Two Way Times Issue 04 – 2015

Crawford Preparatory School, La Lucia
Telephone 031 – 562 9444
Facsimile 031 – 562 9455
contact: Sharon Viljoen
Issue 04/2015
Thursday 23 April 2015
Dear Parents
Welcome back!
I hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful and memorable holiday
and are looking forward to our 2nd term with great enthusiasm.
I would like to wish our new pupils (and their families) who have joined
our school a warm welcome.
We hope that your time spent with us is happy and that every
experience of our school is positive and memorable.
I read an article recently by John Spencer (an educator, author and father of 3
children). I would like to share parts of this article with you.
These are 10 questions that John uses to help him to get his children to talk
about their day at school.
What is one mistake you made today? What did you learn as a result?
My children have a perfectionist streak that's reinforced at school with the label as a
“good student.” They become risk-averse after doing really well on a particular project.
This is especially true in those moments when I say things like, “You‟re doing such a
great job” without acknowledging that mistakes are a part of the learning process. So,
this question is a quiet reminder that mistakes are a part of learning and that they
have the permission to take good risks.
Tell me about recess.
This question gets children talking about friends and social interaction.
Although it‟s not necessarily academic, these are critical elements for a
child‟s social and emotional development. This is often when a parent finds
out about the more painful parts of school (like conflict, isolation, etc.)
However, it's also a chance to find out about their new interests.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in school today?
As a dad, I want to hear my children get excited about something ‘cool’ they
learned at school. It might be fractions or volcanoes or some historical event. Talking
about this helps me find informational texts that they might enjoy. It lets me know what
they find fascinating that I might be missing at home. Plus, it sets the tone for the fact
that learning is still a blast.
What is one thing you wished you had done today?
This question can go anywhere. Sometimes they talk about what they failed to do (I
wish I had worked harder) and other times they talk about what they wish they could do
at school. Either way, it taps into their desires and it pushes them to reflect about
what they want to do.
What is a question you have that hasn't been answered in
Sometimes questions aren't answered in class. Sometimes my
children don't want to ask for help. This can be a chance for an
impromptu tutoring session.
What was the hardest thing you learned today?
I love when my children can be open about the fact that some things are hard to learn.
Maybe it's making an inference. Maybe it's understanding how decimals convert into
fractions. Whatever it is, there is almost always something challenging that they
faced. I've found that reflecting on this challenge can actually make it easier to ask
for help.
What was the easiest thing you learned today?
An alternate is "Was there something you learned today that you already knew really
well?" This can lead to a discussion on their strengths but also talk about the need to
ask teachers for more challenging work.
What did you learn in ________? Could you show me an example?
Sometimes this can be eye opening. On some level, this question gives me a snapshot
of what they did. However, it also gives them the chance to talk and reflect upon what
they did, what they learned and what they'll do next. I'll sometimes ask, "What activities
did you do in ______?" to get more of a sense of what they actually do in each subject.
Who is your favourite (or least favourite) character in the book you're reading?
I want to know about the books they read but I also want them to tell me about who the
characters are and what drives them. Sometimes I'll alternate this with, "What part of the
story are you on?" and "What do you think will happen next?" Sometimes I ask them
what they would say to a particular character if they met face-to-face.
What was your favourite part of the day?
I love hearing them talk about everything from what they like to learn to how they like
to learn. I love hearing the seemingly random stories about classmates. It's not always
academic, but that's the point: I am dealing with my child, not my student.
Please note - School will close early for our pupils on the following days:-
School closing times
11h50 - Grade 1 and Grade 2 pupils finish school
12h15 - Grade 3 pupils finish school
12h40 - Grade 4 - 7 pupils finish school
All lessons will remain as per normal on these days.
There will be slight adjustments to the length of some lessons.
All staff will be involved in staff developments on Friday 24 April and
Thursday 30 April, from 13h00.
As indicated in the Two Way Times (2/2015), our school will host
the 2015 Inter-Crawford Sport and Technology Festival from 23 to
25 June.
As all Crawford Preparatory Schools have the same uniform, each
school participates in a specific colour in order to identify each
Our school‟s colour for the festival is RED.
We will have CIVVIES DAYS on the following days during the 2nd term.
Friday 24 April
All Grade 1 - 7 pupils may wear
60 days to the start of the Sport and Technology Festival
„RED’ colour clothing to school.
Thursday 14 May
There is no charge.
