Church Mouse - Central Presbyterian Church

Church Mouse
The Ups and Downs of Holy Week
Jesus started his Holy Week journey on Sunday – Palm Sunday –
on the heights of the Mount of Olives at the home of Mary and
Martha and Lazarus. On the back of a humble and unbroken donkey, Jesus rode down the steep hillside into the valley that separated the hilly ridge from the plateau of the city of Jerusalem; the
crowds waved branches and shouted their praises. Even today the
valley is dangerous, dark, and frightening. In that valley, Jesus
rode through the shadow of the Temple, which stood more than
200 ft. above. That shadow would truly be Jesus' shadow of death;
only five days later Jesus would be lifted up on Calvary's hill at
the urging of the Temple's leaders. But on Easter, Jesus was lifted
up even higher ‒ from death to resurrection life.
The narrow Kidron Valley separates the Mount of
We all look forward to the final victory of Easter: to the joy and
Olives (on the left) from the eastern outer wall of
hope of Christ's resurrection. The journey through Holy Week –
Jerusalem (on the right). In Jesus’ day, the Temple
through the shadowy and fear-filled darkness – is difficult. Jesus'
was located on a rise just inside this eastern wall.
suffering reminds us our need for grace and of the sacrifice that
Jesus Christ made for us. It reminds us of the great debt that we owe to God for all God's love and mercy. We would rather
leap-frog from the jubilant height of Palm Sunday to the triumph of Easter without descending in the deep sorrow of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
This year, walk Holy Week with Christ, slowly and mindfully.
Join us for 15 minutes on Monday through Friday in the sanctuary for Morning Prayer, focusing on that day's events
in the life of Jesus.
On Thursday, listen to God's story of salvation as told by the gospel writer Mark and read by members of our congregation: from 5:30-6:20 pm, from 6:30-7:20 pm, and concluding with worship at 7:30 pm, all in our sanctuary. Come
when you can and leave when you must.
On Friday, worship with our brothers and sisters of Geneseo United Methodist Church at 7 pm at their sanctuary
(4520 Genesee Street) and our combined choirs. This service will center on the "Seven Words" that Jesus spoke from
the cross during his crucifixion.
Then greet the first light of Resurrection Day at our 7:00 am Sunrise Communion Service next to the Memorial Garden of
CPC ‒ much in the same way that the earliest Christians kept a midnight vigil so that they could capture the first joy of
Easter morning. Or celebrate here, at 10:00 am with our community of faith, God's victory over sin and death, and share in
Christ's death and new life in Holy Communion.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3
In Christ's shalom,
Pastor Nancy
The Jerusalem cross represents Jesus’ command to us to proclaim the God’s good news
of salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ to the four corners of the earth.
In Our Prayers
Healing and Health
 Betty (Jon Rouleau’s mother, in rehab at the Brightonian in
 Bruce (Betsy Matthew’s brother-in-law, thanks for healing
with which he has been blessed)
 Rev. Bill Hockey, leader of the Seekers Community
(undergoing two heart procedures)
 Diana Carson (Debbie Welch’s mother, diagnosed with cancer)
 Dick Maxson (recovering from shoulder surgery)
 Judy Carman (David and Danny Carman’s mother, receiving treatment for cancer)
 Nancy (Cathy Janson’s mother-in-law, living with cancer)
 Laura Culbreth (Alzheimer’s disease)
 Sandra Kujawski (Janice Willer’s sister-in-law, recovering
from surgery)
 Suzanne (niece of Lyle Lehman, undergoing treatment for
Homebound - Clarence Stephens, Sr., Beth and Robin
Wallace, Julian and Pat McFarland, Julie Sanford, Ruth
Underhill, Barbara Leighton
Other Joys and Concerns
 We pray for the health, safety, and growth of the young men
in residence at Industry School and for the Rev. Carter who
serves among them.
+ We pray for the Rev. Dr. Francis Aquah and Trinity Church
in Accra, Ghana.
+ We pray for the safety of all those serving in the foreign
service and in the armed forces, as well as for peace around
the world.
We Want to Pray with You and for You
If you are hospitalized, ill, facing surgery, or other challenges, please let Rev. Lowmaster, the Church Office, or
your Deacon/Elder Shepherds know. We would like to pray
for you and to assist and support you. Please give us the opportunity to be a blessing to you.
