Medical Blvd., Waco, Texas 76710; 25) Scott& White Center for Rehabilitative Medicine - Waco and facilities located at or adjacent to 3000 Herring Avenue, Waco, Texas 76708; and 26) Healthcare Dallas, Texas 75206." facilities located at or adjacent to 8080 N. Central Expressway, Members of the public are invited to comment with respect to the proposed financing plan and the nature of the Projects to be financed or refinanced. Is there anyone present who wishes to comment?" The minutes of this hearing will reflect that no one has appeared at this hearing to comment and no written comments were submitted to Francis P. Anderson, Vice President — Treasury and Chief Debt Officer of the Baylor Scott& White Holdings as of March 6, 2015." The public hearing is now concluded." l ff, / Francis P. Anderson, Heari fficer appointed by Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation FIAR 1. 7 2015 35I29b58 2/ 11501077 B- 3 JA"ANDY HARWELL, Countyeelrh McLennan County, Vas By KELLY FULLBAIGHT DEPUTY AGENDA: MARCH 17, 2015 III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: L. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: 2. Financial Obligations of McLennan County: b. County Treasurer: Interest/ Investment Reports/ Authorizations/ Recording of McLennan County Investment Policy/ Acknowledgment Approved Forms/ Pooled Cash Account Balance Reports 6. Acceptance/ Non Acceptance of Officials/ County Department Head/ Staff/ Organization Reports/ Updates; Policy Recommendations; Reports relative to County Contracts/ Agreements/ Programs; Recording of Educational or Insurance Certificates/ Awards/ Bonds/ Recording of Conflict Disclosure Statements, Presentations to the Court Report, December 2014— b. Archives: c. Health Services Department: d. Information e. Health Benefits Plan Manager: Quarterly Activity Technology: Monthly Activity February 2015 CD- 323, 9: 30 Monthly Activity February Reports, Reports, Monthly Activity 2015 February February Reports, 2015 2015 January— Approved Approved Approved Approved ORDER ACCEPTING: COUNTY TREASURER' S INVESTMENT REPORTS FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 2015 On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the regarding the County Treasurer' s Investment Reports. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to approve the report for recording purposes and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Reports be, and the same are hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. 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C 0 n a c 00 - I PI 00 v N 0 0 to C," W C LL N n O V1 p a0 W O Q S Ai W tel N an ep VD 0 A en p a X EE Q Y x x x EE Q Y X X X X X 0 x N m m 7 W V c C W 10 E 0 C (; C J 6 i C McLennan County Cash Transaction Summary 2/ 28/ 2015 Total Investments: 1/ 31/ 2015 Beginning Balance 69, 582, 346. 18 Pooled Cash DDA: 8, 372, 509. 88 Revenue/ Deposits February 2015 Investment Income February 2015 Nonlnvestment Revenue 22, 529. 17 22, 529, 370. 13 24, 531, 870. 13 3, 605, 852. 82 3, 605, 852 82 Disbursements Checks Issued Transaction Date: Check Range Type: 2/ 2/ 2015 300035- 300046 Accounts Payable 5, 919. 97 2/ 3/ 2015 300047- 300274 Accounts Payable 401, 874. 89 2/ 5/ 2015 300275- 300276 Accounts Payable 2, 148. 38 2/ 9/ 2015 300277- 300312 Accounts Payable 16, 237. 00 2/ 10/ 2015 300313- 300597 Accounts Payable 698, 922. 50 2/ 11/ 2015 300598- 300598 Accounts Payable 2/ 16/ 2015 300599- 300842 Accounts Payable 2/ 16/ 2015 5008810- 5008908 Payroll 2/ 17/ 2015 300843- 300843 Accounts Payable 274 50 2/ 20/ 2015 300844- 300846 Accounts Payable 4, 287. 85 2/ 23/ 2015 300847- 300879 Accounts Payable 15, 165. 05 2/ 24/ 2015 300880- 301116 Accounts Payable 932, 262. 77 2/ 25/ 2015 301117- 301128 Accounts Payable 30,623. 02 2/ 26/ 2015 301129- 301129 Accounts Payable 30. 00 2/ 27/ 2015 301130- 301152 Accounts Payable 171, 923. 26 2/ 27/ 2015 5008909- 5009003 Payroll 128, 099. 53 Amount: 86. 50 $ 1, 085, 105. 67 112, 891. 93 Checks Issued: ACH/ Wire Disbursements Transaction Date: Amount. Purpose: 2/ 2/ 2015 IRS 941 Tax Payment 2/ 2/ 2015 Child Support 10, 544. 29 4, 000, 000. 00 2/ 3/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 2/ 3/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 2, 700. 00 2/ 4/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 30, 146. 80 2/ 6/ 2015 Transfer to DDA Only 412, 757. 14 0 40,000. 00 Jury Fund 2/ 9/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 5, 000,000. 00 0 359, 628. 59 LI 2/ 9/ 2015 Transfer: Employee Health Insurance Trust 2/ 10/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 2, 075. 00 2/ 11/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 31, 837. 85 2/ 12/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 2, 000, 000. 00 0 2/ 13/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 1, 999, 200.00 n 2/ 16/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 27, 135 13 2/ 17/ 2015 IRS 941 Tax Payment 415, 021. 87 2/ 17/ 2015 ACH Payroll 993, 271. 09 10,474 89 2/ 17/ 2015 Child Support 645, 354. 11 2/ 17/ 2015 Employee Retirement 3, 536.43 2/ 17/ 2015 Health Savings Account Deposits 2/ 18/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 4, 000, 000. 00 In 2/ 20/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 1, 000,000 00 ril Page 1 of 2 McLennan County Cash Transaction Summary 2/ 28/ 2015 Total Investments: 2/ 24/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 32, 991. 45 2/ 24/ 2015 ACH Accounts Payable 3, 275. 00 2/ 25/ 2015 Retiree Reversal Pooled Cash DDA: 12. 50 2/ 25/ 2015 TDCJ: Adult Probation Employee Benefits 11, 200. 93 2/ 27/ 2015 Transfer to Investment 2, 000,000. 00 2/ 27/ 2015 ACH Payroll 985, 166. 35 2/ 27/ 2015 Retiree Reversal 76.32 2/ 27/ 2015 Returned Item Regular Receipts 191. 00 2/ 27/ 2015 US Bank: Waco ICE 1, 311. 00 2/ 27/ 2015 US Bank: Austin ICE 966.00 ACH/ Wire Disbursements: 4, 019, 673. 74 Voided Checks: Disbursement Total: 24, 018, 873. 74 3, 950. 15 3, 950 15 7, 621, 576.41 27, 620, 776 41 84, 512, 669. 07 5, 283, 603 60 Ending Balances Pooled Cash EOM Balance 2/ 28/ 2015 Outstanding Depository 1, 330, 888. 93 Checks: 18. 50) Adjustments: 6, 614, 474. 03 Bank Balance: Pooled Cash EOM Balance 2/ 28/ 2014 77, 401, 705 34 7,110, 963. 73 Annual Increase In EOM Balance Page 2 of 2 p- 8 co• a 03 To an S S N iA IA an O N 0 0 OM1 . N N ama O mD ID a IA n, IN CO o co 01 N m OVIf O d O^ 0 00 1 SN oN SN N ey N 1 m IA in u1 iA N iA H V1 IA V1 N IA o N iA A a N O A in D1 a In A 00 N a N O a n N n u1 m f` n. N1 a m N m N V1 a n• Ol N V IA N N N A co o o Q$ 0 q n H 0 N M 00 $ 0 N a` IDID 0 0 m ut A 1A IA 4A in a CO ai I A 01 02 p u ID N co a W in ID a A A In 0 M C to M N G 0 N a N D1 N eti O1 M O' D1 C N 1` tri m CM U1 03 10 M 00 N . h N u1 D frl 1.4 N . Ol i - Ol . 1 m V1 l • N N r1 V D i ( N ey . a-. . N ta 0 m O0i • • ni D O N O O O O O 0 iA v1 N In D yap LA' .- ni O i N N iA A . a N LL W 0J N c a 0 m D IA W 6 uIA 00 0 0 0 0 ° IA Y1 IA 0 8 8 $ CO O 1` O V1 N N O 0 00 N 0 IA 00 00 N IA N H ` D g O M H IA m CO IA VT N 00 - 0 r` lDD D 00 . 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F U N '0 O 00 w— 0 0 °o N 0 U, 7 13.1 0 0 a1 C N N 0 ni Y 0 00 00 00 0 2 m j a 0 00 a m a a m m 00 00 00 ORDER ACCEPTING: QUARTERLY ACTIVITY REPORT, DECEMBER 2014- FEBRUARY 2015 RE: ARCHIVES On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Archives: Quarterly Activity Report, December 2014 - February 2015. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to accept the report for recording purposes and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Report be, and the same is hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. ARCHIVES QUARTERLY ACTIVITY REPORT December 2014/ January 2015/ February 2015 AGENCY# AGENCY NAME RAW DATA REFINED DATA pull/ loaout/ deliver) 1 Adult Probation 2 Auditor ( pickup/ login/ refile) 14 28 0 0 0 0 4 Judge County 5 District Clerk - Civil 1993 3986 6 District Clerk- Criminal 336 672 7 District 116 232 8 Elections 4 8 9 Justices 10 Other 11 Indigent Health Attorney of the Peace 27 54 696 1392 0 0 102 12 Mortgage Companies 51 13 Sheriff 11 22 15 County 78 156 16 Tax Office 1 2 17 Clerk Information Technology TOTAL files Odometer processed 232 6886 Previous Mo. 10495 Current Mo. 10841 Reading Reading Total Miles this Quarter Scanning Filing 116 3443 DA/ Sheriff/Adult Probation 346 70, 116 2669 DA dispositions) 47 Research 379 Shredding ACCEPIID BY COMMISSIONERS COUNT THIS 11 DAY OF held., Fainarms, 20 FIZI_ . . .R 17 2015 JA°ANDY HARWF.U., COUntyaNk By: KELLY County, lens FULLBB IGGHT DEPUTY ORDER ACCEPTING: MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS, FEBRUARY 2015 RE: HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Health Services Department: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Reports be, and the same are hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. c y ., lYl 2t y Y r sfi r y *_ 1 9i r y_ tip~-% a 1__ Gl r1 x sue • _ 4d le, .p{{ _– g}-fci' ; 6— 1 '' rte.. i , T"' r ti r. l ' N i _ ' ' 1. _ - rs L: L i' a,)+ ` _. c, r rr Y i' xr 1 _ 7!''' !-..-• 6` yPe" f:•' 1r` J 2:: rr. .. 1r r. r!, 1 ., _ c k.i4 111 sue. 7.•.,,,, J - r.. •' •,: 1' HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 204 N. 7th St. Waco, Texas 76701 254) 757- 5174 FAX ( 254) 755- 6128 To: County Judge Scott Felton and members of Commissioners Court From: Eva Cruz Hamby, Director Date: March 17, 2015 Monthly activity for February 2015: Attended the following meetings: Health District Strategic Planning meeting Community Health Issues Committee meeting Belton IHC to prepare for regional meeting April 9 and 10 Prosper Waco Inaugural Event Access to Care workgroup Staff meeting AcktePrED BY COMMISSIONERS COURT THIS, - DAY O C6UFr1Y, JlEGE 20 i-Co e l;+ a._ ry AC" r aal I 4 a a a 4 4 4 4 I i i 14 4 I 3 E B N r, ) t i 4 le W 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 I C 13.0 IMI 0 L- C a+ a, 41.4 in v, I: U a) 61 o 6T4 O. I 4 4 4 00 Clt N CA W4 I. 0 tL) ID N I 4 4 0 LD r•-• Cl Cr 4- Cud c-.4 o I N C4 ol N N LD CO 0 in N Ln in- 01' 11 I CO -- 0 N N i- al >. CV L.. CO zr 1 m a 0 Lip in a, in 1 _ N 1 .- . 4 0 O E' o g 1 4- 64 N N 1 r--- in 1' CO e- I 01 g en ra L tn r(31 immi 00 2 Z 1.-- F ni a 0; ra Lel >1 IA co E 4 4 4 N o m El* 4 in al in m 4 4 0 0 e- 01 0) N 4 4. N N NI ill Ln ro N N i .- cci CO N N - o- NJEA Cel I 0 in a 2 c (-,/ tO in CU 1 0 6T111 i..) a; 11 4 t. 4 (. 4 ID N 00. 0 N 01 Zr 0 N LC) N N LO r- I N t.0 IN V) " C4 - 45 in m U) 0 .-- 1 o ma) VI M m m ct tO in m m gt a) 2 tD •: 1a) el m 00 co ") ( NI 4 Lai ( 1) Ln 4- C Ia n 1 in 2 tfl 4) a — u ea 34- - 0 cu a: 0 I•I 0 4-. 0: 0 1i- , O. O. to ns +.• 0 1- vs in in c 0 7..; 4- - 0 0 iv It fa 4- 4 0 0 I1- a) 0 a) te) - c Q. ., w O. cc to t al o CL a.) 4, 0 > ai u 1- 0 n:I s_ 0.. Ta 0 u " 8 _ 9= cu. ? s- c to lo E s_ 44.- . 2 a) 4., c u 33 in VI te3 co 4-. U cy in aJ c= cc a) = 0 al 613 st 0 min, 4-) — C a Tz u< 14.. a 2 :C: ma a, , CL CO o I o T. J 4-. 411. *'-' a w 0 C CU 46; 01 - EA. 4 4 4 E i — CO n3 01 1--) i— to 1i r4 m Ln CD- a 00 Lo cr ril 0 11) w u o ,_ In 00- C - 4: VI VI a) 2 0 0 0 W >- 1- 1._ c E =E 0 U a- 2 4- A IA e3 6 c= I— 3 a. 3 ' e' c1: 70- M Brno 70 4... 0 F' = c 0 a) 4-' a o a; o X 13 It C -a cu E-CL in 7= 4-' n3 . c 13 70 o ... . I•• o 4- r 2 La. in 0 C 0 Z CO 0 W aj Z = * +, l Logout p Go Back QI) National Association of Counties NACo prescription Drug The Voice isc®IIDn far ofAnrerica'sCounties Program MCLENNAN COUNTY TX AVG MONTH OF TOTAL PRICE PRICE SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS IZERS AVG RETAIL RETAIL AVC OF OF PLAN PLAN RETAIL RETAIL TOTAL PRICED PRICED PRICED PRICED % UTIL PRICE MEMBER MEMBER SUBMITTED SUBMITTED PRICE COSI PRICE COSI 2015 5 8,092 801 $ 1171 47.95% 12,459 33. 171 $ 35 05°/4 10 15 05 34. 66% 10. 14 68\ 32 89% 11 52 97 $ 5, 509.63 $ 22 58 42 63% 114 $ 50.63 $ 4, 574. 87 $ 17 53 34. 62% 12• $ 45.26 $ 4, 016 97 8 1613 35.64% 11'. 48.97 $ 4, 983 25 $ 16 45 33 59% 13; $ 51. 061$ 4, 366 54 $ 17 $ 43.44 $ 3, 086 26 $ 34 2441 127152 05°/4 DECEMBER 205` 111 54 15% 94" 45.85% $ 5, 819 16 $ 28 39 $ NOVEMBER 235 115 4894% 120 51. 06% $ 7, 039.68 $ 29.96 $ 10, 489. 01 $ 44.63 $ 3, 449 33 $ OCTOBER 244 145 59 43% 99 40.57% $ 7, 414. 54 $ 30 39 $ 12, 924. 17 $ 118 45 21% $ 8, 638. 29 $ 33. 10 $ 13, 213. 16 7, 253 24 $ 2913 $ 11, 270 21 9, 853 73 $ 32 52 $ 14, 836 98 $ I JANUARY 901 2014 8, 905.42 SEPTEMBER 261 143 54 79% AUGUST. 249 134 53.82% 115 46. 18% JULY 303 173 57. 10% 130 42 90% 5 6, 717 88 $ 29 46 $ 10, 188 32 $ 44.89 $ 3, 470.44 $ 15 22 34. 06% 12 17. 08 34 81%‘ 13. S 15.69 S 12 75 32. 32%' 15 5 $ JUNE 228\ 125 54 82°A\ 103 45. 18% MAY 271 149 54. 98% 122 45.02% 5 8, 668 20 $ 31. 99 $ 13, 296.83 $ 49.07 $ 4, 628 63 $ APRIL 319 177 55.49% 142 44. 51% $ 10,476. 46 $ 32 84 $ 15, 480 32 $ 48. 53 $ 5,003. 86 9, 880 17 $ 30 03 $ 14, 075 17 $ 42 78 $ 4, 19500 $ 43. 80 $ 5,007. 67 $ 14 31 32 67% 16 00 32 06% 16 13 9 33 07°. 174 13. 4. 32 85% 16; MARCH 329 169 51 37% 160 48. 63% $ FEBRUARY 350 196 56. 00%, 154 44. 00% $ 10, 321. 14 $ 29 49 $ 15,328. 81 JANUARY 367 205 55 86% 162 44. 14% $ 12,440. 39 $ 33 90 $ 18, 311. 05 $ 49 89 $ 5,870 66 $ DECEMBER 39 21> 55. 477. 17 44. 53'. $ 11, 076 64 $ 281; $ 16, 550. 6 $ 4211 5 5,474 0 $ NOVEMBER 34 18' 51. 879'• 16 48. 13°! $ 27 6; $ 14 261. 1 ' 41. 1' $ 4 855 5 $ 17, 030.3' $ 43.6 $ 5, 324 5: $ 43.01' 14 29 80% 17 - 2013 SEPTEMBER AUGUST P JULY 52. 11'. 48 62°. 31. 27°/• 11, 705. 7 $ 30.01 $ t; , 48. 18°/ $ 11 277 29. 3 $ 16 512 0' W 47. 89°/ $ 13, 852. 3: $ 32 5• $ 20, 710 5• 51. 38°. $ 12 393 7• $ 28 4 $ $ 13 4 18 253. 14.5 85941 $ 13. 51 5 280.94 $ 19110.5. j 51. 8 '. • $ 45.90`V• $ 54. 10% OCTOBER 9 605 • IMO $13 JUNE 391 20. 51. 66'. 18' MAY 44 234 52 35°. 21 • 47. 65% $ 43. 87% 261 I $ 829.5: HEM $ $ 34 4 ' $ 21, 978.6'• 5613V. $ 14, 407.5 $ 30. 9; $ 19, 366 3' 15, 388 4 31 70% 5 234 8' $ 16 1 6,858 21 $ $ $ 0 33 11% 19 3210% 20 27 63% 18 49. 1 $ 6, 590.2• $ 14. 7 29 98% 19 41. 6 $ 4,958 7 10.; 25. 60% 22' $ 46 204 MARCH 51. 25' 48.45°. 51 55% $ 18,933. 71 $ 36 6' $ 25,237. 81 $ 48 91 24 98% 24 46 23' 49. 46°• 23' 50. 54°/ $ 13790.7' $ 29.6; $ 19245.31 $ 41 3' $ 5 6, 30411 $ 5 454.61 $ 12 2• FEBRUARY 11 7• 28 34% 22'• 50 37°/ $ 16, 785 5• $ 30 9 $ 22,957 91 $ 42 3; $ 6, 172 3 _ $ 11 3' 26 89% 254 9 10.:'; APRIL - .; 54. 26' 49 63°. 27' DECEMBER 60 28; 47. 76'. 31 52 24°. $ 21, 701. 6: $ 35. 9' $ 28, 249.8 $ 46 8 $ 6, 548. 1 NOVEMBER 57' 271 46 80'. 30; 53.20'. $ 17 7001 $ 30.5 $ 24 041 01 $ 41. 5• $ 6 34084 20 325 6 MEC $ 27 827. 0: $ 44. 0 $ 7 501. 41 $ JANUARY 2012 SEPTEMBER UGUST 70 JULY 37' 49 217. 52 48'. JUNE 64 33 51 78'. MAY 711 36 51059'• APRIL 6;• 34; 51. 03'. MARCH _ FEBRUARY JANUARY 321 50.7". $ WE EKE min Eam2 nom WEE MEM 51. 99'. ME 311 OCTOBER 78• 41; 53 459• 81 43 53009'• 88• 481 54 54'. 81 438 53 61% 26 26. 389' 25' 11. 8 26. 96°% 12 01 28. 79Y. 511. 0'• 27. 999'• 29' 28 - 26; 24 184 51 20 795 3; $ 48.01°. $ 1 5 22, 125 6 $ 28 5• $ 28 878 5:• $ 39.61 $ 8 083. 2' 31. 3: $ 30, 347 3' $ 43 0 $ 8, 221 7. $ 116. 27 09Y. 32 19, 138 54 $ 29. 5: $ 26,517.:: $ 40 9. $ 7, 379. 14 $ 11. 41 27 83% 30 $ 39.6' 10. 6' 26. 76% 32' 9 9: 28 397. 33 35' $ 8 95°. • • 963 34 $ 23 18% 10 9 29.6' $ 48.289'• IUDISEME 8. •• EllnalM $ 6 $ $ 8 20,617 8 $ 29 0'_ $ 28, 152.7, 5 7, 534 8 $ 8.97'. $ 18, 957. 6: $ 27 8' $ 25, 7531 $ 37.7: $ 6, 795.4: 6 55'• $ 27, 199. 1' $ 34. 7: $ 35, 471. 91 $ 45 3; $ 8,272.8' 510 5: 23.32% 271190: $ 33. 1' $ 3558901 543. 5; $ 8469.9 5 10 3 2380% 37 11 71 24 94% 401 10 70 11°.,_ $ 401 45.46°/ $ 31, 084 $ 37 46 39%\ $ 26, 346 25 $ 41, 414 2 35 24 $ $ 46. 9 $ 10, 329 31 $ 2011 DECEMBER 31. 04 S 33 5 34, 089. 04, 40, 441. 74 $ NOVEMBER 90 544 60 44% 3 39 56% $ 29, 701 46 OCTOBER 847 496 58.56% 351 41 44%,, $ 27, 659 97 $ 32 SEPTEMBER 894' 568 63 53% 32 36 47% $ 29,250 65 $ 32 7 61 $ 37, 540 $ $ 510 $ 5 39, 777. 33 41 7 $ 44 94 44 3 $ 5 44 49 8, 742 79' $ 10, 740 28 9, 880. 54 $ 25 650k- 36; 511. 93 26 56% 38' 11 67 26 32% 37: 11. 77 26 46% 39 L-( 1) n— 1.--) - 0: 07, nre.-... ILI -. III c. 1 0 j: :! Lt..1 1 u c:r. rc: 0 - t.-.. rl tr. a2 •• c S i. CI) ID 1 C1 i• Z ctx.,' r ,.... 1... Ol) A th 2 C P. , • I CI r. LI)fel Cd I• - 0 H 1 0- ra I• c, I- 3o . i• 1 1/ 1 SI T. 77 . i E Fr: X n V U n u t2 n 0 o. Lt. i• 2. . . ci) 00 co c-i - 1 7 0 n . ra 2) v. U 4- co I., L. 1 - .• I IZI V, 8 1.: 4.) i''.• 1 I.