BID CLARIFICATION #6 May 18, 2015 DUE DATE: TIME: PROJECT: PROJECT NO: LOCATION: June 2, 2015 2:00 p.m. Monteith Renovation Phase 1 #901756 University of Connecticut Capital Projects & Contract Administration 3 North Hillside Road Storrs, CT 06269 Attn: Walt Dalia Please note the following information Monteith Renovation Phase 1, Project #901756: 1) 2) must be incorporated into your bid for the The Bid Due Date has been extended to June 2, 2015, same time of 2:00 p.m. Attached is the RFI Response log date 5/21/15 The University of Connecticut Bid Submission Requirements: All bidders must submit their Form of Proposal along with all required forms and any associated bid clarifications as your firm’s bid proposal. All required forms must be completed. All bidders must initial the bottom of each page within their bid proposal and associated Bid Clarifications attesting to the fact that you have reviewed, read, understood, and accepted the information and terms and conditions within, without exception. YOUR BID PROPOSAL MAY BE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE AND MAY NOT BE REVIEWED FOR FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION (ALONG WITH ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION DETAILED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS) All bid awards must be approved by the University of Connecticut. After review of all factors, terms and conditions, including price, the University of Connecticut reserves the right to reject any and all proposal, or any part thereof, or waive defects in same, or accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the University of Connecticut University of Connecticut Walt Dalia, Purchasing Agent II Monteith Renovation Phase 1 RFI Log - Project #901756 5/21/2015 12:03 RFI No. Question Response 1 Specification Section 102113: Is calling for solid Phenolic material and is limiting the manufacturers to the four listed. Santana does not make solid phenolic, they only make solid plastic. Is it possible to get General Partitions added to the list? They manufacture a product that is equal of better than the manufacturer's listed. Please see the attached. 5.4.15_PE Response__Acceptable if performance is equal or better, provide substitution request. General Contractor must demonstrate that the product is equal or better in performance. 2 Here is a list of drawings not found in the electronic set: A501, E100, E101, T600, TS101, 7 TS401. Also, there is a drawing P402 included in the set that is not listed on the Drawing Index. Please clarify. 5.6.15_BVH RESPONSE: E-100, E-101, TC-600 & TS-401 are not part of the bid documents and should not be included in the Drawing Index. Drawing TS-101 was included in the Bid Set online. P-402 was also included in the Bid Set but inadvertently omitted from the Drawing Index. 5.6.15_PE Response_A501 was inadvertently left out of the set, it will be included in Addendum No. 2. 3 On Page 1 of the Invitation to Bid, under Scope of Work, it mentions "New Standardize furniture" and there are Furniture Drawings IN-201, 202, 203, 204, but there are no specifications for furniture. Is furniture in this scope of work? 5.4.15_PE Response_Other than the seating in the lecture halls, furniture is not part of the Work. 4 5 6 Drawing A-411, 412, & 413: Alternate #11 provides no manufacturer or model numbers for seats. Please provide specs. Specification Section 015639: In this Spec Section 1.03 C states "Contract Arborist will be subcontracted by the general contactor or Owner, at the Owner's discretion. Please clarify if the Contract Arborist will be subcontracted by the general contractor or by the Owner. Drawing A-411, 412, & 413: Alternates listed on Stair Floor Plans (Drawings A411, 412, & 413) do not match alternates listed in Form of Proposal. Please clarify. 5.4.15_PE Response_Please clarify the drawing sheet references. Additional information regarding Alternate #11 will be issued in Addendum No. 2. 5.4.15_PE Response_Contractor shall contract an arborist directly. 5.4.15_PE Response_Will be clarified in Addendum No. 2. 7 Specification Section 09 67 23 - Drawing A-411: Drawing A-411. Section 6 calls for a new aluminum tread/nosing to be applied on to the existing stairs. It also calls for an Alt. #1 of Lo-mod Epoxy Resin (assumed to be stonhard resinous 5.4.15_PE Response_Will be clarified in Addendum No. 2. Base bid is to install flooring in Section 09 67 23) and an Alt #2 of rubber treads and risers. Drawing rubber treads with painted riser. IN-101 thru 4 calls for RT-01 which is rubber tread and landing as base bid. Please clarify which product is to be used for the base bid. 8 Specification Section 09 67 23: No other manufactures are listed as an equal/alternate for Stonhard Inc. Will other products be acceptable to use? 9 Specification Section 02 82 33 - Drawing ASB 1.0 thru 5.0, Detail Note #1: The specs and drawings states "the Contractor is responsible for the abatement of 5.4.15_PE Response_Uconn to provide direction. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_All all ACM which may be disturbed by demolition and renovations" and the identified or uncovered ACM will be abated and removed from the project site. We drawings identify several ACM areas. Does this mean ACM materials such as note that all interior finishes are scheduled for demolition. WC & WG if not disturbed by renovation is not required to be removed? Please confirm 10 5.4.15_PE Response_Uconn to provide narrative for Pre-abatement work. Work for Specification Section 02 82 33: Please provide a narrative of the Pre-Abatement this contract includes patching and floor preparation (typical). 