40 days to the start of the Sport and Technology Festival
All pupils must be appropriately
Wednesday 3 June
20 days to the start of the Sport and Technology Festival
I hope that all our moms enjoy a very special Mother’s Day on Sunday 10 May.
Thank you for being the wonderful people that you are.
Thank you, Mother,
with All My Love
This is for you, Mother,
for all the times you listened to me to my ambitions, plans,
and worries,
and virtually carried me through
my weakest of times.
I know I can never do for you
all that you’ve done for me,
but I am
filled with more love
and gratitude
than simple words can
ever convey.
Susan Stengel Page
I’m Glad You’re My Mother
I sometimes wonder
what kind of person
I’d be if for some reason you had not
been my mother.
I think of the values I might have been
taught, and I wonder if I would have
grown up liking myself, or whether I
would have had the opportunities I’ve had.
It’s then that I realize again
how lucky I am to have a mother
who cares for me the way you do.
And I feel that I was meant to be
your child, because if I had ever
been given the chance to choose
which mother I would have ...
I would have chosen you.
Judith L. Sloan
Thank you to all our Grade 2 and Grade 3 pupils who were able to attend our Movie Evening.
We hope that you enjoyed the evening.
Thank you to all our Grade 1 - 3 pupils and their families who were able to join us
at our Picnic and Campout. We hope that you enjoyed the evening.
„Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to
feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Brian Tracy
„The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of
comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.‟
Martin Luther King JR
„Human resources are like natural resources; they‟re often buried deep. You have to go
looking for them, they‟re not just lying around on the surface. You have to
create circumstances where they show themselves.‟
Sir Ken Robinson
„Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.‟
Albert Einstein
„The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and
women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations
have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical
and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered.‟
Jean Piaget
Best wishes
Alan Angel
Crawford Cares consists of a group of teachers and a parent,
Mrs Jacqui Warren.
The group has one common purpose – to consider the needs of others and reach out to
them when we can, both within Crawford Preparatory La Lucia and in the wider
Situations happen in our family life which can easily disrupt the routine of the children e.g.
a mother with a broken leg who can‟t drive her child to school, a death, an illness, a
parent overseas etc. Crawford Cares has Mrs Warren, who will make contact with the
parents and see in what practical way we can help.
If anyone would like to assist Mrs Jacqui Warren in her capacity as
co-ordinator of our Crawford Cares group please contact her on 0834415105.
Rahil Nathoo
24 April
George Tattari
03 May
Ahmed Abdel Goad
25 April
Robin Dilweg
04 May
Devania Odayar
25 April
Uraav Jagdaw
04 May
Ethan Smith
25 April
Kyra De Maudave Bestel
05 May
Talha Adam
26 April
Anton Nip
05 May
Vuvu Reshane
27 April
Mohamad Bholat
08 May
Jamie Von Schoenebeck
27 April
Kayla Deokynarain
08 May
Lesharn Govender
28 April
Danie Parsons
08 May
Cuan Kisten
28 April
Vishesh Verma
08 May
Deyuri Moodley
28 April
Zahra Atkinson
10 May
Courtney Steyn
28 April
Koena Naidoo
11 May
Dravid Billava
29 April
Kavachin Jogi
12 May
Lea Naidoo
29 April
Jiya Maharaj
13 May
Arya Bheemchund
30 April
Symran Moodley
13 May
Neha Maharaj
30 April
Malaika Simelane
13 May
Kaylin Bezuidenhout
01 May
Ashlyn Joseph
14 May
Saahir Nathoo
01 May
Sam Martin
14 May
Yanga Ntanta
01 May
Akshar Balkaran
15 May
Kevin Muller
02 May
Luke Walsh
15 May
Eshta Naidoo
02 May
Lushen Govender
16 May
Damien Angel
03 May
Keyur Vallabhjee
16 May
Kiara Hiralal
03 May
Shayur Ramsunder
20 May
Kevaan Pather
03 May
Jessica Zhang
20 May
Music Department News
Congratulations to our Music Option pupils for their performances in our Term 1
Progress Concert.
Please note that our next concert takes place on Tuesday 2 June at 14h00.
Our Grade 6 and 7 Music Option pupils will be playing a Practical Examination in June. We
encourage them to practise regularly in order to be prepared and confident for these
Bravo to our Senior Chess Team!
