Fall Ride for MDA u (Sept. 15) 2012 OPEN HOUSE Come join us & watch the Thunder Parade u Great Food, Fun & Spirits Tomahawk Fall Ride For MDA September 14-16, 2012 Lodging available w/private baths Call 715-453-4106 WinterBerry Dining: ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Buffets while supplies last All buffets include dessert and beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, soda, juice). Sat. Brunch Buffet Made to Order Omelets 7 - 10am Serving Lunch Daily Sept. 14 - 15 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tomahawk Fall Ride 611 S. Kaphaem Rd. Craving Great Mexican? • Factory Tour Try These... Sat. Night Dinner Buffet (Prime Rib, Shrimp, Broasted Chicken) 5 - 8:30pm Sun. Breakfast Buffet Made to Order Omelets 7 - 10am W2540 Pickerel Creek Road (off Cty. Rd. A) Tomahawk, WI 54487 Phone: 715-453-4240 • 715-453-4106 Email: treehaven@uwsp.edu K&K Rivers Edge W4011 Cty. Rd. A, Tomahawk (On Lake Alice East of Bridge) • 715-453-3769 FR11 TRE200 Must be 12 years of age or older to tour facility & fully enclosed shoes are required. ‘Baja Beef’ Burrito ‘Sante Fe’ Chicken Burrito ‘Chimis’ and the BEST Chicken or Steak ‘Fajitas’ In Wisconsin WELCOME BIKERS The BEST Margaritas in the North! Official Poker Run Stop 715-356-BEER • Hwy. 51 & Y, Hazelhurst Open 7 days a week @ 11 a.m. Welcome Bikers FR12 WAT400 • ABB Robotic Display • Harley-Davidson Merchandise • Demo Fleet returns to SARA Park • WI State Patrol Skills Demo/ Safety Talks Fri. & Sat., Sept. 14-15 10:30-11:30 a.m. All Proceeds Donated To MDA 706 N. Fourth St., Tomahawk Special Fall Ride Hours 5:30 a.m. - Midnight Friday & Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday Gas • Groceries • Beer HAR250 Tomahawk "Where Learning Comes Naturally" Plan B FR12 HAR250 8 p.m. Sat. FR12 K&K100 31 st Annual p.m. Older 8Thurs. Budwiser (Sept. 13&&Fri.14) Go 715-224-3301 Enjoy a N relaxing experience W Spray tan booth adds beautiful natural looking color Official Guide Published by the Tomahawk Leader www.brnzstudio.com • 1334 N 4th St., Ste. 107, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Servicing motorcycles, snowmobiles & ATVs since 1990 Pro-Motor Sports, Inc. 5900 N. 32nd Ave., Wausau, WI 715-675-0822 West of I-39 just North of Wausau, exit 197 www.promotorsportswausau.com Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am-6pm; Sat. 8am-12 Noon; Sun. Closed NEW! Tomahawk Computer (715) 224-3146 25 W. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk, WI 54487 Buy • Sell • Repair Next to the Movie Theater FR12 TOM-275 www.tomahawkleader.com powers of water, heat & massage ✧ Parts ✧ Clothing ✧ Helmets ✧ Tires ✧ Tune-ups ✧ OEM oils & parts for.... o $avings r $election t $ervice h Tomahawk FR12 TWL-100 SCONSIN Tomahawk, WI W AquaMED massage bed combines healing FR12 XYZ600 september 13-16, 2012 mix of heat & steam FR12 TBS150 W 2 Tanning beds 12 minute high pressure beds W Hydration Station skin therapy innovative Factory trained authorized center since 2003 Stop in for a FREE bottle of water! Warehouse Liquor LoW C ons i stent P r i ces E v ery DaY 715-224-3156 North of the Bridge FR12 HAR-800 1515 N. 4th St., Tomahawk • Open 7 Days a week at 8 AM AUT200 FR12 e ng el l u CASH RD Mu sk ➩ ➩ AV r I 52 Rib Lake PINE RIDGE LN SOUTH VIEW DR ANTA PL T ION AV VOERMAN ST CHANDLER ST COOKS C R 51 29 ➩ 1 49 Hwy. 107 48 CED AR AV SPR IC E AV Kaphaem Plant ➩ 12. Great Lakes Foods 13. Gwynedd Saddlery 14. Happy Snapper 15. Happy Quacker 16. Harley-Davidson Kaphaem Plant 17. Harley-Davidson, Wausau 18. Harrison’s Oasis LLC 19. Hank’s Truck 20. Henkel’s Town Pump Bar & Grill 21. Holiday Station Store 22. Hot Leathers 23. Hupy & Abraham 24. J&S Jacks 25. K&K Rivers Edge 26. K&L Hog House 27. Kelley Castle 28. Lake of the Torches 29. Lincoln County Cycles 30. Lincoln Lager Barleyfest 31. Little Musky On The Hill 32. Loaders Bar & Grill 33. Mary’s Hangout 34. MDA SARA Park 35. Miller Lite 36. Ministry Sacred Heart/ Ministry Health Care 37. Nelson’s County Market 38. North Star Mohican Casino 39. Northbay Pharmacy & Photo Center 40. Northern Lights Harley-Davidson 52. Spirit Lake Bar 53. Statton’s General Store 54. Subway 55. The Bronzing Studio 56. Tomahawk Auto Rebuilders 57. Tomahawk Chamber 58. Tomahawk Community Bank 59. Tomahawk Computer 60. Tomahawk Family Restaurant Best Bloody Mary in t he Northwoods LIVE MUSIC Hwy. 51 (715) 356-6015 16 51 13 17 23 26 South 35 38 42 47 64 Address: Att: Scott M. Galetka Land Information and Conservation Department 1106 East 8 th Street Merrill, WI 54452 Phone: (715) (715)536-0335 536-0476 E-Mail: Sgaletka@co.lincoln.wi.us 41. Northern Bear Antiques 42. Norlen Inc. 43. Nutzee’s 44. Pellet Stove Junction 45. Pik’s Pub/Rodeo Saloon 46. Pine Cone Ranch 47. Pro-Motor Sports 48. Riiser’s R-Store 49. Road Lake Pub 50. Rodeway Inn & Suites & Convention Center 51. Somo Beach Resort Hwy. CC to Somo Dam Drive OR Hwy. 86 West to Zenith Tower Rd. Follow The Signs! N10750 Somo Lake Drive FR12 SOM250 In Hazelhurst Copyright © 2006 Produced 08-04-2006 1. A&J Sports Bar & Grill 2. American Legion 3. Best Western, Tomahawk 4. Blue Eagle Trikes 5. Bottoms Up 6. BP/McDonalds 7. Brown Barn Bath 8. Bubba’s Big Party 9. Charlie’s Self Service 10. Chip’s 11. Diamond Inn 715-453-2306 61. Tomahawk Leader 62. Tomahawk Main Street 63. Tomahawk Warehouse Liquor 64. Torbleau Trikes Inc. 65. Treehaven 66. Twin Bay 67. Vacationland Realty 68. Watering Hole 69. Wonder Car Wash Wed.-Sun. 7am-Close Breakfast @ 7am Lunch 11am - 4pm Dinner 4pm - Close Thursday – Pork Roast Special $ 8.99 Friday – 6 different fish specials Saturday – Prime Rib, Duck Sunday – Serving 11am - Close All-U-Can-Eat Chicken $ 8.99 Lunch Specials Available 11-4 Dinners Include Soup or Salad Bar, Potato, Homemade Bread, & Kneecap Bar Specials FR12 DIA200 40 68 Wausau SCH OOL RD BRADLEY FARM RD 10TH ST HENRY ST CHARLOTTE ST E 8TH ST N 7TH ST S 6TH ST S 5TH ST 18 43 50 Saturday 9 p.m. Roo Rundle Welcome Bikers Live Music Saturday Night Irene Keenan Serving Breakfast Friday & Saturday 9-11 a.m. Join Us On The Water Happy Snapper Located on the Wisconsin River Hwy. 86 • 715-453-8686 FR12 SAI250 é ? 4 11 28 31 The information depicted on this map is a compilation of public record information THIEL ER DR including aerial photography and other base maps. No warranty is made, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information used. The data layers are a representation of current data to the best of our knowledge and may contain errors. It is not a legally recorded map and cannot be substituted for field-verified information. Map may be reproduced with permission of the G.I.S. Division in the Lincoln County Land Information and Conservation Department. Errors should be reported to the address, e-mail or phone provided. CEMETERY RD WILSON ST MC KINLEY N 9TH ST TOMAHAWK AV RAILWAY ST CONSERVATION ST ST S ROOSEVELT ST ➩ ➩ BLISS ST NORTH FOURTH ST LAVIGNE ST MARINETTE ST COOL IDGE d I E H ICK EY 14 North Merrill 10 30 BR IEF ST EN S T W PLEASAN T ST W WATER ST JAECKS R D CH ERYL AV WILSON ST WAT ER PAR K RD PFEIFER RD FR12 PPD100 FR12 PIK400/ROD200 W MIL LS ST MOR R ST D ROAD CH ARLES AV AMOR Y D R HILLCR EST DR W ANN A ST MAR Y ST E ACR ES CR County Friday 9 p.m. Brian Bethke FR12 HAP100 Downtown Tomahawk DR Live Music NA M S T 86 51 ➩ Fri., Sept. 14 • 7:30-11:30 p.m. Sassy Magoo Sat., Sept. 15 - 4:30-8:30 p.m. D’Railers T PU 32 19 33 56 Somo Plant é ? CH ARLEN E AV ➩ on 4th street & Wisconsin Ave. 9 Bradley Park ST Doug & Coda Fri., Sept. 14 • 1:30-5:30 p.m. Dirty Device Sat., Sept. 15 • 12:30-4:30 p.m. 45 E58 44 W WISC ONSIN AV WISC ON SIN AV 2 61 62 41IT AV 7 59 SPIR MER RILL AV RD E LIN COLN AV 57 E WASHIG TON AV W R ICE AV E R ICE AV W G KIN PARK AV W SOMO AV W NFOR EST PL ORT H AV VIN K Rodeo Saloon Deck DE Wisconsin River E R IVER AV E PR OSPEC T AV Kaphaem Rd Slab Sat., Sept. 15 • 9 p.m.