5.18.15_UCONN scope of work. After removal of the flooring mastic under the Pre-Abatement Response_The General Contractor is responsible for patching and floor spec per scope who is responsible for floor patching and floor prep? project documents. 11 The following drawing listed on the cover were not part of the set - AS-101, E101, TC-502, TC-600, TC-601, TS-300 & TS-401. Pleaser provide. 5.4.15_PE Response_Will be clarified in Addendum No. 2.___5,13,15_PE Response: Please refer to drawing sheet A413 for Sikadur product specified as a Basis of Design. Other equivalent systems/products will be reviewed for approval. 5.6.15_BVH RESPONSE: E-101,TC-502, TC-600, TC-601, TS-300 & TS-401 are not part of the bid documents and should not be included in the Drawing Index. 5.6.15_PE Response_AS-101 was not issued, please see drawing index (column for permit set for AS-101 is not checked, which means it was not issued). 12 13 14 Drawing IN-100: On Dwg. IN-100, it refers to a super Graphic. Carolyn Sears from Michaud Designtex informed us that what was written on the Finish Schedule was approximately a 2-year old design and did not apply anymore, Also in the description, it states that the location and pattern are TBD. Could we please get more (and current) information on this or should we use an allowance for this item? Drawing A-111: This shows a gap between ceiling areas in the Lecture Halls., It refers to Detail 8/A-510 which says to paint the concrete slab above ceiling and refers to the Finish Schedule. Please clarify if we are to paint the entire ceiling in these rooms or just a specific width above each gap. Also, please clarify if the paint called out on the Finish Schedule for ceilings, PT-09 White Dove is correct for this application. Drawing A-111: This has a similar detail for Schenker Hall, but corresponding Detail 11/A-510 does not show anything above the unistrut above the ceiling. Is the ceiling to be painted in this room also? 5.4.15_PE Response_The paint will not be used for supergraphics, this note will be removed from the finish legend. There are supergraphics planned, but they will be a vinyl applied to the wall surfaces….see drawings. 5.4.15_PE Response_In both lecture halls, the underside of roof or slab along with all supports, mechanical equipment, plumbing lines and related appurtenances etc. shall be fully painted. 5.4.15_PE Response_Yes, please see response above. 15 Drawing IN-100: This states there are patterns to the wall tiles and VCT1-3. These are not shown on the floor plans or on the bathroom elevations. Please supply patterns. 16 Drawing A-452: Detail 3/A-452 shows the tile backsplash approximately 1'-3" 5.4.15_PE Response_ Upper cabinets will be added to the drawing in Addendum No. tall. However, the not attached to it says for the tile to be run full height. Please 2, backsplash will go to the underside of the upper cabinets. clarify tile height. 17 18 5.4.15_PE Response_There are no wall patterns. There is a VCT pattern in the floor of the corridors (all levels). Pattern will be provided in Addendum No. 2. Drawing A-452: Detail 3/A-452 also has a note calling out Plam cabinet but none 5.4.15_PE Response_ Upper cabinets will be added to the drawing in Addendum No. is shown. Please clarify if there are upper cabinets there or not. 2, thank you. Specification Section 10 28 00 - Drawing A-441 & A-442: There seems to be a conflict between Spec 10 28 00 Toilet & Bath Accessories and Dwgs A-441 & A442. Numbers listed in the spec do not correspond with the marked numbers listed on the drawings. Spec also lists items that are "provided by owner". 5.4.15_PE Response_This will be clarified in Addendum No. 2 Please provide a spec that corresponds with mark numbers on the drawings or provide new drawings that correspond with mark numbers in specs. Clarify which mark numbers are provided by the owner and who will be responsible for installation. 19 Specification Section 10 21 13 - Drawing IN-100: There seems to be a conflict between Spec 10 21 13 Toilet Compartments and Dwg. IN -100 Finish Legend. Spec calls out for Recycled Polyethylene units and Finish Legend dwg. Lists the toilet partitions as stainless steel manufactured by Inpro Corp. Inpro Corp is not listed as a manufacturer in specs. Please advise. 5.4.15_PE Response_Stainless steel is not in the project. This will be clarified in Addendum No. 2. 20 There is no specification for projection screens, is this an owner furnished and installed Item? If this is a Contractor furnished and installed item, please provide a specification. 5.12.15_PE Response_Projections screens shall be OWNER PROVIDED/FURNISHED, GC INSTALLED. 21 Restroom elevations indicate wall tile. The finish schedule indicates either stainless cove base or rubber base with porcelain floor tile. Please clarify. Also, there is no ceramic or porcelain tile specification. If there is wall tile, please note the height of the tile. Please provide a specification. 5.4.15_PE Response_Information is clarified in Addendum No. 2 22 Specification Section 230719: The thickness of the pipe insulation indicated in paragraph 3.12 & 3.12 for hot water, refrigerant, and chilled water far exceed energy code requirements. These thickness will, in our opinion, lead to extensive clearance3 and logistic issues. Please confirm thickness requirements. BVH Response - Pipe insulation schedule in specification 230719 has been modified in Addendum #2. 