Our Senior Chess Team participated in a tournament on
Saturday 18th April at Northlands Primary School. Playing
against 6 other teams, our children did not win any medals
but displayed perfect behaviour and showed determination
and enthusiasm. As this was the first tournament of the year,
it represented a valuable experience for our team.
The 7 pupils involved were:
Daniel Laas (Captain), Daniel Heilbron, Caide Lander,
Shaunik Naidu, Lloyd Ross, Sachiël Subramoney and
Aryan Ramnarain.
Mr Gordon Alp, their excellent coach, Mrs Bowman and I are
incredibly proud of our team and wish them good luck for the
chess tournaments to come.
Well done, boys, you made your school proud!
May I add a big “merci” to the parents involved for their
support and interest.
Grade 2 girls
enjoying the new
wooden truck in
the sandpit.
At the end of last term the Grade 2 children
enjoyed a Creepy Crawlies show presented by
Educate and Fascinate. The children enjoyed
learning about all the different bugs that share our
world. Some children dressed up as bugs and
other brave children even held live specimens!
Grade 3 Outing to Club Venture
I learnt a valuable lesson and
that was to work with your
team, not to be selfish and to
try and overcome your fears. I
say overcoming my fears
because I was quite scared
when I did the obstacle course.
Leah Lachman 3C
The most challenging
activity for me was the
climbing frame. You know
what I said to myself? I
said, “You only live once!”
I overcame my fear of
Roger Yaghi 3C
The most exciting part was
when we were balancing and
when we were trying to get
bullseye on the dartboard
and also when we got on the
bus - it was HUGE!!!
Waydean Young 3W
I learnt a valuable lesson.
Never give up and never
stop trying in all that you
Damien Angel 3W
My favourite activity was The Amazing
Race because we had to find things
and it was so much fun. I had to run
through a river and my socks and
shoes were so muddy!
Amy Greyling 3A
The most challenging
part was crossing the
magical woods but I
learnt never to limit
myself even when I
think I can‟t do it.
Tristan Rajbally 3W
At Club Venture, I learnt about
not being a bad sport. If you fall
down, don‟t stay down. You
must never give up.
Michele Farry 3C
Thank you to all our counsellors at
Club Venture, we had so much fun.
Minal Jhugroo 3R
I learnt a valuable
lesson: if you listen
and put your mind to
it, you can do it!
Devania Odayar 3R
It was so inspiring when
we learnt about nature
and it was hilarious
when Michelle got
tricked into eating a bug!
It was a super day!
Mayuri Ramsamy 3A
I think the most exciting
part for me was when all
the Grade 3‟s went on the
water slides into the
freezing pool.
Uraav Jagdaw 3R
My favourite activity was
the obstacle course
because there was so
much helping and caring to
get each other to the end.
A lot of children struggled
over the net but I believed
in them so I knew they
were going to do it.
Claire Beytell 3C
I want to say a big thank
you to Club Venture for
giving us such an
amazing day.
Divija Chetty 3W
We threw darts and I hit a
bullseye. It was fantastic
but we did not win, but at
least we tried our best. It
was Yadav‟s birthday and
that was the end of a
perfect day.
Joshua Samuel 3A
We had to challenge
other teams and the red
team won. My favourite
part was swimming in
the pool and going down
the water slide.
Tian-Tian Xu 3A
The counsellors helped us by
reading clues and riddles. I really
loved it there and I hope I can go
there again. We went home in a
luxurious bus that looked like an
Balala Mahlawe 3A
The most challenging
activity was getting over
the tall climbing frame.
Diya Ambaram 3R
At the end of last term, Mr Maharaj introduced the Grade 3s to the amazing world of
Science opening their minds to all sorts of fascinating ideas to think about. He demonstrated
many exciting experiments as well as magic tricks.
The pupils were then shown an I-pad presentation and asked to respond to the show.
Last week Mr Maharaj had set up a magic show for all the Grade 3s. Mr Maharaj showed
us some amazing tricks and experiments. He showed us something really amazing, when he
threw a match stick and caught it but the match stick was actually behind his thumb. The
one that I really liked the most was when he took a 2l coke bottle and tied it onto a long
pole and then he put it on top of a fire and it made a huge explosion. Mrs Yallup got a
huge shock.
By Muhammed Adam 3A
On Friday the 27th March Mr Maharaj treated
way the wine glass started to sing. Then he
Then it turned yellow. Mr Maharaj blew up a
experiment he made a volcano. Then he put
was an amazing show.
us to a Science Show. It was amazing the
put chemicals into the water and it turned pink.
bottle. Everyone got a fright. For the last
sparklers in the volcano. It looked beautiful. It
By Yash Maharaj 3C
On the 27th March we had a very, very exciting show. This very exciting show took place in
our school hall. When we reached the hall Mr Maharaj was setting up science equipment.