-1 a.m. PR I AV RD Comfort Dr Bobby Evans & Alimony Band Fri., Sept. 14 • 2-6 p.m. 34 W LIN COLN AV W WASHIGT ON AV PA RK ➩ TUCK PENCE Thurs., Sept. 13 • 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. 24 MO DE E R ➩ PIK’S PUB SARA Park SO L IL Welcome Bikers! W 67 37 H • Daily Pancake Breakfast by Fire Dept.! • Christian Motorcycle Assn. Daily Church Services! • Paved Bike Parking! W R IVER AV W PR OSPEC T AV Cabins, Camping & Full Service Bar S • Top Hats Motorcycle Rodeo! • Hot Rod & Custom Car Show! • Lawn Tractor & Barstool Races! • Huge Vendor & Trade Show Area! Lake Mohawkskin Lake Mohawksin 39 Fri., Sat. & Sun. Breakfast 8 a.m. Great Sandwiches, Homemade Pizza & Friday Night Fish G ~ Available at the door ~ 200 acre level grassy campground º K ST Free Camping (With Concert Ticket) AD A AV KS Also: Tuck Pence and Many More For more information, visit www.tomahawkfallride.com T R MA Tomahawk’s Very Own - Featuring Jeff Calhoun BR ON STED ST RS For Reservations CALL: 715-453-5189 or 1-800-984-5400 For More Information WRITE: Best Western Lake-Aire N11925 Cty. Hwy. L, Tomahawk, WI 54487 FR12 BES200 N KI Storm TH E BRIDGE S T LE A PIPER ST And The Blue Max Band 55 60 12 54 22 69 21BIRC H WOO D A V Ministry Sacred Heart Hospital TRIMBER GER AV • Large Sun Deck • Boat Docking • Gas Grill • Beach • Cable TV •Swimming • Free High Speed Internet • Continental Breakfast RD LN Howard “Guitar” Luedtke ® v OLD B R IDG E ST M U R PHY A V ts: Your hos la u a P & Jim Fieri 25 E MOH AWK D R 6 S 4TH ST N Lukyn Skywyrd A Great Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Band 3 8 66 W MOH AWK D R 36 DIVISION ST COEY PL L MEN OMINEE ST SWAN RD ➩ SO Formerly of Brooks & Dunn 5 65 ➩ Ì ROAD 20 46 53 27 To County N BO W E L NE Black Frog with Tommy Greywolf 51 8 63 TIMM ST A night of Unforgettable Country R RD S 2ND ST DAM RD Sammy Kershaw Friday Night NEW WH EE LE S 3RD ST LIVE MUSIC featuring... City Of Tomahawk SITE: On Hwy. L, 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 8, Tomahawk WI (Nokomis Town Park) BEST WESTERN LAKE AIRE North 51 to Minocqua/Hazelhurst To 8 To Y ROAD ON EIDA DR NORTH FOURTH ST I Wed. thru Sun., Sept. 12-16, 2012 Ì County W MOHAW K DR Big Party COLLINS ST Bubba’s 15 Phillips ➩ Tomahawk Fall Ride 31st Anniversary 1 Your 1 Stop wewelcome lcome bikers bikers Fall Fall Ride Ride Headquarters Headquarters Located behind Crossroads Mobil on Comfort Dr. EXIT #229 Live Music Friday & Saturday during the day. Vendors & Food Cycle Service and Accessories Custom Motor Work Come see the Exclusive Man Cave NTowing Available NMotor Work NFull Line of Parts & Accessories NCustom Bikes NJewelry NATV Trail Registration NAttire NRain Gear NService Interval Requirements NCertified Mechanics NFull Line of Tires - Dunlop, Metzeler Authorized Dealer for: Mid-USA, Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, Tucker Rocky, Daytona Helmets, Curv Sunglasses 1735 Comfort Drive, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Phone: 715/453-2300 Fax: 715/453-2322 www.lincolncountycycles.com Mike Messinger - Owner FR12 LIN425 2 Feel the Northwoods Rumble Welcome to 31st annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA By Abigail Bostwick Special for the Tomahawk Leader Whether it’s motorcycles, friends or entertainment that brings you rolling into town for the 31st annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association), welcome! Tomahawk is pleased to be your host during this year’s Fall Ride, Wisconsin’s largest northern motorcycle rally. It began more than three decades ago with just a small group of friends looking for fantastic fall leaf viewing. Today, it’s grown to a full-throttle event that draws in 40,000-plus riders and enthusiasts to this small town of just over 3,000 people. Our city is home to two Harley-Davidson factories and we also boast a charming downtown, city and surrounding area full of businesses anxious to welcome you. There is a lot to see and do during your visit. Refer WELCOME Continued on Page 4 Charlie’s Self Service 434 S. Tomahawk Ave., Tomahawk, WI Open 5:30 a.m.–11 p.m. 715-453-4313 24 Hour Pay At The Pump Shell Welcome Bikers! FRIDAY • Fish Fry, Full Menu or All-You-Can-Eat Buffet • Karaoke & DJ – 10pm-Close SATURDAY • Prime Rib, Full Menu or All-You-Can-Eat Buffet • Karaoke & DJ – 10pm-Close Friday, Saturday & Sunday – 8am-Noon • Breakfast Buffet All-You-Can-Eat Al & Aritha are back! Road Lake Pub & Grill Formerly Big Moose N8796 Hwy S, Tomahawk • 715-453-7272 FR12 RLP100 FR12 CHA150 91 Octane • No Ethanol Snacks, Gas, Oil, Beverages & Supplies 3 FR12 HUP-100 4 WELCOME Continued from Page 2 to the daily Activities section and ads in this Official Tomahawk Fall Ride Guide for a sampling. This highly-anticipated motorcycle rally boasts not only strong numbers but strong supporters of MDA. Events at SARA Park Friday and Saturday are hosted directly by MDA and include 2013 Harley-Davidson demo rides, live auction, official Fall Ride merchandise, HOG pin stop and more. The Fall Ride serves as the biggest fundraiser for the regional MDA, each year raising around $100,000 that goes toward research and benefitting families in the area suffering from the disease. Since the MDA became the official beneficiary of the Fall Ride, well over $1 million has been raised, with events taking place at SARA Park, and through contributions made by other organizations and individuals. Enjoy live music, food, old and new friends, and motorcycles in downtown Tomahawk Friday and Saturday. Vendors are stationed downtown and in other parts of the city throughout the weekend. Find great food, motorcycle goods and Fall Ride memorabilia. Many taverns throughout Tomahawk and the surrounding Northwoods host additional live music WELCOME Continued on Page 6 Hours: Mon - Fri 8-6 Sat. 8-1 FR12 TYH-100 ● Organic Fruits and Vegetables ● Holistic Dog Food ● Fresh Organic Bakery ● Organic & Gluten Free ● Gluten Free Products Beer & Wine ● Organic Grass Fed Meats ● Organic & Natural ● Organic Dairy Products Health & Beauty Products 129 N. Prospect on the corner of Hwy. 107 & Prospect St. • Merrill, WI www.toyourhealthmarket.com Custom Motorcycle Painting auto, rv & truck body repair & painting TOMAHAWK AUTO REBUILDERSINC. family owned&operated 529 S. tomahawk ave 715-453-9000 • fax 715-453-9004 FR12 TOM220 5 30 YEARS Continued from Page 4 FR12 6 WELCOME Continued from Page 4 throughout the weekend. Don’t miss the Thunder Parade Friday evening where hundreds of bikes take a jaunt through the Northwoods past onlookers and well-wishers and end up downtown for a street dance. Bubba’s Big Party in Nokomis kicks off with earlybird specials and non-stop entertainment from music to lawnmower races and an array of vendors. Camping is offered on the grounds and the fun goes through until Sunday. While you’re in the Northwoods, take the opportunity to see the changing fall colors. Scenic rides await from State Hwy. 107 to Merrill or Hwy. D to Harrison Hills towards Gleason. Take the bike down State Highway 86 West towards Timm’s Hill, Wisconsin’s highest point, and stop in for a breathtaking view. MDA also offers poker runs as well as a “Rumble through the Wood” pledge ride through scenery filled with woods, water and wildlife. As an added benefit, funds go towards their worthy cause. Drop down the kickstand and stay a while. Enjoy safe riding and your time spent here during this year’s 31st Fall Ride for MDA. Welcome Fall Riders! ATM • 24 Hr. Pay At The Pump • Ice • Bait • Tackle Northwoods Store 9578 Hwy. K, Tomahawk (corner of Hwy. 51 & Hwy. K) Hours: Daily 6 a.m.