- v, a 71 s 0 L. .... C----' 0 i ro th 2 >•-• .:.• 7: c•."' f." - 4 c • E882888 2 7: .:. ...; C) . 2 tt Tc. :-• 4 . A ,. ,, i, ..: 2 -. 7 .: 22e1. 0z6 r, - Lt, : I, I. 7; C.. :: Cl n . n . ci oi c• .. -, ID •- . a E R s.,--.. E »: e, IL) m A i 0 7oT IA] C L U 1.:» ki tt) m t, I II z CC 2 5 m 9 R o g£ J 3O 1 a O 70., 11 2E Q 6 z taococ0000co 7 x 4 0 1 J oo 0V 7 000000 Z 5 a g U = 0 2 5. a. k k na i b {= U \ \ /\\ \/\/ } b/ C c 0 t2 £ JD j 247 z2 % k § § L.) 2 S g e 4 ORDER ACCEPTING: MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS, FEBRUARY 2015 RE: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Information Technology: Monthly Activity Reports, February 2015. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Reports be, and the same are hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. f t. NN ks„ , ' I p ROBERT WASSON DIRECTOR- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 500 COLUMBUS AVENUE WACO, TEXAS 76701- 1388 254) 757- 5159 TO: Commissioners' Court DATE: March 11, 2015 RE: IT Activity Report for February 2015 Projects County Clerk CMS Comments/ Notes In Process/ Completed Decs Training Go Live— March getting ready to GO- Live CCL CMS Workin. on modification/ Trainin DC CMS Had DEMO with eDoc PC/ Laptops Installs 37 installed for Feb& Website Working with 215 October- January Purchasing to get CivicPlus Must be ADA contract. compliant. Elections Laptops Created new configuration for the SiteKiosk software the Elections department uses on its voting site laptops. Created and tested new configuration, and demonstrated the changes to Elections department. Followed up to make sure further testing was going well and no new problems have been created. JP- 2 Data T1 line is Connection are becoming very saturated during the day. We feasibility of moving from a Tl to a evaluating the 931. 00 onetime cost Monthly 250.00 wireless connection. T1 - Total Kristi Decluitt' s Ran phone and data cable to her office waiting to Office purchase and installed computer equipment. MI t ONERS ActeP1'Eu THIS n 270. 64 - 20. 64 OUT - DAY it Pi j;: „ifii D Server Performance and Availability Monitor: February 2014 OK from Down Performance Problem 99.99 Total Main Internet DIA Indicator Last Peak Average Total HC In Octets 179. 46K 2. 45M 51. 60M 5. 92T HC Out Octets 1. 26M 8. 06M 50. 03M 19. 51T Desc Issues breakdown by status: January 2014 February 2015 6 6 789 738 Resolved 4 0 TOTAL 799 744 Active Completed Operating Budget Excluding Payroll February 2014 Beginning 561, 814. 00 For a Actual 303, 258. 70 Difference 258, 555. 30 Detail Report Please See Attached Documentation Transactions 20150143 10/ 7/ 14 APC Smart-UPS C1000VA LCD 120 Supplies 281. 55 20150125 10/7/ 14 APC Back- UPS ES 750 Green U Supplies 287. 39 10/ 1/ 14 Maint/Copier Repair& Maint 242. 87 20150002 10/ 1/ 14 HP Server Support Agreement Repair& Maint 8, 360.40 20150154 10/ 7/ 14 Mdaemon Support Agreement Pro Software Support/Maint 650. 00 Paper 10/ 8/ 14 HP Capital 819. 99 Oct- 14 10/ 15/ 14 Storeroom 103019 10/ 14/ 14 Teletouch 14-Oct 10/ 31/ 14 Storeroom Supplies 14- Oct 10/ 31/ 14 Fuel Motor Vehicle 20150738 11/ 13/ 14 25 14- Nov 11/ 15/ 14 Storeroom 105405 11/ 10/ 14 Teletouch 105422 11/ 10114 Cartegraph System Inc. PCT 4 Software Support/ Maint 4,003. 00 105425 11/ 10/ 14 Cartegraph System Inc. PCT 3 Software Support/ Maint 4,003. 00 105773 11/ 17/ 14 Cartegraph System Inc. PCT 2 Software Support/ Maint 8, 578. 00 Rev Prepds 10/ 1/ 14 Rev Prior Year Prepaids Tyler Tech Hosted 35, 745. 68 W 12- 01- 14 10/ 24/ 14 Tyler Hosted 1/ 4 Payment Tyler Tech Hosted 48, 567. 50 14- Nov 11/ 30/ 14 Storeroom Supplies 14- Nov 11/ 30/ 14 Fuel Motor Vehicle Unisys 10/ 1/ 14 Unisys PPD Software Lic 7, 829. 84 106812 12/ 1/ 14 Support Lic Software Support/ Maint 4, 375. 82 102505 12/ 11/ 14 Multimedia Speakers Supplies 20151173 12/ 15/ 14 Fire Extinguisher Maintence Repair& Maint 238.45 15- Dec 12/ 15/ 14 Storeroom Supplies 109. 12 20151331 12/ 30/ 14 HP C8543X Toner Supplies 278. 25 14- Dec 1/ 6/ 15 Fuel Consumption Motor Vehicle 14- Dec 12/ 19/ 14 Teletouch Pager Services Req Laptop ea 3Y repair onsite- C1 Paging HP SB400PD - Supplies 1. 18 Pager Services 5. 01 Capital DA Outlay 49. 38 Operatg 15, 500. 00 Outlay 70. 35 Supplies Pager Services Paging Paging 2 29. 42 5. 01 83. 36 Operatg 26.41 18. 37 Operatg 21. 35 5. 01 100183 12/ 19/ 14 SHI Endpoint Protec Software Lic 9, 000. 00 109014 12/ 22/ 14 Unisys Maint Software Lic 66, 850. 00 20151566 1/ 13/ 15 ALP Tape 20151589 1/ 14/ 15 109734 1/ 6/ 15 20151535 1/ 9/ 15 20151631 1/ 14/ 15 Green Bar Paper Supplies 20151639 1/ 16/ 15 Network Monitor Other Services/ Charges 350. 00 20151800 1/ 27/ 15 Indoor AP for Supplies 165. 00 Jan- 15 1122115 Storeroom Supplies 17. 81 20151727 1/ 23/ 15 Solid IT Networks INC Repair& Maint 7, 018. 00 20152043- 00 2/ 9/ 15 8 PC Capital Outlay 4,576. 24 20152042- 02 2/ 9/ 15 1 PC setup C- 3 Capital Outlay 527. 03 Jan- 15 1/ 31/ 15 Storeroom Supplies Jan- 15 1/ 31/ 15 Fuel Motor Vehicle 2/ 2/ 15 Unisys 20152081- 02 2/ 11/ 15 Units( UNISYS Drives) Supplies 923. 12 MAX- 200200 Dat 72 Dat 72 Data tapes Supplies 527. 75 Teletouch Pager Services Backup Paging TFE) Con- SNT-A155DK9 6 PC setups Software Support/Maint annex C- 1 Repair& Corp. Maint setups Capital 19th District Court 5. 01 561. 00 3, 809. 19 179. 61 Operatg Maint Outlay 16. 74 15, 734.40 3, 981. 04 39. 27 20151631 2/ 4/ 15 Breen Bar Paper Supplies 112673 2/ 10/ 15 Teletouch Pager Services 2/ 15/ 15 Storeroom Supplies 54. 27 2/ 16/ 2015 EAP600 Access Point Supplies 165. 00 3/ 9/ 15 Tyler Hosted 1/ 4 Payment Tyler Tech Hosted 20152141 Paging 3 5. 01 48, 567. 50 4 I 5 TOTAL I 6 303, 258. 701 9 • i_--- r 1 '- . • • I, r McLennan County Information Technology Department Monthly Network Uptime Report( 2/ 1/ 2015 12: 00: 00 AM - 2/ 28/ 2015 Sensor Probe. Group. Device L Local probe( p Cisco Local Probe) • Cisco ASA Main Foewall 7) Average Uptime Good Total Downtime Faded ASA • 0 1, 12: 00: 00 AM 24/ PING G 4 0 msec PING 1 10 msec 100% rn 126d23h5i2s 100% 0%' IOs 0%'' 100% 1226d23h 5134s m 99992% I/ 77= b1 01 r,' v Local probe( Local Probe) • Cisco ASA Highway 6 Jail 1. Cisco ASA • IN PRIG Network Monitor 15 1 13 1382. 0 2015 Paessler AG Ins 0%' Timezone UTC- 06 00 0 008%'( 3/ 2/ 2015 8 02 12 AM 177742] n] j l L I. i 1 I I McLennan County Information Technology Department Monthly Server Uptime Report ( 2/ 1/ 2015 12: 00: 00 AM - 2/ 28/ 2015 12: 00: 00 AM 24/ Probe, Group, Device Local Probe) • 0 Local fig MCLNFS2[ Windows) L Local probe( Local Probe) probe( A' Edoc Server[ Windows] L Local probe( ki Archives' Windows' Local probe( o 8 0 Local Probe) • o Servers • 1 msec PING 9 0 msec) 99 991% 100% PING 6 0 msec) PO4G 16 0 msec PING 10 0 0% o'tServers • Local probe( Local Probe) • ' r Servers • PING 11 o Servers • o' Servers • L r Local probe( Local Probe) • CRISNET2 0 Local probe( Z.CSCDFSN 0 Local probe( Sfg ELEVS Local Probe) • Local Probe) • Local probe( Local Probe) • g8 ti Servers • o Servers • p Servers • Servers • p GIS Local probe( Local Probe) • o Servers • INFOTECH LA Local probe( JMCLN L Local Loral Probe) • ' Servers • MF1 probe( Local Probe) • 1 0 ga 0 Sg L Local probe( Local Probe) • o Servers • DA- NAS Local probe( Local Probe) • o Servers • DCSVR Local probe( Local Probe) • o Servers • DC- NAS 0 Local probe( Local Probe) • ; p1 Servers • fir Local probe( Local Probe) • 07 Servers • CorEMR Local probe( Local Probe) • o' Servers • 0 msec Ping g 13 0 msec pin g 14 0 msec 2mOs 126d2365' 17 99 985% 0037% 100% 0% 100% 1 1 1 1 11 16mOs 26023h35m56s II: m30s 126d231153in27s Ins 25J2311521• i34s 001% 0 0 Ping 20 6 Ping g 26 0 pin g 27 0 7773` 1 171 0009% 100% 11/' 745) i0) 0% 177725) 99 969%' 0 031% [' a; 77710. 