23 Drawing A-111/IN-101: If there is a discrepancy between the hatching shown on the reflected ceiling plans and the ceiling designation on the finish plane, which 5.12.15_PE Response_The RCP shows the design intent for the ceiling (graphically). takes precedence? Example: Dwg A-111, room 104A is hatched for a gypsum Contractor must make Architect aware of a discrepancy. ceiling, but on Dwg IN-101, it calls out ACT-01. Please advise. 24 Drawing IN-102: Dwg. IN-102, Corridor C2B calls for ACT-4. There is not ACT-4 5.12.15_PE Response_Acoustic tile in the corridors is ACT-01 (a 2' x 6' tile). This has on Finish Schedule. Please clarify. been clarified in Addendum No. 2. 25 Drawing A-510: Some of the details (16/A510) show expansion bolts are to be used. Are these really needed or can conventional methods be used. 5.12.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2, note has been clarified. 26 Drawing A-510: Ceiling details on A5110 show some sort of C channel attached 5.12.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2, graphics have been adjusted and to the deck. Can you please clarify what this is. clarified. 27 5.12.15_PE Response (with R+C input)_There are no Segmental Retaining Walls on Specification Section 32 32 23: Segmental Retaining Wall was listed in the table the project. The reference to specification Section 32 32 23 will be removed from the of contents: however this section was not enclosed in the specifications. Specification Table of Contents, the specification section was not included in the Please provide. Manual. 28 Is there a specification available for the new seating or new seating components? 29 5.18.15_UCONN Response_Millwork/casework standards will comply with AWI Will the AWO Quality Certification Program certificates requirement be waived? requirements as identified in the specifications. The project does NOT need to be registered with AWI, but must conform to AWI standards requirements. 30 31 32 Some of the detail (16/A510) show expansion bolts are to be used. Are these really needed or can conventional methods be used? Ceiling details on A510 show some sort of C Channel attached to the deck. Can you please clarify what that is? Specification Section 01 12 00: Invitation to Bid lists asbestos abatement as part of the work under section "Scope of Work" on pages 1 - 2. Section 01 12 00 - Summary of Work, Para. 1.03E.1 includes asbestos removal and remediation. Both of these instructions conflict with section 02 41 19 - Selective Structure Demolition, Para 1.06A which says, "hazardous material are not expected to be encountered, and will be removed the Owner before the start of the work". Is asbestos abatement included? 5.12.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2. SAME / REPEAT of No. 25 SAME / REPEAT of No. 26 5.12.15_PE Response_Abatement is part of base bid. Specification Section 02 41 19 will be modified. 5.12.15_PE Response_Uconn to respond. Hazardous material identification and scope definition is not part of Architect's contract. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_No additional testing for hazardous materials has been done. See specifications sections in Appendix C for information on dealing with suspected hazardous materials. 33 Specification Section 01 12 00: Scope of Work and Summary of Work do not mention abatement or other hazardous materials, such as PCB's or lead. Is PCB abatement included? Other abatement? If so, please make available reports on lead and PCB contamination. 34 Specification Section 02 41 19 and Appendix C: Selective Structure Demolition, Para 1.06.a says hazardous materials are not expected to be encountered and will be removed by Owner before the start of work. Could you confirm that 5.12.15_PE Response_Section 02 41 19 will be amended. Abatement is part of Scope abetment of asbestos, including removal of roof mastics located on the coping of Work. Uconn to respond to balance of RFI No. 34 regarding other abatement be abated are excluded from the bid. We assume that hazmat specs/Appendix related questions. C and asbestos removal drawings (ABS series) were provided for information only, so we need to know what remains to be demolished. 35 Specification Section 02 41 19 and Appendix C: Did hazardous materials consultant test for PCB contamination of painted surfaces, caulking or other potential PCB-contaminated material? Appendix C notes only removal of PCBcontaminated light ballasts. 5.12.15_PE Response_Uconn to Respond. 5.18.18_UCONN Response_No additional testing for hazardous materials has been done. See specifications sections in Appendix C for information on dealing with suspected hazardous materials. 36 Specification Section 02 41 19: Scope of Work includes removal and storage of classroom blackboards and whiteboards for reuse. Spec Section 02 41 19, Para 1.06E stipulates that materials for reuse must be removed off-site. However, para 3.04.B4 of the same spec says that the items shall be "transported to the Owner's storage area on-site". Please confirm the location where removed items that are to be re-installed in the work in Monteith and Schenker Halls are to be stored. 5.19.15_PE Response_Contractor shall be responsible for storing the classroom whiteboards and blackboards in a manner that will not cause damage to the boards. Contractor is responsible for providing an appropriate location for storage. Specification statement 3.04.B4 from Section 02 14 19 shall be changed to "Transport items to appropriate area for storage on-site. If Contractor concludes that they must use an ‘off-site storage facility,’ notice to and approval from UConn is required prior to moving anything slated for saving and salvaging." 