Inside this Issue
Pastor’s Message…………………………….1
In our Prayers………………………………..2
CPC Happenings…………………………… 3
Daily Lectionary Calendar……………….. 9
Serving in our Church……………………. 10
Counter’s Report………………………….. 10
Church Calendar………………………….. 11
April Birthdays
Pat Scott, Sandra Macauley, Linda Badami
Gary Cox
Cindy Sheflin
Jane Reid
Kristen Lynch, Thomas Sheflin
Jane VanAlstyne
Sarah McLean, Bob Topping
Ruth Underhill
RJ Harvey, Tyler Carman
Stephanie Abel
John Rouleau, Bill Loffquist
Sheila Cripps
Mabel Boyd,
Lettie Crawford, Celia Rose
Doris Bailor, Mike Bishop
Joyce Peterson
Ray Robinson, Pastor Nancy
would like it to be included in the Church Mouse, please
contact the Church Office and let us know the date!
Sunday morning sermons
and other select services are
now available on the CPC
Simply click on the “Listen to Sermons” link
found on our home page, and select
the sermon(s) of your choice.
Presbyterian Research Services is inviting YOU
to join a list of potential Presbyterian Panelists!
Since 1973, church leaders have turned to the Presbyterian Panel to learn more about the beliefs and practices
of Presbyterians. By joining this list, you will be added to
a group of people who are willing to answer occasional
surveys that may help Presbyterian entities, congregations, and others make informed decisions and reach their
goals. If you are interested in serving on the Presbyterian
Panel, please visit and answer
several demographic questions to help Research Services
select a representative sample of Presbyterians. If you are
selected to become a Presbyterian Panelist, you will be
sent a welcome letter with further details. If you are not
selected right away, Research Services will keep you on
a list of potential Panelists for the future. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time.
All men of the church are invited to a monthly coffee
and conversation get-together. We meet at Tim Hortons at
9:00 am on the first Thursday of each month  strictly
informal  no agenda, no dues, no rules of order. Our next
get-together is Thursday, April 2 (9 am at Tim Hortons).
Our Bible Study is on Monday mornings at 10:30 am
in the Jane Ward Room. Each week we will examine the
lectionary texts for the week -- the same texts that Rev.
Lowmaster will use as the bases for her upcoming Sunday
sermons. The discussion is always lively! Come join us
for a closer look at the Scriptures. Bible Study dates for
this month are April 13, 20, and 27.
On the first Sunday of every month our entire church
family is invited to join the fun and fellowship as we
gather in the Social Hall PROMPTLY at 8:45 am for
breakfast. This is a wonderful way to stay in touch and to
grow together in our faith. Especially if you have not attended a Church Family Breakfast in the past, come and
discover all the excitement and savor the wonderful
smells. Simply bring a dish to share and a hearty appetite!
Following breakfast, we encourage families to worship
together at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. There will be no
breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 5. The next breakfast
will be on May 3.
Every Sunday at 1:30 pm, the Livingston County
Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation offers its residents
a worship service led by various area churches. Central is
scheduled to lead the services on April 5, May 31, July
26, September 20, and November 15. This year we are
scheduled to lead the Easter Sunday Service. Please
consider sharing worship time, especially on Easter, with
these homebound individuals. If you would like to be part
of the team that worships with the residents at the Livingston County Center, please contact Rev. Lowmaster.
fruit, macaroni and cheese, tuna, jelly, and soup. Contributions may be placed in the basket in the narthex or in
the box near the Church Office. If you are unable to bring
your food pantry items to CPC, St. Mary's church will gladly
accept them during office hours (243-1100). Thank you!
The monthly discussion group that has read the
Bible in a Year (2013) and the Gospel According to Matthew in a Year along with N. T. Wright’s book Simply
Christian (2014) has now begun a year of reading Scripture as well as selected works by C. S. Lewis. The next
meeting will be March 10 at 7:00 pm in the Jane Ward
Room. We have started the year with The Screwtape
Letters. describes the book like this: “At
once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation − and triumph over it −
ever written.” Christianity Today wrote, “C. S. Lewis
understood, like few in the past century, just how deeply
faith is both imaginative and rational.” If you would be
interested in being a part of our lively discussions,
please contact Pastor Nancy (also please let her know if
you need a book).
