National Institutes of Health Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda April 6–8, 2015 Rizzo Conference Center 150 DuBose Home Lane Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 Agenda Monday, April 6, 2015 2:00 – 8:00 PM Lobby of McLean Hall 4:00 – 6:30 PM McLean Hall, Room 300 6:30 – 8:00 PM DuBose House, Library 6:30 – 8:00 PM DuBose House, Dining Room A and B 8:00 – 9:00 PM DuBose House, 2nd floor Annual Meeting Check‐In Steering Committee Meeting (closed) Steering Committee Working Dinner (closed) Buffet Dinner for Overnight Guests of Rizzo Center Networking Social Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:00 – 7:55 AM Loudermilk Hall, outside Magnolia C 8:00 – 8:20 AM Loudermilk Hall, Magnolia C Annual Meeting Check‐In and Continental Breakfast Note: Full breakfast also available to overnight guests of Rizzo Center in the DuBose House, Dining Room A and B Welcome & Introductions Alice Ammerman, DrPH Professor, Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health and School of Medicine, UNC‐Chapel Hill James W. Dean Jr, PhD Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, UNC‐Chapel Hill Barbara Rimer, DrPH Dean and Alumni Distinguished Professor, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC‐Chapel Hill 8:20 – 9:20 AM Ohio State University (OSU) Center Presentation Chris Weghorst, PhD Amy Ferketich, PhD Mack Ruffin, MD Electra Paskett, PhD (50 min/presentation + 10 min Q&A) 9:20 ‐ 9:30 AM 9:30 – 10:30 AM Stretch Break University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) Center Presentation Richard Warnecke, PhD Carol Ferrans, PhD, RN Garth Rauscher, PhD Yamile Molina, PhD Kent Hoskins, MD Marian Fitzgibbon, PhD (50 min/presentation + 10 min Q&A) 10:30 – 10:40 AM 10:40 – 11:40 AM Coffee Break University of Massachusetts, Lowell (UMass) Center Presentation Katherine Tucker, PhD Luis Falcon, PhD (50 min/presentation + 10 min Q&A) 11:40 AM – 12:00 PM 12:00 – 1:25 PM Break /Pick up Boxed Lunch Working Lunch Center Research Session 1 Beti Thompson, PhD—Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) David Williams, PhD—Harvard University (Harvard) Lisa Cooper, MD, MPH—Johns Hopkins University (JHU) (25 min/Center + 10 min total Q&A) 1:25 – 1:35 PM 1:35 – 3:25 PM Stretch Break Center Research Session 2 Lynda Powell, PhD—Rush University (Rush) William McCarthy, PhD—University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Alice Ammerman, DrPH—University of North Carolina (UNC) Dedra Buchwald, MD—University of Washington (UW) (25 min/Center + 10 min total Q&A) 3:30 – 4:00 PM Coffee Break & Poster Set‐up 4:00 – 5:00 PM Panel 1 ‐ Place Matters Moderator – Beti Thompson, PhD—Fred Hutch The places where people live are key determinants of health. It is now well known that where people live is associated with illness, chronic diseases, and mortality. From a socio‐ecological perspective, individual health conditions are influenced by the contexts, or environments in which they occur. These social, economic, political and cultural contexts influence exposure, resistance and susceptibility to factors that affect individual behaviors. Disadvantaged individuals are more likely to live in areas that are associated with poor health. To achieve health equity, we must improve the health of the disadvantaged more rapidly than the rest of the population; thus, it is important to focus on “place.” It is important to develop environments—places—that promote good health for the underserved. Panel Presenters Richard Barrett, PhD—UIC Mack Ruffin, MD—OSU Dedra Buchwald, MD—UW Elizabeth Lynch, PhD—Rush Rachel Thornton, MD—JHU (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center + 30 min/discussion) 5:00 – 6:00 PM Panel 2 ‐ Biology and Genetics Moderator – Jonathan Schisler, PhD—UNC What is the role of genetics in policy as well as in tackling heath disparities? Our panel will discuss the status of clinical genetic testing and how new advances in our genetic knowledge and attitudes towards policy relate to heath inequalities. We will focus on how technology has advanced the field while at the same time perpetuated disparities. New areas are emerging in genomic‐based research, including gene‐environment interactions, epigenetics, and microbiota, providing new areas to consider in tackling health disparities with a genomics perspective. Panel Presenters Matthew Meyerson, MD, PhD—Harvard Dedra Buchwald, MD—UW Katherine Tucker, PhD—UMass Peggy Porter, MD— Fred Hutch Garth Rauscher, PhD—UIC (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center + 30 min/discussion) 6:15 – 7:15 PM McLean Hall, 1st floor, Meadowmont Room 7:30 – 9:30 PM DuBose House, Library/Porch/Outside Poster Session Outdoor BBQ & Social Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:15 – 7:00 AM Meet