37 Specification Section BC #1: Bid Clarification #1 included Drawing HHP-701, however this drawing has no addendum issue noted on it and is identical to the originally issued HHP-701 dated March 23, 2015. Please advise if a revised Drawing HHP-701 was to be issued with Bid Clarification #1. BVH Response: HHP-701 was intended to be issued in Addendum #1 to reflect the addition of a louver in the Louver Schedule required for the elevator penthouse modification. Please see sheet HHP-701 issued in Addendum #2 for changes to bid document. 38 Drawing A-101: Are any of the nosings in the Lecture Hall or the Schenker Hall 5.19.15_PE Response_Patching of existing Lecture Hall floors, treads and risers is to be replaced? Are new railings needed in the main isles of the Lecture Hall or part of the scope. Contrasting marking stripes are required at the leading edge of the Schenker Hall? Are the existing railings in the Lecture Hall or the Schenker treads. See Addendum No. 3 for clarity on new and existing to remain handrailing. Hall to remain or are they all new? 39 Specification Section 04 01 20: In Maintenance of Unit Masonry, Spec Section 5.19.15_PE Response_Building exterior is and has been fully available for Contractor 04 01 20, please provide allowances or quantities for items 1-8 in Section 1.02a review. Contractor's bid is to fully include required repairs. Summary. All bidders will then be on an equal basis when bidding these items. 40 The manufacturer of the lecture seating "Irwin" has stated that the model of seating currently in place has been updated and redesigned. The parts for the new model are not interchangeable and therefore will not provide pricing as 5.19.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 3. requested by the bid documents. They can only priced as replacing entire rows. Please advise how we are to quote the seating and alternates. 41 Lighting protection is mentioned throughout the grounding and bonding specification, while there is no indication for a new system to be installed within the documents, is there any existing system we will need to connect to / obtain master label? 42 Specification Section 260533-8 (I), 270528 (3.02)(I), and 280528 (3.02)(I); indicate that all conduit sleeves within partitions that will be stubbed out of the wall BVH Response - No, RMC is intended for exposed or unprotected areas above an accessible ceiling be installed in RMC, is this the intent of the design to have all of the low voltage sleeves be in rigid conduit? 43 Specification 260544-1 (2.01)(a) indicates wall sleeves for cables passing through walls into ceiling spaces to be in PVC coated steel pipe, Is it the intent of the design to have PVC coated rigid conduit for all wall sleeves? BVH Response - Not in general sheet rock wall partitions. See Part 3 for execution 44 The Outdoor Emergency Blue phones (3) on the project are existing and will be reconnected with new power and communication cabling for this project. Will these devices be tested by the UCONN IT or will the contractor need to obtain a vendor to re-commission these? Also will there need to be any temporary means of keeping these active during construction or can they be removed and stored? BVH Response - BVH defers to Uconn to respond to this inquiry. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_Reinstalled Blue Phones will be programmed and tested by UITS. Blue phones should be removed and stored during construction. Coordinate all Blue Phone work with UITS project manager. 45 Will MC Cable or Open Plenum rated Cable be acceptable for the fire alarm system above ceiling and in wall wiring? BVH Response - Wiring in raceway above ceiling and UL listed fire alarm MC running thru partitions and for short 3’ whips concealed above ceilings to devices. 46 Will the use of Mineral Insulated cable between the lighting inverter and its loads be required? BVH Response - No 47 Section 283111 (3.07) indicates the need for a 24 hour firemen’s watch in the event the existing fire alarm system / new fire alarm system are not supervising the building. Will installing a temporary fire alarm system with simple heat detection eliminate the need for a 24 hours firemen’s watch for the renovations duration? BVH Response - A temporary system with smoke detectors with caps during the day removed for evening may be acceptable by UCONN. This is to be verified by UCONN. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_Temporary fire alarm systems or firemen's watch is not required during construction. Limited heat detection is preferred; coordinate with University Fire Marshall's office. 48 Section 260533 (3.01)(D) identifies compression fittings for use with EMT in an indoor applications, many other sections include set screw when EMT is the application. Will compression fittings be required on EMT conduit for indoor installations BVH Response - Unless UCONN standards dictate otherwise, BVH accepts screw fittings for EMT indoor dry locations. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_Compression fittings are preferred. 49 Are the super graphics part of the signage allowance? 5.12.15_PE Response_No, the super graphics are not part of the signage allowance. 