Great news: Central is bringing back the home visitation program in 2015! It has been many years since
Central has had a regular home visitation program and
we are excited to offer this opportunity for visits to
members of our church family who are homebound. How it works is simple: a rotating monthly
schedule will be developed that matches those who are
homebound with volunteers willing to make visits. To
get this going, we need to develop two of people who are homebound and would welcome having a
visit...and a second of volunteers willing to commit to
making one or two visits monthly. If you are interested
in this program and would like to be on the visitation list
or would like to volunteer to make visits, please contact
Anne Bishop (@ 585-259-8282 or via email:
Visits are such a joy both for those who are homebound and for volunteers, affording all the opportunity
to learn more about each other and to deepen our sharing of God’s love within our church family.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due
season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we
have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of
faith. (Galatians 6:9-10)
Please join us on Tuesday, April 28 to discuss the
topic of family relationships as depicted in popular literature. Suggested books include The Glass Castle by
Jeanette Walls, A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler,
or The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty. Read or
reread one of these books or another book which applies
to the topic of family relationships and then join us for
wonderful discussion, good food, and fellowship. We
will meet at 6:30 in the Social Hall. Soup will be provided. If you are able please bring bread, salad, or a
dessert to share. Friends are welcome as well. For more
information, contact Cindy Carman (585-472-9767).
New boiler system is keeping us warm…your
generosity is appreciated and still needed!
Dear Friends,
Last fall, Session approved the purchase of a new high efficiency boiler to replace the previous system that was over
30 years old. Fortunately, through the hard work of our
Facilities Commission, we were able to bid, purchase, and
install the system prior to the onset of this cold, cold season. Facilities was able to find the best deal and system
that suited our church’s needs.
The total cost for the boiler and its installation was
$22,600.00. Session approved funding of this project
through a combinations of monies: cash reserves, annual
allowance from the church’s endowment, and (if necessary)
funds borrowed at interest from the endowment. We also
asked for personal contributions from our members to help
offset the cost. We are deeply grateful for the generosity
and support of Central’s family, as to-date your individual
contributions have totaled $9390.00. This has greatly reduced the monies that are required from the other sources.
If we were to receive an additional $3130.00 in individual
donations, there would be no need to borrow funds
(with interest) from the endowment.
You may contribute (or donate further) to this project by
using a pew envelope and writing “boiler” on it, or by
sending or dropping off a donation to the church office.
We thank you for any financial contribution you are able to
Winters remind us how blessed we are to have a warm
location to gather in to worship and serve God’s people!
The Women's Association
graciously thanks our
anonymous donors of
kitchen supplies.
With gratitude to you and praise to God, Your Session
Gumbo To Go – April 9
Enjoy a delicious dinner and support
Livingston CARES, a non-profit
humanitarian organization dedicated
to assisting communities and individuals locally, regionally, nationwide, and globally.
Gumbo To Go will be held on Thursday, April
9, from 4:00-6:30 pm (take-out only) here at
CPC. Dinners include: gumbo, Louisiana cornbread
and praline cookies; vegetarian and shellfish-free
options available. The $10.00 tickets are available
at Key Bank on Main St, MacVittie College Union
Ticket Office, Center for Community CU room 353
or by calling 245-5893. Tickets may also be reserved online at
There is a limit of 250 tickets, so get your tickets
Mission trip to West Virginia
The Membership Commission would like to see if there
is enough interest from the congregation to send a
group of volunteers to McDowell County West Virginia. This is one of the poorest counties in the country.
Hope Force International has established an ongoing
presence there to help these people help themselves.
Watch for an informational session after church in the
near future. You can contact Tom Wilson with questions.
Hope Force International is extending an invitation to teams of people with a desire to serve and a
willingness to do so with respect, integrity and a
lifestyle that is consistent with high moral character. Come ready to work hard, participate in
group meetings and activities and to meet the wonderful Appalachian people.
2015 Lenten Worship Schedule
The season of Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord on Easter. Lent
provides the opportunity to be intentional about the disciplines and practice of our faith. This Lenten season,
we at CPC will have a variety of ways to worship and study together. Join us during the forty days of Lent as
we walk together as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Consider participating in the remaining opportunities for worship, reflection, and fellowship during Lent:
Holy Week
Monday −
March 30 −
April 3
Maundy Thursday April 2
7:30 am
5:30 pm
Morning Prayer
Reading of the Gospel
According to Mark
Listen or follow along as the life of Jesus is told through the words of Mark’s
gospel. Come when you can and leave when you must as we reflect together
once again on the story of God’s great love made flesh in Christ.