99 951%'( 133i 0049% 99 992% 11388721 0008% ( 0 054% 99 951%' 0049% 126d 236 49r-i25s 99 992% Cc 0 008% 26d23h49m32s 100% 3I 138066 99 946%' IOs 100% 0%' ICs 0%' 100% 12bd23h50m39s 99 985% Ms 0015% msec msec I I 21 0% [ 99 991%'' 1211 1388551 1191 1338% 01 131 1388721 msec 0% Ping 161 0) msec 1 Pin g 19 177733' 100% 11777451 14rvCs 0%' Pin g 18 1211 0021% [ 126d231148m41s 0% _ 99 99% msec 0 mL's ICs 100% Ping ii8in85 126d23h45m20s 99 963% 1 msec) 26d23h54m2s 0%' Cc 100% 100% msec 0% 99 982% msec 0018% 100% Pin g 23 0 PING 29 0 msec pin g 30 1 msec PING 31 1 1 100% 0% msec 1 1 1 26d 23654- n3s 10s 26J23h50m' as I 100% 0% 99 996% 0004% 100% msec 0% IT- NAS24 O 2015 Paessler AG 1 1 1 100% Timezone i26d23115: m: 9s ICs UTC- 06 00 1( 38857) 191 100% 11388121 26d23h50m4c 11m44s 101 0049% ( 0% Ind/ 31, 4811138s 39875; 10] 100% 11388131 Cc Os 333751 10) 0% 0% 126d23hacr-128s 3387) 16) 100%'' 99 951% 1 1( 0%' 26d23h42m2ts I7rrOs 101 100% ' ICs 0% 1 PRTG Network Monitor 15 1 13 1382« Os 26d 236 0% 0 015% MCLNFS[ Windows] 0 gg 0 0027%' 1264736511n52s 177729 99 973% 99 979%' m3Os 4'. 001%'[ iSm5Sc I; 100%' PING 12 5Servers • Mugshots 1 1 s msec msec Ping 15 138872) 99 99% 26d23h46m25s 0 005% er CCIMAGE i . 26d23ha5m31 v 99 995%' 0 i Cartegraph 2' Windows] 0 Local probe( Local Probe) • g'Cartegraph 34[ Windows] 0 Local probe( Local Probe) • IS6s 99 985% PING 7 AV Server[ Windows] L 0 002% 0009% L Local Probe) • 126023h 52n+6s 0015%' o Servers • o Servers probe( Failed 99 998% msec Clerk Edoc[ Windows] County Good Uptime Downtime • Local Probe) • L Local probe( Local Probe) • VELEDB2[ Windows] Local Average Total Ping Servers • a Sensor Servers • 7) 101 1( 1[ 0% [ 99 979% 0021% ' 777451 0] A865) 81 100% 11%774; 1 0% 3/ 2/ 2015 8 01 51 AM 101 McLennan County Information Technology Department Network Bandwidth Report: ( Monthly 003) Adaptive Security Appliance ' outside' interface Traffic Report Time Span 2/ 1/ 2015 12 00 00 AM- Report Hours 24/ Sensor Type SNMP Traffic 64bit( 60 s Interval) Probe. Group, Device Local probe> Uptime Stats Up 100%, ( Request Stets Good 100% 2/ 28/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 7 Cisco ASA> Average( Traffic Total) 10, 514 kbit/ s Total( Traffic Total) 2 993, 055. 369 KByte U( Cisco ASA Main Firew all 26d23h47m17s1 Down 388691 Failed 0% I 1051 0% II 101 003) Adaptive Security Appliance' outside' interface Traffic Cisco ASA Main Frewall 100 00 Max' 20, 345 kbd( s 0, 000' 80. 00 15, 000• 1 j A 60. 00 1 10, 000' 1 5, 000 % 40 00 1 0 00 Min. 1, 397kbd/ sue 0 000 • ul ' 0 C CI , N 1 il V7 o 111 to l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C Q. 2 0 N ry N 41-) ` 0 Cs/ ( Q. t H N N N Downtime i°, 6). Traffic Total ( knit/ 1 u 0 •, OI Traffic In s). ul N ifl N i 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 N CO a- CO iO I, CO 0' N N N N N N N N ( k olt/ st. Traffic Out ( ll N 111 Ill N In N Ill Ul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 1 C N m C C C C C N N N N ' ID N N C N n ao C C N N kb, i/ s) 003) Adaptive Security Appfiace' outside' interface Traffic Cisco ASA Main Fsewa8 w, al) cs. b vs- 20, 000- 1 I I Vii r-50.00 9 lt R a-: i96813s 37a . 01 C Z C rN CL" C Z m m o• Z C Average Total Traffic Total 10, 514 kbit/ s 2. 993, 055, 369 KByte Traffic In 7, 936 kbit/ s 2, 258, 980, 475 KByte Traffic Out 2, 579 kbit/ s 734 074, 894 KByte Date Time of Traffic Total( 27 Averages( of volume) Traffic Total( speed) Traffic In( volume) I 734, 074, 894 KByte d KByte 27 110, 853, 903 KByte C C Traffic In( speed) Traffic Out( volume) Traffic Out( speed) Downtime Coverage 2, 258. 980, 475 2, 993, 055, 369 KByte values) C 10, 514 kbit/ s 83, 665, 944 KByte 27, 187, 959 KByte 7, 936 kbit/ s 2, 579 kbit/ s values) Traffic Total( Date Time volume) Traffic Total( speed) Traffic In( volume) 100% s 0% 783, 955 KByte 2 160 kbit/ s 0% 100% 705 kbit/ s 25, 212, 916 KByte 2, 391 kbit/ s 0% 100% 10, 036 kbit/ s 22, 497, 044 KByte 2, 133 kbit/ s 0% 100% 6, 507 kbit/ s 38, 891, 427 KByte 3, 688 kbit/ s 0% 100% 9, 067, 744 KByte 860 kbit/ s 5, 660, 116 KByte kbit/ s 0% 100% 6, 776, 538 KByte 643 kbit/ s 12, 404, 242 KByte 1, 176 kbit/ s 0% 100% 9. 334 kbit/ s 140, 608, 779 KByte 13, 335 kbit/ s 117, 872, 167 KByte 11, 179 kbit/ s 22, 736, 613 KByte 2/ 26/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 154, 197, 204 KByte 14, 622 kbrt/ s 131 413 249 KByte 12, 461 kbit/ s 22, 2/ 25/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 159, 192, 985 KByte 15, 095 kbit/ s 133, 980, 070 KByte 12, 2/ 24/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 128, 331, 737 KByte 12 169 kbit/ s 105, 834 693 KByte 2/ 23/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 107, 515, 692 KByte 10, 195 kbit/ s 68, 624, 265 KByte kbit/ s 1 819 kbit/ s 1, 397 I 0% Traffic In( speed) Traffic Out( volume) Traffic Out( speed) Downtime Coverage 2/ 27/ 2015 12 00 00 AM KByte 1 0. 00 ry Channel Sums( 100. 00 1 r 2, 156 kbit/ 537 100% 2/ 22/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 14, 727, 860 2/ 21/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 19, 180, 781 KByte 2/ 20/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 118, 837, 887 KByte 11, 269 kbit/ s 98, 433 601 KByte 20, 404, 286 KByte 1. 935 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 19/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 131, 002, 284 KByte 12, 422 kbit/ s 109, 353 333 KByte 10, 369 kbit/ s 21, 648 951 KByte 2 053 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 18/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 138, 973, 112 KByte 13, 178 kbit/ s 112, 752, 750 KByte 10 692 kbit/ s 26, 220 362 KByte 2, 486 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 17/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 136, 507, 181 KByte 12, 944 kbrt/ s 109, 938, 334 KByte 10, 425 kbit/ s 26 568, 847 KByte 2, 519 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 16/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 124, 306, 247 KByte 11, 787 kbit/ s 85, 639, 606 KByte 8, 121 kbit/ s 38, 666, 641 KByte 3. 667 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 15/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 18, 904, 566 KByte 1, 793 kbit/ s 12, 703, 503 KByte 1, 205 kbit/ 6, 201, 062 KByte 588 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 14/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 20, 035, 111 KByte 1 900 kbit/ s 12, 147, 270 KByte 1, 152 kbit/ s 7, 887, 841 KByte 748 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 13/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 183, 260, 920 KByte 17, 378 kbit/ s 105, 333, 228 KByte 9, 988 kbit/ s 77, 927, 692 KByte 7, 389 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 12/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 116, 806, 581 KByte 11, 128 kbit/ s 92, 041, 442 KByte 8, 768 kbit/ s 24, 2, 359 kb, t/ s 0% 100% 2/ 11/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 170 880 374 KByte 16, 204 kbit/ s 141 577, 757 KByte 13. 425 kbit/ s 29, 302, 616 KByte 2, 779 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 10/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 214, 550, 129 KByte 20, 345 kbit/ s 117, 061, 861 488, 269 KByte 9, 244 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 9/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 133. 321. 256 KByte 12, 672 kbit/ s 94, 119, 922 KByte 8. 946 kbit/ s 3 726 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 8/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 24, 433, 038 KByte 2, 317 kbrt/ s 18, 971, 254 KByte 1, 799 kbit/ 518 kbit/ s 0% 100% 2/ 7/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 45 117,487 KByte 4, 278 kbit/ s 18, 282, 442 KByte 2/ 6/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 128, 467, 068 KByte 12, 182 kbit/ s 107, 475, 000 KByte 127 664 176 KByte 12 106 kbit/ s 98 859 448 KBvte 2/ 5/ 2015 12 00 00 AM I KByte 11. 100 kbit/ s s I I 97, 765, 139 KByte 39, 201, 334 KByte s 5, 461, 784 KByte 1, 734 kbit/ s 26, 835, 045 KByte 2, 545 kbit/ s 0% 100% 10. 191 kbit/ s 20, 992, 068 KByte 1, 991 kbit/ s 0% 100% 9 374 kbit/ s 28 804 728 KByte 2 731 kbit/ s 090 100% 2/ 4/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 130, 293, 169 KByte' 2/ 3/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 131, 235, 011 KByte 2/ 2/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 121. 465, 968 KByte 2/ 1/ 2015 12 00 00 AM 53, 238, 766 KByte s 108, 373, 320 KByte 10, 276 kbit/ 12, 444 kbit/ s 107, 863, 938 KByte 10, 228 kbit/ s 12, 355 kbit/ I j1, 11, 518 kbit/ s 5, 047 kbtt/ s 87, 260, 582 KByte I s 8. 274 kbit/ s 4, 477 47, 223, 157 KByte' kb3/ s 2. 