CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 32, No. 4 (2015) 046802 Low-Temperature Deposition of nc-SiO𝑥 :H below 400∘C Using Magnetron Sputtering * LI Yun(李云), YIN Chen-Chen(尹辰辰), JI Yun(季云), SHI Zhen-Liang(史振亮), JIN Cong-Hui(靳聪慧), YU Wei(于威)** , LI Xiao-Wei(李晓苇)** Hebei Key Laboratory of Optic-Electronic Information Materials, College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002 (Received 12 October 2014) Silicon oxide films containing nanocrystalline silicon (nc-SiO𝑥 :H) are deposited by co-sputtering technology at low temperatures (<400∘C) that are much lower than the typical growth temperature of nc-Si in SiO2 . The microstructures and bonding properties are characterized by Raman and FTIR. It is proven that an optimum range of substrate temperatures for the deposition of nc-SiO𝑥 :H films is 200–400∘C, in which the ratio of transition crystalline silicon decreases, the crystalline fraction is higher, and the hydrogen content is lower. The underlying mechanism is explained by a competitive process between nc-Si Wolmer–Weber growth and oxidation reaction, both of which achieve a balance in the range of 200–400∘C. We further implement this technique in the fabrication of multilayered nc-SiO𝑥 :H/a-SiO𝑥 :H films, which exhibit controllable nc-Si sizes with high crystallization quality. PACS: 68.55.−a, 61.82.Rx DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/32/4/046802 Silicon oxide films containing nanocrystalline silicon (nc-SiO𝑥 :H) exhibit great potential applications in the fields of full-color display and photovoltaic devices due to their unique optoelectronic properties.[1−3] Furthermore, they also attract significant interest in thin film solar cells due to their wavelength-tunable absorption of the sunlight through the controlling of ncSi sizes.[4] Normally, precipitation of nc-Si in thin film requires thermal annealing of a Si-rich oxide layer at a temperature of around 1100∘C or above, due to the lower diffusion coefficient of silicon atoms in SiO2 .[5,6] However, such a high annealing temperature would bring about dopant redistribution, uneven strain distribution and high defect density in thin films. Moreover, the annealing temperature is too high to directly deposit nc-SiO𝑥 :H films on organic material or glass substrates, thus the processes are incompatible with solar cell thin film technology. Therefore, it is of great significance to prepare nc-SiO𝑥 :H films at a low temperature. Recently, low temperature deposition technology of nc-SiO𝑥 :H thin films has been widely applied as a p-, n- or intrinsic layer in the silicon thin film solar cells.[7−10] However, the growth mechanism of ncSiO𝑥 :H films usually involves a gas phase and a surface oxidation reaction, which is significantly different from that of nc-Si:H films. Furthermore, the ncSi particle growth is also affected by the oxidation reaction,[11] and the accelerated hydrogen atoms and ions can increase the spinodal decomposition rate of SiO𝑥 in the film.[12] Therefore, the growth mechanism of nc-SiO𝑥 :H films at a low temperature should be discussed in detail to control their structures. In this Letter, single-layer nc-SiO𝑥 :H films were real-time deposited at a low temperature on quartz and p-type c-Si(100) wafer substrates by an rf (13.56 MHz) magnetron co-sputtering system. The power densities of Si and SiO2 targets were 0.9 W/cm2 and 0.8 W/cm2 , respectively. The flow rates of Ar and H2 were 8 sccm and 32 sccm respectively. The working pressure was maintained at 4 Pa and the deposition time was 60 min. The substrate temperatures were set at 90, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500∘C, respectively. The microstructures and bonding properties of the films were investigated by Raman and FTIR spectra. As the substrate temperature changed, the microstructure of the films could be adjusted through the competition between nc-Si growth and the oxidation process, which could suggest an optimum range of deposition temperature for the nc-SiO𝑥 :H films. In addition, we implemented this low temperature technique to fabricate the nc-SiO𝑥 :H/a-SiO𝑥 :H