A plentiful portion fried brown topped served Just the right amount of golden kick served flash with friedshaved tortillasparmesan 8 1/2 dozen dozen oysters 11 1/2 5.5 1 dozen 10 waterman s crab dipwith with herb aioli and ’house marinara 11 F ried clams Baked hot and bubbly served with baguette bread 11 O YSTERS r OckeFeller Fried shrimp Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 calamari F ried lams Baked withcspinach and fresh parmesan s teamed LITTLENECK clams AF1/2 pound of breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 ried sportion hrimp A plentiful fried golden brown topped with shaved parmesan served Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 1/2 dozen oysters 11 (12) 11 (24) 20 (50) 36 F ishpound taioli acOs with houseshrimp marinara A 1/2herb of and breaded fried11 golden brown 9 Oysters On the halF shell hOF Otfish ctacos rab pretzel Two blackened topped with house made pico de gallo pOund w ings Fried cclams Ask your server about our daily selections Hot baked Philly style pretzel topped with Waterman’s crab dip, melted cheese 9 C LAMS asinO Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 F shrimp pried Ound OF w ings O ysters On and the h alF brown shell h Ot c rab p retzel Strips of fresh clam, breaded fried 8in the oven Clams Oseasoned ysters On the hgolden alF sbaked hell StuffedFried with breadcrumbs and cheese (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) hofOt crab pNaked retzel b uFFalO c hicken d ip Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 AHot, 1/2 pound breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 Ask your server about our daily selections Hot baked Philly style topped with Waterman’s crab dip, melted cheese 9 Strips ofyour freshserver clam,O breaded golden brown 8 sAsk teamed 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10ysters w ’s spretzel eaFOOd skins about ourand dailyfried selections Hotaterman baked Philly style pretzel topped with Waterman’s crab dip, melted cheese 9 (BleutheCheese add 25¢) O ysters On the h alF shell Just right amount of kickpserved with flash fried tortillas 8 h Ot c rab retzel Ask your server about our daily selections cheesy blend of scallops and shrimp piled over potato skins toasted in the oven and F RESHAHot C UT F RIES Ask your server about our daily selections baked Philly pretzel Waterman’s crab dip, melted cheese 9 ssteamed O p Ound OF w ings aterman eaFOOd skins served with sour style cream 12 topped with OYSTERS rOckeFeller Clams Casino teamed Oysters ysters An Easternw Shore Favorite 8’’ss s w aterman s eaFOOd skins F RESH C UT F RIES c Ask yourn server about our daily selections Hot,alamari Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or style over served with skins celerytoasted and ranch A cheesy blend of scallops andMaryland shrimp piled potato in the9 oven and t Op eck c lams On the hbaked alF s Stuffed with seasoned breadcrumbs and inhell the oven Baked with spinach and fresh parmesan Ask your server about our daily selections O ysters On the h alF s hell AShore cheesy blend of8p scallops and shrimp piled over potato skins toasted in the oven and O ysters On the h alF scheese hell Eastern Favorite h Ot c rab retzel s teamed O ysters (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) served with sour cream 12 AAn plentiful portion fried golden brown topped with shaved parmesan served w aterman ’ s s eaFOOd s kins 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 1/2 dozen oysters 11 1/2 dozen 5.5 1 dozen 10 w aterman ’ s c rab d ip served withPhilly sour style cream 12selections Ask your server about our daily Ask your server about our selections baked pretzel with Waterman’s dip,toasted meltedincheese with herb Hot aioli and house 11 Ask yourn server our daily daily selections ABaked cheesy ofmarinara scallops andtopped shrimp piled over potato skins the oven9 and hotblend and bubbly served with baguette bread 11 crab t Op eckabout c lams On the halF shell t Op n eck c lams On the halF shell O ysters On the h alF spound hell h Ot c rab p retzel served with sour cream 12 F C UTc F RIES’s crab dip 1/2 dozen 5.5Clams 11/2 dozen 10 13 w aterman J umbO s hrimp pound 1 24 Shell F ried c lams s teamed L ITTLENECK c lams Top Neck on the Half mRESH aryland rab 1/2 dozenserver 5.5 O 1 dozen 10 selections w aterman ’ssspretzel c rab dipwith steamed O ysters Ask your about our daily s teamed ysters Hot baked Philly style topped Waterman’s w aterman ’ eaFOOd s kins Baked hot and bubbly served with baguette bread 11 crab dip, melted cheese 9 An Eastern Shore Favorite 8 F ried s hrimp t Op n eck c lams On the h alF (12) 11 (24)1 dozen 20 (50) 3613 1brown StripsJ1/2 of fresh breaded and fried 8 24 shell Tomato vegetable soup with crab - bowl 6 hot bubbly served with baguette bread 11 dozenclam, 6.5 12 golden FBaked ish tcand acOs umbO s hrimp 1/2our pound pound Askbased your server about our daily selections l arge s hrimp 1/2 pound 11 1 pound 19 m aryland rab Ask your server about daily selections Ah cheesy blend of scallops and shrimp piled9 over potato skins toasted in the oven and 1/2teamed dozen 5.5 On 1the dozenh 10alFc w aterman c rab d ip A 1/2O pound of breaded shrimp fried golden brown ysters slams hell sO L ITTLENECK Ot c rab p’stacos retzel On the h alF s hell s teamed L ITTLENECK c lams Tomato ysters based vegetable soup with crab bowl 6 Two blackened fish topped with house made pico de gallo served withand sourbubbly cream 12 with baguette Baked hot served bread 11 sAskteamed O ysters w aterman ’s sdaily eaFOOd skins l arge s11hrimp 1/2 pound 11 (12) 11 (24) 20 (50) 36 your server about selections Hot baked Philly style pretzel topped with Waterman’s crab dip, melted cheese 9 F ish t acOs steamed mc ussels 1daily dozen 6 1 pound 19 Ask your server about our selections C LAMS asinO (12) (24) 20 our(50) 36 award w inning c ream OF c rab tOp n eck c lams On the h alF s hell F ish t acOs Steamed Littleneck Clams Ask your server about our daily selections t Op n eck c lams On the halF shell A cheesy blend of scallops and shrimp piled over potato skins toasted in the oven and sStuffed teamed LITTLENECK c lams p Ound OF wings Creamy and delicious with lumps of crab -OF bowl 8rab made pico de gallo with seasoned breadcrumbs and cheese24baked in the oven Two blackened fish tacos topped with house Served with garlic and white wine sauce 8 s teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 1/2 dozen 5.5 1 dozen 10 J umbO s hrimp 1/2 pound 13 1 pound (12) 11 (24) 20 (50) 36 a ward w inning c ream c b uFFalO c hicken d ip dozen 5.5 1 dozen 10 