- 7 p.m. Biker Friendly! O T he ffice It’s A Bar 662 Grand Ave. Schofield, WI 54476 FR12 OFF100 FR12 NOR575 Beer ~ Liquor ~ Groceries ~Guns & Ammo 7 Typo says, ‘Cat-ch ya in Tomahawk’ Fall Ride memorabilia stickers now available You’ve seen them at Sturgis! Now you can buy a bit of easy-carry memorabilia from the Tomahawk Fall Ride – stickers! This year’s selection will include local celebrity, Typo, the Tomahawk Leader Office Cat, dressed up in motorcycle garb and uttering a “cat-chy” phrase. There’s also an official keepsake sticker celebrating the 2012 Tomahawk Typo (WI) Fall Ride for MDA. Outlets will be around town, but definitely stop by the Tomahawk Leader office, 315 W. Wisconsin Ave., Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, Sept. 12-14, for the best selection. Quantities are limited. Orders also can be placed by sending a self-addressed, stamped return envelope to: Tomahawk Leader, P.O. Box 345, Tomahawk, WI 54487 or call 715-453-2151 to place a phone order. Check www.tomahawkleader.com for more details. Open 7 Days a Week 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Smoke Free 1020 N. 4th Street - Tomahawk, WI 54487 Tel. (715) 453-4504 All items available for carry-out with no extra charge Serving Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner FR12 TOM225 Northern Bear Auctions • Cars - Trucks • Guns - Rifles • Collections • Antiques • Real Estate • Etc. 715-892-7500 • Buy • Sell • Consign • Auction No Estate too Big or too Small FR NOR-751 Antique Collectible s & Downtow s In-Store n Tomahaw Downtown Tomahawk k Let Us Handle Your Estate Auction In-House Here or at Your Home 8 Forget your prescription ? Let us fill it for you! FR12 NOR400 northbay pharmacy FR12 BLU-101 686 N. 4th St., Tomahawk 715-453-5996 HOURS: Mon. 8:30-7:30, T-F 8:30-5:30; Sat. 9-2; Sun. 9-Noon Barry Vandertie Kathy Holbrook (715) 542-4433 Cell (715) 892-2123 2635 Highway C Sayner, WI 54560 Hank’s Truck & Trailer R EPAIR, LLC 526 S. Tomahawk Ave. P.O. Box 272 • Tomahawk, WI 715-224-2210 Ready! Set! Ride! We’ll get your trailer ready... For when you’re ready to RIDE! Our technicians provide the highest level of service. J Welding - aluminum & steel J Tires J Road Side Service J Maintenance J Repair J Quick Reliable Service FR12 HAN-200 9 Tour Harley-Davidson Kaphaem Road Factory Harley-Davidson’s Tomahawk Operations plant at 611 S. Kaphaem Road will host an Open House Friday, Sept. 14 and Saturday, Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visitors will be able to tour the facility, including windshield operations, paint lines and injection mold hall. An ABB Robotic Cell display will be included. Refreshments will be provided. Admission is free. Guidelines and safety recommendations: Visitors must wear fully enclosed, low-heeled shoes. Children under age 12 are welcome in the tour center, but are not permitted on the factory tour. Tomahawk has 2 plants The company’s Tomahawk Operations manufacture, finish and ship windshields, composite and plastic parts such as tour paks, saddle bags and fairings for Original Equipment, and Parts and Accessories. The Tomahawk locations include Kaphaem Road – off Hwy. 86 near the Hwy. 51 bypass Exit 229 and Somo Avenue. Nunnikhoven Art Stone Phone 319-394-3553 • nartstone@aol.com FR12 NUN-101 See our Motorcycle Collection at Lincoln Co. Cycles & Bubba’s Big Bash Check out our unique cast stone products and metal art www.nunnikhovenartstone.net still the best sirloin burger in the northwoods Fall Ride Specials MadFriday Dog2pmMurphy to 6pm Grill Open Late FR12 XYZ400 Hwy. 51 N & Hwy. 70 E, Arbor Vitae, WI 715-356-6738 10 Few changes at this year’s Fall Ride MDA fights 43 muscledamaging diseases By Abigail Bostwick The Tomahawk Fall Ride brings riders in for a reason: to fight against and find treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy. The Ride’s longtime beneficiary is the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), with representatives manning events at SARA Park for several years now. “This year we are trying something new,” notes Hanna Engebretson, MDA. Whereas in years past, ongoings started up at SARA Park Thursday afternoon, this year they will not begin until Friday morning. They will continue through Saturday, ending with a live concert and drawing for the winner of the Harley-Davidson raffle bike, Daytona trip and various other poker runs and contests. Saturday will include the third annual Pledge Ride. For $20, riders will go on the ride, get a t-shirt and support the cause. All events will be held outside. There will be a heated tent and a variety of live music, food and clothing vendors, official Fall Ride merchandise, Harley-Davidson demo rides including the 2013 anniversary models, HOG pin stop and more. Saturday evening Vic Ferrari will take the stage. New this year will be “Bike Games” Friday and Saturday where riders can test their skills and compete for a chance to win $100. Consult the “Activities List” in the center of this Guide for a complete list of MDA SARA Park events, details and times. “The only place to support MDA is really at SARA Park,” notes Engebretson. Over the years, the Fall Ride has raised well in excess of $1 million for MDA. “This is one of our biggest events for the year and it really helps us meet our budget and support families living with muscular dystrophy,” Engebretson observes. The cause Continued on Page 12 K e n & L u a n n W e l c o m e Yo u T o T h e K&L Hog House Mile Marker 223 - Hwy 51 IRMA, WI FREE Food - Bonfire Camping 715.612.4434 Fall Ride Hours: Wed. - Sun. Open @ 10am FR12 HOG-100 11 Pine Cone Ranch Resort Located on Crystal Lake Ultra-Modern Clean Cabins • Wonderful picture perfect sunsets • Located in a quiet tall pines setting • Our guests become family • Listen to the loons • Everything you need for an Up North Vacation N11668 Lamer Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 www.PineconeranchResort.com • 1-800-657-4891 PIN600 FR12 t l egg ooot leggeers WELCOME FALL RIDERS Bo rs Fall Ride Weekend B Special Menu 4-10 p.m. Serving Hours: • Great Food & Drinks • Casual Dress • 1920s Atmosphere FR12 BOO200 Supper Club 2001 Indian Pine Point Rd. off Hwy. L ON LAKE NOKOMIS Tomahawk, WI 54487 • 715-453-7971 LAKE NOKOMIS ON LAKE NOKOMIS Featuring A Large Deck Overlooking Beautiful Lake Nokomis WELCOME RIDERS TO THE... 2012 Tomahawk Fall Ride For MDA WATCH FOR FALL RIDE PICTURES ONLINE AT WWW.TOMAHAWKLEADER.COM Official Guide Published by the Tomahawk, WI 12 The Cause Continued from Page 10 MDA supports cutting-edge neuromuscular research • MDA is the nation’s largest nongovernmental funder of scientific research seeking treatments and cures for more than 40 neuromuscular diseases. • MDA-supported researchers have discovered the genes underlying nearly all of the diseases in MDA’s program, and are at the forefront of therapy development for these devastating disorders. • In 2010, MDA funded some 330 medical and scientific research teams around the world. • Using a revolutionary gene-mapping technology, in 1986 MDA-supported researchers pinpointed the gene responsible for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This discovery launched a new era in scientific research for all diseases. • MDA-funded basic research helped lead to the creation in 2006 of a lifesaving enzyme-replacement therapy for Pompe disease. Before this treatment, infants born with Pompe disease died within their first few years of life. • MDA and the ALS Therapy Development Institute have launched the single largest drug discovery project in history for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). s aple t S Food er • Brats • Be heese s • C ty Food cial • Spe Gw Sa • Hun ddler y ter • • Dre Jumper ssag e ynedd Saddlery At Irma Hill Corner of I-39 (Hwy. 51) and H Irma, WI (just south of Tomahawk) “W he re t h 715-351-0960 or 715-351-0961 ! ry na i d or e ext raordinary IS the Ar ti & Si san Ga tting ller y R • Gift oom s FR12 GWY100 or utdo O t c Sele lothing C ait &B www.shop.gwyneddtrailrider.com 13 FR12 WIL-100 HAMBURGERS WELCOME BIKERS! Charbroiled, Pure Beef Burgers • Ice Cream • Drive Thru 1203 E. 3rd St., Merrill • Dine In • Carry Out 715-536-6532 FR12 CHI100 “Being a leader of innovation and design, Torbleau Trikes builds you a worry free conversion. Call us today for the trike of your dreams!” • Trike Conversions for all Makes of Motorcycles • Competitive Pricing • Two Year Unlimited Warranty • Custom Fabrication Available Phone: 608-873-0200 501 Business Park Circle Stoughton, WI 53589 Torbleau Trikes, inc. www.torbleautrikes.com torbleautrikes@sbcglobal.net FR12 TOR-100 14 FR12 LEI100 FR12 MDA-100 15 WELCOME MDA FALL RIDERS Serving Food 11am - 9:30pm Specializing in Broasted Chicken, Steaks, Seafood & Ribs • Nightly Specials Friday Fish Fry • Saturday the Best Prime Rib in the Northwoods • Sunday Broasted Chicken • Includes soup & salad bar Bar Open 11 a.m.