Worship Commission is seeking volunteers to read one or more portions of Mark
during this time. For more information or to volunteer, see Rev. Lowmaster.
Good Friday
April 3
7:00 pm
Service of Shadows: The Seven
Words of Christ from the Cross
Come worship with our brothers and sisters at the Geneseo United Methodist Church,
4520 Genesee Street, and the combined choirs of GUMC and CPC.
Easter Sunday
April 5
7:00 am
10:00 am
1:30 pm
Sunrise Service in the
Memorial Garden
Worship with the residents
at Mt. Morris Nursing & Rehab
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds,
so that you may discern what is the will of God -- what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
March Session Highlights
The Moderator is encouraging Session members to look beyond the immediate business at hand. Each commission and
committee has been asked to establish goals for 2015 and into the future.
Each commission and committee has been asked to compile a written narrative and timeline of their responsibilities. These
documents will eventually be included in an ‘operations manual’ to help guide future leaders.
Word has been received that the Marjory Harding Fund for Peace and Justice has awarded the CPC Ghana Project $800, to
be matched by funds that are the church’s responsibility. These funds are to be used for classroom materials and supplies
in Ghana.
The Stewardship and Finance Commission reports that the Treasurer’s books have been reorganized, in order for Central
to be able to receive electronic donations in the near future. The counter’s reports have likewise been clarified and modified.
Technology reports that we will be switching internet providers, which will result in a cost savings as well as enabling an
avenue for preserving our electronic records.
Good News!
We are the primary recipients of the Marjorie Harding MeC
morial Fund, a fund established by the Harding family in
partnership with the Livingston County Coalition of
Churches to support local and world-wide projects promotR
ing peace and social justice. The maximum amount of monN
ey awarded is $1000 and our application, which outlined
our plans to assist the congregation of Francis Aquah’s
church to build school classrooms, was selected to receive
$800 of this amount. A condition for receiving this grant is
that we must secure a dollar-for-dollar match equal to
$800. On April 19th we will host a”Ghanaian Coffee Hour”
after church in the Social Hall to kick off a fund-raising project. We will be selling $10 “shares” of our trip to
Ghana to the congregation and members of the community. In exchange for purchasing shares, you will receive, upon our return, a delicious “Ghanaian” dinner and an evening with us telling our stories and showing
pictures of our work in Ghana. The $1600 we receive will be used to partner with members of Trinity Methodist Church to help purchase classroom building supplies and materials. Any remaining funds will be used
for school supplies, to help provide uniforms for students, or to support teachers salaries, if needed. Below is
an excerpt from the letter Francis wrote in support of our application.
We write in the name of Trinity Methodist Church, Dzorwulu Circuit, in the Accra Diocese of the Methodist
Church Ghana. This church is located on the Spintex Road, in the Martey Tsuru community. Having been in
this area for over a decade, the church leadership recognized the need to carry out certain social responsibilities in the provision of school for children who live in this deprived area. The socio-economic background of
these people is quite challenging; most of them are of no or little educational background, and they came to
settle in the area in order to take care of the property of others who reside outside Ghana. In view of their unfortunate economic conditions, a majority of the parents cannot afford to send their children to those private
schools in the area built for the elite in society. The church thinks that although most of the parents of these
children did not have the benefit of education, the latter need not suffer the same fate in today’s competitive
world. This concern informs our decision to build a six-classroom block in the area that can provide affordable basic education for these less fortunate ones.
Spring has sprung at CPC!
To the glory of God and in memory of Daniel A. Fink, given by his family.
To the glory of God and in memory of my mother and father, Marie and Howard Schultz, given by Barbara Schultz Hallberg.
To the glory of God and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Laidlaw, given by Russell Laidlaw.
To the glory of God and in memory of loved ones, given by the Lynch Family.
To the glory of God and in memory of Lillian and Thomas Slaight, given by their thankful family.
To the glory of God and in memory of loved ones, given by Ron and Pat Scott.
To the glory of God and in memory of William C. Green, given by Jane and Bill Green.
To the glory of God and in memory of loved ones from the Edsall and Lyman families, given by Judy Claprood.
To the glory of God and in memory of John Herlihy, given by all the Herlihys.
To the glory of God and in memory of Brigid Herlihy, given by all the Herlihys.
To the glory of God and in memory of Helen Herlihy, given by all the Herlihys.