served with sour cream 12 w aterman stacos rab dwith ip house made pico de gallo 2 for 9 3 for 13 Two blackened fish topped maryland rab (12) 11 top (24) F ish tcO acOs s1/2 O20 ysters Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 C LAMS c asinO 1/2teamed dozen neck clams(50) 10 36 w aterman ’’sNaked sc eaFOOd s68kins steamed ysters Baked hot and bubbly served with baguette bread 11tortillas 8 C LAMS c asinO Creamy and delicious with lumps of crab -bowl bowl Tomato based vegetable soup with crab Served with garlic and white wine saucethe 8 halF shell Just the right amount of kick served with flash fried t Op n eck c1/2 lams On (BleuAsk Cheese add 25¢) Ask your server about our daily selections large swith hrimp pound 11 1 pound ysters On the halF swith hell Stuffed seasoned breadcrumbs and cheese19baked in the oven Ab cheesy blend of scallops and shrimp piled potato toasted in the oven and Two blackened fish tacos topped houseover made pico skins de gallo your server about our daily selections hOuse s alad uFFalO c hicken d ip Stuffed with seasoned breadcrumbs and cheese sOteamed L ITTLENECK c lams bOysters lue c rabs (daily selections) market pricebaked in the oven s1/2 teamed L ITTLENECK c lams dozen 5.5 1clams dozen 10 -Shell w aterman ’Shrimp s daily c12rab dip ip on the Half Dynamite b uFFalO hicken d 1/2 dozen top neck 10 C LAMS c asinO served withabout sourccream Ask your server our selections O YSTERS r OckeFeller 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 (12) 11 (24) 20bubbly (50) 36 served Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar served Just the right amount ofream kick with flash fried11 tortillas cheese 8 Baked hot and served with baguette bread sbLocal teamed mseasoned ussels 1 dozen (12) (24) (50) 36 -6market price hRESH Ouse salamari alad Bay Oysters F ish tF acOs a ward w inning c OF c rab c lue c11 rabs (daily selections) Just the amount ofdressing: kick served with flash fried 8 Stuffed with breadcrumbs and cheese baked in the oven Crispy fried shrimp with a sweet and spicy glaze 8tortillas F C UT RIES t Op neck c20and lams the halF shell Baked with spinach freshOn parmesan t Op n eck c lams On the h alF s hell with your choice ofright house made Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, b uFFalO c hicken d ip (6) 7.5 (12) 13 Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar cheese served c anadian s nOw c rab c lusters 1 pound - market price Creamy and delicious with lumps of crab bowl 8 s teamed L ITTLENECK c lams Served with garlic and white wine sauce 8 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 A plentiful portion fried golden brown topped with shaved parmesan served An Eastern Shore Favorite 8 Two blackened fish topped house made pico de gallo O YSTERS 11 1/2 dozen oysters 5.5 rOckeFeller 1 dozen 10 w aterman c rab ip Raspberry Vinaigrette oramount Oil &’stacos Vinegar 7 dwith s teamed O ysters 1/2 dozen 5.5 1 dozen 10 O YSTERS r OckeFeller Just the right of kick served with flash fried tortillas 8 with your choice of made dressing: Ranch, Cheese, CLAMS c asinO (12) 11 (24) 20andc (50) 36clusters 1 pound - market price c alamari with herb aioli and house marinara 11 Bleubread C LAMS c asinO F ish thouse acOs Baked hot and bubbly served with baguette 11 Honey Mustard, canadian snOw rab Baked with spinach fresh parmesan cVinaigrette alamari Ask your server about our daily selections Raspberry or Oil & Vinegar 7 Baked with spinach and fresh parmesan Stuffed with seasoned breadcrumbs and cheese baked in the oven A plentiful portion fried golden brown topped with shaved parmesan served with seasoned in price the oven h Ouse suFFalO 1/2 dozen oysters 11 Rockefeller a laskan k ing cbreadcrumbs rab legsand 1 cheese pound - market O YSTERS r OckeFeller bOyster lue c rabs market pricebaked Two blackened fish tacosgolden topped with house made pico deparmesan gallo served F1/2teamed ried c lams A plentiful portion fried brown topped with shaved sStuffed L(daily ITTLENECK lams b c hicken d ip caesar salad alad s1/2teamed L ITTLENECK c lams dozen oysters 11 selections) - c dozen top neck clams 10 with herb aioli and house marinara 11 c alamari 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 with11 spinach and fresh parmesan F ried hrimp C LAMS c asinO Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar servedCaesar Baked and fresh parmesan herb and house marinara 11 (12) (24) 20 (50) 36egs Strips ofwith fresh clam, breaded and fried 1golden 8 price (12) 11 (24) 20 (50) 36 Fwith ish tsaioli acOs t Op n eck c lams On the htopped alF shell aBaked laskan kspinach ing c rab l poundbrown - market Crispy romaine, buttery croutons shaved parmesan in our cheese house made Just the right amount of and kick served with flash tossed fried tortillas 8 c aesar s alad A plentiful portion fried golden brown with shaved parmesan served J umbO s hrimp 1/2 pound 13 and 1 pound 24baked in the oven 1/2 dozen oysters 12 with your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, 1/2 dozen oysters 11 m aryland c rab Stuffed with seasoned breadcrumbs cheese A 1/2 pound of breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 F ried c lams dressing 8 1/2 dozen 5.5 1and dozen 10marinara canadian slams nOw crab clusters 1 pound - market price b uFFalO c hicken ipparmesan Fried c Two blackened fish tacos topped with de house gallo made Caesar with herb aioli 116house made Crispy buttery croutons and shaved tossedpico in our Oromaine, YSTERS Raspberry Vinaigrette orOckeFeller Oil &house Vinegar 7-d F ried ssrhrimp Tomato based vegetable soup with crab bowl 1/2 dozen top clam, neck clams 10 fried golden brown 8 O YSTERS rOckeFeller Strips of fresh breaded F ried hrimp large sofhrimp 1/2 poundand 11fried 1 pound C LAMS cclam, asinO Strips fresh breaded and golden 19 brown 8 dressing 8Just thespinach right amount of kick served with flash fried tortillas 8 C LAMS c asinO c alamari Baked with and fresh parmesan Ap1/2 pound OF of breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 Baked withcspinach F ried lamsand fresh parmesan Steamed Oysters Ound w ings waterman ’ s w edge s alad A 1/2 pound of breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 Stuffed withkseasoned breadcrumbs and cheese in price the oven sStuffed ITTLENECK c lams laskan ing cbreaded rab l egs pound baked - market with seasoned and cheese baked the oven 1/2teamed dozen oysters 11 Ab portion fried goldend brown topped withinshaved parmesan served Fplentiful ried sL hrimp uFFalO cbreadcrumbs hicken ip 1/2 dozen oysters 11 c aesar sMedium, alad saLocal teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 1golden Strips of fresh clam, and fried brown 8 O YSTERS rOckeFeller Bay Oysters a ward w inning c ream OF c rab Hot, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 (12) 11 (24) 20 (50) 36 Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon and bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle served with our 1/2 dozen top neck clams 10 with herb aioli and house marinara 11 w aterman ’s w edge scrab alad c alamari Ap 1/2 pound of breaded shrimp golden 9in our house Crispy romaine, buttery croutons parmesan tossed made Caesar Just the right amount of and kick served with fried tortillas 8 (6) Baked 7.5 (12)spinach 13 white and wine fresh sauce parmesan Creamy and delicious with lumps of -fried bowl 8 flashbrown Ound OF w ings (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) Served withwith garlic and 8 house made bleu cheese dressing 8 shaved p Ound OF w ings Fried c lams Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon bleubrown cheesetopped with balsamic drizzle served with our plentiful portion friedand golden with shaved parmesan served dressing 8AHot, F ried c lams 1/2 dozen oysters 11 Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 O YSTERS rOckeFeller houseC made bleu cheese dressing 8marinara Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland O YSTERS rhrimp OckeFeller c with herb aioli and house 11 F sasinO Strips ofried fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown style 8 served with celery and ranch 9 Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) add gLAMS rilled c hicken b reast 5 p Ound OF w ings c alamari h Ouse s alad F RESH C UT F RIES (Bleu Cheese 25¢) Baked with spinach andselections) fresh parmesan blue crabs (daily - market price Baked with spinach and freshshrimp Stuffed withpound seasoned breadcrumbs and baked in the oven AHot, 1/2 ofadd breaded friedcheese brown 9 served w aterman ’scportion w edge sparmesan alad F ried c lams Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked orgolden Maryland style with celery and ranch 9 A plentiful fried golden brown topped with shaved parmesan served b lackened s ALMON • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 An Eastern Shore Favorite 8 Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar cheese served 1/2 dozen oysters 11 add g rilled hicken b reast 5 oysters 11clams 10 1/2 dozen top neck F ried sC hrimp Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon andmarinara bleu Ranch, cheese with balsamic drizzleMustard, served with our (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) with herb aioli and house 11 Bleu Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 F RESH UT FFRIES with your choice of house made dressing: Cheese, Honey Beer Battered Onion Rings a dd b lackened s ALMON 8 • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 F RESH C UT RIES c anadian snOw crab clusters 1 pound - market price house made bleu cheese dressing 8 AAn 1/2 pound of breaded shrimp fried golden brown 9 p Ound OF w ings Raspberry Vinaigrette or Oil & Vinegar 7 Eastern Shore Favorite 8 Fried clams Heaping basket served with honey mustard 9 An Eastern Shore Favorite 8 F clams Oried YSTERS rC OckeFeller Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland style served with celery and ranch 9 RESH UT F RIES F ried s hrimp Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle Strips ofwith fresh clam, breaded fried golden brown 8 addBaked grilled chicken band reast 5 spinach and fresh parmesan (Bleu Cheese add 25¢) alaskan king crab l1/2egs 1 pound market24price JumbO shrimp pound 13 1 -pound An Eastern Shore Favorite 8 fried golden brown 9 p Ound OF w ings caesar s alad m aryland c rab A 1/2 pound of breaded shrimp Substitute Any Side add 1.00 1/2bdozen oysters 11 a dd lackened s ALMON 8 • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 with Old Bay9Bistro Chips & Pickle Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland withServed celery Caesar and ranch Tomato based croutons vegetableand soupshaved with crab - bowltossed 6 styleinserved Crispy romaine, buttery parmesan our house made arge s pound 24 19 rime DiP l andwich F reshF F ish s andwich Substitute Any Side addp1.00 JsJumbO sshrimp hrimp 1/2 1/2 pound pound 11 13 11 pound Cheese add RESH COF UT25¢) Fings RIES dressing 8(Bleu m aryland c rab umbO hrimp 1/2 pound 13 1 pound 24 p Ound w Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF m aryland c Fried cbased lams Prepared broiled, blackened or rab fried lettuce tomato on Amoroso roll An Eastern Shore Favorite 8with p rime iPtomato steamed andwich Fresh Fward ish sandwich Tomato vegetable soup with crab and - OF bowl 6 rab mhouse ussels 1 dozen with lettuceD and servedswith made au jus 11 and6horsey mayo a w inning c ream c l arge hrimp 1/2 pound pound 19 11 Tomato based vegetable soup with crab bowl 6 Hot, Medium, Teriyaki, BBQ, Naked or Maryland style Haddock 9 Flounder 10 Strips of fresh clam, breaded and fried golden brown 8 served with celery and ranch 9 J umbO 13 111pound 24 Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF l arge s hrimp 1/2 pound 11 pound 19 Prepared broiled, blackened or fried with lettuce and tomato on Amoroso roll m aryland c rab Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle F RESH C UT F RIES waterman ’s w edge alad Creamy and delicious of crab - bowl 8 (Bleu Cheese add 25¢)withslumps Served with garlic and white wine sauce 8 with lettuce and tomato served with house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 heeseburger Haddock An 9 Eastern Flounder 10Favoritesoup Tomato based vegetable with crab with - OF bowlbalsamic 6 rabdrizzle served withSubstitute Any Side addc 1.00 ssteamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 1 pound 19 Shore a ward w inning c ream c Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon and8bleu cheese our l arge s hrimp 1/2 pound 11 teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 shrimp salad ableu ward wdressing inning cream OF crab All American 1/2 pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce and tomato on c heeseburger house made cheese 81/2 Creamy and delicious lumps of crab prime DiP Jb sServed andwich Fresh FumbO ish sandwich with garlic and white wine sauce 8 J s hrimp pound 13 -1- bowl pound88 24 h Ouse s alad F RESH C UT Fwith RIES Creamy and delicious with lumps of crab bowl brioche roll 11 Served umbO hrimp 1/2selections) pound 13 - market 18poundprice 24 lueCERTIFIED csrabs (daily with garlic and white wine sauce s teamed mANGUS ussels sPrepared hrimp s alad