079 kbit/ s 0% 23, 371, 073 KByte 2, 216 kb1t/ s 0% 100%' 205, 385 KByte 3, 243 kbit/ s 0%; 10096I 6, 015. 609 KByte 570 kbit/ s 0%_ 100% i 21, 34 919,849 KByte I 100% 1 SENSOR STATUS HISTORY 1 Status II Date Time 2/ 28/ 2015 12 00 00 AM Up 2/ 12/ 2015 2 40 43 PM- Unknown 2/ 12/ 2015 2 33 04 PM- Up 2/ 9/ 2015 3 08 04 PM- 2/ 12/ 2015 2 33 04 PM Unknown 2/ 9/ 2015 3 03 37 PM- 2/ 9/ 2015 3 08 04 PM Up 2/ 1/ 2015 12 00 37 AM- 2/ 9/ 2015 3 03 37 PM Unknown 2/ 1/ 2015 12 00 00 AM- 2/ 1/ 2015 12 00 37 AM 1= I 2/ 12/ 2015 2 40 43 PM I 1= 1 15/) 7 m 33 s; 2/ 23 I, 4 m 27 5) 1= 3/ 1510 37 5) 24 m) Q 13 @ U) E 0 0 0 O to _ A 127., - k 0 2 g 08 C§ 0 CZ; , 1§ Q s s m ; > [ « i E u VI VI • _ e 2 \ e e Z u X0 Z'• \ . . k k[ »t O•§\ Z E§\ R . S§ S§ k !- / \ 0§U § k$ Issue Breakdown By Status 02/ 01/ 2015 To: 02/ 28/ 2015 Active 6 Completed 738 Total Issues 744 Wednesday, March 04, 2015 Page 1 of 1 3/ 11/ 2015 IT FY- 15 Expenditures Supplies Motor Vehicle 3% Operatg Pager Services 0% 0% Other Services/ Charges Professional Develop 1% 0% I Travel Reimb 051. 6.q% 0% CRS Contract Programmers 6% I a UCv11; GifZ 1 h5:<, Software Support/ Mamt J 7% 1, 000,000 00 f I' 100, 000 00 { 10, 00000 — -- I' 1,000 00 di I- II 1111 I MI 1111 Actual 10 00 Budget 100 -es aa9' 4e`' 1/ ` 0 c` e`' co. Q' O e e t 4aa, Qa° QaV> et e a< F a , Q 4 e e` ar es S 5 o5 h tC S° a Q4 CPQ S` Q- key r 44\ a ea ° Q oo d` to Oo r S° Summary by Category Category Supplies Motor Vehicle Operatg Pager Services Other ServiceslCharges Repair A Mamt Travel Reimb Contract Programmers Software Lic Software Support/ Maint Tyler Tech Hosted Professional Capital Develop Outlay Total Budget Difference Actual 17, 500 00 37, 059 97 10, 440 03 1, 000 00 93 92 906 08 100 00 25 05 74 95 4, 675 00 350 00 4, 325 00 53, 797 00 31, 594 12 22, 202 88 1, 200 00 0 00 0 00 31, 320 00 0 00 0 00 170, 336 00 83, 679 84 86, 656 16 41, 476 00 22, 170 82 19 305 18 197, 670 00 132, 880 68 64, 789 32 0 00 0 00 0 00 42, 740 00 25, 404 30 17, 335 70 561, 814. 00 303, 258 70 258, 555 30 im MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, County$ lak McLennan Corn, Taws 1 By. KELLY FULLB1iIGHT DEPUTY ORDER ACCEPTING: MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS, JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2015 RE: HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN MANAGER On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Health Benefits Plan Manager: Monthly Activity Reports, January - February 2015. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to accept the report for recording purposes and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Gibson, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Reports be, and the same are hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. TO: McLennan County Commissioners Court DATE: March 9, 2015 FROM: RoseMary Mayes— Health Plan Manager RE: Status Report— McLennan County Health Plan Health Plan Activities— January and February, 2015 Hillcrest Hospital —on going discussions to determine how Hillcrest can provide disease management and other services directly to McLennan County Health Plan members. Continued discussions with Premier ER— Premier ER and Urgent Care are not in the S& W Network- determining how claims can be paid at in network rates Continued meetings with City of Waco and Waco ISD Shared Services regarding on site clinic. Prosper Waco Orientation February Heart Health Month Program Proposed on site Step Up Scale Down weight program for employees Proposed Incentive program for employees on Health Plan Walk Across Texas Committee meeting There has been an escalation of employees with issues and finding answers with the TPA. Working on several serious issues for employees. Continued research for provides and services to add to the current Health Plan benefits. A XEPfLD BY COMMONERS THIS I DAY OF Apt 00 Ititiia co) T 20J 9tIECciaOJJ'.kr ). 1 lip MAR 17 2015 JA"ANDY HARWELL, COUntyGlmk Mclennan County, Tem By KELLY FULLSAIOHT DEPUTY AGENDA: MARCH 17, 2015 III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: M. Commissioners Court Work Session: Information Gathering, Discussions, Status Reports/ Updates and/ or Presentations on any or all of the items listed below( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part ofthe meeting): Discussion/ Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items 1. Discussion re: Criminal Justice Issues: Updates regarding Information Only the Electronic Monitoring Program, including Discussion on Expanded Program Services/ Coordinating the McLennan County Criminal Justice System/ Criminal Justice Process/ Creation of a Criminal Justice Work Group/ Discussion on Ways to Control of Jail Population/ Jail Magistrate/ Bail Bonds/ Indigent Defense Departments/ Pretrial Services/ Courthouse Security/ Video Conferencing Utilization/ DARE Program, Associate Criminal Judge Position, related matters including Discussion Re: the Time Schedule for Capital Outlay/ Recommendations from the Finance Committee Regarding the Spending Policy/ Equipment Financing, related matters 2. Discussion 3. County Property, including Discussion Re: Space Availability and Utilization of County Buildings, Utilization Planning, Discussion Capital Expenditures: re: re: None Discussion Only Consultant and Matters Related Thereto/ Updates re: Maintenance of Hwy 6 or Downtown Jail/ Maintenance at Tradinghouse Lake/ Park/ Recommendations from Tradinghouse Lake/ Park Advisory Committee/ Property Casualty Insurance/ Discussion re: Space Availability, Records, Policies, and Upcoming Renewal/ Bid relative to Restland Cemetery and/ or Rosemound Cemetery/ County Parking Lots/ Extraco Events Center( Heart of Texas Coliseum) Moisture Intrusion Investigation/ Janitorial Service for County Buildings and Matters Related Thereto 4. Discussion re: Texas Department of Transportation: including Discussion re: Rural/ Public Transportation and related matters 5. Discussion re: the 6. Discussion re: County McLennan Burn Ban Discussion Only Discussion Only County Group Health Plan: including None Discussion re: Expansion of Access of Medical Facilities I Shared Clinic/ Employee Incentive Programs, related matters 7. Discussion North & East re: County Judges and Commissioners Information Only Association Conference 8. Discussion Prosper Waco: re: including but not limit to: Future Information Only Funding/ Board Appointment 9. Discussion re: County Office Closures CD- 323, 9: 51 Office Closings: including Weather Related Information Only INFORMATION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUES: UPDATES RE: THE ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM, INCLUDING DISCUSSION ON EXPANDED PROGRAM SERVICES/ COORDINATING THE MCLENNAN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM/ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS/ CREATION OF A CRIMINAL JUSTICE WORK GROUP/ DISCUSSION ON WAYS TO CONTROL OF JAIL POPULATION/ JAIL MAGISTRATE/ BAIL BONDS/ INDIGENT DEFENSE DEPARTMENTS/ PRETRIAL SERVICES/ COURTHOUSE SECURITY/ VIDEO CONFERENCING UTILIZATION/ DARE PROGRAM/ ASSOCIATE CRIMINAL JUDGE POSITION, RELATED MATTERS On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestion regarding: Future Work Session Items. Discussion re: Criminal Justice Issues: Updates regarding the Electronic Monitoring Program, including Discussion on Expanded Program Services / Coordinating the McLennan County Criminal Justice System / Criminal Justice Process/ Creation of a Criminal Justice Work Group/ Discussion on Ways to Control of Jail Population/ Jail Magistrate / Bail Bonds / Indigent Defense Departments / Pretrial Services / Video Conferencing Judge Felton updated Courthouse Security / Utilization / DARE Program / Associate Criminal Judge Position, related matters. the Court regarding the Electronic Monitoring Program. 