50 Drawing A-501 is missing from the set of plans. The cover sheet notes it is to have been released with bid set. 5.12.15_PE Response_Drawing Sheet A-501 has been issued in Addendum No. 2. It was inadvertently left out of the set. 51 The room elevations for Schenker and Monteith lecture halls do not indicate the 5.12.15_PE Response_Acoutsic Panels are not in the scope of work. Reference to sizes or locations of the acoustical wall panels. Per the finish legend the sizes the panels on the finish schedule will be removed. and quantities should be noted on the room elevations. Please advise. 52 Where is the Resinous flooring located? The finish legend notes painted floors and the finish plans show locations of painted floors. The resinous floor 5.12.15_PE Response_ See A-411, A-412 and A413. material is different from the painted floor material. 53 It was mentioned at the first walk through that some of the existing doors would receive new hardware. Not all existing doors are noted on the door schedule 5.14.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2, Drawing Sheet No. A601. and very few are noted to receive new hardware. Please confirm those doors not mentioned I the schedule are to remain in as is condition. 54 Some of the details (16/A510) show expansion bolts are to be used. Are these really need or can conventional methods me used 55 Ceiling details on A510 show some sort of C Channel attached to the deck. Can SAME / REPEAT of No. 26 you please clarify what that is BVH Response - There is no existing system in the building and no new system required in the bid documents. SAME / REPEAT of No. 25 56 57 58 Who is responsible for the inverted ceiling grid shown in details such as 16/A510 attached to the lights. Both drywall and ACT are touching it. Who owns it and what is it I will need to have the lecture hall staged. Other trades will also need to access the staging. Is that something you or the general trades contractor will be handling? At your typical vanity counters the tops are indicated as SS-01 for the counters and PL-01 at "Cab". The elevations on A-441 show a counter with a drop front apron. What is plastic laminate, and what is the support for the Could a detail be provided? counters? 5.12.15_PE Response_This appears to be a question from a sub to the GC. 5.12.15_PE Response_This appears to be a question from a sub to the GC. 5.12.15_PE Response_Bathroom Counters and aprons are all solid surface material. Typical section will be provided. 59 The Key Note #C15 indicate the office shelving as N.I.C. Please confirm the elevation 13/A-452, and detail 21 / A-452 are for blocking locations only. 5.12.15_PE Response_The shelving IS PART OF THE BASE BID, must be included. This information will be clarified on the documents. 60 Drawing A-105: On roof Drawing A-1-5, the roof expansion joint, it references Detail 9 on Drawing A-503. Detail 9 on A-503 is for a floor expansion joint, not a 5.12.15_PE Response_See Drawing Sheet A-500 for Roof expansion joint detail. roof. Can you provide a roof expansion joint and indicate if it’s a metal flanged type, alum roof expansion joint or a seismic roof expansion assembly. 61 Drawing A-2.01 & A-2.02: On DrawingsA-2.01 and a-2.02, there are several notes that refer to quantities as "As Required", "Verify in Field", or "Any Damage" in 5.19.15_PE Response_Scope identified on the drawings must be verified in the field Notes E1/E2/E9/E10/E22 & E24. Please supply a percentage of material to be by the Contractor for the Base Bid. Building exteriors are available for review. replaced or fixed, or please supply an allowance to lever the field for these items as they are not quantifiable until further investigation is possible. 62 Drawing A-2.01: On Drawing A-2.01, Notes E22 and E24 refer to new louvers. There is no specification section detailing these louvers in Divisions 8 or 10. Please supply. 5.13.15_BVH Response: Louvers requirements are described in the Louver Schedule on HHP-701. 63 Drawing A-2.01: On Drawing A-2.01, Note 24 calls for infilling a door opening, however, Elevation 3/A-2.01 shows the note pointing to a window. Please clarify. 5.12.15_PE Response_Key Note 24 is pointing to a window, please clarify the question. 64 AV Section: Is any of the AV system part of this contract? Projectors, room BVH Response: Provide Audiovisual supporting hardware as shown in the speakers & 90" Flat panel TV's are shown in the documents but we do not know documents. Audiovisual active electronics are not part of this contract. Refer to the who is responsible for furnishing and installation. TC series drawings. 65 Please review the acceptable manufacturers for the Fire Alarm System. To our BVH Response: The fire alarm system specification has been modified in Addendum knowledge, Simplex is the only vendor on campus that can provide the system. 2 to include Simplex as the sole acceptable manufacturer. 66 Specification Section 2665100 (1.07)(A): Fixture allowances #3 and #4 are for types A1 & B1. These designations do not exist, are there other fixtures for which you wish to have spares? BVH Response: For fixture allowances #3 & #4 use types L1 & L5 67 Site Drawing SU-100: Please confirm the location of the Psychology 45 PC 1500KVA Medium Voltage Transformer is about 40 linear feet north west of the existing MH shown on SU-100. BVH Response: Location is confirmed as stated 68 Drawing A-411/-4/27/15: Please provide a description for the perforated panels (manufacturer, type) that are to be used at the stair rail renovations. 5.19.15_PE Response_Provide McNichols (or equal) 18 gauge perforated panels to match panels used at Stair Railing in Arjona. This information will be part of Addendum No. 3. 