multilayer structure with size-controlled nc-Si particles. Figure 1 gives the deposition rates of the ncSiO𝑥 :H films at different substrate temperatures. The results reflect that the migration rate of Si and O atoms on the growth surface increases due to the rise in temperature, thus making the film dense. At the same time, the rate of the desorption reaction increases on the growth surface, which also leads to the decrease of the deposition rates of the films. Figure 2 presents the Raman spectra of the sin- * Supported by the Key Basic Research Project of Hebei Province under Grant No 12963930D, the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province under Grant No F2013201250, and the Science and Technology Research Projects of the Educational Department of Hebei Province under Grant No ZH2012030. ** Corresponding author. Email:; © 2015 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd 046802-1 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 32, No. 4 (2015) 046802 gle nc-SiO𝑥 :H layer on quartz substrates at different temperatures. The experimental results show that all spectra are comprised of amorphous and crystalline components scattering, which suggests that nc-SiO𝑥 :H films are successfully prepared at low temperature by magnetron sputtering. We analyze the TO mode of the Raman spectra by a Gaussian–Lorenz function and give the fitted curves with three peaks (inset in Fig. 2): 𝐼a (480 cm−1 ) for the amorphous fraction, 𝐼b (510 cm−1 ) for the transition crystalline (small nc-Si particles) or grain boundaries,[13,14] and 𝐼c (520 cm−1 ) for the crystalline fraction. The fraction 𝑋𝑖 can be calculated from 𝑋𝑖 = 𝐼𝑖 /(𝐼a + 𝐼b + 𝐼c ) (𝑖=a, b, c), where 𝐼𝑖 is the integrated intensity of every peak. The calculated results of 𝑋𝑖 are shown in Fig. 3. silicon ratio increase with the high temperature while the crystalline ratio decreases. The average size of nc-Si particles (𝐿) has been estimated from the Raman spectra using the following equation[15] 1 [𝜔𝐿 − 𝜔0 ]2 + (Γ0 /2)2 ∼ · exp(−𝜋 2 ), = 3𝐿 (1) where 𝜔𝐿 is the frequency of the crystalline-like mode for nc-Si particles size 𝐿. The values of 𝜔0 and Γ0 are 520 cm−1 and 3.5 cm−1 , respectively, for crystalline silicon. The crystalline fraction 𝐹c is calculated by the equation 𝐹c = (𝐼c + 𝐼b )/(𝐼a + 𝐼b + 𝐼c ). On c-Si(100) On quartz 10 (nm/min) (arb. units) 0.6 9 a b c 0.4 II I 0.2 8 100 7 200 300 ( 100 200 300 T (C) 400 500 Fig. 1. Deposition rates from the single nc-SiO𝑥 :H layers grown at different substrate temperatures. III 400 C) 500 Fig. 3. Plots of amorphous (𝑋a ), transition crystalline (𝑋b ), and crystalline (𝑋c ) in the nc-SiO𝑥 :H films versus the substrate temperature. 14 nc-Si 10 100 550 -1 (cm TA ) LO LA 200 300 400 500 CC CC CC CC 90 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 8 40 9 0.44 8 7 6 C) 100 200 300 400 500 ( 20 0.40 6 0 20 30 2 4 600 100 200 300 ( -1 (cm 60 (nm) 500 XRD 450 (nm) TO (arb. units) 0.48 c c 12 a-Si Raman (arb. units) unc-Si ) C) 40 (deg) 400 50 60 0.36 500 Fig. 2. Raman spectra from the single nc-SiO𝑥 :H layers. The inset presents the fitted curves of the TO mode and deconvolution by a Gaussian–Lorentz function for the sample at 90∘C. Fig. 4. Evolution of nc-Si particle size (𝐿) and crystalline fraction (𝐹c ) as a function of the substrate temperature. The inset presents the average size of nc-Si particles calculated by XRD data. The curves (in Fig. 3) can be divided into three zones: in region I (𝑡 < 200∘C), with the increase of temperature, the crystalline and transition crystalline silicon ratios increase gradually, meanwhile the amorphous silicon ratio decreases; when the temperature comes to region II (200∘C < 𝑡 < 400∘C), the crystalline ratio continues to increase, while the transition crystalline silicon ratio decreases; in region III (𝑡 > 400∘C), the transition crystalline silicon ratio and amorphous Figure 4 gives 𝐿 and 𝐹c versus the substrate temperatures. Here 𝐹c keeps increasing at the low temperature stage until the substrate temperature comes up to 300∘C. After that, the oxidation reaction inhibits the growth of nc-Si, leading to the decrease of 𝐹c . Different from 𝐹c , the grain size of the nc-Si keeps increasing with the temperature. The inset presents the average size of nc-Si calculated by XRD data.