m aryland c rab Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF All American 1/2 pound BEEF1 dozen burger6with lettuce and tomato on a ward w inning c ream OF c rab broiled, blackened orcucumbers, fried8with lettuce and tomato on Amoroso roll cheese served An Eastern Shore Favorite Leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar with lettuce served with house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 Tomato based vegetable withof5crab 68 19 a dd grilled cshicken bsoup reast brioche rolland 11 tomato l hrimp 1/2 pound 11 - -bowl 1Ranch, pound Haddock 9 arge Flounder 10of house Creamy with lumps crab bowl Served with garlic and(daily white wine sauce 81 poundprice l arge srabs hrimp 1/2selections) pound 11 market 19 h Ouse ssdelicious alad with yourand choice made dressing: Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, b lue c J umbO s hrimp 1/2selections) pound 1market poundprice 24 1 pound - market price h Ouse alad g rilled c hicken c lub c anadian s nOw c rab13c-- lusters b lue c rabs (daily a dd blackened s ALMON 8 • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 m aryland c rab SALMON BLT Raspberry Vinaigrette or Oil & Vinegar 76 red onions and cheddar cheese served c heeseburger greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, sLeafy teamed m ussels 1 dozen Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar cheese served shicken teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 lettuce and Tomato based vegetable soup with crab bowl 6 a ward w inning c ream OF c rab g rilled cpound c lub sBlackened hrimp s alad salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on white toast 11 withOuse your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, h salad All American 1/2 ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce tomato on l arge s hrimp 1/2 pound 11c- lusters 1 pound 19and1 pound SALMON BLT tomato on brioche roll 9CERTIFIED b lue c rabs (daily selections) market price with your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, c anadian s nOw c rab - market price Served with garlic andwith white wine sauce Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettuce and Creamy andVinaigrette delicious lumps oftomatoes, crab -18bowl 8 24 and cheddar cheese served Served with garlic and white wine sauce 8 a laskan k ing c rab l egs 1 pound market price Raspberry or Oil & Vinegar 7 c anadian s nOw c rab c lusters 1 pound - market price J umbO s hrimp 1/2 pound 13 1 pound 24 brioche roll 11 Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, red onions J umbO s hrimp 1/2 pound 13 pound aesar salad m aryland crab Blackenedc salmon, bacon, lettuce, on white7 toast 11 Raspberry Vinaigrette or tomato Oil & Vinegar tomato on briochesroll 9 teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 a ward w inning c ream OF c rab with your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Mustard, Tomato based vegetable soup with crab - bowl 6 Bleu Cheese, Served withmade Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle Crispy romaine, buttery and shaved parmesan tossed inHoney our house Caesar JumbOl large ump chrimp rab ccroutons ake Lightly breaded and fried - market price c anadian sing nOw c rab clusters 1 pound - market price l arge sgarlic hrimp 1/2rab pound 11 1 pound s 1/2 pound 11 7- market 1bowl pound8price 19 a laskan k c l egs 1 pound19- market price Raspberry Vinaigrette or Oil & Vinegar Creamy and delicious with lumps of crab b lue c rabs (daily selections) h Ouse s alad Served with and white wine sauce 8 Substitute Any Side add 1.00 c aesar s alad dressing 8 g rilled c hicken c lub b lue c rabs (daily selections) market price a laskan k ing c rab l egs 1 pound market price broiled or fried, with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 SumbO ALMON BLT claesar alad JServed ump cscarrots, rab c ake Lightly breaded and fried - market price Leafy greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar servedCaesar Juicy grilled breast, topped with bacon, provolone, Crispy romaine, buttery croutons and shaved parmesan tossed in our cheese house made m ussels 1 dozen 6 lettuce and p rime Dchicken iP steamed andwich F resh F ish s andwich s teamed m ussels 1ream dozen 6OF a ward w inning ctomato c rab Crispy romaine, buttery croutons and shaved parmesan tossed in our house made Caesar Blackened salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on white toast 11 Served broiled or fried, with lettuce and on brioche roll 13 a laskan k ing crab legs 1 pound - market price tomato on brioche roll 9 with your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, dressing 8 c aesar s alad Ouse alad Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF anadian ssornOw c rab cand lusters 1 pound -roll market price Jh umbO hrimp 1/2 pound 13 pound w aterman w edge alad Creamy and delicious with lumps ofs crab -18bowl 8 24 blue crabs (daily market price 1 pound - market price c anadian sand nOw cwine rab c- lusters Prepared Served broiled, blackened fried with lettuce tomato on Amoroso Served with garlic whiteselections) sauce 8 dressing 8 ss with garlic ’and white wine sauce Raspberry Vinaigrette or Oil & Vinegar 7 with lettuce and tomato served with house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 Crispy romaine, buttery croutons and shaved parmesan tossed in our house made Caesar Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and cheddar cheese Haddock 9 Flounder 10 Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon and bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle servedserved with our Make Any Of The Above A Meal With 2 Sides add 4.50 scbleu hrimp 1/2 pound 11 1Ranch, poundBleu 19 Cheese, Honey Mustard, JumbOl large ump rab c ake dressing 8choice with your ofcheese made dressing: Lightly breaded and fried - market price w aterman ’ shouse w edge s alad house made dressing 8 egs a laskan k ing c rab l 1 pound market price c heeseburger anadian nOw crab c- lusters 1 pound - market price h Ouse s alad Indicates our Gluten Free menu options c wlue aterman ’lettuce s (daily w edge salad Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. a laskan ksing crab legs 1 pound price blue crabs (daily selections) market price- market b cVinaigrette rabs selections) Raspberry or Oil & tomato Vinegar c aesar swith alad broiled or lettuce, fried, and on7- market brioche roll Iceberg crumbled bacon and bleu cheeseprice with 13 balsamic drizzle served with our sServed hrimp s alad s teamed m ussels 1 dozen 6 All American 1/2 pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce and tomato on Leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions andshellfish, cheddar cheese served Iceberg lettuce, crumbled baconmeats, and bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle served withGluten our Freeyour Consuming raw or poultry, seafood, or eggsmade may increase riskoptions of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Indicates our menu a dd g rilled hicken b 5parmesan Crispy romaine, buttery croutons and shaved tossed in our house Caesar house made bleuundercooked cheese dressing w aterman ’sc w edge s88reast alad brioche roll 11 with your choice of house made dressing: Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Honey Mustard, house made bleu cheese dressing Served with garlic and white wine sauce 8 a ksing cifrab l egslusters 1 pound - market price dressing 8 or claskan anadian nOw cyou rab 1 pound - market price aesar salad c anadian snOw c rab cpoultry, 1 pound - market pricemay Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon and8bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle with increase our a dd braw lackened ALMON •7lusters a dd seafood, m ahi m ahi 8 orserved Consuming undercooked meats, shellfish, eggs your risk of foodborne illness, especially haveccertain medical conditions. Raspberry Vinaigrette orsOil & Vinegar a dd g rilled c hicken b reast 5 Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. house bleubuttery cheese dressingb 8reast Crispy romaine, croutons and shaved 5parmesan in our house11 made Caesar • Addtossed a Crabcake addmade grilled chicken grilled chicken club SALMON BLT b lue c rabs (daily selections) market price dressing 8 w aterman ’ s w edge s alad a dd b lackened ALMON 8 • a1dd m ahi m ahi 8 our Gluten FreeJuicy menu options alaskan king crab legslettuce 1 pound a laskan k ings c rab legs pound - market priceIndicates grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, and- market price a dd b lackened s ALMON 8 • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 c aesar s alad dd g rilled chicken b reast 5 11 with balsamic drizzle served with our Blackeneda salmon, bacon,crumbled lettuce, tomato white Iceberg lettuce, baconon and bleutoast cheese tomato onofbrioche roll 9 illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, eggs mayCaesar increase risk foodborne Served with Old Bayyour Bistro Chips & Pickle Crispy romaine, buttery croutons and10 shaved parmesan tossed in our or house made Add Blackened Shrimp house made bleu cheese dressing 8 8alad a dd b lackened s ALMON • lusters a dd mahi m ahi- market 8 w aterman ’ s w edge s c anadian s nOw c rab c 1 pound price Substitute Any Side add 1.00 dressing 8 lettuce, crumbled bacon and bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle served with ourOld BayLightly JumbOIceberg l ump c rab c ake Served with Bistro breaded Chips & Pickle and fried price prime DiP- market sandwich Fresh Fbleu ish scandwich a dd grilled hicken breast 5 Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle house made cheese dressing 8 Substitute Any Side add 1.00 Served broiled or fried, with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 a laskan k ing c rab l egs 1 pound market price w aterman ’s wsALMON edge s8alad 1.00Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF Prepared broiled, blackened or fried with lettuce andahi tomato on Amoroso roll Substitute Any Side addSlow a dd blackened • a dd m mahi 8 with and served with house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips &lettuce PickleD p rime iPtomato ssandwich F resh F ish s andwich Haddock 9 Flounder 10 Iceberg lettuce, crumbled bacon and bleu cheese with balsamic drizzle served with our a dd grilled candwich hicken breast 5 p rime D iP andwich F resh F ish s 1.00Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF Slow house made bleu cheese dressing 8 with lettuce and tomato on Amoroso roll Substitute Any Side addc Prepared broiled, blackened or fried ® heeseburger Slow Cookedand CERTIFIED ANGUSwith BEEF a dd blackened s ALMON 8with • a dd m ahi m ahi 8 Prepared broiled, blackened or fried lettuce and tomato on Amoroso roll with lettuce tomato served house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Haddock 9 Flounder 10 p rime D iP s andwich F resh F ish s andwich withAmerican lettuce tomato served with house made au jus and au horsey mayo 11 tomato lettuce,and tomato, provolone served with house made juslettuce and horsey mayo on 12 sHaddock hrimp alad 10 All 1/2 pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF burger with and 9 sFlounder Bistro Chips & Pickle a dd grilled chicken breast 5 and tomato on Amoroso Served with OldFree Bay Bistro Chips & Cooked Pickle CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF Slow Indicates our Gluten menu options Prepared broiled, blackened or fried with lettuce roll c heeseburger brioche roll 11 Side add 1.00 lettuce and tomato served with house made au jus and horsey mayo 11 c1.00 heeseburger Substitute Any Side addwith 9 sFlounder a dd blackened s10 ALMON 8 • add mahi mahi 8 sHaddock hrimp alad All American 1/2illness, poundespecially CERTIFIEDifANGUS BEEFcertain burger with lettuce and tomato on Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne you have medical conditions. s hrimp s alad Allrime American 1/2 CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF ® burger with lettuce and tomato on prime DiP sFandwich p D iP pound s andwich Fresh ish sandwich Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle brioche roll 11 c heeseburger g rilled c hicken club House made shrimp salad served as a wrap or on a bed of lettuce and tomato 10 brioche roll 11 Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF S ALMON BLT Slow ANGUS BEEF 1.00Cooked CERTIFIED broiled, blackened or fried with tomato on 11 Amoroso roll Substitute Any Side addAll sPrepared hrimp salad 1/2tomato pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEFau burger with lettuce Juicy grilledand chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettuce andand with lettuce and tomato served with house made aulettuce jus andand horsey mayo withAmerican lettuce served with house made jus and horsey mayo 11 tomato on Blackened salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on white toast 11 Haddock 9 Flounder 10 brioche roll 11 p rime D iP s andwich F resh Fish sandwich tomato on brioche roll 9 g rilled c lub Served with Old Bay Bistro Chips & Pickle c Bistro Chips & Pickle SSALMON BLT g rilled chicken hicken cBEEF lub cheeseburger Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS ALMON BLT