-Close Don & Deb Ziemanski Hwy. B Harrison Hills • 715-453-8546 Located On ATV and Snowmobile Trails FR12 NUT100 & m i n e D ther Lea FR12 DEN-100 Exchange Be sure to stop by Leather Jackets • Chaps • Boots • and More! 34 South Brown Street Downtown Rhinelander 715-369-9333 Have a Safe Fall Ride!! Special Edition Soaps for Rally Weekend! Handcrafted Body Products & Home Fragrance Bring this ad to my booth at Pellet Stove Junction for 10% off your purchase FR12 SCE101 Email: scentability@tds.net Phone: 920-242-3029 Website: www.scentability.net Facebook: facebook.com/scentability Twitter: @scentability Locally owned - Locally Made in Small Batches New to the Northwoods • Cold Process and Glycerin Soaps • Body Products, etc. Custom Orders Welcome 16 Thunder Parade ride of a lifetime for disabled, visually impaired By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Leading the pack of hundreds of motorcyclists expected to take part in this year’s big Thunder Parade Friday evening, Sept. 14 will be a group experiencing the ride of their lives. Now in its 10th year, the Tomahawk Lions Club and members of the Northern Lights Harley Owners’ Group (HOG), Harley Organization 5598 of Arbor Vitae, are again offering those visually impaired or who otherwise might not be able to ride the opportunity to lead the pack during this year’s parade. For the past decade the Lions have been matching those visually impaired with HOG riders so they could experience the rumble of the road. Last year, the event was expanded to include seniors on Medicaid/disability. “We are hoping it continues to grow and more PARADE Continued on Page 17 • Liquor • Cigarettes • Full Service Deli • Fresh Bakery • Floral • ATM–Citizens Bank We Accept Master Card – Visa Debit Cards –TYME FR12 NEL240 Tomahawk’s Complete Super Market Open 24 Hours 7 Days A Week 662 North 4th St., Tomahawk 17 PARADE Continued from Page 16 seniors take advantage of the opportunity as the word gets out,” event organizer and Lions member Orrin Kolberg says. Up to 25 have the chance to ride along. People who have enjoyed the ride in the past have commented on hearing the cheering crowds and getting to experience the ride itself as something they will long remember. Kolberg says the experience is why the Blind Ride began a decade ago. He adds, the expression on the faces of those taking part says it all, including the drivers and passengers alike. The 18-mile Thunder Parade starts with the lineup at the Tomahawk School Complex at 5 p.m. Those wanting to hitch a ride with HOG members are invited to line-up at around 5:30 p.m., or individuals are encouraged to register in advance by contacting Kolberg at 715-453-7106 or o.kolberg@ frontier.com. A blessing of the bikes takes place at 5:55 p.m. with Thunder Parade to follow at 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to take part in the annual ride that snakes through area back roads before concluding in the downtown just before the start of the Friday evening street dance. Friday Night 7pm - 11pm Under the “Big Top” in Back Donny Pick & The Road Band Rock-n-Blues Saturday 8pm - 12am Under the “Big Top” in Back Highway 414 Classic Rock & Blues $1 Dollar Tacos Thur-Sat TWI200 FR12 Homemade Pizza Gyros Italian Beef Steak Sandwiches Burritos Nachos Outdoor Bar 1 mile South of Bubba’s Big Party 2173 County L • Tomahawk, WI 54487 715-453-2679 18 Prairie Rapids Tavern LLC 715-453-4836 Outdoor Tent • Hot Food: Noon - Close Live Music: Friday & Saturday Evenings Come Join the Fun! Meet the new owners Michelle & Tim Prairie Rapids Tavern Full service restaurant with indoor eating & drive-thru 715-453-9517 LIQUOR - WINE - BEER CENTER ® 715-453-9595 Pay at pump w/credit card 24 hours a day •Diesel Fuel & Off-Road Diesel Fuel •Gas & Convenience Store •LP Gas Exchange •Laser Wash 4000 Touchless Automatic Car Wash 1329 N. Fourth St. • Tomahawk, WI FR12 PPD-100 LLC FR12 PRT-100 FR12 AMO200 MCD100 10223 Prairie Rapids Rd., Tomahawk FR12 TOM450 19 For Your Convenience... ATM L o c at i o n s • Drive-Up Facility at the Intersection of North 4th St. & East Somo Avenue • Tomahawk School Complex www.tomahawkcommunitybank.com 715-453-2144 For the Softer Side of any woman. Handmade Bath & Body Luxuries Our exclusive, luxury spa-quality bath and body products are handmade right here in Wisconsin! The Brown Barn Bath Company 119 W. Wisconsin Ave. • 715.453.3016 Mon.-Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-2 www.brownbarnbath.com FR12 BBB-100 20 715-453-3800 DON’T MISS IT! FR12 LOA100 FR12 PPD100 Karaoke & Live Entertainment The Cleaner, Polish & Bug Remover With Attitude Visit Our Booth at SARA Park! Distributed by Everline Products - Hubertus, WI 1-888-773-7190 • Office 1-414-333-1332 Website: www.bugslide.com • E-mail: bugslide@att.net FR12 NSM-101 21 FR12 MDA-100 22 RAFFLE PRIZES Win Custom-Painted 2012 Motorcycle or Daytona Bike Week Vacation Here’s your chance to win a custom-painted 2012 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic Custom as first prize in this year’s annual Fall Ride Raffle. The prize has been donated by Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Tomahawk Operations. Second prize is a 2013 Daytona Bike Week Weekend Vacation that includes hotel and airfare for two. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20, with all proceeds benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The raffle drawing takes place sometime after noon Saturday, Sept. 15 in the entertainment tent at SARA Park. One must be 18 years or older to purchase a ticket or claim the prize. Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce Welcomes MDA Riders Schedule of Events 2012 11/16 Annual Venison Feed 11/24 Christmas Parade & Winter Wonderland 2013 3/16 Taste of Tomahawk 5/3 Spring Swing at Edgewater CC 6/8 Rockin’ Tomahawk 5k Half Marathon 7/3 Annual Craft Show 7/3 Music on Main 7/4 Pow Wow Days Events, Parade 9/12-15 Tomahawk Fall Ride Dates are subject to change. 1-800-569-2160 www.gototomahawk.com FR12 TOM200 23 HEY BIKERS FR12 FIS100 • Fish or Shrimp • Onions • Ring Bologna Thurs Fri Sat • Red Potatoes • Corn on the Cob • Carrots Check out www.theboilingpoint.biz for location! FREE CAMPING A&J indoor/outdoor Sports Bar&Grill smoking area Live Pork Sandwiches and Beans Thur - Fri- Sat N8956 Curve Inn Rd., Music HOG WILD Off Hwy S,TOMAHAWK Sat. Night FR12 A&J100 715-453-9701 FR12 PPD100 24 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities THURSDAY, SEPT. 13 SARA Park, Evening Thursday, Sept. 13 • Boat Landing •Brat Fry, Bonfire, Music – Brats, beer served at SARA Park boat landing. Music by Irene Keenan. Huge bonfire set, 6-9 p.m. Nokomis Community Park Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 12-13 •Bubba’s Big Party – Early Bird specials WednesdayThursday, Sept. 12-13, including music, bonfire, free beer; vendor booths; trade show. FRIDAY, SEPT. 14 SARA Park, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. •Demo Fleet – Take a ride on a 2013 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Registration 9 a.m.