69 Drawing A-101// 4/27/15: We have been advised by of the following by Robert Lord Co.: Because these are all polymer chair, little can be done to refurbish them. Refurbishing is generally looked at as the best option when you have an old theater type space and the chairs hold some sort of aesthetic or antique value, or when code updates are trying to be avoided. These chairs are not antique. Please advise since refurbishing the existing chairs may not be an option. 5.19.15_PE Response_See RFI No. 40. 70 Specification Section 02 82 33: We are scheduled to remove existing windows and dispose of as hazardous waste. We will need a waste profile to submit to our hauler so then can tell us which landfill site will accept the waste. Please provide. Please advise on how much debris will remain in the building for removal under this contract. Please confirm how much universal waste will remain in the building for removal under this contract. 5.12.15_PE Response_Uconn response required. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_Existing glazing system components scheduled for repair or replacement are presumed to contain hazardous materials. Demolition and removal should conform to requirements of Appendix C in the specifications. Re existing waste currently found in the building: the early ACM abatement work will be complete prior to construction. Loose FFE will be removed by the University prior to construction. Remaining paper and loose debris will be removed by this project. 71 Specification Section 05 52 13: Sheet A101, Item C16 indicates new rails at handicap seating in SH Theater. Please provide a detail as to what is required. 5.19.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 3. 72 Specification Section 25: Please confirm the scope of work for Access Control includes conduit, backboxes and cabling by GC; the system equipment, installation, testing and commissioning are by others. Please confirm the scope of work for Camera System includes conduits, Cabling and a box in the ceiling above the camera is by GC; the camera, installation, testing and commissioning are by others. BVH Response: Access Control: Refer to TS Series Drawings and Specifications Section 281300 Access Control. The bid shall include a complete system. Also refer to Division 1 for the add alternate. Camera System: Confirmed, the cameras will be provided under a different contract. 73 Specification Section 09 65 00: Spec Section 09 65 00, section 2.1 Installation Materials calls for "concrete sealer". Please confirm if this item is required since the floor slabs are existing. 74 Specification Section 260519-3 & 4 M-N: (M) Electrical feeders associated with the generator, emergency or essential power systems to be MI Cable, (N) Feeders and Branch Circuits connected to generator, emergency or essential BVH Response: MI Cable does not need to be used for this project . power systems of any type to be THHN/THWN in Raceway. Spec sections M & N and variance with one another. Please clarify where MI cable must be used in lieu or THHN/THWN in raceways. 75 Specification Section 01 77 00: Please confirm if the exterior surfaces of existing window, curtain wall and storefront will require final cleaning upon completion of the project. 5.19.15_PE Response_Yes, confirmed, as per specifications. 76 Drawing A-1-1 3/27/15; Note C-31 calls for refurbishing existing H.C. Controls. Please confirm if the University has a preferred Vendor for this work, the manufacturer's name for the existing equipment and a description of work required. 5.19.15_PE Response_Uconn does not have a preferred vendor for this work. 77 Drawing A-500, Detail 9: Please provide a spec and/or manufacturer for the insulation panel. 5.19.15_PE Response_Insulation panel shall be Endurex 500 panel by Nudo or approved equal. Foam shall be Polyisocyanurate (ISO). Color shall match louver grill to remain, provide samples for approval. 78 79 80 81 82 Specification Section 09 51 13 - Drawing A-111: Office #132 calls for 2'0 x 4'0 ACT System. The only system shown on the legend is 2'0 x 2'0, 1'-0 x 4'0 & 2'0 x 6'0. Please clarify. Drawing A-201: General Elevation Note #6 calls for making/repair all operable window function. Since the building is presently under containment and not accessible to verify quantity of work required, can you establish an allowance to cover this scope? Specification Section 01 23 00 - Drawing A-621: Please clarify which alternate doors #D02 fall under. 5.12.15_PE Response_Contractor, installer and finish material manufacturer representative to determine if substrate requires sealer. 5.12.15_PE Response_Please see Addendum No. 2. 5.19.15_PE Response_Contractor shall assume that repair is required on 50% of each of the two types of operable windows. 5.12.15_PE Response_Please see Addendum No. 2. Specification Section 09 67 23: Stonehard is the only manufacturer listed in this 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see RFI No. 8. division. Will other manufacturers of similar product be acceptable? Drawing A-1-1, Note C37: Please provide a spec for note C37, opaque film. 5.19.15_PE Response_Applied film shall be by Madico. Film thickness: .002", Structure: Single-ply, Tensile Strength: 25,000 psi; Break Strength: 50 pounds per inch (width); Adhesive Type: Acrylic pressure sensitive, Peel strength 5 to 6 pounds per inch, Finish: White Matt. Provide samples of varying levels of translucence for selection and approval. 