To the glory of God and in memory of Florence and William Tate, given by all the Herlihys.
To the glory of God and in memory of Carol Griffith – sister (5/42-10/14), given by Phyllis Osborne and family.
To the glory of God and in memory of Larry Landers – brother (11/47-3/15), given by Phyllis Osborne and family.
To the glory of God and in memory of Thomas F. Cooper, given by Tom and Nancy Wilson.
To the glory of God and in memory of Fred F. Cooper, given by Tom, Nancy, and Emily Wilson and by Matt and Elizabeth Patteson.
To the glory of God and in memory of Ken and Leona Schriner, given by Ron and Jane Long.
To the glory of God and in memory of Eleanor Gilmore, given by Ron and Jane Long.
To the glory of God and in memory of our father and mother, Howard and Agnes Erwin, given by Michael and Anne Bishop.
To the glory of God and in memory of our uncle and aunt, Chet and Doris Otto, given by Michael and Anne Bishop.
To the glory of God and in memory of our brother, Timothy Bishop, given by Michael and Anne Bishop.
To the glory of God and in memory of Ray and Cookie Sherman, given by Michael and Anne Bishop.
To the glory of God and in memory of John and Laverne Fagel, given by Michael and Anne Bishop.
To the glory of God and in loving memory of our parents, Grace and Clifford Cox, given by Gary and Shirley Cox.
To the glory of God and in loving memory of our parents, Roxy and John Sands, given by Gary and Shirley Cox.
To the glory of God and in loving memory of Shirley’s sister, Fanny M. Welch, given by Gary and Shirley Cox.
To the glory of God and in memory of Charles A. Wilkie, given by Margery Wilkie and family.
To the glory of God and in memory of Maybelle and LaVerne Spring, given by Margery Wilkie.
To the glory of God and in memory of Jim and Grace Naughton, given by Jeff and Lee Cole.
To the glory of God and in memory of Andy and Ruth Macauley, given by Sandra R. Macauley.
To the glory of God and in appreciation of my children and grandchildren, given by Sandra R. Macauley.
To the glory of God and in appreciation of the members and friends of Central Presbyterian Church, given by Timothy and Nancy
To the glory of God and in memory of Robert V. Kolarik, given by Timothy and Nancy Lowmaster.
To the glory of God and in memory of Doloros and Louis Pavone, given by Dorothy and Robert Topping.
To the glory of God and in memory of Margaret Lehman, given by Lyle Lehman.
To the glory of God and in memory of the parents of Lyle and Margaret Lehman, given by Lyle Lehman.
To the glory of God and in memory of Fred Matthews, given by Edith Matthews.
To the glory of God and in memory of Lauren, Marian and Dottie Pinkney, given by Linda and Jack Badami.
To the glory of God and in memory of loved ones, given by Gary and Norma Benedict.
To the glory of God and in memory of Joan Stein, given by Bill Stein.
In celebration and in loving memory of Wesley A. Kujawski’s life, Janice’s father, and in memory of all the Kujawski family
loved ones who have gone before us. Also in appreciation to my brother, Steve Kujawski, for his courage and dedication to
the Navy Seabees, and prayers to him and his wife, Sandra, and their courage through their health struggles, given by Janice
and Bill Willer.
In loving memory of Donald and Barbara Willer, Bill’s brother and sister-in-law, and to all the loved ones in the Willer family,
given by Bill and Janice Willer.
The cross in the Rev. C. Fredrick Yoos Memorial Garden is given in loving memory of all who rest there by your Director of the
Memorial Garden and Church Gardener, Janice L. Willer.
College Student Exam Week Care Packages
The Membership Commission will sponsor giving Care Packages to college students at the end of the semester. We are
UPDATING addresses of both SUNY Geneseo Students who worship at Central and children/grandchildren of Central’s
members. If you’d like a care package sent, please fill out this form.
College Student Exam Week Care Packages
Please return to the church office or offering plate on or before April 26.
Name of Student:
College address:
Favorite cookies/bars:
Information submitted by: ___________________________________________________
Return to the church office or place in the offering plate or Administrative Assistant’s mailbox by April 26.
We will need volunteers to do the following!
Bake cookies/bars for the packages.
Help assemble care packages - time to be announced in the Mini-Mouse and bulletin.
 Make a monetary donation to help defray the cost of supplies/postage (place in offering plate
designated for Membership Commission – Care Packages).