-4 p.m. •Pledge Ride Registration – 3rd annual Rumble Through the Woods. On-site registration at SARA Park. Scenic ride leaves at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Fee: $20/person; includes event t-shirt. Live music, food and refreshments, raffle prizes at midway stop. All proceeds support Muscular Dystrophy Association. •Live Music – Kevin Moore (acoustic variety), 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., free. •Live Music – Howard Luedtke and the Blue Max Band (classic rock), 1-5 p.m., free. •Bike Games – Test your skills and compete in bike games for a chance to win $100, 1-5 p.m. •Fun Runs – Take one of four fun runs through the area, win cash prizes and benefit MDA. •HOG Pin Stop – Official HOG event pin stop •Raffle Bike Ticket Sales – Win a 2012 HarleyDavidson Ultra Classic Electra Glide motorcycle with custom paint or weekend getaway to 2013 Daytona Bike Week. Continued on Page 25 Sponsored by... Wonder CAR Wash & Detailing Center SELF SERVE (No Automatic Wash) Ride your cycle in- let our Bikini Girls debug and wash your bike for just $ 1495 25 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities Events Continued from Page 24 •Official Fall Ride Merchandise Sales – SARA Park is the only place to purchase official Tomahawk Fall Ride merchandise that benefits MDA. •Merchandise Vendor Displays & Sales – Leather, clothing, motorcycle products, airbrushing, pin striping, HarleyDavidson dealers, jewelry, leather sewing, Sturgis souvenirs, plus a variety of other products. •Tomahawk Operations Harley-Davidson Merchandise – Official Harley-Davidson Motor Company clothing including sweatshirts, T-shirts, women’s clothing, kids’ clothing •Food Vendors & Refreshments Harley-Davidson Plant Kaphaem Road Friday, Sept. 14 •Harley-Davidson Open House – Tour Tomahawk Operations plant at 611 S. Kaphaem Road to get first-hand look at motorcycle parts being produced, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. ABB Robotics on hand with robotics cell. Wisconsin State Patrol Skills Demo, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Refreshments provided. Official Tomahawk Fall Ride merchandise available. Free admission. Downtown Tomahawk Friday, Sept. 14 •Downtown – Food vendors start at noon. Street closed off to through traffic around 5 p.m. Open intoxicants allowed until midnight. •Thunder Parade – Line up at Tomahawk Elementary School at 5 p.m., 1048 School Rd. Blind, visually handicapped, Medicaid/disability individuals invited to join Tomahawk Lions Club and Northern Lights Harley Owners Group at 5:30 p.m. (Register at 715-453-7106, o.kolberg@ frontier.com.) Blessing of bikes, 5:55 p.m.; parade rolls at 6 p.m. Route follows 18-mile jaunt east on Kings Road to Continued on Page 26 Sponsored by... Look for the Orange & Black flags on N. 4th St. Storm’s Sizzlin’ Steak Sandwich 990 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 715.224.2065 26 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities Friday Events Continued from Page 25 County Road D, then to County Road H and north to County Road A, west to intersection of County Road A and North Fourth Street onto Wisconsin Avenue through downtown Tomahawk. Everyone invited to participate, with thousands of waving onlookers along the way. •Street dances – Live music at east end of West Wisconsin Avenue (Sassy Magoo), and west end of Wisconsin Avenue (Oil Can Harry), beginning at 7:30 p.m. Nokomis Community Park Friday, Sept. 14 •Bubba’s Big Party – Pancake breakfast served by Nokomis Fire Department; church services by Christians Motorcyclists Association; Motorcycle Super Dyno by Firehouse Performance; experimental flyover; musical entertainment including main stage bands Sammy Kershaw; music by Tuck Pence, Storm, Black Frog, Lukyn Skywyrd Southern Rock; vendor booths; trade show. SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 SARA Park, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. •Demo Fleet – Take a ride on a 2013 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Registration 9 a.m.-4 p.m. •Live Music – Brian Bethke (acoustic variety), 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., free. •Live Music – Tuck Pence 1-5 p.m., free. •Pledge Ride Registration – 3rd annual Rumble Through the Woods. On-site registration at SARA Park, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Scenic ride leaves at 3:30 p.m. Fee: $20/ person; includes event t-shirt. Live music, food and refreshments, raffle prizes at midway stop. All proceeds support Muscular Dystrophy Association. •Bike Games – Test your skills and compete in bike games for a chance to win $100, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. •Official Fall Ride Merchandise Sales – SARA Park Continued on Page 27 Sponsored by... Look for the Orange & Black flags on N. 4th St. Aly’s Tomahawk’s Own Golden Spoon Award-Winning Chili 990 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 715.224.2065 27 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities Saturday Events Continued from Page 26 is the only place to purchase official Tomahawk Fall Ride merchandise that benefits MDA. •Fun Runs – Take one of four runs through the area to win cash prizes. •HOG Pin Stop – Official HOG event pin stop •Raffle Bike Ticket Sales – Win a 2012 HarleyDavidson Ultra Classic Electra Glide motorcycle with custom paint or weekend getaway to 2013 Daytona Bike Week. •Merchandise Vendor Displays & Sales – Leather, clothing, motorcycle products, airbrushing, pin striping, Harley-Davidson dealers, jewelry, leather sewing, Sturgis souvenirs, plus a variety of other products. •Tomahawk Operations Harley-Davidson Merchandise – Official Harley-Davidson Motor Company clothing including sweatshirts, T-shirts, women’s clothing, kids’ clothing •Food Vendors & Refreshments •Live Auction – Outdoor tent, win Harley-Davidson hard-to-find collectibles and more, starting at 5 p.m. •Drawings for all Fun Run, bike raffle (note new date/ time), bike games, paddle raffle winners, 5 p.m. •Big Dump Paddle Raffle – all night. •Live Concert with Vic Ferarri, 6 p.m., SARA Park arena, free concert with suggested $5 donation for MDA. Harley-Davidson Plant Kaphaem Road Saturday, Sept. 15 •Harley-Davidson Open House – Tour Tomahawk Operations plant at 611 S. Kaphaem Road to get first-hand look at motorcycle parts being produced, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. ABB Robotics on hand with robotics cell. Wisconsin State Patrol Skills Demo, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Refreshments provided. Official Tomahawk Fall Ride merchandise available. Free admission. Saturday Events Continued on Page 28 Sponsored by... Look for the Orange & Black flags on N. 4th St. ● Great Food ● Great Prices ● Great People 990 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 715.224.2065 28 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities Saturday Events Continued from Page 27 Downtown Tomahawk Saturday, Sept. 15 •Downtown – Food vendors start at noon. Open intoxicants (with some restrictions) allowed from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.. •Street dances – Live music at east end of West Wisconsin Avenue (D’Railers), 4:30-8:30 p.m. and west end of Wisconsin Avenue (Bad Downs), 4:30 p.m. Nokomis Community Park Saturday, Sept. 15 •Bubba’s Big Party – Pancake breakfast at Nokomis Fire Department; church services by Christians Motorcyclists Association; music by Tuck Pence, Howard Luedtke and Blue Max, Black Frog, Lukyn Skywyrd Southern Rock; lawnmower and barstool races, Iditarod sled dog team display; karaoke contest; Motorcycle Super Dyno by Firehouse Performance; experimental flyover; musical entertainment including main stage bands; vendor booths; trade show. Continued on Page 29 Sponsored by... Wonder CAR Wash & Detailing Center SELF SERVE (No Automatic Wash) Ride your cycle in- let our Bikini Girls debug and wash your bike for just $ Lynette Jacobson Broker 715-966-6349 J.R. Newton Broker Assoc. 