83 Specification Section 02 41 19 - Drawing ASB-2: Please confirm if removal of the 1'0 x 1'-0 glued daub tiles above the suspended acoustical ceiling requires removal. 5.12.15_PE Response_UConn response required. 5.18.15_UCONN Response_All identified or uncovered ACM will be abated and removed from the project site. We note that all interior finishes are scheduled for demolition. 84 Specification Section 26 - Drawing E-400: On Drawing E-400 - Electrical Power Riser Diagram - the secondary feeder from the new pad mount transformer (TX1X) is shown to be 1200 amp feeder consisting of (4) sets of 4" conduits with 4 #500 & #3/0. However, on Drawing SU-100 - Site Electrical and Mechanical Plan, this ductbank is shown to be (10) sets of 4" and (1) 2" conduit (for tel). Please advise if the (10) sets of 4" conduits are required. 5.19.15_BVH Response: Provide the number of conduits shown on SU-100 (additional conduit capacity has been requested by the University). Additional conduits will be added between the proposed manhole and existing building, refer to revised drawings issued with Addendum 3. 85 Drawing IN0-101: The two vestibules and their closets along with the projection 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see IN-101 issued in Addendum No. 2. All areas, rooms room 157 in Schenker Hall are not identified on Drawing IN-101 to receive new and spaces are to receive new finishes. finishes. Please advise. 86 MV Switchgear: The specification for the MV switchgear references two `120v power sources. Are the two 120v power sources supplied externally or 5.19.15_BVH Response: An external single source of power will be provided thru internally to the MV switchgear? There are references made to instrumentation Addendum #3, with UPS batter back-up of 1.5kva single phase 120volt Power drain and communication, what equipment is to be included in the gear and what is is minimal. the anticipated power drain? 87 Specification Section 01 23 00: In reference to Monteith & Schenker Lecture Hall seating, pricing for the base bid, Alternate No. 8, 9, and 10: The manufacturers contacted will not quote any alterations to existing seats due to 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see response to RFI No. 40. the age of the seating (parts are not available). they will quote Alternate No. 11, the replacement of f the seating if they had a specification as a basis of design. Please advise. 88 Specification Section 01 23 00: Alternate #1 reads, "To provide new pipe and tube railings with wire mesh infill". The base bid is the same scope of work. 5.19.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2 for clarification. Please advise. Note: Alternate #12 is to have a complete new guardrail/handrail system. 89 Specification Section 26 13 29: Spec Section 26 13 29, 2.07A - Power Supply. Are the two 120V power sources supplied externally or internally to the MV 5.19.15_BVH Response: Instrumentation and controls is clarified in a specification switchgear? Reference is made to instrumentation and communications. What change in Addendum #3. equipment is the gear to be designed to include and at what power drain? 90 The manufacturer of the existing lecture hall seating in both Schenker and Monteith will not quote the base bid repair/replacement seating or alternates 8,9, & 10 due to the parts of the current models are not interchangeable with 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see response to RFI No. 40. what is existing. Please advise how we are to quote the base bid and the alternates. in addition, Alternates # 9 & #10 are not clear. Please clarify how we are to proceed with all aspects of the lecture hall seating. 91 Drawing A-601: Doors V-01 & V-02 are noted as new aluminum doors and 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see Specification Section 08 41 13 Aluminum-Framed frames. There is no specifications for aluminum entrances. In addition, there is Entrances and Storefronts , issued in Addendum No. 2. no specification for glazing. Please advise. 92 Specification Section 06 40 23 - Drawing A-102, A-102, A-103, A-104, & A-452: Please confirm if the adjustable shelving on the 1st Floor is NIC. On 2nd, 3rd & 4th floor, Note C-15 states Adjustable shelves NIC, but there is no Note C-15 on A-101. Please provide detail for bathroom vanity. Confirm detail 8/A is also for Room #342 Pantry 5.19.15_PE Response_ALL adjustable shelving and millwork shown in the documents is IN the base bid contract. The "NIC" designation in note C-15 will be removed from the documents in Addendum No. 3. A bathroom vanity section detail will be provided in Addendum No. 3. 93 Drawing A-210: Please supply a specification for the sealer to be used on the existing aluminum exterior doors as called out on Dwg. A-201, Note E16. 5.19.15_PE Response_Clarification will be provided in Addendum No. 3. 94 Drawing A-201: Please provide specification for opaque film referenced in Note 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see response to RFI No. 82. E10 on Dwg. A-201. Drawing A-201: It appears that in several locations (for example, 4th floor just right of Column Line 16 on 2/A-201 Overall East Elevation), the hatched area of glass to be replaced is not the entire piece of glass within that frame/mullion. Please clarify if this is intended, and please give more details. 