Everyone was so excited to see the show. The first amazing trick was called Pendulum.
There was one heavy object and two light objects. When Mr Maharaj shook one side of the
object, the other object would shake too. The second amazing trick was called The Magic
Money Box. Mr Maharaj put R10 in the box and closed it. Mr Maharaj gave the box to Mrs
Heath. Mrs Heath tried her very best to open the box. Finally she gave up. Mrs Heath gave
the magic box back to Mr Maharaj. Mr Maharaj moved his hand over the box and said a
magic word and the box opened. I was super amazed! The third amazing trick was called
the Fountain. Mr Maharaj had a glass of water and he put some chemicals in the water.
Then he waited a few moments and a spark came and when we looked again the colour of
the water had changed. My favourite part was when Mr Maharaj made a bomb. It made
such a loud sound! We all had a super time.
By Uraav Jagdaw 3R
On Wednesday 18 March, our school was fortunate to be entertained by THE INCREDIBLE
DOG SHOW, hosted by Lloyd Bristow, the only man in South Africa who can speak „doglanguage‟.
When you combine passion, energy, love and a good sense of humour with a variety of
energetic and happy hounds, then throw in some powerful messages about responsible pet
ownership, as well as some motivational principles that teach you how to champion your own
life, you get what we experienced on the day - THE INCREDIBLE DOG SHOW.
This was a world class show that featured dogs that were super amazing, talented, happy,
energetic and adored by the pupils. The show featured dogs which have been multiple
National Champions, have broken Guinness World Records and which have excelled in a
variety of disciplines. They included Border Collies, Hero the Pincher and the pupils‟ favourite,
Dazzler, the Miniature Poodle and the current South African agility champion.
The Incredible Dog Show was highly entertaining, informative, educational, inspirational and
was filled with energy, passion, laughter and fun. The most important thing, however, was that
the show made a positive difference to the lives of all the pupils who saw the show and so
ultimately to their pets at home.
On Tuesday morning, 31st March, the Grade
4s departed on the bus for Seula Zimbali. The
children were so excited and were busy from
the moment they arrived. They were split into
groups and enjoyed activities such as fuffi
slide, slip n‟ slide, climbing wall, obstacle
course and group dynamics. The children
learnt to work as a team and encouraged one
another in challenging tasks. The dorms they
got to sleep in were comfortable and the food was delicious.
After two days and one night of non-stop fun, the bus was much
quieter on the way home! The staff at Seula were very
impressed with everyone‟s behavior and impeccable manners
and they were very sad to see us leave. Well done to the
Grade 4s on being amazing representatives of Crawford
Preparatory La Lucia!
Mrs McNaughton
Reported by Shweta Ramgobin 5A
The journey had begun. We arrived at the classroom waiting to go to our bus. Excitement
filled the air and everyone was chatting. Finally we got down to the bus and the engine started
and we were off. We passed a KFC and my tummy grumbled in protest. When we arrived at
Pennington we chose our cabins and unpacked. We were then divided into groups and my
instructor‟s name was Rianka.
She took us to the obstacle course and we did the stepping stones which were extremely high,
walking on narrow rope and balancing on terrifying, moving logs. After a tiring activity we
settled down and went for some delicious, hot lunch. We had burgers and chips which were
amazing. After lunch we went to do the courageous challenge. We had to build a bridge out of
balls and poles that had to be stable and strong. The trick was to work together to get the job
done. Luckily we succeeded so we were able to swim. I walked to the pool feeling confident,
until I dipped my feet into the water. Fortunately, it felt alright so I dived in and it was freezing
cold. My whole body was numb. I jumped right out without a word and it was like my
confidence went down the swimming pool drain. After that I popped into the bathrooms to
have a hot bath. My instructor said it was “body check” so I quickly changed and raced to the
meeting area. Then I realized that we had one hour to pack our bags and get ready to go
home. I was really miserable about leaving but I learnt that T.E.A.M. means Together
Everyone Achieves More and that kindness is really important.
