NUMBER: Interim #1 ISSUED: March 31, 2015 REPLACES: New TOPIC: Registrant Competence Assessment Registration Renewal Requirement Background Pursuant to Section 26.1 (1)1 of the Health Professions Act, the Quality Assurance Committee must administer a Quality Assurance Program in accordance with the bylaws. Furthermore, Bylaw section 45 states: Registrants are not entitled to renew their registration unless they have filed with the board, together with their application, proof of having met the continuing competency requirements established by the quality assurance committee and approved by the board. The Quality Assurance Program consists of three main components: the Annual Self Report, the Registrant Competence Assessment (RCA), and Registrant Practice Support. The RCA is an online 3 hour timed assessment monitored by a proctor. The RCA evaluates a physical therapist’s continuing competence with specific attention being paid to the BC context of practice, key regulatory content areas, College standards and BC physiotherapy regulation. Purpose This document outlines the policy linking the RCA requirement with registration renewal. Policy All full and limited registrants must complete2 the RCA every six years. The RCA shall be administered in two sittings over a 6‐year cycle; the first sitting in the first year and the second sitting in the fourth year. For the purpose of the first cycle, approximately half of all full and limited registrants shall be randomly selected to complete the RCA in the first sitting of the first cycle; the remaining half will be selected to complete the RCA in the second sitting of the first cycle. 1 Amendment enacted but not yet in force. ‘completion’ means wrote the RCA exam, it does not imply anything regarding the registrant’s result 2 For registrants selected to write the RCA in a given year, completion of the RCA is a condition of registration renewal. Registrants who complete the RCA in a given year shall not be required to complete the Annual Self Report (ASR) in that year.
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