3/ 16/ 2015 RECOVERY •-=' Recover. Mealthcane @o.n oration 449 Norbh Silt IV= MOUE@ Room act Waco, 4cm 76701 Phone; 2E6=300- 42n GAS CII enMs: Judge Cates: PO Date: LO Date: 3/ 5/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 27/ 2015 2/ 12/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 25/ 2015 5/ 5/ 2015 Beaty, Jhakeem 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 7/ 7/ 2015 7/ 17/ 2015 Cardenas, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 3/ 13/ 2015 3/ 23/ 2015 3/ 18/ 2015 3/ 24/ 2015 DP 6/ 29/ 2015 7/ 5/ 2015 3/ 18/ 2015 Clients: Amos, Antoine Azua, Enrique Cherry, Francheska Clark Jr., Morris Enrollment: Extra: Status: 2/ 25/ 2015 Indigent 2/ 13/ 2015 Indigent Specifications: Conklin, Charles 1/ 29/ 2015 Indigent DP 3/ 12/ 2015 Davis, Christopher 2/ 25/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Diaz, Ivan 10/ 23/ 2014 Scram RB 3/ 14/ 2015 3/ 24/ 2015 Donahue, Christopher 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 22/ 2015 2/ 11/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 1/ 2015 Dowling Jr., Danyel Drake, Desmond 3/ 20/ 2015 3/ 26/ 2015 12/ 12/ 2014 3/ 13/ 2015 3/ 19/ 2015 Hidrago, Eliseo 2/ 19/ 2015 5/ 18/ 2015 5/ 24/ 2015 Iruegas III, Crescencio 2/ 13/ 2015 5/ 12/ 2015 5/ 18/ 2015 3/ 25/ 2015 3/ 31/ 2015 UA 6/ 8/ 2015 6/ 14/ 2015 UA 4/ 2/ 2015 4/ 9/ 2015 Fernandez, Gisela Harris, Ronald Jimenez Jr, Gabrial Johnson, Larry 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent 3/ 5/ 2015 Indigent 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent Jones, Angela 3/ 5/ 2015 Indigent King, Patricia 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent Lerma, Ricky Lewis, Artie Loadholt, Anthony Lopez, Veronica DP 5/ 16/ 2015 5/ 22/ 2015 4/ 7/ 2015 4/ 13/ 2015 Scram RB 4/ 13/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 2/ 19/ 2015 DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 3/ 11/ 2015 1/ 30/ 2015 Indigent 5/ 2/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 4/ 27/ 2015 Louden, Cedrick 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 4/ 17/ 2015 Lozano, Andrew 1/ 26/ 2015 Indigent Scram RB 3/ 10/ 2015 3/ 20/ 2015 DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 McClendon, Treffnie 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent 3/ 5/ 2015 Indigent 5/ 15/ 2015 5/ 21/ 2015 Moreno, Stephanie 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent 4/ 8/ 2015 4/ 14/ 2015 Moss, 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent 3/ 12/ 2015 3/ 14/ 2015 Nunez, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 5/ 31/ 2015 6/ 10/ 2015 Orduna, Joshua 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Radcliff, Dennis 1/ 22/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 18/ 2015 4/ 28/ 2015 Rodriguez, Luke 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Ross, Marvin 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 5/ 8/ 2015 5/ 14/ 2015 3/ 17/ 2015 3/ 19/ 2015 Montgomery, Vance Mary UA 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent Strasser, William Judge Freeman: Garrett( Willis), Becky 3/ 6/ 2015 Indigent Garza, Victor 3/ 4/ 2015 Indigent Scram CAM 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent Hollie, Jeremaine DP 5/ 31/ 2015 6/ 8/ 2015 7/ 30/ 2015 7/ 30/ 2015 3/ 19/ 2015 3/ 25/ 2015 3/ 24/ 2015 Rebollaro, Maria 2/ 12/ 2015 3/ 18/ 2015 Stephens, 2/ 13/ 2015 3/ 27/ 2015 4/ 2/ 2015 2/ 12/ 2015 5/ 20/ 2015 5/ 20/ 2015 3/ 6/ 2015 Indigent 4/ 13/ 2015 4/ 21/ 2015 1/ 2/ 2015 Indigent 4/ 10/ 2015 4/ 19/ 2015 Ebony Whitlock, Charles Williams, Lakesha Young, James DP Felony: Condition of Bond: Arnold, 1/ 6/ 2014 Jay 11/ 15/ 2013 Childres, Chavoun Collier, Jovan 7/ 18/ 2014 Evans, Darrius( Dirraus) 10/ 6/ 2014 Indigent Guajardo, Juan 8/ 11/ 2014 Kett ler, Mark Walsh, Julia 9/ 8/ 2014 5/ 28/ 2014 Indigent Pretrial Intervention Program: CSCD: Hernandez, Alvaro Taylor, Corbin PO: Judge: No Payout/ Layout Dates** 12/ 16/ 2014 Johnson JMG 12/ 8/ 2014 Freeman WMB Out of State: Judge Holmes: No Payout/ Layout Dates** SCRAM Clients: Judge Cates: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: PO Date: 1. 0 Date: Cardenas, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 3/ 13/ 2015 3/ 23/ 2015 Diaz, Ivan 10/ 23/ 2014 Scram RB 3/ 14/ 2015 3/ 24/ 2015 Lewis, At-tie 1/ 30/ 2015 Indigent Scram RB 4/ 13/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Louden, Cedrick 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 27/ 2015 Lozano, Andrew 1/ 26/ 2015 Indigent Scram RB 3/ 10/ 2015 3/ 20/ 2015 Nunez, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 5/ 31/ 2015 6/ 10/ 2015 PO Date: LO Date: Judge Freeman: Clients: Garza, Victor Enrollment: Status: 3/ 4/ 2015 Indigent Extra: Specifications: Scram CAM 7/ 30/ 2015 7/ 30/ 2015 Pretrial Intervention Program: 9/ 3/ 2015 3/ 3/ 2015 1/ 30/ 2016 1/ 30/ 2015 9/ 10/ 2014 UA 6/ 10/ 2015 3/ 11/ 2015 9/ 11/ 2015 1/ 22/ 2015 6/ 22/ 2015 6/ 20/ 2015 12/ 22/ 2014 1/ 16/ 2015 UA 7/ 16/ 2016 12/ 3/ 2014 12/ 3/ 2016 9/ 22/ 2014 9/ 9/ 2015 12/ 30/ 2014 6/ 30/ 2015 3/ 11/ 2015 3/ 11/ 2016 1/ 29/ 2015 7/ 29/ 2015 12/ 19/ 2014 6/ 17/ 2015 3/ 9/ 2015 9/ 9/ 2015 2/ 17/ 2015 1/ 23/ 2015 1/ 2/ 2015 1/ 23/ 2016 7/ 2/ 2015 2/ 16/ 2015 2/ 26/ 2015 2/ 26/ 2016 11/ 7/ 2014 11/ 16/ 2016 Out of State: 5/ 13/ 2014 Juvenile Felony: Drug Patch Clients: Judge Cates: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Specifications: Extra: PO Date: LO Date: 7/ 7/ 2015 7/ 17/ 2015 6/ 29/ 2015 7/ 5/ 2015 Beaty, Jhakeem 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP Clark Jr., Morris 2/ 13/ 2015 Indigent DP Conklin, Charles 1/ 29/ 2015 Indigent DP 3/ 12/ 2015 3/ 18/ 2015 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 22/ 2015 Dowling Jr., Danyel Drake, Desmond 2/ 11/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 1/ 2015 Iruegas III, Crescencio 2/ 13/ 2015 DP 5/ 12/ 2015 5/ 18/ 2015 Loadholt, 2/ 19/ 2015 DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 5/ 2/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 McClendon, Treffnie 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Orduna, Joshua 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Anthony Lopez, Veronica Rodriguez, Luke 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Ross, Marvin 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 5/ 8/ 2015 5/ 14/ 2015 Judge Freeman: Clients: Hollie, Jeremaine Young, James Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: PO Date: LO Date: 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent DP 3/ 19/ 2015 3/ 25/ 2015 1/ 2/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 10/ 2015 4/ 19/ 2015 Felony: Pretrial Intervention Program: 12/ 19/ 2016 12/ 19/ 2014 DP 90 days- UA lx 2/ 6/ 2015 a Month 2/ 6/ 2017 2/ 9/ 2017 2/ 9/ 2015 Soberlink Clients: Judge Cates: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Specifications: Extra: PO Date: LO Date: 3/ 5/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 27/ 2015 Azua, Enrique 2/ 12/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 25/ 2015 5/ 5/ 2015 Beaty, Jhakeem 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 7/ 7/ 2015 7/ 17/ 2015 Donahue, Christopher 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 Lopez, Veronica 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 5/ 2/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 Radcliff, Dennis 1/ 22/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 18/ 2015 4/ 28/ 2015 PO Date: LO Date: Amos, Antoine Judge Freeman: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: Pretrial Intervention Program: 10/ 22/ 2014 10/ 22/ 2015 12/ 29/ 2014 12/ 29/ 2016 2/ 4/ 2015 10/ 4/ 2015 Felony: UA COOe s: Judge Cates: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: PO Date: LO Date: Davis, Christopher 2/ 25/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Johnson, 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent UA 6/ 8/ 2015 6/ 14/ 2015 3/ 5/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 2/ 2015 4/ 9/ 2015 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 8/ 2015 4/ 14/ 2015 Larry Jones, Angela Moreno, Stephanie Judge Freeman: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: PO Date: Pretrial Intervention Program: 10/ 14/ 2014 9/ 10/ 2014 lx a Month lx a Month 10/ 14/ 2015 6/ 10/ 2015 LO Date: 6/ 10/ 2015 8/ 22/ 2014 lx 2/ 25/ 2015 lx a Month 8/ 13/ 2014 lx a Month 8/ 13/ 2015 5/ 9/ 2014 lx a Month 5/ 9/ 2015 2/ 17/ 2015 lx a Month 8/ 17/ 2015 6/ 30/ 2014 lx a Month 3/ 30/ 2015 12/ 