April 10, 2015 Volume 8, Issue 16 NEWS SOARING TO EXCELLENCE 3030 North 125 West Whiteland, IN 46184 School: 535-3244 Fax: 535-0706 The SOAR (Super Outstanding Achievement Respect) Award winners are chosen after each grading period. As part of our mission at Pleasant Crossing Elementary, we look to recognize children for the very special contributions they make to the classroom and the school. We believe everyone has special gifts and talents. We want to recognize children for their extra efforts in many areas, including grades. The areas we recognize are listed below. We congratulate all these children for making Pleasant Crossing Elementary a fantastic school. Best Citizen K: Deagan Baytala, Omi Colney, Malachi Deel, Bella Johnson, Hayden Niehaus, Nevaeh Pardue, Joslynn Skaggs Grade 1: Isabelle Hertler, Kyah Johnson, Jovie Johnston, Brianna Loy, Cameron Pridgen, Jaylynn Steen, Gavin Traylor Grade 2: Brady Bailey, Kailey Helton, Nolan McPherson, Ekkam Nijjar, Cazmin Tomamichel , Slate Valentine Grade 3: Stayson Chambers, Lana Eaker, Avionna Gibson, Pavneet Mann, Simran Srrai, Victoria Jackson Grade 4: Madison Myers, Jessica Powers, Jillian Slike, Kiara Wiedenhaupt, Jalen York Best Effort K: Matthew Comer, Bailey DeMarce, Riley Emberton, Owen Fisher, Jaiden Fouty, Hailey Hargraves, Baylen Morris Grade 1: Eli Belich, Cade Elkins, Yazmin Friar, Jacob Klemme, Aiden Patino, Reagan Smith, Addy Thompson Grade 2: Ella Chaplin, Addyson Clapp, Madison Davis, Dominick Fabian, Michael Harris, Brooke Rushton Grade 3: Danielle Daley, Hannah Hrankowsky, Simeon Johnson, Johanna Luna, Taylor Stevenson, Tucker Wolfe Grade 4: Eva Lenkey, Alissa Raley, Felix Serrano, Jalyn Smith, Amanda Smythe Most Improved K: Morgan Haney, Ainsley Harris, Rylan Hurst, Angelo Maldonado, Lylah Reeder, Adam Taylor, Rozlin Tomamichel Grade 1: Donavan Boner, Jonathan Latham, Jonas Norris, Baylee Norton, Jack Spence, Connor Smith, Morgan Walters Grade 2: James Andrews, Haylee Brown, PJ Devos, Grace Ridge, Antoinette Sheriff, Reylynn Thoma Grade 3: Jacob Knippenberg, Lance McClure, Trenton Oxendine, Aaron Picchetti, Nate Schmidt, Brayden Skirvin Grade 4: Garrett Butler, Brandon Dawes, Taraji Porter, Isaiah Randolph, Troy Yaste continued on top from the Crossing Pleasant Crossing Elementary School Parent Newsletter Absence Line: 535-2025 ext. 6000 Bus Concern / Questions: 535-7255 Voice Mail / Homework Hotline: 535-2025 Adult Volunteers For PCES Please Contact: Activity / Weather Line: 535-2025 ext. 6010 PTO Voice Mail: 535-2025 ext. 6040 Web Site: http://cpcsc.k12.in.us/PCES pleasantcrossingvolunteers@hotmail.com Grade 4: Isiah Albertson, Danni Bastin, Benjamin Bertsch, Jenna Blue, Abshir Blunt, K: Cadence Albury, McKayla Hall, Preston Land, Riley Lichtenwalter, Katya Lucas, Carter Elijah Brooks, Isaiah Bunch, Julius Bush, Garrett Butler, Dacoda Dixon, Maialie Dover, Owens, Carter Waalkens Grade 1: Aiden Carter, Sydney Cooper, Tristan Jonathan Eaker, Nicholas Goodlet, Braeshel Graham, Ezra Graham, Zachary Hahn, Braden Jordan, Grace Kahle, Lexy Ottney, Griffin Hall, Jaskeerat Kaur, Ashtyn Keen, Genesis Sanders, Ezra Wyant Lilly, Scott Little, Julian Mendoza, Emerson Grade 2: Brooke Ault, Jackson Cook, Elisha Morton, Braydon Mullins, Tannor Nelson, Huffman, Bryton Lewis, Riley Schmeler, Cameron Oxendine, Riley Peavler, Anna Mackenzie Staggs Peyton, Gabriel Pitts, Isaiah Randolph, Taylor Grade 3: Lora Brickley, Christina Ecker, Rouse, Jillian Slike, Tyler Stringer, Adrain Hannah Pittman, Kassidy Taylor, Kali Weber, Unger Brooklyn York Top Student Grade 4: Vincent Albright, Logan Baumann, Julius Bush, Amelia Edens, Sahib Mann Art K Saylor Hawkins & Trever Capien 1st Aubrey Saylor & Sage Hazelwood nd Thea Seering & Alex Fan 2 Perfect Attendance 3rd Quarter rd 3 Danielle Daley & Matthew Goodlet K: Jayden Abplanalp, Cadence Albury, Natalie th Baumann, Isaac Beresford, Giovanna Calderon, 4 Jessica Powers & Nijel Pruitt Music Jerica Carter, Omi Colney, Noah Cook, Isabella Cox, Bailey DeMarce, Carrson Ferguson, Owen K Kaitlyn Skinner & Daryl Bray 1st Ava Fagan & Jacob Klemme Fisher, Jaiden Fouty, Adeline Hamm, Hailey 2 Hargraves, CJ Hill, Ian Huffman, Hailey Jarrett, nd Jackson Hampton & Addy Mings Preston Land, Kimberly Magana, Leo Martinez, 3rd Ava Smith & Ben Swimm 4th Brooklyn Franklin & Jakolb Unger Takiyah Porter, Sarah Rudd, Aubrey Taylor, Aevyn Whitted Physical Education Grade 1: Logan Anness, Kaleb Auch, Anne K Carson Ferguson & Morgan Haney Barber, Gage Barnd, Kate Barnes, Cheyenne 1st Carter Hollenbaugh & Alexa Telez Blue, Vanessa Burnett, Cora Chaplin, 2nd Sam Beresford & Braley Chambers Jashandeep Chohan, Ava Fagan, Yazmin Friar, 3rd Tucker Wolfe & Prabhdeep Chohan Bryce Garrett, Kinsli Hawkins, Isabelle Hertler, 4th Zach Hahn & Kiara Wiedenhaupt Jossiah Hollonquest, Saiha Hollonquest, Benjamin Huffine, Parker Huffman, Jovial Johnston, Jacob Klemme, Brianna Loy, Isaiah Here are the 4-STARS of Martinez, Chloe Meguiar, Christian Moreno, testing success: Jonas Norris, Aiden Patino, Landon Phares, Please have perfect attendance. Carrington Pitts, Kaley Prickett, Aidan Rasmussen, Madelynne Robinson, Aubrey Saylor, Get plenty of sleep each night Noah Unger, Cameron Williams so you are well rested for the tests. Grade 2: Brayden Bailey, Tah'rell Beck, Eat a well-rounded breakfast so Samuel Beresford, Elijah Capshaw, Addyson Clapp, Jackson Cook, Alexander Fan, Grayson your brain will be ready to work. Hall, Madison Hamm, Elisha Huffman, Keegan Come with a good attitude and Lane, Jason Ledbetter, Kyliee Marshall, Nolan do your personal best on each test McPherson, Ekkam Nijjar, Lailani Palmer, section. Lekhkern Singh, Kendall Thompson, Grace ISTEP+ online testing for Williams, Jacob Witherington, Morgan Yaste Grade 3: Cruz Alfaro, Trent Armstrong, Bryce students in grades 3 & 4 Bales, Jalen Bernard, Prabhdeep Chohan, April 24-May 15 Cameron Clapp, Chloe Cooper, Johnathan Cravens, Noah Darby, Emma Davis, Lana Eaker, Christina Ecker, Erica Franklin, Melani Parents: There are so many unclaimed winter Hawkins, Hannah Hrankowsky, Simeon coats, hats, and gloves that children have not Johnson, Pavneet Mann, Addison Martindale, claimed on the lost and found tables. The Isaac McClean, Braden Moore, Leorah Morris, tables have been located outside the cafeteria Lily Reed, Nathaniel Schmidt, Braelynn since Nov. These items will be bagged at the Shaffer, Kassidy Taylor, Taylor Walker end of the day on Fri., April 17 and removed. continued on top Page 2 Dress Code Reminder The spring weather is finally here. It is time to remind everyone of appropriate school dress. We must focus on the academics and not come to school in attire that will distract from learning. Shorts must be finger-tip length or longer. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or backless tops, although sleeveless shirts with fitted armholes are acceptable. No “stomach” showing between the pant top and the bottom of the shirt. Shoes should be sturdy and appropriate for outside play. For safety reasons, sandals with toes exposed are not acceptable. Our building is air conditioned and children are more comfortable and stay focused on learning when he/she is dressed modestly. We appreciate your help in this matter. April - Making the Grade Improve your child’s math skills Work Together - Spend a few minutes every day on math skills with your child. Quiz them on a stack of flashcards. Take little opportunities throughout the day to talk about math in everyday activities like cooking and going to the store. Make math fun - You can find lots of math activities in books at the local bookstore to raise kids’ interest. Also, try places like www.kidsdomain.com for lots of fun online learning resources. Provide encouragement - Make sure your child knows that you and the teacher are there to help. Assure your child that you’re working together to give him or her the support to learn. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Tues., April 14 - Grade 3 Music Performance 6:30 p.m. in gym • Wed., April 15 - Kindergarten Registration and New First Grade Students enrolling at PCES from 3:30-7:00 p.m. for the 2015-2016 school year in the LGI room. It is suggested to register on-line first. • April 21 - IREAD-3 Individual Student Report results may arrive from the state for distribution • Thurs., April 16 - Mother-Son Hoedown 6:007:30 in gym. • Tues., April 21 - Reading Fair in the south hall and gym from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Free snacks and drinks will be provided. • Thurs., April 23 - Father-Daughter Ball 6:30-8:00 p.m. in LGI-Café • April 24-May 15 - ISTEP+ Testing in English and math with multiple choice questions for gr. 3 & 4 and science for grade 4 • Fri., April 24 - Mid Term 4th Nine weeks (25 days) • Wed., April 29 - Mid-terms distributed Together We Achieve Great Things! Classroom Attendance Awards for March