715-612-4139 Kathleen Paramore Sales Agent 715-218-5018 Standing beside you every step of the way. 1495 “You tried them all, now try one that’s small” “Better Service” 303 N. Fourth St. Tomahawk, WI 715-453-4503 800-432-6777 FR12 VAC300 www.vacationlandproperties.com 29 Tomahawk Fall Ride 2012 Activities Sunday Events Continued from Page 28 SUNDAY, SEPT. 16 Nokomis Community Park Sunday, Sept. 16 •Bubba’s Big Party – Pancake breakfast at Nokomis Fire Department; church service with Christians Motorcyclists Association; vendor booths; trade show. Up-to-date Fall Ride info www.tomahawkleader.com Some activities listed here may be changed due to later developments. Also, check for updates, information and pictures from the 2012 Fall Ride on the TOMAHAWK LEADER newspaper web site www.tomahawkleader.com This Official Guide also is posted there for easy reference. Sponsored by... Ride Sober - Ride Safe 708 N. 4th St., Tomahawk 715-612-2678 - trades welcome FR12 BLU-101 30 Brats, bonfire, music at SARA Park Thursday Special: ‘Retirement of Colors’ flag burning It’s an annual Tomahawk Fall Ride tradition: Brats, bonfire and music at SARA Park the Thursday evening of Fall Ride from 6 to 9 p.m. Hosted by the Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce and Tomahawk Main Street, a brat fry and huge bonfire heat up the evening near the boat landing along the shore of Lake Mohawksin. Music entertainment will be provided by Tomahawk’s own Irene Keenan. Along with the free concert, food, beer and refreshments will be served. This year, the American Legion will be hosting “The Retirement of Colors” Flag Burning Ceremony at the bonfire. Anyone with a worn American flag that they would like included can drop it off at the American Legion in downtown Tomahawk or put it in their specially designated mailbox at 327 West Wisconsin Avenue. The chamber notes it will have its eighth annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA pins available at the bonfire and at various retailers around town. Come to the Lounge Open Daily at 4 p.m., Sundays at Noon Support your American Legion so we can support you. 327 W. Wisconsin Ave. Tomahawk H Public Welcome H FR12 AME250 WELCOME BIKERS! 31 Join Us For Our 15th Annual Official Fall Ride Fun Run Stop FREE lunch Fri & Sat - while supplies last Closest genuine Harley-Davidson dealer to Tomahawk only 1/2 hr. north on Hwy. 51 Genuine H-D Motorclothes, Parts & Accessories! Shop our garage Sept. 13-15th for obsolete and end of season accessories, clothing and leathers. Check out our freshly stocked main store, or browse among our vendors including Kuryakyn, Rush, MKS Upholstery, Hog-ees & Dairyland Insurance. Look over new 2013 models and a great selection of used motorcycles. Bring your title, we take trades! No time to make it to Arbor Vitae? Shop one of our remote locations in downtown Tomahawk at Pellet Stove Junction or SARA Park. Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun.: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 1700 Hwy. 51 North, Arbor Vitae, WI 54568 Just 4.5 miles north of downtown Minocqua (715) 358-5054 • email: info@northernlightshd.com www.northernlightshd.com FR12 HAR200 Fall Ride Store Hours: 32 Sammy Kershaw to headline ‘Bubba’s Big Party’ in Nokomis Those attending the 2012 Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA will want to take the short ride out to Nokomis to check out the headline bands, countless vendors and everything else taking place at Bubba’s Big Party this year. Topping the four-day event that will include a car show, swap meet and large food court, legendary country music artist Sammy Kershaw is making a return to Bubba’s Big Party to perform a number of his classics and his most recent smash hit “Better Than I Used to Be.” Event organizer Bubba Troutman says he is very excited to have Kershaw back in the lineup, considering how well he was received when he first performed at Bubba’s Big Party three years ago. “People really enjoyed his performance,” Troutman said. “He really does put on heck of a show.” While Kershaw will be the headliner Friday night, festivities at Bubba’s Big Party get underway well in advance. Starting with an Early Bird party Wednesday and Thursday, ticketholders will be privy to free beer and live music. Wednesday will feature the Merrill band The Dukes from 7-11 p.m., and local favorite and longtime Minocqua band Tuck Pence will take the stage Thursday. Friday’s lineup includes an additional performance by Tuck Pence, the Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band Lukyn Skywyrd Southern Band and Black Frog featuring Tommy Greywolf, who was an award-winning fiddle player with the country band Brooks and Dunn. Local artist Jeff Calhoun and the band Storm will also take the stage prior to the Ragin Cajun Sammy Kershaw’s performance that begins at 10:30 p.m. Kershaw will perform a number of his chart toppers including “She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful”, “Queen of My Double Wide Trailer”, “Love of My Life” and his most recent hit “Better Than I Used to Be” off his newly released CD by the same name. Kershaw’s performance will include additional songs paying tribute to legendary country music artist George Jones. Events get underway early Saturday with a benefit pancake breakfast hosted by the Nokomis Fire Department, and the Christians Motorcycles Association will provide a Christian Prayer Service under the Big Top starting both Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. A Native American dance team from the Lakota Indian Tribe from South Dakota will perform starting at 11 a.m., and the winner of a karaoke contest that gets underway at the same time will be awarded a new leather jacket. The public is invited to stop out and watch lawn tractor and barstool races that start at noon, as well as check out the many vendors and food, trade show and swap meet and the hot rod and muscle car show that will be taking place. Live music also begins early as many of the aforementioned bands, excluding Kershaw, will return to the stage. The rock blues band Howard “Guitar” Luedtke and Blue Max will also be part of Saturday’s lineup that will wrap up around 2:30 a.m. Day and extended stay passes are available to Bubba’s Big Party. Those who purchase music tickets also receive free campsites. A portion of proceeds raised during Bubba’s Big Party is donated to the town of Nokomis for park upkeep. Each year Bubba’s Big Party donates between $5,000 and $10,000 to support the township’s park system. As was the case last year, MDA will have a raffle bike at Bubba’s Big Party to help raise money for that organization. For tickets, more information on Bubba’s Big Party and any updates or changes visit www.tomahawkfallride.com. FR12 OAK100 33 Happy Quacker Located at Duck Point Resort 715-453-3489 Open at 4 p.m. FR12 DPR-101 e Welcokm ! Bi ers W5930 Duck Point Rd. Just 1/4 mile from Tomahawk off Hwy. A Welcome Bikers! Friday Specials: Pan Fried Haddock • Broiled Walleye • Shrimp Specials Meals include: Bread, coleslaw & choice of french fries or potato salad Saturday: Mexican Specials Sunday: Buckets of Fried Chicken • Brick Oven Pizzas Every Day • Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. ~ noon-close; Tues. & Wed. ~ 4 p.m.-close Sat. ~ 11 a.m.