16/ 2014 lx a Month 12/ 16/ 2015 1/ 15/ 2015 lx a Month 1/ 15/ 2016 10/ 8/ 2014 lx a Month 12/ 2/ 2014 2x- 6mths, lx- 6r 12/ 2/ 2015 8/ 29/ 2014 lx Month 8/ 29/ 2015 12/ 9/ 2014 lx a Month 12/ 9/ 2015 a a Month 3/ 8/ 2015 11/ 21/ 2014 lx a Month 11/ 21/ 2016 1/ 16/ 2015 lx a Month 7/ 16/ 2016 1/ 30/ 2015 2x- 6mths, lx- 6r 1/ 30/ 2016 4/ 30/ 2015 10/ 31/ 2014 2x a Month 7/ 22/ 2014 lx a Month 1/ 22/ 2016 12/ 29/ 2014 lx a Month 6/ 29/ 2016 10/ 16/ 2014 lx a Month 8/ 16/ 2015 2/ 9/ 2015 DP 6 Months- U/ 2/ 9/ 2017 12/ 9/ 2014 lx a Month 12/ 9/ 2015 6/ 20/ 2014 lx a Month 6/ 20/ 2015 4/ 17/ 2014 lx a Month 4/ 17/ 2015 Month 2/ 5/ 2016 2/ 5/ 2015 lx a 1/ 27/ 2015 lx a Month 1/ 27/ 2016 1/ 27/ 2015 lx a Month 1/ 27/ 2016 5/ 8/ 2014 2x- 6mths, lx- 6r 5/ 8/ 2015 6/ 18/ 2014 lx a Month 6/ 18/ 2015 2/ 12/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 12/ 2016 2/ 27/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 27/ 2016 lx a Month 6/ 21/ 2015 11/ 20/ 2014 11/ 3/ 2014 lx a Month 11/ 3/ 2015 1/ 14/ 2015 lx a Month 1/ 14/ 2016 9/ 9/ 2014 lx a Month 9/ 9/ 2015 3/ 3/ 2015 2x a Month 7/ 3/ 2015 8/ 14/ 2014 lx a Month 5/ 14/ 2015 1/ 22/ 2015 lx a Month 3/ 22/ 2015 2/ 4/ 2015 lx a Month 8/ 4/ 2016 8/ 12/ 2014 lx a Month 8/ 12/ 2015 1/ 29/ 2015 lx a Month 1/ 26/ 2016 11/ 4/ 2014 lx a Month 11/ 4/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 24/ 2016 2/ 24/ 2015 2/ 6/ 2015 DP 90 days- UA 3 2/ 6/ 2017 10/ 16/ 2014 lx a Month 1/ 16/ 2016 8/ 22/ 2014 lx a Month 5/ 22/ 2015 2/ 13/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 13/ 2016 12/ 31/ 2014 lx a Month 12/ 31/ 2015 2/ 3/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 3/ 2016 2/ 3/ 2015 lx a Month 2/ 3/ 2016 1/ 6/ 2015 lx a Month 10/ 6/ 2015 8/ 6/ 2014 lx a Month 8/ 6/ 2015 2/ 16/ 2015 lx a Month 6/ 16/ 2015 10/ 28/ 2014 2x a Month 4/ 28/ 2015 10/ 31/ 2014 lx a Month 4/ 30/ 2015 10/ 31/ 2014 lx a Month 10/ 31/ 2015 Month 1/ 13/ 2016 1/ 13/ 2015 lx a 1/ 8/ 2015 2x- 6mths, lx- 6r 1/ 8/ 2016 1/ 7/ 2015 lx Month 1/ 7/ 2016 a Felony: Double Clients: Judge Cates: Clients: Enrollment: Status: Extra: Specifications: PO Date: LO Date: 4/ 27/ 2015 3/ 5/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 17/ 2015 Azua, Enrique 2/ 12/ 2015 SoberLink 4/ 25/ 2015 5/ 5/ 2015 Amos, Antoine Beaty, Jhakeem 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 7/ 7/ 2015 7/ 17/ 2015 Cardenas, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 3/ 13/ 2015 3/ 23/ 2015 Clark Jr., Morris 2/ 13/ 2015 Indigent DP 6/ 29/ 2015 7/ 5/ 2015 Conklin, Charles 1/ 29/ 2015 Indigent DP 3/ 12/ 2015 3/ 18/ 2015 Davis, Christopher 2/ 25/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Diaz, Ivan 10/ 23/ 2014 Scram RB 3/ 14/ 2015 3/ 24/ 2015 Donahue, Christopher 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 22/ 2015 Drake, Desmond 2/ 11/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 24/ 2015 5/ 1/ 2015 Iruegas Ill, Crescencio 2/ 13/ 2015 DP 5/ 12/ 2015 5/ 18/ 2015 Johnson, Larry 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent UA 6/ 8/ 2015 6/ 14/ 2015 Dowling Jr., Danyel 4/ 2/ 2015 4/ 9/ 2015 Scram RB 4/ 13/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 2/ 19/ 2015 DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Lopez, Veronica 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink/ DP 5/ 2/ 2015 5/ 4/ 2015 Louden, Cedrick 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 27/ 2015 Lozano, Andrew 1/ 26/ 2015 Indigent Scram RB 3/ 10/ 2015 3/ 20/ 2015 McClendon, Treffnie 2/ 20/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 17/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Moreno, Stephanie 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent UA 4/ 8/ 2015 4/ 14/ 2015 Jones, Angela 3/ 5/ 2015 Indigent Lewis, Artie 1/ 30/ 2015 Indigent Loadholt, Anthony UA Nunez, Jose 1/ 29/ 2015 Scram RB 5/ 31/ 2015 6/ 10/ 2015 Orduna, Joshua 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 16/ 2015 4/ 23/ 2015 Radcliff, Dennis 1/ 22/ 2015 Indigent SoberLink 4/ 18/ 2015 4/ 28/ 2015 Rodriguez, Luke 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 9/ 2015 4/ 15/ 2015 Ross, Marvin 3/ 12/ 2015 Indigent DP 5/ 8/ 2015 5/ 14/ 2015 Judge Freeman: 3/ 4/ 2015 Indigent Garza, Victor Hollie, Jeremaine Young, Status: Enrollment: Clients: James Extra: Specifications: 7/ 30/ 2015 7/ 30/ 2015 DP 3/ 19/ 2015 3/ 25/ 2015 1/ 2/ 2015 Indigent DP 4/ 10/ 2015 4/ 19/ 2015 Scram CAM Totals: House Arrest Clients OnIy*** Judge Cates: 36 6 Total SCRAM: Total Soberlink: Total Drug 6 Patch: 12 Total UA: 4 Total Double Clients: 26 Total Clients Referred: 36 Total Indigent Clients: 25 Total Clients in lieu of jail: 36 Judge Freeman: 8 Total GPS: Total SCRAM: 1 Total Soberlink: 0 Total Drug Patch: LO Date: 2/ 19/ 2015 Indigent Felony: Total GPS: PO Date: 2 Total UA: 0 Total Double Clients: 3 Total Clients Referred: 8 Total Indigent Clients: 5 Total Clients in lieu of jail: 8 Felony: Total Indigent clients: 1 Judge Holmes: Total Indigent clients: 0 Overall Totals: Total GPS( Sheriff): 44 Total GPS( CSCD): 2 Total GPS( Juvenile): 4 Total GPS( Other Counties): 0 Total GPS( COB): 7 Total GPS( PTIP): 0 Total GPS( Child Support): 0 Total GPS( 0 Felony) Total SCRAM: COB= Condition Of Bond PTIP= Pretrial Intervention Program 49 Total Clients in lieu if jail( County)= Total SCRAM( Sheriff) 8 Sheriff, CSCD, COB, PTIP, Child Support, Total SCRAM( Sheriff-HA) 0 Felony and SCRAM( Sheriff-HA). Total SCRAM ( PTIP): Total SCRAM ( Felony): 20 Total Soberlink( Sheriff): 6 Total Soberlink( PTIP): 3 Total Soberlink( 0 Felony): Total Drug Patch( In): drug Patch( out): Total Drug Patch( Sheriff): Total Total Drug Drug Patch( PTIP): Patch( Felony): 0 14 3 0 0 Total UA( 0 out): Total UA( Sheriff): Total UA( PTIP): Felony): Total Double Clients: other counties 3 Total UA( in): Total UA( County+ Juvenile+ 18 Total Soberlink: Total Total Clients in lieu if jail( All)= 0 Total SCRAM( Sheriff- HA)= House Arrest- No GPS Total DP& UA( in& out) means- in county and out of county Total Clients in McLennan County= All GPS( in county), All SCRAM, 4 All Soberlink, All Drug Patch, All UA 60 Does not include double clients** 0 29 Total Clients All= All GPS, SCRAM, Soberlink, Drug Patch and UA clients. This also included double clients. Total Clients in lieu if jail( County): 53 Total Clients in lieu if jail( All): 57 Total Clients in McLennan County: 245 Total Indigent Clients: Total Clients WI Double Total Clients( All): clients: 31 274 274 MAR 17 2015 JA,"ANDY HARWELL, Countyark T By: KELLY FUUBAiGHTDEPUTY DISCUSSION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: COUNTY PROPERTY, INCLUDING DISCUSSION RE: SPACE AVAILABILITY AND UTILIZATION OF COUNTY BUILDINGS, UTILIZATION PLANNING, CONSULTANT AND MATTERS RELATED THERETO/ UPDATES RE: MAINTENANCE AT HWY 6 OR DOWNTOWN JAIL/ MAINTENANCE AT TRADINGHOUSE LAKE/PARK/ RECOMMENDATIONS FROM TRADINGHOUSE LAKE/PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE/ PROPERTY CASUALTY INSURANCE/ DISCUSSION RE: SPACE AVAILABILITY, RECORDS, POLICIES, AND UPCOMING RENEWALBID RELATIVE TO RESTLAND CEMETERY AND/ OR ROSEMOUND CEMETERY/ COUNTY PARKING LOTS/ EXTRACO EVENTS CENTER( HEART OF TEXAS COLISEUM) MOISTURE INTRUSION INVESTIGATION/ JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR COUNTY BUILDINGS AND MATTERS RELATED THERETO On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and / or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: County Property, including Discussion Regarding Space Availability and Utilization of County Buildings, Utilization Planning, Downtown Jail / Lake/ Park Records, Consultant Maintenance and at Advisory Committee / Matters Related Thereto / Tradinghouse Lake/ Park / Property Casualty Updates re: Maintenance at Hwy 6 or Recommendations from Tradinghouse Insurance / Discussion re: Space Availability, Policies, and Upcoming Renewal/ Bid relative to Restland Cemetery and/ or Rosemound Cemetery / County Parking Lots / Extraco Events Center ( Heart of Texas Coliseum) Moisture Intrusion Investigation / Janitorial Service for County Buildings and Matters Related Thereto. The Court discussed Policy regarding Right of Ways and Tradinghouse Lake/ Park Rules. AN ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR PARK RULES TO BE FOLLOWED BY ALL USERS OF TRADINGHOUSE LAKE PARK; SETTING FORTH ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS INCLUDING EJECTION FROM PARK AND SUSPENSION OF PARK USAGE; SETTING FORTH A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE To protect its Tradinghouse Lake Park and the enjoyment of said Park by the public, the Commissioners Court finds it necessary and proper to establish rules for use of the Park. Thus, in accordance with its authority under Sections 331. 