Snow Mountain Ranch 1. Cowiche Mountain Tour.................6.5 miles From parking lot to the mountain top, Round Trip 2. Bench Tour.....................................4.2 miles From parking lot up to and across the Bench Trail, Round Trip 3. Riparian Tour..................................2.5 miles From parking lot to the Riparian West perimeter trail down to the elk fence and along the toe of the slope, onto the Ditch Bank Trail all the way to the intersection with the Riparian East Trail back to the parking lot. 4. Wildflower Trail/Ravine Tour.........2.5 miles From parking lot to the West Mountain Trail lower segment (jeep road) up to the intersection with the single track system - turn downhill to Wildflower Trail and back to parking lot. 5. Balanced Rock Tour.......................2.8 miles From parking lot up to Balanced Rock Trail, down to Ditch Bank Trail, turn right and follow to Riparian East Trail and back around to parking lot 6. Garry Oak Trail Tour......................0.9 miles From parking lot, cross the first footbridge over Cowiche Ditch and follow the trail signs. 7. Butterfly Garden Tour....................1.0 miles From parking lot, follow Riparian West Trail out to see the Butterfly Garden, and amble along the Swallow Tail Trail TOTAL MILES FOR SNOW MOUNTAIN RANCH (approximated with rounding)............ 20.4 miles Cowiche Canyon and Uplands 8. Cowiche Canyon Round Trip..........6.0 miles Take the main rail trail from either end - Cowiche Canyon Road or Weikel Road. 9. Uplands to Winery Round Trip......3.6 miles Park at the Scenic Drive Uplands parking lot and follow the main trail down to the canyon. Turn left and go a short distance to the Winery Trail sign on the right side of the main Canyon Trail. Follow up to the tasting room and vineyards. TOTAL MILES FOR COWICHE CANYON AND UPLANDS (approximated with rounding).............. 9.6 miles TOTAL MILES...............................................30 I HIKED 30 MILES! Snow Mountain Ranch Hikes o 1. Cowiche Mountain Tour o 2. Bench Tour o 3. Riparian Tour o 4. Wildflower Trail/Ravine Tour o 5. Balanced Rock Tour o 6. Garry Oak Trail Tour o 7. Butterfly Garden Tour Cowiche Canyon Hikes o 8. Cowiche Canyon Round Trip o 9. Uplands to Winery Round Trip OR o I chose my own 30 miles of trails! Name: _________________________________________ Contact name (parent): ___________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City and State: __________________________________ Zip: ______________Phone: _______________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Submit this card to: Cowiche Canyon Conservancy P.O. Box 877 Yakima, WA 98907 Or send it electronically to: Your walk today was made possible by membership dollars. Join this movement to help make Cowiche Canyon lands and trails a community treasure. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Student/Senior...........$25 Save an Acre................ $250 Regular Member........$35 Sage to Summit........... $500 Family.........................$50 Rise to the Top Club.. $1000 Sustaining Member.