-close • Sun. ~ noon-7 p.m. Dining room available 7 days a week Henkel’s Town Pump Bar & Grill 7161 Hwy. 8, Rhinelander, WI • 715-282-6067 Only 15 minutes from downtown Tomahawk FR12HEN100 34 FR12 MER-200 For visitor information and tickets please call the Merrill Area Chamber of Commerce 1-877-907-2757 All proceeds will be given to the Park Endowment Fund and Historical Society eer Contact Dan Wendorf at Dan.Wendorf@ci.merrill.wi.us or 715-536-7313 ellies Pub & Grub Free Camping! Live Entertainment Nightly! • Breakfast 8-12 • Full Menu Available FR12 BEE-300 Hwy. 86 West • 715-224-BEER (2337) 35 Rider Friendly Revere’s Lounge 320 Front Street Downtown Minocqua FR12 XYZ100 Concord Inn 1-800-356-8888 ConcordInnofMinocqua.com Wildthings Fur Co. Come See Us at the 31st Harley-Davidson Fall Ride at Four Seasons Motel (833 North 4th St., Tomahawk) Have Fun, Look Great and Be Real Warm by Wearing Real Fur! www.wildthingsfur.com - (608) 625-4181 FR12 PPD100 • Fur Hats • Sheepskin Seat Covers • Gel Pads • Deerskin Gloves • More! Wonder CAR Wash & Detailing Center SELF SERVE (No Automatic Wash) Welcomes all Bikers Ride your cycle down and let our Bikini Girls debug and wash your bike for just $14.95 Hillbilly Bob’s BBQ from New London, WI will be on-site serving up his specialty homemade sandwiches and more, all prepared on his Famous Award Winning Wood Fired BBQ! Limited RV parking available. Look for us under the Water Tower in Tomahawk! Now Offering Vehicle Detailing Call for details and appt. 715-612-0809 FR12 WON-100 708 N 4th St., Tomahawk 36 FR12 COM250 Enjoy Our Outdoor Garden Seating Wi-Fi Cafe FR12 WHA100 LLC gourmet coffee Indulgences & 715-453-3555 • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering Fall Ride Hours: Fri. 6am-Close • Sat. 7am-Close • Sun. 7am-Noon 16 W Wisconsin Ave. • Tomahawk, WI 54487 FR12 MDA-100 37 Live rock and roll at SARA Park Saturday SARA Park will be the place to be Saturday evening for the 31st annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA entertainment and live music. This year’s live concert will begin at 6 p.m. with favorite Vic Ferrari. The Wisconsin-based group has been entertaining audiences for more than 23 years. They play a large assortment of music ranging from classic rock from the 60s to today in addition to a little country. The concert is free but a $5 donation towards MDA is suggested at the door. Chapter #1058 Christians Motorcyclists Association Come see us at SARA Park or at Bubba’s Here when you need us! Check us out online... http://cmancr3.org/WI/RIDERSOFTHECROSS 715-612-5355 FR12 MDA-100 FR12 XYZ100 38 Downtown street dances a Fall Ride tradition By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Downtown Tomahawk will be the place to be Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14-15 as entertainment galore is set to hit the street during the 31st annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA. Live music gets underway following the conclusion of the Thunder Parade Friday night. Downtown Tomahawk will be closed off to traffic as motorcyclists once again line the streets and sidewalks for concerts taking place on both the east and west ends of West Wisconsin Avenue. Rodeo Saloon and Grill and Pik’s Pub in downtown Tomahawk are again the main sponsors of the bands performing on the east end of the street. The rock band Sassy Magoo is set to perform from 7:30-11:30 p.m. For the seventh year in a row, The Tomahawk Liquor Store is sponsoring the bands on the opposite end of West Wisconsin Avenue. The cover rock band Oil Can Harry will be performing Friday evening, beginning about 7:30 p.m. New this year, hours for the downtown street dances FR12 SUB200 STREET DANCES Continued on Page 39 If your stomach is rumbling more than your motorcycle, it’s time for... Subs • Salads • Soups • Personal Pizzas - DINE IN OR TAKE OUT - 859 N. 4th St. (Bus. 51 N.) Tomahawk • 715-453-1105 Skyline • Book 3 Nights at $45 a night: Mention Fall Ride • Free High Speed Internet & Satellite TV, 25” & 27” TVs • Refrigerator & Microwave Conveniently located Hwy. 13 N. • Continental Breakfast • Ample Parking Phillips, WI MOTEL For Reservations: 715-339-3086 • 800-596-0407 FR12 PPD100 39 STREET DANCES Continued from Page 38 on Saturday have been altered. Previously the event ran until midnight. This year activities are scheduled to begin earlier and conclude at 9 p.m. Open intoxicants including beer and malt beverages (not including hard liquor) are allowed on the streets from 5 p.m. to midnight Friday and from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday. Those in the downtown are allowed to leave taverns with beer and other malt beverages like Mike’s Hard Lemonade – mixed hard alcohol drinks are not allowed in the downtown streets. Saturday’s street dances include the rock band lcome Bikers! e W FR12 FUZ100 STREET DANCES Continued on Page 40 • Auto Repair • Welding • Snow Plowing 404 S. Tomahawk Ave. • 715-453-8524 715.453.1943 515 S. Tomahawk Ave. Mary’s Hangout Home of the Kickass moscow mules Serving Food Daily Thur. - Sat. during fall ride Served till Closing • Burgers • Chicken Strips • Mini Tacos • French Fries • Cheese Curds Phone: 715-539-9897 • Cell 715-612-2257 Email: spiritview@wildblue.net Wisconsin Modular Home Dealer Custom Home Builder Call for Appointment FR12 SPI300 MAR450 FR12 Thur. 7-11pm Howie the DJ Fri. 7-11pm: American Gypsy 40 STREET DANCES Continued from Page 39 FR12 MAIN300 D’Railers on the east end of the street from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. The opposite end of the street will host the classic and modern alternative rock band Bad Downs from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Concerts are free to the public each evening. Additional sponsors of this year’s downtown street dances include the Tomahawk/Merrill Tavern League and the American Legion Post 93 Lounge in downtown Tomahawk offers assistance in sponsoring the bands on the west end. Pik’s Pub will have additional live music throughout the Fall Ride weekend, including the Tuck Pence Band Thursday from 8 p.m. to midnight. The blues, classic rock band Bobby Evans and The Alimony Band performs Friday from 2 to 6 p.m. leading up to the street dances. Additional live music will follow the street dances Saturday at Pik’s Pub. The Rodeo Saloon will also host live music on its deck leading up to the street dances. On Friday, the band Doug and Coda will perform from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday the band Dirty Device will take the stage from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. There will be plenty to see and do during this year’s Tomahawk Fall Ride. Those attending will want to include the downtown street dances as plenty of live music and fun are on the docket. 41 . . . RIDE urday LET'S t a S & y y, Frida 5 Thursda ber 13, 14 & 1 , Brats eptem S urgers rilled B wiches G . . . g d ast San Servin iches & en Bre & Chick ed Beef Sandw ches redd ndwi Also: Sh rloin Steak Sa Tende ● Great Food ● Great Prices ● Great People www.glfoftomahawk.com 990 N 4th St., Tomahawk • 715.224-2065 Northbay Photo offers: An In-House Portrait Studio Let us take photographs of you and your Harley Family! Self Serve Customer Terminals Preserve Memories of this Year’s Harley Ride! Let Our Photo Lab Help You With • Portrait Studio • 1 & 4 hour photo service • 24 hour normal service time • 35mm & APS in-lab service • Reprints & Enlargements • Custom design of your photography Northbay Photo Center Inside Northbay Pharmacy • 686 N. Fourth St. Tomahawk, WI • 715-453-9901 Order digital prints online: northbayphoto.lifepics.com FR12 NOR400 42 Stattons General Store, LLC Dick’s House of Guns PO Box 273 M-F 10am-6pm W4771 Gatewood Heights Rd Sat 10am-4pm Tomahawk, WI 54487 Phone: 715.453.9200 Fax: 715.453.9201 www.StattonsGeneralStore.com info@stattonsgeneralstore.com Bottoms Up elcome Bike W• Pizza r • Burgers • Sandwiches & Full Menu LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! FR12 STA-200 Southeast corner of Hwy. 51 (exit 234) & Hwy. 8 s! Broken Arrow Friday Night: Fish Fry & Full Menu Saturday: Full Menu ~ Sunday: Broasted Chicken Hand-Scooped Ice Cream Open Daily at 11am W4096 Cty. Rd. A Tomahawk FR12 BOT-101 Friday & Saturday 9pm-Close FR12 NOR-075 43 2013 demo fleet: Speed date a Harley Find your perfect Harley-Davidson match at SARA Park during the 2013 demo ride event. Licensed motorcycle drivers can take a ride on any one of the 2013 Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Registration is Friday, Sept. 14 and Saturday, Sept. 