[12] Although the results may not be quite the same due to different calculation methods, the change rule of 046802-2 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 32, No. 4 (2015) 046802 O 15 10 I II III Si-H 100 200 300 400 500 ( C) C C C 300C 250C 200C 150C 90C 500 400 350 500 750 1000 1250 2000 (cm 3000 𝑋Si−rich = (𝐼980 + 𝐼1012 )/𝐼, 𝑋O−rich = (𝐼1034 + 𝐼1076 )/𝐼, (𝐼 = 𝐼980 + 𝐼1012 + 𝐼1034 + 𝐼1076 ). Based on the Raman analysis, the curve can also be divided into three zones: in region I (𝑡 < 200∘C), along with the rise of the substrate temperature, 𝑋Si−rich increases due to the higher growth rate of nc-Si; in region II (200∘C < 𝑡 < 400∘C), the 𝑋O−rich gradually increases, and the value of 𝑋Si−rich /𝑋O−rich is approximately equal to one, which reflects that the oxidation reaction rate is gradually strengthened, and it is equal to the growth rate of nc-Si; in region III, 𝑋Si−rich increases again due to oxidation of the nc-Si particles boundary. A higher substrate temperature leads to the release hydrogen reaction rate increasing, thus the promoting effect of active hydrogen is reduced, while the hydrogen etching effect is to enhance. 4000 -1 ) Si -rich/ To explain the competition mechanism, Fig. 5 shows the FTIR spectra of nc-SiO𝑥 :H films on p-type c-Si(100) substrates at different temperatures. We identify all the absorption peaks corresponding to the Si–H, Si–O vibration modes in the spectra,[16,17] and obtain the hydrogen content (𝐶H ) by the Si–H absorption peak near 630 cm−1 and the oxygen content (𝐶O ) by the Si–O absorption peak near 900– 1300 cm−1 .[18] The inset of Fig. 5 shows that 𝐶O increases gradually with the rising substrate temperature, indicating that the oxidation reaction is enhanced during the film deposition, while 𝐶H is presented in three stages, and it is lower in the optimum temperature range (200–400∘C) from the Raman data. We process the Si–O stretching mode absorption peak around 900–1300 cm−1 by multi-peak Gaussian fitting. We rule out the peaks around 1100 cm−1 and 1150 cm−1 related to the surface oxidation of the cSi(100) substrate and the SiO4 reverse vibration. The rest of the four absorption peaks around 980 cm−1 , 1012 cm−1 , 1034 cm−1 , 1076 cm−1 should correspond to HSi(Si2 O), HSi(SiO2 ), HSi(O3 ), and SiO4 [17] , respectively. We divide them into two groups, the Si-rich Si–O vibration includes two peaks near 980 cm−1 and 1012 cm−1 , and the O-rich Si–O vibration includes two peaks near 1034 cm−1 and 1076 cm−1 , and then we obtain the relative integral area ratio (𝑋Si−rich /𝑋O−rich ) O -rich Fig. 5. FTIR spectra of the film samples. The inset presents oxygen and hydrogen contents (𝐶O , 𝐶H ) of the films at different substrate temperatures. 1.6 1.4 1.2 (arb. units) ) H 20 changing with the substrate temperature (Fig. 6), (arb. units) 25 (at Si-H Si-O Si-H (arb. units) Si-O Si-O average particle size with the substrate temperature is similar. The Raman results indicate an optimum deposition temperature range (200–400∘C) for the low temperature real time growth of nc-SiO𝑥 :H, in which the ratio of transition crystalline silicon decreases, and the nc-Si particle size becomes uniform. Moreover, the crystalline fraction of the film is higher. During the deposition process, the film growth mechanism can be explained by a competition between nc-Si Volmer– Weber growth and oxidation reaction. 