007 and 331. 005 of the Local Government Code, and by virtue of the County' s control over said Park, the Commissioner' s Court hereby chooses to enact park rules to govern use of the Tradinghouse Lake Park, which is made up of Parks, 1, 2 and 3. Additional rules may be adopted in the future, and some of those rules may be with regard to specific Park properties. However the following rules apply to all Park properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS THAT: The following Park Rules are adopted for all portions of Tradinghouse Lake Park: 1) No dirt bikes or all- terrain vehicles are allowed to be operated in the park other than 2) by Park personnel*; No glass containers and No littering or dumping; 3) Vandalism or damage to park facilities, equipment or vegetation will not be tolerated. 4) Do not cut standing trees for firewood; The park may only be used for recreational purposes. No garage sales, swap meets, flea markets or other business pursuits are allowed to be operated on park premises*; 5) No loudspeakers; 6) Fighting, gambling, disorderly conduct, or other criminal activity will not be tolerated; 7) Minors under 16 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult; 8) No fires in other than designated fire pits or enclosed grills or stoves; 9) No hunting and No discharge of firearms of any kind; 10) No archery*; 11) No fireworks*; 12) Unless in the immediate control of the owner, dogs must be on a leash or otherwise secured. DO NOT allow dogs to roam the Park; 13) Speed Limit on Park Roads is 10 mph; 14) Except for purposes of parking, vehicles must stay on Park Roads. Do Not block a Park Road or a boat ramp. Unless part of a County-sanctioned special event. PASSED this day of 2015. Scott M. Felton, County Judge Attest: Deputy County Clerk 51112 MAR 17 2015 Jul"ANDY HARWELL, Cou McLennan County, FULLBRQ KELLY T DEPUTY DISCUSSION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: INCLUDING DISCUSSION RE: RURAL/ PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND RELATED MATTERS On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: Texas Department of Transportation: including Discussion re: Rural/ Public Transportation and related matters. The Court discussion the Rural/ Public Transportation Conference Committee. DISCUSSION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: THE COUNTY BURN BAN On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: the County Burn Ban. The Court discussed the Burn Ban Policy. INFORMATION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: NORTH& EAST COUNTY JUDGES AND COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: North & East County Judges and Commissioners Association Conference. Judge Felton updated the Court regarding the North & East County Judges and Commissioners Association Conference. INFORMATION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: PROSPER WACO: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMIT TO: FUTURE FUNDING/ BOARD APPOINTMENT On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / including but not Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: Prosper Waco: limit to: Future regarding Prosper Waco. Funding / Board Appointment. Judge Felton updated the Court INFORMATION ONLY: COMMISSIONERS COURT WORK SESSION: INFORMATION GATHERING, DISCUSSIONS, STATUS REPORTS/ UPDATES AND/ OR PRESENTATIONS ON ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE COURT ON ITEMS PRESENTED IN THIS PART OF THE MEETING): DISCUSSION RE: COUNTY OFFICE CLOSINGS: INCLUDING WEATHER RELATED OFFICE CLOSURES On this the 17 day of March, 2015, came on for consideration the matter of Commissioners Court Work Session: Information gathering, discussions, status reports/ updates and/ or presentations on any or all of the items listed below ( no action will be taken by the Court on items presented in this part of the meeting): Discussion / Suggestions regarding: Future Work Session Items: Discussion re: County Office Closings: including Weather Related Office Closures. Judge Felton updated the Court on County Office Closings procedures. Policy Number. j; ; s: Date: February 22, 2011 Page: 1 of 1 Supersedes: Subject: I. MCP— 32( Rev. 2) March 18, 2003 Emergency Closing The decision to ` officially McLennan County offices " county wide" may only be authorized by the County Judge or acting County Judge if the County Judge cannot be reached to make the determination. In addition, Texas Attorney General Opinion No. JC- 0131 states in part an elected or appointed county official has the authority to close the official' s office for part or close" all of one or more days on account of bad weather, repairs, and the like, and to authorize employees to be paid for the time they were unable to work because of an office closure." Employees in departments or divisions that are officially closed, or closed individually by an Elected or Appointed Official because of inclement weather or other emergencies, will be paid at their usual rate of pay for the time they miss as a result of the emergency closing. In the event a decision is made to officially close, Elected Officials and Department Heads will be notified by the County Judge' s office. If the County does officially close, or if an Elected or Appointed Official closes their individual offices, most employees ( excluding law enforcement and detention) will be excused from work and any hours missed due to such closure will be compensated leave. Such leave should be recorded as hours missed on the last line of the Excel Style Time Report Form titled II. Emergency Closure, with the Code EC. ( See attachment) Employees in departments or divisions that are officially open during inclement weather or similar circumstances must be present in order to be paid or must receive permission from the Elected Official or Department Head to apply sick leave, vacation leave, or documented compensatory time for any hours the employee was not at work; or simply time worked, if appropriate. Elected Officials and Department Heads may approve the use of sick leave for this purpose if the employee is unable to reach the work site because of weather- related problems. i I- a I. k 3 3 C— tsi 3 i 2 ea I o 2 I a. E A 2 3 0 ii 7. X 8 3 2 I x 2 2 tl i x cd s. d E 41. u c 0 V. u a J / i i i 3 1 Lc 2 a 2 s ; c IRA p )- 2 t X 642 1a I a. t ' i ORDER ADJOURNING SPECIAL SESSION On this the 17 day of March, 2015, at 10: 05 o' clock a. m. County Judge Felton announced that the meeting of March 17, 2015 is adjourned. ITEMS DEFERRED, AGENDA, MARCH 17, 2015 On this the 17 day of March 2015, upon motion made, seconded and duly passed by unanimous or majority vote, it is ordered by the Court that the following Items on the Agenda for March 17, 2015, be, and the same are hereby, deferred: III. CONSIDERATION OF, AND/ OR ACTION ON, THE FOLLOWING: G. REGARDING THE COUNTY BUDGET: Amendments/ Requests for Amendments and related Certification of Additional Revenue, if applicable/ Expenditure Requests, Other Budgetary Requests 1. Regarding the FY 15 Budget: c. Economic Development APPROVAL OF MINUTES The above and foregoing minutes having been read in open Court and found to be correct, the same are hereby, approved this the --=2;:...;4;___ day of 2015. ~~ l' Kelly Snell, Commissioner Precinct 1 Will Jon s, Commiss oner Precinct 3 L er Gibson, Commissioner Precinct 2 Commissioner Precinct 4 Scott M. Felton, County Judge ATTEST: J. A. "Andy" Harwell, McLennan County Clerk By J!l!t ""-"4' Kelly Fullbright Deputy County Clerk Karch
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