Kindergarten: Mrs. Osborn; 1st grade: Mrs. Slike; 2nd grade: Mrs. Ankney; 3rd grade: Ms. Carrier; 4th grade: Mr. Ray Each month PCES will honor the top class in each grade. The Top Classroom School Attendance Award goes to Miss Hole’s classroom with an average 99.4% and each student received a blue ribbon. Our attendance rate is just under the state average of 96%.. In order to improve, our students should only miss five days during the entire school year. Our current March total attendance rate of 95.6 was well below the goal of 97%. Kindergarten 93.5%; (below state average) Grade 1: 96.0%; (atstate average) Grade 2: 96.2%; (above state average) Grade 3: 97.5% (above state average) Grade 4: 95.5% (below state average) Remember: When your child is not at school, he/she misses out!!! Registration For Kindergarten Students & First Grade Students Not Currently Enrolled in ClarkPleasant Schools Wednesday, April 15, 2015 from 3:30-7:00 p.m. Kindergarten and first grade registration for the 2015-2016 school year will be held on Wednesday, April 15 between 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. This registration is for children entering kindergarten this coming school year, or children entering first grade not currently enrolled in kindergarten in our school. Please tell your friends and neighbors… Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation is adhering to the state age requirement that your child must be five (5) years of age on or before August 1 to enroll in kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. Pleasant Crossing parents are expected to bring their incoming kindergarten and/or first grade child to the registration along with the child’s birth certificate, current immunization records, and proof of residency. Immunizations must be complete before classes begin on July 29. Any questions: call the main office at 535-3244 and come to school with your child. The secretary will remind you what paperwork is required for registration. Parents are asked to register their child on line first (if possible). FEBRUARY PERFECT ATTENDANCE On March 13, 287 students celebrated with the principal for their perfect attendance during the month of February. That represents 40% of the entire school. The following nineteen student’s names were drawn for “We don’t monkey around with attendance” toy: Girl Winners: Natalie Baumann, K; Vanessa Burnett, 1st; Bailey DeMarce, K; Maialie Dover, 4th; Adalye Fisher, 3rd; Riley Lichtenwalter, K; Chloe Meguiar, 1st; Anna Peyton, 4th; Alexa Telez, 1st Boy Winners: Brayden Bailey, 2nd; Braeden Campbell, 3rd; Logan Dawes, K; Dacoda Dixon, 4th; Carson Ferguson, K; Kayden Ferguson, 4th; Jace Johnson, K; Hayden Niehaus, K; 4th; Scott Little, 4th; Cohen Schmeler, 2nd. All students who have perfect attendance during the spring semester will be eligible for a special drawing. The prize: One boy’s and one girl’s name will be drawn for a new bike. Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or individuals with disabilities, including limited English proficiency, in its programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act (I.C. 22-9.1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), and Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Save the Date for the Art Show Be sure to mark your calendars for Pleasant Crossing Elementary’s fourth annual art show on Thursday, May 7th from 6:30-8:00 PM. The hallways will be lined with PCES artwork from kindergarten through 4th grade. Every child will have an artwork displayed. Come snack on cookies and punch, see a pottery demonstration, make an artwork, enter to win prizes, and best of all see all of the incredible artwork PCES students have made this year. Stop by for the entire event or just stay for a while. We hope to see you for the show! PCES SPELLING BEE CHAMPION Our eighth Spelling Bee contest was held on Tuesday, March 17. Twenty-two third and fourth grade class champions participated out of the 285 students in those grades. The winner was Amelia Edens. She will represent PCES at the Johnson County Spelling Bee contest at Creekside Elementary School in Franklin on Tuesday, April 21. Art Club Wonderful Mural Spelling Bee Champion: Amelia Edens & Runner–up: Lily Reed Members of the Art Club created and painted a beautiful mural under the direction of Mrs. Compton, Art Teacher. The Art Club began this project months ago by designing every aspect of the design and spent