$125 Other................. $_________ Name: _______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City and State: _________________________________ Zip: ______________Phone: ______________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Mail the membership form and contributions to: Cowiche Canyon Conservancy P.O. Box 877 Yakima, WA 98907 (509)248-5065 We encourage you to visit our website at 30 Miles for 30 Years: Hiking Challenge February 26 to October 26, 2015 Steppe up and join us for 30 miles of trails to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Cowiche Canyon Conservancy. Enjoy the beautiful cliffs, canyons, sage, streams, wildlife and trails of the Yakima Valley by participating in our hiking challenge. As you complete each hike of the challenge, check it off (see inside for details). You may also choose your own adventure and hike any 30 miles of our trails. Once you have completed 30 miles, send us your completed challenge card and you will be entered to win a prize! Submit your card to: Cowiche Canyon Conservancy PO Box 877 Yakima, WA 98907 or send it electronically to: Snow Mountain Ranch Cowiche Canyon and Uplands Cowiche Canyon and Uplands Snow Mountain Ranch COWICHE MOUNTAIN Please observe the following on both trails: UÊ/À>ÃÊVÃi`Ê`ÕÃÊÌÊ`>Ü UÊ ÊëiViÊViVÌ} UÊÌÀâi`ÊÛi ViÃÊ«À LÌi` UÊ ÊÛiÀ} ÌÊV>«} UÊ ÊLiÊÀÊ ÀÃiÊÌÀ>vvVÊÜ iÊÌÀ>ÃÊ>ÀiÊÜiÌ CO W H Cowiche Mountain Trail West - 3.24 miles E CR EE Dogs must be with owners on trails, either on leashes or at owner’s sides. Pet waste must be removed from trails and trailheads. K Cowiche Mountain Trail East - 2.14 miles IKE M IT 1 VI EW Parking Area P CCC Ownership OA D P Cowiche Canyon Trail RO AD P ZIMMERMAN RD. LR M NORTH 1 WE SU ROCKY TOP CO WIC HE CR EEK TRAIL 8 Take the main rail trail from either end - Weikel Road or Cowiche Canyon Road. 3 miles/6 miles round trip EHLER IC Deed restrictions prevent mountain bikes on the uplands of Snow Mountain Ranch. UÊ ÊV>«vÀià NORTH UÊ Ê ÕÌ}ÊÀÊà Ì} UÊ*>VÊÕÌÊÜ >ÌÊÞÕÊÌ>iÊ UÊ-Ì>ÞÊÊiÃÌ>Là i`ÊÌÀ>à UÊ}ÃÊÕÃÌÊLiÊÜÌ ÊÜiÀÃÊÊÌÀ>Ã]ÊiÌ iÀÊÊ i>à iÃÊÀÊ>ÌÊÜiÀÃÊÃ`iðÊÊ*iÌÊÜ>ÃÌiÊÕÃÌÊLiÊ ÀiÛi`ÊvÀÊÌÀ>ÃÊ>`ÊÌÀ> i>`ð NACHES HEIGHTS ROAD Winery Trail (0.8 miles) Hiking Trails Cowiche Creek CO Major Roads 1, 2 Bench Trail - .85 miles WIC P HE CRE EK WDFW Ownership WDNR Ownership Uplands Trail 4 TRAIL 9 Park at the Scenic 5 3, 5 Ditch Bank Trail .47 mi. Private Hiking Trails Riparian Trail West .62 mi. 3 Riparian Trail East .69 mi. OAD COWICH CCC Ownership Cowiche Mountain Trail West starts here Balanced Rock Trail .33 mi. .5 Cowiche Creek Winery Vineyard BLM Ownership Entry Trail .18 mi. .25 Trail Bridges Major Roads E MILL R 0 Parking Areas 7 P 1 mile Garry Oak Trail .42 mi. 6 Directions to trailhead at Weikel Road From Yakima Ave. head west through downtown and turn right onto Summitview. Travel 9.1 miles west on Summitview until you reach the large log cabin building at Weikel Road, turn right and proceed 1/2 mile to the bottom of the hill and turn right into the parking area marked with a CCC trail sign. SCENIC DRIVE P ENGLEWOOD 74TH AVE. 3, 5 P Drive Uplands parking lot and follow the main trail down to the canyon. Turn left and go a short distance to the Winery Trail sign on the right side of the main Canyon Trail. Follow up to the tasting rooms and vineyards. 1.8 miles/3.6 round trip 80TH AVE. 1, 2 South Fork Cowiche Creek 1, 2, 4 Wildflower Trail .91 mi. Directions to Snow Mountain Ranch From Yakima Ave. head west through downtown. Turn right at Summitview Ave. and continue driving for 10.9 miles to Cowiche Mill Road. Turn left and proceed 2.5 miles, passing the nursery on the right. Turn left into the fenced lot marked with CCC signs. SUMMITVIEW ROAD 0 .25 .5 1 mile
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