outside McLean Hall 7:00 – 7:55 AM Loudermilk Hall, outside Magnolia C 8:00 – 9:10 AM Loudermilk Hall, Magnolia C Fun Run or Walk Continental Breakfast Note: Full breakfast also available to overnight guests of Rizzo Center in the DuBose House, Dining Room A and B Panel 3 ‐ What Worked and What Didn’t? Moderator – Alice Ammerman, DrPH—UNC Looking back over the past 5 or 10 years of CPHHD research, panelists will address questions like: If we had it to do over, what would we do differently? What additional questions should we have asked/what additional data collected? Would we have chosen a different study design? What community partnerships worked well and not so well? At what levels of the socio‐ecologic model did we have the most success? Panel Presenters Amy Ferketich, PhD—OSU Shirley Beresford, PhD—Fred Hutch Lisa Cooper, MD, MPH—JHU Luis Falcon, PhD—UMass Lynda Powell, PhD—Rush (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center + 40 min/discussion) 9:10 – 9:20 AM 9:20 – 10:30 AM Stretch Break Panel 4 – Translation and Dissemination Moderator – Lynda Powell, PhD—Rush To enhance uptake of evidence‐based interventions in community and clinic settings, plans for translation and dissemination are needed. But to do this, decisions on a number of key questions are needed. When is the quality of evidence sufficient to justify dissemination? To whom should the results be disseminated? How does the style of communicating results differ for fellow scholars, important stakeholders, and community members? What are the methodological considerations for scaling up an intervention tested in a research setting for implementation in community and clinic settings? This Panel will be comprised of investigators from 5 P50 sites who will describe their journey from initial design of an intervention to considerations of when, how, and to whom to disseminate. Panel Presenters Deborah Glik, ScD—UCLA Jennifer Haas, MD—Harvard Jacquie Halladay, MD, MPH—UNC Jill Marsteller, PhD, MPP—JHU Kent Hoskins, MD—UIC (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center + 40 min/discussion) 10:30 – 10:45 AM 10:45 AM – 11:55 AM Coffee Break Panel 5 ‐ Policy Discrimination/Mandates Moderator – Richard Warnecke, PhD—UIC This panel will focus on the role of policy in disparities as a cause and approaches to policy as a solution. Panel will discuss effective approaches to addressing policy and their relationship to community partners. Panelists might want to consider the interaction of policy with place/culture as well as the ways in which policy could help advance – or hinder – disparities research. Panel Presenters Bill McCarthy, PhD—UCLA David Williams, PhD—Harvard Carol Ferrans, PhD, RN—UIC Dedra Buchwald, MD—UW Electra Paskett, PhD—OSU 11:55 AM ‐12:20 PM 12:20 – 1:30 PM (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center + 40 min/discussion) Break / Pick up Boxed Lunch Working Lunch Panel 6 ‐ Priority Research Areas for the Future Moderator ‐ Electra Paskett, PhD—OSU Over the last 5 years, advances in science and policy have opened new opportunities for disparities research. Moreover, the way we look at the causes of disparities has widened considerably to include interaction between levels of influence. Finally, null results studies may offer great insights for future studies in health disparities. This session will focus on priority areas for future research in health disparities, specifically showcasing opportunities in biology/place interaction, the Affordable Care Act and institutional policy, epigenetics, null result trials, and communication research. Panel Presenters Vish Viswanath, PhD—Harvard Katherine Tucker, PhD—UMass (5 min/Moderator + 5 min/Center topic + 40 min/discussion) 1:30 ‐ 1:45 PM 1:45 – 3:00 PM Coffee Break Provocative Questions A provocative question from each panel will be presented by the panel moderator. Panel Presenters Alice Ammerman, DrPH—UNC Electra Paskett, PhD—OSU Lynda Powell, PhD—Rush Jonathan Schisler, PhD—UNC Beti Thompson, PhD—Fred Hutch Richard Warnecke, PhD—UIC (5 min/panelist followed by group discussion) 3:00 PM 6:30 – 8:00 PM DuBose House, Dining Room A and B Those staying overnight – explore Chapel Hill on your own Buffet Dinner for Overnight Guests of Rizzo Center Thursday, April 9, 2015: Optional Site Visit to Research Community 7:00 – 8:30 AM DuBose House, Dining Room A and B 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Breakfast at Rizzo Center Time to Telecommute Note: lunch on your own 1:00 – 3:30 PM Meet outside McLean Hall 4:00 – 5:00 PM 5:00 – 6:30 PM Drive to Lenoir County in Eastern NC Reception with Heart Healthy Lenoir Community Advisory Committee Community Forum to Present Study Results 7:00 – 9:15 PM Drive to Chapel Hill
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