Terry Kottman, Ph.D. presents two days of training!

Terry Kottman, Ph.D. presents two days of training!
Partners in Play: An Introduction to Adlerian Play Therapy
Applications of Adlerian Play Therapy Across the Lifespan
Friday, June 19, 2015
GSU Centennial Hall Auditorium
100 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2015
GSU Student Center Ballroom
101 Piedmont Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30303
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Description of Trainings
Day 1: Partners in Play: An Introduction to Adlerian Play Therapy. In this entertaining
workshop, Terry Kottman, the "inventor" of Adlerian play therapy, will introduce you to
Adlerian play therapy, a method of integrating the concepts and techniques of Individual
Psychology with the practice of play therapy. You will learn how to apply several of the
unique ways that Adlerians conceptualize children and the significant adults in their lives:
goals of misbehavior, the Crucial Cs, and personality priorities and how to use those
concepts in planning your interventions with child clients, their parents, and their teachers.
Day 2: Applications of Adlerian Play Therapy Across the Lifespan. In this interactive,
experiential workshop, you will learn intervention techniques for establishing relationships with
clients, exploring clients' life-styles, helping clients gain insight into their lifestyles, and
reorienting and reeducating clients. We will explore play therapy strategies, art techniques,
metaphors, and storytelling strategies for working with a wide range of clients–children,
adolescents, and adults. You will leave this workshop with a plethora of new activities for
your play therapy tool kit that you can use in your practice on Monday.
Presenter Information – Dr. Terry Kottman, RPT-S, NCC, LMHC
Terry Kottman, Ph.D., NCC, RPT-S, LMHC, founded The
Encouragement Zone, a center in Cedar Falls, Iowa,
where she provides play therapy training and supervision,
life coaching, counseling, and “playshops” for women.
Terry developed Adlerian play therapy, an approach to
counseling children that combines the ideas and
techniques of Individual Psychology and play
therapy. She regularly presents workshops and writes
about play therapy, activity-based counseling, school
counseling, and life coaching. She is the author of
Partners in Play, Play Therapy: Basics and Beyond, and
several other books.
Intended Audience
Licensed professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, nurses, play therapists,
social workers, psychologists, school counselors, child life specialists, alcoholism and drug
abuse counselors, art therapists, and pastoral counselors. There is no prerequisite for this
Session Ranking
This event is applicable to professionals of all skill levels.
Day 1
Individual Psychology/Consulting with parents and teachers
Building a relationship
Exploring the child’s lifestyle
Helping the child gain insight and reorientation/reeducation
Day 2
Creative strategies for building the relationship with clients
Creative strategies for exploring clients’ lifestyles
Creative strategies for helping clients gain insight into their patterns of
thinking, feeling, and behaving
Creative strategies for helping clients shift their thinking, feeling, and
Learning Objectives
Following the training(s), participants will be able to:
Day 1:
Explain the basic concepts of Individual Psychology as applied to play therapy.
Identify and describe the 4 phases of Adlerian play therapy.
Describe Adlerian concepts that constitute part of clients' lifestyles.
Identify skills used in building the relationship with the client in Adlerian play therapy.
Identify methods used in helping clients gain insight in Adlerian play therapy.
Describe how a play therapist consults with parents and teachers as part of Adlerian
play therapy.
Day 2:
1. Describe specific interventions strategies (art! sand tray! directive activities!) for
building a relationship with child, adolescent, and adult clients in Adlerian play
2. Describe specific directive play therapy techniques for exploring the client’s lifestyle in
Adlerian play therapy.
3. Describe specific art and sand tray techniques for exploring the client's lifestyle in
Adlerian play therapy.
4. Describe specific intervention strategies (art! sand tray! directive activities!) for helping
the child, adolescent, and adult client gain insight into his/her lifestyle in Adlerian play
5. Describe how the play therapist can use metacommunciation and therapeutic
storytelling to help child, adolescent, and adult clients gain insight into their lifestyle.
6. Describe specific intervention strategies (art! sand tray! directive activities! playful life
coaching!) for reorientation/reeducation of the child, adolescent, and adult client in
Adlerian play therapy.
Costs/Registration Fees
Day 1
Both Days
*CPS Alumni
***GSU Faculty/Staff
****Continuing Education
Grand Total:
*Please provide the year you graduated and Panther Card ID #.