Saturday, March 14 painting it along with their parents. As the saying goes...a picture speaks a thousand words! Great Job! Here are the School-wide ISTEP+ Spirit days: Students and staff are welcomed to participate on any of the spirit days Mon., April 20 - Work it Out (workout clothes) Tues., April 21 - Don't Go Crazy (crazy clothes and hair day) Wed., April 22 - Take Pride in Your Work (PCES or college Gear) Thurs., April 23 - Rest for the Test (Pajama Day) For safety reasons, students are to wear regular footwear at school. Jump Rope for Heart Final tally: $1142.42 going to the American Heart Association. Our apprecaiton goes out to the students in grades 2-4 who participated and to our physical education teacher, Mr. Maschino who coordinated this event. Congratualtions to third grader Hannah Hrankowsky for being the top money raiser at PCES! Did you know when the first day of school begins next year? Answer: Wednesday, July 29 Buy One Get One Free Book Fair is coming to PCES April 20-22, 2015 The whole school is excited about our upcoming Buy One Get one free Book Fair. An amazing selection of books is headed our way! At the Book Fair you will find the latest and finest titles for kids, as well as books of interest to parents. Mark your calendar for our Family Literacy Night on April 21st from 6:00-7:30pm where the whole family can join in the fun. And, you can contribute books to your child's classroom library. The Book Fair is a great way to get everyone excited about reading. Here's a brief video that highlights the big dreams that can be realized through family reading: http://www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/family See you at the Book Fair! Dear Families, Our School is collecting funds for our All for Books program. By donating loose change you help us to: give more children greater access to books help get more kids reading, and kids reading more The All for Books money we collect also helps readers beyond our school and community. Scholastic Book Fairs matches monetary donations with a donation of up to one million books to the Kids In Need Foundation and Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc. Please send your donation to your child’s classroom teacher by April 17, 2015. Your act of kindness helps to bring more knowledge, imagination, and love for reading into the lives of our students. THANK YOU! Thank-an-Educator Students and Families of Clark Pleasant Schools, How do you say thank you for all of the work the educators and staff members do for our students at our schools? The Thank-an-Educator Program of the Clark Pleasant Education Foundation (CPEF) is one way you can show your appreciation. Here’s how: Choose a staff member – a special teacher, bus driver, café worker, principal, nurse, etc. Completely fill out the form below and write a check payable to CPEF. Forms and donations can be sent to the school office or mailed to CPEF, 50 Center Street, Whiteland, 46184. Deadline is April 27th for teacher/staff member to receive their recognition prior to Teacher Appreciation Day (May 5th) For gifts of $10 or more, the staff member will receive a certificate, gift and personal message from you! Principals, Supervisors and Administrative Leadership will receive copies of staff recognition. Why donate to the Clark Pleasant Education Foundation? Donations directly benefit students and teachers at all schools through programs supported by CPEF. Teachers receive grants through CPEF. Thank you for supporting the Thank-an-Educator Program & the Clark Pleasant Education Foundation! Student’s name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Donor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City / Zip Code: _______________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Please make my gift of: ___$10.00 ___$20.00 ___$30.00 ___$50.00 ___ other ___________ In honor of :____________________________________________________________( Staff member’s name) School/Building/Position: ____________________________________________________________________ Word of thanks: ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________Sincerely, ______________________________________ For information about the CPEF visit the link from the school website at www.cpcsc.k12.in.us 2015-2016 Clark-Pleasant Preschool Registration It’s time for Preschool Enrollment! Clark-Pleasant proudly offers early childhood special education classes and community preschool classes to any three or four-year-old who lives in the district. Classes are taught at Whiteland Elementary by licensed preschool teachers who receive support from instructional assistants. In addition to servicing our community students and students with disabilities, we encourage typical achieving students to participate as peers in our early childhood special education classes. Peers serve as models for typical behavior, language, socialization, and development. 