6 3 4 2 0 6 4 5 2 1 1000 1100 1200 -1 (cm 1.0 III II I 0.8 Si -rich/ 100 1300 ) 200 C) 300 ( O-rich 400 500 Fig. 6. Integral area ratio of rich silicon Si–O and rich oxygen Si–O (𝑋Si−rich /𝑋O−rich ) versus the substrate temperature. The inset presents the fitted result of the absorption peak around 900–1300 cm−1 by the multi-peak Gaussian function. Raman and FTIR analysis results reveal that the optimum range of substrate temperature for the deposition of nc-SiO𝑥 :H films is 200–400∘C, in which the transition crystalline silicon ratio is decreased, the crystalline fraction is higher, and the hydrogen content is lower. The growth of nc-SiO𝑥 :H at low temperatures can be interpreted as a competition between nc-Si Volmer–Weber growth and oxidation reaction. In the low temperature range (𝑡 < 200∘C), the active hydrogen promotes the growth of nc-Si, however, the thermal activation could neither guarantee the effective crystallization of nc-Si, nor is enough to promote Si atoms segregated from the SiO𝑥 area. As a result, the nc-Si particle size is smaller and the amorphous ratio is higher in the films which also contain more transition crystalline silicon particles. In the optimum substrate temperature range (200–400∘C), the migration rate of the active Si and O atoms increases with the substrate temperature. The growth rate of nc-Si is 046802-3 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 32, No. 4 (2015) 046802 accelerated by the higher thermal activation; the average size of nc-Si particles increases while the amorphous ratio decreases. At the same time, the oxidation reaction rate increases, which is gradually equal to the growth rate of nc-Si. Thus the transition crystalline silicon ratio decreases. There are two possible reasons for this. On the one hand, given in the Raman data, 𝑋b decreases due to the increase of temperature. It can be interpreted that the Osterwald mature rate increases, and smaller nc-Si particles are more likely to spread to larger nc-Si particles nearby, therefore, the ratio of transition crystalline silicon decreases significantly, while the average size of nc-Si particles continues to increase with the substrate temperature. On the other hand, the gradually enhanced oxidation reaction inhibits the growth of nc-Si, in the form of the decrease of transition crystalline silicon and crystalline fraction. In a higher temperature range (𝑡 > 400∘C), increasing release hydrogen reaction makes the surface diffusion rate of active Si and O atoms reduce, while the etching effect of active hydrogen is to enhance so that the hydrogen content increases in the film. (b) (a) 100 nm 10 nm Fig. 7. The multilayer film sample section (a) lower magnification TEM image and (b) HRTEM image, selected layers of SiNCs (marked by black circles). To better reveal the feasibility and superiority of this low temperature deposition technology, we implemented it in the fabrication of nc-Si in the multilayer superlattice structure, which recently has been proved to be effective in controlling crystallite sizes.[19] We have prepared nc-SiO𝑥 :H/a-SiO𝑥 :H multilayer films at 300∘C. The nc-Si size was effectively controlled in the nc-SiO𝑥 :H layers by inserting a-SiO𝑥 :H buffer layer about 5 nm. Multilayer film section TEM images are shown in Fig. 7. The experimental results reveal that the sample shows a complete periodic structure, and the nc-Si particle sizes are uniform in the quantum dot layer. The low temperature deposition technology is partic- ularly fitted to the fabrication of nc-Si in the multilayer structure which exhibits controllable nc-Si sizes with a high crystallization quality. In conclusion, we have obtained the nc-SiO𝑥 :H thin films at low temperature below 400∘C using magnetron co-sputtering deposition technology. Based on the analysis of the microstructure and bonding characteristics of the samples with different substrate temperatures, the growth mechanism of the film is attributed to a competition between nc-Si growth and oxidation reaction processes. The present experimental findings suggest that real-time low temperature deposition of nc-SiO𝑥 :H is a promising technique for the fabrication of nanoscale devices on a low cost glass substrate, and the experimental results pave the way for the development of the quantum dot thin-film solar cells. References [1] Yao Y, Yao J, Vijay K N, Ruan Z C, Xie C, Fan S H and Cui Y 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 664 [2] Guo Y Q, Huang R, Song J, Wang X, Song C and Zhang Y X 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 066106 [3] Fathi E, Vygranenko Y, Vieira M and Sazono A 2011 Appl. Surf. 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