**Current students must complete and send the Application for Student Discount Rate (p. 7) with their
registration materials (p. 7) to qualify for the reduced fee. Please note, seating is limited to 85
*** Please provide your title, department and Panther Card ID#.
**** If you are participating in the workshop to earn credits for professional license renewal or RPT/RPTS credentialing (initial or renewal), you must include the continuing education credit fee in your
Registration Website:
To register please visit the following website.
Please note: The Play Therapy Training Institute is no longer accepting personal checks.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing seven days prior to the conference to receive a
refund and are subject to a $25.00 processing fee. No refunds will be made after Friday,
June 12, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Georgia State University
Centennial Hall
100 Auburn Avenue, NE Atlanta, GA 30303
Directions: http://events.gsu.edu/centennial-hall/
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Georgia State University
Student Center Ballroom
101 Piedmont Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30303
Directions: http://studentcenter.gsu.edu/contact-us/
Number of Continuing Education Contact Hours Offered
6.00-12.00 contact hours
Continuing Education
Continuing education credit for this event is sponsored by The Institute for Continuing
Education. The program offers 6.00 contact hours. Credit is awarded on a daily basis with full
attendance required. The processing fee is $25.00 per person and may be paid with the
registration fee. The CE processing fee may also be paid on site. Application forms for CE
credit will be available on site. For questions regarding continuing education, please
contact The Institute at: 800-557-1950 instconted@aol.com Verification of contact hours
earned will be mailed to applicants following the training event.
Psychology: This activity is co-sponsored by The Georgia State University Play Therapy Training
Institute and The Institute for Continuing Education. The Institute for Continuing Education is an
organization approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing
education for psychologists. The Institute for Continuing Education maintains responsibility for this
program and its content.
Counseling: The Institute for Continuing Education and the Play Therapy Institute are co-sponsors of
this program. This co-sponsorship has been approved by NBCC. The Institute for Continuing
Education is an NBCC approved continuing education provider, No. 5643. The Institute for
Continuing Education solely is responsible for this program, including the awarding of NBCC credit.
Marriage/Family Therapy: The Institute for Continuing Education is an approved provider by the
Florida Board of Health, Division of Counseling, Marriage/Family Therapy, Social Work, Provider BAP
Social Work: The Institute for Continuing Education is approved as a provider for social work
continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), though the Approved
Continuing Education (ACE) program. The Institute for Continuing Education maintains responsibility
for the program. ASWB Provider No. 1007. Licensed social workers should contact their individual
state jurisdiction to review current continuing education requirements for license renewal.
Drug-Alcohol: The Institute for Continuing Education is approved by the National Association of
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) to provide continuing education for alcohol and
drug abuse counselors. NAADAC Provider No. 00243.
Nursing: The Institute for Continuing Education is an approved provider of continuing education in
nursing by the California Board of Nursing, Provider CEP 12646. Nurses should contact their state
board to determine if credit issued through an approved provider of the CA Board of Nursing is
acceptable for credit by their state board.
Play Therapy: The Institute for Continuing Education is approved by the Association for Play Therapy
to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT Provider No. 98-040.
Notice of Events Not Offered for Continuing Education Credit
No additional events will be offered.
ADA Accommodations
Accommodations will be made in accordance with the law. If you require ADA accommodations
please contact Katie Lowry (404-413-8012) at least two weeks before the conference date so
arrangements can be made.
Further Questions Please contact Katie Lowry at 404-413-8012 or playtherapy@gsu.edu visit our website at
Play Therapy Training Institute
Department of Counseling & Psychological Services
College of Education
Georgia State University
30 Pryor Street, SW
Room 950
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-413-8012
Fax: 404-413-8013
Application for Student Discount Rate
Play Therapy Training Institute at Georgia State University
Please complete the following application to be approved for a student rate for
Partners in Play: An Introduction to Adlerian Play Therapy
Applications of Adlerian Play Therapy Across the Lifespan
Please include this form with your registration and mail a check with the student rate. If your request
for a student rate is denied, you will be notified via email.
The following must be completed and signed by your primary professor:
I certify that _______________________________________________________________ has a bachelor’s
degree and is pursuing an advanced degree in a mental health related field of study during the
current academic semester.
Field of Study:
Master’s Degree Program in _________________________________________________
Education Specialist Degree Program in ______________________________________
Doctoral Program in _________________________________________________________
Signature of Professor
Name of Professor (Printed)