c heeseburger Prepared broiled, blackened or fried with lettuce and tomato on Amoroso roll Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettuce and Substitute Any Side add 1.00 Side add 1.00 Blackened salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on white toast 11 Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettucemayo and 11 with lettuce and tomato served with house made au jus and horsey All American 1/2 pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce and tomato on tomato on brioche roll 9 9 Flounder 10 sJHaddock hrimp s alad umbO l ump c rab c ake Blackened salmon, salmon,bacon, bacon,lettuce, lettuce,tomato tomatoononwhite whitetoast toast11with lemon aioli aioli.11 11 All American 1/2 pound ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce and tomato on Blackened g rilled c hicken c lub Lightly breaded and fried9CERTIFIED - market price tomato on brioche roll p rime D iP s andwich F resh F ish s andwich S ALMON BLT p rime D iP s andwich brioche roll 11 brioche roll chicken 11 Juicy grilled breast, topped Served broiled orANGUS fried, with lettuce and on brioche roll 13 c heeseburger Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEFwith bacon, provolone, lettuce and Slow Cooked CERTIFIED BEEF Prepared broiled, blackened or fried withtomato lettuce tomato Blackened salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on whiteand toast 11 on Amoroso roll Softcrab Sandwich tomato on brioche roll 9 J umbO l ump c rab c ake withAmerican lettuce and tomato withprice house and horsey mayoand 11 tomato on sHaddock hrimp alad Lightly breaded friedserved - market All 1/2and pound CERTIFIED ANGUSmade BEEFau jus burger with lettuce with&lettuce and tomato servedc with 9 lsump Flounder 10house JumbO rab cmade akeau jus and horsey mayo 11 Bistro Chips Pickle Lightly market Lightly breaded breadedand andfried fried- on whiteprice toast with lettuce and tomato - market grilled hicken lub Served c broiled or fried,c with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 brioche roll 11 gheeseburger rilled chicken club Side addc 1.00 ALMON broiledbreast, or fried, lettuce and provolone, tomato on brioche roll 13 c heeseburger Juicy grilled chicken topped with lettuce and JSServed umbO lBLT ump cwith rab cbacon, ake Juicy grilled chicken breast, toppedprice with bacon, provolone, lettuce and Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Lightly breaded and fried - market sBlackened hrimp salad tomato on whitewith toastlettuce 11 and tomato on tomato on brioche roll 9 bacon, lettuce, All American 1/2 pound prime D iP ssalmon, andwich All American 1/2 pound burger tomato on brioche roll 9CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF burger with lettuce and tomato on Served broiled orCERTIFIED fried, with ANGUS lettuce BEEF and tomato on brioche roll 13 g rilled Indicates our Gluten Freebrioche menu options roll 11chicken club Slow Cooked CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF Sroll ALMON BLT brioche 11 Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettuce and with lettuce and tomato served with houseprovided made au jus and horseytip mayo 11 Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. For your convenience have a suggested calculation at theorbottom of your bill. Please useofthis to compensate your server for thehave service theymedical have provided for you. bacon, lettuce, tomatomeats, on white toast 11seafood, Consuming orwe undercooked poultry, shellfish, eggs may increase your risk foodborne illness, especially if you certain conditions. JBlackened umbO lfried ump c rab cake Lightly breaded andsalmon, -raw market price tomato on brioche roll 9 breaded and fried - market price Indicates our Gluten FreeLightly menu options rilled chicken club Indicates our Gluten Freeg menu options c gheeseburger rilled c hicken lub Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Served broiled or fried,c with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 SALMON BLT Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettucemedical and Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain conditions. Juicy grilled chicken topped with lettuce andand tomato All American 1/2 pound CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEFprovolone, burger with lettuce onIndicates JBlackened umbO lbreast, ump corrab cbacon, ake Consuming raw undercooked meats, poultry, shellfish, or eggsour mayGluten increase risk ofbrioche foodborne if you have certain medical conditions. salmon, bacon, lettuce, tomato on white toast 11seafood, Lightly breaded androll fried9 -illness, market especially price Freeyour menu options tomato on tomato on brioche roll 9 briocheServed roll 11broiled or fried, with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 ~ APPETIZERS ~ ~ ~ APPETIZERS APPETIZERS ~ ~ ~ APPETIZERS ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ APPETIZERS ~~ ~ APPETIZERS ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ APPETIZERS ~~ ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ STEAMED ~ STEAMED ~ ~~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ CLAMS/OYSTERS ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ ~ SOUPS SOUPS AND AND SALADS SALADS ~ ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ SOUPS AND SALADS ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ WICHES ~ WICHES ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ ~ STEAMED STEAMED ~ ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ STEAMED ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ ~ SANDWICHES SANDWICHES ~ ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ ~ SANDWICHES ~ WICHES ~ Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. ethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. Foryourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. J umbO lump crab cake Lightly breaded and fried - market price breaded fried - market price g rilled candhicken club en FreeLightly menu options Indicates our Gluten Free menu options Served broiled or fried, with lettuce and tomato on brioche roll 13 Juicy grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, provolone, lettuce and rease your risk ofForyourconveniencewehaveprovidedasuggestedtipcalculationatthebottomofyourbill.Pleaseusethistocompensateyourserverfortheservicetheyhaveprovidedforyou. foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. ~ SEAFOOD ENTREES ~ ~ SEAFOOD ENTREES ~ Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter (excludes pasta dishes) Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter (excludes pasta dishes) Fish & Chips Crunchy fried haddock and hand cut fries (choose 1 additional side) 17 ~ FAMOUS COMBOS ~ ~Served FAMOUS COMBOS ~ with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter steamed seaFOOd cOmbinatiOn steamed seaFOOd cOmbinatiOn 1 lb. whole lobster, peel & eat shrimp, clams and mussels 34 1 lb. whole lobster, peel & eat shrimp, clams and mussels 34 Fresh Catch ~ SEAFOOD ENTREES ~ Chef’s selection of daily catch - market price Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter (excludes pasta dishes) Blackened Stuffed Scallops Lagaria Pinot Grigio..............................................................22 ~sFAMOUS COMBOS ~ Fried eaFOOd cOmbinatiOn Fried Served seaFOOd ccake, OmbinatiOn with your of 2 sides, house Hand breaded shrimp, crab choice haddock and clammade stripsrolls friedand up butter crispy and golden Blackened jumbo sea scallops stuffed with our own housemade crab imperial- 29 Hand breaded shrimp, crab cake, haddock and clam strips fried up crispy and golden brown 26 s teamed s eaFOOd cOmbinatiOn Scallops b rOiled s eaFOOd cOmbinatiOn b rOiled s eaFOOd OmbinatiOn Butterflied shrimp, scallops, crabc cake and flounder all broiled to perfection brown 26 1 lb. whole lobster, peel & eat shrimp, clams and mussels 34 27 Butterflied shrimp, scallops, crab cake and flounder all broiled to perfection 27 Tree Chardonnay...............................................8/29 FDreaming ried s eaFOOd cOmbinatiOn Jumbo sea scallops served either broiled, fried or blackened - 25 Pomello Sauvignon Blanc........................................................23 Salmon Hand breaded SURF 'N Tshrimp, URF crab cake, haddock and clam strips fried up crispy and golden brown 26 S URF ' N T 8oz. Sirloin and URF 6oz. Lobster tail 32 Mark West Pinot Noir......................................................8/27 b rOiled cOmbinatiOn 8oz. Sirloin and s 5 eaFOOd Jumbo fried shrimp 28 Grilled, Blackened or Broiled to perfection and paired with dill cream sauce 22 ~ SEAFOOD ENTREES ~ mahi mahi Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter (excludes pasta dishes) A local favorite! Served grilled or blackened and topped with fresh mango salsa 22 Estancia Pinot Grigio.............................................................20 8oz. Sirloin and Lump crab cake 29 ~ FAMOUS COMBOS ~ Butterflied shrimp, scallops, crab cake and flounder all broiled to perfection 27 ~ FROM THE LAND ~ s c THE LAND ~ ~Served FROM Servedwith withyour your choice choice ofof 22 sides, sides, house house made made rolls rolls and and butter butter, Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter SURF 'N TURF steamed eaFOOd OmbinatiOn 1 lb. whole lobster, peel & eat shrimp, clams and mussels 34 Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter 14 Oz. ribeye steakexcludes pasta dishes 14 Oz. ribeye steak Stuffed Flounder ~ FROM THE LAND ~ CERTIFIED BEEF c grilled to perfection 25 Fried sANGUS eaFOOd OmbinatiOn CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF ® grilled to perfection 25 Fresh flounder fillets stuffed with our house made crab imperial 22 Hand breaded shrimp, crab cake, haddock and clam strips fried up crispy and golden Robert Mondavi Private Selection Cabernet.............................26 brown 26 Lump Crab Cakes with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter Fried cServed hicken F ried c hicken 4bpieces our famous locallycloved fried chicken 15 14 Ozof .r ibeye sand teak rOiled s eaFOOd OmbinatiOn Simply the best, served broiled or fried - 1 crab cake 18 2 crab cakes 28 Oxford Landing Chardonnay ................................................19 4 pieces of shrimp, our famous and locally lovedand fried chicken Butterflied scallops, crab cake flounder all 15 broiled to perfection 27 CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF grilled to perfection 25 Softcrab Platter chicken IMPERIAL cURF hicken IMPERIAL S 'N TURF Crab Imperial houseand made imperial 4finished pieces ofwith ourour famous locally lovedsauce fried 22 chicken 15 Oxford Landing Chardonnay ............................................8/29 chicken IMPERIAL marinated chicken breast topped with fresh sliced ham, crabmeat and FJuicy ried chicken Lightly breaded and fried - market price CHICKEN PENNE ALFREDO ~ FROM THE CHICKEN PENNE ALFREDO Colossal lump crab with house made imperial sauce 23 Jumbo Shrimp Platter 10 butterflied served either broiled or fried 22 5 Broiled and Stuffed with our house made crab imperial 24 14 Oz. ribeye steak A O ADD ONS: (Not available individually) NS :P(Not available individually) CDD HICKEN ENNE ALFREDO CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF grilled to perfection 25 Seafood Diablo Jumbo shrimp, scallops and crab sautéed in a spicy marinara over linguine with salad and breadstick 21 ~ LOBSTER ~ ~ ~ SIDES SIDES ~ a la carte 3 macaroni saladStuffed Lobster Tail Sauvignon Blanc............................................6/18 5Monkey JumboBay Shrimp (Fried or Steamed) a10 la carte 3 5 oz Lobster Tail 12 cole slaw cole slaw applesauce applesauce Add Ons: (Not available individually) Hushpuppies cole slaw Jumbo Lump CrabcakeHushpuppies 11 Hushpuppies Lump Crabcake 11 Crabcake 11 5Lump Jumbo Shrimp (Fried or Steamed) F ried c hicken 5 Jumbo Shrimp (Fried Steamed) 10 5 oz Lobster Tail 12or 4A pieces of NS ourLobster famous and locally loved fried chicken 15 Whole DD O : (Not available individually) 10 5 oz Lobster Tail 12 Ask your server for sizes available – market price Lump Crabcake 11 c hicken IMPERIAL Mark West Pinot Noir .....................................................8/27 5 Jumbo Shrimp (Fried applesauce or Steamed) 10 5 oz Lobster Tail 12 LAND ~ Grilled chicken over penne pasta in a light Served with your choice of 2 sides, house made rolls and butter cream sauce with spinach and sundried tomatoes 15 ~ ~ Potato Salad Salad macaroni salad5 oz cold water tail stuffed with our ownPotato crab imperial 25 Vegetable of the day C HICKEN PENNE ALFREDObaked potato SIDES la carteLanding 3 Oxford Chardonnay.................................................19 baked potato Vegetable of~theaday tossed salad Fresh cut Fries Potato macaroni tossedSalad salad Fresh cutsalad Fries Lobster Alfredo baked potato Vegetable of the day ADD ONS: (Not available individually) Lobster over penne pasta in a light cream sauce with spinach and sundried tomatoes 23 tossed salad Fresh cut FriesLump Crabcake 11 ~ ALL YOU CAN EAT FEASTS ~ Dreaming Tree Chardonnay..............................................8/29 5 Jumbo Shrimp (Fried ~ or Steamed) ~ ALL YOU CAN EAT FEASTS 10 5 