5.19.15_PE Response_Replacement of all glass, missing glass, etc. shall fill entire pane as defined by original building mullion design. If a mullion is missing, Contractor shall replace so that intended mullion design is maintained and consistent. Drawing A-201: Please supply a glass specification. There is only a note E2 calling out to "replace glazing" on Dwg A-201. Drawing A-111 & A-112: Drawing A-112 has a reflected ceiling plan for Schenker Hall which is the same as the one shown on Drawing A-111. Please clarify that the one on A-112 is not needed. Door Schedule - Drawing AD-101: According to Dwg. AD-101, the doors marked 156A and 156B are shown as remaining. The Door Schedule on A-601 states that both doors are new in the existing opening. Please clarify. 5.19.15_PE Response_See Specification Section 01 73 00 for Patching and Repair requirements. 99 Drawing A-621: Dwg A-621 shows an elevation of a door type D02b that says "Obscure Glazing at Offices". Please define what is required for this glazing. 5.19.15_PE Response_Obscure glass has been REMOVED from the doors. See Addendum No. 2 for clarification. 100 Drawing A-601: Doors V-01 and V-02 are new aluminum doors and frames according to the Door Schedule on Dwg A-601. Please provide a specification section outlining this product. 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see response to RFI 91. 101 Drawing A-601: Dwg. A-601 shows that Doors L1AA-EX and L1AB-EX are to remain. However, the Door Schedule also states they are to receive a new hardware set. Please clarify. 5.19.15_PE Response_Per documents, existing doors to remain with new hardware, see Addendum No. 2 for clarification. 95 96 97 98 102 103 104 5.19.15_PE Response_The Schenker Hall RCP is on A-111. The ghosted RCP for Schenker Hall shown on A-112 is for reference only. 5.19.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2 for clarification. Drawing A-601: Doors V-01 and V-02 are new aluminum doors and frames according to the Door Schedule on Dwg. A-601. Please provide a specification SAME / REPEAT of No. 100 section outlining this product. Drawing A-601 shows that Doors L1AA-EX and L1AB-EX are to remain. However, the Door Schedule also states that they are to receive a new hardware SAME / REPEAT of No. 101 set. Please clarify. Drawing A-101 & A106: On Drawing A-101, it show doors 157 and 158A as having side light, however, on the Door Schedule, A-601, it calls for frame type 5.19.15_PE Response_See Addendum No. 2 for clarfication. F01. Please clarify which is correct. 105 Drawing AD-101 & A-502; Drawing AD-101 shows the window in the space between the SH-Projection Room and SH-Vestibule to be removed. A new 5.19.15_PE Response_Existing window to remain, replace panes of glass if required. window is shown on Drawing 7/A-502. Please provide additional information as To be noted in Addendum No.3. to what this window is made of, aluminum or hollow metal, and glass type. 106 AIA-201: Article 11 Insurance and Bods, Para states "If the Owner's property insurance requires deductibles, the Contractor shall pay costs not covered because of such deductible". Please confirm if the Owner's Property insurance requires a deductible. Provide the deductible sum if required. 107 108 109 110 Specification Section 070150, 075323, 075400 - Drawing A-503 & A-105: Spec Section 070150 contains three types of roofing system materials,( EPDM, Bituminous Roofing, SBS Roofing). There are spec sections for EPDM (075323) & TPO (075400); Drwg. A-503 details shows EPDM & TPO roofing in the same locations, ref 10 & 5/A-503. Please confirm which roofing system is required. Note C-36 on A-105 mentions "repair as required to maintain warranty". Is the existing roof under warranty? If so, provide manufacturer and copy of warranty. Specification Section 402 41 19,13 - Drawing ASB1.0 -ASB5.0: Paragraph 1.3 B of Spec Section 02 41 19.13 calls for selective demolition of non ASBcontaminated ceilings, including hard plaster and gypsum board ceilings, suspended acoustical ceilings. however, the drawings do not indicate the extent of ceiling demolition. Please confirm the scope of ceiling demo. At the walk through, we were unable to enter floors where there was containment. Please confirm the scope of furniture demolition. Drawing C.06: Note 8 states that the contractor is to "strip and stockpile all topsoil that is within the footprint of the construction site". Since the majority of the construction site is in a Critical Root Zone, is it really the intent of this contract to strip all topsoil as stated? If so, is there a method we should use to protect the roots while we strip and install the topsoil in the Critical Root Zone area? 5.19.15_UCONN Response_Yes, $250,000.00 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see Addendum No. 2 for clarification. Please note that Section 07 01 50 Roofing Alterations, is provided for areas where patching is required at abandoned or new penetrations, etc. in existing roofed areas to remain. Response from UConn required for existing roof warranty information. UConn Response: No warranty information is available for the Monteith roof system. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for repair assuming the manufacturer's warranty remains in effect. 5.19.15_PE Response_All existing ceilings, ceiling supports, lighting, etc. shall be removed as part of this project. Contractor must coordinate work as required with Hazardous Removal documents. 5.19.15_PE Response_Please see response to RFI No. 3. 5.18.15_T&B Response_All work within tree protection zones shall conform with the tree preservation plans and specifications.
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