Place shoe boxes (smaller size) in the storage room by the lower level elevator.
If you have questions or to volunteer, please contact Joan Henchen, 245-9862.
Community Happenings
Volunteers Needed
The Mt Morris Food Pantry is currently looking for volunteers for a number of duties, including assisting clients and
stocking shelves. Food Pantry hours are Tuesday/Thursday 9am-12pm and Wednesday 1pm-3pm. If you are interested please contact Amy at 658-4466 or
17th Annual Taste of Livingston County
When: Tuesday, April 7 from 5:30pm-7:30pm
Where: Genesee River Restaurant, Mt Morris
Come enjoy a selection of heart-healthy tastings from
restaurants around the county, plus a cash bar,
live music, and raffle prizes!
Tickets: Regular Price (after 3/9): $25. To purchase tickets
stop in the Catholic Charities office or call 658-4466.
Event Sponsor: Genesee Valley Health Partnership
Proceeds from the event will be split between the CCLC Food
Pantry and Livingston County Coalition of Churches.
On Thursday, April 2, David Parish will
review In the Shadow of Kinzua: The
Seneca nation of Indians since World War II
(Iroquois and Their Neighbors) by Laurence M
Reviews are presented on the first Thursday of
every month in the Community Room of the
Wadsworth Library on the lower level. Programs
begin at 12:00 pm preceded by a brown bag lunch
at 11:30 am. Parking is available at the Central
Presbyterian and Christ Community churches. Accessible entrance located on Second Street.
Morning: Pss. 99;
147:1–11 Evening:
Pss. 9; 118 Dan. 2:17
–30 1 John 2:12–17
John 17:20–26
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Dan. 2:1–16 1 John
2:1–11 John 17:12–
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Dan. 4:28–37 1 John
4:7–21 Luke 4:31–37
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Jer. 30:10–17 Col.
1:15–23 Luke 6:12–
Morning: Pss. 97;
145 Evening: Pss.
124; 115 Jonah 2:1–
10 Acts 2:14, 22–32
John 14:1–14
Morning: Pss. 97;
145 Evening: Pss.
124; 115 Dan. 1:1–21
1 John 1:1–10 John
Morning: Pss. 97;
145 Evening: Pss.
124; 115 Dan. 4:19–
27 1 John 3:19–4:6
Luke 4:14–30
Morning: Pss. 97;
145 Evening: Pss.
124; 115 Jer. 30:1–9
Col. 1:1–14 Luke 6:1
3rd Sunday of Easter
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136;
117 Dan. 4:1–18 1
Peter 4:7–11 John
4th Sunday of Easter
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136;
117 Gen. 18:22–33 1
Peter 5:1–11 Matt.
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Dan. 3:19–30 1 John
3:11–18 Luke 4:1–13
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Dan. 6:16–28 3 John 1
–15 Luke 5:27–39
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Dan. 3:1–18 1 John
3:1–10 Luke 3:15–22
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Dan. 6:1–15 2 John
1–13 Luke 5:12–26
Evening: Pss. 68;
113 Dan. 2:31–49 1
John 2:18–29 Luke
Morning: Pss. 47;
147:12–20 Evening:
Pss. 68; 113 Dan.
5:13–30 1 John
5:13–20 (21) Luke
Morning: Pss. 47;
147:12–20 Evening:
Pss. 68; 113 Jer.
31:1–14 Col. 2:8–
23 Luke 6:39–49
Morning: Pss. 99;
147:1–11 Evening:
Pss. 9; 118 Dan. 5:1–
12 1 John 5:1–12
Luke 4:38–44
Morning: Pss. 99;
147:1–11 Evening:
Pss. 9; 118 Jer. 30:18
–22 Col. 1:24–2:7
Luke 6:27–38
Holy Saturday Morning: Pss. 43; 149
Evening: Pss. 31; 143
Job 19:21–27a Heb.
4:1–16 Rom. 8:1–11
Good Friday Morning:
Pss. 22; 148 Evening:
Pss. 105; 130 Gen.
22:1–14 1 Peter 1:10–
20 John 13:36–38 or
John 19:38–42
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Isa. 25:1–9 Acts 4:13–
21 (22–31) John 16:16
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Dan. 12:1–4, 13 Acts
4:1–12 John 16:1–15
Resurrection of the
Lord / Easter Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136;
117 Exod. 12:1–14
John 1:1–18 or Isa.