oz Lobster Tail 12 crab Feast Original Feast hrimp FCAN east ~ ALLssYOU EAT FEASTS ~ssnOw nOw crab Feast O riginal F east hrimp F east Blue Crabs, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Corn You may now add Snow Crab Clusters to your Original Blue Crabs, Steamed Shrimp, Corn (Seasonal) PriceHushpuppies, Fried Chicken, O riginal FMarket east Price Corn (Seasonal) Market cole slaw Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Chicken, ~ SIDES a la carte 3 Corn (Seasonal) Market Price ~ Fried s(Seasonal) hrimpMarket Feast Price may now add Snow Crab Price Clusters to your Original or Shrimp Feast - Discounted $7.99 per pound sYou nOw c rab Feast or Shrimp Feast - Discounted Price $7.99 per pound Potato Salad macaroni salad Blue Crabs, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Corn You may nowfull addprice. Snow Crab Clusters to your Original * absolutely no sharing please. Feasts are priced per person. ose sharing will be charged applesauce baked potato Vegetable of person. the day Corn (Seasonal) Market Price * absolutely no sharing please.(Seasonal) Market Price Shrimp Feast Discounted Price $7.99 per pound Feasts are priced per ose sharing will beorcharged full- price. ** excessive waste or “back finning” of crabs will not be tolerated Hushpuppies tossed salad Fresh cut Fries ** excessive waste or “back finning” of crabs will not be tolerated * absolutely no sharing please. Feasts are priced per person. ose sharing will be charged full price. ** excessive waste or “back finning” of crabs will not be tolerated Visit Our Seafood Market & Carry Out Visit Our Seafood Market & Carry Out ~ ALL YOU CAN EAT FEASTS ~ We Carry the Finest Quality of Fresh Available Seafood in our on premise Seafood Market. Visit Our Seafood Market & Carry Out We Blue CarryCrabs, the Finest of Fresh Available Seafood in ourShrimp, on premise Seafood and Market. Including, Maryland Live Quality Soft Crabs (seasonal), Clams, Mussels, Live Lobsters Assorted Fresh Fish. Snow Feast s nOw cCrab rab Feast Original Feast s hrimp F east Including, Maryland Blue Crabs, Live Soft Crabs (seasonal), Clams, Mussels, Shrimp, Live Lobsters and Assorted Fresh Carry the Finest Quality Fresh Available in our on premise Seafood We also offer aWe wide variety of local mixes,ofseasonings, and Seafood condiments to help you prepare the Market. perfect seafood feast.Fish. Snow Crab Clusters, Hush Puppies, Fried Chicken, Blue Crabs, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Steamed Shrimp, Hushpuppies, Fried Chicken, Corn You mayseafood nowFresh add Snow Including, Maryland Bluewith Crabs, Soft CrabsWine (seasonal), Clams, Mussels, Live Lobsters Assorted Fish. Crab Clusters to your Original WePair alsoyour offerseafood a wide variety mixes, seasonings, and condiments helplike you prepare theand perfect feast. oneofLive oflocal our many or Beer Selections. Don’ttoShrimp, feel cooking? Stop byShrimp or(Seasonal) call Feast ahead. Corn Market price Corn (Seasonal) Market Price (Seasonal) Market Price or - Discounted Price $7.99 per pound We Pair alsoOur offerentire a wide variety of local seasonings, and condiments to help you prepare perfect feast. your seafood withis one of ourmixes, manyas Wine Selections. Don’t feel cooking? Stop by213-1020 or seafood call ahead. Menu Available To-Go wellorasBeer many Catering options andlike Party Trays. the (410) Pair your seafood withisone of ourFeasts many Wine orasBeer Selections. Don’t feel like cooking? or call ahead. Ourno entire Menu Available To-Go as well many Catering options and Party Trays. (410) 213-1020 * absolutely sharing please. are priced per person. ose sharing willStop be by charged full price. Our entire ** Menu is Available To-Go well asfinning” many Catering options and Party (410) 213-1020 excessive waste oras“back of crabs will not beTrays. tolerated Let Us Plan Your Special Event Let Us Plan Your Special Event VisitLet OurofUs Seafood Market & Carry Out Plan Our 1,200 sq. ft. Private Event Room is capable hosting over 100Your guests for Special private dinners,Event celebrations, corporate functions and meetings. Our 1,200 1,200 sq. sq. ft.ft. Private PrivateWe Event Room capable of hosting hosting over 100 guests guests for private private dinners, celebrations, corporate functions and and meetings. meetings. We Carry the Finestpricing Quality of all Fresh Available Seafood in on premise Seafood Market. offer competitive for budgets. Let us build theour perfect menu for your Next Event. functions Our Event Room isis capable of over 100 for dinners, celebrations, corporate Including, Maryland Blue Crabs, Live Soft Crabs (seasonal), Clams, Mussels, Shrimp, Live Lobsters and Assorted Fresh Fish. We offer offer competitive competitive pricing pricing for for all all budgets. budgets. Let Let us us build build the the perfect perfect menu menu for for your your Next Next Event. Event. We We also offer a wide variety of local mixes, seasonings, and condiments to help you prepare the perfect seafood feast. Pair your seafood with one of our many Wine or Beer Selections. Don’t feel like cooking? Stop by or call ahead. Our entire Menu is Available To-Go as well as many Catering options and Party Trays. (410) 213-1020 Keep in Touch Keep in Touch Keep in Touch Visit us at www.crabsoc.com • “like” us on Facebook • “Follow” us on twitter Let Us Plan Your Special Event Visit Visitus usat atwww.crabsoc.com www.crabsoc.com •• “like” “like”us uson onFacebook Facebook •• “Follow” “Follow”us uson ontwitter twitter Our 1,200 sq. ft. Private Event Room is capable of hosting over 100 guests for private dinners, celebrations, corporate functions and meetings. For your convenience we have provided as suggested tip calculation at the bottom of your bill. Please use this to compensate your server for the service they have provided for you. We offer competitive pricing for all budgets. Let us build the perfect menu for your Next Event. Indicates our Gluten Free menu options Indicates Indicates our our Gluten Gluten Free Free menu menu options options Consuming may increase your risk of Consuming raw raw or or undercooked undercooked meats, meats, poultry, poultry, seafood, seafood, shellfish, shellfish, or or eggs eggs may increase your risk of foodborne foodborne illness, illness, especially especially ifif you you have have certain certain medical medical conditions. conditions. Keep in Touch Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Visit us at www.crabsoc.com • “like” us on Facebook • “Follow” us on twitter
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