Reported by Nerissa Rajkaran 5W
Bonding tour was a wonderful little holiday to share with our friends. We got to do obstacle
courses, beach activities, rock climbing, zip lining, swimming, competitions and exciting
games. What I really enjoyed were the obstacle courses, making up a play, adverts and war
cry for a competition. There was another competition where you had to drop a cone as far as
you could without stepping over a line. I especially enjoyed getting to share a cabin with my
best friends. I will never forget how, at the campfire, we sang funny songs and my group won
the competition for best advert, war cry and play. I enjoyed bonding tour because we were
able to spend time just joking around with our friends. I learnt that you can achieve more
working as a team. It is also really fun working together. I had a super, fantastic time at
bonding tour!
Grade 6 Bonding Tour – Reported by Erin Fischer 6W
The ever-so-long bus ride was all worth it once
we arrived at Babanango Valley Lodge. With
activities including zip-lining, building bridges
across the river and wonderful night walks, we
were kept as busy as bees. From fresh eggs
and bacon to the delicious dinners, we were fed
so well that we were barely able to polish off
the desserts. Our tents were almost as
comfortable as our beds back home. I would
like to express a thank you on behalf of
everyone in Grade Six, not only to the camp
counsellors but also to our teachers for this
amazing experience. This bonding tour taught
us that there is no „i‟ in team! I am excited to
see what next year‟s tour has in store.
Bonding tour birthday girls, Maxime and Raquel
Grade 7 Bonding Tour
The best bonding tour ever! Well that’s my opinion
anyway. A three hour noisy bus trip was definitely
worth it to get all the way to Dragon Peaks in the
Berg. From the food to the activities, it was all
there and wow, the views were amazing. We did
lots of fun and exciting activities, but my
favourites were zip lining and abseiling. Our group
hiked up a small but steep hill called Chicken Hill.
When I reached the top of the hill the sudden
realization of what I was about to do dawned on me
and I freaked out! I did it though! I abseiled down
the side of a mountain for the first time in my life.
I was terrified but excited just like everyone else.
The best part was when you got to the bottom
where you dropped about 10m into a cave and then
climbed back up. This was definitely a highlight of
the bonding tour. We also went on night hikes and
the climb was worth the view. We lay on top of the
mountain looking up at more stars than I’ve ever
seen, it was an unforgettable sight.
Zahra Atkinson
The bonding tour to Dragon Peaks was ‘super
fantastic’. It was the most exceptional and
‘outdoorsy’ place I have ever been to. The
activities they made us do were exciting and
amazing. On the first day we were put into
groups, our group was called the Skittles. I
didn’t know much about the people in my
group but I got to know them very well. We
then had to sing a theme song, we sang to the
tune of Up Town Funk. Later on in the day we
did archery and abseiling. In the night we
went on a 6 km walk up the mountain and back
down again. The food was delicious. The
next day we did zip lining, paintball and tree
climbing. On that night we walked 5 km into
the forest. We sat in the dark listening to
all the sounds of different creatures, in
silence, for about an hour. The next day we
left at 09:00. We sat in the bus for 3 hours
singing and dancing in the bus. That was the
best bonding tour I have ever gone on. I
found out things I have never known about
my friends.
Yukta Reddy
The air was filled with excitement and joy on the morning of the 30th March. Children saying goodbye to
their parents and loved ones, children chatting loudly and parents wiping tears out of their eyes as their
little sodlings boarded the bus. These are the usual events before bonding tour.
The journey was one to remember. We sang all the latest and best songs on the three hour journey to
Dragon Peaks.
We were welcomed by very friendly people and their names were Moses and Gerhard. This surely had to
be one of the best bonding tours yet.
In the afternoon we did awesome activities including creating a war cry for our team name, archery and
abseiling. The evening finally came and everyone was greeted by the freezing weather. We tugged on our
jerseys. We did not know what lay ahead of us.
After dinner we started a long and gruelling hike that we would never forget. We arrived back at the
chalets at 9 pm and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
When the morning came we were all extremely tired and sore. We were all excited to see what
challenges we would be doing. I was a bit disappointed with the breakfast that was served for
The end of the day came too quickly. We were all so sad that bonding tour was nearly over. The morning
came too quickly and before we knew it we were entering our school gates once again. I had formed many
friendships on bonding tour and I learnt a lot from the 2015 Grade 7 bonding tour.
Pavay Valabjee
Grade 7
Conservancy News from Alison McKenna
Foundation Phase Inter-House Gala
The Crawford Preparatory Foundation Phase Inter-House Gala took place on Friday 20 March.