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is no charge. The models are extra-special this year as 2013 marks Harley-Davidson’s 110th year. Models had not been announced as of the Official Tomahawk Fall Ride Guide’s publication date but be sure to watch the Tomahawk Leader and www.tomahawkleader. com for updated information. Harley-Davidson to celebrate 110 years in 2013 Harley-Davidson will celebrate 110 years of great motorcycles and epic riding experiences with an array of global events and activities in 2013. Among the events during the year-long celebration will be a rally in Rome, Italy, June 13-16, and a massive party over Labor Day weekend, Aug. 29 to Sept. 1 in Milwaukee. Harley-Davidson will also celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) globally, including during the Labor Day weekend in Milwaukee in 2013. H.O.G., the official riding club of the Motor Company, boasts about one million members worldwide. “Harley-Davidson is synonymous with adventure, passion and the experience of the open road,” said Mark-Hans Richer, Harley-Davidson senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “For this 110th celebration, our customers all around the world – with our support – are going to be taking everything to the next level and making their own history.” Information on housing options in Milwaukee and Rome is available at www.harley-davidson.com/110. Further details about the global 110th anniversary will be announced in the coming months. 44 FR12 RII100 45 Tomahawk talent: King Lang Airbrushing By Abigail Bostwick Special for the Tomahawk Leader Nature, life and people are her inspiration; motorcycles, cars and guitars a few of her palates, and airbrushing her medium of choice. For Carrie Lang of King Lang Art and Airbrushing in Tomahawk, it’s all about the beauty of art and the talent she has to create it. A Wisconsin Rapids/Plainfield native, Lang and her husband have made Tomahawk their home for the last decade. “I love the lakes, the trees; I absolutely love Tomahawk,” she observes. She’s been an artist since she was a teenager. Lang FR PPD-100 TALENT Continued on Page 46 1119A Bridge St. Tomahawk, WI 54487 715.453.5326 www.northlandstainless.com FR12 NOR-540 Always Hiring Skilled Fabricators 46 TALENT Continued from Page 45 started out in business as a wildlife artist some 25 years ago, but having always ridden motorcycles, she was drawn to combine her two main loves and learn airbrushing. Self-taught, Lang said she nearly gave up, but ultimately mastered the technique after much discipline and practice. “It’s something I was born with,” Lang indicates of her talent. Lang primarily airbrushes motorcycle parts, but she also does vehicles, guitars and just about anything a customer is seeking to have personalized. Her talent draws customers from all over the state and the Midwest. With two-wheeled and four-wheeled rolling testimonies on bikes and cars and trucks, Lang says, “Ninety percent of my business is word of mouth.” The subjects of her airbrushing are vast – from lifelike wildlife images and military scenes to photo realism and fantasy depictions – Lang brings virtually everything from page to life. She also does real-flames and graphics. Additionally, Lang is an award-winning custom automotive painter. “I’m pretty good at piecing together what someone is looking for and bringing in ideas,” she notes. “I really enjoy the real-flames and fantasy.” The King Lang studio is located in her Tomahawk city home. She won’t take all the credit for her business’ success, however. She works with other local business to start or complete one-of-akind pieces. Tomahawk Auto Rebuilders does base paint and clear coats, while Lincoln County Cycles does disassembly and reassembly of bikes, and JP Signs provides vinyl and stencils. Lang holds her bachelor’s degree in forestry, is an ordained Christian minister, a substitute teacher and works part-time at Lincoln County Cycles. She’s been riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles for more than 15 years and also enjoys time with friends and family, hunting and fishing. Find more information and photographs at www. kinglangart.com. Spirit Lake Bar & Grill FR12 SLB-100 N9430 Hwy. 102 Across from Spirit Lake Boat Landing Friday Night - Fish Fry - Soup & Salad Bar & Regular Menu Saturday Night - Soup & Salad Bar Paul & Marie & Regular Menu - full menu till 9pm Quednow Saturday & Sunday - Breakfast 7am - 11am 715-427-1049 Sun. full menu till 8pm • Saturday Night DJ • Limited Tent Camping Available • 1st Come 1st Served • Bathrooms & Showers Available You could win it! 47 Local H-D employee paints one-of-a-kind raffle bike By Abigail Bostwick Special for the Tomahawk Leader Kris Gille has always enjoyed motorcycles and art. The local longtime Harley-Davidson employee is the artist behind this year’s 2012 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic Custom’s unique paint scheme. This is his first year having painted the bike, which is a big fundraiser for the Tomahawk Fall Ride’s beneficiary, the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Raffle tickets are $5 each or five for $20. Gille grew up in Merrill and currently lives just outside the city with his wife and two teenage boys. His interest in motorcycles started young – he was just six when he started riding. An avid artist in high school, Gille tried his hand at customizing paint and graphics early on as a hobby. “I’ve been interested in art as long as I can remember,” he notes. For several years, Gille operated his own paint and vinyl graphics business. He customized show bikes as well as personal motorcycles. When approached this year to customize the Tomahawk Fall Ride raffle bike, Gille was enthused. “I was glad to have the opportunity,” he observes. Gille began painting in February, incorporating suggestions from friends and co-workers. The end result is something he feels will appeal to everybody. The amber red fades to black as one looks on at the Harley, while the fairing is flanked with a slashing trademark Harley logo. The tour pak lid depicts a unique 1920s boardtrack racer image. “It ties the bike specifically to Harley,” he says. “It was a lot of fun doing it. I hope to do it again.” John Schaffer of Tomahawk, also a HarleyDavidson employee, is responsible for assembling the custom-painted pieces back onto the motorcycle. The drawing for the one-of-a-kind Harley will take place at SARA Park Saturday around noon. One must be 18 years or older to purchase a ticket and claim the prize. Look for Fall Ride updates, photos & CTH Y bridge progress www.tomahawkleader.com 48 While cruisin’... stop in & see our outdoor display! J U N C T I O N LLC A supplier of Earth sense energy products Convenient! Safe! Environmentally Smart! Most of our customers heat their homes for $500-$700 a year heating with a Pellet stove Buy Now No Payments for 60 days! *with qualified credit D on ’ t Wait - Start saving N ow with our Sale Specials Check out our FOOD & CLOTHING VENDORS during Fall Ride 422 W. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk • 715-453-5225 www.pelletstovejunction.com FR12 PEL100 Welcome Bikers to the Tomahawk Fall Ride Come Join Us... everyone Is Welcome! Entertainment FR11 COM225 Fri-Sat Afternoon Bands • Free Admission & Convention Center Camping Gold Award Winning Hotel Available Fall Ride Only Full Bar and Beverage Service Open Swim per person 5 $ Open to the public 1738 East Comfort Dr. Tomahawk, WI 54487 Hwy. 51, Exit 229 Tel: 715-453-8900 Fax 715-453-5030
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