51:9–11 Luke 24:13–
35 or John 20:19–23
2nd Sunday of Easter
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136;
117 Isa. 43:8–13 1
Peter 2:2–10 John
Wednesday of Holy
Week Morning: Pss.
5; 147:1–11 Evening:
Pss. 27; 51 Jer. 17:5–
10, 14–17 (18) Phil.
4:1–13 John 12:27–36
Maundy Thursday
Morning: Pss. 27;
147:12–20 Evening:
Pss. 126; 102 Jer.
20:7–11 (12–13)
14–18 1 Cor.
10:14–17; 11:27–32
John 17:1–11 (12–
Morning: Pss. 98; 146 Morning: Pss. 99;
Morning: Pss. 47;
Evening: Pss. 66; 116 147:1–11 Evening:
147:12–20 Evening:
Isa. 30:18–26 Acts
Pss. 9; 118 Micah 7:7 Pss. 68; 113 Ezek.
2:36–41 (42–47) John –15 Acts 3:1–10 John 37:1–14 Acts 3:11–
26 John 15:12–27
Daily Two Year Lectionary Passages April 2015
Growing Season
When the drifts of snow around our house finally melted last week, we discovered two
things: the rack from our charcoal grill (which we used to cook steaks last New Year's)
and small purple snowdrops, already in bloom.
The winter has been a long, cold one; praise God that Spring has finally come! Now it's
time for all of us to open ourselves to the Son-light. In the weeks following our Easter
celebration, we will join together in our own "growing season". Watch the bulletins, Church
Mouse, and Mini-mouse for opportunities to grow in faith and service.
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Judy Claprood
Sandra Macauley
Jeff and Gretchen Crane
Kathy and Roger Collins
Terry and Ken Book
Pam and Linnette Maxson
Ewen and Cheryl Maxwell
Peggy and Jon Rouleau
Reese Kleinhans
Elders will serve Communion (Intinction) on April 2 (Maundy Thursday)
Pastor will serve Communion (Intinction) on April 5 (Easter Sunday - Sunrise)
Deacons/Elders will serve Communion (Traditional) on April 5 (Easter Sunday - 10 am)
Feb 1
Feb 8
Feb 15
Feb 22
Thru Feb
6:30 pm Boy Scouts - SH
10:30 am Bible Study JWR
6:30 pm Boy Scouts - SH
10 am Worship & Sunday 10:30 am Bible Study School
11 am Coffee Hour - SH
11:20 am Sermon Debrief
10 am Worship & Sunday
11 am Coffee Hour hosted by the Ghana Group SH
11:20 am Sermon Debrief
6:30 pm Boy Scouts - SH
10 am Worship & Sunday 10:30 am Bible Study School
11 am Coffee Hour - SH
11:20 am Sermon Debrief
6:30 pm Boy Scouts - SH
5 pm Personnel - JWR
Easter Sunday
7 am Worship Service Memorial Garden)
10 am Worship - SA
11 am Coffee Hour - SH
7 pm Screwtape Letters
7 pm Deacons - JWR
5:45 pm Central’s
Carillon Choir - SA
7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA
5:45 pm Central’s
Carillon Choir - SA
7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA
5:45 pm Central’s
Carillon Choir - SA
7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA
5:45 pm Central’s
Carillon Choir - SA
7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA
7 pm Session - JWR
12 noon Teresa House JWR
4 -6:30 pm Gumbo to Go
7 pm Worship at
United Methodist ChurchGeneseo
9am Men’s Group - Tim
5:30 pm and 6:30 pm
Mark Readings
7:30 pm Worship
Good Friday
2 Maundy Thursday
April 2015
Central Presbyterian Church
31 Center Street
Geneseo, New York 14454
(585) 243-0669
Please provide articles for the next Church Mouse
to the office no later than April 17, 2015.
for March, April, and May are available
in the church library and the narthex.
Please help yourself to a free copy.
Easter Sunday
April 5
We are happy to provide those who do not
have an email address with a hard copy of
the Church Mouse. If you attend Sunday
worship, please pick up your copy in the
narthex; this will help to alleviate the high
cost of postage. We will continue to mail
copies of the Mouse to those not able to
join us for our worship services.
Central Presbyterian Church
31 Center Street
Church Office: Tues. – Thurs. 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Telephone: (585) 243-0669
Geneseo, NY 14454
Pastor: The Reverend Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster
Emergency phone number: (585) 208-7606