3 and 4’s Community Class: -Must be 3 by August 1, 2015 -Must be potty-trained -Class is held three days per week: -W, Th, F afternoons from 1:00-3:30 *Wednesday schedule is 1:00-3:00 -$1,100 per year ($110 per month) 3 and 4’s Typical Peer (Early Childhood Special Ed): -Must be 3 by August 1, 2015 -Must be potty-trained -Class is held three days per week: -3’s: M, Tu, W mornings from 9:00-11:30 -3 & 4’s: M, Tu, W afternoons from 1:00-3:30 -3’s: W, Th, F mornings from 9:00-11:30 *Wednesday schedule is 9:00-11:00/1:00-3:00 -$750 per year ($75 per month) Pre-K Community Class: -Must be 4 by August 1, 2015 -Monday-Friday mornings from 9:00-11:30 *Wednesday schedule is 9:00-11:00 -$1,800 per year ($180 per month) Pre-K Typical Peer (Early Childhood Special Ed): -Must be 4 by August 1, 2015 -Monday-Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:30 *Wednesday schedule is 1:00-3:00 -$1,250 per year ($125 per month) Payments may be made in full, per semester, or monthly (due by the 1st of the month). Transportation is not provided. Preschool enrollment begins February 16th, 2015 and will remain open until spots are no longer available. You will be notified of your child’s enrollment status by May 30, 2015. To enroll, visit Whiteland Elementary to complete an enrollment packet. When enrolling your child, please bring your driver’s license and your child’s birth certificate and vaccination records. Your child’s enrollment packet will not be processed until all necessary items have been submitted. A $50 registration fee, $30 book rental fee, and the first month’s tuition will be collected at the time of enrollment. An additional $30 book rental fee will be assessed at second semester. Contact Julie Wolfe, Preschool Coordinator, at 317-530-4005 for additional information or to enroll. Whiteland Elementary School Preschool 120 Center Street Whiteland, IN 46184 Whiteland Lady Warrior Basketball WGBL DATES AND TIMES Visit our Website at http://www.leaguelineup.com/wgbl 2015 Camp Dates: Aug 18th, 19th, and 20th Grades K-2 Time: 5:30-6:15 Grades 3-5 Time: 6:20-7:15 Grades 6-8 Time: 7:20-8:30 Where: CPMS (Enter Door 12) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… WGBL Times and Locations K-1st 5:30-6:15 CPMS Court 1 8 Foot Goals nd 5:30-6:30 CPMS Courts 2 & 3 9 Foot Goals 2 6:30-7:30 CPMS Courts 1, 2, & 3 10 Foot Goals 3rd-4th 5th-6th 7:30-8:30 CPMS Courts 1, 2, & 3 10 Foot Goals ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… WGBL Practice and Game Dates All Games will be at CPMS Practice Dates: August Tue. 25th, Thur. 27th September Tue. 1st, Thur. 3rd, Tue. 8th, Thur. 10th, Tue. 15th, Thur. 17th, Tue. 22nd, Thur. 24th Game Dates: September Sat. 5th, Sat. 12th, Sat. 19th, Sat. 26th Teams will play a double header on each date All Games will be at CPMS Kindergarten will play one game on Saturday and one game on Thursday Game Times TBA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… IGHL Try Outs: rd Saturday August 22nd @High School Aux from 10-3 th Grades 3 – 8 Times per grade will be announced at later time …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... ATTITUDE AND EFFORT TOGETHER WE ATTACK With additional questions or dates Visit our Website at http://www.leaguelineup.com/wgbl WGBL Sign Ups $100.00 League Includes • • • • • • • • • • • Fundamental Camp Camp T-Shirt Camp Prizes Reversal Jersey 8 Game Season Skill Development Trophy w/ Picture Basketball Picture Options $30 Camp Fee $70 League Fee When: Aug. 1st 9am-12pm Aug. 4th 6pm-8pm Aug. 6th 6pm-8pm Aug. 11th 6pm-8pm Where: Whiteland Community High School Tepee Door Age Group Options: (Incoming Grades) K-1st, 2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th League Sponsored Travel Teams—IGHL Camp Dates: Aug. 18, 19, 20 Practice Dates: Aug. 25, 27, Sept. 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 Game Dates: Sept. 5, 12, 19, Attitude and Effort “Together We Attack”
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