All houses showed fantastic spirit in cheering for their teams. The competition was extremely
fierce with all swimmers keen to gain as many points for their houses as possible. There were
many very close finishes ensuring that a wonderful atmosphere was created for both parents
and children. Each child had the chance to show off their skill in the pool and the swimmers
took their opportunity with both hands swimming with determination to try and secure victory
for their house.
In the end it was Barrett that prevailed narrowly ahead of Ladson, with Cameron taking third
place. Cameron were awarded the Spirit Trophy for the fine support they showed their
swimmers throughout the gala.
Foundation Phase Gala Results
Mary Hilliar Spirit Trophy - Cameron
Winning House Trophy - Barrett
Freestyle Ladder Relay Boys - Ladson
Freestyle Ladder Relay Girls - Barrett
Grade 2 and Grade 3 Girls 25m Butterfly
Grade 2 and Grade 3 Boys 25m Butterfly
Jasmijn Jansen
Damien Angel
Claire Beytell
Quinten Dilweg
Isabella Ingram
Cameron Veenstra
Grade 1 Girls 25m Freestyle
Grade 1 Boys 25m Freestyle
Ekta Rampersad
Jasveran Perumal
Zanele Okumu
Foppe van der Zee
Rhea Deokynarain
Saahir Nathoo
Grade 2 Girls 25m Freestyle
Grade 2 Boys 25m Freestyle
Yahra Dharumdaw
Chanel Frick
Kirthavia Chetty
Grade 3 Girls 25m Freestyle
Brooklyn Foster
Matthew Norton
Carel Gosnell
Grade 3 Boys 25m Freestyle
Jasmijn Jansen
Damien Angel
Claire Beytell
Quinten Dilweg
Luuc Kooijman
Isabella Ingram
Grade 1 Boys and Grade 1 Girls 25m Breaststroke
Jasveran Perumal
Symran Moodley
Zanele Okumu
Grade 2 Girls 25m Breaststroke
Grade 2 Boys 25m Breaststroke
Amy Luo
Brooklyn Foster
Yahra Dharumdaw
Triston Govender
Claire Filius
Grade 3 Girls 25m Breaststroke
Jasmijn Jansen
Dhiya Pillay
Isabella Ingram
Grade 1 Girls 25m Backstroke
Matthew Norton
Grade 3 Boys 25m Breaststroke
Cameron Veenstra
Damien Angel
Luuc Kooijman
Grade 1 Boys 25m Backstroke
Zanele Okumu
Jasveran Perumal
Symran Moodley
Saahir Nathoo
Ekta Rampersad
Grade 2 Girls 25m Backtroke
Chanel Frick
Yahra Dharumdaw
Amy Luo
Grade 3 Girls 25m Backstroke
Foppe van der Zee
Grade 2 Boys 25m Backstroke
Brooklyn Foster
Matthew Norton
Carel Gosnell
Grade 3 Boys 25m Backstroke
Jasmijn Jansen
Damien Angel
Claire Beytell
Quinten Dilweg
Isabella Ingram
Cristiano Rodrigues
Connecting with parents
PLEASE check your D6
reminders/requests etc
Mrs Cahill will be available for
English support lessons on
14h00 and 15h00.
She requires one day‟s
advanced warning if you are
going to attend.
Please be clear on what
specific concepts you would
like to discuss.
Grade 5
Mrs Pelser
Grade 6
Mrs Pelser
Grade 7
Mrs du Preez
1st break
2nd break
3rd Break
After school
Open to all
Open to all
Open to 3pm
Open to all
Open to all
Open to 3pm
Open to all
Open to all
PLEASE NOTE: The ICT/Media Centre will be closed on Day 8 as this day has been
timetabled for Management Meetings.
Miss A Johnstone (Head Of ICT)
Contact details:
Opening hours:
07h30 - 08h30 (closed Friday am)
13h15 - 14h30
082 923 1092
082 414 5972
New items for sale:
Jazz pants
Dance skirts
School socks
Sports socks
Second hand items for sale:
Clothing (Pre-Primary/Preparatory/College)
Sports wear and equipment
Tap shoes
College blazers and step out uniform
College books, TD boards and bags
Soccer and rugby kit
Should you have items to sell then please make an appointment to see
Roz or Angie.
Unnamed lost property is stored in
the Thrift Shop for collection
Please remember to label all
clothing and sports equipment. We
regularly have lost property that
cannot be returned to the rightful